Buddhist monk ordination in Thailand

Saturday 15 th of February 2014 and my friend called me at 6 thirty. I didn't turn cartwheels out of bed, but I was full of vim. I had a shower and I went to have my breakfast. My friend was onAladdin's adventure at Royal Place in Ban Changthe parking space when I opened my door.

OH! Early morning and it was beautiful. Well, if you fall asleep 2 o'clock in the morning it is not all thatbeautiful at 6 thirty. But I had had my 8 hours of sleep. It was very comfortable and the morning air wasfresh. Could I smell the ocean in the air? I don't know, but I was in an excellent mood when I went for breakfast with my friend.

Breakfast on the terrace and there were only 2 other guys having breakfast but they were soonEgg & Baconleaving. Me and my friend was eating egg and bacon with toast. It was a good breakfast, well, they didn't have any milk for my tea so that was a setback.

Suddenly we could hear music and we saw a few pick-ups coming down the road. The Wat Klong Sai temple is very close to our hotel and this was obviously people on the way to the temple for the ordination.

Aladdin's adventure at Royal Place in Ban Chang
Breakfast at Royal Place

Aladdin's adventure at Royal Place in Ban Chang
Breakfast at Royal Place

Aladdin's adventure at Royal Place in Ban Chang
Breakfast at Royal Place

Aladdin's adventure at Royal Place in Ban Chang
Breakfast at Royal Place

They were going to the temple and there were still no sign of my friend's wife, son and father in law. And I was a wee bit worried that we would miss the start of the ordination.
- Seems like we're in a hurry, I said.

He left to get them and I took a few pictures while they had their breakfast. By now there was a Japanese guest showing up for breakfast. A combination of being from Japan and the Waitress lack of English knowledge made it hard for them to communicate. But our hero was glad to help and the Japanese guy was soon having his breakfast.

And I think he was here to play golf as there is a big golf place close by. My friend's finished their breakfast and we took off towards the ordination at the Wat Klong Sai temple.

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Entrance to Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Ubosot or Bòht พระอุโบสถ โบสถ์

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Ubosot or Bòht พระอุโบสถ โบสถ์

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Giants guarding the Ubosot or Bòht พระอุโบสถ โบสถ์

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Eight Sema stones - Bai Sema ใบเสมา mark the consecrated area around the Ubosot/ Bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Eight Sema stones - Bai Sema ใบเสมา mark the consecrated area around the Ubosot/ Bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Ho rakang หอระฆัง – the bell tower

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Sala kan prian ศาลาการเปรียญ

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Wihan พระวิหาร

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Wihan พระวิหาร

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Sala ศาลา

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
They are building a new Sala ศาลา

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Kuti กุฎี or กุฎิ kut

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Kuti กุฎี or กุฎิ kut

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Kuti กุฎี or กุฎิ kut

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง

The temple was very close by and we reached the place after just a very few minutes. There were plenty people, but I was surprised when I discovered that there were only 2 gays for ordination. Well, maybe they do this every day, can not be very much else to do in the temple. Begging for food in the morning and they are not allowed to eat after 12. My friend told me that the monks could not eat after 12 because something holy. I could not help myself and I just had to ask
- But it is OK to rape, taking drugs and steal?
- It is only some monks doing that!

Well, we had a few pictures of the ordinate. I could not recognice him without the hair. The cermony started and we started with the แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht. The procession with the ordinate around the temple 3 times. And they seemed to be a little impressed by the fact that I knew that they had to go around the Ubosot 3 times. Thanks to internet.

