OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Thailand visa run to Las Vegas - June 2014

Wednesday 25 th of June 2014 and I was soon in a taxi on the way to Caesars palace. The driver, hardly speaking English asked if I wanted to go the freeway.
- What do I know? First time for me here
Yeah, he took the freeway and later on a learned that this was a scam as this was longer. And when he dropped me I paid with my card. There was a card machine in the back and I swept my card. They asked how much tip 20%, 30% or 40% and other. I didn't want to give him any tip at all, but I had to choose 20%. Hope he lose everything he have on the roulette

Las Vegas
Las Vegas from the freeway

Las Vegas
Las Vegas from the freeway

Las Vegas
Las Vegas from the freeway

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Caesars Palace

And the foocker dropped me at the wrong entrance. I in the reception and it was a very small reception and that was strange, the hotel is an impressive building. I have never seen such a bigCaesars Palace in Las Vegashotel before. The girl told me that the reception was around the corner to the right.

Of course, I turned left and I walked and walked. Passing a huge swimming pool with millions of people and I passed a restaurant and I was in a casino.

Darn, this hotel is big, It was like walking from Asoke down Sukhumvit to Soi 3. And I passed as many restaurants on the way. But I was soon reaching a reception and this was more like it. It was an impressive reception and I was soon in progress to check in.

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Reception at Caesars Palace

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Reception at Caesars Palace

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Reception at Caesars Palace

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
This is where Bozothe taxi driver should have dropped me
Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
This is where Bozothe taxi driver should have dropped me
Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Caesars Palace

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
My room

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
My bathroom

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
View from my room

It was nice with a shower after all the time on board the different planes. There is a Jacuzzi in the room, but I don't know how to start the darn thing, well, anyway, I prefer showers. It was a niceroom but checking in wasn't without problem. And that's even though I had made sure to transfer money to my different cards.

I had transferred 8000 Dollars to the Master Card and I have transferred 13,000 US Dollars to the VISA. Better of having cash if I was about to run in to something funny on my trip. And even though I had double checked everything before leaving Bangkok my Master Card was rejected and I could only get 1000 Dollars cash from the ATM with my VISA card.

So the good ol' AMEX came in handy and I could get the key to my room. First night was paid for with the Master Card back when I booked the room. I thought I had paid for the whole week.

Well, I went to my room and there were 5000 Dollars missing from my Master Card but there were still 3000 US and the card should not have been rejected. Still 12 to 13,000 US Dollars onYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe VISA card so I don't understand why I only got 1000 US Dollars. Well, the Master Card, I think they have deducted 5000 US for the hotel booking from the 2nd day as first night was paid for. I will have to investigate.

Well, I have been in progress to cancel my AMEX several times as theyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stalways ask for 5% extra when using it in Bangkok. But today it proved to be worth having, or I would have had to sleep on the streets.

Well, I'm always nervous when paying with my cards and this goes back to Bangkok in the 80's and the beginning of the 90's when I was running around the banks trying to get money with my VISA cards. No ATM back then so I had to go to the bank. Rejected and the bank next door gave me money and when I was back in Sweden there was money on the account. So this is one of the reason for me to have all 3 of them, VISA, Master Card and AMEX.

I left my room and I crossed the Las Vegas Avenue and I walked around looking for a place to have my breakfast. And I want a place with real cups, cutlery and plates. I could get tea in paper cupsThe Venetian in Las Vegasand have my breakfast along the road, of course, nothing I was interested in.

I ended au at a place built like Venice in Italy. It was an amazing place and I run in to it by accident. I had heard of it and when I saw a gondola outside the Venetian. I thought Wått's dö madderfakking diil?

OK, there is a Gondola, so what? But I was in for a chock, I came in to the Venetian Palazzo by mistake when looking for a coffee shop. I came around the corner and it was like being in Venice and all indoor.

