OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Friday 7 th of October 2011 and we passed the border to Singapore 5 minutes past 1 o'clock, about 5 minutes after we had passed the Malaysian Immigration. I had expected to check-in at my hotel around 13:30. But I was an hour late. The driver stopped at Woodlands just inside the SingaporeAladdin's adventure at the Maritime House in Singaporeborder.
- You take a taxi from here!
- Motherf@cker, take me to Singapore!
- This is Singapore
- I know, but I paid for Singapore City
He called his manager and now they decided that I should follow our Japanese guy to the airport and I would take a taxi from there.

I told the driver to tell his boss that this was very very no good. Yeah, my good mood really turned bad when he stopped in the middle of nowhere expecting me to carry around my luggage while looking for a taxi. The driver called the Manager and I really lost my temper when the managed asked me if I had a receipt.
- What the

Yes, luckily enough I saved my receipt, but that doesn't matter. Something goes wrong and the first thing they ask is if I have a receipt like I was trying to get a free ride. What an attitude, you f@ck up and the first thing you do is to start asking the customer questions like it is the customers fault that things has gone wrong.
- Yes, I have a receipt. I paid the driver that took us to school every day.
- What was the driver's name?
What the f@ck do I know about the driver's name? It is not like we started the tour to the training ground by me interrogating him about his name and address and what he likes to do on his spare time. I was screaming at the manager and the driver next to me was scared and the Japanese guy in the back was laughing. I refused to leave the car.
- Call the Police to get me out of the car! This will be interesting.

Yet again, I'm trying to be nice and I end up in shit. I paid for a door to door service. They don't have any drivers and I agreed on sharing a cab and to go through the trouble to get a taxi from Singapore City to my hotel. Yes, go through the extra trouble to carry my luggage between the cars and shit. Well, I end up at the airport and I have to pay 20 dollar extra for the taxi ride to my hotel. Impressive service!

Well, anyway, I checked in to my hotel and I got a 2 room apartment. They asked for my Seaman's book but I didn't had any with me so I showed my course certificate from Malaysia and as it was anAladdin's adventure in SingaporeSTCW course I was accepted to stay at the hotel.

I updated my web page first thing after checking in and when I was ready I took a taxi to SLIM SUM or SUM LIM or whatever the computer mall is called. I have been there before and the driver told me to go to another place instead.
- SUM LIM is just a hassle
- Yeah, I know. You are my friend and all the bullshit.
So I told the driver to go to the other place instead. I kind of like when they have a price tag, of course you can ask for a discount. But at SIM LUM they operate with the “Special price just for you” method and I really hate to have a calculator shoved up in my face when I ask for the price.

I walked around the place and I found one Dell with a 17" screen. A nice lap top but I could not buy it. The called it a gaming machine and there were lights and flashing stuff all over the computer.
- Do you have one without all the lights?
No, the computer came with the lights and I'm too old to sit around with a flashing laptop. Would be embarrassing to bring out this computer and the darn thing starts to flash in all kinds of colours. It is a little like drinking beer in the park. When you're 20 it is OK to enjoy a summer day in the park with a case of beer and music. The girls come by.
- Hello, you have a good time can we join you?

But as soon as you turn 22 like I am it is a different story. Not possible to sit in the parkAladdin's adventure in Singaporeanymore. When the girls passing by they just sniff at you:
- Don't you have a job? Loser!

And it is the same with the flashing Dell computer, OK when you're 20. But for me it would be a wee bit too much to bring out this lap top. I walked around looking for something else. DARN! I can't make up my mind so I went for a beer.

It didn't take long before I ordered my second beer and as I had not had anythingAladdin's adventure in Singaporeto eat since yesterday I ordered a fish burger and French fries. I got my fish burger but not my fries. Never mind, good for my diet. I was soon drinking my third beer and now they delivered the fries.
- Well, I wanted them with my burger
- You don't have to pay for them
- Never mind, I'm on diet.

Yes, I was a wee bit tipsy when I left the place. Very nice staff and I might have had one or two beers more than I had planned for. Well, lap top or bust and it was much easier to make up my mind after a few beers. And of course, I bought a lap top that was too big. 18,4" but we managed to get a bag for my new computer.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore- Do you have a bag for this computer?
- No, it is too big
- OK, then I doesn't want it
- Hold on!
She returned with a bag for a 17" computer and we tried to put the computer in to the bag. It worked and I paid for my computer and I left. I realised that the computer was a little too big after leaving the shop. But it is much smaller than my Dell laptop and it will be easier to carry my new lap top.

Singapore and as always, a hard time to find a taxi. Waiting in the taxi queue and I realised that IAladdin's adventure in Singaporewould have a hangover and on top of that, havepissed my pants before I would get a taxi.

So I returned to the bar where I had my first Tiger Light beers and I ordered more Tiger Light.

I had a few more beers before I decided to go down and try the taxi queue. They asked me if I wanted them to call me a taxi.
- No thanks'
I returned for more beers after 10 minutes and I asked them if they could call me a taxi. Better off waiting behind a beer and niceAladdin's adventure in Singaporecompany than staying in the rain.

This time I had time for 2 beers. The girls managed to call a taxi and it would be there in 10 to 12 minutes and when I had half of my second beerAladdin's adventure in Singaporeremaining they got a notification that I should go down. The girl asked me if I didn't got drunk after all the beers
- Drunk? ME?!
Never happened, I enjoy my alcohol with responsibility. At least that's what I want the girl to believe. I said thank you for everything and it was nice to have meet them and that I had enjoyed myself.
- Hope to see you again! They said.

