Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in Bangkok

Sunday 7 th of December 2014 and I'm off for a Photo walk with Bangkok Photographers. This is
Talat Rot Fai

“Talad” means market and “Rot Fai” means train in Thai as it was once an open-air bazaar set beside an abandoned railroad tracks behind JJ market and near Chatuchak area. Since June 2013 the train market is located at the Srinakarin Road behind Seacon Square .
Photo Walk #33 and I don't know if this is the same as Bangkok Photographers Urban Safari, maybe they just changed the name.

We will meet at 18:00 next to Seacon Square at Srinakarin Soi 51. And I have read that Talad Rot Fai is the coolest market in Bangkok. “is still an area catered for young, Thai hipster hangout”

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in Bangkok - Photo walk #33

I had plenty time to enjoy my tea and read the online newspapers from around the world, good news from Sweden. If SD can keep up this figures they will kick arse at the snap election. But I'mafraid it is too late, Sweden is not what it used to be. Something have gone terribly wrong, and now the Swedish PM and the Minister for Finance are calling Sverigedemokraterna a fascist party. Like they said on the news, if you even dare to talk about the problems about the immigration in Sweden you're soon called a Nazi, racist and xenophobic.

These words seems to have lost the strength now so they have changed it to call us fascists, and every time it back fires. So what is this all about?

Why are they so extreme in Sweden? All the problems are blamed on the Swedes or the society. I don't know what it depends on. Maybe because the Nazi Germanys train through Sweden to NorwayTrain with Nazis to Norway via Swedenduring the World War II. Yes, these trains are for sure not prod moument in the Swedish history. Is Aladdin ashamed about this? No, I was not born and it have nothing to do with me.

And the Extradition of the Balts back in 1945 to 46. Soviet authorities viewed theBalts as Soviet citizens (the Soviet Union had occupied the independent Baltic states in 1940) and therefore regarded the BaltsTrain with Nazis to Norway via Swedenas traitors, and the internees feared death sentences.

On the 20th of June 1994, 40 of the 44 surviving extradited (35 Latvians, 4 Estonians, and 1 Lithuanian) accepted an invitation to visit Sweden. They were received by King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. The Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Margaretha af Ugglas said that the Swedish government agreed with the criticism of the decision and regretted the injustice.

Some proud moments from the Swedish history. And I'm sure that the Balts felt much better when the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Margaretha af Ugglas said that the Swedish government agreed with the criticism of the decision and regretted the injustice.

It had to come to an end, and I'm afraid it is too late. Shanty towns in Sweden 2014! Fire department refuse to go to certain areas without Police escort, in Sweden 2014! They haveTrain with Nazis to Norway via Swedendiscussed this problems for at least 20 years. The politicians tells us that they do so much about the problem, for 20 years and it gets worse and worse by the year. And now they want to bring in 100 thousands of new immigrants.

Not much people if they go to China, but Sweden have 9 million people, about 1 million of the 9 million are immigrants. All our jobs are exported or we have imported people to do the jobs much cheaper than the NW Europeans do the job. Of course, the cheap labour in not part of the asylum seekers. And at the same time the Government tells us that there is no jobs and dwellings for the people. Of course, for the cheap labour there is job, plenty of jobs.

Swedish shanty town
Sweden 2014

They import people from Thailand to pick berries every year, and the beggars living in the shanty towns complaining that there are no jobs, so they occupy our sidewalks begging for money. Yes, it is easier to sit along the street begging. We could import more Thai people, hard working.

But it is a shame, many of them get scammed and lose everything they have as they have borrowed money for the tickets. Of course, against a collateral, house and land. Easy to imagine what’s happening when they get scammed. And the Swedish Embassy/ Government continue to hand out “blue berry” visas year after year. And they call SD for Fascists!

