Hangover in Honolulu
PAP & Emblem have made a really funky tune about hangover. In Skånska only!

Try to sitt down listening to this one and your ass will start a revolution on you!
Hangover in Honolulu
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Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu, Hawaii

Thursday 9 th of January 2014 and my alarm went off at 4 o'clock in the morning. I woke up by myself a few minutes before 4 o'clock, thanks’ to me going to bed at 9 thirty yesterday evening. A quick TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and a pot of tea. Shower and a shave and I left to have a look for a taxi. Of course, yet again, I forgot something. This time the passport. And half way to the airport I remembered that I had apples and bananas in the fridge.

I was supposed to have had them for breakfast, now I will have to throw them when I'm back home, if they haven't crawled out of the fridge by them self by then.

Checking in and they didn't let me on board because I didn't had any ESTA. Electronic System forAladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi AirportTravel Authorization from US Homeland Security. Never heard of this before, from Skåne and I have always received 6 months on arrival. Well, the ANA staff was very helpful and I went to an internet place next to the post office.

I got my travel authorization and I returned to check in and I got my boarding pass. I had an hour before boarding time and I can't say that the time turned very quick, It was quite boring so I was happy when it was time to board ANA's flight NH954 to Narita, Tokyo. I was soon asleep and I slept for about 4 hours and I had a bad taste in my mouth when I woke up.

I went forward to our cute Japanese Stewardesses and I asked for a piece of chocolate. I had 2 pieces and the bad taste was soon history. The cute Japanese Stewardesses had filled up myAladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi Airportarmrest with millions of stuff while I was sleeping. Facemask, earplugs etc. I knew all that stuff, but I discovered a sleep support.

What the foock is a sleepYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsupport. A new Japanese invention? Hokus Pokus and magic like the Japanese hangover pill we had before New Year? I wasn't impressed by the Japanese hangover pill but I might have been impressed by theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsleep support if I understand how it was working. Plenty Japanese text but no explanation in English. Never mind, I had about 4 hours of sleep and we were approaching Narita airport when I woke up.

Same with their announcements on the plane. The messages are like a “book on tape” in Japanese, andAladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi Airportin English it is short like:

The flight passed quite quick and the service was good. They were all over me when I woke up.
- Lunch?
- No thanks
- Sandwich?
- No thanks
- fruit?
- No thanks

When we came through the clouds it looked like approaching Landvetter airport in Sweden, all winter brown and dark green. Japan and Sweden is best enjoyed in the summer time. That's why I will take my courses in Manila when I'm back home from Honolulu and I will do the courses in Sweden in May. I will hopefully never have to wear a pair of long pants again.
Or as they say in Caracas: Pantalongas

Aladdin's adventure at Narita Airport
Arriving to Narita Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Narita Airport
Arriving to Narita Airport

Landing at Narita and when we approach the terminal I see a huge poster: DOWN WITH NARITA AIRPORT and some red flags. Exactly what you want to see when you land, it was like landing in a middle of a demonstration. Are there anyone with a rocket launcher aiming at us? I'm leaving one mob in Bangkok to arrive in a middle of a mob in Tokyo. Or as they say in Bangkok: MOP

It was could when we got out of the plane, we had to go to the terminal by bus. But we arrived to Terminal 1 and my flight NH 1052 to Honolulu leaves from terminal 1 so it is OK. No need for anyAladdin's adventure at Narita Airportmore outdoor adventures inYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe cold.

I found ANA's lounge and I set up my computer. I tried to send e-mail this morning, but I got the e-mails in return. I tried here as well, and the same thing.

Well, I hope it is something wrong with my web hotel and that they can fix it soon. I have some important e-mails to attend to. Anyway, I have 5 hours to kill here at Narita, there is a Sake bar in ANA's lounge, but I stick with Pepsi Nex.

Second time I see Pepsi Nex, first time was in Korea back in 2011 and I was not impressed. But seems like the Japanese Pepsi Nex is a wee bit better.

So I'm at ANA's lounge drinking Pepsi Nex and my friend is at a wedding in Chumphon, alone!
He asked if I wanted to join him and I said it was a great idea.
- Let's stay for 2 days, I suggested.
- Yes, very good, I just ask my wife!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWell, his wife wasn't so very excited about our plan. They will go buy car in the afternoon on the 8th and they will drive back home after the wedding. So most of the time would be spent in the car and I booked my trip to Hawaii instead. Well, as soon as his wife heard I wasn't goinfg she decided to stay home and my friend have to go alone.
- My wife doesn’t trust you, he explained.
If I was going she would have joined and if I stay home she will stay home. Yeah, why bother getting married? And all his friends have pretty much the same thing going on for them.

Time to board our flight and I went to gate 42 and I could see that it was 2 o'clock in the morning in Hawaii and 23°C Flight time 6 hours. 6 HOURS! Where did I get 8 hours from? 5 to 8 hour’s flight is the worst.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st6 hours and my sleeping pill will still be in effect when we arrive. I opened myAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight NH 1052 to Honolulubag and I popped one sleeping pill in the terminal and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully fallYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stasleep as soon as I take my seat.

The brought the menu and I said no thanks as I was going to sleep. I covered myself in the duvet, impossible to sleep so I decided to have the dinner and I topped up my sleeping pill with another half sleeping pill.

I managed to get a few hours of sleep and when I woke up I went forward for a piece of chocolateYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand I discovered 2 beautiful girls next to me when I was back in my seat. 2 Japanese girls and they were the most beautiful girls I had seen since I left Bangkok.

I saw them before falling asleep but I thought they were 12 years old, watching Japanese cartoons. OK, I had a sleeping pill and it was dark. And they were wearing this white cover overYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttheir faces as we see everyone wearing in Japan. But today in the sunlight! WOW! They were putting on make-up and as I was sitting in a seat in the middle of the plane I pretended to look out the window.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWe approached Hawaii and I came up with a foocking brilliant idea. I said hello, no reaction. As I'm a wee bit shy I only whispered and the girls could not hear me. Of course, if I have had a case of San Miguel Light it would have been a different tune.

I tried again, still no reaction. One more time, a wee bit louder and now they turned towards me and I handed them my camera.
- Can you please take a few pictures?
I could not give a rat’s ass about the pictures, but It was a great ice breaker. Maybe the best ever and no San Miguel Light required.

Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight NH 1052 to Honolulu
Approaching Oahu
Picture by Miss Most Beautiful in the World

We landed in Honolulu almost exact the same time we left Bangkok and this will be a long day. We arrived to the terminal but we had to take a bus from the terminal to another terminal forAladdin's adventure in Honoluluimmigration and custom.

I was tired and I decided to try to stay up instead of going to bed. No beer today, better off getting a good night sleep so I'm ready for action tomorrow. If I go to bed no I will wake up tonight and the whole day will be destroyed. Of course, maybe, sleepYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stduring the day and drink myself unconscious tonight?

Well, we see about that. Took us about 5 minutes on the bus and we got off and we were soon at the immigration. Immigration took 20 minutes and I was off to get my weekend bag. They had a dog sniffing the luggage and they took one of the bags for a moreAladdin's adventure in Honoluluthorough examination.

