OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Monday 18 th of March 2013 and today is the day. We will leave from Sophia Muay Thai Gym at 1o'clock to see the American girl's fight. Not against a Thai girl, today it is a girl from Africa.

The owner of Sophia wanted to come to pick me up at home, but I need all the exercise I can get, especially since today's session at Sophia is cancelled.
- No thanks, I will walkYet another smiley on www.aladdin.st

We were supposed to leave Sophia Muay Thai Gym at 1 o'clock and I was there 5 minutes before 1.Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokThe American girl was there with our Teacher and 4 other Thai guys that were going to join us. There was another guy I had never seen before, he is also training at Sophia and itYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stturned out that he was from Sweden.

The owner of Sophia was going to come to pick us up in his car and he was late. When he arrived we were soon to discover that we were 9 people so we had to go home to the owner to pick up one more car.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We're ready to leave Sophia Muay Thai Gym

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We're ready to leave Sophia Muay Thai Gym

Rittiyawannalai School

(Rit-ti-ya-wan-na-lai) (Thai: โรงเรียนฤทธิยะวรรณาลัย) is a public secondary school, elementary school (Grades 1-12) and nursery school in Bangkok, Thailand . It was established by Air Marshal Luong-Thevalit Punluk on 18 September 1947 for educating the air force army‘s children and people who live around the military base about studying.

Ritiya-wannarai was supported by air force army. In 1978, The high school section was transferred the responsibility from air force army to the Ministry of Education.

The fight turned out to be at a school in the Don Muang area. A former Air Force school so thereAladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwere many military there. Military Police and air force people. And there was plenty TV crew from channel 7.

I had expected more people, especially sinceYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stit was aired on TV and there was a title fight between a Thai and Filipino boxer. And I had expected it to be Thai boxing, but the first fights were normal boxing.

And there wasn't any beautiful girls watching the fights so it was quite boring waiting for the American girl's fight. And we were soon running in to trouble. They had obviouslyAladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokexpected the American girl to be a man.

My Teacher offered to throw in one of our friends but it turned out that the opponent didnt want to fight a Thai fighter. I was shocked.
- What the
You're in Thailand and you don't want to fight a Thai fighter! Well, the promoter told us that he would try to find a girl to fight the American girl.

So it was very uncertain and we had to wait to see what was going to happen while the Promoter desperately called around. And I walked around the area whileAladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwe were waiting. They managed to find afemale fighter and we had not came here in vain.

The boxing started and I was still believing that it was going to be a Thai boxing event but when the first fighters came in the ring they had shoes so I realised that it was going to be boxing.

And boxing, I didn't have to listen to the annoying Muay Thai music that they were turning on full blast as soon as the Thai boxing started.

Aladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
The boxing as about to start

Aladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
The boxing as about to start

Aladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
The boxing as about to start

Aladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
The boxing as about to start

Aladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
The boxing as about to start

Aladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
After a few fight it was the title fight between a Thai and Filipino boxer

The boxing was pretty boring to watch, and it was hot. And I was there to see the American girl's fight and not a lot of unknown boxers. OK, the first fight was pretty fun, the guy in white trousersAladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwas swinging his arms like he was in a barYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stbrawl. He managed to knock himself over at least 2 times before I grew tired of watching and left.

Well, it was very hot, no beautiful girls to talk to and I was bored to death. I found a taxi and I took a taxi to 7 Eleven.

When I was back I found a Ice Cream guyYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stand I bought ice cream. Everything to kill time even though it is not dong my diet any good.

Our new Swedish friend went to buy ice cream as well when he saw me coming with ice cream. No sign of the boxing to come to an end and as the TV was there the ring was full of people between the fights doing their best to stretch the time.

The winner received checks from different companies and each and every company had a placard that the winner had to take together with a check. And of course, this was for the TV.
- And here is 3000 Baht from Honda
And the boxer got the placard and he sent it to another guy that threw it out of the ring, by then the boxer already had a new placard in his hands
- Here is 5000 Baht from San Miguel
And there were many of these placards so it took quite some time.

