Aladdin's adventure in Zanzibar, Tanzania - July 2014

Friday 25 th of July 2014 and they called me at 7 o'clock. I have one hour to get ready as they will be here to pick me up at 7 o'clock. I had made a major investment in tea for my room. But as IAladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - July 2014burnt my throat on the “super” hot spaghetti some days ago I could not drink any hot tea.

So I had to drink Pepsi MAX with my black bread and cheese. I had a shower and I grabbed my computer bag and I left for the reception.

The guy from Authentic Tanzania Safaris was waiting for me in the reception and we were soon in a taxi going to the Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal. Of course, I could not buy a ticket without my passport. So I had to go back to the hotel to pick up my hotel. We were back at the Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in about 10 minutes.

Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - July 2014
Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam

Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - July 2014
Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam

Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - July 2014
Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam

Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - July 2014
Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam

Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - July 2014
Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam

Zanzibar is part of Tanzania, but we need passports to go there. Immigration cards and they will stamp my passport when coming to Zanzibar. I understand that you need an ID when checking in toAzam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam, Tanzaniathe ferry so they know the name of the passengers in case of an accident.

We got our ticket, economy ticket going to Zanzibar and VIP going back as VIP was full. One guy asked me where I was from and when I told him I was from Sweden he showed me a number on his phone.
- This is my son in Sweden
Yet another Smiley on OK

Well, if I had a cent for everyone I met knowing Sweden I would be a millionaire. Otherwise they know foock all about Sweden, all the people knowing about Sweden in the third word knows because of the “well fare”
Sverigedemokraterna TV - Sociala! Very good

That's what Sweden is known for, thanks to the Swedish tax payers. Will be expensive for the last Swede having a job paying tax having to support all this.

Yes, now they are soon starting to call me a Nazi again. Strange, they want to open the borders to Sweden but no one want to pay the tax to pay for this. Companies fighting to be the mostAzam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania“imigrant friendly and antiracist” but they don't want to hire Swedish workers because it is too expensive. No, production in the third word with slave condition and none of the workers pay tax to pay for the immigration to Sweden. Well, strange, I'm the Nazi.

Well, we all know IKEA, the founder Ingvar Kamprad, I Nazi back in the 40's and 50's and he was a member in A Nazi organisation in Sweden. Strange that he don't pay any taxes, as he was very Pro SwedenAzam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry Terminal in Dar es Salaam, Tanzaniaback in the days. But when it comes to pay tax to develop the society. Well, then it is another story. So think about this next time shopping at IKEA. I never buy anything at IKEA. And I can't remember ever having bought any of the cheap shit they sell at IKEA.

And of course, being a Nazi and the problem with all the “less” worth humans and the “less” than the white race humans. But they are good enough to make the foocking furniture for IKEA. Strange?

Well, I left for the gate and I was waiting in the queue when the guy with his son inKilimanjaro 3Sweden spotted me from the other side of the gate. He was obviously working for Kilimanjaro Fast Ferries
- Hey Swede

He opened the other gate for me and I could by-pass the long queue. When I came down to the security check there was one of the porters with 2 huge bags of shoes.

He could not lift them up on the belt taking the bag through the x-ray machine. I rolled my eyes and I helped him to get them up on the x-ray machine. When I was down at the gate he came up to me. He told me to wait in the luggage lane. And when the boarding started I could be the first toKilimanjaro 3board. Yeah, it made sense.

The waiting hall at the gate was full and as I was aiming for the sundeck it would be nice to get on board early.

We're going with the ferry Kilimanjaro 3 and there are 2 decks, tourist and VIP class and the sundeck on top. Of course, this was my spot as I wanted to take pictures of Dar es Salaam when we left for Zanzibar.

Kilimanjaro 3
Sundeck is getting full

Kilimanjaro 3
Selling snacks

Kilimanjaro 3

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3
We're leaving Dar es Salaam

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3
Fish market

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3
Fish market

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3
Fish market

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3
Very cloudy for the dry season

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3
Very cloudy for the dry season

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3

Dar es Salaam from the ferry Kilimanjaro 3

The ferry Kilimanjaro 3
Approaching stone town, Zanzibar

The ferry Kilimanjaro 3
Some of the luggage on main deck

Kilimanjaro 3
Some of the luggage on main deck

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town, Zanzibar

We left Dar es Salaam and I had expected to reach Stone Town in Zanzibar in 70 or 80 minutes, but it was around 2 hours to get there. I saw a poster for their SUPER fast ferry at the terminal, 58 knots and you will be in Zanzibar in 40 minutes. Well, I will not set my foot on a ferry making 58 Knots in this part of the world, that’s for sure.

Detailed breakdown of your visit to Zanzibar:
Day 1
Catch the ferry from Dar to the beautiful and mysterious island of Zanzibar. Enjoy time in the fascinating capital of Zanzibar, Stone Town. Check in at the hotel then continue with Stone town tour and prison Island Tour, return to City centre. Around 1700hrs take boat to sun set cruise, after that you will be escorted to Forodhani Garden for dinner. Accommodation is provided at the friendly Tembo Hotel, situated in the heart of Stonetown. BB.

Day 2
After breakfast have spice tour, later you will be dropped off at Zanzibar Stone Town ferry terminal for your return ferry journey from Zanzibar to Dar.