My bag was already off the belt when I came to pick up my bag. But I could not see the bag. There was a guy asking me what flight I had arrived with.
- The luggage has already arrived

He pointed towards the luggage on the floor. Now I could see my bag and I was out of there in a jiff. I found an ATM and then I went to look for the taxi stand. I had already asked for the price, 35 to 40 US to get me to Marriott Resort and Spa on Waikiki Beach. Good to know so they don't drive me around and around and claim 300 US$Aladdin's adventure in Honolulufor the taxi ride.

It took us about 20 to 30 minutes to reach Marriott on Waikiki Beach and I paid 40$ plus something and I went to the reception to check in. There was a very nice lady in the check-in. They have a 30US$ per day resort fee and then I get 60 minutes of long distance call per day so I can call Bangkok. WIFI and I can borrow as many blue ray discs I want. Hangover DVDs and this sounds more and more like Hangover Man's paradise. Breakfast until 11 so I went for breakfast as soon as I had checked in.

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach Marriott in Honolulu
Hotel reception

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach Marriott in Honolulu
Hotel reception

Aladdin's adventure at Marriott in Honolulu
Breakfast restaurant at Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Waikiki Beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Waikiki Beach

Breakfast, omelette, bacon and potatoes. And waffles with jam and whipped cream. Yes, right there and then I decided to go buy fruit for future breakfasts. I really don't want to come home looking like a cubic ton of lard. It is bad enough like it is now. The restaurant is just across the road fromYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe beach so I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to get down to the beach for at least one swim. At least I brought my swimming trunks.

Coming up to my room and my key card didn't work, none of them. Luckily enough there was a house maid passing by so I could get in to my room. I had a quick shower and I updated my web page while waiting for someone to attend BUPA's online chat line. I have forgotten to get aAladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honoluluinsurance for USA and I wanted to get aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stweek coverage for USA. I have BUPS International, almost 300 US$ per month for worldwide coverage.

My friend told me that the insurance didn't covered USA. Can be very expensiveUSA Flagto get sick in USA.

I managed to finish all the updates before someone attended BUPA's chat line. I was lucky, my policy cover 28 days in USA and I will hopefully be out of here in 28 days all depending on how thing turns outin Bangkok. The situation is not very good, but I really hope they don't start to shoot at each other and that we end up with a North Thailand and a South Thailand.

Well, I was not sad when I hang up the chatBUPA Internationalwith BUPA, saving a few dollars on the policy. Good to know that I don't have to pay millions of dollars if I break a leg. Now I will take off to discover Waikiki Beach. The plan is to walk up Kalakaua Avenue to see if there is any interesting “night spots”

I have read that China Town is the place for good music so I walked up Kalakaua Avenue towards down town Honolulu. There was for sure nothing exciting on Kalakaua Avenue, just a lot of shopping and a few restaurants. I passed a Tony Roma’s so I will have to check this out. Check out theAladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honoluluinside that is, I checked the menu on the outside and looks pretty much the same as the menu in Bangkok. Interesting, I will be back for soma baked potato soup and a full baby back.

I walked towards down town Honolulu and there was a bus lane along the Kalakaua Avenue and no sign of any taxi and I had to walk almost all the way to the bridge over the Alai Wai Canal. A Korean driver and he had been living here for many years with his wife. He told me he liked Seoul better but his wife wanted to move to Hawaii. They had been fighting over this for a long time, but as he said.
- My wife won and we moved to Honolulu

He turned green of envy when I told him that I was single
- You very very lucky
- Yeah, I can do what I want
- Very very good. You lucky
- All my married friends says the same
- You very clever!

I had been looking for a drug store to buy baby aspirin but I had come up with nothing. I asked the driver if there was any Walmart here. And there was one on the way to China Town and Idecided to stop there on my way back from China Town.

China Town was not any nice experience. Like all other cities in USA, a sign of USA's downfall. And Europe is not long after. Reminded me of Durban, a rundown city with plenty homeless people and beggars. Sad to see the downfall of the Western world, all jobs exported to China and nothing remains.

European welfare states disappearing. To be able to afford the welfare state we need educated people. And we need people working to pay tax to build schools. Sweden, once the best schools and education in the world is now down to the level of Kosovo andAladdin's adventure in HonoluluAlbania. It was a chock for Sweden when these results become known. A bunch of criminals running the country.

I took a taxi to Walmart to buy my baby aspirin and I ran in to vitamin tablets and fish oil in the pharmacy department. There was a guy telling me that if I bought one more thing I would need a shopping cart.

I was carrying everything and I was almost dropping it all on the floor. I went to look for a shopping basked and I filled up the basket with jars. I paid for my stuff and I went to look for aAladdin's adventure in Honolulutaxi. Wal-mart is obviously not a place where taxiHonolulu taxidrivers expect to find any customers

I walked up and down outside looking for a taxi for 20 minutes before I started to walk up the road. I reached an intersection and there was a taxi. I waved and then I discovered that there was another lady in the back seat.

The driver asked where I was going. I told her that I was going to Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort. She told me to jump in. I looked at the passenger, but it was no problem, she was going to drop her and then she could take me to Waikiki Beach. I jumped in and we went to leave the girl and we took off towards Waikiki Beach.

Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu
I'm walking up and down outside WalMart to look for a taxi

I was back at my room around 5 o'clock and I almost fell asleep and I will try to stay up until at least 10 or 11 so I can sleep all night long. I left the hotel and I took a taxi to a shopping mall toAladdin's adventure in Honolulucheck out the third floor. They say that there should be some places with music on the third floor.

I arrived to the mall and the pubs on the third floor turned out to be restaurants and one of the restaurants had live music. Well, nothing for me so I went to look for a pair of sneakers/ beach shoes for tomorrows swimming adventure at Waikiki Beach. I found nothing, but I found a nice wrist watch but I didn'tYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthad any money with me. Well, not enough money.

And my cards were in the safe in my hotel room so I took a taxi back to the hotel to get cash andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcards and I returned to buy the wrist watch. I talked with the guy and he told me thatAladdin's adventure in HonoluluChina Town was the place for beer and good music. Well, I will give it a second chance tomorrow.

I asked the guy for a good shop to buy shoes and I left to look for the shop. I have used colourful shoes the last 10 years andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stpeople think I have been crazy.

Colourful socks, I have worn colourful socks for the last 25 years, and yes, people think I'm crazy.
- Why don't you wear black socks?

Well, now all shoes are colourful in the shops. And socks, there are plenty colourful socks to buy. IAladdin's adventure in Honoluluremember when I bought colourful socks in Bangkok 25 years ago and I was obviously the only one buyingIce Cream shoesthem because they disappeared after a few years.

I remember when I was with Barcarolle in Miami, I bought enough Ice Cream shoes to last me for a long time and I still have several unused pairs. And I have a pair walking around in Honolulu and several people tell me it is nice shoes. And of course, they ask what kind of shoes it is.
- Ice cream
- Ice cream? What is that?
And of course, if I had had a dollar for every time they tell me my “home made” baseball caps are nice I would have been a millionaire.

