OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Back in FUNKY TOWN again - April 2012

Wednesday 25 th of April 2012 and I went to Tops Market first thing to buy blueberries, onion andyoghurt. Now I was determined to get my healthy life back on track. I added some bananas to my shopping cart and I walked back home.

And my healthy life capsized as soon as I passed Big Mama Pizzeria. I almost madeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNit all the way back home, but I was hungry and I stopped for some cheese/ smoked salmon toast and a spaghetti. Well, this was not the start of my healthy life I had hoped for. Well, as long as I'm not drinking beer next weekend it should be fine.

I stopped at the office to pick up my snus when I returned from Tops Market. 7 Baht and home delivery and I really hope that I never have to go to the Post office at the Custom House to pick up my snus again.

I resisted the temptation to make a smoothie before I left for Sophia Muay Thai School. Well, I was full and I suffered from some serious agony after my visit to BigMama Pizzeria. Well, anyway, they recognise me at Srinakharinwirot University now.
- Where are you going every day?
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
The people jogging around the big field are smiling and say hello when I'm on my way to Sophia Muay Thai Gym. I had a smoothieAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNwhen I came back home from Sophia and I left for Bangkok Fight Club.

I arrived 5 minutes before 7 and it was only our Teacher there, the owner was there as well, but he was leaving after afew minutes.

Our friend from Germany arrived quarter past 7 and we started with some kicking techniques and the we were jumping on one leg back and forth to the punch bags and then we kicked the punch bags.

It was quite a good session and I had time to learn to know theGerman guy. And of course, when we finished the session our Teacher wanted pictures for his Facebook. Well, there has not been much pictures for is Facebook when I was in Japan. So of course, I could take pictures for him and the Teacher was happy.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

The German guy lives on Asoke so we walked home together and I left him at his apartment and I had another 3 minutes to walk to Sukhumvit Soi 23. I was about to make a smoothie, darn, they are tasting really good. Luckily enough I could restrain myself hand I only had a protein shake.

Thursday 26 th of April 2012
and I left to Sophia Muay Thai Gym after a smoothie. I have been doing the smoothies for about 4 days and I already finished a big bottle of Honey. Yes, it says healthy on the bottle, but I have my doubts about using a big bottle (and a kilo of almonds and

noun [MASS NOUN] a blue-flowered herbaceous plant that is cultivated for its seed (linseed) and for textile fibre made from its stalks.
hazelnuts) in a few days. So I decided not to use honey any more but I came up with a new idea after searching the internet for smoothie receipts. I found a recipe where they added FLAX seeds.
- Hmm, what theis flax seed?

I checked the internet and I discovered an old favourite, linseed. Yea, we remember when I usedAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNto carry around bags of linseed. Flax seeds is the very same as linseed, learn something new every day. I was looking for linseeds in Bangkok a few years ago, but I have not been able to find any linseeds.Maybe time for a new try to find linseeds?

I had yet another smoothie when I came back home from Sophia, a quick shower and I walked back to Sophia, we were going to meet there at 17:45 for departure to Ratchaburi and the fight.

We were going to be 7 people in a van and I had expected to be very uncomfortable. But I was pleasantly surprised. The owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym had a Toyota van and 7 people were sitting comfortably. It was like a huge car and we had one comfortable seat each
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
We're getting ready to leave Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
We're getting ready to leave Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
We're getting ready to leave Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
On our way to Ratchaburi

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
On our way to Ratchaburi - And we want music

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
On our way to Ratchaburi

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
On our way to Ratchaburi

We came out on Asoke and the traffic was almost at a standstill. We crossed Phetchaburi and we entered the toll way and we started to haul arse, well, at least until we reached Rama IX bridgeover the Chao Praya River. We had been on our way for 30 minutes when the guy in the backseat needed to stop for a piss. And he was desperate and I could not help myself.
- What the? We just left and you're about to piss your pants!
The American girl handed him an empty bottle and he started to fill up the bottle in the back seat. The girls were embarrassed and looked away.
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Filling the bottle

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Filling the bottle and the girls look away, and I take pictures

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Filling the bottle and the girls look away, and I take pictures

The traffic got a wee bit lighter when we reached Rama II and we were soon hauling arse along road 35 towards Ratchaburi. We reached the city and we turned off the big road and suddenly we were in the middle of nowhere. We passed 2 young guys on a motorcycle. They looked very young and the guy on the back was holding a gun. 14 years old trying to show off and I'm not sure you understand what you're doing at 14. Suddenly he wants to hear a bang and fire the gun and if he hitsomeone he will make a lot of people miserable. Imagine the victim's family and the shooter and his family.