I learn something new all the time. I have never booked a taxi in Singapore before. How will I find the taxi? Outside a shopping mall and there are plenty people. Will someone else take my taxi? No, if you call a taxi you will have to pay extra soAladdin's adventure in Singaporepeople wait in the taxi queue to save a few buck. When I came out I looked for a taxi. There was one taxi waiting at the taxi stand and no people from the queue made any attempt to take this taxi.
- AH! That is most likely my taxi!

I approached the taxi and the driver asked me if I was Mr. Aladdin
- No I'm Mr. Hanson. I'm joking, I am Aladdin

We took off and I asked him to stop at a 7 Eleven for some HANGOVER MILK. When I had my HANGOVER KITAladdin's adventure in Singaporewe continued to my hotel. I sat up my new computer so I could transfer my files from the old to the new computer. And yes, I gave up the file transfer after I few minutes. I will do this tomorrow. Now I'm off to Duncan Hills around the corner from my hotel to have a few beers.

Duncan Hills, there should be many bars and restaurants according to the taxi driver. I walked around the area and there were restaurants and I passed an Irish Pub. Yes, I passed the Irish pub, IAladdin's adventure in Singaporewasn't that desperate for a Tiger Light or Tiger Crystal. I came to a restaurantAladdin drinking tiger Light/ Tiger Crystalwhere they played some acid jazz and I stopped for a beer. I asked for San Miguel Light.
- No have
- Tiger Crystal
- No have, he said pointing at some beer bottles with brands that I never heard of.
- Do you want a lager?
- That will be fine!
He brought out a bottle of Kroneborg and I asked for a wine glass and ice. I was soon ordering my second beer and the bar tender could sense where this would go and he went to get a new case of Kroneborg.

It was a great place, the Bar tender and the Waitress were drinking and I think they went tipsy. The Waitress was standing next to me drinking wine and it didn't take long before we checked internet for music on her phone that we connected to the entertainment system.

They recommended me a place called Blue Jaz ( Jaz with 1 z) and I left for Blue Jaz in a taxi. But it was crowded so I just went to a bar next door and I remember ending up at Boat quay and Eski bar. But I don't have any clue what time it was when I was back home.

Saturday 8 th of October 2011
and I left my room at 2 thirty in the afternoon. I had 2 beers and a fish & chips in the restaurant while I was updating my new computer with the latest Windows updates. When I was ready I took a taxi to Bugis Street and I walked around looking for a place to have a beer. And as I didn't had any luck I took a taxi. The driver suggested Duxton Hills or the Club Street. I asked the driver to take me to the Club Street at Ann Siang Hills.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
I got out of the taxi on Club Road and it was a very nice neighbourhood. It was just past 4 o'clock so many of the places were closed and the staff was preparing to open. I found one bar where theyAladdin's adventure in Singaporewere playing music and I entered.

There were 3 guys sitting in the bar watching Rugby. There is some kind af a tournament going on, well, never mind, they had music going so I didn't complain. I ordered a Tiger Light
- We have Tiger Crystal!
- Very good!
She started to pour a glass of tap beer.
- Is that for me?
- Yes
- Then you can stop, I want a bottle
- OK, no problem

I had 4 or 5 quick beers before I left the place.Aladdin's adventure in SingaporeI walked up the street and I entered the Ann Siang Park and there was a bar called PS Cafe. Well, is it a bar or a cafe? I don't know but I had 2 Tiger light. I got nuts with my beers but I told them that I was on diet. But the Australian girl working as bar tender didn't remove the nuts so I had to try the mix.

There was some herb that I recognised. I don't know the name but it is quite coming in the Thai food and it tasted good in the nut mix. But I can't say that it taste all that good in food.

I did a Thai cooking course a few years ago to learn a little about the spices and herbs, but obviously I didn't learn very much.

They had a sign outside the PS Cafe and they were only allowed adults and teenagers inside. Children were not allowed and I wish they would come up with somethingAladdin's adventure in Singaporelike this on the airports. No more screaming babies on the long haul flights.

When I was flying from Copenhagen to Bangkok last time there was a couple with 3 babies.

The girl was carrying one baby and the guy had a stroller, the biggest stroller I had ever seen. He was coming down the airport pushing thisstroller in front of him, must have been 2 meters between the handles. And these babies cried the whole flight.

Can't say that I understand why you want to go on holiday with 3 infants.Must be better to leave the children to the Grandparents so you can enjoy your holiday.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
I left the place and I crossed the street to a bar where I had one beer. The music, well, it was like elevator music so I was in a hurry to get out of there. But the Filipino girl working in the barAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at the club hotel in Singaporesuggested the Club Hotel at the corner.
- They have a rooftop bar with music
- Thank you!!

I left for the hotel and they showed me to the elevatorAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at the club hotel in Singaporeto the rooftop.

Before I went up in the elevator I had to ask them if the hotel was named Club because of the rooftop club or if it was named after the street. Yes, there is no prize to be won if you can figure out the right answer. But for sure this is a hotel that I will neverlive at.

It was a nice hotel, but imagine making a fool out of yourself at the rooftop club and then you have to pass the reception every time going to and from your room.

I ordered a Tiger Light and the staff told me that they only had San Miguel Light light beer.
Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at the club hotel in Singapore- Imported?
- Yes
- From Manila?
- Yes
- Just keep them coming!

San Miguel Light, the best beer in the world and first time I see them in Singapore. Imported beer, I remember back in 2003 or 2004.

I passed a bar and I saw IMPORTED BEER on the blackboard. Carlsberg, made in Denmark is a very good beer and I ordered a bottle. I had a sip from the bottle.
Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at the club hotel in Singapore- What the

I checked the bottle for any expiry date when I discovered that the beer was imported from Denmark. As you understand I didn't stayed around for a second of their imported beers.