I took a taxi to Tony Roma's, instant disappointment. Tony Roma's was full of people and there wasAladdin's adventure in Honolulumaybe 20 people outside waiting to come in side.

I must say that the restaurant in Bangkok looks much better and I decided to skip Tony Roma’s in Honolulu.

I walked back down Kalakaua Avenue and all the restaurants were full and I was hungry. I passed a sushi place and there were no people so I stopped for some salmon/ avocado maki and a glass of orange juice. Very good sushi and I might be back tomorrow.

Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu
Tony Roma's is full and plenty people waiting outside

Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu
Something along Kalakaua Avenue

Otherwise Kalakaua Avenue looks pretty much like a mix between Pattaya beach road and Orchard Road in Singapore. High end shopping, no bars and fun, exactly like Orchard road in Singapore. LessAladdin's adventure in Honolulutraffic, nicer buildings and cleaner than Pattaya but the same artists “beggars” along the side walk.

I stopped at an ABC shop when I was back at the hotel, they sell jars with fresh fruit so I bought fresh fruit, turkey and tea for 52$. I will enjoy this in my room instead of having breakfast at the hotel. Yes, this is more expensive, I can have 2 breakfasts at the hotel for the same price.

But seriously, 1 week here with waffles, jam and whipped cream for breakfast will kill me. Yes, there are fruit at the breakfast buffet. But my self-discipline... If I have to choose between a pineapple and a waffle I choose the waffle. A pot of tea or two and I are soon back at the Cook to have him to make an omelette for me.

On top of that a plate of bacon and potatoes, it will kill me and my diet. So from now on it will beBangkok Postfruit and tea in my room only. And there willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be more space in the seat flying back home next week. If there is any home to come back home to.

Today’s headlines in Bangkok Post is much about military, violence and a General warning that his soldiers are ready to sacrifice their life to protect the country. I also read that US Embassy in Bangkok advises citizens to stock a two week supply of cash, food and medicine. Well, we will see what happens next week.

Friday 10 th of January 2014
and I got out of bed at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I had been waking up at 3, 7, 12 o'clock and last time 2 o'clock so I have had enough sleep. I made tea and I had my

You're in Honolulu? I used to live there. Go check out Moose McGuiliguddys. Good place and strong drinks. Kuhio ave has lots of bars too. It’s one block away from kalakawa. Have fun. Take lots of pictures. Partying in Waikiki is a lot of fun!!
fruit and vitamin tablets while reading about the latest violence in Bangkok.

I decided to go to the beach for a swim, well, more like aplay in the water and then I'm ready with the only thing I have on my “TO DO” list for Honolulu. I'm not sure, but “IF” I end up with a hangover there is no more pressure to go to the beach and I can stay in myPorky on Waikiki Beachroom. The perks of going for holiday alone. No pressure to do a lot of things!

And the only reason for a dip in the ocean is on my “TO DO” list for Honolulu is that I brought my swimming trunks and my water camera.

Believe me! It is not because I want to walk up and down Waikiki Beach showing off my V-shaped torso. And I will have to take the chance for a swim in the Ocean, next time i might end up in Italy with the Pork Police. They have special Police kicking “porky” people off the beaches
Porky on Waikiki BeachYes, human balloons don't have to go through the trouble getting to the beaches in Italy, they are hunted by the Pork police in order to keep the ghastlinessYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stof the beaches. Beleive me, I have searched high and low for the “FAT Police” on the internet but I haveHuman Ballooncome up with exactly nothing.

No sign of any “FAT Police” on the beach. Maybe I should have had a few San Miguel Lights before going to the beach and I would have been transformed from Porky the Human Balloon to Charisma Man in a jiff. FAT Police, just bring it on!

Charisma Man in Honolulu

I found a place and I was surprised while walking out in the water, there were fishes. Plenty small fishes but a few big fishes as well. At least they looked big, not like sharks, but maybe 20cm long. The water was cold but I got used to it and it was quite enjoyable after a while.

- You're better off covering your bald spot
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhy didn't I had the San Miguel Light before coming to the beach?
I turned around and there was an old bald guy behind me.
- We have to be careful not to burn our scalps!

It was a guy from Canada, retired and he stayed in Honolulu for 11 weeks to escape the cold weather in Vancouver. We started to talk and suddenly we had killed an hour. I didn't want to get out of water and I don't know why. Was it because of the beautiful girls on the beach? I was comfortably covered to the shoulder with water but I cannot stay here until midnight. So I held in my stomach and pushed out my chest. Yeah, it is either the old trick “Fat to flat” or a case of San Miguel Light and the girls are impressed by my V-shaped torso

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Coming down to the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My hotel from the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My hotel from the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My hotel from the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My hotel from the beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Waikiki Beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Waikiki Beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Waikiki Beach

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Waikiki Beach

I managed to get out of the water while pointing to the sky. Everyone on the beach started to look up in the sky while wondering what I was pointing at. I had my shirt back on and I asked:
- Was that a UFO?

I returned to my room. I brought my swimming trunks and my water camera. I had planned to bring my Songkrang watertight money device. But I forgot it and I went to my room to get some cash. IAladdin's adventure at ABC Store on Waikiki Beach in Honoluluwent back to the ABC store at the ground floor to buy a “hangoverkit”® ABC Store, never seen before. Must be the new 7 Eleven around here.

I'm not joking, there is an ABC Store every 25 meters on Waikiki Beach. And they have everything. I was in New York 500 years ago drinking beer. One of the days 7 Eleven was sold to Japan and it was like the war had started. It was about 7 Eleven 24/7 on the news.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

The TV was on in all the bars and people was crying wondering if the world had come to an end. I was wondering what the foock I did in New York, could as well have stayed home because I was here for party and a good time.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Yes, this was back then. The world was coming to an end and Japan was the devil. I hear many people saying that they are brainwashed in Thailand. What about the “Western World”? 500 years ago the world was coming to an end and USA would turn to shit because a Japanese company bought 7 Eleven. Today they have brainwashed us on globalisation. Everyone thinks this is God's gift to the world. Globalisation will cure cancer and obesity, there is no end to it.

- We will close down the factory and 10000 jobs will be moved to China

- We will bring in millions of workers from Uzbekistan and Scooby Doostan to work for almost free
- YIPPEEE!! This will do wonders for our country!!

And of course, people like me have been called a Nazimore than once for being against this. Lucky me, I'm ready with my education and I don't care about the schools in Sweden anymore. No one left to pay tax to build schools and education system. I was born at the right time when theHangover kit from ABC stores at Waikiki Beachschools in Sweden were considered good.

Sweden has always been best in class in Europe regarding the finances, but now we're having the worst education. Never mind, I got my cash and I left for the ABC store on the ground floor.

I picked up a few bottles of choco and strawberry flavoured milk. a few boxes of fresh fruit and 3 bottles of Diet MAX I'm ready for tomorrow morning and I was back in my room at 5 o'clock.
Now, where is that beer?