I will have plenty do to in Zanzibar and it will be fun to explore Zanzibar. I hope that it is as good as the safari was. Aladdin is strongly recommending a safari, at least once in your life. And if youStone Town, Zanzibarcome to Tanzania and you do a safari with Authentic Tanzania Safaris ask for the Guide named Henry and you will have a good time and an interesting safari.

Well, anyway, I was off the ferry in Stone Town, Zanzibar and I had to pass the immigration and they stamped my passport. Well, first I had to fill up an Immigration form. They asked for my Yellow Fever vaccination card. I told them that I had it in my hotel room in Dar es Salaam. I was outside the terminal and I had expected them to be there to pick me up. But no sign off anyone to bring me to the hotel.

I was not in a good mood when I got in to a taxi, millions of people asking me if I wanted to take tours and they offered taxi service etc. I asked the driver to take me to a hotel and it turned out to be the wrong hotel. I was going to stay at Zanzibar Grand Palace and I had told the driver Grand something. The girl in the reception told me that I was most likely going to the Zanzibar Grand Palace. Just a few minutes’ walk away. I said thank you and I left.

I had a guy dressed in red attacking me at the ferry terminal offering tours and all the other bull shit. He must have run to the hotel and he was there when I arrived with the taxi. He was taking a seat in the reception while I was checking in. Now he wanted to walk with me to my hotel, the Zanzibar Grand Palace. I told him that I wanted to walk alone, but he refused to listen.
- I walk with you. No charge
- Foocker, you have to give me money for foocking yup my day! I said.

Well, anyway, I was happy when the girl in the reception told me that I was at the wrong hotel, did not really look very nice. I hope the Zanzibar Grand Palace is way better. Now, how to get rid of the red dressed annoyance? Foock, I hate all these people running around offering this and that.Zanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, ZanzibarYeah, I hear you, always be polite.

No problem if there is one guy offering their service. But here are thousands and they are for sure not the brightest bulb in the solarium. They see me turning down one, two yeah, several offers and still they try.
- I just want to talk
- Yeah, foock off!

He walked with me to Zanzibar Grand Palace and this hotel looked much better. The red dressed beggar/ Guide asked for a tip and I told him to foock off
- I was only joking he said laughing

The hotel was just across the road from the ferry terminal, 1 minute walk from the ferry terminal. Well, no sign off my guide. I checked in and it was a nice hotel.

Zanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibar
My room at Zanzibar Grand Palace

Zanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibar
My room at Zanzibar Grand Palace

Zanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town from the roof top restaurant at Zanzibar Grand Palace

Zanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town from the roof top restaurant at Zanzibar Grand Palace

Zanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town from the roof top restaurant at Zanzibar Grand Palace

Zanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town from the roof top restaurant at Zanzibar Grand Palace

Zanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town from the roof top restaurant at Zanzibar Grand Palace

I put my bag in my room and I liked the room. I went up to the 4th floor and the roof top restaurant. I could hear the phone ringing in my room, must be the Guide. When I was at the restaurant they called me again. I told the Waitress that I didn't wanted to be disturbed and a few minutes later the guide came up. Well, I was not happy about his service. He showed me a signZanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibarwith my name, the one he should have used when picking me up at the ferry.

It said arrival 12 thirty. Well, there is 4 ferries arriving to Zanzibar per day, and this Joker (Working at a tour company) don't know the arrival times to Zanzibar. I know the arrival times even though I have never been here before or work in the tourist industry in Stone Town, Zanzibar.

He left and I finished my meal before going down to the reception. I spoke with the Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Dar es Salaam and they were sorry about the incident

The reception was empty and I discovered that the chairs was looking like wheelchairs. When I had checked in I thought that there must be a “invalido” conference or something going on in town withZanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibarall the people in wheelchairs.

The guy from the tour company introduced me for my Guide and it was the red dressed foocker. What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis this? They just pick up someone on the road side to be my Guide. And I have paid 650 US for this Zanzibar adventure.

This was a rip off, I understood this at arrival to Zanzibar. 80 for the ferry and around 130 for the hotel. The tours would not cost very much. So if you go to Stone Town, bookZanzibar Grand Palace in Stone Town, Zanzibaryour own hotel and pay the ferry or flight by yourself.

Now I will have to walk around Stone Town for an hour (The City Tour) with this guy. I could have done it by myself and I was not very happy

We took off on foot and we walked through the Stone Town and it was easy to imagine this as a very beautiful town. If they just had put some paint on the houses. Beautiful small alleys and they would have been beautiful with old styled paving-stones and paint on the houses. Now it looked like the town was falling apart.

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Spiked doors, The Indians built it like this as they had Elephants coming in to the houses in India.
And they put spikes/ spear heads on the doors to prevent Elephants to come in

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Seriously, should I have to tell the Guide to walk behind me.
He is supposed to be a professional guide and now I have this foocker on every picture

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Seriously, should I have to tell the Guide to walk behind me.
He is supposed to be a professional guide and now I have this foocker on every picture

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Same mass produced art you find at tourist destinations all over the world
Of course, different subject

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Beautiful houses in Stone Town
Imagine some paint on the houses

Stone Town, Zanzibar
Stone Town

Stone Town, Zanzibar
We're passing the fish market
The smell made me skip the visit to the fish market. Was enough to pass outside. But a visit to the fish market was part of the “Stone Town” tour by foot. So you realise that it is a waste of money with the TOUR. Walk around by yourself without any annoying Guide.