Well, anyway, at the Club Hotel they had the real deal and I had several of their San Miguel Light. Good beer, but the music left a little to wish for. Typical top 10 music and I asked if they could change the music. And yet again, they came with a telephone and we downloaded Roffe Ruff from the internet.

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at the club hotel in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at the club hotel in Singapore
And what a goor afternoon this had turned in to. San Miguel Light and Roffe Ruff on full blast. I'mAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at the club hotel in Singaporeseriously thinking about buying one of these mobile phones, very convinient. I'm at a place and I will always have good music in my pocket. Well, as long as they have WIFI.

I went back to the bar where I had my first beers. The rugby games was over and I was alone in the bar. I asked the girls if they could turn off the TV.
- No, the Manager will be angry
The girls talked with each others, I don't think they fancied the sport channel on the TV I heard that they could tell the Manager that it was a “Customer Request”

The girls were quite happy to turn of the sport and they turned on the music. And I soon understood why they were happy to turn on the music. There was plenty good music and I asked them to play Stereo MC when this song came up on the TV. The TV was now used as a computerAladdin's adventure in Singaporescreen. But the girls refused to play my songs. They were soon playing some boytoy or boysong or whatever they call this music. Yeah, I think you know what I mean and I was soon ready to throw myself in front of a garbage truck.

I decided to make a quick stop at my hotel to make a “Taxi CD” but they didn't had any CDs at the 7 ElevenAladdin's adventure in Singaporeso we drove to another shopping complex. But no empty CDs at the place so we decided to go to the IT mall where I bought my new computer yesterday.

We found the CDs and the taxi driver and I decided to go for a beer at the Maid restaurant where I had my Tiger Crystal beers yesterday. And of course they recognised me. We ordered 2 Tiger Lights and I asked ifAladdin's adventure in Singaporethey had internet connected to their entertainment centre.

The cafe is named the Maid and the Waitresses are dressed like maids obviously after the owners idol. A Japanese singer and she is dressed like a Maid and this Japanese girls musicAladdin's adventure in Singaporeis what they are playing at the cafe. And this music is not any good, believe me. Roffe Ruff would be just nice together with the Tiger Crystal.

The owner brought a laptop and we were soon having Roffe Ruff up and running and the owner and one ofAladdin's adventure in Singaporethe girls connected the loudspeakers. Very nice people at the place, as the driver said. They are very accommodating. Yes, the people in Singapore are very friendly.

I returned to my hotel and I made a “Taxi CD” on my new computer. The CD player is not working on my old computer since the accident last Friday when I rammed a CD in to the CD slot forgetting that it was loaded with my Thai alphabet CD.

I returned to the Club Street and the CD didn't work on the first place.

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
The DJ was really trying to get the CD to work. I told him to skip it but he insisted. This wasAladdin's adventure in Singaporeusually happening and he told me that it usually started to work after a few times.

I took a taxi from Club Street to Duxton Road and the Celina's Gastrobar where I was yesterday. Celina's was packed and the music was blasting high. Not too many diner guests, well, it was maybe quite late. According to my camera it was 23:51 when I took my first picture atAladdin's adventure in SingaporeCelina's Gastrobar. It was a Japanese girl taking a picture of my Smiley. Why thedoes someone wanting to have a picture of a tattoo. A Smiley, there must be millions of Smiley pictures on the internet.

The girl was there with her boyfriend and according to her the boyfriend was gay. Well, according to herAladdin's adventure in Singaporeit was no problem and he had been at Boy's Town when they had been on holiday in Thailand.

There was a group of students, or at least I thinkAladdin's adventure in Singaporethey were students. They had uniforms and they were drunk and one of them was sleeping in the sofa. He was not wearing a uniform but he was inAladdin's adventure in Singaporecompany with the others.

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Sleeping in the sofa but no one was embarrassed. It was really fun at the place and the Waitress and the Bar tender was out dancing in the restaurant.

I can recommend this place if you're ever coming to Singapore, stay away from Clark Quay andAladdin's adventure in SingaporeBoat Quay. Ann Siang Height and the Club Street and Duxton Hills are two very nice areas. And the Club Street, I discovered from the Club Hotel's rooftop that there were plenty rooftop bars around the Club Hotel. So it might look boring on street levelwhen there is plenty fun on the rooftops.

My last picture was taken just before 3 o'clock in the morning when I left Celina's Gastrobar.

Strange, they told me that they were closing at midnight when IAladdin's adventure in Singaporewas there yesterday. And when I left at 3 there were still plenty people partying. But 3 o'clock was enough for an old timer like me. But I really didn't know what time it was until I checked my pictures Sunday afternoon.

And as I had run out of cash I had to pay with my credit card and the taxi receipt confirms the time 02:50 when I left Duxton Road.

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Sunday 9 th of October 2011
and luckily enough I managed to fall asleep again after waking up at 9. I was out of bed at 12 and it felt like it had been an early evening yesterday. I went straight homeAladdin's adventure in Singaporefrom Celina's Gastrobar and they close at midnight. At least this is what they told me Friday night. But according to my pictures it was 3 o'clock in the morning when I got back to my hotel.

Tony Romas, I have not been at Tony Romas for a very long time and the Tony Romas at Soi 5 in Bangkok is closed. So I'm sure that I would have broken a few Singapore laws if I didn't took the opportunity to go for some ribs at Tony Romas when I had the chance.
I walked to China Town and I passed some very nice houses on the way. It took me 3 minutes to walk to the China Town, just across the street. My hotel is in a very good location and it is very close to everything.

I don't know if it is due to my new healthy life style, but my hangovers are much less severe now a day.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore- Hmm, can of course also be due to that I'm older and I'm thus drinking more responsible now.

