OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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Aladdin's adventure with Godzilla in TOKYO

Thursday 19 th of April 2012 and had popped one Robin Hood at the Thai lounge before leaving for the gate and I was hoping for it to kick in as soon as I had taken my seat onboard Thai AirwaysAladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyoflight TG 642 to Tokyo.

I had been afraid that the sleeping pill would kick in on the way from the lounge to the gate and it might have been my imagination, but it felt like I was staggering a wee bit.

But as soon as I hit my seat I was wide awake and it was very hard to fall asleep even though I was tired I was very tired and I was almost falling asleep in the taxi to the airport. I was tossin' and turnin' in my seatAladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyoand I must obviously have managed to fall asleep because when IAladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyowoke up they served breakfast.

Tea and fruit to start with and then they brought me an omelette with potato (I think) and bacon. I had 2 cups of tea and I tried to sleep again.

When I took my sleeping pill I was hopingfor them to be delayed for an hour or two, either on the runway in Bangkok or due to congestion at Narita.

But we were soon descending to Narita and they asked me to put my seat in upright position. Arrival time 10 minutes past 8 and now it was only just past 7 in the morning. Well, I will hopefully be able to catch a few hours of sleep at my hotel before I go to explore the exciting night life in Tokyo.

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyo

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyo

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyo
Bangkok from above

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyo
Bangkok from above

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyo
Coming in over Japan approaching Narita
Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyo
Approaching Narita
Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyo
Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 642 to Tokyo

We reached Japan and I saw the sand beach when we left the Indian Ocean behind us. And I was disappointed, I had expected sunshine and nice weather. Everything looked gloomy and grey and here they are talking about the world famous cherry blossom. It looked like a really bad day inAladdin's adventure in TokyoSweden during late autumn. Cherry blossom, we have itevery year in Sweden and by the time I was always wearing shorts.

And shorts are the only thing I brought, maybe I should have waited for a few more weeks before goingto Japan. But according to CNN it should be 19°C in Tokyo.

We got off the flight and I trotted for 20 minutes before I reached Immigration and there was like millions of people and it took me 20 to 30 minutes to get trough.
- Where theis the FAST TRACK?

And they stopped me at the custom to check my bags. The first thing the Custom Officer sees in my computer bag is a roll of snus. I pointed at my lips when he asked what it was. He opened my weekend bag and he discovered yet another roll. Now he wanted to open a can to see what it was.
- Tobacco?
I pointed at my lip and he said OK. Then he asked if I lived in Bangkok
- How do you know?

I have exactly 0 cash and I needed an ATM and I had expected millions of ATMs in the arrival hall. But it took me 20 minutes to find a ATM and then it turned out to be a 7 Eleven bank. I wasin New York when a Japanese company bought 7 Eleven and the Americans was not happy about it. I was in a bar when they broke the news on TV. And this was the talk of the town for a long time.
- Is Japan take over the US of A?

I don't know about today, but back then in the beginning of the 90'sAladdin's adventure in TokyoHolland was the biggest investors in USA and no one was afraid of the Dutch taking over. Racism? I don't know, but I like 7 Eleven and if they run a bank in Japan, good for them!

I found an airport limousine desk and I told them that I wanted to go to Roppongi. I bought a ticket and it turned out that the airport limousine was a bus.

Well, it was OK and the bus took me to Shinjuku station and i had to take a taxi from there. I entered the bus after check-in in my weekend bag. They told me that it would take 90 minutes to get to Shinjuku station and from there it was 15 minutes with taxi. Wise from my previous visit to Tokyo I asked if the taxi knew how to get to Roppongi.
- Very good
- Last time the taxi driver only knew the addresses in the vicinity of their operation area!
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo- Very good
- So the taxi driver can find my hotel?
- Very good
- OK thank you!

We arrived to Shinjuku station and I asked for a taxi. The airport limousine staff pointed at a taxi stand in front of the bus stop. I was afraid to get in to a taxi, last time I had started the journey with a valet thick like a brick and after having to change taxi several times we had to stop at a bank to get more cash. But they told me that it would not be any problem for the taxi driver to find Roppongi. Yes I was doubtful but I walked towards the taxi stand and there was one taxi waiting. The driver told me that it was no problem to find my hotel so I put my computer andAladdin's adventure in Tokyoweekend bag in his car.

I gave him the address for my hotel and he started to program his GPS.
- GPS!!
Of course, when I was in Tokyo last time there wasn't anything called GPS. Now the taxi drivers are able to find everything. The driver programmed his GPS and we took off.

It didn't take long before I realised that the driver was in trouble. I saw the track in the GPS and it was a circle. We had to stop 2 times before he found the hotel. And of course, he had forgotten to turn on the taximeter so I asked him what he usually charged for a trip like this.
- 1800¥
- OK, here is 2000¥, keep the change!
He was very happy and he was so sorry that he had not been able to find the hotel straight away. And when I told him that it was noAladdin's adventure in Tokyoproblem he was so happy I thought he was going to give me a hug.

