New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok
Smoking outside New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar

New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok
Now, leave the girls alone

New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

Aladdin's VISA run to Lao - December 2014

Friday 9 th of January 2015 and they knocked on my door at 7 thirty, it was my laundry. They had woke me up and I was not as happy as I should have been when receiving my laundry. I was soonAladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laosasleep again and I received my wakeup call at 9 thirty as agreed on. The hotel van (complimentary) was going to take me to the airport at 10 thirty. Yes, Champasak Grand Hotel provides free transportation to the airport

I enjoyed a diet drink, my last diet drink (in Laos) and I was at the reception to check out @ 09:20.

My van arrived at 10:30 and they told me that we had to wait for one more passenger from room 803. Well, it was 10:37 when I went in to the reception. I asked what we were waiting for and they told me it was the guy inAladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laosroom 803. They called him/ her or them in the room.

I told them that it was not problem, he knew about the 10 thirty van. And he is obviously not having any interests in going with the 10 thirty van. I need to be at the airport and if he miss his plane or not is not my problem. But if I miss my flight it will be my problem.

They understood my argument and we were soon on our way to the airport. It will be nice to leave Pakse behind, a more boring place will be hard to find. Well, the villages and towns along our way was interesting for an hour or two. But longer than that and I would have prefer Pakse.Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to LaosAnyway, Luang Prabang was a very beautiful town and it was a delight to walk around the town.

Vientiane, to walk on the river front was very nice. Pakse, well, nothing nice with that place and we drove to the airport with no backward glimpses.

I went in to the international terminal and there was a few people waiting. I went in to the department with theLao Airlinescheck-in.

There were 3 of them, one empty and one with a sign saying Siam Reap QV 515 and one saying Bangkok QV 223. And yes, I went to the desk saying Bangkok QV 223. A couple ahead of me and when it was my turn I asked if the flight was full. And as the flight wasAladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laosnot full I asked if they could block the seat next to me.

Lao Airlines, always good service and they blocked the seat next to me all the way to Bangkok.

Yes, we're going down in Savannakhet on the way to Bangkok, so the staff made sure I would be alone all the way to Bangkok.

And I made a mental not to always fly with Lao Airlines when I could. Excellent service, just as I remembered their service from a few years back when I was inAladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to LaosVientiane to discover the night life.

Everyone I have been spoken with are very satisfied with Lao Airlines. Small aircrafts, but there are plenty space in the seats. And no extension belts required. So yes, I can recommend Lao Airlines. But don't waste your money on a business class ticket, it is the same seats as in monkey class.

Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laos

I ran in to my new friend from Australia that I met on the boat outside the check-in. And as we were at a Lao Airport we went up on the second floor. Most of the Lao Airports have an observation deck and a restaurant. Well, restaurant is too much to call it.Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to LaosBut there is possibilities to get a cup of tea.

Me and my new friend enjoyed ourselves in the restaurant and I had 4 cups of tea while we were talking about traveling and the mysteries in life.

The Vat Phou cruise with all the old people was a nice experience. They had been all over the world on different holidays. Traveling through Africa and Antarctica and no one would have been impressed by my holidays. Drunk a weekend in New York (Or Manila, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Singapore or any other big city in the world where I have wastedAladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laosmy life and money)

My new friend from Australia was going for holiday for 2 months once a year and he have seen many interesting places. And I'm trying to catch up as I have seen pretty much nothing of the world, at least nothing I can remember. Well, except for the stupid dog in Tokyo. Hachikō, I don't remember the first time I saw the darn statue even though I have a picture of it. So last time when flying back from Las Vegas I made sure to make a stop in Tokyo to see the darn thing.

So I have a lot of catching up to do. Polar Bear Quest next summer and then I want to see Antarctica and the Amazonas. This is the thing I want to see, of course, the Tiger safari in India but this years’ experience with the Indian safari made me a wee bit disappointed so I will see. Amazonas and Antarctica and then I
Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to LaosYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcan take off my shoes and hang up the cap on the wall.

I had 4 cups of tea and we left the observation deck/ restaurant. Immigration and security check and we found our self in an air-conditioned waiting hall. Plenty seats and not much people waiting and it was refreshing.

My new friend was flying to Siam Reap in Cambodia and his flight was some 45 minutes after my departure so I left him behind when the girl showed up with the Bangkok QV 223 sign at the door.

We had to walk over the tarmac to the airplane. I found my seat 12C and I took my seat and we were soon on the way to Bangkok via Savannakhet.

Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laos
Time to board flight QV223 to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laos
Time to board flight QV223 to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laos
Time to board flight QV223 to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laos
Time to board flight QV223 to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laos
Time to board flight QV223 to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at Pakse International Airport - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure on board Lao Airlines flight QV 223 - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure on board Lao Airlines flight QV 223 - Visa run to Laos
We are ready to take off

Aladdin's adventure at Savannakhet International Airport - Visa run to Laos
Landing in Savannakhet

We descended to Savannakhet and it went fast, isn't he going to slow down? I was scared thinking: Is this it? Are going to crash? I hope it is over quick. But we made it to the Savannakhet Terminal and we all had to leave the airplane.

Africa, and I was flying around in small propeller aircraft and we approached the air strip quit fast, but as soon as we reached the air strip is was like the plane stopped mid-air and the pilot put downAladdin's adventure at Savannakhet International Airport - Visa run to Laosthe plane almost like landing with a helicopter. A very nice experience.

But coming down to Savannakhet and I was shitting my pants. I stared in the ceiling while landing as I didn't want to look out the window. Sudden death should come as a surprise. And for sure nothing you should prepare for several minutes before impact. Why do you want to know that the shit is going to hit the fan in advance? It should come as a surprise and it should get dark immediately.

Departure hall and I had to double check a few time, yes it was the same as we had been in on our way to Pakse. But as this was an international departure they had opened a TAX FREE shop and itAladdin's adventure at Savannakhet International Airport - Visa run to Laoswas a totally different look than last time.

Well, I bought 2 bottles of Black Label for my friend and I bought a small bag ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stchocolate covered hazelnut for myself. I said no the first few timebut the bag was so small and I could not resist. I bought the darn bag.

I had not had any breakfast, well a diet drink and 4 cups of tea and I was a wee bit hungry.

I went to hide in a corner to enjoy my chocolate covered hazelnuts. Not necessary to abuse my snacks in full open and I can try to hide as much as possible. I ripped open the bag and it was time to board flight QV223 to Bangkok. I was at least to say surprised, we just got off the plane.
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on

I had expected a much longer stay and we did the stop/over in Savannakhet in a record breaking time and I had to gulp down my chocolate covered hazelnuts in full view of the other passengers on the way to the aircraft.

Aladdin's adventure on board Lao Airlines flight QV 223 - Visa run to Laos
On the way to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure on board Lao Airlines flight QV 223 - Visa run to Laos
On the way to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure on board Lao Airlines flight QV 223 - Visa run to Laos
On the way to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure on board Lao Airlines flight QV 223 - Visa run to Laos
Arriving to Bangkok

It had been a nice flight, well, as nice as a flight can be. 1 hour 25 minutes from Savannakhet to Suvarnabhumi International. I already knew that we would have to go by bus. But arriving toAladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Visa run to LaosSuvarnabhumi in a bus is actually good. They drop you next to the immigration and no need to trot around the airport.

We have had 2 couples from France behind us during the whole flight and when I looked around I was very surprised. It was 2 couples in their 50's to 60's and they had behaved like teenagers on their first flight ever. So yes, I was surprised to discover that they were older than old. What an embarrassment these people had been during the flight. I was in the immigration with a guy from Germany that I had met at the airport in Pakse. He also told me that he thought that it had been a very high speed coming in for landing both at Suvarnabhumi and at Savannakhet.

So I'm not alone, and he had also noticed the French people.

All in French but you could figure out what they were saying. What an embarrassment! ImmigrationAladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Visa run to Laoswas almost empty and I booked a car at AOT while waiting for my bag. I was soon in a car on my way home.

We were soon running in to a full stop on the highway
-It is Friday, the driver said
I asked what way he suggested, Asoke or Sukhumvit Soi 1.

He suggested Sukhumvit Soi 39 and I told him to avoid that area all means necessary. If we run in to traffic there we will be stuck for days. This area is to be avoided in the afternoons and I was about to buy a condo in this area. I still wake up from night mares thinking about it and I praise God that I didn't bought any condo there. Well, after a few minutes the traffic was light again and it was pretty quick to get back home.

And as my original fight schedule turned out to be humbug I was not back home until 4 in the afternoon. So no boxing today, but tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday 10 th of January 2015
and we checked out the internet for Lao restaurants after the boxing session. There were quite a few and Cafe De Laos on Silom Soi 19 looked best on theAladdin's adventure at MBK in Bangkokpictures so this become our choice. But first stop was at Canon to clean my camera. Full of dust and shit after my adventure in Laos

We went to Canon at MBK Center and they would have my camera ready by tomorrow afternoon. And while at Canon I took the opportunity to have a look at a Canon lens, 28 to 300mm from their professional line up the L Series. The lens in more expensive than my camera and lens together. But according to several sources the upgrade was worth the money.

