OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

December 2011

Thursday 1 st of December 2011 and I was out of bed at 9 o'clock and I was a Chacrit just afterAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN11 o'clock. I changed my shoes and we got right on to the pads. I did 8 or 9 rounds before I walked back home.

I had called a Nautical Training Centre in Bangkok before IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNleft for Chacrit Muay Thai School and they were open until 4 thirty and I could drop by whenever I wanted.

I had a quick shower and I went out to look for a taxi and I found a taxi outside my local 7 Eleven. And luckily enough the driver know the Soi in Bang Na and it took us about 30 minutes to get to the training centre.

Yes, getting out of bed at 9 and I have time to do a lot of things during the day. But I'm also getting hungry earlier and I was hungry when I arrived to Bang Na. I asked for a 7 Eleven butAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthere was no 7 Eleven in the area. There was a hole in the wall shop and I bought a bottle of Minute Maid.

There were 2 guys and a girl sitting outside and one of the guys was dressed like an Admiral. He called himself Captain and the girl was twinkle at him.The Captain was a Teacher and the other guy was studying navigation. The Captain didn't looked to be older than 25. But I have meet Lawyers that's 22 years only in Thailand so they are making quick careers around here.

Well, anyway, they told me that the Marlin test was on the 2nd floor and I went up to check out the place. 1500 Baht and we could start the test. We went down to the first floor again and the test was an online test.

And as you can see it was not any advanced English. The test was divided in to 6 sections. I only managed to get 93% in the vocabulary test. It was strange vocabulary like apples, price tag andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcomputer. But the problem was that I had to drag arrows to the items on the picture and something must obviously have gone wrong. I know apples so I must have had some problems with the arrows.

I only got 67% in the pronunciation. This was a strange test that I never understood. Click on a word with different sound. What the duck?! But I passed the test and I had spent 27 minutes on the test. 60 minutes was allowed so I was happy to be able to get home early. I was even hungrier now so it is easy to understand that I was a wee bit impatient when I was waiting for my certificate. DARN! They had problems with the printers and it took me almost one hour after the test before I could return home.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I was almost skipping Bangkok Fight Club today, Tuesdays and Thursdays and it is only kids at the club. But I changed my mind at the last minute and I took off for some exercise. I had agony just by thinking about skipping my boxing session, especially since I stopped for 2 (TWO) pieces of cake and a pot of tea on my way home from the Marlin test. And I'm afraid that I had a pack of oat cookies as well. So skipping Bangkok Fight Club was no option.

I had cancelled this week's training at Sophia Muay Thai Gym due to the fact that I was supposed to be in China to join Cassandra Maersk, but we're delayed and I wanted to have a session atAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSophia Muay Thai Gym tomorrow and I decided to stop there on my way to Bangkok Fight Club.

I have one more session at Chacrit and I will take this session on Saturday. I passed Srinakharinwirot University but I took the way to Sophia Muay Thai Gym instead ofAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgoing to Asoke Road and I talked with my Teacher. There was time for me tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock and I continued to Bangkok Fight Club.

The first thing I notice when I'm coming to Bangkok Fight Club is that our Teacher has a new hair cut.
- What theDid they put a pot on your head?

I was happy that I went to Bangkok Fight Club when I walked back home for my PROTEIN POWDER shake. It was me and the American girl and the Swedish and New Zeeland boys at today's session. But it was fun and way better than sitting home felling sorry for myself.

Friday 2 nd of December 2011
and I decided to go try to make the Chinese visa even if I didn't had the required documents. I had a quick wash, no time to take a shower. I sprayed myself in AXE deoAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand I took off in a taxi. I arrived 11:35 and the closed at 11:30. DARN! I managed to sneak in through the exit next to the entrance door.
The entrance door was closed and I expected them to stop me when I entered. There was no metal detector atthe exit lane but the security didn't stop me and I walked up to the second floor. The door was closed and they guy told me that I had to come back on Tuesday morning. I asked why I couldn't come back on Monday morning.
- We're closed on Monday due to holiday

I walked to Future Tower or whatever the mall is called next to the Embassy. I bought an ankle support but they didn't have any wrist support. Well, I still have time before my session at SophiaAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMuay Thai Gym so I took a taxi to Sukhumvit Soi 23. I walked from there towards Robinson stopping in every drugstore to see if they had any wrist support. I returned home without any wrist support, but I got an hour ofconstitutional out of it.