The Venetian in Las Vegas
The Venetian in Las Vegas

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

The Venetian in Las Vegas
Venice, all indoors

I have been in Venice and it was easier to find a place for tea and fresh bread in the real Venice. Well, I found a place and I went inside and I was soon having a pot of tea and a basket ofThe Venetian in Las Vegasfresh bread in front of me. Excellent bread and when my smoked salmon came I asked for aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsecond basket of bread and yet another pot of tea.

The salmon was very good and the bread, well, I think I will come back. I left the place and I walked around Venice before I left the Venetian behind. There is a high tower down Las Vegas Boulevard. Sun was on my left hand side, afternoon so I understood that this was the North Las Vegas. I walked down to the tower and there was pretty much nothing to see.

Well, there was a Motel with an interesting sign and I took a picture when passing.

I had been walking around for about 4 hours, well, with a break for salmon, tea and bread in Venice. I just arrived from a trans-Pacific flight and I was tired. I decided to take a taxi back to my hotel.

Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas Boulevard
Passing Circus Circus on my way to North Las Vegas

I bought a few bottles of Pepsi Max and I went back to my room. I almost felt asleep on my bed at 9 o'clock but I forced myself to stay awake until midnight by watching a movie. I don't want to wake up 4 o'clock in the morning.

And darn, it was cold in my room, the darn AC is in Fahrenheit as everything else around here and I don’t have a clue what to put on the AC. But there is a big duvet in my bed and it was quite COZY under the duvet. And there is no lack of pillows, 7 of them and that is enough even for me.

Las Vegas
Last picture for today

Thursday 26 th of June 2014
and I woke up at 8 o'clock, perfect. 8 hours of sleep and I have a full day ahead of me. It was 11 before I left my room in search for breakfast. Here is really no option to buy fruit in the neighbourhood. And the fridge in my room is full, and it is weight controlled. As soon as I touch something it registers on a computer and they charge me.

Only beer and alcohol, no Pepsi Max or water. Well, a micro sized water so there isn't really anything I want from the fridge.

I went to the reception and I asked for a restaurant with breakfast and I was recommended the buffet. I walked down to the restaurant, I knew where it was because I passed the buffet yesterday when I was looking for the reception. It was like walking from home to Tops Market and there was a huge queue when I arrived.

But I got a table and I want over to get food, instant disappointment. Jelly beans and M&Ms, who the foock eat candy for breakfast? There was a huge collections of cakes and pastries and desserts. Well, I was soon to discover that there were more food further away. And when I went for my second plate I discovered a second room with food. This was a giant buffet.

This must be one of these all day buffet with breakfast, lunch and dinner as there is always people up and about in Las Vegas. I had a pot of tea and 2 plates of food and I decided never to come back. This buffet will for sure not to anything good for my diet.

Of course, I could have been eating salad and vegetables only, but you know how it is. If there is creamed broccoli and spare ribs you don't eat a tomato. And there was everything at the buffet.Las VegasOK, maybe one more time before going home, but not more. I will fly monkey class to Los Angeles and I want to fit in the seat leaving Las Vegas.

When I was ready with the breakfast I went to the Concierge to buy tour and show tickets. We started to book a tour to Grand Canyon with Maverick Airlines. Going by bus will take like forever so we will fly there in a plane and then we will fly around Grand Canyon with a helicopter.

The Concierge called Maverick to see if it was ok with a cubic ton of passenger
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- He is a cubic ton, but he is handsome
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK, no worries!

I got my ticket, 524 US Dollars and we booked a ticket for tonight's show of Absinthe here atAbsinthe at Caesars Palace in Las VegasCaesars Palace. This ticket set me back by 100 US Dollars.

The flight to Grand Canyon would only bring me to Grand Canyon and I asked for a helicopter tour to the Hoover Dam. They had helicopter tours to the Hoover Dam. I asked if the helicopter landed at the Hoover Dam but it was only a fly over.