But the lens was 3 kilo, a very heavy piece of lens to carry around. Well, I will try with my cameraAladdin's adventure at Cafe De Laos in Bangkoktomorrow. We left MBK Center behind and we were soon plunging down Silom Road looking for Soi 19.
Aladdin's adventure at Cafe De Laos in Bangkok

We found the Soi and we could see the Cafe De Laos sign 10 meters up the road. There was a big parking space and as it was almost empty there was no problem to park the car. We were soonAladdin's adventure at Cafe De Laos in Bangkokinside and I asked for a pot of tea. And they had Earl Grey tea so it started good. But things were soon turning to bad.

They had Lao spring rolls, but only with shrimps. This was a set back as I had been looking forward to Lao spring rolls.

Well, I had bragged about the Lao food for my friend. I had even told the Waitresses that I would take care of the ordering as my Thai friend knew “FOOCK ALL” about Lao food.

I'm not sure, but I'm prettyCooking Lao foodsure I managed to get a few words mentioned about my cooking in Vientiane on top of that. Of course, this had nothing to do with anything, but right there and then it feltAladdin's adventure at Cafe De Laos in Bangkokimportant to mention it.

And I'm pretty sure no one was impressed. At least not my friend, he told me he could cook green curry better than anyone else. I find it hard to believe that his green curry taste better than the one a made at the “Lao Experience” cooking course in Vientiane.

I had the green curry while listening to my friend going on about him making the green curry
- With dill?
- There is no dill in the green curry
- No, but it would have been nice

We were soon discussing on how to improve the green curry. He is going to Phuket next weekend to have a look at a restaurant. It is a Thai food restaurant and we were soon discussing how we could turn it in to a Thai/ Swedish fusion food restaurant. The best from the Thai and Swedish kitchen.Aladdin's adventure at Cafe De Laos in BangkokHe likes my cooking, well, I just throw whatever I like in to a pot so we have fusion already there.

A plate of Sirloin and we finished with mango sticky rice. OK, the best mango sticky rice I have had is still at the “Lao Experience” at Vientiane.

I found myself in the middle of a bicycle lane after the dinner. And I could not help but to think about something I read in the Bangkok Post last year. “The prime minister's policy is to campaign for the increasing use of bicycles to promote tourism, solve traffic problems and support exercise” I really hope the bicycle lane I stood in was not a part of this campaign to promote tourism etc.

Then they have an easy task turning Bangkok in to a city for bicycles only. Just claim all roads to be bicycle lanes and job's done. This bicycle lane was a third cut off from a car lane. And as the cars are in the same size as before they still needed the bike space. Who did this? Is he still employed? Every day, all over the world I see signs of what I first thought was sign of stupidity.

But this is condescending and not a sign of stupidity. Yes, a sign that they treat people like they are stupid or as Government all over the world behaves today. Companies and government trying to brainwash us. Who believes the ECO FRIENDLY sign? Or we take our social responsibility? Seriously, is there anyone believing this?

Companies handing out 2 pens at a school in Manila with the world press present taking pictures. And at the same time they have textile workers working at a salary they cannot live on, yeah, socially responsibility. Look! We're green, we have a bicycle lane!

Bicycle lane in Bangkok

Bicycle lane in Bangkok

Bicycle lane in Bangkok

Bangkok Post - Bicycle lanes planned nationwide

Sunday 11 th of January 2015
and I was very happy when I got my camera back at Canon Service Center on MBK Center. They had cleaned the camera and it looked like new and I was very happy. ITerminal 21 in Bangkokbought a small JBL Clip loudspeaker at MBK Center before I took a taxi back home. I was going to meet my friend at Terminal 21

Now I have a small travel loudspeaker for my “weekend” trips and I have a bigger JBL Charge for when going to the ships.

So I was happy when I walked to Terminal 21 and I brought my, yes, my Canon 60D both felt and looked new after a night at Canon Service Center onTerminal 21 in BangkokMBK Center. My friend had suggested a restaurant at On Nut so we were going there to eat. My friend knew of a BBQ place in On Nut, but he had never been there.

Now he told me that his friend had told him that there were cockroaches under the tables etc. so we decided to go check out something else.

His Japanese friend had told him about some sashimi place in the area and we went to check it out. Turned out to be a bunch of outdoor places and I was for sure not going to eat there. We crossed Sukhumvit to Tesco Lotus, nothing and weCoffee World in Bangkokdecided to go back to “lower” Sukhumvit.