I stopped at my local 7 Eleven to see if they had any Diet MAX . There must have been 100 cases of Leo beer outside the 7 Eleven and they were loading a pick-up truck. When I came inside the 7 Eleven there were 100 more cases of Leo beer. I asked them what was going on.
- They are out of Leo beer at another shop.

I bought 2 bottles of Minute Maid and when I was back home I enjoyed a bottle before leaving forSophia Muay Thai School. When I stepped inside the compound the owner asked me how the girl was.
- What??
- The 17 years old??!!
- She was beautiful, but it was embarrassing.
- Why?
- Walking around with someone that they think is my daughter or grandchild.
- No problem. Many people in Thailand like this. My girlfriend is 16 years younger than me

And the Teacher has a girlfriend that is 19 and he told me that it was very good.
- What's so good?
- Well....
- What are you talking about?
Well, of course, my Teacher isn't 100 years old

It was fun at Sophia Muay Thai School and when I was back home they called from Copenhagen. China is cancelled and I will join the ship in Korea on Tuesday evening.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I walked to Bangkok Fight Club and the guys doing the dancing was at Srinakharinwirot University as most of the days. They are always waving and saying hello when I'm passing. So I stopped andAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNasked them what they were doing. And as I suspected, they are Cheerleaders training.

I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club 5 minutes before 7 and our Thai and Polish friend was waiting outside and our Teacher arrived 2 minutes later.

We spend the whole session sparring and as it was Friday we left before 9 o'clock. I skipped my protein shake when I came back home, I had the San Miguel Light that my friend bought for me in Manila. I had decided to go check out a bar on Soi 53. And I still had a stupid idea that I would be able to make it to Chacrit Muay Thai Scholl tomorrow.

My last weekend in FUNKY TOWN and my fridge is full of Baileys. I haven't had any chance to try my HANGOVER MILK SHAKE idea so there is only water bottles and Baileys in myAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfridge. I wanted to try the HANGOVER MILK SHAKE idea and I need to have a hangover tomorrow.

I had a shower, well, I had one Thai made San MiguelAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNLight before my shower and I was taking a motorcycle taxi to GLOW where I had 3 San Miguel Light before taking off to Sukhumvit Soi 53.

They had a Pre Christmas party at GLOW but no sign of Hip Hop Santa. Well, he might have got stuckin Phnom Penh last year. Well, anyway, the place at Soi 53 was a disappointment, only Japanese people there and I like Japanese people. But their idea if a good time is quite different from my idea. Yes, it was a Karaoke placeand I left after 1 San Miguel Light. I brought 1 San Miguel Light for the taxi ride.

DARN! It was hard to get a taxi and I had to go back inside to buy yet another beer. There is a TATTOO shop on the Soi and it seems like the shop is run by some cool hip hoppers. They were spray painting the windows and later on when I came to the Beatlounge at RCA they came up to me.
- Hey, we saw you on Soi 53.

I went to the “Jazz and more” place and I ended up in the bar with a group of girls on each side of me. It was all fun until 3 drunken Thai gays came up starting to flirt with the girls. As I drink responsible now a day I was sober to watch the action. These guys moved in closed to the girls, they were drunk and my experience tells me that they were under the impression of being the most handsome guys in the world.

It took less than 20 seconds and the girls on my left side moved. But I must give it to the guys, they didn't give up. They moved to the group of girls on my right side. And these girls moved before any word was said. As soon as they saw the guys moving over they changed seats.
- Thanks', now I'm alone with these drunken guys!

