Written on the last weekend of July 2011.
What the??!! Sitting home on a Friday and Saturday night in FUNKY TOWN. Unheard off!
Well, I'm on a diet and I will not have any more beers until I have lost another 10 kilos.
So I'm spending my days at Bangkok Fight Club, doing constitutionals and writing on my web page. And of course, losing weight like there is no tomorrow.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Wednesday 12 th of February 1986 and we will go by bus to the Navigation School in Härnösand. The Navigation School in Härnösand arranged the classic Winter games in Härnösand every year. All the Navigation Schools in Sweden and a few schools from Finland sent representatives to participate in the games. Well, it was mostly drinking.

The school had arranged a bus for us and we were leaving Wednesday evening for arrival toAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandHärnösand on Thursday morning. Well, we had ordered 4 five litres drums of moonshine that we were going to drink on the bus. Yes, we had planned for party.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Always the same guy making a tit out of himself

The bus was leaving from our school in the evening so my friend and I started to try the moonshine when we came to my apartment after finishing our studies for the day. And we were not sober when we left with our moonshine and our Hitachi boom boxes. Moonshine, sounds like a dream come true.
5 litres of booze for nothing. Well, it tasted like shit and I have not bought any moonshine since our adventure in Härnösand back in 1986.
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Spending the night on a bus and we would be better of drunk. And we had music, me and my friendAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandhad the same Hitachi boom box, mine was black and his was silver. The weight was around 15 kilo per boom box so it was nothing we enjoyed to carry around. But music is a must.

And the Hitachi boom boxwas a guarantee that we could have the music blasting high on the Richter scale.

And on top of that we had our moon shine, a 5 litre drum per man and we also had some clothes, not much, but anyway. We got off the tram in Brunnsparken and I remember us going to Golden days for a beer. Just a few metres fromHitachi TRK 9900the tram stop and we stole 2 beer glasses so we hadAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandsomething for our drinks on the bus.

I don't remember what time we left Göteborg, it was dark, but that doesn't say anything as it was in February and darkAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandalmost 24/7.

We took our seat far back in the bus and there were soon people starting to complain.
- Quiet! We are going to play handball tomorrow morning!
Are these people serious. Who cares about the handball?

The whole idea of the winter games was to have a party and no one cared who won the darn hand ball. They would be surprised if anyone showed up sober for the match. We expected fun and not any wet-blankets during the weekend in Härnösand.
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Thursday 13 th of February 1986
and we made one stop during the night. A truck stop and we hadAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandsomething to eat. They were not allowed to sell alcohol soAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandwe had to drink soda water.

I don't remember what time we arrived, around 7 or 8 in the morning and it was pitch dark. I had expecting them to take us straight toAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandthe hotel, but they stopped at the Navigation School in Härnösand. I remember it as we went to some skiingcontest before we checked in at the hotel.
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Or if they started with the handball and we went from there to the skiing contest. But if Igo after my photo album the winter games started with skiing.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
I have searched the internet about information about vinterspelen in Härnösand but I have come up withAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandnothing. But my next picture is marked “On our way from the swimming pool”

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandSo my guess is that the first day's competitions wereAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandSkiing, swimming and handball. My friend was a member of the handball team but heAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandspent the whole match on the subs' bench.

But we were supporting him from the stand. Drinking beerAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandwhile roaring that he should keep up the spirit.

Handball, that was the only game my friend was participating in. My other class mates and I were only in Härnösand as supporters.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
They woke up when we came to the hotel

We went to our hotel in the afternoon. 2 of my class mates' woke up when we're coming back soAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandthey had obviously been sleeping while they should have been out there supporting our school at the games.

Well, these guys were older than us so I guess they needed some sleep after the overnight bus trip. And seriously, I don't understand how we managed to stay up for several days without much sleep. Most likely because we were young.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

According to my photo album we finished the day at Daily and Bamboo House. As you can understand there wasn't much of a nightlife in Härnösand.

Friday 14 th of February 1986
and vinterspelen i Härnösand continued with a ping pong tournament.Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandMoonshine, there were 4 of us that bought one 5 litres drum each. Should be enough to cover the weekend in Härnösand.
My guess isthat I left most of my moonshine behind at the hotel in Härnösand. It tasted like shit. So before we went to theAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandping pong tournament we left for Systembolaget to buy beer.

Back at the school we supported who ever deserved our support while drinking our beer. We were soon drunkAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandagain and the Ping Pong tournament became a wee bit less boring. We had lunch at the school when they had finished the Ping Pong.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Lunch time and it was of course time for lunch. I only had beer, but my next pictures are fromAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandback at the hotel room

I doubt that the Ping Pong tournament was the only “sport activity” during the Friday. Or maybe it was just us returning to the hotel to prepare us for the dinner at Logen later on in the evening.

And preparing our self forAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandthe dinner meant drinking.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandAnd of course, a shower and a new set of clothing.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
At our hotel preparing for the dinner at Logen

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Dinner at Logen

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
We ended up at the Hotel where the participants from Åbo Navigation School lived

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandA few hours at our hotel were enough to get us in to a top form and we were both drunk andAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandhappy when we arrived to Logen.

And finally, my internet search gave result.Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandI found out that Logen was St Petri Logen in Härnösand.

I don't remember much from the dinnerAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandat St Petri Logen, but I remember that it was pretty boring.

I think there was a dance after the dinner, but that didn't make the event any more fun. I remember that we went to the hotel where theAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandFinnish participants from Åbo navigation school.

We had more drinks and I guessthat our sound level had embarrassed the hotel management because theAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandpolice arrived with the blue light on.

Well, Friday the 14th of February 1986Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandhas come to an end and we returned to our hotel for a few hours sleep.