At the hotel they told me that it was check-in at 3 o'clock.
- What the
I needed a shower and some sleep and my mood was instantly turning to bad. I asked if the restaurant was open and they told me that they opened at 11 thirty. I left the bag in the reception and I started to walk around the area to see if I could find anything exciting.

When I returned the restaurant was open but they didn't had any tea. And nothing to drink unless you had lunch. And I had stopped for spaghetti while walking around exploring the area. And the set lunch at the hotel restaurant didn't look like it would be yummy.
Aladdin's adventure with Godzilla in TOKYO

Now I was starting to get in a real bad mood. And nowhere to sit in the reception with a table so IAladdin's adventure in Tokyocould update my web page while waiting for my room.
- There is a coffee shop behind the hotel
- OK, I go have a look

All the walking aroundand I needed a bathroom and I borrowed the toilet at the hotel and they must have thought that I had dropped dead in there. Took me 10 minutes to find out how to flush the darn thing. I pushed all the buttons before the darn thing finally flushed. It was quite nice to walk around the area and I had been lucky. I wanted to see the cherry blossom and IAladdin's adventure in Tokyospotted a cherry tree on my tour of the area. So now it is only the Kobe beef and FUGU fish left to do.

I found the coffee shop and I went inside. And they had tea so I had 3 cans of tea while updating my web page.

When I ordered the third can the Waitress brought the menu. She pointed at 750¥ for a pot and asked if it was OK.
- Yes, it is OK
So at least they don't think I'm a Cheap Charlie sitting at their coffee shop with my computer without buying anything.
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
The area around my hotel

Lunch time and suddenly there are 8 girls, most likely from a nearby office came in for their lunch.Aladdin's adventure in TokyoGod, they were beautiful and the most beautiful was looking at me all the time. If I only have had a few beers...

I spent 2 hours at the coffee shop before I returned to my hotel and I willhopefully be able to get some sleep or the concrete hatwill come on early tonight and Charisma Man will transform in to the Obnoxious Man.

And the Obnoxious Man is nothing we want to expose the Japanese girls to, they have a lot of problem with radiation and stuff already.

Well, I finished the updates at the coffee shop and I returned to my hotel next door. I told them to wake me up at4, I had not had any sleep and I needed a short power nap if I should be able to make it through the night. I was dead tired but I didn't
Hachikō ハチ公

One of the most well-known stories concerning Shibuya is the story of Hachikō, a dog who waited on his late master at Shibuya Station every day from 1923 to 1935, eventually becoming a national celebrity for his loyalty. A statue of Hachikō was built adjacent to the station, and the surrounding Hachikō Square is now the most popular meeting point in the area.

Hachikō: November 10, 1923 – March 8, 1935), known in Japanese as chūken Hachikō (忠犬ハチ公 "faithful dog Hachikō" ['hachi' meaning 'eight', a number referring to the dog's birth order in the litter, and 'kō', meaning prince or duke]), was an Akita dog born on a farm near the city of Ōdate, Akita Prefecture, remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, even many years after his owner's death.

From Wikipedia
manage to fall asleep. Maybe for a few minutes, but I was awake when they called at 4.

I asked the Reception for a FUGU restaurant before I left.
- OH very close, just to the left and the right hand side. There is a monument
- Good, thanks!
I asked about the famous dog at Shibuya and the guy looked pussled
- Dog??
Same story every time I ask about the famous dog. The look at me like I'm crazy.Maybe they think I'm here to eat their dogs. But the guy in the reception gave me a tablet or whatever theyAladdin's adventure in Tokyocall it and I entered Shibuya and dog and there was a picture of the statue coming up. The guy in the reception screamed.
- HACHIKO!! Very famous dog
- So why is everyone looking at me as I'm crazy when I ask for the dog?

He wrote down the name for me in Japanese and I left to look for the Fugu restaurant. Out from the reception, turn left and on the right side. An aquarium and a monument. I walked to the end of the foocking road and no monument and I walked back to the hotel.
- Where the foock is the monument?

Of course, I was walking au and down the street for almost an hour looking for a monument. I don't know what I was looking for in the sky, but suddenly I discovered a huge Fugu fish on one of the houses. And yes, there was an aquarium at the entrance and I discover that we were just opposite of my hotel. I stepped inside and they told me that they didn't open until 5. It was a few minutes before 5 so I crossed the street to a pubAladdin's adventure in Tokyoto have a beer while waiting.