A very good experience for me and I will continue drinking responsible. A few beers only and no need to make a total tit out of myself. But I don't know what happened to the time. It was almost 5 o'clock when I was back home. I'm way too old for this.

Saturday 3 rd of December 2011
and I woke up at 12 thirty and I made myself a “HANGOVER SURPRISE” and I watched DVDs all day long. I have to be at a dinner at 7 and showing up with aAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhangover is no option.

But the “HANGOVER SURPRISE”might be my best idea ever. As I suspected, it worked like a dream. Hangover man was a goner after a pack of ice cream and a bottle of Baileys. Good, Charisma Man is ready to take on Saturday night's dinner.

But a word of advice, be careful if you ever decide to try out the “HANGOVER SURPRISE”. Too much and you feel so good that you skip shower and just dash off to any Saturday night appointments you might have.

I found a taxi outside the Banana leaf kitchen restaurant and we had my TAXI CD blasting high even before we reached Asoke. Lo and behold, I found a San Miguel Light in my back pocket. TAXI CD and a TAXI San Miguel Light, Saturday night and is it possible for life to be better? I doubt it, at least while in a taxi.
Aladdin's adventure at Red PInn in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We were going to have our dinner at the Red PInn, former the Wall. The owner is from Latvia and he bought it from the Swedish owner. But they still have some Swedish food on the menu. And theyAladdin's adventure at Red PInn in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNare still selling snus.

We were plunging down Rama IV and we chose to take Silom Road instead of Surawong. But it took me a while to find the restaurant. The location leaves a lot to wish for.Aladdin's adventure at Red PInn in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI entered the place 5 minutes before 7 and I took a seat next to the organiser of this meet up. There were a few other people at the table as well.

Our organised had ordered his food and I ordered a beer. I started with a smoked salmon, boiled potato and salmon sauce. The salmon sauce wasAladdin's adventure at Red PInn in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe Swedish Hovmästar sås. Main course, lamb on herb potatoes.

The food is excellent at the Red PInn, and the portions are huge. As they call it at Red PInn, peasant food, and as I told the owner: It is better than other restaurants with boring French fries. Home fried potatoes and, well, I can recommend the place.

The owner is a nice person and the staff is friendly. I asked the owner if he had ever sold so much beer before. And he answered, “Not to one person!”

I had the beer coming my way all the time. The organiser drank wine and there was a guy fromAladdin's adventure at Red PInn in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNGermany that drank beer aswell. Otherwise it was mostly water and it was only me and the Organiser that was drunk.

Well, tipsy was more like it.The German guy looked like he was a wee bit tipsy as well. Good, the more the merrier. And as I suggested last time, minimum 1 bottle ofwine or 8 bottles of beer per man and it would bemuch more fun. Of course, unlesssomeone started a fight or something after a few beers. It was fun and we were 24 people attending the dinner. IAladdin's adventure at Red PInn in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNrecognised a few people from our last meeting.

It amazes me that people are coming 1 to 1 and a half hour late. We started at 7 and some people came by at 8 thirty. That's the time when some of the people started to go home.

And some people never showed up. Why say that you're coming when you're not coming? I don't understand. Well, anyway, it was fun and it was almost 12 before we left Red PInn. I was surprised, there were 4 otherpeople leaving with me and the organiser. Last time it was me and the organiser leaving as last people.

Big portions and good food and it were not expensive. I paid 2200 Baht for 5 hours of fun. Well, aAladdin's adventure at Red PInn in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNlittle more than 5 hours, I bought one beer for the taxi but I got carried away talking with the owner so I started to drink my taxi beer. And of course, I had to buy one more taxi beer and it was past midnight when I left Red PInn for Khaosan Road.

The bar owned by the Danish guy and his girl friend was closed. Well, I don't think they do very much money on that bar. His wife told me that they had to pay money to the Police and there wasn't much profit.Aladdin's adventure at the Brick bar in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSo I think the Danish guy have to return to Denmark to work. Well, anyway, I walked to the Brick bar.