Mommy think her son (Best in the world, never up to no good) is at his friend doing homework whileAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburithey are out driving a motorcycle shooting at people.

We drove along a pitch dark road when we suddenly saw light on the road side, a restaurant.

We stopped at the restaurant and we asked for the Thai boxing place and they told us that it was just a wee bit further up the road.

As always in Thailand, nice, friendly and accommodating people and we were soon talking about everything. The owner of the restaurant and her daughter wanted to join us but they changed their mind. We asked them whatAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburitime they closed the restaurant and they told us that they would stay open until we came back.

We continued along the road through the forest and country side and then suddenly, we saw a lot of light. We had reached our destination.

In the middle of nowhere and there was a big festival with a big stage, a food market and a funfair. And of course, the Thai boxing ring. We could hear them screaming “Maggie - Farang - Sophia Muay Thai Gym” so they were looking forward to see her fight. When we left Bangkok the owner of the Sophia Muay Thai Gym said that the Premier Minister of the Ratchaburi was on the scene waiting for us to arrive. He was staying just to see the American girl fight.
- Thank you! Even more pressure on me, the girl said.

We parked the car and I took a group picture before we left to look for the Muay Thai ring.
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Arriving to BanTha in Ratchaburi

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Sophia Muay Thai Gym's Team

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Sophia Muay Thai Gym's Team

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
On the way to look for the boxing ring

We found the ring and they let us in. Our Teacher started by reporting to the judges that we hadAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburiarrived. They had obviously been waiting for the American girl because now they started to scream “Maggie - Farang - Sophia Muay Thai Gym” every second minute.

Our Teacher went to the speaker and corrected him about her name. Her name isn't Maggie. Lo and behold, they managed to get her name right one or two times before it was back to “Maggie -Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in RatchaburiFarang - Sophia Muay Thai Gym”.

Of course, I always call her Maggie, at first I thought her name was Maggie because our Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club, back then at Thon Lor always called her Maggie. Now I call her Maggie because it is easier than her real name. Well, anyway, by the time she corrected me it was too late, I had grown used to Maggie.

It was around 9 o'clock when we arrived to the Muay Thai ring and we expected the fight to startAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburiaround 10 to 10 thirty. We had to wait for quite a while and I looked around and there were quite a few people to watch the Thai boxing. 2 children where fighting and one of the boyswere punching and kicking the other boy so he wasflying around the ring bouncing on the ropes.

And the speaker was screaming that it was no problem. Well, this was what he was saying when he wasn't saying “Maggie - Farang - Sophia Muay Thai Gym”. There were 2 guys, around 50 to 20 and one of the guys knocked out the other so he stayed on the floor. He never rose up and the Speaker was screaming NO PROBLEM!

It was hot and it was about 1 hour until the American girl's fight would start so I decided to go buy some orange juice and have a look around the place.

I took the opportunity to walk around the area while looking for orange juice. There were plenty people and I wondered where they all came from. It looked like we were in the middle of theAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburijungle. Well, in day light I might have discovered that we were in the middle of a city.

Well, much people anyway and it seems like I and the American girl was the only Caucasians at the Pineapple Festival so I must have been quiteexotic. The girls smiled so I felt embarrassed and I returned to the Muay Thai ring and the TEAM “Sophia Muay Thai Gym” And it was not much better at the boxing place. The girls smiling and the guys want to shake hands, well, nice people and it was fun.
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Several fights before it was the American Girl's fight

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Several fights before it was the American Girl's fight

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
The betting was in full swing

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
It was crowded at ring side

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
It was crowded at ring side

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Eating before preparing the American Girl for the fight

It was very crowded at ringside but they called me over and they made space for me at ring side.Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in RatchaburiI turned down the offer and I told them that I wanted toAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburihave pictures through the people at ringside. I got a few pictures before I returned to TEAM “Sophia Muay Thai Gym” and the preparation for the fight.

The greased her up in all kinds of creams and liniments. It all smelled as Tiger balm.

Wrapping her hands and she was soon ready for the fight.Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in RatchaburiBut there was several fights before her fight so there wasplenty time for massage and “PEP” talk spurring the fighters to grand achievement in the ring.