The only interesting place was a Coffee World and my friend asked if I wanted tea.

Yes, why not and we went inside and it didn't take long before we had ordered hot chocolate muffins with whipped cream. Earl Grey tea with a chocolate muffin is not bad, well, not good for my diet.

We finished our tea and muffins and we walked to the sky train station and we were soon on ourOn Nut sky train station in Bangkokway back to Asoke Sky Train Station and Terminal 21. We entered On Nut Sky Train Station and I discovered that they had built glass barrier between the platform and the tracks to prevent suicide.

Well, I have not been on the sky train for a long time so I was in for another surprise a few minutes later when the train arrived.

They had new trains, at least I had not been on this trains before. New seating and we couldBangkok sky trainfollow the trains progress down Sukhumvit on small lights on the sky train map over the door.

We got off at the Asoke and it had been a nice ride down Sukhumvit, because of an almost empty train. So it was pure pleasure riding the sky train as I hate the train when they are full.

Pleasure ride or not, as I said to my friend:
- 60 Baht for 2, would not have been much more to cover the same distance in a taxi
- Nope, a group of three and we're saving money in a taxi
- Yes, and if we would have been 4 there would not have been space for us in the taxi!

New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok
At New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar

My friend wanted to go for a drink and I would not mind another cup of tea and we walked around the area. Well, nothing interesting and I decided to go home. My friend was going to New Cowboy Restaurant & Bar at Soi 22. Pizza, I was thinking Pizza and I decided to join him.

I had just finished my pizza when a guy came in to slap my back. I turned around and it was a guy from Norway that I had meet here, at the very same spot, 18 or 19 years ago.

Well, I asked for another bottle of soda water and we talked about the good ol' days for a while. My friends wanted to go drink beer and to sing Karaoke.
- Karaoke, are you foocking joking? I asked

I have to wake up early tomorrow for school and I was for sure not going to any karaoke, but my 2 friends decided to go. I walked with them along Sukhumvit Soi 22 and as there was no karaoke places. Well, there was the red light styled karaoke and this was nothing we wanted to experience and we ended up in another bar. I asked for a diet drink and my friends were drinking beer.

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok
Karaoke girls buying snacks on Sukhumvit Road Soi 22

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok
Karaoke girls buying snacks on Sukhumvit Road Soi 22

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok

Monday 12 th of January 2015
and I had a great day. Started Thai school and when I was back home I had an excellent boxing session in my squash hall. And we had quite a good Thai lesson at the evening school. And I arrived just in time for the Thai lesson as I had been held up back home. My friend is coming to Si Racha, ศรีราชา with Maersk Mediterranean and now he want me to come to visit him. So I had to send e-mail to set up everything.

There are 2 DNV Inspector going to the ship as well, and as it looks now we will leave for the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang with a speed boat at 09:30 as it looks now.

Pro Language school in Bangkok
Our Teacher arrives

Pro Language school in Bangkok
We can start class

Pro Language school in Bangkok
Trying to look busy

Pro Language school in Bangkok

Palmer Fiction's web page for all information you need about the “Lost Innocence” and free download

We finished class a wee bit late today and when we were ready we went to the Hemingway’s for a cup of tea. They have beautiful pots at the Hemingway’s, but there is not much in them. 2 of theHemingway’s in Bangkoksmallest cups and I have to call for a refill.

My friend talked with a publisher of his books and as he didn't wanted to go home (and I was a wee bit hungry) we were off to Black Swan around the corner. Black Swan is another British Pub and I had a pot of EnglishBlack Swan in BangkokBreakfast tea in front of me in a jiff. I asked for Bangers & Mash.

And I got some very good Bangers & Mash. The sauce was excellent and the mashed potatoes was, well, excellent. The sausages was also good and it was aBlack Swan in Bangkokvery good meal. Will I come back? Maybe.

Yes, this was some very good Bangers & Mash, maybe because of the sauce. My friend went for another beer and I walked back home. I need to get up at 6 to make it to Si Racha, ศรีราชา at 9 thirty. Of course, it won't take that long to get there. But I need to find a taxi and then we will need to find the speed boat jetty. So I'm better of adding some extra time for the trip.

Well, we will see how things work outs tomorrow. No visitors allowed until they have been discharging for 3 hours.

So, I'm off to Ao-Udom between Si Racha, ศรีราชา and Pattaya to visit Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang. And you just have to click HERE to find yourself in the middle of that adventure. So hang on, this might be fun!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizen visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
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