OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure in Las Vegas - June 2014

Wednesday 25 th of June 2014 and Bangkok Airport Limousine will come to pick me up at 4 o'clock in the morning. I started my day with Pineapple. Well, I have been starting my day with Pineapple for almost 2 days now. I have not had have a Diet MAX for... Well, I can't actually remember the last time I had a Diet MAX

I have a 7 Eleven card filled with money. But the last few weeks there have been discussions aboutNew York Timeshuman trafficking and slavery etc on the internet and in the newspapers. Here is an article from New York Times - Slavery and the Shrimp on Your Plate - Thai Seafood Is Contaminated by Human Trafficking . British The Guardian have been writing a lot about it as well.

CP Foods are accused of being involved and as they are the owner of 7 Eleven Thailand I'm concerned. I will not have to have

From: Aladdin
Sent: 23 June 2014 22:34
To: 'FAQ@7eleven.co.th'
Subject: Concerned customer

Dear Madame/Sir

As I understand it 7 Eleven Thailand is a brand owned by Charoen Pokphand Foods. I have read a lot in the newspapers and on the internet about Charoen Pokphand Foods and slavery/ human trafficking

I’m concerned as people using slaves, exploiting people and having a total lack of respect for other people just because they are poor and uneducated makes me cringe. I find it beyond comprehension how people can use other people like this. Sell their children as sex slaves and then force them to work where ever. How is it possible to live with themselves and how can these people, after having sold children and performing other atrocities come home to their children in the evening, looking them in the eyes pretending to have done a good day’s job. And what will become of these children when they grow up? They will most likely just continue as these atrocities are just BUSINESS as usual as mommy and daddy have thought them.

I feel bad just thinking about it, no, I get sick just thinking about it. Maybe it is a cultural thing as I’m from a country where we look down on people using other people like this. And they end up in prison. Of course, there is human trafficking and slave workers all over the world, so I’m not sitting on any high horses here. But where I come from they get caught when the Police finds out. Severe punishment, also for any Police and Politicians involved if that would be the case

And as a long time customer at 7 Eleven in Thailand I need some clarifications so I can continue making business at 7 Eleven. I have one 7 Eleven store just outside my condo but I have another convenient store just 50 meters further up the road.

I have found the service at my local 7 Eleven excellent and I want to continue doing my shopping at 7 Eleven. And I really hope that you can guarantee that Charoen Pokphand Foods are not involved in this atrocities. Or ever have been, just coming with a last minute “we’re so sorry it will never happen again” will not do it for me. If Charoen Pokphand Foods have ever been involved in any slave business it is already too much.

Please return with the good news that neither Charoen Pokphand Foods and 7 Eleven is involved as soon as possible

Best regards
7 Eleven customer 94629 5100 4584 5329

anything to do with slavery and human trafficking. So I wrote an e-mail to 7 Eleven in Thailand.

So let's see if they have an answer for me. I have not been shopping at 7 Eleven for 2 weeks now. MilkSlavery?and other stuff is bought at Tops Market, it is longer to carry, but the carrying will do good for my diet.

But I like my local 7 Eleven and I would like to continue to do my shopping there, but I'm awaiting answer from 7 Eleven. Or I will just finish the cash remaining on my card and then I will take my business elsewhere.

And these people involved, shouldn't there be a bounty for them. Well, pretty much everyone knows who is involved. But a bounty like they are offering for “Anti Coup Protesters”

so here is money to make, bring your camera and walk around town taking pictures of people reading book and making strange signs with their fingers. We can read all aboutit in Bangkok Post .

Well, anyway, I managed to finish all my pineapple before leaving for Suvarnabhumi Airport and the flight NH 806 to Tokyo. No boxing during thePineapple in Bangkokweekend as my friend have been sick. He had not been able to buy pineapple for me, but when I came home from the urban safari with Bangkok Photographers I had 4 missed calls from him. So I called him.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I will come over with the pineapple
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK, you're welcome

I started to check my pictures from the urban safari with Bangkok Photographers. My friend would be herePineapple in Bangkokin an hour and I was hungry.

I had planned for a buffet on Marriott, but as I will get much more pineapple than expected I decided to stay home to eat pineapple. Skipping Marriott was a real winner for my diet.

