M/T Ek-River, I was Chief Officer between 17th of November 2009 and 16th of March 2010
M/T Ek-River
M/T Ek-River
I got this picture from http://www.tobbeschon.com

Built: 1994 by Sterkoder AS at Kristiansund, Norway
Flag: Swedish
Signal letter: SGNH
Class no: 17997
LR/IMO no: 9056868
Trading area: Ocean Trade

DnV + 1A1, Tanker for Chemicals and Oil Products EO, Ice 1A, W1-OC. (Finnish/Swedish ICE 1A)
Shiptype 2, a2, b3, c3, v3, f3, k, str 0,1, hl, (1.5 t/m³) Double Skin

12 cargo tanks and 2 slop tanks with one deepwell pump (electrical driven) in each tank.
Cargo/slop tanks epoxy coated.
Cargo handling 6 grades simultaneously segregated by two valves.

Cargo pumps: 12x350 m³/h at 120 mlc
Service slop tank pumps: 1x80 m³/h at 120 mlc
Cargo discharge capacity: abt. 2.100 m³/h at 120 mlc
Ballast pumps: 2x600 m³/h at 23 mcl
Heating: Stainless steel coils in all tanks
Tank washing: (2x12/1x2) Fixed machines
Manifolder flanges: 6pcs connection each side 2x12” and 4x10”.
Vapour return flanges: 2x8” each side
Length over all:
Length between p.p
Breadth mld.
Draft summer load
Draft ballast Abt
Gross tonnage
Net tonnage
144.90 m
133.80 m
22.00 m
Fore 4.70m Aft 6.70m
10.802 ton
5.602 ton
Deadweight, summer:
Deadweight, winter:
Cargo, 98% volume:
Service slop tanks:
H.F.O tanks, 98%:
D.O. tanks:
Fresh water tanks:
W.B. tanks:
17.259 MT
16.739 MT
18.910 m³
198 m³
640 m³
120 m³
150 m³
6.295,2 m³
Main engine, MCR:
Propeller, CP Stainless steel:
Auxiliary gen.sets:
Boilers, thermal boil:
Exhaust boiler:
1 x 6.600 kW, 425 RPM Diam. 5,5 m/90 RPM
4X505 kW, 1.200 RPM
2 X 2.907 kW
1050 kW
800 kW
1200 kW
Service speed loaded:
Service speed ballast:
Consumption, service 85% MCR:
Consumption, discharge:
14,8 knots
16,6 knots
Abt.23 t/day HFO
Abt.7,5 t/day GO
Abt.2,0 t/day GO

Monday 16 st of November 2009 and I was in for a very pleasant surprise when I arrived to Gothenburg International. After a terrible flight, yeah, I really mean a terrible flight. I had had ahangover force 9,8 after 3 days of party in FUNKY TOWN. Yeah, reminds me of why I haven't been flying with a hangoverfor several years now. But it was worth it, last weekend in FUNKY TOWN was a great one.

And I was very lucky in FUNKY TOWN yesterday. I had a nice dinner with my Teacher Miss "Most beautiful girl in the world #1" and my Italian EX class mate at Chokchai Steakhouse on Soi 23. I had spent the whole day in bed watching Simpson and when I finally got out of bed at18:30 to go to the ATM I spoke with my Teacher Miss "Most beautiful girl in the world #1".

She asked if I wanted her to take me to the airport.
- I would love it. What a nice way to spend the last few hours in FUNKY TOWN.
We decided to meet at the Steakhouse at 19:30. My Italian EX class mate and his girlfriend was watching a movie and they would be ready around 7 o'clock.

Well, of course, this is Thailand and it was 8 before they all arrived. I had already had a soupand some garlic bread when they arrived. When we were ready my Teacher Miss "Most beautiful girl in the world #1" drove me home so I could pick up my bag. I told her to take the toll way. But she suggested Sukhumvit Road.
- OK, Great idea. I can spend an extra 20 minutes with you!!

We arrived to the airport just after 10 o'clock. We parked her car in the car park and we walked to thecheck in. We left the check in and we walked towards the escalator. I wanted to go get a diet drink on the floor below the departure lounge. One of the guys came running after us when we were leaving for the escalator.
- You have to go to the gate! The gate is very far away!
- What the???!!!
I have been here many times and gate E 02 should be about 10 minutes away, walking slowly. Well, I followed my Teacher to the walkover and then I returned to the Immigration. The time was well passed 10 o'clock and I didn't expect to meet Miss "Most beautiful girl in the world #2" at Nero Cafe. She uses to go home around 10 o'clock. But I pass Nero Cafe on my way to the gate. Well, with a slight detour. And I was in for a pleasant surprise, she stops work at 11.

Recession, low season and political unrest and the tourism industry should be dead. But the Nero Cafe was full so I didn't have any chance for a longer chat with Miss "Most beautiful girl in the world #2". But at least I had been very lucky to have my Teacher Miss "Most beautiful girl in the world #1" taking me to the airport.
Arriving to Gothenburg Airport 10 minutes late and I called my friend the birthday boy. I haveGöteborgtried to call him several days but no reply. I have tried to call J as well, same result, no reply. So I was surprised when J answered the phone. I was approaching the luggage claim when he answered the phone. It was early and he sounded just like I had waked him up.
- Yo! Where are you?
- I'm in bed!
- What are you doing?
- I'm watching DJ Fatso coming to town with a red shirt and a stupid hat.
- What the??!!, I thought to myself.
I didn't know there was a coffee shop overlooking the luggage claim area. And for him to say that I was wearing a stupid hat. Well, that's what I do and a red shirt. That would not be hard to guess.
Well, no answers for several days when I had tried to call them.
Surprise me!!?? What the??!! I was going to buy coffin nails for them and I should haveGöteborgbrought my birthday gift for my friend. Well, I guess the whole SURPRISE plan back fired a wee bit. SHIT HAPPENS!! But at least DJ Fatso is back in town.

