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Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Saturday 28 th of December 2013 and it is time to have more San Miguel Light. Just when the hangover is about to give up. Well, the boxing session yesterday turned out to be terrible and I wasabout to die several times.

Well, we kept short rounds and we were soon on our wayAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto Hustlers at Time Square to meet our friends. They called before the boxing session, but my Teacher talked me in to do the boxing. We left for Time Square and our friends were playing pool when we arrived. The girls were dinking San Miguel Light. Is this thanks' to Aladdin? Can I approach San Miguel asking for some sponsor deal? Will I become a millionaire? Most likely not!

Well, anyway, I was soon having a San Miguel Light in front of me. The girls were going to a potluck party tomorrow and they wanted me to join them. Well, I would be better home staying home. And for sure, I will leave my TAXI CD at home or I will risk capsizing in a pot or something.

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Playing pool at Hustlers

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Playing pool at Hustlers

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Playing pool at Hustlers

I stopped at my local 7 Eleven on my way back home and I bought a case of San Miguel Light and I spent Friday night watching hangover DVDs. Can't go to Potluck with a hangover

San Miguel Light

My friends came to pick me up quarter past 6 and I grabbed my case of San Miguel Light and weAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNleft for Ekkamai. And we were the only one when we arrived. Our hosts were cooking and well, I will never understand this in Thailand. I was under the impression that we should be here at 6 or 7.

The first people started to drop by around 9 o'clock. Same when we were at my friends birthday pparty the other day. I was told 7 o'clock and they started to arrive when the clock was closer to 10 o'clock.

So inviting people for dinner is not an easy task here in Bangkok. 10 people to cook for and you don't know if 2 or 20 showing up,Japanese hangover cureand at what time. But there are perks as well. At 9 o'clock there was an onslaught of strangers knocking on the door and by then I was already a wee bit tipsy. So it was a joy meeting people I hadSan Miguel Lightnever seen before. Otherwise it would have been a wee bit awkward to walk in to a room full of strangers.

After 8 cans of San Miguel Light it was like: BRING IT ON!! Charisma Man is back in town.

Well, me and my 2 friends had a few beers in the sofa while our hosts did the cooking. Our friend is married with a guy from Japan and I broughtAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNout a bag of some magic Japanese hangover cure. This can't be working, or I would for sure haveHangover in Bangkokheard about it.

I have more experience than I care for with hangovers and I have tried many things but nothing helps.

And if you had the cure for a hangover you would have been world famous. Well, anyway, he told me to take 2 tablets. I took 4 and when he saw howJapanese hangover curethe San Miguel Light disappeared he handed me the bag again and I had a fistfulYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stof these tablets. But I have my doubts.

I only knew 3 people at the party and all 3 of us were getting bored with the Korean top 10 music and I borrowed my friend's phone and we weresoon having Skåne Staajl with PAP & Emblem on full blast. The girl living in the apartment was suddenly showing up at our table. She had been around the area, and it was no problem with the noise from the music.
- I could not hear anything outside so we can crank it up a notch!
Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- That's the spirit!

And she really liked the music from Skåne. Well, the music from Skåne was mixed with some other good stuff as me and my friend took turns to choose music on the internet via the phone. Just before midnight we had 3 Filipinos coming and my San Miguel Lights disappeared very quickly. Only Beer Chang remaining and that is next to impossible to drink. Me and my friend decided to go have a look for more San Miguel Light.

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

It was past midnight and no beer available at 7 Eleven. We went in to one restaurant but no San Miguel Light and we took a taxi to Glow on my Soi. They gave us a big black plastic bag with San Miguel Light and they poured ice in the bag. That's the kind of service we're looking for.

But when we were ready my friend's girlfriend called. Everyone had left the party and she was on the way home. I made a taxi CD and I took a taxi to Khaosan Road, but the CD player in the taxi didn't work and I returned home and I went to bed. But before going to bed I booked a ticket toAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSingapore. Our friend is a tour leader and she is leaving with a group for Singapore on Monday morning and she wanted us to come with her.

Yeah, why not? Only problem is that she is flying with Singapore Airlines. I want to fly with Thai but the reason for us to go is to see her walking around with a flag followed by her group so I booked a ticket with Singapore Airline.

She will stay with her group at Furama City Centre Hotel so I booked a room there for 2 days and well, will be nice to get out of Bangkok for a few days. So Singapore next and when I'm back I have managed to dodge the whole Christmas and New Year thing. But Singapore will be a failure if I can't get a picture of my friend with her flag and group

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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