OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
DE/T Randgrid
Picture by S. Ludvigsen. I got this picture from www.captainsvoyage-forum.com

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Tuesday 16 th of August 2011 and I have packed my bags and I'm ready to leave for
The Heidrun oil field
is an oil and gas field discovered in 1985 in the Norwegian sector of the Norwegian Sea, named after the goat Heiðrún from Norse mythology.

The field lies 175 kilometres West of Kristiansund. It has produced oil and gas since October 1995, and had a production of 165,000 barrels (26,200 m3) of oil and 650 thousand cubic meter of natural gas per day in 2004. Its production in 2006 was estimated at 3 million cubic meter of natural gas and 140,000 barrels (22,000 m3) of oil a day. The crude oil is characterized as being naphthenic with 25.0 API (0.9043 g/cm3), 0.52% sulphur and a high 2.90 TAN (Total Acid Number).

The Heidrun field is located on Haltenbanken in the Norwegian Sea. The sea depth in the area is 350 metres. The field has been developed with a floating concrete tension leg platform, installed over a subsea template with 56 well slots. The northern part of the field is developed with subsea facilities.

From Wikipedia
Suvarnabhumi airport. And this time I have packed a HELICOPTER PACKING. I will join DE/T Randgrid at Heidrun oil field soAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridwe're flying with helicopter from Kristiansund. So soft bags only and I hope that they won't complain about my lap top.

I bring 3 cameras and I hope I can have one in the helicopter so I can get a few pictures of the ship from above. When I did my HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) in Manila they told me that we were not allowed to have any lose objects in the cabin.

But a small camera, well, we have to see. But we can take this opportunity to make a quick refresh of my HUET course in Manila, so it is time for yet another stupid slide show on www.aladdin.st. Yeah, it was a long time ago now.

Yes, I had prepared everything and I was ready to take off to Bangkok Fight Club. The sky opened up just as I was about to leave and I could not leave with my camera around my neck. Luckily enough the shower turned in to a drizzle and I could leave a few minutes late.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
My camera got wet, of course, but id the camera can't stand a little bit of water they can as well give up selling cameras in Bangkok, at least during the rainy season. When I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club our Teacher wanted me to take a picture of him because he was soaking wet as well.

We had been sparring yesterday but I could not participate because no helmets. Our teacher told me that he would bring helmets tomorrow and he had brought a bag of them, good, we can kick some arse on my last boxing session before leaving for Norway.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBut before we start with the sparring we had to warm up and what a surprise, the Thai navyAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNstuff. Jogging on the spot and some other exercises before we could start the sparring. There were 3 girls and one guy. So I was sparring with the guy and the girlsAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtook turns sparring with each others.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI did two rounds with the American guy and then something happened with his shoulder so I did the last round with our Teacher. Yes, it turned out to be a nice evening at Bangkok Fight Club
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I left Bangkok Fight Club earlier than the others, not much earlier. But I had booked my car for 10 and they use to be there early and I wouldn't mind being at the airport a little earlier. I had planned to eat some salmon sushi before departure.

We did station 1 to 3 and when everyone was finished our Teacher came up with station #4 and when I finished station #4 I left. It was still raining but this time I didn't had time to wait for the rain to stop. I just threw myself out in the rain.
I walked straight back home with a stop for one bottle of Diet MAX at my local 7 Eleven
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I saw the AOT car on my parking lot when I came home 5 past 9. He had just arrived and I toldAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe driver that I would be down in a 15 minutes.
- No problem, take your time!
Back in my apartment I opened my Diet MAX and I started my computer. I started to send some of the pictures to my Teacher's Facebook and after 20 minutes I went for a shower and I was in the car quarter to 10.

It took me a little longer than 15 minutes thanks to the Facebook pictures to my Teacher. But there were no traffic and we arrived to Suvarnabhumi airport in 30 minutes and I dropped my luggage at Thai's Check in. I had already checked in on Thai Airways flight TH 954 to Oslo on the internet and I had an aisle seat. Good, I had checked in and I had plenty time for salmon sushi.Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI went to the immigration. DARN!

There must have been millions of people and it looked like there was no order at all. Where the f@ck does the lineAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNstart? Well, I just squeezed me self in to the crowd hopping that we were moving in the right direction. Obviously the way to go is in a wheel chairor with a baby, these people were just passing the line.