We passed the fish market without visiting, what a waste of time and money this was. I was not inStone Town, Zanzibar - Slave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ Church in Stone Towna good mood as I realised that I had been scammed. Next stop was a stop at a former Slave market. Yes, YAWN warning big time

The ticket was 5$, including in my 650 US$ fee I hadDr Livingstonepaid for my Zanzibar adventure. The red dressed Guide left me with another Guide.

We walked to the Church and we entered. I was thinking “YAWN” This will not be fun! I took a picture of the church and the Guide asked me to sit down on one of the
The Anglican cathedral -
Christ Church (or Church of Christ)

is a landmark historical church in Stone Town, Zanzibar, as well as one of the most prominent examples of early Christian architecture in East Africa. It was built in ten years, starting from 1873

The church is located in Mkunazini Road, in the centre of the old town, and occupies a large area where the biggest slave market of Zanzibar used to be; the construction of the cathedral was in fact intended to celebrate the end of slavery. The altar is said to be in the exact place where the main “whipping post” of the market used to be.

Edward Steere died of a heart attack when the cathedral was almost completed, and was buried behind the altar. Inside the church there is a cross that was made from the wood of the tree that grows on the place where David Livingstone's heart was buried, in Chitambo.

From Wikipedia
benches. I said no and that I prefer to stand. Actually, I wanted to leave the place.

But I had been trotting around all day and I wanted to sit down for 2 seconds. I asked the Guide if the benches was original from when they built the church.

They were original benches and I could not help but to think about all the people that have been sitting here the last 140 years. The Guide told me that they had messes every Sunday and the church was full. I was thinking “YEAH YEAH BLAHThe Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, ZanzibarBLAH Let's go!”

But I never said anything and I was about to step outside when my Guide pointed to wooden cross. He told me that the cross was made from wood from the three growing over Dr Livingstone's heart.

My Guide told me that Dr Livingstone wanted to be buried in Africa and when he died they took out his heart and sent theThe Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, Zanzibarbody to England. His heart are buried in today's Zambia.

I knew foock all about Dr Livingstone, I just thought it was a
David Livingstone

(19 March 1813 – 1 May 1873) was a Scottish Congregationalist pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and an explorer in Africa. His meeting with H. M. Stanley on 10 November 1871 gave rise to the popular quotation "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"

Perhaps one of the most popular national heroes of the late 19th century in Victorian Britain, Livingstone had a mythic status, which operated on a number of interconnected levels: Protestant missionary martyr, working-class "rags to riches" inspirational story, scientific investigator and explorer, imperial reformer, anti-slavery crusader, and advocate of commercial empire.

His fame as an explorer helped drive forward the obsession with discovering the sources of the River Nile that formed the culmination of the classic period of European geographical discovery and colonial penetration of the African continent.

“And if my disclosures regarding the terrible Ujijian slavery should lead to the suppression of the East Coast slave trade, I shall regard that as a greater matter by far than the discovery of all the Nile sources together.” – Livingstone in a letter to the editor of the New York Herald

Livingstone's letters, books, and journals did stir up public support for the abolition of slavery; however, he became humiliatingly dependent for assistance on the very slave-traders whom he wished to put out of business. Because he was a poor leader of his peers, he ended up on his last expedition as an individualist explorer with servants and porters but no expert support around him. At the same time he did not use the brutal methods of maverick explorers such as Stanley to keep his retinue of porters in line and his supplies secure.

For these reasons from 1867 onwards he accepted help and hospitality from Mohamad Bogharib and Mohamad bin Saleh (also known as "Mpamari"), traders who kept and traded in slaves, as he recounts in his journals, and they benefited from Livingstone's influence with local people, which facilitated Mpamari's release from bondage to Mwata Kazembe. Livingstone was furious to discover some of the replacement porters sent at his request from Ujiji were slaves.

from Wikipedia
explorer/ missionary forcing Christianity on Africans in change for either glass pears or death. So I was surprised that Dr Livingstone was so popular here in Africa.

My Guide turned out to be excellent and suddenly my day had turned from a stupid 650 US$ tour to something very interesting. I was no longer tired and we walked around the church.

According to my Guide Dr Livingstone was in England managing to persuade the Government to stop the slavery.
The Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, Zanzibar
They managed to stop the slave trade in Zanzibar and they built the church over the market place and the altar is over the “whipping posts”. Marked with red stones symbolising the blood from the slaves.

The slaves were whipped to see how strong they were. The more they could stand the more expensive they were. OK, now I know what you’re thinking. Just to start crying after the first whipping and they would stop. Yes, then it was back to the cells and then up again the next auction.

Stone Town, Zanzibar - Slave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ Church in Stone Town

Slave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, Zanzibar
The Anglican cathedral Christ Church

Slave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, Zanzibar
House with the slave cells in the basement

Slave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Cell for 75 slaves

Slave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Cell for 50 women and children

Slave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, Zanzibar

We went down to have a look at the slave cells when we were ready in the church. This is where the slaves styed between the auctions. And I don't even think we can imagine how it must have been toSlave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ Church - Stone Town, Zanzibarstay there, 75 slaves in a small room. Many people died of suffocation and starvation. Beyond comprehension, the human are for sure the crown on top of someone’s creation.

My Guide told me the Arabs raided villages and took the slaves and brought them here.
- Whoa Whoa, hold it right there, I said.

I'm feed up to hear about how they stole the slaves from Africa. In Sweden they always say the white man did this and that, and everything wrong with Africa is blamed on the white man.