Responsible or not, I could of course feel that it had been a late night out even though I had not been disgracefully drunk. I was looking for a place to buy a milk shake.

it was a beautiful day and Singapore is a very nice city and I enjoyed my afternoon walk. When I came to China Town there was a big market and I decided to go have aAladdin's adventure in Singaporelook. There were of course plenty tourist shopping around.

It was pretty much the same knick-knacks you see on allAladdin's adventure in Singaporethese markets, Bangkok, Singapore, Johor Bahru or Chiang Mai Night Market it is all the same.

I passed a camera shop and I decided to check out the price in a Canon 10 to 22mm lens and it was a few thousand Baht less than in Bangkok so I might buy one lens here. But right now I'm concerned about my luggage. One new computer to carry with me back home and my bag is full. But the lens is not that important and I can as well buy it in Bangkok.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
And they need the business in Thailand so they get some tax revenue to build school and hire teachers to educate the population. I was soon growing tired of China Town. Have you ever been toAladdin's adventure at Tony Romas in Singaporea China Town? Then you know how it smells when Chinese are cooking. Not a plesant smell, especially whit a hangover even though it was a light hangover

I stopped a taxi and I took off to Orchard Road and the Orchard hotel. If I remember it right Tony Romas is located at the Orchard hotel.

It didn't take long to find Tony Romas. Strange, I think it was 6 years since IAladdin's adventure at Tony Romas in Singaporewas at Tony Romas in Singapore last time and I still remember where it was.
Yeah, must have been with the deckhand from Spain when we were inAladdin's adventure at Tony Romas in SingaporeSingapore with Rainbow Warrior last time.

I ordered a strawberry shake, a baked potato soup and a baby back, full slab.

I got my strawberry shake and this was gone in a jiff. And it was a excellent shake. My baked potato soup, yes, Tony Romas baked potato soup must be one of the best soups I have ever had. This soup should be served by the barrel and not the smallAladdin's adventure at Tony Romas in Singaporecup it comes in at Tony Romas. But,hmm, can have 3 or 4 of the cups.

I got my full slab of baby back with baked potato.
- Sorry, I ordered mashed potato.
The Waiter brought out my ribs and he returned with mashed potato instead of the baked potato. My original order was with French fries. But as I was sitting there IAladdin's adventure at Tony Romas in Singaporediscovered that they had mashed potatoes. I called the Waiter and it was no problem to change to mashed potatoes.

French fries is a wee bit boring so if they offer mashed potatoes as a alternative, well, the choice isn't that hard to make. Believe me or not, I left half of my full slab on the plate. Wasn't as good as I remembered it. I paid and I left walking down Orchard Road. I was looking for software and when I found Adobe CS5 for 250 Dollars I thought the guy was joking. Very cheap and when he went to get it for me I stayed behind waiting in the shop. He returned with a Windows 7.
- Adobe was not in stock, do you want me to order it?

Well, I might pop by later on in the week. I continued down Orchard Road and when I passed Ngee Ann I entered the shopping centre to have a look for a watch. There was nothing I liked and I took a taxi to Lin Dim or Sum Lin or whatever the computer place is called. I walked around the Bugis Street area and when I passed an Italian Restaurant I went inside.

I got a menu and after 15 minutes I left, no Waiter or Waitress was attending the tables so I didn't want to waste any more time in there waiting to be able to place my order.

I walked around for an hour or so before I returned to my hotel. I need to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning so sleep is required in order for me to be full of vim tomorrow morning

Monday 10 th of October 2011
and I got out of bed at 7 when my alarm clock went off. I made myself a cup of tea and I had 2 cans of tuna before I had my shower. I expected it to take aboutAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore15 minutes to get to the school at West Coast Ferry Road so I left just after 8 o'clock. Of course, there was an accident on the highway and it took me 1 hour to get to school.

They had sent me a map from School via e-mail so I knew it wasn't too far away from my hotel. But it was pouring down when I came down to get my taxi and the driver thought the slow traffic was due to the rain. But it turned out that there was an accident and I hope we will be able to make the trip in 15 minutes from now on. Please, no more accidents. It was embarrassing to step in to class room 30 minutes late. But I was notAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporealone, there was one guy arriving with me. What was his excuse to be late?

I had just taken my seat when it was time for a break. 20 or 30 minutes our Teacher asked.

I suggested that we should skip all the breaks so we could go home earlier. Our schedule was from 08:30 to 19:30 and I can't say that I was fancying spending 11 hours at the school. Especially if 4 or 5 hours of the 11 would be breaks. It didn't looked like there was very much ofAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeexciting things to do in the area during the breaks. 90 minutes lunch break, for what?

And what's worse than just sitting around doing nothing? So if wecould keep the lunch break to 10 minutes and if we were kicking arse without any breaks we would be able to leave 2 o'clock in the afternoons.

Then I could spend some quality time walking around exploring Singapore in the afternoon. But this was not possible according to our Teacher. We had to spend a certain amount of hours in school and that was IMO regulations.
Well, if we have 10 hours of break or if we spent the 10 hours back at the hotel, what's theAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporedifference?

Well, the Teacher was surprised to see me at school.
- What are you doing here? You must know all this after 27 years at sea.
- I have to renew the course every 5 years

We had another 15 minutes break and then we did some more learning in class room before it was lunch break at 11:30. And as we would start again at 13:30 I took a taxi back to my hotel for some tea and tuna. There is a Mc Donald 10 minutes fromAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeschool. But I prefer the tuna and tea back in my room.

I was lucky to find a taxi and we made it back to my hotel in 15 minutes and I enjoyed 2 cans of tuna and a cup of teaAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporefor lunch. I also had time for a bottle of Diet MAX before I took a taxi back to school.

