Written June 2011 while onboard M/T Ternvik

Aladdin's adventure in West Berlin
Monday 28 th of March 1988 and I signed off M/T Aurum on the roads of Helsingborg. I signed off with the Pilot boat and I went to Q Club and I took a taxi to Båstad when they closed. Yes, waking up in Båstad in March is not very fun. I returned to Helsingborg to get me a ticket to Amsterdam, but I ended up in West Berlin.

I bought a ticket from Copenhagen to West Berlin with a small airline. It was only British, American and French Airlines that was allowed to fly to West Berlin and as I wanted a NON STOP I had toAladdin's adventure in West Berlinfly with some airline that I had never heard of before. Well, let me search the internet to see if I can find some info.

Yes, here we go, seems like it was an Airline called Berlin regional UK.

I had a ticket with Scandinavian Airlines hovercraft to Copenhagen airport. But they kicked me out from the terminal. I was wearing my hat so the security asked me to leave.Motherf@cker! How will I make itAladdin's adventure in West Berlinin time for my flight.

I had to take the ferry to Nyhavn, Copenhagen and there were no sign of any taxi at the ferry terminal.

I walked up towards Strøget when I passed Nyhavn 13 and there was a taxi outside. I went inside and I asked who was driving the taxi. A guy at a table told me that it was his taxi. Yes, he was busy drinking beer and it didn't look like he was willing to leave. So I had to make an offer that he could not refuse.

So we took off with smokin' and screamin' tyres and I was at the check in desk quarter to 8 in the evening. Departure time 19.50. I had no luggage to check in.
- If you run you will make it.

I ran through Kastrup's departure terminal and I made it in time to my flight. And it was a very small aircraft. And I remember it as they only served Cognac onboard.
Aladdin's adventure in Båstad- What the

Well, Cognac had to do. I don't remember if I mixed it with orange juice. Never mind, I was already tipsy so anything would have gone down.

My flight was leaving West Berlin early morning and when I woke up my flight was in Copenhagen. 2 Fire fighters were waking me up on the side walk and, well, nice, I had to go to the airline and they changed my ticket to a PanAmerican flight via Hamburg. I stopped to visit a friend in Helsingborg on my way home to Båstad.

We decided to take my car to Go:teborg and check out the night life. Believe me, driving toAladdin's adventure in BåstadGo:teborg with my friends drinking in the car was not very nice. As soon as we reached Go:teborg we parked my car outside my apartment. Yes, the very same apartment we would be kicked out from a few months later. My friend had borrowed the apartment, but he was not home.

We took a taxi to Columbus on 2a Långgatan and I had to try to reach my friends alcohol level ASAP. Well, to make a long story short. My friend ended upAladdin's adventure in BåstadAladdin's adventure in Go:teborg/ Göteborgat the hospital and he had to stay overnight. The other friend blamed me, like it was me that had forced him to drink.

So the night in Go:teborg didn't meet our expectations. We picked up our friend at the hospital the day after and we drove back to Båstad. Didn't take long before the hospital incident was forgotten and we continued the party.

But it was so embarrassing when the ambulanceAladdin's adventure in Go:teborg/ Göteborgcame to get my friend at Columbus. They askedAladdin's adventure in Båstadif we wanted them to call an ambulance.
- FER F@CKS SAKE! We take a taxi!
Aladdin's adventure in Go:teborg/ GöteborgWell, even I realised that it wouldn't work with a taxi so we had to have an ambulance to assist us. DARN! We had a very good time a Columbus and now this.

The guy at the hospital was only laughing when we visited him at the hospital later on, but the other guy. Yes, I was blamed for this incident.

I think we stayed in Båstad for the night and at least according to the pictures we were joined by another friend of us.

Well, Easter 1988 and I will never forget the drama. But I made it to West Berlin and we had a pretty nice time, except for the night in Go:teborg. And I remember the spring of 1988 as a spring with excellent weather.

I was only home for about 2 weeks between the ships, but there were stuff happening every day.Aladdin's adventure in BåstadStrange, when i was young there were no time to get bored.

I had an AB that I had worked with onboard M/S Nordic Link and his girlfriend visiting.

She was driving so we could have a few vodka orange juices and when they left I and my friend continued.

We had been in Helsingborg one evening and we woke up in an apartment. We didn't knew the guysAladdin's adventure in Båstadliving there, but they were nice people and they came to visit us in Båstad. My friend had lost his driving license DUI. So he was driving around Båstad on a moped.

We were having a drink with the guys from Helsingborg when it knocked on the door. Our friends from Helsingborg opened the door.
- WHO IS IT? I screamed
- It is an old fart on a moped
- OK, let him in.

My friend was chocked, he is knocking on my door and a stranger opens the door screaming that he is an old fart on a moped. He thought about it for a few seconds and then he realised that he was an old fart on a moped.
- Aladdin, he is right, I'm an old fart on a moped.

Well, there isn' very much happening in Båstad during the weeks in April. Well, not very much onAladdin's adventure in Båstadthe weekends either. So we decided to take my car and drive to Helsingborg.

I spent a lot of time driving between Båstad and Helsingborg back then. I only wish I had more pictures from back then, orAladdin's adventure in Båstadmaybe not. I don't think we did anything to be proud of.

Party and drinking every day and thinking back I think it was a waste of money and time. But back then we thought we had the time of our lives.

My brother was a member in a car club called Cruising Stars and they came to visit me in Båstad.Aladdin's adventure in BåstadThey had an dedicated driver so we had a few drinks. But I remember that they didn't stay for very long. They were not impressed by the night life in Båstad and I can understand them.

I think they came in my brothers Cadillac and we tried some places, but nothing looked very fun so they gave it up. I don't remember what I did, maybe I joined them toAladdin's adventure in BåstadHelsingborg.

Well, time turned quick and it was soon time for me to join a new ship.

They had called me from the job centre and they asked if I could join M/T Lindfjord in Go:teborg in the middle of April.
- No problem!

I never had long between my ships back then. Spending all the money so I were always in need for new cash. I signed on M/T Lindfjord in Go:teborg, or was it in Helsingborg? Well, anyway it was on the 13th of April 1988.

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