The band and dancers were in the lead of the procession and the ordinate followed with family and friends. And it was loud, piano, drums and brass. And it looked like they were enjoying themselfs.
แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
They getting ready for the แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
They getting ready for the แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
They getting ready for the แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Here we go! The Hae naak roop bòht can start

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Here we go! The Hae naak roop bòht can start

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Here we go! The Hae naak roop bòht can start

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
The Dancers is up front leading the procession

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
The Dancers is up front leading the procession
And we notice the yellow Bai Sema ใบเสมา that marks the consecrated area

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
The band following the dancers

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
The band following the dancers

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
The band following the dancers

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
And here was have the Ordinate

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
And here was have the Ordinate

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
And here was have the Ordinate

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
And here was have the Ordinate

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
And here was have the Ordinate

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
And here was have the Ordinate

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Even the “Little ones” are joining us in the procession

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Even the “Little ones” are joining us in the procession

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
I'm not the only one taking pictures

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
We have completed 3 turns around the Ubosot

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
More music and dance when we are ready with the Hae naak roop bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
More music and dance when we are ready with the Hae naak roop bòht

The Hae naak roop bòht was completed and when we stopped outside the entrance to the Bòht. The dancers continued to dance and the band was playing. According to my paper it was time to become a monk. Yes, I had printed a copy of the procedure and the names of all the temple buildings that I had brought with me. And according to my paper it was time for the:

1) แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht = Procession person to be ordinate as monk around temple

2)ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht = Do ceremony in the temple

This is the ceremony and the ordinates become monks

3)เป็นพระ - bpen prá = To be monk & โยนทาน yohn taan = Throw coins, gifts

The ordinates kneeled in front of the Bai Sema ใบเสมา in front of the entrance to the Bòht. OK, nothing to get alarmed over, just some Hocus Pocus before entering the Bòht to go through theAladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง ceremony to become a monk.
Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง

Well, when they were ready in front of the Bai Sema ใบเสมา the got up to the stairs in front of the entrance to the Bòht.

I was very surprised when the Ordinate started to throw something that looked like candy on colourful wrappings. According to my information this was the last step. DARN PRINTOUT!! I was lost, what is going on here? Well, maybe some local varieties in the ceremony.

โยนทาน Yohn taan = Throw coins, gifts

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
The ordinates throws what I thought was candy

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
The ordinates throws what I thought was candy

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
The ordinates throws what I thought was candy

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
The ordinates throws what I thought was candy

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
Collecting coins

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
More coins

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
The ordinates throws what I thought was candy

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
Collecting coins

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
Collecting coins

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
Collecting coins

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
She managed to both take pictures and to collect coins

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
She showed me her coins

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
She gave me 2 cons as this was obviously a VERY good luck
And we can see that this things are easily mistaken for candy. Coins wrapped in colourful wrappings

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - โยนทาน Yohn taan
Waiting for the ceremony

They disappeared in to the Bòht when the ordinate was ready with the coin throwing. And I had lost track on what was going on. But my guess was that they were now going to proceed with the
Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยองทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht = Do ceremony in the temple to become a monk. They asked me to come inside, but it didn't look very comfortable to sit on the floor. And honestly, there weren’t many people in the temple.

I think it was just the very close relatives inside the temple or the Bòht. I think temple is the name for the whole area.

Most of the people were outside waiting, and honestly, don't tell anyonebut most of them looked bored. Like a confirmation in Sweden. Everyone does it for the gifts, and I'm not even sure they do this stuff in Sweden anymore.

I walked around the temple looking at the different buildings and there was people playing loud music in some of the cars while waiting for the ceremony to be ready in the Bòht

And now my printout came in very handy, and I recognised most of the buildings. And I asked the people and they were mighty impressed by my knowledge. I guess I was the least bored person at the ceremony as I kept myself busy checking out the temple.

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
My friend took a break from the ceremony to come out to check the mango tree

I asked people about the different building and they were not only impressed. They showed me around and they explained all the different stuff for me. Very interesting and I was most likely the only person not bored at the temple. And I got some pictures out of it as we can see above.

I had expected them to be ready when I was back at the Bòht. But there was no sign of any end to the ceremony and the Ordinates were still wearing the white dresses. I have realised, even without my printout, that we're coming close to the end when the Ordinates are wearing the orange robe. And I guess by then they are no longer Ordinates but fully fledged monks.

ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
Do ceremony in the temple

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
It took longer than I had expected

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
Always the same guy that can't behave

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
Now it looks like something is going to happen

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
Now it looks like something is going to happen

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
Looks like our wee friend is getting bored of sitting down

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
Have they become monks now?

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht
Have they become monks now?

The Ordinates handed a robe or what it was to the old monk and they took of their white shirts. Was this the end of the ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht ceremony? Were we in the final step เป็นพระ - bpen prá (to be a monk)? I don't know. But I think so because when they got the yellow ribbon they disappeared out in the back. I went out to have a look what was going on.

The ordinates got help to get dressed by some other monks. One of the monks was smoking. I don't mind them smoking, but he was throwing the cigarette butts on the ground. Not allowed to wear shoes, but throwing cigarette butts?

เป็นพระ - bpen prá (to be a monk)

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
Getting dressed in the monk robe

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
Getting dressed in the monk robe

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
Getting dressed in the monk robe

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
Getting dressed in the monk robe

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
Getting dressed in the monk robe

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
Getting dressed in the monk robe

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
Getting dressed in the monk robe

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
I thought it was over, but they just continued

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง - เป็นพระ - bpen prá
I thought it was over, but they just continued

The Ordinates, or by now monks got dressed in their robes in the back by help of the other monks. Now I thought it was time to go to the car and get down to a restaurant we had seen looking for our “hotel” yesterday evening. Located smack on the beach and we saw a sign that they opened at 07:00. And I was looking forward to a grand breakfast, what else to expect from a restaurant at a location like that?

But the ceremony continued and by now our wee friend got tired of sitting down. He was up to mischiefs and I was the one to keep an eye on him. I like to watch children play, happy children! But to carry or touch them, this is not what I like! Image if I drop the baby or if I play with him and he falls or get hurt.

Or you turn around for a few seconds and something happens. What a disaster! I had a friend and he had his daughter with him. She was in the other end of the room and I said good bye.

Within a blink of an eye she had moved from the other side of the room to stand next to me. I turned around and I walked over her (She was 50 cm tall) and she started to cry. Yes, that was fun! So our hero was not happy to find himself on the baby detail while they completed the ceremony in the temple. Well, at least some action around here, about time!

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Now he was bored

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
He wanted to do something funnier

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Yeah, let's go play with Aladdin

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
He is making new friends

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
He is making new friends

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
He is making new friends

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
He is making new friends

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Eating chips - I guess it is here I should have stepped in

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Eating chips - I guess it is here I should have stepped in

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Eating chips - I guess it is here I should have stepped in

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Eating chips - I guess it is here I should have stepped in

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Eating chips - I guess it is here I should have stepped in

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Appropriate behaviour at a temple?

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Appropriate behaviour at a temple?

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Finally, the new monks is coming out

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Finally, the new monks is coming out

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Finally, the new monks is coming out

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
A few pictures with the new monk
And we can see that our hero is dressed for the occasion

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
A few pictures with the new monk
And we can see that our hero is dressed for the occasion

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Of course, the wanted a picture with Charisma Man. And who am I to say no?
And we can see that our hero is dressed for the occasion

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
As a new monk he had to go to the Kuti กุฎี or กุฎิ kut
We took off to the beach side restaurant

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
I was half way to the restaurant in my mind already
But now we had to buy lottery tickets, good luck at the temple

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
Picking out lottery tickets

Aladdin's adventure at Wat Klong Sai in Ban Chang, Rayong - วัดคลองทราย บ้านฉาง, ระยอง
And here we have a winner

It had been fun and interesting at the temple. But I could not help feeling very happy when the new monks got out from the temple. We are ready and we can get down to the restaurant on theAladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayongbeach. I had been imagining the breakfast for the last hour, yes, I was getting hungry. And to sit on the beach eating a good breakfast in the breeze, can it be better?