Brick bar is a safe bet, always fun. Well, most of the times. I just came inside the door when a girl put a glas in my hand.
- What is this?
I tried and it tasted like Whiskey and water and I handed the girl my glass again. I prefer beer.

I was soon in the bar ordering a Tiger Light and I had my beer after a few seconds. Thanks to my old TIPPING trick. A crowded place and a good tip when you order makes sure you don't have to wait so long. Works every timeAladdin's adventure at the Brick bar in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand as soon as I raised my hand they had a beer for me within a few seconds.

My second beer was a Tiger, I got their last Tiger light. No problem, I got a wine glass and ice. And the service is very good at the Brick bar. Orhmm, maybe because they know me. Seems like most of the staff recognise me.
- Vodka & orange?
- No thanks', I'm a responsible drinker now a day so I stick to beer. I don't want any concrete hat

The Brick Bar and there is always people drinking too much. Always people throwing up at the bathroom. But there is always some friends helping them.
Aladdin's adventure at the Brick bar in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at the Brick bar in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

The Brick bar close at 2 o'clock so the light was soon turned on and I left for a bar on the streetAladdin's adventure at the Brick bar in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwhere I drank some beers while talking with 2 girls. I don't know what time it was when I ended up at Narz. But it was almost 5 thirty in the morning when I was back home.

I had to take 2 Korean girls to their hotel. The spoke f@ck all English and they didn't knew where their hotel was. The Place or Palace, I didn't have a clue where the hotel is located. But one of the girls had a phone and she searched internet. But she wasn't sure it was her hotel so we took off in a taxi to check it out. Luckily enough the first hotel was the right one. But seriously, who the BIP is going abroad on a holiday knowing only 2 English words, Korea and Hotel. Well, I would have stayed home.

Sunday 4 th of December 2011
and I woke up at 12 thirty and it was hot. My AC was off and it was obviously a black out. I was waiting and waiting and the power never came back on. The girls from Rangsit called, well, not Rangsit. The place is called Nava Nakorn and it is about 20 minutes north of Rangsit towards Ayuttaya.

I got out of bed and I stopped at the condo office on my way to find a taxi.
- Where is the electricity?
Something had broken down and it will be back tomorrow. So I decided to take in to a hotel when I was back from Nava Nakorn. We took off towards Nava Nakorn and as the traffic was very light we did it to Nava Nakorn in about 45 minutes. Don Mueang Airport looks like the water is gone. And when going on the highway towards Ayuttaya it looks normal. But when I got out of the taxi in Nava Nakorn I discovered that the place is flooded.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at a flooded Nava Nakorn

I also discovered that I got out of the taxi at the wrong 7 Eleven. I had called the girls and I told them that I was at the 7 Eleven where we had been last time.
- Hmm, this 7 Eleven dosen't quite look like the 7 Eleven I was at last time.

I walked towards the hospital and I passed yet another 7 Eleven before I reached the 7 ElevenAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwhere we had been last time. And the girls arrived at the same time as me. I was really hungry and I asked the girls if there was anything interesting in Nava Nakorn.
- Everything is closed due to the flooding.
- Do you want to go to Rangsit?
- We want to go to Chatuchak
- OK!
I really don't like Chatuchak, millions of people and it is hot. But what can I do? We walked over the bridge across the Ayuttaya highway to the waiting taxis and we left for Chatuchak weekendAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmarket. Well, I wasn't looking forward to it, but I could go for something to eat while the girls looked around.

It was quite heavy traffic on the elevated toll way so it took us some time to get to Chatuchak and when we arrived I told the girls that I was going to eat.
- Let's meet here in an hour, I suggested.
A good meeting pint, right at TMB Exchange office at the entrance. Would be easy to find,hopefully. I found a restaurant outside the Chatuchak area, a steak house with cracked plates and my started “creamed spinach soup” came straight from the microwave. My Teriyaki chicken was OK but not more.