Now I just hope Honolulu doesn’t turn out to be like an Irish pub. You know, going to an Irish pub and the Irish tune is, I don't want to say exciting or good, but one tune is bearable. But at the second tune you're ready to throw yourself in front of a bus. Same with the Hawaiian music, one tune is exotic, but when they get ready to start the second tune I'm ready to jump over board. Well, I went to check out Moose's after the e-mail I got this morning.

I got out of the taxi and I went in to Moose's, no music.
- Where is the music?
They told me that they played music next door so I went there, no music.
- Where is the music?
- On the second floor
There was a stair between the doors to Moose's and I missed it. I started to go upstairs.
- Hold it there buddy boy, cover charge 7 $

I handed them 7 dollars and I started to go up again.
- You need a stamp
The girl stamped my right wrist, it was important that it was the right wrist. I told her that she made me look like a sailor with the stamp. She felt of the chair laughing.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Yes, Charisma Man is in town. I went up stairs and it was like the guy in Singapore said “Radio Hits” and I was informed that there would be a DJ from 9 o'clock. I asked for a San Miguel Light and they had never heard of any beer called San Miguel Light so I asked for a Heineken. Tasted like shit even though I drank from a wine glass with ice. I could not finish the beer and I triedAladdin's adventure on Waikiki Beach in Honoluluanother brand. This one was better and I had 2 or 3 bottles.

I asked the bar tender what kind of music the DJ was going to play
- Club music like this, he said
- This is not club music, this is more like radio hits
- Yeah, you're right, it is like top 20 music

OK, I decided to try out China Town even though I had been warned. The taxi driver told me to stay in Waikiki. China Town was very dangerous.
- Full of drug people, dangerous people and only local people. Stay here with the tourists!

Dangerous people, drug people and locals, I had made up my mind already when he was half wayAladdin's adventure in Honoluluthrough his sentence.
- Take me to China Town.
China Town, what a pleasant surprise, the other day it looked like a war zone. It looked good in the dark and plenty pubs and bars with good music

It was still early and I was almost alone on the first place, but the music was very good and they had Amstel Light, a very good beer. Well, not as good as the San Miguel Light.

And they had Amstel Light at most of the places in China Town. So That's already China Town:1 Waikiki:0 On top of that we have bars and good music in China Town. China Town:2 Waikiki:0

Aladdin's adventure in Bombay
India 2012
They have beds in India

Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu
USA 2014
I might be mistaken, they were lined up sleeping on the sidewalk around the block
waiting to buy a ticket or for a release of some new stupid gadget we don't need.

I'm coming around the corner and there is like a long queue of homeless people sleeping on thestreet. Reminded me about India, but in India some of them people sleeping on the streets had beds. Well, I don't know what time it was when I was back home, but it was late, or more like early morning.

Saturday 11 th of January 2014
and I woke up at 6 thirty. DARN! I had just gone to bed and now I woke up. And it was impossible to fall asleep again. At 10 o'clock the maid knocked on the door and I screamed my standard answer.
I tried to sleep and I failed and I looked at the watch.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st25 o'clock! Turned out that it was 2:50 and I went for a shower. It knocked on the door again, it was the maid asking if I needed to have my room cleaned.
- No thanks, but please empty the waste basket

My waste basket was full of empty Tropical Fruit baskets from the ABC store. I asked her if sheAladdin's adventure at Marriott Resort and Spa on Waikiki Beach in Honoluluwas working tomorrow.
- Yes!
- Please! Don't come knocking on my door. I might have a hangover tomorrow
By then her colleague arrived and he pissed himself laughing. I told them that I could not find the “Don't disturb” device to hang on the door knob. She looked at her trolley and she could not find any of the “Don't disturb” device but she promised that she would find one for me.

I was soon having PAP & Emblem on full blast. But now it was not the classic Skåne Staajl, baggy jeans o kepsen på sne. I had the tune Bakis (Hangover in English) and I felt better knowingJBL Chargethat they were suffering in Skåne as well.

And as PAP & Emblem say in the tune, after a few cold San Miguel the hangover is soon gone. Well, and as I suspected when I bought my JBL Charge in Singapore, there would be complains. I have already had them here to complain about the music.

Time to get down to the ABC Store on the ground floor to buy someYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmore fruit for tomorrow. I don't think I will leave the room tomorrow. But I will take off to China Town today as I can’t jump off a train in 200.

But tomorrow I have no choice, I will have to get off the train even if on supersonic speed. Of course, this is nothing I look forward to. I checked out the hangover DVDs. Well, I didn't found anything I would like to see. OK, I didn't spend more than 42 seconds lookingLaurel and Hardyfor videos. BLOCKBUSTERS from 1973 and I saw a cartoon and Laurel and Hardy movie. “Laurel and Hardy throwing pies again” and that one was a great hit back in 19hundred whatever, turn of the last century.Laurel and Hardy

Well, I can always go down to the beach spending hours in the ocean, so far this is the best cure for hangover. But imagine having to throw up in the water and the lynch mob will get me. I canAladdin's adventure in Honolulualways try to throw up under water. Thinking of it, I think I stay in my room.

And they told me Hawaii was the most expensive place in US of A followed by New York on a second place. I brought 900$ for a night out and I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that I had 450$ in my valet this morning. Did I run away from a bill? Well, this wasn't any more expensive than a normal Friday night in Bangkok.

Before leaving for town I needed to get to the ABC Shop to buy more fruit. I stopped at the Sushi place on the 3rd floor and I was soonAladdin's adventure in Honoluluhaving hot sake and a beer in front of me.

I asked for 2 portions of salmon/ avocado maki and the guys next to me was eating on a peice of bacon and that smelled very good and I asked for one as well.

These 2 guys was very nice and wewere soon ordering more beer and sake. I had planned for one beer and 1 sake, but we ordered about 10 bottles of sake before it was time to leave. And we were tipsy and the hangover was gone when we left the sushi bar.

Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu
After a few sake and the hangover was gone

One of the guys had his birthday and they were going to throw a BBQ party on the beachAladdin's adventure in Honolulutomorrow. They made a map for me so I could find the spot. It was very close to my hotel.

Only problem is that they will kick off the festivities at 8Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sto'clock in the morning and it would last until 4 in the afternoon. But I guess it will be delayed because they had plenty to drink.

I told them that I would show up in the afternoon, if I was awake that is. But I will not be there at 8 o'clock, that is for sure. They were going to some place later on in the evening and they asked if I wanted to join.

Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu
BBQ tomorrow

I told them that I had to go to the ABC Shop to buy fruit as this was my plan when I stopped here for dinner. I got the address to his apartment and I would be there in 45 minutes. I bought fruit andAladdin's adventure in Honolulumy hangover kit before I took a taxi to his apartment.

It took us a few minutes to get to the address but the driver stopped at the wrong house and I walked to the next house.

I saw my new friend outside with another friend and we went up to his apartment on the 19th floor, or was it the 12th floor? I don't remember, but it was high up and we had a beer on his balcony. I was tipsy so never mind the height. I had forgotten the memory card for my camera so we stopped at an ABC Store to buy a card before we continued toAladdin's adventure in Honoluluthe bars down the roads.