There was a guy selling lottery tickets at the temple and we had to buy a few tickets as it is obviously good luck at the temple, or something like that.

The new monk's girlfriend was going back to Bangkok with us and she came with us to the restaurant. It took us 2 minutes to reach the restaurant and we parked the car. We ran up theAladdin's adventure at Burger Bus in Ban Chang, Rayongstairs delirious with hunger.
- The menu please?

We took a table and they brought the menu, instant disappointment. We passed the place yesterday evening when we searched for the hotel. A beautiful house on the beach andas the sign said that they opened at 07:00 we expected a grand breakfast.

We have been dreaming aboutthis breakfast since yesterday. Egg & bacon, home fried potatoes, fresh baked bread, toast with orange jam and drums of Earl Grey tea while watching and listening to the ocean.

Turned out to be a burger bar. Burger Bus and they had 3 different burger to choose from, andAladdin's adventure at Burger Bus in Ban Chang, Rayongyou could have French fries with the burger. And it was served in paper wrappings. Of course, I could not eat the fish burger. But I had a pot of tea.

The tea was not bad, but it didn't do much for my hunger.

What a shame! To have a place like this and to serve hamburgers, and hamburgers fast food style in paper wrappings. This could easily have become the place to be seen and heard at. Real food and maybe a few hotel rooms and they would have made a fortune. Why go through the problem to get here for a hamburger? There are much better fast food restaurants.

Aladdin's adventure at Burger Bus in Ban Chang, Rayong
View over the ocean

Aladdin's adventure at Burger Bus in Ban Chang, Rayong
They had a swing in the Burger Bar

Aladdin's adventure at Burger Bus in Ban Chang, Rayong
They had a swing in the Burger Bar

And to have a place like this and not do anything about the surroundings. In front of the restaurant was a big concrete parking space and the creek next to the restaurant was full of plastic garbage.Aladdin's adventure at Burger Bus in Ban Chang, RayongA beautiful area totally destroyed by garbage.

I was around taking pictures and there were stilt houses built over the creek.

Beautiful, but no one seems to care. It looked terrible. Imagine a house like that in Sweden, would cost BILLIONS. But this house, I would not want it even if it was for free. Well, OK, I have to take the snakes in to account as well. But imagine this area without all the garbage.

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
Garbage all over the place

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
Garbage all over the place

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
Garbage all over the place

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
Could have been a very beautiful place, now there were garbage all over the place
They were most likely happy to live on the creek. No need for garbage cans, just throw it out the window

Well, let's foock of out of here now. Time to leave Ban Chang behind. I wouldn't mind having a bacon & egg at the Offshore Restaurant. But we had planned to have dinner at the restaurant owned by the former Manager of New Cowboy Restaurant. The new monk's girlfriend was supposedAladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayongto go back to Bangkok with us, but her mother or who it was called and she had to stay in Ban Chang. She didn't look to happy about it.

We had to drive her back to the new monk's mother's house. We made a stop at 7 Eleven for 2 bottles of Diet MAX and some other drinks. Tea on bottles, they say it is OK. I have never tried it, I prefer to hot tea with milk.

We went to the house and it was a nice area. Of course the neighbourhood was covered in garbage. Some people blame it on poverty, but I can't understand that argument. Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean that you like to live in a heap of garbage. No need to throw the garbage in your own yard because you're poor. It was a very sad experience.

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
Going to the monk dinner

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
Going to the monk dinner

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
Going to the monk dinner

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
Going to the monk dinner

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
All the monks are eating in the room by them self

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
So where do you want to have your Diet MAX ? Inside with the monks or outside with the girls?
Yes, I'm always ready with my “No Thanks' I'm on diet” when people offering me food

Aladdin's adventure in Ban Chang, Rayong
So where do you want to have your Diet MAX ? Inside with the monks or outside with the girls?
Yes, I'm always ready with my “No Thanks' I'm on diet” when people offering me food

They had all the monks over for food. This was actually the fourth and last step on my Teachers “Guide” for the ceremony. But I never bothered to mention it.
But bellow you have my Teacher's 4 steps.