There were two guys sitting outside the pub looking at me with eyes wide open.
- They are not open until 5, I said.
- Join us
I thought it was the owner but it turned out to be a software Engineer from Finland that lived in Tokyo. HeAladdin's adventure in Tokyohad a British guy with him and I had a beer with them. One beer became 4 or 5 and I was getting tipsy and there were several alarm bells and lights going off. I had to be sober while eating the Fugu or I could as well have a fish finger so I left them. I crossed the street and I was back at the Fugu restaurant

I got a table on the second floor and they brought me a English menu. Big change from last time in Tokyo, now people could speak English. Well, speak is maybe a wee bit too much to say. But you could say leftAladdin's adventure in Tokyoand right to the taxi drivers so there was a kind of communication with the Waitress.

She had 3 different Fugu sets all of them required cooking at the table. But there was 2 items that I could have without any cooking at the table. Fried Fugu and Fugu sashimi.

The Fugu sashimi tasted exactly nothing just as the guy from Finland had told me. And the fried Fugu tasted exactly as the fish coming with Fish'nAladdin's adventure in TokyoChips, exactly as they guy from Finland had told me. Only more bones, well, almost only bones. I had hot sake to drink with my fish. I did the internationally recognised sign for drinking.

• Then I did the internationally recognised sign for a jar filled with sake
• Then I did the internationally recognised sign for opening a microwave door
• Then I did the internationally recognised sign for programming the microwave
• Then I did the internationally recognised sign for PLING
• Then I did the internationally recognised sign for opening the door to the microwave
• Then I did the internationally recognised sign for burning the fingers while trying to take somethingout from the microwave

And of course, I threw in the word sake with every internationally recognised sign and the Waitress smiled and said SAKE HOTTO. She brought me 2 or 3 jars of sake and I discovered that they had Fugu sake as well.
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Drinking Fugu sake
Of course, I wanted the Fugu sake to be hot and the Waitress brought matches. Now I have eaten and drinking Fugu and I will never do it again. As the guy from Finland said:
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo- There is nothing to it
- Yeah, salmon is much better
- It is just that you have survived

I paid my bill and I stopped a taxi and I gave the driver the paper with the dog's name on it and we took off towards Shibuya. But I got off in Roppongi and I ended up drinking beer in a tram. And then I ended up on the second floor in a hose and we were drinking more beer while listening to Danish Hip Hop. Yes, I discovered my TAXI CD in my weekend bag.

And from Roppongi I must have got in to taxi to go see the darn dog. I had finished the Fugu and now I wanted to do the dog and I can put 2 more items on my list of things that “I will never have to do in my life again”
1) Buy shaving soap
2) Buy socks
3) Buy a shaving kit
4) Eat Fugu fish (new item)
5) See the darn Hachikō ハチ公 dog statue (new item)

Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Hachikō ハチ公 - Wått's dö madderfakking diil?

Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Our Hero givs the internationally recognised sign for ....

I remember the darn dog but I don't remember who took my picture. Maybe the Darn Fugu fish kicking in. And I remember a girl asking me where I stayed. I don't know because I don't knowAladdin's adventure in Tokyowhere I am I answered her. I don't think this was the answer she was looking for because she got angry and she left with her friends. But seriously, I didn't have a clue where I was. And I didn't know the name of the area or street nameAladdin's adventure in Tokyowhere my hotel was.

But I had not expected to end up in a middle of the night interrogation.

I remember eating some sausage while talking to the girls and they also served some BBQ minced meat stick that was very good. So I ordered a few more of those stick that I finished before leaving. I ended up at a place eating avocado/ salmon sushi and there was a guy sleeping further down from me.

Maybe I should move to Tokyo, if you're tired and fall asleep no one cares. If I by accidentAladdin's adventure in Tokyostaggering at a pub in Bangkok I will have to hear about this for years to come.
- No, I suffered from motion sickness
- No, I suffered from jetlag

Japan has a more relaxed attitude towards jetlagged people. Well, I ended up in a convenient store buying water and Snickers before returning to my hotel for some rest. There are 2 small bottles of water in my room and this is for sure not enough waking up with a force 9,7 hangover.

Friday 20 th of April 2012
and buying Snickers before going home this morning. What a great idea,one of my best in a long time. Now it looks like I have shitted in my bed.

Exactly what I need whit a ragging hangover and when they called me at 3 to ask if theyAladdin's adventure in Tokyocould come to clean my room I said tomorrow. Yeah, exactly as the good ol' days at Hotel 27 in Bangkok. It was tomorrow every day, like tomorrow will be any better. I put my money on that the tomorrow will be worse.

I ripped open a bottle of Baileys hazelnut and well, can't say that it was any better than the original. Quite a disappointment actually. So I think I will stick with the original from now on. But when I finished the bottle I dared to have a look in my valet. I didn't want to look whit an hangover to avoid theagony. But I was in a good mood and tipsy when I had finished the Baileys.