I think it was in Waikiki Beach and there were many bars in the area and I think theyclose at 3 thirty or 4 o'clock.

The last place I was on turned on the lights and the band stopped to play at 3 thirty. I took a taxi and the driver was Thai. We stopped at a hamburger place for some take away and we were off towards my hotel.

Sunday 12 th of January 2014
and the BBQ was way past by the time I got out of bed. Well, like when I spent a week in Los Angeles, hangover on the third day and I just wanted to go home. I called Thai Airways and they got me out of Loas Angeles in the evening. But now with the protests in Bangkok I have to wait a few days before going home.

Monday 13 th of January 2014
and I woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning, and still hangover from Saturday. Oh, I really wish I was back home in Bangkok, protest or no protest. I went down to theAladdin's adventure in Honolulurestaurant for breakfast and I decided to walk down to look for Honolulu aquarium. Should not be far from the hotel.

I passed a park and not very much was alowed in the park, among those things horse shoe playing. No tents was alowed.
Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu
Horse shoe playing, I could not see anyone playing with horse shoes. But there were plenty people living in the park and some of them had tents.

Aladdin's adventure in Honolulu
People living in the park

Walking to the aquarium and I was about to turn around going back to my room and my bed. I didn't felt to good. But I continued and the aquarium was just next to the park. 12 dollar entranceAladdin's adventure at Honolulu aquariumfee and I was inside.

I walked through the place and I was soon out on the street walking back to my hotel again. What to do, go for a swim and then have a few beers. The last chance to drink beer in Honolulu.

If I have a few beers today I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully feel good when I fly back home on Thursday morning. If I have a few beers tomorrow night I will still suffer from a hangover on the flight back home. Not something I wish for. Well, first of all I spent a few hours in bed, these hangovers, is it worth it? But what else to do in Honolulu? I don't want to spend the days at the aquarium. Well, I will see how I feel in an hour or two.

Aladdin's adventure at Honolulu aquarium
Aladdin's adventure at Honolulu aquarium
Some of the excitements at Honolulu aquarium

I left my room at 5 o'clock and I walked to Tony Roma's where I had my dinner and I walked back to my room. Monday evening and my hangover was almost as severe as yesterday. What's wrong with the American beer? This is the worst hangover ever!

Tuesday 14 th of January 2014
and I woke up at 9. I went to bed at 9 o'clock yesterday and I woke up at midnight. I spent 3 hours tossin' and turnin' in bed and at 3 o'clock I went to look for a restaurant. Luckily enough I came up with nothing and I returned to my bed. Took me a few hours before I could fall asleep.

There was an e-mail from my friend and he was scolding me for wasting my time on Hawaii in my room with a hangover. Well, but I would not have minded to go back home Monday.

Well, anyway, as I'm here, and no more beer drinking so I stopped at the tour desk on my way to the beach. I asked if they had something interesting to do on Oahu.
- I live in Thailand so no beaches or pineapple farms. I have seen enough of that already
There was some show tonight, first I was meant to go for whale watching. But there wasn't any 5Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honoluluo'clock tour today and I didn't wanted to go earlier because I needed one last time on the beach. So I booked a Luau for tonight and the whale watching for tomorrow morning and I left for the beach for a swim.

I could see a ship looking like the boat I was going on tomorrow, well, this might be interesting. But the Luau tonight, and what the foock is a Luau? But I'm under pressure to do something from my friend. But a Luau, maybe if there are 200 beautiful Japanese girlsAladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulujoining the Luau.

The water was cold today again and it took me 10 to 15 minutes to get used to theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttemperature. But then it was nice and I spend an hour in the water.

There was something that looked like plastic bags floating around, but I discovered that it was fishes swimming around me. IAladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulutried to get a pictures but IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcan't say that I was impressed by the result.

It started to get a wee bit cold after an hour. And grey clouds approached and the wind increased. I returned to my room for a shower and I will be off to catch the bus 10 minutes before 4. They will come to pick us up outside the hotel and it is about 1 hour to the place we're going to. Sight seeing, in the nick of time, time to go home soon.

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
It was nice as soon as I got used to the water temperature

Aladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Waikiki Beach

And I checked what a Luau was on the internet when I came back to my room. Sounds exciting but I doubt that our evening will be that exciting, of course, if exciting means drinking myself retarded
A luau
(Hawaiian: lū‘au) is a traditional Hawaiian party or feast that is usually accompanied by entertainment. It may feature food such as poi, kalua pig, poke, lomi salmon, opihi, haupia, and beer and entertainment such as traditional Hawaiian music and hula. Among people from Hawaii, the concepts of "luau" and "party" are often blended, resulting in graduation luaus, wedding luaus, and birthday luaus.

from Wikipedia
the “not” exciting is a good thing.

And how cool is it to be joining one of these tours. Will for sure not impressYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stany beautiful Japanese girls. But that's one of the good things being almost 100 years old, no one cares. You are more or less expected to join stupid sightseeing tours. I had been on a tour like this before. Dinner and a local show, and I were going with a girl. Dinner, well, but I was out of there 10 minutes in to the show and I waited for her outside until the show was ready 1 hour later.

Aladdin's adventure at Paradise Cove Luau

I have a feeling that it will be the same tonight, but I hope it will be fun. But we al know how these tourist things are. It would be more fun to sitt in China Town to listen to good music with a Amstel Ligt in front of me. But after the scolding in the e-mail this morning I promised myself toAladdin's adventure at Paradise Cove Luaudo some “tourist” stuff. I'm looking forward to the whale watching, but the Luau tonight, as I said, I just have a bad feeling about the Luau.

I walked to the pickup place and there were plenty people waiting and I was about to turn around. But as I had paid 88 dollars I decided to stay to see how much space there would be on the bus when leaving.
Aladdin's adventure at Paradise Cove Luau

No beautiful girls and no Japanese girlsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stat all. After 5 minutes there were 2 very beautiful Japanese girlsJapanese smileycoming to join the queue.

And yes, I was very disappointed when they boarded another bus. We were soon on the way on an almost full bus. And IAladdin's adventure in Hawaiiwas happy that I had managed to get two seats in the front row. We were moving very slowly on the high way passing Pearl Harbor on theAladdin's adventure in Hawaiiway to Paradise Cove on the beach west of Honolulu. Should be an hour bus ride.

There must have been a million cars on the highway going west and we were late. We were told that we were in bus #7 so we should keep an eye out when we were going back. We entered the place and they served a drink Taj Mai but I said no thanks. Then they wantedto take a picture with a hula girl but, well, I don't look good on picture.

The Paradise Cove was an area covered with souvenir shops and a few places where they served drinks. But no Pepsi Light so I went to a mini mart to buy orange juice. I had a few drink tickets that I gave to a guy and he was very happy.

Time was very slow, I thought 30 minutes had passed but it was only 5 minutes. And we're going toAladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clovestay here for 3 to 4 hours.

