Written onboard M/T Ek-Star August 2010

S/S Ingo 17th of May 1990

Thursday 17 th of May 1990 and it was Norway's national day. But this was not the reason for usFrasses, Kvarnberget Göteborgto meet at Frasses at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget.
The guys at Frasses had arranged a trip with S/S Ingo , an old schooner. At least I think it was the guys at Frasses that had arranged the trip. At least theyFrasses, Kvarnberget Göteborgprovided us with the beers. Maybe the mostimportant, yes, I'm pretty sure it would have been a pretty dull experience without the beers.

It was a Thursday so I don't remember if we left in theFrasses, Kvarnberget Göteborgafternoon or in the late morning. But I don't think that anyone was thinking about school.

Frasses supplied with beer and we had to bring our own food. I had bought spare ribs, a few kilos.
(I did eat exactly ZIP spare ribs) I had planned to buy aFrasses, Kvarnberget Göteborgbucket of potato salad, but my friend stopped me. And I was stupid enough to let him talk me in to the idea.
- HEY! It's easy to make our own potato salad!
- Yes, anyone can make potato salad. But not a tasty potato salad.
- I know how to do.
Well, turned out that we would have been better off if we had bought the darn salad.

And hey! My second picture and I discover the clock.Frasses, Kvarnberget Göteborg23 minutes before 12 o'clock. So now we know the time of the day. But I guess the time was of no concern. NoFrasses, Kvarnberget Göteborgmatter what the time was we drank beer.

I don't know what time we left Frasses but most of the people going with the tour had arrived and the rest would show up at the jetty.

We walked to the ship, just down from Kvarnberget and over the street and we were at the jetty.

Kvarnberget Göteborg
Kvarnberget Göteborg
Kvarnberget Göteborg
We arrived to Ingo and I remember that we had to wait for some time before we left. But we had plenty beers thanks’ to the guys running Frasses, also the only two members in the Entertainment & Party Committee. Well, I will put a slide show here for you to watch and I will relax while you're watching the pictures. Actually, I will go take a shower so enjoy the slide show!
Slide Show from S/S Ingo

It was as I remember it a very beautiful spring 1990. Gorgeous weather from April to May. ButFrasses, Kvarnberget Göteborgwhen on Ingo close to the cold water it became a wee bit cold in the night. So it was nice when we came backFrasses, Kvarnberget Göteborgto the jetty.

I don't know what time it was, but it was pitch dark. Well, not pitch dark, it never become pitch dark in Sweden this time of the year. But, anyway, in Sweden around 17th of May that would mean between 10 and midnight.

Never mind the time, Frasses never close. So we walked to Frasses for more beer.

Friday 18 th of May 1990
and we remember the GRAND OPENING of Frasses back on the 6th ofFrasses, Kvarnberget GöteborgApril. There was one rule they had set up. No more sleeping at school. And we remember that we broke that rule already the first day.

And waking up on the 18th of May I discovered that I was at Frasses. And not alone. There were quite a few people and we got right on to the beer drinking again.

It was spring time so everyone was in a good mood.

Frasses, Kvarnberget GöteborgAnd on top of that we had the summer holidayapproaching. And for me, I was finishing school in a week or so. So I was pretty happy and this was a time ofparty,almostevery day, as students are allowed to have.

When the present Entertainment & Party committee took over there was a vending machine and 20 dollars in cash. When they opened Frasses they were quickly becoming the brewery’s biggest customer in Gothenburg. Once or twice a week we could hear the truck backing up on Kvarnberget. Bip-Bip-Bip-Bip. Now there is beer coming! So they were soon having money so they could by an old Cadillac hearse.
And it was not like they made any profit on the beer, 25 cent per beer sold, tops.
Well, we were going to visit a guy with a house on Lindholmen so we filled up the hearse with beers and we took off to the other side of Göta Älv to drink a few beers in the sunshine.

We arrived and we carried the beer cases up a small hill or mountain. Our friend had his house with a beautiful view over Göta Älv. We drank our beer and we ordered pizza.
And yes, of course, I miss this time. 20 years old and sunshine. At this age it’s allowed to sit down having a beer pretty much where ever you want. Playing music is no problem and if there were any girls passing. They just thought that we were some nice guys having a good time.
- Can we join you? You seem to have a good time.
Of course, it's a different story drinking beer in the park when you're pushing 58.
- Look at those guys. Full blown alcoholics without jobs!
I remember this day quite well, but I don't remember how it ended. On Columbus? I have no clue.Frasses, Kvarnberget GöteborgBut I know that we returned to Frasses.

So we loaded all the empty bottles in the hearse and we drove backGöteborgto Frasses. Who drove? I have no clue.

But as you can see on the car this was nothing you drove around in after a beeror two. As soon as the Police spottedthis car it was stop and Alco test. But if youSjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget  Göteborgwanted to lose your driving license that wouldSjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget  Göteborghave been the way to go.

We parked the car in the garage and two of the future Engineers returned home and we went to Frasses.

Wednesday 18 th of May 1990
and we were back at Frasses drinking beer. I must have finished myOn the way to Helsingborgevening school by then. Because me and my friend weOn the way to Helsingborgleft with the train to Helsingborg and thus I would have missed my evening classes.

According to Sjöbefälsskolan's Entertainment & Party Committee. Good, now we have beers to last us until Helsingborg.
The world is small and we ended up behind an AB I had worked with on Nordic Link aOn the way to Helsingborgfew years back. He was not afraid for beer and I don't know how we ended up in a compartment.
- Hmm, maybe we had to move around when the other passengers got embarrassed.

Of course, I had my entertainment centre with me and we had Kal P Dal blasting high.