1)แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht =
Procession with the monk ordinate around the temple

2)ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht = Do ceremony in the temple
This is the ceremony and the ordinates become monks

3)เป็นพระ - Bpen prá = To be monk & โยนทาน yohn taan = Throw coins, gifts

4)กินเลี้ยง - Gin líang = To feast; banquet

They had all the monks over for food. I was hungry after the fiasco at the Burger Bus, but I hadThai Fooddecided to wait until we get to the restaurant. And I always have a “No Thanks' I'm on diet” ready for whenever someone offers food.Smiley eating Thai Food

And the “No Thanks' I'm on diet” comes in very handy in Thailand. People offers food everywhere and the Thai food taste nothing, it only burns. Maybe there is some taste to it, but the taste is for sure disappearing when you have a blaze raging in the mouth.Smiley eating Thai Food

We left the place and I could see that the new monk's girlfriend was disappointed to have to stay behind in Ban Chang. For sure, there cannot be much fun to do. As I told my friend when we arrived yesterday.
- 2 days here and I would have thrown myself in front of the Rayong - Bangkok bus!
Or I would have become an alcoholic and a drug addict. Here is exactly nothing to do. My friend said that here was Tesco Lotus and restaurants.
- Yes, after 2 days at Tesco Lotus I would have thrown myself in front of the bus!

We drove along Sukhumvit and we passed a sign saying about a tourist site and we left SukhumvitAladdin's adventure in Sattahipand we were soon coming to a beach. And the beach was full of people.

We were just next to the Port Of Sattahip. The Juksamet Port of Sattahip is one of the few deep-water ports of Thailand. Also the Sattahip Naval Base is the largest base of the Royal Thai Navy and is home to the HTMS Chakri Naruebet, the Navy's sole aircraft carrier.

HTMS Chakri Naruebet is usually only operational for a single day per month for training, with the rest of the time spent alongside as a "part-time tourist attraction". The ship rarely leaves the proximity of the Sattahip naval base, and when she does, it is usually to transport and host the Royal Family of Thailand. Naval commentators consider Chakri Naruebet to be less an aircraft carrier and more the world's most expensive royal yacht, while the Thai media have nicknamed the ship "Thai-tanic", and consider her to be a white elephant.

We had to look for quite some time before we foundAladdin's adventure in Sattahipspace to park the car. And I was surprised when we got out. Sattahip's cutest couple had managed to produce beach hats from nowhere as if by magic
Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip

They also had a mat to sit on and I suggested that we put it out on the sand.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Are you crazy! In the sun!
They prefer to sit on stones and rots under a tree. God forbid that we catch some colour while onYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe beach. But it suits me fine, everyone were swimming with their shirts on and it wasAladdin's adventure in Sattahipnot like I felt like throwing off my shirt showing off my flapping belly. This is a trauma we can spare the children.

Our little travel companion was in a hurry to get in to the water and they had some problem to get himYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stout of the clothes.

He was crying and screaming, but he was happy again as soon as he got in to the water. And he was really enjoying himself in the waves. And I guess he wasted a lot of energy and he will soon be hungry again. A little something to look forward to in the car as he will be crying when he is
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthungry. But they have a trick, they turn on the music and he stop crying. But as soon as we turn off the music he starts crying again.

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
He was not in a good mood
He wanted to go straight in to the water without taking of his clothes

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
He takes off with his shirt on

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
The shirt has to come off

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
Now he really wanted to get in to the water

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
Now he really wanted to get in to the water

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
Now he really wanted to get in to the water

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
Now he was happy

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
He had enough of the swimming for a while

I took a tour around the area while my friends were playing on the beach. There were plenty people sitting under the trees. The tree looked like pine trees and t might have been my imagination, but I thought it smelled like pine tree. The smell of pine tree and beach, something I'm used fromAladdin's adventure in SattahipSkåne when I was a wee boy. And it looked almost the same so it might have been my imagination with the pine smell.