We finished school at 4 o'clock and I decided to go look for a USB modem. We only have internet in the reception area and as I like to have internet in my room I decided to buy a USB broadband modem. My Teacher thought that it would set me back by 20 dollars.
- That sounds very good

So I had a quick cuppa when I came home. I also bought something not so healthy for my tea at 7 Eleven. But this will not happen again, strictly tuna from now on. I walked around looking for the place to buy the USB modem but I was obviously turning left instead of right and I missed the place. Of course, I didn't realise this until I was on my way back home.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
I was walking around looking for a mobile phone shop. And typical, there must be millions of them in Singapore, at least I passed many of them yesterday. But today when I'm looking for a phone shop there is no one to be found. I walked back to China Town.

I asked around for a place to buy a USB modem and they started to talk about train and get off at this and that station..... This was obviously nothing that I was interesting in. There must be a shopping centre around where they sell USB modems.

I passed a Thai Boxing club and they did the spring knees when I passed. Well, who wants to dotraining on the bottom floor when everyone passing on the side walk looks right at you? All the beautiful girls passing by:

And the guys and girls were hanging over the punch bags exhausted. Would be somethingAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfor our Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club to scream at. They were all covered in cool tribal tattoos or whatever they call them. But 20 seconds with the punch bag was too much.

Well, my hotel is perfect, 100 dollar per night for a 2 rooms with a kitchen. Of course, you need a discharge book to get this price. The only thing I don't like is the internet. But the location must be the very best. Just 900 meters from Duxton Road as we could see on my taxi receipt. The Club Street is not much further away. I know it was close by, but not how close until I walked by the place today.

I found a shopping centre and I also found my USB memory, it was 128 dollars and not 20. Including a SIM card and 3 days of internet use. What can a poor Sailor do? Well, I had to buy the darn USB memory so I get internet in my room.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
At the first place they wanted to charge me 5% for using the AMEX and 3% for using my VISA card. So I went to the next shop and they did it free of charge. When I had my USB modem IAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporewent to the supermarket to see if they had some tuna in green curry. The same brand I bought in Malaysia, it is a Singaporean brand but I could not find any tuna in green curry so I left. Walking back to my hotel and I passed the very same market place I had been passing through yesterday.

When I left the food street behind I turned right and I was soon at Duxton hills and the Duxton Road. So now I know how to find this place. I had spent two nights at the place, but I didn't know where it was. The bars and restaurants were quite crowded, but as I had to go up at 7 tomorrow morning I continued to my hotel.

I passed a Supermarket and I decided to check out their tuna selection. No green tuna but they had tuna in curry and I bought a few cans and a bottle of milk for my tea. I left the place and when I passed Duxton Road I turned in the wrong direction and I ended up far away from my hotel and when I finally made it back I had been walking around for 3 hours. Good for my diet!
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
I tried my new USB modem first thing and it worked very well and I could attend a few e-mails before I went to bed. And yes, I tried a can of tuna in curry and it was very good. So I will have to go a few more cans to last me until I go home next Saturday.

Tuesday 11 th of October 2011
and I was dead tired when my alarm clock went off at 7. It was 3 o'clock before I managed to fall asleep. I had my good morning tuna and tea before my shower.Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in SingaporeToday I took the taxi to Poly Marina at West Coast Ferry Road. The SingaporeAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in SingaporePolytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore's marina where they have lifeboat courses and HUET courses etc and the quickest way is to take the West Coast Highway. I took the taxi from the other side of the road today, the driver yesterday suggested that I should stop the taxiacross the road if I wanted to take the West Coast Highway.

If I took the taxi from the “Hotel side” we had to drive a very long way to make a U-turn to get on theWest Coast Highway.

The sky opened up just before arrival tothe Poly Marina and it was really pouring down. The sky was black with thunder and lightning.

I arrived 20 minutes past 8 and there were 2 other guys present. It was the 2 guys from Singapore,, no sign of the Teacher and the guys from mainland China was a no show. Our Teacher arrived 8 thirty five, 5 minutes late and he told us that we had to waitAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporefor one and a half hour before we could start.
- What the- We're not allowed to do the exercises when there is lightning.

I suggested that we could do something else while waiting so we didn't waste any time. But his was not possible and I lost my temper.

The Teacher got angry and I told him that I pay for this course and I struggle to get out of my f@cking bed at 7 o'clock every morning just to sit here and wait for one and a half hour. NO F@CKING WAY!! So he came up with a video that had nothing to do with our course. I was not happy.

What is it with the people in Asia? Same in Thailand, people are coming and going as it pleases them. No respect for paying customers and if we start 8 thirty it doesn't mean 9 or 10 o'clock.Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in SingaporeAnd on top of that they complain that they don't have the same salary as in Europe. Well, I would not have any salary at all if I could not show up in time.

And they looked gloomy when we went down to the bridge in the rain. For sure, I don't like the rain but the world can't stop just because of a little rain. We were divided in to 3 groups with 5 in each. I was together with 2 guys from Singapore and 2 guys from China. They entered the boat one by one and I was surprised to see that all of them took their seat in the back.

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
It was strange, I had expected them to start fighting for the wheel and all of them are takingAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporetheir seat in the back. Well, Aladdin had to sit up front when we left the school behind.

We were starting today's drill with MOB (Man Over Board) exercises. We had a life buoy with us that we would throw in the water and then we would pick up the buoy with the boat.

By now the heavy rain had turned in to a light drizzle so it was not so bad, and the seats were covered with a canvas roof. But the seats were wet so my trousers were wet. But I managed to keep my snus and camera dry.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
As soon as we had left the marina we started the exercises. We threw the life buoy overboard andAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporethen we had to steer the boat up to the buoy. Not as easy as it sounds with wind and current affecting our small and light weight boat.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

When we finished the MOB exercises we did some “coming alongside” exercises before we returned to the school with the boats. It was almost 12 o'clock and I expected us to go for lunch. But we had to launch the MOB boat before we could go for lunch.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
I was ashore taking picture when they arrived with the boat

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
I was ashore taking picture when they arrived with the boat

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
I was ashore taking picture when they arrived with the boat

We had one of the Chinese guys and he needed some extra practise coming alongside so I jumpedAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeoff the boat at his first try and I could take pictures of him when he continued his practises.