I remember my friend, I was at the bathroom and when I walked back to our compartment I saw puke on the window. I didn't know that it was puke, butOn the way to Helsingborgwhen I reached our compartment andmy friend was hanging out the window pukingI understood.

Well, they didn't throw us off the train. My friend felt asleep and therewas more beer for me.

We should meet my brother and his friends at Källarkrogen and they were waiting for us when the train arrived.

They had a dedicated driver that would take us to Höganäs Motorklubb in, which I thought was strange, Strandbaden. And back thenOn the way to Helsingborgwe managed to arrange all this without mobile phone. We called from Gothenburg.

- We will arrive at that time.
- OK, we wait for you at Källarkrogen
Easy, but today when everyone has a mobile phone people can't manage to make it to the simplest meeting agreement. Strange.

Källarkrogen, HelsingborgWell, my friend never recovered from the train trip. He felt asleep and he was pretty much sleeping the whole evening.

I had to carry him from theOn the way to Höganäs Motorklubbtrain and we had to carry him to the car.

I think we used two cars to get to Höganäs Motorklubb, there was too many of us for one car.
Höganäs Motorklubb
Höganäs Motorklubb
Höganäs Motorklubb
So when we arrived we had to carry my friend and we put him on a table and he was sleeping theHöganäs Motorklubbwhole evening. And that's even though he slept just inHöganäs Motorklubbfront of a band playing music at full blast.

Well, can happen to anyone. Actually, happened to myself a few times. But I always suspect that they have dropped a Mickeyin my beer.
Höganäs Motorklubb
At Höganäs Motorklubb I meet a gay I had been in Kindergarten with. Well, not Kindergarten, but in compulsory school. I had not seen him for a while.

And as he knew the guy from Skåne in Sjöbefälsskolan's Entertainment & Party committee he wanted to go to visit him in Gothenburg.

I really don't remember where I and my friend had planned to sleep, most likely at myHöganäs Motorklubbbrother and his friend’s place. But as my old school mate wanted toHöganäs Motorklubbgo to Gothenburg we could as well join.

I mean, my frienddidn't bother. I don't think he even had a cluewhere he was.

Well, it's party and this is how it’s supposed to be, right?
Filling gas in Strandbaden
Well, we filled up his car with gas and we left Strandbaden behind with no backward glances. WeOn the way back to Göteborgheaded for the high way to Gothenburg

It was, well, maybe 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning and no traffic on the high way. So we arrived to my student home around 5 or 6 in the morning.

We were going to find something to drink so I woke up one of the girls there.
Frasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborg- Psst, do you have a bottle of wine?
Do you think I got a bottle of wine. I got one on myFrasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborglip. And it was not akiss. No, she got very angry.

So we drove to Hisingen to meet our friend, the half of Sjöbefälsskolan's Entertainment & Party committee that comes from Skåne. He was glad to see us early morning so he got dressed in a jiff and we were off to Frasses.

Frasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborg
Frasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborg
Our sleeping beauty continued to sleep until he suddenly sprung out of the sofa around lunch and heFrasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - GöteborgFrasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborgwent home. Jesus, is it possible to sleep that much?

The time passes by and more and more people dropped by Frasses. Our own “Mr. I do my ownFrasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborgpotato salad” came by. He also knew our driver from Skåne. I don't know, but I think he went back homeFrasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborgto get a shavingkit. He lived a 2 minutes' walk from school so he was back in a jiffy with the equipment.
- You look like Farmer John! You need a shave!
Frasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborg- OK, let's get rid of it!

Well, school was more or less over and we could notice that the last few days of party had claimed its victims. We very tiredand there wasFrasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborgno spark and enthusiasm in the beer drinking any more.

Last few days of party, who do I try to fool? The last two years of party is more like it. Well, it will be nice to go work again. But I was very satisfied with my 2 last years in school. It had been very fun.

Frasses@Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborg
Last drink before I left for my ship, we had them in my student room and I had two friends at myplace drinking Vodka. My neighbours came from 2 floors below and complained about the music. One of my friends opened the door.

- The music.....
- F@CK OFF!!
- But he......

He slammed the door shut. And it was time to go to town and when we came out on the yard my friends tried to steal a bike. They had a stone trying to knock of the lock from the pushbike.
- What theare you doing??!!
The banging was heard in the whole area and it took 2 minutes and the balconies in the apartments around the yard were full of people screaming at my friends. Yes, yet another one of those occasions when I had to leave and enter the student home through the basement.

And for sure, I can't understand how I could afford to keep it up back then. Student, I had a car and later on a Vespa.

Party most of the days. I bought my entertainment centre and I remember when I bought my Nakamichi deck back then. More than 1000 US and I think I spent 5000 US on my darn stereo.
-Hmm, thinking about it. Well invested money!
Thanks’ to my stereo I got kicked out and now I enjoy my life in FUNKY TOWN.

I did 2 years in one. I had 1 exam behind me. the one I was not allowed to take because I disappeared to Berlin to take down the wall. but this was nothing I was worried about. I needed a Certificate of Proficiency in Survival craft before I could get my license. No problem, I had the course this upcoming september. 3 or 4 days in the swimming pool and the river rescue people and training in the use of the survival suit. Turning life rafts and helicopter lift. No problem.

My worries were the Morse code. To learn the Morse code was a quick affair, but to listen to the BIPPING BIP drove me up the walls. I got crazy, no raving mad. I had borrowed a cassette player of Bjäbben to practice listening to this codes. Man, I just lost it and I threw the darn cassette player on the ground so it went to 1000 pieces.

This was the hardest part of my school, to sit and listen to the Morse code. Jesus Christ, I seriously believed that I would fail the school because of this Morse code.

I signed on Bellona on the 1st of June. And believe me, it was nice to leave the hard student life and angry neighbours behind.

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Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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