I'm sure the Arabs raided villages but they also bought slaves. Like the Europeans did. Africans sold other Africans and they still do it today. And still we only hear how the slavery can be blamed on the white man. I don't buy that and for sure, I don't feel guilt
- We have stolen the riches from Africa
- What have YOU stole? I have stolen foock all

Yes, just because there are very poor people in Africa don't mean that I have stolen something. The African leaders have so much money they have stolen from their people, I have foock all. IStone Town, Zanzibartold this to my Guide. Now he told me that the Chiefs in the tribes were selling their people.

And they also had war between the tribes and they stole people. Slavery was around long before the Europeans showed up, and it is still rampant in today’s Africa.

I asked the Guide why he didn't told me about this. Only how the Arabs came here to steal people. Well, he didn't know. OK, the visit to the slave market and The Anglican cathedral Christ ChurchStone Town, Zanzibarhad been very interesting and I had learnt a few things. The Guide handed me over to the red dressed Guide again.

This foocker, someone they just had picked up along the road and I was really pissed off. The guide at the slave market knew his stuff and it had been fun. But the red dressed foocker, what a pointless tour it was. Now we were going to see the Old Fort and then we were going to a hotel with the “best view” over Stone Town.

I bought a bottle of water on the way to the old fort, can't say that I was looking forward to see the old fort. And we had been in a hurry since we started.

I will do a Sunset Cruise at 17:00 and we were in a hurry to make it in time. We had lost two hours when they missed to pick me up at the ferry. We had to go to the prison island to see some turtles before going on the sunset cruise.

The old fort wasn't much more than a ruin and vendors selling souvenirs. We passed the area in a few seconds in a hurry to get to the spectacular view from the roof top.

I told my Guide that I had seen the Stone Town from the roof top restaurant at my hotel. But this was nothing, this was the best view in town.

Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar

Nephilla spider in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Nephilla spider
My Guide: This spider is very dangerous and can kill you
Me: You're a TWAT!!!                                                              

Nephilla spider in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Nephilla spider
My Guide: This spider is very dangerous and can kill you
Me: You're a TWAT!!!                                                              

Stone Town, Zanzibar
View from the roof top - Impressive?

Stone Town, Zanzibar
View from the roof top - Impressive?

We walked through the old fort and the hotel with the GRAND view was just next door. We passed some Nephilla spiders outside the old fort.
My Guide: This spider is very dangerous and can kill you
Me: You're a TWAT!!!

This Guide was really something else. A paid tour with a tour company and they come up with this.Stone Town, ZanzibarReading the internet about dangers in Zanzibar. Several warnings about the “Beach boys”

Of course, I would never had mixed up with this guy and I told him to foock off several times at the ferry terminal and at the first hotel. And on my way to my hotel. And he was part of my itinerary: “Enjoy time in the fascinating capital of Zanzibar, Stone Town. Check in at the hotel then continue with Stone town tour and prison Island Tour, return to City centre”

If you ever come to Zanzibar, walk around town by yourself. NEVER EVER pay a tour company. They go down to the ferry terminal and pick a guy for 2 dollars and you pay the tour company premium dollars. The view from the hotel, well, it was a lot of rusty roofs to see and we were soonTour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibarout of there.

We walked down to the beach and the boat that was going to take us to the prison island. Yet another 5 dollar attraction I had paid premium dollars for.

We came down to the beach and it was around 3 o'clock and we didn't had much time if we should make it back in time for the sunset cruise leaving at 5 o'clock. I asked them to pull up the boat on the beach so I could get in without destroying my safari boots. And I would not take off my shoes, OK, to get in is no problem. But to come back and my foot would be full of sand coming ashore. And then to take on my shoes and safari socks?
- You have to take off your shoes!
- I'm not taking off my shoes
- Why?
- None of your foocking business!

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
They come to pick me up at the jetty

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Leaving Stone Town behind

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
The House of Wonders or Palace of Wonders (in Arabic: Beit-al-Ajaib) in Stone Town

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
On the way to Prison Island
Me: How long time to Prison Island?
My Guide: 10 to 15 minutes               
Me: You're a TWAT!!!                          
I saw how far it was and I noticed our speed and I realised that this was impossible

He pointed at a jetty and they would go there to pick me up. I got in to the boat and I told my Guide that Ineeded to take of my shoes? He was sitting thereYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwith a smirk on his face. And believe me, I'm a peaceful guy, but I was so close to wipe the smirk of his face. I'm mean to hit him, not to inflict pain, but to hurt him.

He said sorry and he gave me his hand. When was the last time he washed his hands? I never took is hand, and I cannot print what I thought about this tour and the Guide.

This was a full-fledged idiot or as they say in Germany: Doppel Idiot. He is poor and he will always be poor. He is a no hoper,
The House of Wonders or Palace of Wonders (in Arabic: Beit-al-Ajaib)

is a landmark building in Stone Town, Zanzibar. It is the largest and tallest building of Stone Town and occupies a prominent place facing the Forodhani Gardens on the old town's seafront, in Mizingani Road. It is located between the Old Fort and the Palace Museum

The palace was built in 1883 for Barghash bin Said, second Sultan of Zanzibar. It was intended as a ceremonial palace and official reception hall, celebrating modernity, and it was named "House of Wonders" because it was the first building in Zanzibar to have electricity, and also the first building of East Africa to have an elevator.

rom Wikipedia
don't know, don't want and really stupid. I respect people that do a good job, and then it is never mind what job it is. I have more respect for a plumber knowing what he do than some high paid Technician or something that know foock all.