I opened my valet and I had 20000¥ remaining in my valet.50000¥ in one night, this is for sure not going to be a cheap weekend. OK, I will have to bring my credit cardtonight so I can get some fresh cash from the ATM. 20000¥ is not going to last very long.

And of course, after a bottle of Baileys our hero was ready to hit Tokyo again, and now as the Charisma Man. And before Charisma Man left he came up withone of the greatest ideas ever. To put one of the Snickers wrappings in the bed, It will still look like our Hero shat in the bed. But anyone coming in to the room will think that Aladdin San had an accident while enjoying his Snicker.

Charisma Man
I needed cash and I went to look for an ATM but this was not as easy as I thought it should be. I asked a girl for an ATM and she told me that there was an ATM at the convenient store further up the street.
- Thank you!

I went in to the convenient store and they had the AMEX sign and inserted my card. The machine spitted out the card again.
- What the
I went over to the Cashier to ask if there was something wrong with the ATM. There was a beautiful girl leaving and she came to help me. 2 times and we tried both English and Japanese language. The machine spitted out my card. I swear to God, the girl almost cried.
- Sorry sorry sorry sorry
- No problem
- Sorry sorry sorry sorry
we left the convenient store and she told me that there was another ATM up the street and wewalked together up the street while talking about the good ol' days. I tried several ATM and it was the same story everywhere. I came up with an idea, let's go look for a 7 Eleven.

I walked around for a while and I found a 7 Eleven and I went inside to use the 7 Eleven ATM. I inserted my card and thanks to 7 Eleven I could get cash.
Charisma Man's adventure in Tokyo
Cash in my valet and I was ready to start exploring the night life. I stopped at a place where theyCharisma Man's adventure in Tokyoplayed music. Didn't take long before I had a sake hotto in frontCharisma Man's adventure in Tokyoof me and we had Roffe Ruff playing loud on the loudspeakers.

I don't know what hot is in Japanese, but they always say sake hotto so it might be the same in Japanese, but I doubt it. Never mind, as long as they understand Sake hotto I don't care.

I had 2 or 3 jars of sake hotto before I left. I passed the place where I meet the girls yesterday, 50 meters from my hotel so I had been very close to my hotel even though I didn't knew it.

I stepped inside and they recognised me and I ordered a sake hotto. By now I was tipsy and in aCharisma Man's adventure in Tokyogood mood, no way I would have gone in to the restaurant with a hangover.

But now it was no problem. It looked like they were about to fire up the BBQ and I'm not sure, but I think I ordered some of the excellent BBQ minced meat stick.

I don't know if it was due to misunderstanding, but I never got my minced meat stick and I didn't bother hanging around waiting for the stick. ICharisma Man's adventure in Tokyohad had my sake hotto and I left to look for salmon/ avocado sushi. And I ended up where I had my avocado/ salmon sushi yesterday, well, more like earlier this morning.

The sushi was excellent and I had 2 plates before I decided to take aCharisma Man's adventure in Tokyotaxi to Shibuya without any stop in Roppongi.

It was dark when I arrived to Shibuya and it was crowded on the streets. Looked like people were going back home from their jobs.

The area was like on top of a hill so it was walking up all the time. And as soon as I had left the big street behind it was like walking around in a small village. Tokyo really has a small village feeling, an amazing city. One of the biggest in the world and at the same time it is like walking around in a small village. Look at the restaurant picture above, looks like a small house in the middle of a village.
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo

I walked around until I passed a place where they played music. I went inside to have a beer. The place was empty, just me and the bar tender. The bar tender told me that the people started toAladdin's adventure in Tokyocome around 11 o'clock.
- They are home eating now

They only had Corona beer and that is not one of my favourites. But it was OK with ice and from a wine glass. And of course, it helped that I was a wee bit tipsy. Otherwise it would have been impossible to drink the darn beer.

There was another guy arriving and after an hour or so a girl came by, but she was working as a bartender so we were only 2 customers. I don't know how many beers I had before I left.

If I know myself I didn't walked too long before my next stop. I ended up at a place where you had to order and pay your food at the entrance. Select the food and pay in a machine and then they would bring the food to your table.
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Waitress machine

I remember ending up at a club and I had a beer before leaving, I was way too early and there were only a few people. I don't know how I found the next place, it was in the basement and theAladdin's adventure in Tokyoplace was smaller than my bed room. Well, a lot of places around here is very small. But that is OK, a bar and a few seats with good music is enough.

There were maybe 15 people at the place and it was full. They were only playing 70's disco music and it was blasting.

A very friendly crowd, except for the girl that tried to rape me. I really like the Japanese, if you happen to stagger on your way to the bar it is no problem. If I do this in Bangkok I have to turn off myAladdin's adventure in Tokyotelephone. They will call for weeks telling me how drunk I was.