But there was one, no two big differences from the beaches in Skåne. THE GARBAGE! They just left all the shit behind, if you try that in Sweden there will soon be someone coming to beat you up.

A beautiful beach destroyed by garbage. And I also saw some people sitting on a mat drinking beer and Whiskey. This you see everywhere in Sweden. But you don't see people passed out on mats with children on theAladdin's adventure in Sattahipbeaches in Sweden.

I saw a few of them here, not many but at least 2 or 3. What the foock are these people thinking about? Go to the beach with your baby and you drink 2 bottles of Whiskey.

Who is taking care of the baby. How can you live with yourself after waking up just to find out that your baby has drowned in the water.

Well, I continued my stroll along the beach and I can't say that I felt like getting in to the waterSand beach in Thailandwhen I saw all the garbage. All this garbage will end up in the ocean killing wildlife poisons us and the future generations.

And it is amazing that there are still (year 2014) people that believe that the humans have no impact on the environment. And people are afraid of the climate change. Let's not get in to if it is because of the humans or not. But many people believe it is because of humans.

What's make me scared? The people that are scared for the climate change and keep on withtheir lifestyle. Well, as long as the wheels are turning and economical growth.

There seems to be other things than over population to be scared off now. The last I heard is that we need more people because of the ageing population. We need more people to keep the wheels turning as old people retires. Seem to be a problem with the one child policy in China now.

More people, more production to support an ageing population and the economic growth. But what to do when we don't have anything left to produce from?

Everyone wants to have babies, because they are cute. Like I asked one girl when she told me that she wanted to have a baby because they were cute.
- What about when they turn 15? How cute are they by then?

Anyway, they want babies because they are cute. Like a puppy or a toy. But what will they leave behind for their children. Hell, they can't even foocking bother to watch out for the children whileAladdin's adventure in Sattahipon the beach, passed out byYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdrinking. What a shame!

I walked back to my friends and they were gone,only the son and father in law playing in the sand. I watched them while taking pictures.

Suddenly when the son was digging in the sand I discovered a big piece of glass. Luckily enough he didn't cut him self

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
People are enjoying themselves in the shadow

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
People are enjoying themselves in the shadow

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
People are enjoying themselves in the shadow

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
Sattahip Beach

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
People having a good time at Sattahip Beach

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
People having a good time at Sattahip Beach

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
They are playing in the sand when I come back

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
They are playing in the sand when I come back

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
They are playing in the sand when I come back

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
They are playing in the sand when I come back

Aladdin's adventure in Sattahip
Now he gets angry. He doesn’t want to go home

I had not been eating since our early breakfast and I was at least to say hungry. There were food stalls at the parking space so I walked back towards the parking. I was not interested in the food,Aladdin's adventure in Sattahipbut there might be some snacks.

I found some kind of cookies looking like a small pipe in different colours. The bag set me back by 20 Baht. They didn't have any water, but they pointed towards a kiosk on the beach.

I walked down to the kiosk and I bought some water and I walked back to the car. They were waiting for me and we left Sattahip Beach and port behind.

We had decided to have our dinner at D-day in Laem Chabang. This was the name of the restaurant the previous Manager at New Cowboy Restaurant was running. And we were hungry, very hungry. But when we reached Pattaya myAladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาคfriend's wife wanted to go to the floating market in Pattaya.
- Floating market in Pattaya?
- I had never heard of any floating market in Pattaya. The name ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค - 4 region market. And I guess it comes from the four regions in Thailand.
• Northern Thailand
• North Eastern Thailand
• Central Thailand
• Southern Thailand

Well, a floating market in Pattaya, I learn something new every day. They asked if I wanted to go. Of course, if his wife wants to go we can't say no and Pattaya floating market it was. And as my friend said “We have plenty time” and as they say in Thailand: ไปเที่ยว - Bpai tîeow. That means go on tour. Well, itAladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาคmeans a lot of things. It can mean go out to drink beer or go for holiday etc. Well, when you hear ไปเที่ยว - Bpai tîeow you know it means go for a good time.