Pineapple in Bangkok
Bringing pineapple

Pineapple in Bangkok
Bringing pineapple

But what to do in Las Vegas. I had breakfast the first day at Marriott in Honolulu and I realised that this would kill me, or my diet. So I bought fruit and I had breakfast in my hotel roomPineapple in Bangkokinstead. The best idea ever, no bacon and stuff in the morning. I had breakfast buffet 2 times,hmm, I'm not sure, but maximum 3 times in the restaurant.

They have fruit but when you see all the other good stuffYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stit is easy to skip the fruit selection at the breakfast buffet. Well, we will see what Caesar’s Palace have to offer. Maybe they have a giant health food section at the breakfast buffet. And will I be up in time for the breakfast buffet?
Air condition cleaning service in Bangkok

I will hopefullyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbe able to keep my diet on track. I also had time to clean my air condition before I left. The air condition in the kitchen had broken down and when they were here to repair I could as well take the opportunity to clean them.

Air condition cleaning service in Bangkok
Cleaning my AC

Air condition cleaning service in Bangkok
Cleaning my AC

Air condition cleaning service in Bangkok
Cleaning my AC

Air condition cleaning service in Bangkok
Cleaning my AC

The water was all black and I guess it was a long time since they were cleaned last time. Hard to keep track so I came up with an idea. I will mark the air conditioner in the store room the same way the log chart corrections on BA charts. This will look good, at least that was my idea, but ofAir condition cleaning service in Bangkokcourse, when I was ready with the marking it looked like the air conditioner had crashed in to a permanent marker.

Well, anyway, now it willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be easier to keep track and I will know when 1Bangkok Airport Limousineyear have passed and it will be time to clean them next time.

Well, I'm out of here, Bangkok Airport Limousine is waiting on the parking lot. Next stop Las Vegas.

We drove up Sukhumvit Road towards the Toll way and I could see the vendors having set up small bars along Sukhumvit. Well, who wants to sit and drink along Sukhumvit Road? Well, anyway, not too long ago this was the time of the morning I usually was on my way back home. But I have never been sitting along Sukhumvit drinking.

I was happy that I have giving up drinking, made me sick just think about coming home drunk 5 o'clock in the morning. I had taken a sleeping pill 5 in the afternoon and I had woke up atSuvarnabhumi Airportmidnight, Now I will hopefully be able to stay awake until TokyoYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand I will sleep from Tokyo to Los AngelesYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully

We arrived to Suvarnabhumi Gate 6 around 4 thirty and I had soon checked in at ANA. I was directed to Gate 10 for the VAT refund on my new computer and I walked over there. I got my paper stamped and I will collect the money when I have passed immigration.

No answer from 7 Eleven and I decided to go down to the arrival floor and the 7 Eleven to see howSuvarnabhumi Airport - 7 Elevenmuch cash I had on my 7 Eleven card. I had actually expected an immediate answer from 7 Eleven.

I'm sure they get thousands of e-mail every day, but even though I muster all my imagination I can not imagine any question more important than if they are involved in slavery!

And if they get thousands of e-mails asking about your involvement in slavery you should have a campaign in the newspapers and TV where you make clear that you're not involved. I bought a minute maid and I had to add 3 Baht in cash and now my 7 Eleven card is empty. Will I ever refillSlaveryit again? I hope 7 Eleven and Charoen Pokphand Foods can clear themselves so I can continue shopping at 7 Eleven.

But I'm worried, no answer. Well, if there is no answer by the time I'm at my room in Caesars Palace I will put my e-mail on their Facebook page.

I was hungry and I went to Thai Airways lounge for breakfast. A table full of all the fruits I use to eat. But I was quickly walking by the fruit table and I discovered spinach and cheese pie. SPINACH AND CHEESE PIE! Is it possible not to try this? No, so I filled a plate and I had 2 bigAll Nippon Airway flight NH 806glasses of tea and another plate with blueberry pastries and some chocolate cake.

So now you understand why I try to dodge restaurants and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to fill up my hotel room in Las Vegas with fruit and I can by-pass the restaurant!

Boarding ANA's flight NH 806 from Suvarnabhumi to Narita International in Tokyo and we were soon on our way. I was alone in my row and I moved from my booked aisle seat to the window.