It was a very fun place and it was 3 or 4 in the morning before I left to look for a taxi to get back to my hotel. Yes, Uncle Aladdin San was getting a wee bit tired.

When I came back to the hotel there were 2 beautiful girls getting their key and they lived on the same floor as I did. They looked scared when I burst in to the elevator, but they were soon laughing when we cracked jokes with each others.

Saturday 21 st of April 2012
and I really wished that I had woke up in my own bed. Please, take meAladdin's adventure in Tokyoback to Bangkok. Saturday and I really didn't felt like getting out of bed. I wanted to change my ticket, but I just knew that I would notbe able to muster the energy required.

I have one more bottle of Baileys and I went out of bed at 3 thirty. I had a shower while everything was spinning in front of me. These hangovers just get worse by the year.

Well, now I have paid for this darn trip so I can as well try to get as much as possible out of it. So I ripped open the last Baileys when I got out from the shower.

Well, it worked again, I finished the bottle and I was ready to take on Tokyo's night life again. ButAladdin's adventure in Tokyoyet again, I will have to start the day by a visit to the ATM.

I walked to 7 Eleven and the ATM and then I went down to the bar at the corner for a sake. They recognised me from yesterday and theyAladdin's adventure in Tokyoasked if I had my CD. I gave him the CD and I told him to keep it as a souvenir from Swedenand the guy started to cry.
- Thank you! Thank you!

They showed me to the same seat I had yesterday. It was crowded and only girls, well, 2 or 3 guys and the rest was girls. There was 4 Ladies yesterday and they were at the place as well, and they recognised me. They we still going on withAladdin's adventure in Tokyothe Waiter, I think, well, I'm pretty sure one of them was in love with the guy. She was all over him yesterday and itwasn't any better today.

I don't know what was going on, they sold flowers that you could hang around the neck of the Waiter. Maybe a gigolo bar, nah, I don't think so. There were plenty beautiful girls in the bar. The Japanesegirls are very beautiful, must have the cutest noses in the world. But MAN! When they open their mouths it looks like they have had an explosion and fire in the mouth. Black teeth pointing in all directions.

Well, it will soon be the same in Sweden, when I was young the Police came to pick you up if youAladdin's adventure in Tokyomissed the free Dentist appointment. But today it is a different story and it is going downhill fast for Sweden.

But the Politicians call it improvements every time they save money on education and health care. And the worst thing is that they really believe that we, the voters really think that itAladdin's adventure in Tokyois an improvement when they are going to save a few billions.

I walked back to my hotel after my fifthAladdin's adventure in Tokyojar of sake and I decided to make a stop at my other sake place. They guy recognised me and when I came in he pointed at my shirt while saying “good fashion” I asked for a sake and I was in an excellent mood when I finished the jar. So I decided to return my ATM card to my hotelroom and then I would take a taxi to Shibuya.

I was not 100% sure that I would make it when I left my roomAladdin's adventure in Tokyoearlier because of my hangover. But now I was pretty confident that I would make it through the night.

I took a taxi to Shibuya and I was soon having sake in front of me. There were 2 guys sitting next to me and I asked about the hotto. Hot is atskan or something like that in Japanese.

Good to know, now I can order sake atskan instead for sake hotto. I wrote it down onAladdin's adventure in Tokyoa piece of paper just to make sure I would remember it. Of course, didn't take long before I lost the piece of paper.

Shibuya is a really nice area and there are plenty bars and I walked around the area when I suddenly heard someone screaming at me.
- What the

It was the bartender from yesterday and he called somethingAladdin's adventure in Tokyothat sounded like Aladdin in Japanese. He had glasses today so I hardly recognised him. He wanted me to come have a beer and I decided to check out the place.

Yesterday it was only him and the girl at the place, but today it was crowded and it turned out that itAladdin's adventure in Tokyowas almost only Swedish people at the place. According to my camera it was midnight so the Bartender was right yesterday. It didn't start to get crowded until 11.

My evening, or morning ended in yet another basement. It was a small club with the ceiling covered in chandeliers. The walls were covered in golden leather, or it looked like leather.

The walls looked like a golden leather sofa and yet again, there were Swedish people at the place. How doI know they were from Sweden? Well, of course, when I loaded a new snus they asked where I was from. Snus, it's mostly Swedish people using it. But the owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym want to order snus from the internet so maybe this is a thing we can get going in Thailand as well.

Sunday 22 nd of April 2012
and I spent the day watching the ceiling in my room. I went out of bedat 7 to have a shower and I threw up. Yeah, I really felt bad, but I needed to have some vitamins and I left for a curry place. I ordered rice and curry that I didn't finished. It was good, but I was not in the mood. I left and I stopped at an Italian restaurant for some spaghetti that I didn't finish before I returned to my room.