When we were ready with the MOB boat launch from the jetty I took a taxi to my hotel for 2 cans of tuna and a cup of tea. It was so close that I had stopped at a restaurant at a shopping mall on my way back to the hotel. But in order not to turn my tuna in to a complete waste of money I need to finish the darn cans before I return to Thailand on Saturday.

We would have lectures about the lifeboat engines after lunch and our Teacher really speededAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporethrough the lecture and when we had finished we went down to one of the life boats on the jetty.

Our Teacher showed us the engine and we could go home. What thedo we have a 90 minutes lunch break for just to come back to do an hour. Would have been better to do the lifeboat engine stuff after the MOB stuff. And I would have had saved 16 dollars in taxi money.
I changed my clothes when I came back to my hotel and I took off to Orchard Street in a taxi. I got off at Orchard Hotel, just outside Tony Romas, but I never entered the place. Seriously, I had my ribs at Tony Romas last Sunday afternoon and as you know you need to wash your hands afterAladdin's adventure on Orchard Road in Singaporeeating ribs. I asked for the bathroom.
- You have to go to the second floor in the shopping mall for the bathroom
- Are youjoking?
I explained for him that it was SUB STANDARD without any bathroom to wash the hands in. Well, he showed me to the kitchen so I could wash my hands.

Well, I passed Tony Romas and I walked down Orchard Road and when I came to the end of the shopping district I crossed the street and I walked back up on Orchard Road again.

I had been walking 3 or 400 meters on my way back up on Orchard Road when I passed an Italian restaurant. I stopped for a spaghetti Carbonara.
........ and a plate of garlic bread with cheese......
and a basked of bread with olive oil.
F@CK, F@CK and F@CK!!!!!!

Seriously, with all the harsh laws here inSingapore... a fart on the side walk and they shoot you no questions asked. So would it be too much to ask for a law against leaving your hotel room as long as you have tuna on your room? F@CK, F@CK and F@CK!!!!!!
Aladdin's adventure on Orchard Road in Singapore
I will never go for another restaurant again and I must come up with something that makes me stick to my tuna and tea in my hotel room. I very good day turned in to shit!! Back up on the opposite side of Orchard Hotel I took a taxi back to my hotel. The taxi driver had a daughter that had been in school in Sweden He told me that she used to shop at Willys.
- It said Willys on all the credit card bills

We approached my hotel and I asked the driver to stop at 7 Eleven. F@CK, F@CK and F@CK!!!!!! IAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporebought some Nougatelli cookies that I ate back on my room with a cup of tea.

Yes, a perfect end of my day. But tomorrow is another day and we start all over again with tea and tuna.

Wednesday 12 th of October 2011
and I woke up at 6 o'clock. Luckily enough I managed to fall asleep again. I went to bed at 10 thirty yesterday and I managed to fall asleep pretty quick. IAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporearrived to Poly Marina in time and I was surprised that all people were present in the class room.
- Did we start early today? Did anyone inform me?

Well, we started at 8 thirty and I was just surprised to see that everyone had arrived. There were even a few new faces.

We left the class room after 10 minutes and we went down to their pier and the life boat where we mustered MILITARY STYLE in a straight line. Our Teacher had handed us a DUTY list in the class room and I ended up as #1. Put in the plug and remove forward safety (maintenance) wire.
Every one up to #8 got their duties and from #9 and above it was “as per order”
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
This course is for people that had never seen a lifeboat before. But now it is a requirement thatAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporethis course should be renewed every 5 years. So I was jumping up and down impatiently while the Teacher explained every bolt and nut on the davit and lifeboat.
- Let's get started already!

This is an excellent course, for people that had never done this before. But after 27 years and numerous lifeboat drills I knew what a life boat is. Well, we were suddenly finding our self in a 20 minutes break and after the break we launched the life boat.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
So I was pretty happy when we finally boarded the lifeboat and we left the marina behind. We would do the MON exercises again, but this time with the lifeboat and that is a completely different story than to do it with the rescue boat. Driving the lifeboat and you see f@ck all around you.

It went well and all class finished the drill and we were back in the marina at 11:30 and the lifeboat was up and secured and we left for lunch at 12 o'clock.
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Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

I spent my lunch break at my hotel with a cup of tea and 2 cans of tuna. I was back 3 minutesAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeafter 13:30 and all people present in the class room.Now we would spend the afternoon in the class room listening to a Teacher talking while showing overhead pictures.

Can't say that the guys were too enthusiasticAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeabout the lecture. Some people were surfing the internet on the mobile phones and there were a few of them sleeping in the class room. And I understand, it was totally pointless to sit and read the overhead while the Teacher read it out loud for us. ItAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporewas all about regulations andstuff that honestly we have no use of knowing.

We finished class at 4 thirty and I walked back with one of the guys from Singapore. I was in search for a taxi but I decided to follow him to his busstop and to take a taxi from there. I asked what happened in Singapore I Wednesday night.
- Oh! It is a big night in Singapore. LADY's NIGHT!
Well, I'm not a lady so what the hell has Lady's night to do with me? Well, anyway, it was not a good ide following him to the bus stop. I had to walk around for 30 minutes before I found a taxi.The driver looked pretty young and as we have the day of tomorrow I might go for a beer and I asked what happened in Singapore on a Wednesday night.
- What theis it with Singapore and Lady's night?
All my shirts are at the laundry service so I asked the driver to drop me at a tailor. I had made aAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporequick decision to go for a few beers and I cannot go out in a t-shirt. They are for my training in school and they are for one time use only.