There were fighters spread out all over the place. Lying on mats receiving the same treatment as the Americangirl. Trainers (and family) applying massage and liniment and my guess is that they used quite a lot of the painkiller yel.

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
A fighter on a mat next to us prepare for his fight

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi

It was to old timers fighting before it was time for us to go to the blue corner. I thought it was two EX professional fighters that got up in the ring and that we were about to see some kind ofAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburishow. But this two guys charged atAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburieachother and it was easy to see that they had never been fighting before.

I was standing in the red corner watching them wondering what theythey were doing. They threw punches at each other, throwing, it was swinging so they almost knocked them self out. When they kicked they felt and the owner of the Sophia Muay Thai Gym came up to me.
- I don't think they ever had a fight before, he said.

I asked about the betting and the finger signs they made around the ring and it was interesting to get this explained for me. The two “old timers” managed to do their 5 rounds and it was time for us to move to the blue corner.
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
They had to do the hocus-pocusand abracadabra before the fight started

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
They had to do the hocus-pocus and abracadabrabefore the fight started
They started the whole thing by handing out flowers to hang around their necks and I think it was the guy the owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym had talked about on the way here. The Politician that handed out the flowers because I can't remember him handing out the flowers to the otherfighters. But now it was an exciting foreigner, and a girl on top of that. So he handed out the flowers and there were some people taking pictures.

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Giving her the mouth guard and taking the flowers before the fight start

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
And the fight can start

It is not easy to take pictures during the fights, I'm not allowed to be on the ring and when I stay on the floor I have to aim the camera without being able to look in the camera so many times the pictures are out of focus. Well, anyway, when they were ready with the hocus-pocusand abracadabra they could start the fight. They asked me if I wanted to put in the mouth guard and to take the “holy and/or magical?” flowers. Not the kind of exposure I like, but we're far from home so why not? The fight could finally start.

The exciting slide show from the fight in Ratchaburi

It was a good match and the American girl whopped arse. First round and she was crying and I was told it was quite common that they greased up their gloves in Tiger balm and aimed for the eyes. ItAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburiwas explained to me:
- The betting is important so the cheat
- No one checking the gloves?
- No
- Why not put a horseshoe in the gloves?

The American girl was hit in the eye and it started to burn and she could not see so there might have been something on the gloves. But shekicked arse in the last 4 rounds and she was the winner. The Thai spectators were ofcourse cheering for the Thai girl, the 2 or 3 first rounds. They were screaming for the American girl the 2 last rounds. They came to our corner and wanted to give pointers and to PEP her.

It was amazing to see how she turned the people looking at the match. Of course notthe people in the red corner. Well, maybe, we can see the trainer in the red corner looking more andAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburimore worried and sullen by the minute in the slide show above. In the begining it was like: Yeah, we're kicking arse!

And the speaker, he went from “Maggie - Farang - Sophia Muay Thai Gym” to “Not a Thai boxer ORDINAY ( ธรรมดา ) - SEXY” Sexy was maybe the only word he knew in English and he was using it frequently. It was fun and I expected, well, everyone was expecting them to raise the American girl's hand. But he raised both their hands and they ended up with the same point at the end.

Well, the American girl won, but they told us that the Thai girl was the Thai champion and she could not lose because then she could not defend her belt. Well, as I told her afterAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburiher first fight in Pattaya. If you want to win in Thailand you must go for aKNOCK OUT.

We left the ring behind and they started to take care of the American girl, removing wrappings and taking care of her eye with ice. She needs her rest but they would not leave her alone.

Everyone wanted to have a picture of her and to be on a picture together with her.

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Pictures has to be taken before we can return to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Pictures has to be taken before we can return to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Pictures has to be taken before we can return to Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Pictures has to be taken before we can return to Bangkok

She was disturbed every second minute for pictures so it took quite a while before she was changedAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburiand we could leave. But it was fun and I told her to give upher day job and to become a professional Muay Thai fighter instead. The owner of the Sophia Muay Thai Gym told me that female boxers didn't make so much money from the boxing.
- They make most of the money from betting
- Yeah, she didn't make much from her betting today!

When everyone had got their pictures taken we left for the restaurant where we had asked for the way.
- I promised that we would stop on the way back and I don't want to be an asshole.
- That's the spirit! I said.

I really like the owner of the Sophia Muay Thai Gym, if heAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburihad said something he would do it, Swedish style.