I was hungry again after 1 hour so I left to the place where I had my Japanese spaghetti on my first day. I finished my spaghetti and I went to buy an ice cream on my way back to my room.

Now I really want to go back home, but I had put an extra day to my Tokyo adventure when i booked the hotel. It was Kobe Steak or bust. And as this was going to be so fantastic I didn't want to suffer from a hangover when I had it. Well, the same as for the Fugu fish, but this fish was most likely tasting better after a few beers.

Monday 23 rd of April 2012
and I woke up around 5 in the morning, still with a hangover. It was a wee bit better and I expect to feel good in the afternoon.

I went to have breakfast quarter to 8 and it was nothing much to write home about. My first breakfast since I checked in and I had not missed anything. I also expect them to clean my roomAladdin's adventure in Tokyotoday. They have called everyday and I always told them tomorrow so see if they can do it today.

I decided to walk to Shibuya and I left the hotel 5 minutes past 8. The streets were empty and it was gloom and grey for as long as I could see.

It was cold and raining. As soon as I came out on the big street there were millions of people with umbrellas on their way to work. I walked along Road 246 towards Shibuya and it was 4 km to Shibuya according to the road signs.

Darn, it was cold and rainy, I should have waited a few weeks to go to Tokyo. According to theAladdin's adventure in Tokyoweather map it was 19°C when I left Bangkok. But now it was 9°C

I was freezing cold and people looked at me.Yes, I was the only one walking around in shorts, the Japanese wore winter clothes and umbrellas. I passed a Big & Tall store but they were not open yet so I could not buy any trousers.

I like it early in the morning when the city comes to life. Walking down the streets watching the people preparing for the day.

Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Something to do with sport along road 246 to Shibuya

I continued to walk towards Shibuya looking for a coffee shop, I haven't had tea for a few days now and on top of that the darn Fugu fish so no wonder that I felt bad. I passed a place called LarsenAladdin's adventure in Tokyowith a lot of Danish flags. Danish pastries with tea, sounds good. I went inside and I ordered a tea and cheese and ham sandwich. No sign of any Danish pastries in the restaurant in the basement.

Yeah, I was disappointed, they had so much Danish pastries in the bakery on the ground floor and I was really looking forward to a cup of tea. I paid my 1400¥ and I left and it was not any nice experience to get back out in the drizzle. It was not raining, it was like walking through fog and there were no sign of the sun.
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo

Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo

I walked around and nothing was open so I stopped for yet another cup of tea. I felt a little better but I wanted to get back to my hotel to stay on top of my bed until it was time for theAladdin's adventure in TokyoKobe Steak tonight. I missed the Kobe Steak last time in Tokyo and I will do it today and I will never have to do it again.

Of course, I can eat Kobe Steak again if I like it, but I will never stay an extra day in Tokyo again just to have Kobe steak. But now I stay here an extra day just to have the darn steak. Sunday was a planned day in my room, I would never have made it through a flight yesterday with a hangover force 9,8. But today I would have made it.

And after having spent one day in my room waiting forAladdin's adventure in Tokyothe darn restaurant to open it better be a very very good steak. Or if it could have been 10 ° warmer ad I could have been walking around town while waiting. But now I decided to take a taxi back to my hotel. But first I stopped to buy some vitamins.

Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
They have some strange zebra crossings in Tokyo

Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
They have some strange zebra crossings in Tokyo

I noticed that they have some very strange zebra crossings in Tokyo, it looked very strange when people crossed the streets but I could not put my finger on what it was looking strange. Then IAladdin's adventure in Tokyorealise that they stop the traffic from all directions and people crossing in all directions. And then they have a zebra crossing diagonally over the intersection as well. Well, I have never seen this before and I can't understand the point of it.

I found a taxi and we were soon back in my area of Tokyo and I stopped for a spaghetti at the restaurant where I had my first meal in Tokyo.
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo

I walked back to my hotel when I finished my lunch and I spent a few hours on top of my bed wishing that I was back home in Bangkok.

Time was very slow and the bore dome killed me. When the clock turned 5 I left for the Kobe Beef place. It was a few minutes' walk and it took me a while to find the right place. I had to look at the sign outside and there wasAladdin's adventure in Tokyosomething that looked like a 0 followed by a signlooking like a Christmas tree.

I stepped in to the elevator and there was a sign looking something like the sign outside. 1st basement floor together with an Italian restaurant next door. I stepped inside and it said that they were opening at 5 thirty. I got a seat at a table. The Waiter told me that the meat wouldn't arrive until 6. IAladdin's adventure in Tokyomade my order and I left for a walk while waiting for the clock to turn 6.

When I left the Waiter came to tell me that they hadAladdin's adventure in Tokyothe meat, I don't know what went on. But I took my seat again and I waited for my food.