And yes, we were on tour. Pattaya floating market, BRING IT ON! We managed to find a spot to park the car and we went to the floating market. It is free for Thai people to come in, but foreigner have to pay. But I flashed my Thai driving license and it was for free.

Or I would not have got in. I refuse to pay to get in to a market. The shops pay rent, and what if I had to pay to get in to Tops market. For sure, I would soon do my shopping at Villa Market.

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
He bought snacks everywhere and he forced me to eat - But I refused to eat the squid

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค

We had just entered the floating market when my friend stopped to by snacks. He forced me to eat, yes, I said no thanks because I wanted to save myself for the D-Day in Laem Chabang. But he refused to take no for an answer. It looked like waffles in the form of a finger.

And it was very good and I had a few of them. He was soon coming with something that looked likeAladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาคpancakes. GREEN PANCAKES!
- Have one
- No thanks
- Go ahead, it is very good!
- What is it?
- Coconut
I had one and it was very good and I was soon having another one. He was soon coming with something called antique ice cream. I had said no thanks, but I got an ice cream anyway.

Can't say that I was impressed by the ice cream. It was full ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsomething that looked like green beans. Not what you expect in a ice cream. Floating Market was full of people and I was surprised to see that it was mostly Thai tourists. Well, I guess the foreignersAladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาคcoming to Pattaya are busy doing something else, and of course, when they have to pay to go shopping.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThen there are better things to do.

Well, the most obvious choose of boredom killer in PattayaHangover in Pattayawould most likely have ended up with a hangover and that is a life I have put behind me.

And to be honest, a shitty floating market, with my friends and it was more fun than spending
15 000 Baht in a bar. And on top of that I feel like a million. But the best thing is that I'm not making a tit out of myself.

There are of course some perks as well. I'mCharisma Mannever as handsome as after 12 bottles of San Miguel Lights.

And the girls are very beautiful after 12 bottles or so of San Miguel Light beer.

Well, it was time to leave the floating market in Pattaya and we walked towards the exit. Of course we ended up at the wrong exit and we had to go back to the other side where the parkingAladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาคspace was. There was a dart attraction at the exit. Throw darts at balloons and my friendgave it a try, he won foock all.

We left the floating market and we passed the BB Gun attractionAladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาคon the way to the car. We decided to give it a try and my friend started.

Must be a very sadYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stexperience to go from failure to failure. First the balloons and now the BB gun. I admit that it looked good from a distance. But when he got the target there was no hits in theAladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาคred area.

But he went on and on about what a Cowboy he was and his wifeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas quite proud. Well, it was my turn to give it a go. I needed three of theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhatever it is called to get a aim.

Then I emptied the gun inthe “Bull's eye” and when we got the target the “Bull's eye” was almost missing.

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Now look at his wife, she is proud

Aladdin's adventure at Pattaya Floating Market - ตลาดน้ำ 4 ภาค
Well, she looked proud until we got my target. The “Bull's eye” was almost missing

We took off towards Laem Chabang and the D-day restaurant. As soon as we had left Pattaya behind the traffic was flowing quite good. My friend's wife was looking up D-day on the internet.Homemade Pizza in Map Ta PhutNo restaurant by that name in Laem Chabang. So she look up OffshoreAladdin's adventure at Central Plaza in ChonburiRestaurant in Ban Chang for the phone number.

We called the Offshore Restaurant and she told me that the restaurant was in Map Ta Phut. And the name was not D-day, the name was Home Made Pizza.