We walked toward the car when I saw something colourful landing on our Teacher's shoulder.
- What theis that!
I asked the Teacher to come to me, I was standing in front of a food stall with good light.
- What do you want?
- Ah, nothing, just came here, I said. If I had told him about the animal he might have got scared. And I would have missed the picture. When he was in front of the food stall I asked him to turn around.

I was working with my macro and the first picture didn't turn out as I wanted. So I prepared for a second shot. Now he wondered what I was doing and he looked at his shoulder and he started to scream and I never got any good picture of whatever it was on his shoulder.
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Boxing ring at Ratchaburi Pineapple festival

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Boxing ring at Ratchaburi Pineapple festival

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Leaving for the car

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Crowded on the dance floor when we're leaving

We continued towards the car and we passed the stage and now it was crowded with people dancing. And it looked like they had fun, but we were leaving. And anyway, it might have been fun after 12Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburibottles of beer, but I'm 100% sure that it would be pretty boring and annoying sober. Same at the boxing, the loudspeakers were on full volume.

It was nice to be back in the car with the AC running, it was darn hot outside the car. We left the same way we had arrived on and it was pitch dark all the way to the restaurant. It was quite dark at the restaurant, but they were open and there were a bunch of guys singing karaoke.

The owner recognised us and she was happy to see us. We got a table and we ordered 4 beers and 3 water andAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburifood. One of the girls brought us the drinks and when I got my water she spilt all my water over the table. And yes, the Waitress was dead drunk.

Then she turnedaround and she flipped over my Teacher's glass and we had yet again water onthe table. She had most likely spent the evening drinking beer singing karaoke and now she was shitAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburifaced. Well, never mind, the most important is that they have fun.

We managed to sort out our drinks and Idrank water like there was no tomorrow, I was thirsty. We had ordered deer, and fried rice. And when the food came there was some soup and some other stuff.

I had ordered fried rice and the owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym gave me a bowl of soup. I order fried rice because I can't eat spicy food. I had a spoon of the soup and it was like eating chilli. Same the other day when Iwas at Big Mama Pizzeria in Bangkok.

I ordered a cheese/ smoked salmon toast. Of course, it was a much fancier Italian name in the menu. I also ordered spaghetti with bacon and onion.
-Only bacon and onion, NO SAUCE!!
- No problem

Of course, they had managed to destroy my spaghetti. Onion and bacon and CHILLI! I called the Waiter
- Chilli
Almost impossible to eat the spaghetti and I was not very happy with the restaurant.

But the fried rice was very good and I ordered another plate. And I noticed an interested thing.Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in RatchaburiWhen people ask me what I think about Thai food I tell them that it is OK if it is not spicy. But everything is spicy so I don't eat much Thai food.

Except for the Chiang Mai curry soup and fried rice. They look at me like I am crazy.
- Don't you like Thai food!! It is very good.

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
At the restaurant

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
At the restaurant

Well, anyway, we were 2 foreigners and 5 Thai people and no one wanted seconds of the soup andAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburithe other stuff. But they all ate fried rice like there was no tomorrow.

It was a nice evening, or well, by now it was past midnight. The staff was very friendly and happy. Of course, this might have been becausethey were dead drunk.

We finished our food and now one of the Teachers wanted to sing karaoke and everyone was surprised when he could actually sing. The people at the table next to us and the girls workingAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburithere were just bellowing in to the microphone. But the Teacher was actually quite good.

They didn't had “Made in Thailand” with Karabao so I managed to dodge the whole karaoke thing. Well. almost dodging the karaoke, I had to listen to it.

We left the place around 1 o'clock and the road back to Bangkok was almost empty. We stopped at a 7 Eleven to buy some orange juice and ice cream before we continued to Bangkok.

I was surprised when we stopped at yet another MiniMart. But, well, I was surprised again. And even more surprised that my Teacher got off on the Ton Buri side. I thought that he lived on Asoke, but he lived here with his girl friend.
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Ratchaburi
Passing Banglamphu and now he can't hold it any more- He need a coffin nail

Next stop is at the American girl's apartment at On Nut somewhere. We crossed the bridge over the Chao Praya River on the Pin Klao Bridge and we entered Bangkok at Banglamphu. I had given the owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym 5 cans of snus before departure. He didn't want to annoy thepassengers with his smoke. And I had given him a can a few weeks ago and he liked it.