I had ordered tenderloin and sirloin or whatever they called it. But it was 1 or 2 pieces of the sirloin and 1 or 2 pieces of the tenderloin. I got some salad with different sauces to start with, didn't helped much to alleviate my hunger. The Waiter came to my table and showed me the tenderloin or sirloin for me.
- This is you first meat
- OK
I was really hungry so I was hoping for them to beAladdin's adventure in Tokyoready with the meat soon. I don't know if they brought the tenderloin or sirloin first, but it was excellent. How can I eat steak again? AfterAladdin's adventure in Tokyothis the best steak will be like a chewing on leather.

The Kobe steak melted in the mouth, no need for any steakknife when eating Kobe steak. Darn, this Kobe beef was good.

They brought me some sauce and garlic paste, wasabi and something else to mix in the sauce. But they had some sauce that came with the salad and this was good enough for me. I finished the first steak and I went to see where the other 2 were. I ordered 1 more tenderloin and 1 more sirloin. Can as well take the opportunity when in Japan. Never know when I will be back in Japan for another Kobe steak.

Was it worth spending an extra day in my room in Tokyo waiting for the hangover to disappear before testing the Kobe beef. Well, I would not mind having been at home. But the Kobe steak was for sure the best steak I have ever had. And of course, the Kobe beef came with a hefty price tag. 44200¥ but I would like to say that the quality was something else, and paying 44200¥ for a good steak is better than paying 2000¥ for a not so good steak.
Aladdin's adventure with Kobe beef in Tokyo
Tenderloin or sirloin?

Aladdin's adventure with Kobe beef in Tokyo
Tenderloin or sirloin?

Aladdin's adventure with Kobe beef in Tokyo
Tenderloin or sirloin?

44200¥ would have last me for a year eating tuna back home in Bangkok. I'm actually looking forward to come back home so I can start my healthy life again. This weekend in Tokyo has not been very good for my diet.

I left the Kobe beef place and I walked around Akasaka while eating 2 ice creams. Nothing else to do and I was soon walking back to my hotel to spend the rest of the evening trying to kill the boredom. Of course, I could go drink beer, but then I won't be fit for my flight tomorrow. Imagine if the life only consisted of Fridays and Saturdays, which would have been fun.

Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Evening walk in the Akasaka area

Aladdin's adventure in Tokyo
Evening walk in the Akasaka area

When I came back to my hotel I asked them to call me at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and I will go to the airport.Hmm, maybe I will have time to have a spaghetti at my favourite Japanese spaghetti place before I leave for the airport.

Well, I decided to go for Spaghetti at 10 o'clock and I walked to Spajiro a few minutes away from my hotel. It is a very nice staff working there and by now they recognise me whenever I came by for my bowl of spaghetti.
Aladdin's adventure at Spajiro in Tokyo
Spajiro, my favourite place for spaghetti in Tokyo

WOW! Today it was really crowded, but there was a seat for me at the bar counter. The Cook and Waitress recognised me and they were screaming HELLO when I stepped inside. I got a glass ofAladdin's adventure in Tokyowater and a cup of clear soup tasting likeAladdin's adventure at Spajiro in Tokyothe sea weed they use for the sushi. Very good and I could go there just for this soup.

If you're in Akasaka in Tokyo I can recommend a visit to Spajiro for a bowl of spaghetti. And I tried the spaghetti with meat sauce today and this is the best spaghettiAladdin's adventure at Spajiro in Tokyomeat sauce I ever had.

Except of course for my home made spaghetti meat sauce. I had a glass of orange juice withmy spaghetti. When I finished my meal I discovered that the guys next to me were eating something yellow from a cup and it looked yummy.

I asked the Waitress what it was and she told me it was pudding and I ordered a cup. IAladdin's adventure at Spajiro in Tokyodon't know what it was, but it was delicious and the pudding disappeared like an aspirin.

I will see if I have the time for a last lunch at Spajiro before leaving for the airport tomorrow.

They open at 11 so it should be possible. I discovered that the airport limousines departs just a few minutes from my hotel so I can still make it for the 12 o'clock tour and I will arrive to Narita 13 thirty.

I asked for my bill and they had forgotten my orange juice so I reminded the girl about the orange juice. She almost started to cry, thank you - thank you!!

I really like Tokyo, nice people and beautiful girls, but it will be very fun to get back home toBangkok Fight Club and to Sophia Muay Thai Gym. We will see the American girl's Fight on Thursday, I think in Ratchaburi and this will be fun.