We took off for a breakfast in town before checking me in at the hotel. I was walking in shorts and my short sleeved shirt so people were looking strangely at me. But I'm used by now. Of course, the breakfast was a major setback for my diet. But I can indulge once a month, no problem. I will start to kick arse ASAP when coming onboard.

We finished our breakfast and we went to a motorcycle shop before going to the hotel to check me in. I will stay at the very same hotel I stayed at May/June last summer.
Göteborg Friday night
Göteborg Friday night
Göteborg Friday night
Yeah, who can forget the drama in Gothenburg last time I had my holiday ? For sure not the staffat the hotel, I was recognised. Maybe due to the fact that I was sleepingin the gutterGöteborglast time I lived at the hotel. Of course, arriving in pretty much the same clothes I wore last time even though it's winter now. I had expected to step right in to a taxi and to go straight to the hotel, no need to change clothes.

When my friend picked me up at the hotel again at 2 o'clock heGöteborgtold me that he had good news. He came up with a story about J having an afternoon nap and we ended up carrying his Aunt's armchairs. She has 2 armchairs and they needs to be transported to an upholsterer. Of course, the armchairs were too big for the elevator so we had to carry them from the attic.

When we were finished I asked him if he had any more good news.
- No, let's go pick up J so we can have a late lunch.
We went to a restaurant and according to J they should have SPRING ROLLS extraordinary. DJ Fatso has plans to become DJ Slim so I went easy on the spring rolls. But it was not all ofGöteborgus that could restrain from over eating. Well, we were soon on our way to have milk shakes and that's nothingGöteborghelping me obtaining my V-shaped torso.

I was getting tired, 3 days of party, a long flight and 6 hours time difference. But no time to go to sleep. I don't meet my friends that often and we went home to see my friend's wife. A cup of tea and we decided to go have dinner. They wanted to eat Thai food so we took off to a Thai restaurant and according to my friend this was one of theGöteborgfirst Thai restaurants in Göteborg.

I had done nothing but eating today and they served huge helpings so when we left I had to roll out from the restaurant. But it was not time to return to the hotel, my friend was going to pick up his new dog at his mother in Hovås outside Göteborg.
It was almost 11 o'clock when I was back on my hotel and I was dead tired. I ordered a wakeup call for 7 o'clock. They will pick me up at 08:30 and it turned out to be an old class mate from Navigation school that will pick me up. So I'm off to new adventures and I think we're going to do it the usual way, so choose your pick:
November 2009
December 2009
Lo and behold, we have managed to blow the months of December way out of proportions, so in order to save us downloading time I decided to divide the month of December in to two pages.
December 2009 (PART 2)
January 2010
After change to Norwegian flag January 2010
February 2010
February 2010 - (Part 2)
March 2010 and soon time to go home.

Well, finally 16th of March 2010 and it's time for me to go for my holiday .

I joined Ek-River on the roads of Göteborg 17th of November 2009 when she was on the way to discharge a full cargo of Gasoil from Russia. We did the following voyages:
Voyage No.
Load Port
Discharge Port


St. Petersburg, Russia
I joined the ship while passing Göteborg
Gasoil, 0.2% Sulphur
Rotterdam Cancelled


Riga, Latvia
Min 14000 MT Low Sulphur VGO
Maximum draft 9, 05m FW
Tallinn, Estonia


Riga, Latvia
Min 14000 MT Low Sulphur VGO
Maximum draft 9, 05m FW
Tallinn, Estonia


Tallinn, Estonia
Full cargo of Fueloil
MAXIMUM Winter draft
MAXIMUM 12,000 MT M-100
Proceed through the Kiel Canal
Hamburg, Germany


Svetly, Russia
Dirty Gas Condensate
Full cargo up to 9,6m FW draft
Rotterdam, Holland


Fredericia, Denmark
Full cargo of Low Sulphur Fuel oil Cancelled
MAX 12,500 MT
Göteborg, Sweden
To discharge 2500MT evenly from all cargo tanks


Göteborg, Sweden
Load 5600MT of Low Sulphur Fuel Oil on top, evenly loaded in all cargo tanks.
Seems like we're only going to do a mix in Göteborg
Le Havre, France


Mongstad, Norway
Load about 4100MT Decantoil.
Load as much as operational possible, but MAX 4800MT CHANGED
4100 +/- 10%. But MAXIMUM 4510MT

Load 8000/10000MT LCO Dependent on den & temp
6300 +/- 10%. But MAXIMUM 6930MT
Göteborg, Sweden

Changed to Norwegian flag in Göteborg


Swinoujscie, Poland
Load minimum 11,000MT Heavy Fuel Oil. CANCELLED
Discharge Aarhus, Denmark


Swinoujscie, Poland
Load minimum 11,000MT Heavy Fuel Oil up to full cargo
Rotterdam, Holland


Stanlow, UK
Load maximum, but as close as possible to 11,000MT VGO
Rotterdam, Holland


Stanlow, UK
Load maximum, but as close as possible to 11,000MT VGO
Pembroke, UK


Stanlow, UK
Load maximum, but as close as possible to 11,000MT VGO
F.O. Range from Bordeaux in the Bay of Biscay to Riga in the Baltic Sea
(Intention Rotterdam)


2 parcels of Low Sulphur Fuel Oil


Swinoujscie, Poland
Load minimum 15,500MT Fuel Oil.
ARA for order via Kiel Canal
Discharging to barges in Rotterdam


Svetly, Russia
Dirty Gas Condensate
Full cargo up to 9,6m FW draft
Rotterdam, Holland
Time for me to sign off???

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