But when we entered Bangkok he could not resist the urge so he opened to sun roof and he stood up smoking his cigarette. We left the American girl at her apartment and they dropped me at home 3 thirty in the morning. OK, I can as well admit that they didn't drop me at home. I asked them to stop at my local 7 Eleven and I bought 3 Snickers before I walked back home.

Friday 27 th of April 2012
and I stopped at Sophia Muay Thai Gym on my way to Bangkok Fight Club to give the owner a USB memory with the pictures from yesterday. But he had gone home so IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNguess I will have to give it to him on Monday.

I was alone with my Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club so we did the mitts until 8 o'clock when we left. They were drinking beer outside my local 7 Eleven and they asked if I wanted beer.
- No thanks'

I was going to go look for linseeds so I went home to take a shower. I walked to Villa Market on Soi 11 and I found linseed. Only whole linseeds, I was looking for crushed linseeds. According to internet it is better with crushed linseeds because then you can assimilate all the fibres. But it is not only the fibres, the linseeds are full of OMEGA-3 and 3 table spoons per day provide me with all the OMEGA-3 I need.

I left Villa Market with my linseeds and I walked to Tops Market. I handed over my linseeds to the guy in the information and I went to buy onion, meat and bananas. I was very hungry and I had planned for a smoothie when I came back home, but I had forgotten my linseeds in the information at Tops Market so I had to go back.

When they saw me coming they came running with my bag of linseeds. I took the opportunity to buy soap and detergent when I made the second visit.
I walked back home and I decided not to eat anything. So all the walking had alleviated my hunger.

Saturday 28 th of April 2012
and I tried to crush the linseeds with my machine, but I didn't had any luck. So I will have to buy crushed linseeds next time in Sweden, if I ever come to SwedenAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNagain. But whole linseeds are not bad, I get the OMEGA-3 and I little less fibres.

My Teacher at Chakrit asked if I wanted to go have dinner in Rangsit. His cousin was going to cook. Well, IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNdon't know, then we will most likely ending up drinking beer and I had decided to give up the beer drinking for a few weeks.

I walked to Foodland on Soi 5, I have not been there for a very very long time. The reason for me to start shopping at Tops Market was that after more than 10 years of shopping at Foodland one day I discovered that Ididn't know if I was at Foodland in Bangkok or downtown Lagos, or downtown Riyadh.

But I was desperate, maybe they have crushed linseeds. Foodland had moved and it was redecorated and it was very nice, but they didn't have any linseed. So I ended up at Nana Hotelordering a cheeseburger.
And I had a banana shake with my burger.

I stopped at Tops Market on my way home and I bought some tuna. When I was going to the cashier and I discovered big bottles of Minute Maid. Never seen in Thailand before. I have given up all soda drinking and I should not have bought any Minute Maid. But I just had to try the big bottles. And this ishopefully the last time I drink Minute Maid.

I was happy that I had mange to dodge the beer drinking this weekend when I went to bed. If it had not been for the darn cheeseburger this would have been a very good weekend for my diet. But a burger is better than 30 bottles of beer.

Sunday 29 th of April 2012
and I took a taxi to Pantip Plaza and I bought 77 hangover DVDs. Yes, I know, I will most likely not suffer from any hangover anytime soon. But it is good to have a few DVDs stand-by just in case. I looked at a new computer at Pantip, ACCER have a new desk top computer and it was very small. 16000 Baht and I went to the place where I sold my Dell laptop. IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNhave one Shuttle and one HP computer at home and I asked if they wanted to buy them. Well, they were too old so I have to find someone to give them to. You know anyone that wants a computer?

I need to erase my computers and hard drives before I give them away. I decided to give away my hard drives as well, I have 2 external 1TB hard drives and an extra hard drive for the HP computer that is connected in a slot. 1 desk top and one lap top and one 1TB external hard drive should be enough. No need to have a room full of computer equipment.

I walked back home, I passed Marriott and I decided to walk by and to stop at Tony Roma's at Terminal 21. I had an baked potato soupAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNand a full slab baby back.

I asked for a place to wash my hands when I was ready and they told me to go to the toilet in the shopping centre.
- What the

I got upset and I asked them if they thought that I would go out to the shopping centre to wash my hands. My face and hands were covered in BBQ sauce. What do they expect? They are serving ribs and of course the hands are getting dirty when eating ribs.

They told me that I could wash my hands in the bar. Good, I paid my bill and I left. You're at a nice restaurant eating and then they send you to a disgusting public toilet to wash your hands. I'm not sure if I want to go back to my favourite Tony Roma's any more. When they were between SoiAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN3 and 5 there was a bath room so I could wash my hands.