All Nippon Airway flight NH 806
Approaching Narita International Airport

My plan had back fired a wee bit, I sleep a little on the flight to Narita, Tokyo. Well, I have a bagANA - All Nippon Airwaysof sleeping pills with me so I will just have a fist full when we leave Tokyofor Los Angeles. But it was a really nice flight and I really like ANA or as they also call them All Nippon Airways.

A 6 hours flight passed very quickly and the Boeing 787 was very comfortable and the service was good, well, I was in a slumber most of the flight. But theKamikazebeautiful Stewardesses were very nice. So, it was soon time to descend towards Narita International and I was in a good mood. Flying should be like this every time!

I will be back with ANA. I also like Thai, and they are also an STAR Alliance member and when I booked my flight I checked with Thai Airways first. Only possible to book to Los Angeles, but with ANA I could book all the way to Las Vegas as they have a share light with United. Strange. This flight and my next flight is a share flight with Thai, United and ANA so why could I not book all the way with Thai. Well, they lost a business passenger. And as I said All Nippon Airways so I'm happy. And aren’t Japanese girls the most beautiful girls in the world?

All Nippon Airway flight NH 806
Arriving Narita International Airport

Narita Airport
I had to trot to Gate 51 and flight NH 0006 to Los Angeles

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI made a stop at ANA's lounge for a glass of orange juice and a quick fag before continuing to Gate 51 and my flight to Los Angeles

Trotting to gate 51 reminded me about Brussel’s Airport, terrible airport. But Narita is OK, any my new computer is very small and easy to carry. I have carried enough of MONSTER computersNarita Airportaround the world. They have another ANA lounge there so I went of a meal as I was hungry. Sleeping and no eating on the flight from Suvarnabhumi.

I went to the TAX free shop wen I finished my meal at All Nippon Airways lounge. And I really like the TAX Free at Narita. It is possible to buy 1 pack of fags.

Good for us giving up smoking, not necessary to buy a whole carton. I also bought a new Canon IXY and a bottle of Mango Juice and I went for a last fag before boarding flight NH 0006 from Narita to Los Angeles. Boarding 16:35 and flying with ANA 16:35 is 16:35.

I don't know if it is a Japanese thing, but it I like it. Other airlines and 16:35 means foock all. Iremember last time in Tokyo and I was waiting to board the flight to Honolulu. Suddenly a PA announcement:
I went to investigate and they told me that the boarding was delayed by 3 minutes, this is an airline!

We boarded the flight and we will fly with my favourite Boeing 777-300 and I will sit alone, almost like having my own cabin and a flat bed and I will hopefullyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.starrive to Los Angeles full of vim. I got on board ANA's Boeing 777-300 and I took my seat in chair 10K.

A beautiful Stewardess came and put her hand on my shoulder.
- I'm the one that are going to take care of you during the flight

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
Boeing 777-300 that will take us to Los Angeles

She handed me a menu but I told her that I wasn't going to eat. I asked for the breakfast choicesBoeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006and I choose International breakfast. I asked her for an extension for the safety belt before I took my sleeping pills

I explored my seat while waiting for the sleeping pills to kick in. I found a mattress, first time ever I have seen a mattress on board a plane. But I never bothered to use the mattress, I just turned my seat in to a flat bed and I was soon dozing off.

The bed is not quite long enough, but if I lay on the side bending my knees a wee bit it is OK. I had already adjusted my wrist watch to Los Angeles time and I woke up at 6 thirty in the morning.

I went to look for some sweets and then I tried to sleep again, but it was not possible and I set up my computer to update my web page.

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
Almost as comfortable as working at the desk at home

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
She brings tea

I sat up my computer and I asked for a BIG cup of tea. But they only had small cups so she brought 2 cups. Of course, 2 cups soon became 4 cups. I found my e-cig and I enjoyed my tea andBoeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006e-cig while updating my web page.

As we have an Air Marshal on board I'm better off taking it easy with the e-cig. I blow the smoke down the shirt and no one will see anything. At least I think we haveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stan Air Marshal on board.

They said something on the PA system when we left Narita. Amazing, an expensive aircraft and it is impossible to hear what they say on the PA system. But I thought I heard the words Air Marshall.