It amazes me, all these sex tourists turning cartwheelsdown the roads of the red lightdistrict, but as soon as the approach an airport they need a f@cking wheelchair.

And if you're coming around the corner with a baby, well, that means free access and pass before everyone else. And on top of that you're allowed to keep a whole flight wide awake all night long with your screaming baby.

I had expected to spend most of the time queue up for the immigration. But I had passed theimmigration and security after 40 minutes of something so I had plenty time to collect my VAT refund. The VAT refund is conveniently located next to the Japanese restaurant.

I received 3600 plus some small bills and coins at the VAT refund from my camerapurchase and I felt like I had done the deal of my life. My pockets were full of money and I was in a good mood when I entered the Japanese restaurant. But my mood turned in to a gloomy mood when I asked for the bill.
- What the

I know that you pay more at the airport, same all over the world. But a few sushi and my VATAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNrefund where almost gone. Eating like this at my Japanese restaurant at Prasanmit plaza usually sets me back by 3 or 400 Baht.

I left the please and I passed a place called the Golden Mango or something like that. I saw that they sold Mango with sticky rice so I went inside to check out their Mango.

I had a pot of tea with my mango, and a cinnamon roll and a cheese & ham sandwich to start it off with. And I discovered ne stupid rules, safety and security rules,, and I won't be the least bit surprised if I find out that they originates from America. You're allowed fork and spoon, but not a knife. So they brought me a 30 cm longAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNstainless steel fork and a small plastic knofe.
- What is this? I don't want a plastic spoon!
- New rules.

So it is more dangerous with a blunt knife than with a fork. Yes, you have passed security and it would be easy to sneak onboard the plane with the knife. But what about the cutlery with your onboard meal? Or a bottle of TAX FREE vodka in your head.
I don't think the knifes at the airport restaurants are ant threat to aviation safety. Well, I think these people coming up with all the stupid rules are a greater threat because obviously they can't come up with any useful ideas on how to stop dangerous people boarding the planes.

Wednesday 17 th of August 2011
and we had to take a bus to our flight. Yes, I really love the bus trip from the gate to the plane, but I was pleasantly surprised to take my seat, 35D on the Boeing 777. I must have goon from 2, 8 meters between the back pockets to a more normal size. It was a quite comfy seat and I had 10 cm between my knees and the seat in front of me.

Comfy, well, for 30 minutes and then it was like “TAKE ME OUT OF HERE” I was dead tired but I didn't managed to fall asleep so I popped a sleeping pill and I woke up just before 5 o'clock Norwegian time and we had about 2 hours to go to Oslo.
Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 954
I went back to the galley and I drank 2 cups of tea before I returned to my seat. They were soon bringing our breakfast and I don't know why they bother. My omelette was full of mushrooms so I could not eat the darn thing. But I had 6 or 7 cups of tea.

Thai Airways and good service as always.
- Tea or coffee?
- Tea, with a notch of milk thanks'.
The Steward handed me my cup and when he turned around I had emptied the cup. They were really not very big so it took me exactly 3 seconds to finish a cup of tea.
- Excuse me, can I have a cup of tea with a notch of milk?
He poured me another cup and when we had repeated the procedure for 6 or 7 times I was satisfied.

There were plenty of beautiful girls onboard, I never seen so many beautiful girls on a flight before. Must be the Norwegian oil millionaires attracting all these beauties. There was one girl in thePorky, the human balloonrow next to me, maybe 18 to 20 and she could not put her bag in the over head compartment.

I don't like to get any unnecessary attention so I was sitting there starring in the ceilingpretending not to see anything. Yes, would have been a dream come true to have all the passengers looking at me thinking “Look at Porky the human balloon harassing the poor girl” And of course, I had managed to get my arse down between the armrest and the safety belt on so I was in no mood to move anywhere.

But help me God, this girl was fighting with her bag and she almostThe TWO-TON Supermanmanaged to tip her bag in to the over head compartment for the fifteenth time when she was about to flip over and fall on the floor with her bag over head. The girl really needed help.
I rose from my chair with a plop. My arse came out of the chair like a cork from a wine bottle.
- Do you need help?
Stupid question, the girl was crying desperately trying to get her bag in to the over head compartment. I took her bag and I put it in the over head compartment and I sat down again transformed from Porky the human balloon to the 2-ton Superman.