There were different activities, throwing a spear, learning how to do things with palm leafs and flowers. And they blow in a sea shell every time there was something exciting going on. Pealing a coconut, throwing fishing net and playing a ukulele etc. There were at least two places where you could get a Polynesian tattoo and plenty souvenir shops. You could even hold a parrot.

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Lining up in front of the gates

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Plenty busses arrive to Paradise Cove

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Of course, souvenir shops

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
There was a bar

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Throw a spear

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Throw a spear

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Throw a spear

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Get a Polynesian tattoo

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Paddling the canoeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYAWN!

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
People waiting in line to paddleYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYAWN!

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Buy a grass skirt

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Blowing the sea shell
When they blowing the shell it means a new activity and peope ran after the guy blowing in the sea shell

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Now it was time to see how they caught fish 500 years ago

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Now it was time to see how they caught fish 500 years ago

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
They show how they did something with palm leafes 500 years agoYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYAWN!

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
They show how they did something with palm leafes 500 years agoYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYAWN!

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
There was no end to it, pet the parrotYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYAWN!

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Have your picture with the parrot

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Yet another place with Polynesian tattoos and people are lining up

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Time for a tune before they show how to peal a coconut

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Blowing the sea shell again...

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
... and the crowd dash of to new activities

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Someone is going to play a Hawaiian song on a ukuleleYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYAWN!

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Hawaiian dance when they are ready with the ukulele

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
The pig we're going to eat cooked Hawaiian style

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Take a picture with the Hawaiian dancer

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Take a picture with the Hawaiian dancer

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Take a picture with the Hawaiian dancer

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Time for dinnerYippeee! Soon time to go home!

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Eating from plastic plates with a plastic fork

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Millions of people lining up for the buffet

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Hawaiian buffet and show

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
And at last, the obligatory “fire” dance

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Buy your pictures before leaving

Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove
Finally, time to board the busses
Aladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Clove

I was so happy when they started to serve the dinner, soon time to go home. But it was a 90 minutes show and the time was for sure not turning quick. There were millions of people queuingAladdin's Luau adventure at Paradise Cloveup for the buffet and I went to the beach to wait for them to disappear. I went for some rice and the Hawaiian pig and I returned to the beach and as I was hungry I went for a second plate.

I watched the show for a bit and I spent the rest of the time waiting around. I spoke with our tour leader and she told me it was soon time to go home.
- Just the fire dance remaining

We were lucky with our guide, she was very funny andAladdin's adventure in Hawaiiwithout her it would have been a pretty boring bus trip. But now itwas laughs all the way.

I was back in my room around 11 o'clock and I asked for aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwake-up call at 9 o'clock so I can make it to the whale watching. I wish I can have another swim tomorrow afternoon, but I might have to cancel as I need my clothes to be dry Thursday morning when I fly home.

The water here is very nice, well, a wee bit cold. Comparing to Pattaya it is a dream. Going to the beach in Pattaya, impossible to swim. Pattaya with cigarette butts, condoms, plastic bags and all kinds of shit in the water, really nasty. In Honolulu it is forbidden to smoke on the beach so I have not seen any cigarette butts in the water here.

Wednesday 15 th of January 2014
and I woke up at 8 thirty. 30 minutes before my wake up call, yes, a shame to have wake-up call during your holiday, but I don't want to miss the whale watching.
Hey chief
I wasn't scalding you for having the "hangover of the century 2014" ha ha ha ha

I'm sure you had a good time at the bar, one day I might experience the "aladdin night out"

So there we all were 1,500,000 of us waiting to see a picture of you with a parrot
I'm really looking forward to this one, now I just hope itdoesn’t turn out to be another buffet on plastic plates.

I had my fruit and tea before I went for my shower. I was outside the hotel at 10 thirty and they were supposed to be here at 10:40 to pick me up. I saw a gold coloured bus at the hotel across the street. There were big signs saying Star of Honolulu and I askedAladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honoluluthem if it was for the whale watching. Yes it was.

I handed them my receipt and they gave me a sticker. The guy told me that I needed to put it on my shirt.
- No, I'm not carrying a sticker on my shirt
- Ok, keep it with you

No way I'm walking around with a sticker on my shirt, should be good enough to keep it in my pocket if someone requesting to see the darn thing. I took my seat on the bus and the guy told the driver to skip the pick up at Marriott as I had boarded already. So I wasAladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honoluluobviously the only “whale watcher” from Waikiki Beach
Humpback whale

The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a species of baleen whale. One of the larger rorqual species, adults range in length from 12–16 metres (39–52 ft) and weigh approximately 36,000 kilograms (79,000 lb). The humpback has a distinctive body shape, with unusually long pectoral fins and a knobbly head. An acrobatic animal known for breaching and slapping the water with its tail and pectorals, it is popular with whale watchers off Australia, New Zealand, South America, Canada, and the United States.

Males produce a complex song lasting 10 to 20 minutes, which they repeat for hours at a time. Its purpose is not clear, though it may have a role in mating.

Found in oceans and seas around the world, humpback whales typically migrate up to 25,000 kilometres each year. Humpbacks feed only in summer, in polar waters, and migrate to tropical or subtropical waters to breed and give birth in the winter. During the winter, humpbacks fast and live off their fat reserves. Their diet consists mostly of krill and small fish. Humpbacks have a diverse repertoire of feeding methods, including the bubble net feeding technique.

Like other large whales, the humpback was and is a target for the whaling industry. Once hunted to the brink of extinction, its population fell by an estimated 90% before a moratorium was introduced in 1966. While stocks have since partially recovered, entanglement in fishing gear, collisions with ships, and noise pollution continue to impact the 80,000 humpbacks worldwide.

From Wikipedia
Marriott Resort & Spa.

We were obviously the first pick up and we stopped at 3 or 4 hotels on the way to the Aloha Tower where Star of Honolulu were berthed. It took about 1 hour from departure until we stepped on board Star of Honolulu.
Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
There was a bar at the gangway, but it looked like they only had alcohol. I spoke with the Captain that was standing at the gangway and he told me that the departure time was 12 o'clock.

There was a bar/ restaurant next to the ship and I went to see if they had a banana shake. They didn't have any bananas and I asked for a strawberry shake. The girl started to fill up a mixer with ice.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stIce in a milk shake!
- I don't want any ice, a normal shake please.
- We don't have ice cream. We have ice cream block
- What is an ice cream block?
She took out a pack looking like a milk pack with ice cream something. I don't know what it was, some kind of whipped cream. She filled up the mixer with ice again and she topped with the iceAladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulucream “what ever” and some artificial strawberry flavourliquid.

I had given up the real milk shake already and I paid for the shake and left. I went back on board Star of Honolulu and I was enjoying my shake while talking whales with the Captain.

We were soon going in to the saloon on first deck for some introduction. Of course, stepping inside and we had the opportunity to get a picture taken, 18 US dollars was the fee. I said no thanks and I went inside to take my seat.

There were 3 different guys speaking and everyone started with aloha and all passengers screamed aloha. Second guy was a guy that talked about the whales and he had a rope 45 feet longAladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honoluluto show how long a humpback whale could be. He asked for volunteers to hold up the rope and there was soon 3 children holding up the rope. Last guy to speak was Captain and I was surprised thatYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthe was in the saloon when we left the jetty.