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
It was an excellent breakfast

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
Stewardesses busy in the galley

I also discovered that they had WI-FI on board, but too late. I'm ready with the updates, but we're approaching Los Angeles and they asked us to turn of all electronics so I will do itKamikazeat the hotel. Actually, nice to approach Los Angeles and I had expected this flight to be much worse. But it had been a very comfy flight, 9 hours only, but anyway.

But flying back will be another story, I think it is 11 hours to Tokyo from Narita and it will be nice to make a 3 days of “party” andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully noHara-kirihangover STOP-OVER. Of course, if it is a really severe hangover there is always the hara-kiri or what ever they call it. The easy way out, or jump in front of a bus.

But first we will see how Las Vegas turns out, is it possible to stay here for a week without drinking beer? Spending time taking tours to the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam etc. We will see, my diet would be better off. But 3 days in Tokyo without party is impossible.

They just said in the PA system that it was 19°C in Los Angeles, perfect. At least I think it is 19°C, 19 degrees was the only thing I could here and looking out the window and it seems to be cloudy. But as soon as we came in over California the clouds disappeared.

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
Coming in over California

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
Approaching LAX - Los Angeles Internatonal

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
Approaching LAX - Los Angeles Internatonal

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
Approaching LAX - Los Angeles Internatonal

Boeing 777-300  All Nippon Airway flight NH 0006
Approaching LAX - Los Angeles Internatonal

LAX - Los Angeles Internatonal
LAX - Los Angeles Internatonal

LAX - Los Angeles Internatonal
LAX - Los Angeles Internatonal

As soon as we approached Los Angeles the earth was covered with clouds again. We did a bouncy touch down at LAX in time just before 11 o'clock. It was nice to get off the flight even though it had been a nice flight. I asked the Stewardess about “PREMIUM LINE” at the immigration.

I heard something about express mentioned on the PA system, but man! This PA system really really sucks. I have not understood much of anything they have said on the PA system.

But the fround staff handed out red “EXPRESS LINE” vouchers for us with connections within 2 hours. They had all hour names on list and they crossed out our names when we got the vouchers. ILAX - Los Angeles Internatonalcould see that it was for 3 flights and most of us elegible for a voucher was on the United flight UA 0531 to Las Vegas.

I passed LAX terminal #3 on my way to the immigration and luggage claim and I got chocked. What happened here since last time. The terminal, well, the whole terminal looked very nice. Like new and it was like beeing on a airport in Europe or the civilized part of SE Asia.

I have been on LAX before and the airport have giving me the “East Germany 1970” I was soon at the immigration and no sign of the red EXPRESS LINE and I went to an ordinary queue. Not so much people so I was soon through. It was almost my turn when I saw a lady dressed in a ANALAX - Los Angeles Internatonaluniform, obviously ANA ground staff. I asked why they handed out the EXPRESS LINE vouchers when there wasn't any special lines for us.
- You have to go down to the far end of the terminal
- There is no signs!
- You have to ask someone
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I was at the baggage claim waiting for my bah and the bag never showed up and I went over to the other side. I discovered someone taking off all the bags from the conveyor belt. Amazing!

I'm waiting for my luggage and they lift of the bags on the other side. Imagine me waiting for an hour, going to make the claim of a missing bag missing my conection flight while the bag was on theUnited Airlinesfloor on the other side of the conveyor belt. I was waiting at the hole where the luggage is coming up and I had expected the weekend bag to make at least one turn around the caroussele if I had missed the bag. So be aware of this if you are flying to USA.

My bag was checked all the way from Bangkok to Las Vegas but I had to carry my weekend bagLAX - Los Angeles Internatonalthrough custom at LAX and when I had passed the custom I gave my bag to a Unitd representative and they would take care of the bagBgrill by BOA at LAX - Los Angeles Internatonaland I walked to Terminal #7 for domestic United flights.

Well, departure level at terminal #7 and I recognised LAX. A run down airport and I was back in the “East Germany 1970” bubble again. It was like Manila airport or any 3rd world country. But to be fare, they are rebuilding the whole airport and they will give LAX a much needed face lift. As soon as I was through the security the terminal looked OK again and I found a restaurant.