METRO - Efter regeringskaoset: SD nära 18 procent

Bangkok Post - Heading for a police state

Tha Nation
From The Nation

I went to look for a taxi around 3 thirty in the afternoon and well, we did not exactly plunge down Sukhumvit Road. But we moved slowly towards Bang Na and Seacom Square. No sign of any Cigarette police or any other Police on the Soi 23 to Ekkamai stretch of Sukhumvit. Maybe the piss tests are nocturnal only. But last week I didn't see any cigarette polices on the Soi 11 to Soi 23Aladdin's adventure at Natsu - Ramen & Curry at Seacom Squarestretch. Maybe all the attention in the newspapers have helped. Anyway, almost 1 week since I wrote to TAT Tourism Authority of Thailand and no answer.

We made it past Soi 69 and the heavy traffic (for a Sunday) lightened up and we were hauling ass and I got out of the taxi at Seacom Square one hour after I had left Sukhumvit Soi 23.

I stepped in to Seacon Square full of anticipation, I was hungry and I was looking for an Italian Restaurant. The first thing I see when I come inside is a Natsu - Ramen & curry sign on the top floor. OK, let's go check it out. A few escalators later and I stepped inside Natsu - Ramen & Curry.

I took my seat and I got the menu. I asked for a sausage and omelette with curry and a bowl of steamed rice. I changed my mind and I ordered the sausage with rice and curry and an extra plateDairy Queen at Seacom Squareof noodles. They only had green tea so I asked for a bottle of water.

The food was very good, well considering that I only paid 160 Baht. It would have been terrible if I had paid 1000 Baht, but now it was very good and I was happy when I left.

OK, I forgot to cancel the extra bowl of steamed rice when I changed my order so I had an extra bowl of rice to my rice and curry. Now, where can I find pancakes? I passed a crepe place but they didn't had mango so I continued my search and I was soon giving up the idea to find any pancakes. So I went to one of the Dairy Queens at Seacom Square andNutella ice creamthey had Nutella ice cream, can it get any better?

This was something new, at least I have never seen the Nutella iceDairy Queen at Seacom Squarecream before. No hesitation and I asked for the biggest ice cream they had.

I handed the girl 80 Baht but the ice cream was 90. Maybe because of the added Nutella sensation. Otherwise I pay 80 Baht for the biggest “TAKE HOME” size. Never mind, I was delirious with anticipation when I got the ice cream.

I jumped right in to the ice cream when I got the cup, instant disappointment. It tasted like chocolate. I had notsupervised the preparation of my ice cream, I usually keep an eye on the process. I had expected them to make the “Nutella Surprise” with vanilla ice cream and Nutella

They had obviously used chocolate ice cream when they had made the “Nutella Surprise” and I told the girl that they ice cream was tasting chocolate. And yes, I know that Nutella is chocolate, but it doesn’t taste like chocolate.

There must have been some misunderstanding because the girl brought a bottle with chocolate sauce. I said never mind and I leftAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33disappointed with my ice cream, firstDairy Queentime I have ever been disappointed with Dairy Queen. But the ice cream tasted more and more of Nutella the deeper I got in to the cup and the last 15mm tasted quite good. Mental note to myself: Next time ask them to make the Nutella Ice cream with vanilla ice cream!

Yes, I will try this again, maybe already tomorrow. I enjoyed my ice cream while walking to theAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33entrance to Talat Rot Fai where I would meet the others. Took me 3 minutes to walk there and I was way too early and I walked back to Seacon Square.

Yes, Srinakarin Road and Seacon Square and we're almost on the country side. The stopped with the whistles in Bangkok 3 or 4 years ago. And that was the best thing ever, but here they are using the whistles all theAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33time while directing the traffic.

For sure an annoyance and it was like a trip in time, suddenly I remembered how it was in Bangkok back inAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33the dark days.

I walked around Seacon Square for 30 minutes before walking back to the entrance to Talat Rot Fai. I meet the organisers and there was another girl, and of course me. It was 20 minutes before 6 so the rest of the group have time to get here before 6 o'clock. I had not seen them since the “Urban Safari” and we had a chat while more and more people arrived to the Talat Rot Fai entrance.

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33
Today's Bangkok Photographer - At least those who came in time - Full size, click HERE

I can't say that I recognised more than 2 or 3 people in the group. But this is Bangkok, people come here for holiday and work for a few months and they join Bangkok Photographers for a fewAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33months and never to be heard of again.