I was running out of things to do so I went to terrorise the TV Team and this was fun for aboutAladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok7 seconds. Well, that is 7 seconds I had managed to kill, better than nothing. Every second counts when waiting to get in to the AC car so we can get the foock out of here.

The boxing gala was about to come to an end and when the last fight was on the TV team brought down the equipment and they left. Good, finally we can see the American girl kicking arse.

Aladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Thai children at the boxing event
By now the boredom had driven me to watch Thai children throwing a basket ball in a basket

Sometimes I wish I was a child again, never a boring moment when I was a child. There were always something to do. And here I saw Thai children running around screaming and laughing like children do all over the world. 2 children chasing each other around a table screaming of laughter, yeah, I wish I could have joined them. But I doubt that it would have made me scream of laughter. But when I was 5 years old....

Nice to watch children playing, NOT ON AIRPLANES!!!!! But I guess it would have been another story watching you own child running around the kitchen table screaming of laughter 24/7 only with stops for changing diapers.

The terrible Muay Thai music started and our American girl was up in the third fight. Turned out that they had found a girl, 15 years old and very famous in Thailand to fight the American girl. And it was the best fight for today and I got plenty pictures so time for another stupid slide show.

Yet another stupid slide show on www.aladdin.st

We left when the fight was over and when we walked towards the cars I spotted a few girls on theAladdin's Thai boxing adventure at Rittiyawannalai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbalcony on the big house, school building?

We got in to the cars leaving the place behind with screamin' and smokin' tyres. We had decided to go to “Wine, I love you” a Italian restaurant in Lat Prao. The owner of Sophia asked me where I wanted to eat.
- Never mind, as long as they have AC and it is clean.
So he suggested a restaurant and I asked what kind of food they served.
- Italian
- Perfect, well, not for my diet.

We stopped at Sophia's owners house to pick up his wife and one of his sons. His wife was dressing the American girl's right leg with tiger balm plaster. He shin and foot was quite swollen after all the kicking. We took off to Wine I love you at CDC Crystal Design Center on Ramintra - Artnarong Express Way.

I was soon having a menu in front of me and I asked for Cheese garlic bread, baked spinach, baked potato skin, salmon Carpaccio and a pizza. Of course, I was drinking Earl Grey tea, I asked for a pot. I got the smallest cup of tea I had ever seen with my garlic cheese bread and baked spinach. We were 10 or 11 people around the table and I got my food first, all my food. AT THE SAME TIME!!!! Yes, all my food came at the same time.

It was embarrassing, it looked like very much when the table was full of my food. The food was excellent and I was soon full and I could not finish everything I had asked for. And that's even though I never got my salmon Carpaccio. And I never asked for my salmon.

Aladdin's adventure at Wine I love you in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
@ Wine, I love you

Aladdin's adventure at Wine I love you in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
@ Wine, I love you

Aladdin's adventure at Wine I love you in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
ใครจีบ Aladdin

Aladdin's adventure at Wine I love you in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
@ Wine, I love you

The baked potato skins was delivered in a huge tea cup and I asked for another cup of tea.
Aladdin's adventure at Wine I love you in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- Please, I want a big tea cup
- We don't have
- What is this? I asked while pointing at the tea cup my potato skins were delivered in.
- We don't have
I wiped clean the tea cup for the potato skins and I gave it to the Waitress.
- Fill it up!

She was soon back with my new and bigger tea cup. Could have been bigger, but it was OK. We finished our meal and I went back home to check out the pictures from the American girls fight and I was busy until 2 o'clock in the morning with the pictures.

Tuesday 19 th of March 2013
and it was yet another morning giving me a hard time to get out of bed when my alarm went off at 9. My school starts at 13:30 and I was a few minutes late and I was prepared to wait in the reception until the first break in order not to disturb. But class had not started, the Teacher had not arrived so I went inside and I recognised one of the Americans from last time I was here.

The Teacher was 15 minutes late and there were students dripping in all the time disturbing the class. We were 12 people in a small room and it was hot. So I left when we had the first break.Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokThere willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be less people next Tuesday.