Arriving to Oslo and after 11 hours plus on the aircraft it was the usual fight to get off the planeAladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 954first of all. People were climbing the seats to get out of there.
Problem to open the door and, well, I don't know what they did and they had to call the Pilot and he opened the door and we were out of the plane.

I said good bye to the Stewardess that had served our section, one of the most beautiful Stewardesses I had ever seen. And amazing how she had managed to stay friendly andhelpful during the whole flight. Stepping out of the plane and I discover wheel chairs.You have seen it on the TV news, at an accident how the ambulances are lined up waiting to take people to the hospital. I'm sure you know the scene. OK, imagine the scene but swap the ambulancesfor wheel chairs and you know how it looked outside the door when I stepped off the plane. Turning cartwheels down Sukhumvit harassing every young girl you happens to pass on your way. But back home it is back in the wheel chair.

Well, we trotted on and on, unbelievable how long it was to the luggage claim area. Oslo International must have won some prize, or at least received a honourable mention for
“The smallest airport in the world with the longest way for arriving passengers to trot to reach the luggage claim area”
Aladdin's adventure in Oslo
There was a tax free shop for arriving passengers. I went to check out if they had snus. They had!
I took as much as I could carry and I went to the Cashier. She disappeared behind my mountain of snus that I dropped in front of her.
- Do you have 500 boarding pass
- What?? No but I have one.
- Then you can only buy 5 cans
- Are you joking?
She removed all my snus and I could leave with 5 cans, practically as much as nothing. I bought 20 cans in a Kiosk on my way to the domestic check in 2000 Kr and that's 10000 Baht for 20 cans of snus. I shat my self
- What the
But I had no choice, so I paid the girl and I went to check in on my domestic flight to Kristiansund. I have to kill 4 hours at Oslo airport before my next flight. So I was looking for a coffee shop with internet so I could upload my web page and I would also like to send the rest of my pictures to the Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club.
Aladdin's adventure in Oslo

Aladdin's adventure in Oslo
And a shower would have been nice. Even though I have a nice shirt I wouldn't have minded to change clothes. I remember when I went to the custom back in Bangkok. Have to get a stamp an the VAT return form before check in at the custom before I can get the money inside the airport. There were a few people in front of me and they had to show all the stuff they had bought beforeAladdin's adventure in Oslothey got their stamp. When it was my turn.
- Nice shirt!
- How much did you pay?
- Where did you buy it?
- Never mind you camera, we don't need to see it.

They must stamp my VAT form and I was out of there Well, anyway, I will have to wear the darn shirt for a few hours more. I pitched camp at the MonollitensAladdin's adventure in Oslorestaurant at Oslo Airport. 2000 Baht for 2 lousy salmon sandwiches and some tea. Well, must be nice to live in Norway, where ever you go in the world it will be like everything is for free comparing with the prizes in Norway.
Aladdin's adventure in Oslo
I spent a little more than 2 hours at the restaurant before I left for gate 17 and SAS's flight SKAladdin's adventure onboard SAS flight SK 2303 to Kristiansund2303 to Kristiansund.

It was about 45 minutes to Kristiansund from Oslo and I was halfAladdin's adventure onboard SAS flight SK 2303 to Kristiansundasleep all the time and when we approached Kristiansund I looked out the window and I discovered that we were passing just over one of the Norwegian salmon farms. Maybe the very same that have produced the salmon I use to eat.

Well. Who knows? We landed a few minutes later, but first we flew over the city of Kristiansund.

Kristiansund airport is very small and I think most of the passengers were for the oil rigs, supply ships and the shuttle tankers operating on the Norwegian oil fields. So the oil industry is very important around here. So much employment and business opportunities just because of the oil.
Aladdin's adventure onboard SAS flight SK 2303 to Kristiansund

Aladdin's adventure onboard SAS flight SK 2303 to Kristiansund

Aladdin's adventure onboard SAS flight SK 2303 to Kristiansund
Arriving to Kristiansund and I didn't had a clue what was going to happen. But we passed a heliportAladdin's adventure onboard SAS flight SK 2303 to Kristiansundso my guess is that I would have to go in that direction if I was going to join DE/T Randgrid with helicopter. But we have to see if there is any Agent waiting for me.