We had a group picture just before 6 o'clock and one of the organiser started to give directions.

I knew from another visit to a market with Bangkok Photographers that we would soon be chattered all over the place. The Urban Safari was OK as we were walking around the city.

But at a crowded market it is a different story. But when it is crowded I like to walk alone (If I have to walk through a crowd) and I always try to avoid crowded markets etc. And yes, it is a wee bit differentAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33when I'm drunk, but I haveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stnot been drunk for a very long time.

We were still waiting for some members to come when the clock turned 6 o'clock. So we left for the market and the organiser stayed behind to direct people coming late in the right direction.

I had one girl coming up to me, she said hello and I recognised her. But from where? Turned out that she was working at the driving licence department. She was on the way to the market with what I think was her daughter. I told her that I would see her tomorrow again as my plan is to go there to renew my driving license.

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33
OK, let's go!

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33
Reaching the market area

We started to walk towards the Talat Rot Fai and we passed some restaurants and pubs before we reached the market area. I was disappointed, it was the same knick-knacks they were selling allAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33over Bangkok.

Yes, it was the same shit for as long as I could see, and it was crowded. But what was that?

I could see some houses further down behind the market, this looked interesting. I had met another guy from our group and we walked towards the area together. We arrived to a big area with second hand stuff and antiques, now we're talking. It was a big area with shops ranging from the smallest thing toAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33old American cars.

And not much people around, a perfect place. I have always liked second hand and antique markets/ shops and here seems to be a lot of them around. I was actually impressed by the area and the shops. And the best thing, no people around. Well, not many people and it was quite comfy walking around looking at the things for sale.

So why go to the weekend market when you can come here? The first shop we passed through had a lot of old Vespa’s that looked like something from East Germany. There was a lot of other stuff that looked old, but no price tags.

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33
And as it is Thailand they don't bother to take down the sale signs - Unbelievable sales year after year

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33
Plenty space to enjoy your walk

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33
Possible to get a haircut

I passed through the first place with all the Vespa’s and old American cars and I continued down the street. I stopped to look in the shops and there were some interesting things, but nothing I feltAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33like buying. And I don't have much space at home to put all the stuff.

And seriously, the antiques looks better in the shops, I mean, an old steam machine won't look very nice on a shelf back home. And for sure, I would get tired of seeing the darn thing every day.

Now I come to Talat Rot Fai and I'm happy to spot an old steam machine looking exactly as I remember it to look like from 40 years ago.

The water was heated with pellets, and of course, we were soon getting bored with pellets and we put fire to all kinds of stuff to runAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33the machine. And as no surprise, the machine didn't last very long.

So I never bought the steam machine. There were some other toys but nothing I recognised from back in the days when I was a child. And while walking down the street I was pondering on how much my toys would have been worth today, if I haven't destroyed them. Model airplanes, were fun. For 10 minutes, then we put fire to them and threw them out from theAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33hill to see what a plane crash would look like.

I walked around and I had covered the whole second hand/ antique area in about 1 hour and I started my second tour of the area. I was getting thirstyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbut I didn't want to drink anything as I was not sure how the toilets werelooking around here. So I'm better off waiting until I'm back home so I skipped the drink. And I didn't bought any snacks so itAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33was quite a good day for myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdiet, well, except for the Nutella ice cream at Dairy Queen.

I spent two hours walking around Talat Rot Fai and I started to walk back to Seacom Square, time for old people to get back home to the bed.

It was around 8 o'clock and there were more and more people coming to the market and there were vendors starting to set up shops in the second hand/ antique area and it was in the nick of time that I left. I thought that the market were closing at 9, but someone told me that they were open until midnight. Well, that explains why there was so much people coming when I left. Or did they come because of me leaving?

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33
10 Baht for a ride in the robot

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33
10 Baht for a ride in the robot

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Talat Rot Fai - Photo Walk #33

I was back home around 9 thirty and it had been a good day, and if you come to Bangkok I can really recommend a visit to Talat Rot Fai, come early to avoid the crowd!

Well, Christmas come closer and closer as December 2014 moves along. Actually, I'm looking forward to Christmas as I will spend the holidays on Tiger Safari in India.

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