Later on I discovered more “Captains” on the ship. We left Honolulu and I went up on top deck and when we approached the whale waters it started to rain. It was only me and two others staying on deck. Whale watching or bust! We saw 2 whales but very far away.

2 girls came up to us and suddenly we heard them on the loudspeaker saying that there was a whale in sight at 5 o'clock (we used the clock for directions) We started to rush back to get a look at the 5 o'clock direction. Half way I told the girls that we had to go back forward as the changed course.

- I thought so, she said.
Of course, if we go aft from forward we will still look in the same direction if the ship changes course 180° We could not see any whale, but suddenly, on starboard side, we had 2 humpback whales. One mother and a calf. People were cheering on deck when the whales came up for air.

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Premier Whale watch in Honolulu

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Have you picture taken (of course for a fee)

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Introduction and of course it was Aloha and all passengers screamed Aloha

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Information about whales and of course it was Aloha and all passengers screamed Aloha

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Children volunteer to show how long a humpback whale can be

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Information from Captain and of course it was Aloha and all passengers screamed Aloha

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Leaving Honolulu behind

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Honolulu, Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Rain is approaching and deck is empty

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head disappears in the rain

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
We were alone on deck in the rain
Whale watching or BUST!

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
The rain was gone, but now most of the people was eating lunch

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
There was a spray

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
2 Humpback whales, a mother and a calf

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
There they are again

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
The crowd was cheering
Even the Japanese, does it mean they will come back to hunting them

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
Disappearing down the depths

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
On the way back to Honolulu it was ukulele school

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
On the way back to Honolulu it was ukulele school and ...

Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu
... hula-hula school
Aladdin's whale watching adventure with Star of Honolulu

I went for the lunch buffet when the whales dived for the last time. I was in the restaurant when I saw a huge tail fin outside the window. Well, no picture. On the way back to Honolulu and they had a ukulele and hula-hula school in the saloon. I didn't attend any of the activities as I don't expect to learn how to play a ukulele in 30 minutes. But I can recommend the whale watching tour if you’re in Honolulu.

But even better is the whale watching tour in Sydney. The sea was “boiling” with whales outside Sydney. The Luau yesterday, I guess this is something you have to do when in Hawaii, but it wasAladdin's adventure at Waikiki Beachvery boring. But the whale watching was very fun.

I had a shower when I was back on my room and I walked up Waikiki Beach towards a Thai restaurant I discovered a few nights ago. They had a chicken curry on the menu and I wanted to try it before leaving tomorrow. And it was a very good curry.

I need a duffel bag and I took a taxi to Walmart to buy a bag. The driver recommended a store called Ross so we went there instead. The place looked like a second hand place, but I found a duffel bag. 16 dollars so it was cheap.

Thursday 16 th of January 2014
and I was dead tired when they called me at 7 thirty. I was at my desk sipping on a bottle of Diet MAX when I realised that I had asked for the wake-up call 1 hour late. I should have asked for the wake-up call at 6 thirty as my plan was to leave for the airport at 8 o'clock. I was suddenly in a hurry and I decided to leave at 8 thirty instead.

I had paid my bill yesterday, a very good service at Marriott. I remember Singapore and I asked the day before to have my bill prepared, still check out time and we had to spend 30 minutes withAladdin's adventure at Honolulu Internationalthe bill. Well, anyway, we took off towards Honolulu International.

Heavy traffic on the highway but we made it in about 30 minutes and when I saw the queue to the check-in I was happy that I had paid a few dollars extra to fly biz.

The queue to ANA's check-in was out on the street but my check in was empty and my luggage was soon of to Bangkok and I proceeded towards security and immigration. ANA and United, both in Star Alliance and we had to use United's lounge at gate 9.

No air condition at Honolulu airport and I had to trot all the way to gate 9 and the lounge. ANA's flight NH 1051 is of course departing from the same terminal as we arrived to. At arrival they hadAladdin's adventure at Honolulu International Airportbus service but leaving Honolulu and we had to trot all the way.

And of course, theyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcharged for the trolley. This airport made it straight up to a shared #1 with Brussels International as the worst airport I have ever been to. And United's lounge, well, remind me why I decided never to fly with United or any other USA airline after my thriller flight between New York and Panama and the Houston to Los Angeles flight. I think this is the first lounge I have ever seen paper cups, well, American style. How can they live with this? Houston International and I were eating at a restaurant, plastic cutlery, glass and plates and I left the food behind.

ANA, a Japanese airline and as it said boarding 10:25 I left the lounge to be at the gate at 10:25. Any other NON Japanese airline and I would not have bothered. Boarding always 30 minutes after scheduled boarding time. We remember the drama in Tokyo one week ago. I popped a sleeping pill in the gate as soon as I heard that flight time was ONLY 6 hours. A few minutes later it was boarding time. A message on the PA system.
- Boarding is delayed
I went to the desk to ask what theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas going on.
- Boarding delayed with a few minutes.
And a few minutes it was, we started to board 3 minutes after scheduled boarding time. And in Honolulu, at 10:25 we started to board ANA's flight NH 1051 to Narita, Tokyo

Aladdin's adventure at Honolulu International Airport
Taxi out to the run way. Observe Diamonds Head on the right hand side
I don't know what's so foocking fantastic with the Diamond Head, but it is mentioned in all tourist brochures

Aladdin's adventure at Honolulu International Airport
Taxi out to the run way

Aladdin's adventure at Honolulu International Airport
Taxi out to the run way

Aladdin's adventure at Honolulu International Airport
At the run way but we have to wait for a fighter jet landing. Observe Diamonds Head on the right
I don't know what's so foocking fantastic with the Diamond Head, but it is mentioned in all tourist brochures

Aladdin's adventure at Honolulu International Airport
And we have to wait for an airliner to land before we can take off

We left Honolulu at scheduled time and we taxi to the runway. We had to wait for 2 fighter jets and a airliner to land before we could take off. 9 hours 15 minutes to Narita and I can'tAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight HN 1051 from Honolulu to Narita, Tokyounderstand how the flight coming here only lasted for 6 hours. Some severe tail wind.

Of course, I wasn't happy to face 10 hours on the plane, but I had yet another reason to praise myself for spending a few extra dollars to fly biz. And ANA is using Boeing so the seats are quite comfortable. But never mind the seat, it is 10 hours. I tried to sleep and when I gave up there was a menu in front of me.
There were soon a Stewardess asking me what I wanted to eat. There were Japanese and Internationalcourses and I chose Teriyaki fish. Everything Teriyaki taste good and it said something about salmon flakes. So how can this go wrong?

I must have dozed off because the rest of the passengers were eating when I looked up. The Stewardess was soon next to me and she asked if IAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight HN 1051 from Honolulu to Narita, Tokyowanted to eat. She told me that my food would take a minute to prepare. But she gave me a glass of water and she asked if I wanted something else.
- Do you want tea or coffee?
- Do you have Earl Grey tea?
- Yes
- With milk?