I was on my way to Bangkok Fight Club when I discovered a missed call. My Teacher's girl friend has her birthday and they asked if I wanted to come over to Society. I knew about this, the American girl an dmy Teacher had discussed this yesterday.

Well, Bangkok Fight Club or 1 beer (2 tops) Well, I chose the beer, orYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully just soda water. I returned to my bedYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stroom and I got changed again. Good, no need to wash my training clothes, I can use them at my sessions tomorrow.

I took a taxi across the river and it was no problem to find Society, well, we missed the first u-turn so we had to go for 2km extra, no problem. I asked for a San Miguel light.
- We only have Singha and Heineken
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stLast time you had San Miguel Light
So it had to be a Heineken with ice from a wine glass. We should meet at Society at 8 but my friends didn't arrived until 9.
- What theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.st
- The girls took long time to do the make up

Well, I wasn't there until quarter to 9 so I had just started my beer. I asked for Marlboro Light and they only had Marlboro Red. I asked for a pack with a nice pictures but they only had packs with pictures of horrific traffic accidents on them. So I didn't buy any coffin nails. The pictures is something I can live without, and thinking of it, it is just a matter of time until I end up as a picture on the packs.

There was a couple sitting at a table and the girl offered me 2 fags and I said no thanks. But sherefused to take no for an answer. Well, Charisma Man and it seems like Charisma Man can't cross the river without getting raped. They are not used to handsome foreigners on this side of the river.

My friend arrived with his car when I was outside sucking on the coffin nail.Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stAre you driving?
- No, my friend are driving
- So why are the girls sitting in the car?
- We're going to Rama 5

We took off to Rama 5 and as they had a hard time making up their mind onAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwhere to go we had to stop at 7 Eleven, well, we did the stop to buy milk for my friend's girl friend. But they bought a can of San Miguel Light for me. THAT'S THE MOTHERFOOCKING SPIRIT WE'RE LOOKING FOR!

They asked me where I wanted to go
- What the foock do I know? I have never been on Rama 5 before!
We ended up at a place called Nang Len and they had San Miguel Light.
But they only had big bottles so it had to be from wine glass and as the beer was warm I had toAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokadd ice, not what I usually do when drinking San Miguel Light.

After 2 of these big San Miguel Light I was in a good mood, no more agony over the “2 beers tops or soda water” plan going down the sink. The girls and my friend had a drinking contest and they were soon drunk. Our driver drank Coke, a former champion in boxing so he took care of us. Good, I was actually sitting with 2 former Thai champions so no one tried to steal our valets. Well, in Bangkok and I can't remember having any trouble one single time.Well, hmm, one time, I woke up with a girl and she refused to go home. I had to tell her that I had to leave for a business trip after 2 days.

Aladdin's adventure at Nang Len on Rama 5 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
@ Nang Len on Rama 5
And it didn't take long for me to realise that it would be more than 2 beers during the night

Aladdin's adventure at Nang Len on Rama 5 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
@ Nang Len on Rama 5
And it didn't take long for me to realise that it would be more than 2 beers during the night

The birthday girl wanted to go to dance and we were soon in my friend's car on the way across theAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokriver to FUNKY VILLA on Thong Lor. I brought one big bottle of San Miguel Light and a wine glass from Nang Len for the ride.

The stopped us when we left but it was no problem to take the glass and bottle. Yeah, try to do that inSweden and you will soon have the police coming around the corner with the blue light on.Yes, it have happened me a few times, not that the police came. But I had been leaving a few places running with my hands full of beer bottles to the car with my friend stand-by to take off with the car. In Thailand they have a more relaxed attitude. But it has changed.

Back in the days you could buy beer at gas stops and places like that. This is not longer possible because they have a lot of problem with drunk driving here. But I'm not driving, I'm in the passenger seat and I like to enjoy a San Miguel Light with the TAXI CD.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
On the way to FUNKY VILLA

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
On the way to FUNKY VILLA
And of course, the TAXI CD on full blast

We were of course listening to the TAXI CD on full blast while going to FUNKY VILLA on Thong Lor. The security recognised me when we came to Thong Lor. No problem to get in, they were onlyAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoklaughing when I showed my ID and waved me in side. My friends had to show their ID but they told me that I was old enough.