I was hungry and worried. America and I was mostly expecting junk food, but I needed something to eat and I sat down and I asked for the menu. First pleasant surprise, they brought me a BIG pot of tea.

I had expected a aper cup and plastic platesBgrill by BOA at LAX - Los Angeles Internatonaletc American style. We remember Houston when I had to leave my food behind because it was served on plastic plates.

And this restaurant, Bgrill by BOA not far away from gate 75A where flight UA 0531 would depart to Las Vegas, didn't had anything I wanted to eat on the menu. Burgers and steaks and nothing for me wishing for a V-shaped torso. But I caught sight of a salad part on the menu. I ordered aFlight UA 0531 at LAX - Los Angeles InternatonalCHOP CHOP salad and honestly, I didn't expect much.

But this was the best salad ever and I decide to try to eat salad only during my stay in Las Vegas Good tea and an excellent salad and I was in an excellent mood when I left for gate 75A and flight UA 0531 to Las Vegas.

The flight was full and I recognised some of my fellow passengers from Tokyo. Now we had to sitt in Monkey class. Business, or as thy call it here First class was full. But it is a one hour flight and it is OK in monkey class. I took my seat and the girl next to me asked if I wanted a window seat.
- No. I like aisle and I for a aisle seat

She had her husband sitting further up the plane and they anted to sit together and I though to my self “It is a one hour flight so what the foock” She screamed to her husband and he made a reshuffle and I got a aisle seat up front. What the foock is wrong with this people? 1 hour flight and shes making a huge fuzz. I told her that it is a foocking hour, but I changed seat because,hmm, maybe because I was in a good mood after the excellent salad at Bgrill by BOA.

I took my computer and I went forward to my new seat
- Hope you lose everything you own in Las Vegas
I got a seat next to a guy from Oregon that was going to Las Vegas with his wife for a 4 day holiday. He didn't make any fuzza bout not sitting next to his wife for the short flight. The Stewardess came by handing out packs containing gamble markers and stuff from the differentFlight UA 0531 at LAX - Los Angeles Internatonalcasinos. I said no thanks and the guy next to me got my pack.

He didn't want to go to Vegas, but his wife wanted to so there was no option. He had been living there for a year and he was more interesting in fishng and hunting. They had just been on a fishing trip to Amazonas and we looked at his pictures

They had got some piranha and he told me they were very tasy. And I looked at the picture, piranha is a very big fish and I understood that they could eat a cow in a few seconds. He had a picture where he had caught a bass something on the lure and at the same time the bass or what ever it was was attacked by a piranha.

2 hooks on the lure and the piranha had got caught on the second hook, so 2 fishes at the same time. When we approached Las Vegas I got scared, terrible tourbolence and it remeinded me about Paris 10 years ago. Approaching Paris and I expereinced the worst toubulence in my life. This was a sbad and it was very nive when we landed safely in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas

We landed in Vegas at 2 o'clock and that's 1 hour before we landed in Tokyo. Yes, we lande din Tokyo at 15:00 and we landed in Las Vegas at 14:00. How is this possible? The international dateLas Vegas Airportline! We got of the plane and the first thing we run in to is the slot machines. Most likely they want to take the las tmoney from the people leaving Vegas.

But no doubt, some of the people arriving with abstinence and they will throw them self over the slot machines at the airport.

I was impressed by the airport, very modern looking and nice and I found a place with Diet Pepsi and I bought a bottle first thing.

Las Vegas Airport - McCarran Airport
Las Vegas Airport - McCarran International Airport

Las Vegas Airport - McCarran International Airport
Las Vegas Airport - McCarran International Airport

Las Vegas Airport - McCarran International Airport
Las Vegas Airport - McCarran International Airport

Las Vegas Airport - McCarran International Airport
We have to take the train to the luggage claim at terminal #3

Las Vegas Airport - McCarran International Airport
Playing the slot machines while waiting for the luggage

Las Vegas Airport - McCarran International Airport
Playing the slot machines while waiting for the luggage

I got my bag and I went out to get a taxi. I ran in to 3 Japanese tourists and they recognised me from the flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles. I was soon in a taxi on my way to Caesars Palace to check in. And I'm looking forward to a shower.


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