Saturday 15 th of February 1986
and we didn't get much sleep. And we started right on by drinking breakfast. Well, I can't remember us eating breakfast one single time while in Härnösand.
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
According to my photo album there wasn't any sport activities on the schedule for the Saturday.Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandWe started the day byAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösanddrinking breakfast at our hotel. SoAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandwe were in a very good mood when our transportation arrived.

Well, there were even some of us that found it better with aPOWER NAP after having the breakfast. Better off being thoroughly rested before the lunch at Kajutan.

According to my photo album there were 3 activities on Saturday's schedule:
1) Lunch at Kajutan
2) Distribution of prizes
3) Party at the school
So we were going to be picked up at our hotel for transportation. I remember it as theAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandnavigation school in Härnösand had vans or mini busses forAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandtransportation. And believe me, IAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösanddidn't envy the drivers.

Yes, imagine driving around Härnösand with a mini bus full of drunken students. I would have run away leaving the minibus and the students behind.

Kajutan, I remember it as the restaurant was inthe basement, but I'm not sure. We had our lunch, but it was mostly drinking. Imagine 100 to 200 students from differentnavigation schools, and no one was affraid to have a drink or two. Well, at least most of us.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
We killed a few hours at Kajutan and after that we would go to the school for the distribution ofAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandprizes cermony. But first my friend and I dashed off to pick up a friend to my friend.
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

I think he was from Go:teborg but he wasOK in Härnösandstudying in Umeå. So he arrived with the bus from Umeå and we were going to meet him before we would continueAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandthe party at the ceremony when they were going to hand out the prizes at school.

When we had picked up my friend's friend we went to anAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandOK gas stop to buy film for our cameras.

I think our school got a medal for their handballAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandachievements. At least my friend has a medal on his shirt on one of the pictures. And that's just for sitting on the subs' bench.

Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

After the prize ceremony we returned to the hotel. My friend's friend had a little too muchAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandto drinkAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandduring the prize ceremony and when we arrived to the Finnish participant's hotel he threw up allAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandover the hotelentrance. But no one was embarrassed, it was all laugh and “have another one!”.

It was our last day in HärnösandAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandand the final party would be held at the school.

But we had a few hours before the party started and we spent the time with the guys from Åbonavigation school in Finland.

And I think we were pretty drunk when they came to pick us up for transportation to the school dance. Party at the school, well, I never expected very much. Would be pretty much the same asAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandthe “Last exam” parties back at the navigation schoolin Go:teborg.

Never mind what you do in a dining hall or how you decorate it, the dining hall feeling whil always be there.

Well, anyway, I only remember one thing from the school dance. A girl pulled her fingers through my hair while saying:
- You have a nice hairstyle!

It was embarrassing because as we remember we hadhad lunch at Kajutan earlier during the day. We must have had Tequila because my hair was full of salt. I drank the Tequila, poured the salt over my head and I threw the lemon at my friend. Of course, I had forgotten about the salt but I was reminded about the salt as soon as the girl started to pull her fingers through my hair.

I could feel and hear the salt crunch between her fingers and my head. She took off like she had touched fire. She must have thought that I never showered. Well, maybe she was right, I don't think we spent much time in the shower this very weekend in Härnösand.

And of course, how can I forget the village idiot (From the navigation school in Go:teborg) asking me how long I have been working at sea.
Yes, this was some kind of indication of how much of a he-man you were. Well stupid f@ck, he will still be the village idiot even if he get 100 years of sea service.

And I remember on the bus going to Härnösand, we had one guy with his arm in cast.
- If it wasn't for my cast I would have kicked your arse!
- Well, I will not twist your cast around your neck, but we will be around when your cast is off and your arm is OK again.
I could not believe my ears, isn't this a behaviour you expect from a teenager drinking his first beer. Well, anyway, neither my friend nor I heard of him when his cast were removed.

Also, yes, yet another one of those with “plenty sea service” guys made a total tit out of him self. He was working for a company called Dalen & Fraternitas back then. Well, anyway, we were sitting in the back of the bus minding our own business when suddenly one of the guys sitting in the middleof the bus is coming back to us. He was drunk and he was most likely looking for a fight. Behaving like a real Farmer John coming to town.
- Anyone talking bullshit about Dalen & Fraternitas?
- What the

We were just looking at each other, impossible to grasp. What the hell did we just hear? We were incapable of utter any single word for at least 20 minutes after this experience. Well, I worked with this guy 20 years later and when he was a Captain and we had to lift him off the ship.
Sunday 16 th of February 1986
and it was time to return to Go:teborg again. A bus trip I wasn'tAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandlooking forward to. With almost a week of non-stop party (we started already on the Tuesday back in Go:teborg) and not very much sleep I wasn't in my best shape.

But we were saved by our youth, try this today and I would have been dead.
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

And we didn't play any music this morning. Our boom boxes were turned off for the first time since we left Go:teborg.Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandAnd my friend's friend had to take the bus backto Umeå, for sure, a trip he was looking forward to.

Well, we had done the winter games in Härnösand. They were going to close the school and this was the last year of the famous winter games. But I had it and even if they would have 1 million more winter games I would have stayed home.

The winter games in Härnösand is a little like Roskilde festival. You do it one time (while you're young) and that's' it. No more weekends with no sleep and no showers, drunk 24/7. But I found it strange that I found exactly nothing about “Vinterspelen i Härnösand” when I searched the internet.
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand
Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösand

We left Härnösand on a sunny day bound for Go:teborg and a new school week. And believe me,Aladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in HärnösandAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandthere wasn't much going on onboard the bus back home.
It was just a long journey in affliction. It is several hours from Härnösand to Go:teborg.

I remember us making one stop on our way backAladdin's adventure at Vinterspelen in Härnösandto Go:teborg and we arrived in the evening and I was straight back home for some very needed sleep.


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