We were soon having a table next to the stage and a few minutes after that we had the table full of Heineken bottles. And of course a wine glass and a bucket of ice. No San Miguel Light at FUNKY VILLA. We went to check out Demo, totally redecorated since I was here last time.

They closed at 2 o'clock and we went to SHOCK 39, but my friends were not allowed inside. And as I told them, only beautiful people allowed inside. So we left to check out Insomnia on Soi 12. But when we reached Soi 12 my friends wanted to go drink beer at my place instead.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
He/ She had been drinking like a man all night

Wednesday 20 th of March 2013
and even though I have a hangover I have 2 boxing sessions today. And while I'm doing this you can learn some Thai. We continue the “POPULAR” Learn Thai series here on www.aladdin.st and here is a new video for you to watch. So learn and have fun!

เมา and เมาค้าง

My session at Sophia Muay Thai was terrible, it was very hot and the hangover on top on that. AndAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI was about to throw up when I walked back home. My mind was set to go to Bangkok Fight Club to night but I startedYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stto have my doubts, I can imagine the reactions if I throw up at Bangkok Fight Club.

Well, I'm soon 100 years old and I'm still able to surprise myself. Not only surprising myself, I also managed to impress myself by going for a session at Bangkok Fight Club. Out drinking SanYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stMiguel Light all night long and then 2 kick ass boxing session with a rampant hangover.

It was only me and one more guy at Bangkok Fight Club and we did the punch bags during the evening. Punches and kicking before cool down and it was time to go home again.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Kicking the bags at Bangkok Fight Club
Unnecessary to say, this was an exercise I never bothered to try

Our Teacher is having a fight in London on the 26th of April and I'm thinking about joining him. This will be around the time when I need to do a visa trip so I might go to London for a few days. Of course, depending on the weather in UK. But it should be OK at the end of April.

Thursday 21 st of March 2013
and my alarm clock was on for about 30 minutes before I got out of bed to turn it off. I was soon back in bed and I didn't woke up until 11. I had been watching hangover DVDs until 5 thirty in the morning so I was dead tired.

They had been here with the silk sample earlier in the morning so I stopped at Almeta Silk Shop toVilla Market in Bangkokmake a few changes and then I walked to Villa Market to by smoked salmon. At TopsMarket they only have 80g packets and I have bought 500g packets at Villa before so I decided to go there instead of Tops Market. Imagine how much garbage 5 and a half kilo of smoked salmon in 80gram packs would generate. And if I want a snack I need to waste quite some time opening several packs.

Scan Deli was of course the best, they sold whole smoked salmon sides and each pack was between 1 and 1 and a half kilo. But as they have gone bankrupt I went to Villa Market. They only had 200g and 100g packs. I bought 5 and a half kilo and I walked back home with my shopping bag brimmed with smoked salmon.

I stopped at my local 7 Eleven for 2 Diet MAX and a pack of fags, my last pack?Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully. IAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokjust had time to change my clothes and it was time to take off to Sophia Muay Thai Gym for my afternoon session.

Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stIt was very hot and I was soaking wet when I arrived to Sophia. TheyYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stguys were playing foot ball when I arrived.

I took the ball and I scoredYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stand 2 of the guys threw themselves on the ground starting to do push ups. so the deal was to make 20 push ups every time the opposite team scored.

We were soon in the boxing ring. The American girl had not been here since her fight, her legs are blue after all the kicking and blocking. But she would come to visit us today and she came just after 4 o'clock.

Her legs were blue and my Teacher and his cousin gave her a massage with counter pain cream.Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokWell, I don't think the counter pain was helping very much. Same as the Tiger Balm plaster, it is burning so you forget all about the pain.

But as soon as the burning sensation has disappeared the pain is back. I walked back home for a TUNA &Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokONION SURPRISE ® and a pot of tea before going to Bangkok Fight Club.