There were a few TK bags coming on the luggage belt so I was not the only one joining a TK ship, but was it the same ship? I took my bag and as there wasn't any agent I walked towards the heliport.
CHC Helikopter Service,
previously CHC Norway, CHC Helikopter Service and Helikopter Service was the Norwegian division of CHC Helicopter Corporation. The airline was an independent company until 1999. It operates primarily to oil platforms on the Norwegian continental shelf in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea, with crew change, infield shuttle and search and rescue operations. Though the global headquarters are in Richmond, B.C., Canada, the company has its main base at Stavanger Airport, Sola.

Accidents and incidents
•On 26 June 1978 all 18 crew and passengers on Sikorsky died when it crashed 87 nautical miles (161 km) northwest of Bergen, probably because the rotor loosened from the rotor head.

•On 1 March 1988 a Super-Puma helicopter had to perform a controlled emergency landing on a cargo ship 100 nautical miles (190 km) west of Egersund. No one was hurt.

•On 16 July 1988 a Super-Puma helicopter had to perform an emergency landing in the North Sea. Everyone was picked up by another helicopter.

•On 18 January 1996 the Super-Puma helicopter registered LN-OBP was forced to perform an emergency landing in the North Sea some 200 kilometres south-west of Egersund. All passengers survived and the helicopter was still floating 3 days later. Subsequently[when?] the remains of the helicopter went for rebuilding by the students at the aviation technical school at Sola, Norway

•On 8 September 1997 the AS332 L1 Super-Puma registered "LN-OPG by Helikopter Service, while flying from Brønnøysund to the Norne oil field suffered a catastrophic main gearbox failure and crashes killing all 12 aboard.

From Wikipedia
It was about 200 meters to walk and there was a crowd of people with TK bags outside the heliport and I asked if they were joining Randgrid.
- Yes, some of us and some of us will Join Navion Britannia
- Where do I check in?
And the guy that turned out to beAladdin's adventure with CHC Helikopter Service in KristiansundChief Officer Jr onboard Randgrid showed me in the right direction.

It was like a normal airport but the destinations were different
Flight 195 Randgrid Navion
Flight XXX Far solstad and so on. All supply vessels, oil rigs and shuttle tankers. Check in and security was the same as on a normal flight, except that you had toAladdin's adventure with CHC Helikopter Service in Kristiansundtag you own luggage and that they took the luggage after the security. And they took my camera, not allowed onboard.

DARN! I had expected some nice pictures of the ship when approaching with the helicopter. We got a survival suit that we had to wear during the flight and then we had to watch a safety movie before it wasAladdin's adventure with CHC Helikopter Service in Kristiansundtime to board the helicopter. The helicopter was making two stops, both TK shuttle tankers and first stop was Randgrid before proceeding to Navion Britannia.

The flight took around one hour and we landed on the helipad onboard DE/T Randgrid just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon
Here we go again
So we have reached the end of my web page? Not yet! But we have reached the tricky part.

Here we have an example of what we call a “TEXT LINK” in HTML coding, a word that you double click to get to another page. That's why they call it a link. Different colour, standard colour for a link is blue underlined text, and an already visited link turns from blue to purple.

Those colours can of course be changed by the person writing the code.

So on your left hand side you have different underlined words in blue (Purple if the link has been clicked already)

So go ahead, check it out! How hard can it be? Sohopefully no more:
- Aladdin, I can't see my pictures!
- Aladdin, my wife can't see my pictures!
- Aladdin, my children can't see my pictures!
and I was onboard. If you're interesting to follow Aladdin's fight against obesity and baldness just follow one ofthe following months:
August 2011
september 2011
And all about Aladdin's adventure during his holiday back home in FUNKY TOWN September 2011

I joined DE/T Randgrid on the 17th of August 2011.
We did the following voyages before I signed off on the 14th of September 2011:
Voyage No.
Load Port
Discharge Port


Heidrun Oil Field
I joined the ship

Full cargo of crude oil



Heidrun Oil Field
I will sign off the ship

Full cargo of crude oil


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