The Concierge asked why I wanted to go by helicopter.
- It is just 45 minutes by van
- OK, let's book me on a van
- Great, then you can walk around on the Dam.

So the Absinthe show tonight, Hoover Dam tomorrow and on Saturday I will take off to Grand Canyon. There will not even be time for one single beer. I went to my room to leave my tickets and I had been in my room for 2 minutes when my phone rang. It was from Maverick Airlines.
I was a wee bit on the large side for the helicopter.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- But we asked when we booked the ticket
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Yeah, but we have regulations
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What the foock have changed this morning?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- It is hot weather... air pressure... blah blah
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What is this bull shit
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- It is new regulations
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Since this morning?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- It is hot weather... air pressure... blah blah

I got angry and I cancelled the ticket and I went down to the Concierge to book another tour with the bus to Grand Canyon. Ultimate humiliation to go by bus, well, not quite. The ultimate humiliationGrand Canyon South Rim - Tour by DeTourwould be to have 2 chairs in the helicopter.

Well, actually I could have done that if they had told me when we booked the ticket. But hot weather and the other bull shit they came upwith. Grand Canyon or bust and bus it is! WOW! Exciting!

I booked the Grand Canyon South Rim tour by DeTour. I'm going to the Hoover Dam with the DeTour as well. Well, anyway, the bus tour is a full day and they will pick me up at 06:45 on Saturday morning. Suddenly it hit me, I would be very tired coming back Saturday night. I don'tTour by DeToursay that I will drink any beer, but it is not impossible.
David Copperfield at MGM
So I asked them to change the Grand Canyon tour to Monday and if I go really crazy I can have a beer or twoboth Friday and Saturday night.

I booked a ticket to David Copperfield for Sunday night so now I have covered the whole week. Just Tuesday evening remaining and I will book something on Saturday when the new almanac arrives. Then we can see the shows for July according our Concierge.

Now I spent 1000 Dollars on shows and tours, well, I actually saved 300 Dollars by going by bus toCaesars Palace in Las VegasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stGrand Canyon instead of going by plane and helicopter. So 700 Dollars and we can imagine how much it would haveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stset me back if I would have been drinking beer instead.

Not to talk about how much better I feel when waking up in the morning. And as I said to the Concierge.
- It is not very sexyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwith a 100 years old running around drunk

He agreed and he was happy to sell tours and shows to me instead. And I asked about the “Flying Elvises” but he told me that there wasn't any “Flying Elvises” in las Vegas. But he knew the movie.

Well, I think I have booked what I need to book to have done the MUST do things in Las Vegas when I leave on Wednesday.

I forgot my vitamin tablets and I asked for the shopping arcade and the Concierge told me to go to the Forum Shops. I said thank you and I left.

I walked through the Casino and it is really very big. I passed several restaurants and bars along the way to Forum Shops. I saw that they had built in slot machines in the bar counter. I made a mental note that I would not go to any of these bars if I decided to have a beer.

I reached Forum Shops and it was like walking along a streets in ancient Rome. But it is all the same shops you see in all the shopping malls all over the world, same brands and same stuff. Pretty boring. But it was impressive to see how they had built up ancient Rome. Very impressive, like Venice at the Venetian yesterday. It is like WOW when you see this and it must have cost billions to build all this stuff. And that's even though it is much plastic and wood. Yes, I was around knocking on the constructions and marble pillars sounds were hollow when knocking on them.

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas
Forum Shops at Caesars is like walking around Ancient Rome

Very impressive, the first time you see it. The second time you see it it’s like YAWN!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stActually,Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegasthe second time you see it it’s boring and looks kind of cheap. But the first time, WOW!!!

I stopped to buy a soft drink and when I was going to pay there was a guy.
- Are you only going to buy one drink
- ??!!!
- Let me pay for you!
There was a girl in front of me and he wanted to pay her drink as well. At first I thought he wanted to buy enough to be able to pay with the credit card he held in his hand. But I realised thatYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthis is US of A and you can use the credit card for 50 cent if you want.