When I finished I walked back to our meeting point and the girls called 20 times.
- Where are you?
- I'm waiting at the exit
- We're also at the exit
Obviously they were at another exit.
- We have been walking around the market looking for you

Well, good luck with that, Chatuchak is not the place you walk around hoping to find someone. Well,Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthey took a taxi and I took one taxi and we decided to meet at my condo. If the electricity i back. I stopped at Tai-Pan hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 23 on my way home. They had rooms with internet and I walked home to get my lap top.

The girls called me when I was walking towards Tai-Pan hotel. Now they were at Chacrit Muay Thai School and I told them to come to Tai-Pan hotel. And they arrived with the taxi at the same time as I arrived by foot.

My Teacher from Chakrit was with them and we went to check in to my room. I told the girl in the reception that we were 4 persons and that we needed one room.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- What??!!
- I'm just joking

I was hungry and I wanted to go check out the Club House around the corner from Tai-Pan hotel. I passed the place on my way to check if they had available rooms at Tai-Pan and the staff seemed friendly and the menu looked interesting. The only set back is that it is a sports bar, but never mind. We were there to eat, not for drinking beer and having a good timeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNlistening to music. TVs everywhere showing soccer or some other boring sport.

The girls and my Teacher ordered Thai food and IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNordered fish and chips with a pot of tea.

The food was excellent and the staff was friendly. And when we left there was a British guy saying thank you. Obviously the owner and he seemed like a nice chap. And the food was better than at the other British restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 23 where they brought all my food at the same time.

Monday 5 th of December 2011
and I woke up at 9 when my alarm went off. I remember wondering what the sound was. It was a familiar sound, but the surroundings was different from what I'mused to so it took me some time to realise that it was my alarm

I had a shower and I went down to check out. I missed the breakfast but the electricity was back when I returned home so I made a pot of tea. I could still feelAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthat I had been drinking beer Friday and Saturday when I left for Sophia Muay Thai Gym

Mt Teacher was not at Sophia Muay Thai Gym when I arrived 5 minutes before 3. He arrived 10 minutes later with his girlfriend. He is from the South of Thailand and he had been home over the weekend.

And the Thai tradition, he brought some Thai snacks for me and I will have them with my tea tomorrow. I made a mental not to buy something for him when I'm signing off Maersk Cassandra in February.

I went to buy new boxing gloves when I finished my evening tea. I walked to Emporium, and yes, I skipped tonight's session at Bangkok Fight Club. Nice to walk around Bangkok and my first stop wasEmporium but they didn't had any boxing gloves.
- We have sold out, try Paragon.

I took the sky train from Emporium to Paragon, first time for me on the sky train in a very long time. I prefer taxi, but now I was at the station and I was going to SIAM sky train station so it was very convenient. And I was pleasantly surprised, not much people. And I was double lucky, there were 2 Danish guys onboard and they were awee bit tipsy. So people had other things to look at than the HUMAN BALLOON and I could mind my own business in my own corner in the car.

I started at SIAM CENTRE but the security told me to go to the3rd floor on Paragon to find boxing gloves. When I came to the 3rd floor at Paragon they told me to go to the 2nd floor.

I was lucky and I found a pair of black leather gloves, the pair I bought at Chacrit Muay Thai School is made out of plastic and they are too big for me now and I can't use them. And honestly, they smell like shit and the left glove is cracked in the seam so I need a pair of new gloves.

I paid my gloves and I asked for ear guard and the guy showed me a boxing helmet, well, I can doAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwithout the boxing helmet and I was just about to leave when I found a wrist support with Velcro tape so I bought this as well. Now I have support both for my wrist and ankle.
Taking the sky train back to Emporium was a different story, now the train was packed. But I guess it is better than to have to spend 2 hours in a taxi.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Back at Emporium and I went down to the Benchasiri Park and I walked around for a while. Monday night and there wasn't very much people and it was quite boring and I left. I walked down toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNTerminal 21 and Robinsons.

I stopped at Chacrit Muay Thai School on my way and the Teachers had their dinner when I arrived. I showed them my new gloves andI told them that I would be back to kick their behinds with my new gloves tomorrow.