We found a Tailor but heneeded 7 days to make a shirt.
- What about 3 hours?
- Impossible!

I walked back to my hotel, I have a back up shirt, but I'm not too happy about that shirt.
But it will have to do with my “BACK UP” shirt, no way I'm spending the night in my roomAladdin's adventure with Minute Maid in Singaporewhen I have the day off tomorrow. There will be enough of “Spending the nights in my room” when I'm back in FUNKY TOWN and Bangkok Fight Club and my diet and healthy lifestyle. I stopped to buy a hangover kit and as you can see, even my hangover kit is affected by my new and healthy life style.

A year ago it would have been 2 bottles of Coco milk and 2 bottles of Strawberry milk. Now I stick to one of each. But I manage to find the bigger sized bottles of Minute Maid so I bought two of them. Back in Bangkok I need to by 12 or 24 of the small MINI bottles. Well, time for the Charisma Man to get tipsy. Maybe at the Club Hotel for some San Miguel Light, yeah, why not?
Charisma Man

I don't like my “BACK UP” shirt, but it was way better than my life coach's shirts. I remember a few years back in FUNKY TOWN. He was giving me the full song and dance about my shirts and how nice his shirts were. We sat down at the table and the Waitress came to our table and I swear toAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in SingaporeGod. The Waitress and I were looking at the table cloth and then at my Life Coach's shirt at exactly the same time. Who stole the table cloth and made a shirt out of it?

Well, at least my “BACK UP” doesn't look like table cloth. I took a taxi to Club Street and The Club hotel where I had a San Miguel Light and it didn't take long before I had my second San Miguel Light in front of me.

There were more people at the Club hotel today than last Saturday, of course, it was in the middle of the day when I was here last time. And thinking of it, it is not bad for an old timer like me to be able to be up drinking beer all day long. Starting at 2 or 3 in the afternoon and finish 3 o'clock in the morning.
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Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
I had 3 or 4 San Miguel Lights before I moved to the next place. I was walking down the Club Street when I passed a place with some youngsters outside and they were dressed like punk rockersAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeand they called me when I passed.
- Come on inside. Here is loads of fun.

I went inside and I was disappointed, karaoke! The guests were singing Chinese songs and it was very slow music. I had 2 San Miguel Lights before I left. And yes, this was the second place in Singapore with San Miguel Light.

Bad music, but it was nice people at the place. I walked down Club Street in search for a place with good music and at next place they didn't had any San Miguel Light or Tiger Light so I had to drink a Stella.Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in SingaporeAnd as it wasn't a light beer I asked for a wine glass and ice. And I got some snacks.

I don't know what's up with the snacks in Singapore. Maybe there is a law that says you must have snacks with the beer. Because every time I say NO THANKS to the snack theyAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporerefuse to remove the snack.

When I put the snack behind the bar it only takes a few seconds for the darn snack to reappear in front of me. I stopped at a few places at the Club Street before taking a taxi to Duxton Hills.

I ended up at a place with excellent music. TheyAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporehad a bandplaying and they were very good. A guy playing the violin and there was an excellent guitar player. I don't know for how long I stayed, but they only had tap beer so I had to get a wine glas with my beer mug.

Celina's Gastrobar was the last place I visited on Duxton Road before I returned to my hotel. I think I was home sometimes between 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning. Yes, darn school holiday. Would have been better to have to go up at 7 and take off to school. Now I will have to spend the Thursday as the Hangover Man and how fun is that.

Thursday 13 th of October 2011
and I started the day with my hangover kit. And I had to call M1, my internet provider to check why my internet wasn't working. 3 days was included in my SIM card but it stopped working yesterday. I tried to top up with my credit card yesterday but it didn't work. So I went to buy a refill card, it didn't work.

Today when I finally got hold of a real person. Yes, I had to wait a very long time and the girl told me that I had to register my SIM card and I had to bring my passport and SIM card to one of their customer centres in town.
- What the
No information about this and I would have done it when I was at Orchard road last time. I took a taxi to Paragon on Orchard road and I registered my SIM card. They told me that it would take about 2 hours before I could use my SIM card. I walked up to the end of Orchard Road looking for a shop FJ Benjamin or something like that. But they had moved to a new location. Great job updating their web page.

I got the new address of the girl in the new shop. Science Park II and I took a taxi to the place. I had no clue where it was and it turned out to be very close to my school. And as I suspected, Science Park was just offices and no retail shops. But the girls told me that I could go to VIVO City, a shopping mall I pass every day on my way to and from school.
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Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
VIVO City is just next to the bridge to Sentosa and I could not recognise the bridge. I have only been on Sentosa one time and back then it was a simple bridge. Today there was a train passingAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeover the bridge and it was not possible to see the road.

VIVO City was a huge shopping mall and I was walking around looking at the place and I passed several restaurants. I was in a sport shop looking for a timer when a guy ran in to trouble about a bag. Two of the staff told him that he was trying to steal theAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporebag. I don't know what it was all about. Theydidn't had any timers so I left to a Japanese restaurant next door.

I ordered avocado & salmon sushi and Teriyaki beef. The food was excellent but I got angry when I got my bill. 0, 3 DollarAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporefor a wet napkin. Who theordered a wet napkin?

When I was ready at VIVO City I took a taxi to Raffles City where I walked around for a while and I had a milk shake before returning to my hotel. 11 dollars for a milk shake, it is not cheap in Singapore.