I decided to go down to the bottom floor for a Mango/ almond surprise at Dairy Queen. There was a long queue at Dairy Queen and I went to check out the Supermarket. Maybe they have crushed linseeds. Well, the Supermarket at Terminal 21, what a waste of space!

I returned to Dairy Queen and now I was alone. I stepped forward to the counter and luckily enough I changed my mind and I walked back home.

I have a terrible pain in my shoulders so I stopped for a massage and the price list is clearly marked with prices for different massages. I went inside to get my shoulders massaged.
• Thai massage    -    300
• Foot massage    -    250
• Oil massage      -    400
And it went on like this. I stepped inside and I asked for the AC. They told me that they only had AC upstairs but I prefer to stay down stairs. The girl started to massage my shoulders and it took me 3 seconds to realise that she didn't had a foocking clue what she was doing.
- We go upstairs, we not have ordinary massage. Only special massage
- So why thedo you have a price list
- We have special massage in private room upstairs
- So why theare I wasting my time here? TWAT!!
I left the place, no more massage on Soi 23, it is nothing but whorehouses and I limped back home with my sore shoulders. Well, I will have to take a fist full of painkillers when I'm back home.

Monday 30 th of April 2012
and I went to pay my home insurance at 2 o'clock. I took a taxi and I had planned to walk back home. It is not far away but I don't want to arrive soaked in sweat andit is darn hot outside, 40°C ++

I was delayed so I decided to take a taxi back home and I would skip my visit to TopsMarket. I can buy the yogurt after my boxing tonight. Well, it was not easy to getAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNa taxi on Sukhumvit and the traffic was at a full stop.

I was 40 minutes late to Sophia Muay Thai Gym but I didn't leave until 20 minutes after 4, and I did my session barefoot so I didn't waste any time putting on my boxing shoes.

Our Thai friend was back at Bangkok Fight Club, I have not seen him since December. He had been in USA for a month with his work. And as he wrote to me some weeks ago, he had found ear guards for me. So I was looking forward to meeting him, well, even without the ear guards.I had hoped for him to be back the week after Songkran, but today was the first time I saw him.

I tried the ear guards and they were perfect, well, almost. I will have to put an extension on my chin strap. But otherwise they are perfect and we got right on to the sparring after the warm up. We had the British boxer leading the class today and we spent the whole session sparring.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNIt was me, our Thai friend and our German friend and we took turns with the British Teacher and I sparred with our Thai and German friends between the rounds.

It was a very good session and the sparring was very fun. Oh yeah, I have missed the sparring. Only girls, beginners and children at Bangkok Fight Club since I came back from Maersk Cassandra. But this willhopefullychange now when our Thaifriend is back from US of A. And I hope that he will stay around for a very long time now, at least until I leave for my nextship in June or something like that.

I walked back home and I will have to fill up a form for the management. They have installed fingerprint sensors for the doors so I need to hand in the form and 2 finger prints before they canAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNactivate my finger prints.

Well, I had a shower and I left for Tops Market to see if they had got any big packs of yoghurt. I was half way to Tops when I decided to start at Villa Market to buy flaxseed. I have not been able to find any flaxseeds at Tops Market.

I bought two and a half kilo of flaxseeds and 2 kilo hazelnuts at Villa before I went to Tops Market where I bought yoghurt, still no big packs. I also bought 500 gram sesame seeds. I read on the internetAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthat sesame seeds are very healthy so a few spoons in the smoothie just makes it better.

Yes, I have started to measure the ingredients in my smoothies. I started off the smoothie life with a feeling of that everything was healthy as long as I put it in the smoothie. During the first 3 or 4 days with my breakfast smoothies I used a kilo of hazelnuts and a 750ml bottle of honey.

Everything very healthy, but I don't think it is so very good for my diet. So now I measure the ingredients, and I have skipped the hone. And the smoothies are just as good. I also discovered another thing on internet, ice. They put about 1 % of the goodies in the smoothies and the remaining 99% is ice. Can as well drink a glass of water. My smoothies are 100% of the good stuff.

No ice! OK, now I understand why they are looking strangelyat me when I always ask them to skip the ice when I order my smoothies when on town. I had experienced that they made the smoothies with ice but after a few times I asked them to skip the ice.

Well, the month of April have come to an end and we're looking forward to May 2012

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