I realised that we were in Las Vegas and he tried to do is daily “good deed” for good luck at the casino.

I said thank you for the soda POP and I left the convenient/ souvenir shop. Well, he willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThe Mirage in Las Vegashopefully win something at the casino and he will buy soda for someone else.

I came out from the Forum Shops and I discovered that we were just next to The Mirage and I started to walk towards the casino. The Mirage is also a huge hotel and casino and there were plenty people around.

I walked around the casino looking and there was a row of tables for different card tables.
• Crazy poker
• War
• And the game where you should get 21

The crazy poker table was empty and I sat down. I asked about the rules and it cost 40Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stDollars to play and you could win 10 Dollars. What a scam!

But in Las Vegas and I have to try some gambling and I changed 100 Dollars. I won 10 Dollars first time and the second time I lost 40 Dollars. I moved to the next table. It was a card game called War. I sat down and I askedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stabout the rules. Bet at least 5 Dollars and you draw a card and the highest card wins. I was soon joined by a girl and another guy.
The girl told me that this was the easiest game to play.

The Mirage in Las Vegas
100 dollars gone in 5 minutes

I had lost 100 Dollars within 5 minutes but I can cross out 2 of the things to do in Las Vegas
Play card
To have Las Vegas gambling markers
Now the slot machine remaining and I had expected the slot machines to give millions in jackpot. I have promised my friend in Bangkok 100,000 Dollars if I won.

I walked around looking for a slot machine, there were millions of them, but I was not interested in winning 250 Dollars. What a waste to spend a whole day playing for a chance to win 250 Dollars?

There as a room with HIGH STAKE slot machines and I went inside. I was looking for some kind ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ststaff as I had no idea how to play. I sked for the machine with the highest jackpot.
- We have on with 500,000 Dollars
- What about a few million Dollars?

500,000 as the highest and the guy showed me how to do. It was a 10 dollar fee minimum and I put in a 10 Dollar bill and I pushed the button. 2 seconds later and I had lost 10 Dollars. I said thank you and I left.
Play card
To have Las Vegas gambling markers
Play a slot machine

The Mirage in Las Vegas
Of course, when in Las Vegas you have to try the slot machine

The Mirage in Las Vegas
10 dollars gone in 2 seconds

I looked at a crap table but it looked boring and I passed the crap table. Roulette, there were aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfew tables and I went to have a look. Roulette looked as exciting as watching paint dryYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand I decided to leave The Mirage and the casino behind.

Well, now I have done it and I cannot understand the fun. I can understand if there is a chance to win a million or two. But to sit and play for a chance to win a few 100Las VegasDollars. And the people were walking between the tables/ slot machines and the ATM machines.

I was told that many people took out mortgage on the houses to come to Las Vegas and play. Well, up to them, I left The Mirage behind and no more gambling for me. 110 Dollars in 5 minutes' but I didn't feel bad, this was part of the Las Vegas experience. So I was in a good mood leaving The Mirage walking back towards Caesars Palace.

The Mirage in Las Vegas
Las Vegas from The Mirage - Click HERE for bigger picture

One thing is for sure, time turns quick here in Las Vegas, already late afternoon and I will have to walk back to my room as it is soon time for the show Absinthe to start. I walked towards ForumMickey Mouse in Las Vegasshops and I will walk through the ancient Rome back to my hotel room. And I might enjoy a Diet Pepsi before going to the show tonight.

I have had several Diet Pepsi since coming to Las Vegas and my nose is back to a running status. Well, still no answer from 7 Eleven so I will most likely give up on the Diet MAX back home in Bangkok as I'm not going to do any shopping at 7 Eleven next door.

Coming down to Las Vegas Boulevard ans there were plenty people dressed up as Mikey and Minnie Mouse. I saw Homer Simpson and some Transformers and a Japanese looking doll. Of course, it was begging for money.