And this Guide, I asked about the house of wonders in Stone Town as we saw the house of wonders disappear behind us. I knew it was called the house of wonders because of the electricity and it had been the biggest house in East Africa. And there was also a elevator. I asked my guideTour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibarhow old the house was
- 500 Years
- Why do they call it house of wonders?
- It's there
- When was it built?
- By the original Portuguese 300 years ago
- When did they install electricity?
- Since it was new
- 300 or 500 years ago?

I didn't know if I should cry or to laugh, and this is a Guide in Stone Town! We reached the Prison IslandTour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibarand now it was hurry hurry if we should make it back in time.

They had some Tortoises on the Prison Island and we were there to have a look at them. YAWN!!

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Tortoises is about as exciting to look at as to watch paint dry. Ok, if they are in the wild, but in a stinking park, it was really stinking there with all the salad laying around for the Tortoises to eat.

We stopped at a bar for a bottle of water before we returned to the boat on the beach. We had about 30 minutes to go in the boat to Stone Town. And we would meet someone to take me to the sunset cruise.

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Prison Island, Zanzibar

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Prison Island, Zanzibar

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Prison Island, Zanzibar

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Leaving Prison Island behind

Tour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Leaving Prison Island behind - The boat owner

As soon as we were in the boat my Guide started to tell me about tip. He told me that it was better to give the tip before arrival to the jetty where the Tour Operator would wait for us. ThisTour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibarguy had VERY obviously not have had all his vitamins when he grew up.
- TIP!!!!

What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis this? Is this candid camera? For sure, I was wondering if it was possible to be as stupid as this guy was. Seriously, this guy could not count to 20 without having to take of his shoes.

And here he is asking for tip. Obviously this guy was delusional and it was so nice to come back to Stone Town and I could leave this guy behind. 20 minutes before 5 and I had 20 minutes before it was time for the sunset cruise. The boat wasTour to Prison Island - Stone Town, Zanzibaranchored close to the beach and I went to a hotel on the beach to see if they had tea.

They had a fridge in the bar with different cakes and I chose 2 different cakes and a pot of tea. They brought the cakes and it was 2 almost full cakes coming to my table.

I thought they would bring 2 small pieces and I could not finish my cakes. I had no time to finish my tea either as the Tour Operator was on the beach giving me the sign that it was time to leave for the exciting sunset cruise. I left the hotel and I was soon on board the boat. I was lucky, it was only me and an old couple from San Francisco. We were soon putting the beach behind us.

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Drinking tea while watching them to prepare the boat for the sunset cruise

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
The beach

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
The beach

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Boarding the boat

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Time to leave

The crew on the boat was funny and they had snacks and drinks for us. I had water and some homemade cheese. Italian owner of the company and she had made someSunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibarhomemade cheese. Cheese with homemade jam and there was cinnamon in the jam.

It was excellent and i will try this at home, actually, cinnamon is very healthy and I can add it to almost anything. The crew were soon setting sail and it was a very nice evening and we enjoyed the cruise. I was happy again, the slave market and the sunset cruise made it worthwhile coming to Zanzibar.

The American guy had been studying at a university in Sweden back in the 60's so he knew snus. He could not speak Swedish, but he had read a book about Stockholm and he had recognised the street names. Yes, itSunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibarwas a nice evening and it was very peaceful to sail without having to listen to any sound from the motor.

I skipped all the snack, but the cheese and the jam was excellent, the guy came with the bowl to me all the time and I finished almost the wholebowl. They had some homemade fruit juice and I asked why they hadn't put any cinnamon in the juice.
If it works with the jam it should work with the juice. We were also passing Dr Livingstone’s house, or the house he lived in when he was in Zanzibar 140 years ago.

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Sailing to the sun set

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Sailing to the sun set

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Sailing to the sun set

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Sailing to the sun set

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Dr Livingstone's house

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Time to change course and go back to Stone Town
They have to move the sail before changing course 180°

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Time to change course and go back to Stone Town
They have to move the sail before changing course 180°

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
It was cloudy so not much of a sun set
Fishing boats leaving for the deep sea

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Fishing boat leaving for the deep sea

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Back in Stone Town

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Back in Stone Town

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Back in Stone Town

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Back in Stone Town

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Back in Stone Town

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Back in Stone Town

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Back in Stone Town

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Back in Stone Town

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Taking down the sail

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar

Sunset cruise - Stone Town, Zanzibar

We were back in Stone Town around 7 o'clock and it had been a very pleasant “cruise”. It had beenStone Town, Zanzibarfun and interesting. Now they are going to take me to Forodhani Garden for dinner

Forodhani Garden is a 3 minutes' walk from where we had got off the boat. Forodhani Garden turned out to be a square with food vendors. Not very exciting, maybe for the tourists from Europe,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbut as I live in Thailand I have seen BBQ food along the streets before. I took a few pictures and I asked the Tour Operator if there was anForodhani Garden - Stone Town, ZanzibarItalian restaurant in town. He asked me if I didn't liked the place. Well, street food and BBQ, I'm used to see this in Bangkok I explained. They are in every street corner and just because they are all gathered here in Forodhani Garden doesn't make it more exciting.