I must obviously got it all wrong, and no chance we're driving back to Rayong. We decided to continue to Chonburi. There should be some restaurants.

Our wee travel companion had been very busy at the beach so he was sleeping all the way. Now he woke up and he was obviously hungry. And he started to scream so we had to stop toAladdin's adventure at Central Plaza in Chonburibuy food for him. And we were all very hungry, but we decided to wait until Chonburi before we ate. Our wee travel companion was eating and he was soon happy again.

We wanted to eat Japanese food, I have not had my daily ration of salmon for 2 days and our best chance was to find a big shopping mall.
- There will be plenty to choose from!

My friend had asked when they bought the baby food and according to the girl Central Plaza was the biggest shopping mall in Chonburi. And Central Plaza should not be very far away.

When we saw the Robinson sign we were very happy. Finally time for some food and we were very hungry by now. Nothing since the early breakfast forme. Well, not counting all the snacks myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfriend filled me with at Pattaya Floating Market.

Hmm, there was the cookies at Sattahip Beach. Anyway, we were hungry and we entered Central Plaza at Robinson department store. There was a ZENYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stJapanese restaurant when we came out from Robinson and we were soon sitting down.

ZEN Japanese restaurant, I have to come back! I discovered that they had salmon fried rice. One of my favourites since I had it in Shanghai. Never seen it before or after Shanghai, until now that is. I ordered 2 salmon fried rice, 2 salmon sashimi, 1 avocado and a plate of Japanese sausages. What to drink?

They only had tea by the cups, but the waitress went to see if she could find something moreAladdin's adventure at ZEN, Japanese Restaurant, Central Plaza in Chonburisuitable to drink from.

She came up with nothing and I left to goRobinson Chonburihave a look at Robinsons. Maybe they have a big beer glasses. I went up to the top floor on Robinson department store. They had small beer glasses so I had to buy a jug.

I was soon back at ZEN and they brought me the jug with tea and a tea cup. The tea cup was sent back and I poured some milk in my tea jug.

Aladdin's adventure at ZEN, Japanese Restaurant, Central Plaza in Chonburi
Tea, salmon, sausages, avocado and salmon fried rice

And I was ready to enjoy my meal. They had been at Tops Market to buy me an avocado. Excellent service as always in Thailand. I hear a lot of complains about the service and customer service in Thailand. I have never experienced any better service. Even with an expired warranty, lost receiptAladdin's adventure at ZEN, Japanese Restaurant, Central Plaza in Chonburietc they come to pick up the stuff and repair it. FOR FREE!! Try that in Sweden, you should be happy just to reach the claim desk.

Ordering food after one day with no food, not a good idea. I was full when I had finished the dinner and I had to roll back to the car.

Yes, the reason that I will have to avoid restaurants, I go crazy with the menu and my diet is down the drain.

OK, it was quite healthy food, but anyway. Double everything is not the way to go if I want to obtain my V-shaped torso. But the food at ZEN was good and I have had exactly ZERO beer thisAladdin's adventure at ZEN, Japanese Restaurant, Central Plaza in Chonburiweekend so I felt quite good with myself. Actualy it was a very long time ago I had aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbeer, and I can't say that I miss it.

It was getting late and we decided to take the Motorway to Bangkok from Chonburi. And I was hoping to be back home at 9 o'clock. Took us some time to get out of Chonburi, but after asking for directions we were soon on the Bangkok - Chonburi Motorway heading for Bangkok.

Aladdin's adventure on the Bangkok - Chonburi Motorway
Saturday night and traffic at full stop on the Motorway

We were hauling arse on the Motorway but we were soon running in to a four lane traffic jam. What is this? Saturday night and the traffic is at a full stop. I would have understood if it was Sunday night. I was not back home until 10 o'clock. And it had been a very nice trip.

The Teacher from Bangkok Fight Club have started at Bangkok Wing Chun in Bang Na and he wanted me to come check it out. So hang on!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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