I was soon having my meal and it took me a few seconds to realise what a mistake it had been to ask for the Japanese food. The salmon flakesAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight HN 1051 from Honolulu to Narita, Tokyowere, well, kind of OK. The rice was nice and the Teriyaki fish was kind of OK. But there was a box with different Japanese food and IAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight HN 1051 from Honolulu to Narita, Tokyocould only eat the shrimp, the fish roe and the salmon flakes. I had no clue what the rest off the stuff was and I left it.

I finished my meal and I managed to get some sleep. Sleep for 30 minutes and wake up, fall asleep againYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor an hour and waking up again.

Yes, I got some sleep out of it and I killed a few hours, maybe the most important on the flight

Friday 17 th of January 2014
and we had passed the international date line and it was suddenly 1 o'clock on the Friday afternoon when I woke up the last time, 2 hours to go to Tokyo and I went toAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight HN 1051 from Honolulu to Narita, Tokyothe galley to ask for some chocolate. They didn't had any chocolate and I had to munch on a cookie with my water. As good, even better than the chocolate.

There wasn't much to spend time with and I didn't feel like watching a movie so the last two hours were spent staring up the ceiling. So I was very happy when we approached Tokyo and I was even more happy looking out the window and we could see Japan below us.

We got off the plane and I was shocked when I discovered the queue to the security.
Narita Airport
Transferring passengers had to pass the security and the queue was several hundred meters long, reaching almost all the way down to the gate.

And as you guess I was not happy about it and when the crew passed us the waved at me, of course recognizing me. I asked them what theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthis was. Is this a joke? OK, it didn't take all that long before I had passed the security.

Aladdin's adventure at Narita Airport
Queue to the security on Narita, hundreds of meters long

Aladdin's adventure at Narita Airport
Queue to the security on Narita, hundreds of meters long

Aladdin's adventure at Narita Airport
Queue to the security on Narita, hundreds of meters long

I went to the lounge and this was far away from my gate #55. There was a ANA lounge at gate 55, but under construction so no smoking room and noodle bar. I didn't care very much for theAladdin's adventure at Narita Airportnoodle bar. I had 2 Diet MAX and a few coffin nails before I left for gate 55 via a tunnel.

300 meters long according to the girl at the lounge and the girl told me it would take 10 minutes to get there.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- 10 minutes!? I will run 2km in 10 minutes

It took me 3 minutes to get to the gate, flight time 7 hours 20 minutes. Seriously, it took 5 or 6 hours coming here and a sleeping pill was out of the question. And yes, I know about tail wind and head wind, but 2 hours difference, yes, maybe on a 12 hour flight.

I asked if the flight was full and it was not full. So I asked if I could have 2 seats for myself. I always want to sit in the aisle, but if I have 2 seats by myself I prefer the window. She told me it was a new airplane and we were sitting by our self.
- What if I'm flying with a beautiful girl? I asked.
Yes, I could not help myself, I just had to ask. But if you're alone the seats were perfect.

Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok
Nice seats on board a Boeing 777-300
And Boeing have done it again, a 777-300 and this must have been the most comfortable airplane so far. The seats were almost like having my own cabin. I was flying Emirates to Dubai with anAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, BangkokAirbus. A brand new Airbus and they had been trying the same concept. But those seats were just claustrophobic. It was like lying in a pram and not very comfortable.

But this Boeing 777-300 was fantastic. You had to pull out the table in front of you, not this old folding shit. Now it was like sitting at a desk and I was soon having my laptop up and running. They came to ask what I wanted to have for dinner and as they had hot sake I decided to go for the Japanese food again. And it was good food, well, the starter was not good. Well, maybe, but I didn't know what it was and I only had the shrimp and something that tasted exactly like Kalle's Kaviar but I guess this was more healthy than Kalle's Kaviar.

Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok
Snacks with hot sake

Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok
Starter with hot sake

Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok
Main course, salmon with hot sake

The brought me more hot sake and our hero was getting tipsy. Will he arrive to Bangkok as Charisma Man? Maybe, a few more of these sake jars and our hero will soon be tipsy, time will turnAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, BangkokYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stquick. And to arrive to FUNKY TOWN a Friday Night is not bad!

Could have been much worse. Of course, would have been much better without the protests going on in Bangkok.

It went wrong with my shirts in Honolulu, going back home and I only have a red shirt to wear, poor planning for sure. A red shirt is not the most popular thing to be seen with in Bangkok right now.

At least not around the protest sights, but I have no plans to go there tonight. I wil buy milk and the hangover kit and 2 San Miguel Light (for the ride home) at 7 Eleven on the airport thenAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkokstraight home and as Asoke intersection is blocked we might have to find an alternative way,

As long as we have funky musicAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkokand a few San Miguel Light there won't be any problem.

But there was no San Miguel Light on ANA's flight 951 to Bangkok, but they had hot sake. I went to see the Stewardesses and they told me that I had finished one bottle of sake. They brought out the menu and we got started on the #2 sake on the menu. Better to be a wee bit tipsy when arriving to Bangkok in my red shirt.

Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok
The flight was full of beautiful Stewardesses
But only ONE handsome guy on board, yes, our hero

Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok
She brought the Sake menu. I had finished the first bottle
- You have finished this bottle
- OK, so let's get started to empty this bottle. I said pointing to another sake on the menu

They didn't had any San Miguel Light on board and I asked what kind of beer they had and theyAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkoklined up the beer cans for me. Only Japanese beer and the Asoki beer taste like, well, not good. They had Kirin beer and I had never heard of the other beers before. At least not what I can remember.
Aladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok
The Stewardess brought a new jar of sake and a few minutes later she came back to ask what I thought about the second bottle ofAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkoksake.

Well, by then I could have been drinking Whiskey or Singha beer and it would have been drinkable, not good, eve bad tasting, but drinkable. I told her that this sake was much better than the first bottle even thoughAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, BangkokI could not taste any difference.

Service was excellent, will ANA grow to be a new favourite? Maybe, butThai AirwaysThai Airway is always Thai Airways and they have been my favourite for many years now.

But these seats were perfect, I could smoke my e-cigarette all the way to Bangkok and no one saw me. Well, I had been smoking myAladdin's adventure on board ANA's flight 951 from Narita, Tokyo to Suvarnabhumi, Bangkoke-cig between Honolulu and Narita as well. But then I had to blow the smoke down my shirt pocket.

Good luck trying that with a real cigarette, the stink would have been unbearable and the whole plane would have known that someone was smoking after the first puff. But no problem with the e-cigarette.

Well, one week of holiday in Honolulu have been very fun, but it will be nice to come back home. Before I sign off I want to thank Erik P. Can't help but thinking about Eric B and Rakim every time his e-mail is coming in my inbox. He has supported me with tips via e-mail during my stay in Honolulu. THANKS!

And by the way, did you see the above video of the seat in the Boeing 777-300? They have a box for the headphones, I didn't know it was for the headphones so I used it as a trash can.

The SHUT DOWN Bangkok campaign is in full swing in Bangkok so let's have a look at the protest .

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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