Curfew in FUNKY TOWN 2010?

Sunday 16 th of May 2010 and I woke up when my friend sent an SMS. Well, no hangover, ok, I could feel that I had been a wee bit drunk Friday night.

Yesterday my French Friend called and sent SMS that he was on Soi 23.
- Are you at GLOW? He asked in the SMS.
Well, I missed all the calls because I didn't have my phone with me. Of course, I would have stayed home anyway.

Pantip Plaza and MBK is closed today and I can read in Bangkok Post that they are planning for a curfew. I don't think it will be curfew at Soi 23, but who knows?
I'm living just close to Prime Minister Abhisit house so maybe the curfew will affect this area as well. Well, I have plenty tuna at home so I should be able to survive.

Latest pictures from Bangkok Post

Fire on Rama IV
Photo Jetjaras Na Ranong and Chanat Katanyu. Published: 16/05/2010 Clashes on Saturday
Bangkok Post Photographer team. Published: 16/05/2010 I got good news today. I will leave FUNKY TOWN and join the ship 19th of May in Manchester. I will fly via Dubai to Manchester 02:40 Wednesday morning. Good news and I hope that things areFUNKY TOWNback to normal when I'm back.

Well, I need a new camera so I took off towards The Mall Bang Kapi at Lat Phrao to buy a new camera. Well,FUNKY TOWNI thought about Emporium, I will save 30 minutes so I asked the driver to take me to Emporium at Soi 24 instead. I got off and I took the walk over via Phrom Pong sky train station to Emporium.

I found a camera, of course a Canon and I decided to buy a new mobile phone as well. Everyone complainsFUNKY TOWNthat they can't hear what I'm saying on my mobile phone so I can as well buy a new.

When I was ready at the camera and phone department I went down to the wrist watch section on the ground floor. I found a nice watch, but not water resistant. But it was a very nice watch and I might go back tomorrow to buy it. Or maybe I can wait to buy it in Dubai during my stop over there.

But my guess is that Thailand needsFUNKY TOWNevery tax baht they can get to clean up the mess in FUNKY TOWN so I might be back at Emporium tomorrow. Well, anyway, when I finished at Emporium I took a taxi to NANA hotel for fried rice.

When I finished my fried rice I took the walk up to PhloenFUNKY TOWNChit. Coming out from NANA hotel and the air was full of smoke. Not from burning tires, but from the food stalls having BBQ along the road.

I stopped around the corner from NANA and I asked for a lighter. I guy asked me for a cigarette.
- No problem! Do you have a lighter?
- Yes.
4 seconds later:
- I forgot it at home. I will come back to you.
By then I was happy that he didn’t had any lighter, at a closer look he looked like a bum. Carry a plastic bag with garbage and a bottle of water. I got a light from the street vendor.

I walked towards Phloen Chit when the guy came after me. He told me that he didn't found his lighter.
- What theis this? I thought
This guy seemed to be crazy, for sure on drugs. He told me he was born in Russia but he had grown up in Italy. He followed me.
- If you don't mind I can walk with you.
- I'm on my way home, I said.
Well, I told him to F@CK OFF but he keep on following me. And now people around us thought we were friends. A major embarrassment. This guy was obviously on drugs.
Hundreds of Police officers around and no one stopped him. The security guards at Marriott made sure he didn't come close to the hotel. I was stopping and making strange sounds every 5 minutes and all the people were watching him. The girls coming out from Marriott were scared.
I distanced myself from the nutcase and when he started to clean the side walk I could not help taking a picture. Strange, of course, the Police have more important things to think about, but this guy should obviously not be allowed to walk among people. And this guy was walking after me!
What theis wrong with this guy??!!
I turned left on when I had crossed Sukhumvit and he came after. I went behind one of the stalls along Sukhumvit and I disappeared andhopefully I will never see this guy again.
I took a taxi back home and I read the following in Bangkok Post:
The Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation announced on the TV pool that the government has authorised May 17 and 18 to be official holidays in Bangkok.

CRES spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd said that the holiday announcement is to facilitate the government's attempt to deal with the current situation.

I took a walk down to Soi 19 for some salmon sushi later on in the evening. I passed the zebraFUNKY TOWNcrossing across Asok at Shino Thai Tower with the first ever button to get a green light for pedestrians in Thailand. Atleast I have never seen it before. Well, I had my new camera with me and I took a picture.

Of course, the darn thing wasn't working so we had to zig zag between the cars when crossing Asok.

I got 2 plates of salmon sushis and one plate of avocadosushis. A bottle of water and I was full when I left the Japanese restaurant.

I walked back home with a stop for foot massage on Soi 23. But instead of foot massage I asked them to massage my scalp. According to rumours this is the way to go if you want your hair back. So next time I will have a scalp massage every day.