He asked if I didn't wanted to take pictures of the food
- No
I just wanted to leave, Zanzibar is a nice and beautiful place. But the people drives me crazy. Screaming about tip and offering all kinds of services. And in Forodhani Garden, well, we had notForodhani Garden - Stone Town, Zanzibareven come all the way to the park when people came towards us
- Try my food
- My food is best and cheapest

This was enough to make me want to leave. Don't they understand that they scare away the people with all the pushing. At least I go crazy listening to this after a few minutes.

And I'm not alone, plenty people are complaining about this and the tourists will soon chose another place to go for holiday. Now I have seen Zanzibar and the only thing I'm looking forward to now is to see cinnamon and vanilla at the spice farm tomorrow and I will never come back to Zanzibar again. Now I have seen it.

Forodhani Garden - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Forodhani Garden

Forodhani Garden - Stone Town, Zanzibar
Forodhani Garden

In Dar es Salaam, can't remember having seen more than 2 beggars and on Zanzibar they are everywhere. You walk down a small alley in Stone Town and they are all over you. Well, anyway, myStone Town, ZanzibarGuide told me there was a Restaurant called Mercury close to the ferry terminal and we walked there.

We reached the restaurant in 3 minutes, well, Stone Town are not big and you walk through the whole town in 15 minutes. Mercury, was surprisingly turned out not to be an Italian Restaurant. I had expected a Tour Leader to know what kind of restaurants they had in this small town. He called a driver and we took off to another Restaurant. 6degree or something like that and this should be an Italian Restaurant.

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
The driver arrived and it was the same driver that would take us on the spice tour tomorrow. It was 5 minutes to drive to the restaurant and theTenderloin Steak in Stone Town, Zanzibarplace looked very nice. I discovered that it was not an Italian Restaurant as soon as I got the menu.

I ordered a pot of tea and liver pate with onion marmalade on homemade baguette as a starter. EXCELLENT!!! I was about to ask for a second plate, but I had also ordered a 300 gr tenderloin with mashed potato and black pepper corn gravy.

I had my second pot of tea and I could see the Waitress bring my Tenderloin, it was huge. Instant disappointment, it was most fat on the Steak. Maybe 100 gr out of the 300 gr was meat. But the mashed potato was good. I asked for some dessert, some pudding topped with pineapple and some other fruit. It was so good I asked for a second plate. I paid 80,000 shilling, around 50 US$ for this feast.

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
Walking back home from the restaurant

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
Walking back home from the restaurant

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
Walking back home from the restaurant

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
Walking back home from the restaurant

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
Walking back home from the restaurant

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
Walking back home from the restaurant

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
Walking back home from the restaurant

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
Walking back home from the restaurant

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
I'm back at my hotel

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
People lining up to pay their electricity bill outside my hotel

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
I'm going to buy toothbrush and toothpaste

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
I'm going to buy toothbrush and toothpaste

Stone Town, Zanzibar - By night
I'm buying toothbrush and toothpaste

Saturday 25 th of July 2014
and I woke up around 8 o'clock. They will come to pick me up between 10 and 10 thirty for the spice tour. I went for breakfast on the roof top just before 10 and thenDr Livingstone's house in Stone Town, ZanzibarI grabbed my bag and I went down to the reception. Checking out and we took off towards the spice farm outside the town.

We arrived to the spice farm after 15 minutes and that’s including a stop at Dr Livingstone's house. I don't know, I had expected something else. This was a small place with all the spices growing for tourists. Of course, I understand that the big spice farms only grow plenty of one or two spices for export. Here they grow a few tress ofSpice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibareverything. But I had expected the place to be clean from garbage.

The guy tried to tell me the keep the “organic” products on the ground to keep the moisture in the ground during dry season. Of course I said, but is that organic? I asked pointing at plastic bottles and shit laying around.

We started to walk along, me and my Guide and we had a young boy walking with us. I suspected that this was a guy going to ask for a tip when we were ready. Yeah, just walking along expecting a tip, begging or not? They have a spice farm for tourists, they don't evenSpice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibarbother picking up the shit. Hell, they just throw the shit on the ground and then they have beggars running along with the visitors.

And then they charge you for this! Well, anyway, firs spice we passed was the Clove and I smelled the leaves and it reminded me of Christmas. Second thing we passed was a hairy fruit withSpice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibarseeds that gave away a red cream when squeezing the seeds.

I don't remember the name, but it was used for colouring red curry and the Indians use it for the RED dot. Next stop was the nutmeg tree. Then we came to the interesting stuff, the vanilla. I was mostly interested in the cinnamon and vanilla. Nutmeg is pretty much a nut in a tree. Easy to imagine this, but the vanilla is something I want to smell. And I want to taste and smell the cinnamon.

Nutmeg - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Nutmeg - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Vanilla - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Vanilla - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
I was disappointed, no smell when I broke one of the fruits

Vanilla - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
My Guide told me I had to smell the black dead fruit

Vanilla - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
My Guide told me I had to smell the black dead fruit

Red bananas - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Red bananas

Red bananas - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Red bananas

Turmeric - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Turmeric - Also known to be sold as saffron by scammers

Turmeric - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Turmeric - Also known to be sold as saffron by scammers

Pineapple - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Chocolate - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Chocolate tree

Chocolate - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Chocolate tree

Chocolate - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Chocolate tree - The red bean is ripe

Chocolate - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Chocolate tree - The red bean is ripe

Coffee - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Coffee treeYet another Smiley on

Star fruit - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Star fruit

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Building a house
Now they fill a mix of soil, cow shit and water between the branches