“Have a picture for tip” I saw someone hugging Mickey and Minnie. These dresses had not been washed for a very long time, that's for sure. Looked good at a distance, but when you came closed Minnie's pink dress was grey and Mickey’s fur was worn off at places. Never mind, i was not moving in for a hug.

I was back at Forum shops at Caesars and it took me some time before I found my way back to the hotel through Ancient Rome. Took me quite some time to find the way back to the casino and the hotel part. But as soon as I was on the ancient Rome street my sense of direction took over.

Casino at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Walking through Ancient Rome and I reach the Casino

I stopped to buy 2 bottles of Diet Pepsi and I took the elevator to the 38th floor. I steppedCaesars Palace in Las Vegasoutside and I got a chock coming around the corner from the elevator. Looked like a scene from a movie, a bank robbery and millions of police carsparked outside the bank. But now it was cleaning carts parked in an aisle outside the rooms.

I managed to get through to my door and I was soon in my room enjoying a Diet Pepsi. I had paid for the ticket to Absinthe but I had to go get the ticket at the box office. I left my room and I was soon back in again to send an e-mail. There have been no answer from 7 Eleven and I sent them a gentle reminder. But my guess is that there will never be any answer and that must be a sign of guilt, right?

I was soon off towards the box office. The show is in a tent outside the reception and the box office is just next to the tent. I had been hoping to be almost alone at the show, but I gave up that hope when I came out from the reception as there were plenty people. I was also surprised to see so many people lining up in front of the box office and by now I had given up all hopes to be able to sneak in unnoticed. There were people everywhere.
Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas- Nice shirt!
- Nice shoes!
- Nice cap!
- Blah-blah

I had a girl showing me to my place, the first thing i discover is that it is almost full. My seat was in the middle of one row and all the other seats were full. It didn't look good and my self-esteem was not on any top notches after the helicopter set back. The girl looked at me
Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas- Are you alone
- Yes, I can sit over there, I said pointing at the back far away from the other people.
- Come with me!

I followed her and she brought me to a space with 3 barber chairs. I took one of the chairs and I as all by lonesome. A good vie and I felt very good about the evening.

Of course, imagine 24 bottles of San Miguel Light, I would for sure have been on the stage before the show would have started. But now I was happy in the back with a bottle of Diet Pepsi. The tent was very nicely decorated and I looked around for 5 or 10 minutes before the show started. And as a bonus I was still alone in my area of the tent.

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
The show is soon to start

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
The show is soon to start

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Here we go

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Here we go

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Here we go

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Here we go

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Back at the hotel entrance for a smoke

Absinthe at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
Back at the hotel entrance for a smoke

It was almost 10 o'clock when I was out from the tent. I started to walk towards South of Las Vegas. But I was soon turning around walking back to my room. 10 o'clock and time to go to bed.

Friday 27 th of June 2005
and I woke up just after 6 o'clock when the “old fart alarm went off”Yes, I'm afraid I have turned in to an old fart, going to bed at 10 and to wake upCaesars Palace in Las Vegasat 6 o'clock in the morning

Unbelievable a few years ago, back then I would most likely have come back home 6 o'clock in the morning. And I was wrong about the 24 hour buffet. When I came down to the buffet they were still closed and they didn't open until 7 thirty. Another 20 minutes.

I had promised myself never to have the buffet again, but one more timeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThere were people lining up for the breakfast and the whole thing was for sure not reminding me of any classy hotel. Well, anyway, I got my seat and I was soon having a plate with salmon and a pot of tea.

And the bad thing was that I discovered some salmon cheese and I had several buns with this salmon cheese. I also found a very nice almond croissant filled with almond paste. A sad day for my diet. But this was the last buffet. Well, I was soon back to my room where I killed time waiting for my tour to the Hoover Dam to take off.

This will most likely be a very exciting adventure so just click HERE and you will soon be in the middle of the Hoover Dam adventure.


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