I never got to Robinsons because I stopped at a Japanese restaurant at Terminal 21 where I had salmon sushi and teriyaki beef before I walked back home.

Tuesday 6 th of December 2011
and I was out of bed at 9 o'clock. I made my morning tea while I read my e-mail. Maersk Cassandra had got the latest schedule from agent Onsan, KOREA.

Please be advised that a.m vssl's berthing prospect at Onsan asf :

0600 07th Dec : ETA at Onsan E-2 or E-3 anchorage, Anchor Awaiting shore instruction
1630 08th : ET.POB for berthing
1830 08th : Tentative ETB at S-OIL F-1 berth
2000 08th : ET.Commence loading
0900 10th : ET.Complete loading
1100 10th : Tentative ET.Sail from Onsan if agw

So it looks like I will fly tomorrow and I don't need to go to the office in Paris, very good. It is aAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwee bit longer to fly to Korea than to China and Korea is much colder than Shanghai. But we willhopefully be on our way to Singapore on the 10th of December.

I finished my tea and the snack I got from my Teacher at Sophia Muay Thai Gym and I left for Chacrit Muay Thai School with my new gloves.

When I came down to the entrancethe staff was busy putting up the Christmas Tree and it will be nice to get out of here and the Christmas willbe behind us when I'm back.

My last boxing session before leaving for Onsan, Korea and I was quite satisfied with my new boxing gloves and my old boxing gloves ended up inAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe garbage. My bags are packed and I just need to take out my snus from the fridge and put in my bag and I'm ready to go.

The girls from Navon Nakorn called me and they told me that they were going to take a taxi to Bangkok.
- OK, call me when you arrive and I will come and pick you up

They called about 1 hour later when I was inthe shower and they were at Chacrit Muay Thai School
- OK, I come to pick you up. I'm there in 10 minutes

I took a taxi to Sukhumvit Soi 22 and the girls was at 7 Eleven when I arrived. So my Teacher and I went there to meet them. I had not had anything to eat so I was hungry and I asked them if they were hungry. There is an Italian restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 25 that I wanted to try.
- Do you like pizza
- We want Thai food
- OK, let's see if they have Thai food at the Italian.

Luckily enough they had Thai food so the girls ordered Thai food and I ordered a pizza and some toast with olive oil. I had a chocolate cake and a coco something. DARN! I really must stop going to restaurants, there is nothing stopping me. But the coco something was very good.

The daughter needed a skirt for her school uniform as the university was reopening tomorrow after the flooding so we decided to go look for a skirt at Robinson. No skirt at Robinson andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthey suggested Emporium. I suggested SIAM Square but we ended upa t Terminal 21. We walked around looking for a black skirt but we came up with ZIP.

Future Park in Rangsit came up and as it was in the middle of the rush hour I wanted to take the sub way.

Well, I wanted to go home, but I wanted to take the girls to Rangsit. But I reckoned that we would save a few hours by taking the subway to the end station and a taxi from there. I really hateAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe crowdedsky trains and subways. I prefer taxi, but I didn't have time to waste a few hours in the traffic.

We were stuck in the traffic for a while when leaving the end station to the toll way but as soon as we reached the toll way it was very light traffic and we arrived to Future Park about 1 hour after we left the station.

The girls got out and they decided to try to find a black skirt even though Future park closed at 8. I returned toAladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBangkok with the taxi, a requirement from the driver. Or he wouldn't have taken us to Rangsit. We made it back to Bangkok in a record breaking time and when we were on Asoke I told the driver to take me to Sukhumvit Soi 20. From there we could get to SCAN DELI on Soi 18.

It was 9 o'clock when I left SCAN DELI after have eating some salmon. I walkedAladdin's adventure at Robinson in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNup to the new SOFITEL on Sukhumvit and I was glad that all the vendors were gone from that area as well. I turned around at Sofitel and I went to Robinson to see if they had any bif teacups so I could bring one to Maersk Cassandra tomorrow.