It was only me and another girl at Bangkok Fight Club. I had notYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stseen the girl for a very long time and I had to take on my glasses to make sure it was her. We started with the Thai Navy Exercise first thing and then we pushed a darn tyre over theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stfloor. Then we did an bench-press exercise before we started with the bags. 3 rounds of punching the bags and we finished the session with the mitts. Of course, sit upsand cool down and the clock was soon 20 thirty and it was time to go home. Yet another day behind me with 2 boxing sessions.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At Bangkok Fight Club

Friday 22 nd of March 2013
and what the foock happened with this week? It is like yesterday when we were to see the American girl fight at the Rittiyawannalai School and now it is Friday. Well, I have to get to Tops Market to buy potatoes. I have decided to try to make dill creamed potatoesDillstuvad potatis/ Dill creamed potatoesto the smoked salmon. And I will also make Hovmästarsås (Salmon sauce) 2 way to eat salmon, with dill creamed potatoes or with boiled potatoes and salmon sauce.

Of course, there is also Aladdin's way. Wrap the salmon around avocado, but as I'm always out of luck buying avocdo in Bangkok I gave that up long ago. Well, of course, unless I'm at a restaurant.

And when talking about Hovmästarsås I can't helpHovmästaren med Roffe Ruff in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthinking about Roffe Ruff. Roffe Ruff is on Hovmästaren's record and we can have a sample before we continue Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN.

Aladdin's adventure with Roffe Ruff

Don't be afraid to turn up the volume

I have done Hovmästarsås before but it wasn't as good as the one I'mHovmästarsåshaving at for example at Laxbutiken. But please! Bear in mind that they are professionals at Laxbutiken. Well, anyway, I was surprised to find Hovmästarsås at Villa Market, it wasn't as good as I had hoped for so I have decided to try to mix my own Hovmästarsås with Villa Market's stuff.

But first a pot of tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® whileBangkok Postreading Bangkok Post online. Nothing exciting so I logged in to Bualuang and SET is on free fall. Good for me, I can soon buy back my stocks. I have 2 stocks I follow and my secret is to by cheap and sell expensive.

Well, so far I have had nothing but poor luck. When I sell, the stock is going up and when I buy it plunge. SET has gone from 990 to over 1500 points in a short period of time. Of course,not my 2 stocks. I was happy to sell with a 200,000 Baht profit while on Britta Maersk. I was really happy when I sold them, from a loss of 4 to 500,000 to a profit. Well, I was happy until I was back in Bangkok and I logged in to Bualuang.

One of my stocks had gone up to 9 Baht.
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.st
Is this typical, an all time high and I had sold the stocks, if I have had stayed cool or if I had failed to log in from Britta Maersk I could have sold them for 9 Baht and I would have been a retired man today. Well, so I was happy to see SET on a free fall and the stock have gone from 9 to 5 point something. Looks good and I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stsoon be able to buy them for 2 Baht again.

I stopped at my travel agent on the way to Tops, closed for lunch.
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.st
I have never seen them closed for lunch before, a sign of times to come. SET is plunging, lunch breake and my telephone pole indicator. Now there are so many condo and house “FOR SALE” signs on the telephone poles it is hard to see the concrete pole.

I could not see any dill at Tops and I asked one of the staff. And I asked for dill in Thai like it was yesterday I learned the word for dill. But I have not been using this word for 10 years so it is amazing how much we remember without thinking of it Amazing, I have manage to both surprise and impress myself 2 times in the last few days.

They didn't had any dill so I will have to check the market outside my condo, they have a market with fruit and vegetables every Friday night. I stopped at my travel Agent on the way home, stillAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNlunch break.

But there was a guy showing me where they were eating and I made some inquiries about Shanghai and London. I saw that it was 10°C in Shanghai on the news this morning so this is for sure not a destination on top of my list. Singapore, maybe, the American girl will go there to train for 2 weeks. She got an offer when she had her fight in China last year. Well, we see where I end up.