Well, before going to bed, let's have a look at Bangkok Post latest pictures.

Latest pictures from Bangkok Post

After noon at Bon kai
Photo by Chanat Katanyu and Jetjaras Na Ranong. Published: 16/05/2010
Fire at downtown
Photo by Pawat Laopaisarntaksin. Published: 16/05/2010 A little something to think about during the night. For sure, will be nice to leave town.

Monday 17 th of May 2010
and I woke up at 12:30. My alarm (my new mobile phone) went off at 9o'clock. But of course, I just turned off the alarm. I had been watching Simpson until 5 o'clock in the morning. So I was tired at 9 o'clock.

Today’s headlines in Bangkok Post
Seh Daeng died this morning and the protests are spreading around the country. Well, I could see pictures and videos from protests in the provinces yesterday.

My friend called and asked about the situation around Sukhumvit. We had planned for a visit to Govindas at Sukhumvit. I heard that they have a new road block at Asok, but I don't know for sure. I will check it out a little later, I have planned to go buy the watch at Emporium this veryFUNKY TOWNafternoon. And we see what's happening with Govindas.

We took off from my apartment to go looking for a taxi. Not much traffic today and not many taxis around. Coming to Prasanmit Plaza and the motorcycleFUNKY TOWNtaxi drivers were putting up “Red shirt” stickers all over the pavement, sidewalks and wherever they found place to put the stickers.

We took a taxi to Emporium and I bought my wrist watch. My friend's girlfriend has her birthday on the 25th so he was looking for a wrist watch for her.

When we were finished at Emporium we walked to Govindas at Soi 22. Govindas was closed so we had our very late lunch at Larry's on Soi 22.

Not far from the Red shirts latest bamboo and tire barricades at Asok/ Rama 4. Well, I don't understand what the hell is going on. How can big trucks loaded with old tires be allowed to pass through the city? Every day I can read about new barricades in Bangkok.

Today stickers on Soi 23 and tomorrow burning tyres?

No curfew because they say that they have the situation under control. I'm no soldier or a General, but for a layman it looks like it's a bunch of clowns running the show. Put a curfew in Bangkok for 48 hours and clean up the mess. And of course, even if they manage to stop the protests in Bangkok there will be a lot of problem for a very long time in Thailand.

And in The Nation I could read that “the government yesterday slapped a ban on financial transactions on over 100 people and business entities associated withfugitive former PM Thaksin Shinawatra.”

Can't believe my eyes! What the??!! This should have been done long ago. Several weeks ago my Teacher told me that her sister had been given 100,000 Baht to the “Red shirts”. And she paid 10 to 20 of her factory workers to go to the “Red shirt” site.
- Why don't they cancel all the “Red shirt's” credit cards and freeze their bank accounts?
- Can they do that?
- Of course, the government and police can do that.

Well, I prepared my luggage for tomorrow with a bottle of the “MAGIC HAIR STUFF”. My chargers and cables, and that's pretty much it. I have most of my stuff onboard so I will carry almost empty suitcases to the ship. Coming back home and I hope that my suitcases will be full of snus.

My Teacher called and I told her that I would leave tomorrow night.
- Well, make it a Christmas gift! I don't celebrate birthdays.
- When will you be back?
- Hopefully not in a long time.

Latest pictures from Bangkok Post

Reds remain at Ratchaprasong
Photos by Somchai Poomlard. Published: 17/05/2010

Daughter receives Seh Daeng's body
Photos by Tawatchai Tawatpakorn and Pattanapong Hirunard. Published: 17/05/2010 Well, I'm off to my Japanese restaurant at Soi 19 for a few salmon sushis’ and sake. I walked theFUNKY TOWNstreet looking for a taxi and I saw a truck with brushed coming down my street. Cleaning the streets, good, at least something isFUNKY TOWNworking in the city.

I got a taxi at Prasanmit Plaza and obviously the driver recognised me. He started to laugh and he said:
- Ah, today you're a good boy! Not drunk!
- What the??!!

He had been driving me to Khaosan Road 6 months ago. Well, that's what he said, but it can as well have beenFUNKY TOWN2 weeks ago or even 1 year ago. But he remembered me, needless to say, I didn't remember him.
- You were drinking beer and you were very drunk!
- ME? I don't think so. You must mistake me for someone else.
- No, it was you.

A few minutes later we arrived to the Japanese restaurant and 2 minutes later I had hot sakein front of me. I was drinking my sake while waiting for my salmon.