They only had the BABY SIZE cups but I found refillable water bottles so I have water bottles when my “flooding stock” is finished. I made a stop at Terminal 21 on my way home, but they didn't had any tea cups at all so I decided to bring one form home.

I stopped at my local 7 Eleven on my way home, no Diet MAX and no Minute Maid so I walked to my “OLD” local 7 Eleven. No Diet MAX but they had Minute Maid and I bought 2 bottles. And of course, I popped open a bottle first thing when I came back home. I called the girls and they were back home. I forgot to ask them if they found any skirt.

They live in a rented room in Navon Nakorn because there were 2 meters of water in their house. Their house, well, it is the daughter's house and I asked her mother if I would get 50% of the hose when we got married.
- Of course! She said.
But I can imagine the hose after the flooding. They told me that everything was destroyed, except the computer. Well, anyway, I returned to the kitchen and I checked my e-mail.
- What the
My flight is 00:15 and now it was 22:30 and I threw myself in the shower.

Aladdin's adventure with Korean Air

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Suvarnabhumi Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Suvarnabhumi Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Suvarnabhumi Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Suvarnabhumi Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Suvarnabhumi Airport

MOTHERF@CKER!!!! I few hours ago they told me that I was flying tomorrow and now I have to leave tonight. Well, I should have left a few hours ago. I grabbed my stuff and I went down on the street and luckily enough there was a taxi coming.
- Suvarnabhumi on the double! I need to be there in 20 minutes
- No problem!
We took off and the driver told me that I was very small. I didn't understood what he meant.
- You are training boxing every day
- How do you know?
- I see you walking to the boxing

Well, it happened before, when I went to Chacrit Muay Thai School to pick up the girls I ran in to a motorbike taxi driver.
- Aladdin! You are very small
- What the
- You don't recognise me? I worked at DC-10 on NANA Plaza.
No I didn't recognise him, and it must have been 20 years ago I was at DC-10 last time. Well, anyway, the “Aladdin! You are very small” part is always nice. But I can't help but thinking about Seinfeld.
- You're a rail Baby!
And if they think I'm small now I must have been grotesque before.

Well, anyway we made it to the airport in 20 minutes and they were about to close check-in when IAladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654arrived No problem to check-in, until they discovered that I didn't had any letter of guarantee.

But I was smooth talking them and I got my boarding pass and I had time to buy 2 bottles of water before it was time to go to the gate and they were boarding Korea Air's flight KE 654 when I arrived to the gate. And I could not believe my luck, I got 3 seats all byAladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654lonesome and I expected to have a power nap on my way to Seoul.

And the Stewardesses, Korean and they were really beautiful. There was also a Thai Stewardess and she was a wee bit grumpy and I was afraid that I had met her on one of my “nights on town”. Luckily enough this was not the case and it didn't take long before she was all smiling and friendly.
Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654

Wednesday 7 th of December 2011
and we left in time, or a few minutes late. Nothing to write home about and I was in a good mood, 3 seats for myself and I moved to the window frm my aisle seat I had asked for at the check-in.

I was very thirsty, I don't know why. I had 2 bottles of water after check-in and as soon as theypassed with the drink cart I grabbed 2 glass of water.

Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Leaving Suvarnabhumi Airport behind

Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Leaving Suvarnabhumi Airport behind

Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Leaving Suvarnabhumi Airport behind

Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Leaving Suvarnabhumi Airport behind

Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Leaving Suvarnabhumi Airport behind

Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Leaving Suvarnabhumi Airport behind

Aladdin's adventure onboard Korea Air's flight KE 654
Leaving Suvarnabhumi Airport behind

Well, that's pretty much of it from Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN 2011 and it will be 2012 next time I'm back home. I'm looking forward to sign on Maersk Cassandra. And of course you can read all about it here! Yes, the word “here!” is a text link so it is just to click on the word “here!” to follow our Hero's adventure in Seoul and his even more exciting adventures onboard onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra during the winter of 2011 and 2012.

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