Soon time to take off to Sophia Muay Thai Gym, but first I opened all my smoked salmon packs and put the salmon in food containers. I discovered that I must have got 1 and a halfVilla Market in Bangkokkilo of smoked salmon for free at Villa Market yesterday. I didn't think about it when I paid, I only handed over 5700 Baht to the cashier. Today I discovered that many of the smoked salmon packs where stuck to each other. And when thinking of it, 5700 Baht was cheap.

So something must have gone wrong. Good, well, as long as the cashier don't have to pay. Then it is not any good, I have more than her. But I guess they can't find out who made the mistake so no worries. But I have 2 big containers with smoked salmon in my fridge,Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoktook me an hour to do the job. And as you understand, not all the salmon ended up in the containers. Sometimes I made the mistake to put the smoked salmon in my mouth. DARN! It was some yummy salmon, melting in the mouth.

Amazing that something so healthy can taste so good! Our new Swedish friend was at SophiaAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwhen I arrived, but no sign off the American girl. I had expected her to be there. I was a wee bit late and she said that she would be there at 3 o'clock.

I don't know what I have done, but I had some terrible pain in my upper chest, left and right side. Could hardly punch, but IYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stwas soon to realise that it was because of the bench-press exercise at Bangkok Fight Club yesterday.

But I did my 10 rounds (including the cool down round) before walking back home to my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand a pot of tea. And of course a shower before it is time to take off to Bangkok Fight Club for the last session of the week.

When I approached my condo I was looking for the market. No pick-up trucks and no people and I was worried that they had stopped with the Friday evening market. But as I came closer I saw that they were starting to set up the market and pick -up trucks came to deliver vegetables and there were already some people shopping.

I found my dill and I took a bunch of dill and the lady charged 10 Baht. I told her that I would just go to get the money. I came back with a 20 Baht bill and I bought another bunch of dill. Can never get too much dill. Well, of course, you don't want them to dump 10 ton in your bed room.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
They just started to set up the market when I came back from Sophia Muay Thai Gym

I finished my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and I left for Bangkok Fight Club when I had have my shower. I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club 5 minutes before 7 and it was only me Teacher there.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMy Teacher was playing with the darn Facebook and I had to nag on him so we could start at 7.

We got started and there was 2 more guys joining us, 1 Japanese and 1 from France. We started by running, jumping and bouncing, yesYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stbouncing between two stools 15 meters apart.

We did this for 10 minutes and then we moved over to the punch bags. 10 minutes of running and punching the bags and then we did another 10 minutes of kicking the bags. And then we did 10 minutes of running and punching the mitts.

When we were ready I was more dead than alive and I went to take a rest in the sofa before we started the cool down andsit ups. Our Teacher came over and he wanted me to take some pictures of the kicking and I moved over to the bags to take some pictures for his Facebook.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
At Bangkok Fight Club

I took the pictures and there was nothing stopping him so I had to say that the time was up and itYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stwas time to go home. We did the sit ups and cool down and I walked back home satisfied with the day. Actually, I have been quite satisfied with my life style since I came back home. 2 onions and 2 cans of tuna per day. Apples, chilli and flaxseeds with electrolyte in the evening. And of course, a protein shake in the evening.

Saturday 23 rd of March 2013
and I woke up just after 11. I had turned off my alarm yesterday, but I had wished for 1 or 2 more hours of sleep. Impossible to fall asleep yesterday even though I was dead tired. The Diet MAX ? I tried to but failed to fall asleep again.

So I went for my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and a pot of tea. I also managed to make a potof Hovmästarsås before I left for Sophia at 1 thirty. Saturday or no Saturday, there are arses that has to be kicked.

I did 10 very slow rounds at Sophia Muay Thai Gym (including 1 warm up and 1 cool down round) before I walked back home. I'm still very stiff and sore after the bench-press exercise at Bangkok Fight Club the other day.

Coming back home from Sophia and it is the official beginning of the weekend . No more boxing and Thai Language school until next week.
And doubleYIPPEE! My fridge is full of San Miguel Light. Could have been worse, much worse.

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