We passed durian and Jackfruit trees. Star fruit and the red hairy fruit and I told the Guide that I had been living in Thailand for 20 years so I was not interested in Thai fruits
- Yes
- Yes, these trees are imported from Thailand

We saw a coffee tree and chocolate tree, the chocolate tree was interesting to see. But I was asking for the cinnamon and the guide told me that it was the last spice. We walked along and we passed a pepper tree. Green, red, black and white pepper is all from the same tree.
Schweizer nötGreen pepper = Unripe fruit
Red pepper = Ripe fruit
Black pepper = dried red pepper
White pepper = Powder from boiled and peeled red pepper

The peeper was interesting to see. This tour turned out to be quite interesting, except for all the fruits as I have seen plenty of exotic fruit growing in Thailand. And as no surprise, the spices I liked was the most interesting to see.

OK, even though I never eat any chocolate it was quite niceYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto see a chocolate tree. Now I only miss the cinnamon tree and I'm out of here.

We walked towards the cinnamon three and my guide cut of a piece of the bark. It smelled like cinnamon. The cinnamon is dried bark from the cinnamon three. I have learnt a lot today.

Pepper - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Pepper tree

Pepper - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Pepper tree

Pepper - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Pepper tree

Cinnamon - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
We have cut of a piece of bark from the cinnamon tree

Cinnamon - Spice farm in Stone Town, Zanzibar
Bark and root from the cinnamon tree

The cinnamon tree, the bark smells like cinnamon and the root smells like Vicks. Exactly and myLemon grass - Spice farm in Stone Town, ZanzibarGuide told me this Vicks nose inhaler is made of the root from the cinnamon tree.

We passed lemon grass on the way back to the car. It was 12 o'clock and the Guide was shocked. Now we have 2 and a half hour to kill before my ferry back Dar es Salam is leaving. I asked what we should do.

He didn't had a clue. I had told him yesterday that he could pick me up at 11 or 12 at the hotel. I have never been at a spice farm before, but I recon an hour should have been enough. Then of to be at the ferry terminal ay 2 thirty. Kilimanjaro 4 departs at 3 thirtySpiral coconut palm Stone Town, Zanzibarand we have to report one hour before departure.

I told them that Zanzibar should be so fantastic there should be plenty to do, especially when I have hired a professional Tour Operator. Yes, do we know we're getting old when we hire tour operators? Yes, I have had everything organised for me, the Safari was a success, Zanzibar? Well, the sunset cruise and slave market was interesting. The spice farm was OK. Well, anyway, we took off and we stopped at a spiral formed coconut tree.

I took a picture and 20 seconds later we had the same problem again, how to kill the time until the ferry departs to Dar es Salaam? We drove back to Dar es Salaam and they asked if I wanted to stop at Dr. Livingstone's house
- No

They stopped at a ruin, the Sultans old Harem that burnt down 115 years ago. We stopped and a local Guide came up to the car. I walked down to the ruin and, well, it was a ruin. We could see some pillars. I was at the ruin for 2 minutes and during this 2 minutes the Guide managed to mention that there had been a wooden floor on top of the pillars 200 times.

They handed me a picture how the harem had been looking like back in the days before the fire. Impossible to see anything on this picture as it was worn out, just a grey mess remaining. We took off again. 2 hours to kill until the departure.

Stone Town, Zanzibar
A ruin

Stone Town, Zanzibar

I felt sorry for the driver and the Guide, they were desperate to come up with something to do to kill 2 hours. I think it is strange, they say Zanzibar is so fantastic and professional tour operatorsStone Town, Zanzibarcan come up with something to do for 2 hours. So as I said, one day is enough in Zanzibar. Well, anyway, I felt sorry for them and I asked for the best hotel in town.

We were soon at Serenade and I went to the restaurant where I had the best meal since arriving to Tanzania. Homemade bread, first in Tanzania. A huge avocado and a pot of tea. Then I had a bowl of spaghetti and yet another pot of tea. I asked for chocolate mousseStone Town, Zanzibarand apple pie with vanilla sauce.

The food was very good, dessert a disappointment. I called the Waitress and I asked her how it was possible for a 5 star hotel not to have whipping cream in the kitchen. Well, it was obviously only for today.

The brought a pathetic bowl of vanilla sauce for my apple pie. I called the Waitress again and she was soon bringing back a pitcher with vanilla sauce.

The food was very good and it only set me back by 46 US $, or was it 43? The best food since arriving to Zanzibar, second best was yesterday evening even though the tenderloin steak was mostly fat. Now I had 30 minutesStone Town, Zanzibarto kill before I had to report at the ferry terminal one hour prior to departure.

When I came to the hotel I met the American couple from the sunset cruise yesterday. They were going for a spice tour and then they were leaving for San Francisco tonight, a long trip and I don't envy them.

I paid my bill and I went out to the car and we were off to the ferry terminal. Took a few minutes to get there and I said good bye and I went to sit down in the business class lounge. Of course the guy there asked for a tip.
- Just before you board the ferry!

I will remember Zanzibar for the tip, begging and hassle. Otherwise it would have been a very nice place. But this was my first and only time here. I have seen cinnamon and vanilla,Ferry terminal in Stone Town, Zanzibarwhat I was interested in seeing. So if you come to Tanzania, do the safari, Zanzibar is never mind as you have already seen the cinnamon and vanilla here on

I took a seat in the lounge and I checked todays pictures before connecting to the WIFI and I spent the time waiting reading the news. Time passed quickly and they were soon calling for boarding of Kilimanjaro 4 that was going to take us to Kilimanjaro.