So I can't go to Bangkok Fight Club on Thursday, but then after that I will shape up. Chakrit isopen on Sundays since they moved to Soi 39 and I'm thinking about starting to do a session on Sundays as well. Then I will have to stay clear from the beer on Saturday evening and that will be a great improvement for me and my healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday 24 th of April 2012
and I woke up at 3 o'clock. I was dreaming about collecting plastic bottles and there were a lot of people talking behind the curtains and when I woke up I realisedthat it was a Japanese guy in the room next to me screaming at someone, maybe on the telephone.

He went on and on screaming and then the guests in the other rooms started to scream at him, most likely SHUT THE FOOCK UP in Japanese. He stopped screaming after 30 minutes but now it was impossible to fall asleep. Around 4 o'clock I heard him open his door to the balcony.
- What theis he going to do? Hara-kiri or is he comejumping over to my balcony?

Yeah, just what I need, someone perform Hara-kiri on my balcony or in my room. I had a chair next to my bed that I could hit him with if he burst in through my window with a Japanese sword. It was quiet on the balcony and I wondering if he had jumped, well, anyway, I could not fall asleep and I was dead tired when they called me at 8.

I had my breakfast and today when I'm leaving it was sunshine and 20 to 25°C. So it was a very nice walk in the sunshine to Hotel EXCEL where I bought a ticket to the Airport Limousine departing 12:45. I checked out at 11 and I went for spaghetti at Spajiro. I was back at the hotel at 11 thirty and I decided to try to catch the 11:45 ride to the airport.

My flight was leaving Narita at 16:55 and I wanted to be there when the check in opened. I hadAladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 677 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkoktried to check in on internet, but all aisle seats were occupied so I wanted to see if I could get a seat in the aisle on the airport.

I really didn't believe that I could catch the 11:45 bus to the airport, but I made it and we arrived to Narita, Terminal 1 five minutes before 1 o'clock. Check in didn't open until 14:25 so I walked around the airport. There is a shopping mall between the NorthAladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 677 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkokand South wing at Terminal 1. I bought an alarm clock and I went to drinks some tea at a coffee shopwhere I could looking out on the tarmac and runway.

I went to the check-in and there were millions of people lining up to Thai's check-in. There was a counter for internet check-in and there were 5 Thai people checking in.

They had a bicycle and several bags tocheck in. I was jumping up and down thinking “How long can it take to check in?” When it was finally time for me to check in the girl in the check-in must have seen on my look that I was annoyed for the waiting.
- Sorry for taking so long time.
- Never mind!
I told her that I had checked in o the internet but there were only 2 seats available.
- 2 window seats, how can that be when we have all these people lined up to check in.

She told me that there was a lot of Thai group tours that had their seats reserved so they couldAladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 677 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkoksit together. But she managed to find me an aisle seat.

I meet the Thai group with the bicycle when we waited to board the flight. They had been in Japan for 2 weeks and they had enjoyed it. One of the guys showed me pictures that he had taken during the trip. Nice people and time turned quick while talking with them.

Time to board the flight and I had got the best seat in monkey class. Last row and there is only 2Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 677 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkokseats instead of 3 and I was sitting in the aisle with a Thai guy on the window seat.

He had been in Japan for 4 days with his family to look at different Buddha statues. 6 and a half hours flight and I killed time talking with the Thai guy. Watching a movie and sleeping. I felt a sleep when I started the second movie so I had to start the darn thing again when I woke up. It was very nice when we arrived to Suvarnabhumi after almost 7 hours of sitting.

But I was impressed by the Boeing 777-30 ER, the seats was comfortable and I had severalAladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airway's flight TG 677 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkokcentimetres between my knees and the seat in front of me.

Boeing 777 has been around for a very long time, but this plane, or at least the interior looked brand new and it was a comfy plane. And as always, the service was terrific onboard Thai Airways.

I was off the plane just before 10 o'clock in the evening and the Immigration took a few minutes. I had to wait for a while for my bag and I went to take a taxi to Sukhumvit Soi 23. And it was very nice to step inside the door 10 minutes before 11.

It had been a nice few days in Tokyo, at least Thursday to Saturday when I was drinking beer. Staring at the ceiling with a hangover force 9,9 was something I could have lived without. 20 years since I was in Tokyo last time and big changes.
• People spoke English so I could do some kind of communicating
• I only saw a few Karaoke places, 20 years ago it was only Karaoke places, even the discos
• You could actually use taxi and I didn't had to use the sub way even once

Last time in Tokyo there was no GPS and the taxi drivers could not even find their way around the corner. There is an excellent train going around Tokyo in a circle so it was very convenient. You reached the whole of Tokyo on one train line and it was quick to learn how to use the train. But going between the bars using a train is not very good. Going to a bar on the other side of town, well, it was easy to get to the train station. But it took several taxis to go from the taxi station to where you wanted to go. And many times the drivers could not find the place. But today, the drivers spoke English and the GPS was of course a good thing.

Well, anyway, nice to be back in FUNKY TOWN again
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