By now they recognise me at the restaurant, yes, I have been there every day the last few days. But it's a nice place and the food is very good.
I had 3 big sakes and the Japanese owner was very impressed. Well, as I told him, is like a bottleFUNKY TOWNof wine or two, almost nothing. I was a wee bit tipsy when I finished my salmon and sake. But I managed to learn the Thai word for sesame. They asked if I wanted avocado sushi.
- No thanks.
- But yesterday you had avocado sushi with the salmon.
FUNKY TOWN- Today I'm on diet.
But I asked if they had sesame seeds and they had so I told them that I would be back tomorrow for sesame/ avocado sushis. Yes, the very same I ate in Los Angeles, the best sushis so far. Avocado sushis that is, these salmon sushis atFUNKY TOWNSoi 19 is very good.

Well, I was a wee bit tipsy when I left the Japanese restaurant for Ratchada Soi 4 to meet my friend.

I arrived 10 minutes after 10 and he was waitingFUNKY TOWNat the side walk. There was a girl with him and she was working at a disco further down Soi 4. We had planned to go to SNOP, but we followed her to the other disco. SNOP looked a little bit like thereFUNKY TOWNwas no people.

Well, there weren’t much people at the disco either, so if we didn't knew about the fights and shooting on the streets we would have noticed that something was going on in the city. Well, at midnight there was a band starting to play and weFUNKY TOWNleft for SNOP.

Of course, when we came out we spotted a beautiful girl and we decided to follow her. So we ended up at another disco even further up Ratchada Soi 4.

This place had a band playing as well, but here they played good music and they were soon playing PAI PAI. I asked them to play the song and I was surprised that they knew the song. Must be 20 years old by now.
I remember when I got the CD from a DJ at RCA. My friend was on the floor dancing on hisFUNKY TOWNknees. Dancing, well, I don't know. But this must have been when they opened RCA in FUNKY TOWN way back in theFUNKY TOWNdays. Yes, way back when we were young and handsome.

We had a good time at Ratchada Soi 4 and when they closed we took a taxi to Thong Lo.

At first we ended up at a disco and we had a few beers. The placeFUNKY TOWNwas almost empty, just a few people playing pool so we left and walked around the corner to another place.

More beer with ice and this place was packed with people. Well, this place is always packed and it's a wee bit too many people. For sure not a place where you go when you're sober. You need to be drunk to be able to stand it.

And I don't know what time I gotback home. But I made my usual stop at 7 Eleven to buy some hangover milk preparing myself for tomorrow.

Tuesday 18 th of May 2010
and I'm supposed to leave today. But the ship is delayed by a day so I will not leave until tomorrow night.
Well, I went to drink my hangover milk before I turned on Simpsons on the TV.
When I felt ready I left my bed for my computer to check Bangkok Post for the latest news about the riots in the city. Well, the first thing that I noticed was that the cops ban sale of used, spare tyres. Amazing! And the good news is that the reds are ready to negotiate.

Today’s headlines in Bangkok Post
I went to the ATM to get some cash and then I went to 7 Eleven to buy some vitamins. I forgot toFUNKY TOWNbuy it when I bought hangover milk this very morning. So my hangover kit was not complete.

It was hot outside so it was pretty nice to come back home, but I made a quick stop at the office to pay the maintenance fee. Well,FUNKY TOWNmost of the day was behind me and I decided to take a taxi to NANA hotel for a fried rice, and maybe a walk up towards Phloen Chit to see if the negotiations have started. And then maybe the military is gone, but I don't think so.

Soldiers have now moved the road block (check point) to the intersection Soi 3 and 4. The road block is still at Phloen Chit. The parking hose at ERAWAN was full of soldiers. I wonder how many soldiers they haveFUNKY TOWNinside the parking hose, for sure, it looked like there were many of them. Must be boring to sit in a hot parking house all day long.

Many shops and restaurants were closed on lower Sukhumvit. I even saw some places at NANA that were closed. See how long this goes on. The Government refuse to negotiate until the “Red shirts” have stopped their riots.

My driving licenses expire today and now whenwe're delayed by one day I can go make new driving licenses tomorrow. So I take a taxi to Bamrungrad hospitalFUNKY TOWNon Soi 3. I need a health certificate to renew my driving license and I can as well prepare myself today.

Well, I found out at the hospital that the official holiday was extended to the 20th of May. So no driving license and I took a taxi to the Japanese restaurant at Soi 19.

But today I only had water to drink and when Ifinished my salmon and avocado sushi’s' I returned home.
Well, most of my stuff is packed already. Not very much to pack, but I'm pretty much ready to leave and it will be nice to get away.

My Teachers daughter called me before I left for the hospital.
- Hallo Aladdin. Do you remember me?
- What's your name?
- From Khaosan Road.
- Of course I remember you!
She started to laugh and scream.
- It's Sai!!
Well, what to say when someone calls and ask if you remember them. Of course you tell them that you remember them.

Well, soon time for me to leave for my ship .

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