Kilimanjaro 4
Kilimanjaro 4

Kilimanjaro 4
Boarding Kilimanjaro 4

Kilimanjaro 4
Boarding Kilimanjaro 4

Kilimanjaro 4
On board Kilimanjaro 4

Kilimanjaro 4
Full speed towards Dar es Salaam

Roy Maersk
Roy Maersk anchored outside Dar es Salaam

Roy Maersk
Roy Maersk anchored outside Dar es Salaam

Roy Maersk
Roy Maersk anchored outside Dar es Salaam

I think I dozed off for a while and when I woke up we approached Dar es Salaam. I saw Roy Maersk anchored outside Dar es Salaam and I hope she will go alongside on the 29th. It will be nice to get on board now. I have had a very nice holiday, and the safari to end it was just perfect. But now I want to get on board Roy Maersk.

I took a taxi to my hotel and I stayed in my room as I suffered from fever. I skipped dinner and I went to bed and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully feeling better tomorrow.

Sunday 27 th of July 2014
and I woke up feeling better, at least no fever. Nausea and stomach pain, so I will most likely stay in my room the whole day. Well, I grew boring after a while and I went to the reception to look for a taxi to go for some shopping. I thought it looked empty on the streets when i looked through the windows.

They told me it was Sunday and everything was closed
- Sunday
Yeah, I had no clue what day it was bit there was a shopping mall open and I took a taxi. Turned out to be the same mall I had been at the first evening. I went in to the supermarket to look forSupermarket in Dar es SalaamGerman bread and cheese.

I stepped inside and it took me just 3 seconds to realise that they would not have any German bread and cheese here. I went in to another supermarket, same thing.

This was like the BUDGET supermarkets and no one was interested in buying imported black bread from Germany

This place was more in to the cheaper stuff, white bread, sodas and candy. The lady in front of me had bought a box with serving bowls. Italian design and pure plastic, price? 3 Dollars for a full set? Well, anyway, you know what kind of supermarketSupermarket in Dar es Salaamit was. I had no hope to find anything I wanted and as I was feeling bad I wanted to go back to Holiday Inn.

I bought 5 Snickers and I left. I was stopped at the exit and there was a girl checking all the receipts and the shopping bags. All this in order to prevent theft. One woman doing this and most of the shopping carts were full so it took quite some time before I got out.

I found my driver and we were soon on ourway back to Holiday Inn and I cancelled the dinner and I spent the rest of the day in my room. I didn't feel too good and I need to be full of vim when I get on board Roy Maersk on Tuesday.

Monday 28 th of July 2014
and I felt much better when I woke up at 9 o'clock. I spent most of the day in my room and in the afternoon I decided to go for a constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stOur Agent called and they will call me at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning for the latest news about Roy Maersk.

Dar es Salaam
Monday afternoon in Dar es Salaam

Well, nice that things start to happening. Maybe joining tomorrow late afternoon. I don't know where we will go after discharging here in Dar es Dalaam, but I will have to send my ballots for theSverigedemokraternaelection in September 2014. I'm not allowed to send them before 31st of July. And I was so close to forget my ballots when I leftShanty town in Swedenfor the airport.

In the nick of time and I remembered my ballots and now I will not waste my vote. Every vote is important now, Sweden is a sinking ship.

From the best schools in the world to the bottom of the list. You won’t believe it, but we have students 17 years old that don't know the clock unless it is a digital clock. Students, 17 years old that don't know how many mm it goes on a decimetre. This is high school students!!!! And they have passed the nine-year compulsory school. Foocking unbelievable, I could not believe my ears when I heard it on the radio.

Shanty town in Sweden 2014
Shanty Towns in Sweden 2014 - Something has gone seriously wrong

Shanty town in Sweden 2014
Shanty Towns in Sweden 2014 - Something has gone seriously wrong

I remember coming to USA 20 to 30 years ago and when you said you were from Sweden theycalled you a communist. When you say you're from Sweden today they say that Sweden is a very nice country. What a difference now when USA have hit rock bottom. (Europe is not far behind)
- Good welfare and security
- Yeah, that was 20 to 30 years ago

Today the whole thing have capsized but I don't bother to explain. I just say that it is a huge difference from Sverigedemokraterna TV back in the days when they called us communists.

2014 and we have shanty towns in Sweden, tent camps and housing built by garbage. So all the votes are needed to get Sweden back on the right track. Open borders for cheap labour from all the poor parts of the world. And they are wondering why the difference between the classes are increasing.

No one pay tax and school and health care is going down the drain. 17 years old and don't know how to tell the time. 30 students in a class room and suddenly one day they dump 10 Somalian children in the class room. Importing illiterates from Africa and put them in a Swedish school class.

Yes, you don't need to be Einstein to figure out how this will end. This year they will take in 80,000 ++ people to Sweden, 1 % of the whole population and how many tax payers does it take to support these 80,000++ new Swedes? This will not end well! Well, the whole globalisation is very good if you have a company, your work force is getting cheaper by the year.


I just have to put a picture here that I found in The Nation
EU, what a sad organisation this is
The Nation
The Nation

Well, this is it from Dar es Salaam and Tanzania. It have been great, but now it is time to “KICK ASS” again and time to join M/T Roy Maersk

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