I tested my modem first thing when I came back to my hotel. I checked Bangkok Post and ThaivisaAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporefor the latest updates about the flooding in Bangkok. I got an e-mailfrom the American girl and her fight is on Friday the 21st at a Stadium in Pattaya. Good, her fight was originally planned for tomorrow and I would have missed it.

I found some pictures on Thaivisa and it looks like they are stockpiling food and water on Flood Threat. And in some shops they are out of canned tuna and milk. Not any good news and I decided to go to buy some canned tuna and long life milk. I still have tuna at home, but I can bring a few cans of tuna in curry and 2 or 3 bottles of long life milk.
I would like to have eggs for my tomato & onion omelette but I don't think it is any good idea toAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporebring eggs on the airplane.

But I can survive without the omelette for a few days. And 2 or 3 bottles of milk will last me a week or two. 28 cans of tuna will last me for 2 weeks and I will be ready for the flooding. I will buy a flashlight and batteries. And I have 2 oil lamps and candles in case of a black out. But I really hope it won't go to that or it will be very hot if I can't run my AC. But the worst must be the boredom, what to do between 18 thirty and 6 o'clock in the morning when it is dark.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
No electricity and no reading, well, maybe with a candle next to my bed. Or maybe I should stay for a few extra days in Singapore. But I want to get home after 2 weeks in Malaysia and Singapore. I don't know if I want to carry tuna and milk from Singapore to Bangkok.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

I left for the Fair Price Supermarket to buy some tuna and milk. I left my hotel at 9 o'clock in the evening and when walking to the Supermarket I passed an Italian Restaurant and I don't know whatAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporehappened. But suddenly I found myself reading a menu.

I ordered a pot of tea, a mozzarella tomato salad and spaghetti with onion and bacon. And of course some fresh bread. My spaghetti with onion and bacon was not on the menu but I asked if they could make plain spaghetti and to put some fried onion and bacon on top.
- Oh, yes! No Problem
- Then I can have a plate
- Do you want garlic
- No thanks, only fried onion and bacon on top of the spaghetti. Nothing else!
- What do you want to drink?
- Water. Do you have tea?
- What kind of tea?
- Earl Grey
- And garlic and spices on your spaghetti
- No thanks, only fried onion and bacon on top of the spaghetti. Nothing else! Do you have mozzarella and tomato
- Yes
- Then I can have a plate of this salad.
- We can add some garlic and spices to your spaghetti
- No thanks, only fried onion and bacon on top of the spaghetti. Nothing else! Do you have mozzarella and tomato?
- Plain water or mineral water?
- Just give me plain water
The waiter was standing in front of me with his pen and block
- And we put some garlic on the spaghetti?
I could see that his fingers were itching to write “garlic” in his block.
I got my tea and bread and my mozzarella and tomato salad arrived a few minutes later. I did as IAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeuse to do with my napkin, I put the napkin inside my collar and I used the napkin as a bib. The Waiter came with a real bib. He told me that I could use this instead of the napkin

Well, this would be too embarrassing, especially with 2 beautiful girls at the table next to me. I enjoyed my tea and salad with the bread. When my spaghetti arrived I could not believe my eyes. What theis it they bring to my table
- What is this? I asked while lifting a piece of chilli with my fork
- This is how we usually do it!
- But....
- I told you at least 5 times ONION & BACON ONLY!!!! NOTHING ELSE!!

They told me that they could make a new spaghetti for me but I was running out of time. I need to go buy my “Flooding Emergency Kit” and I don't know when the supermarket closes.
- Try the spaghetti and if you don't like it we make a new.
I tried the spaghetti and it was spicy, the bacon was like they had boiled it in oil. It was a terrible spaghetti and I sent it back to the kitchen. I had already asked for the bill and it arrived with my spaghetti. I had a look at the bill.
- What is “opened beverage”?
- Oh, sorry
- Don't they have a Manager or Supervisor at this joint? I asked.

When they came back with the bill they told me that they had removed the pasta as well. I left the place and the Waiter told me to wait, they were making new spaghetti for me. FREE OF CHARGE! I told them that I was running out of time.
- Please, let us do this for you! It is free of charge
I felt awkward, I asked for the bill for the spaghetti but they refused to give me the bill. So I had a free spaghetti and when they finally did it after instructions it was an excellent spaghetti.

And seriously, why should I always feel bad after incidents like this. I'm going to an expensive restaurant and I ask if they can make spaghetti with onion & bacon. So what to expect? If the Cook doesn't know how to make bacon & onion they should have let me know.
- Sorry Sir, this is not on our menu and the Cook doesn't know how to fry onion and bacon.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore- OK, thanks, I try another place.

I walked to the Supermarket and I started in the dairy cooler. I asked one in the staff if they had milk that wasn't cold. She showed me to aisle 5 and I took 4Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporebottles of LOW FAT long life milk.

Then I moved to the canned food aisle, I know this aisle very well after several purchases of tuna at the supermarket. When I was in the queue to the cashier I remembered that a flash light would come in handy in case of a black out.

I also bought batteries and the girl behind me in the queue thought that I bought plenty tune. I toldAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeher about the flooding in Bangkok and the empty shops. I don't know if she understood the seriousness of the situation. So I decided to skip the question if I could have the food as a flooding victim aid.

I walked back to the hotel and the hangover started to kick in, not bad, but I just had a sense of that it would be hard to fall asleep tonight. I made a mental not to bring extra sleeping pills next time in case of unexpected school holidays. I brought 2 sleeping pills for 2 Sundays with hangover.

And it will be hard to fall asleep tonight and I will be tired tomorrow when my alarm goes off at 7l Last day in school and we have a written exam and some practical tests in the marina. We will jump in to the marina to turn the life raft etc. An exciting day for sure and Friday and “school is over” beerin the evening. And I willhopefully not miss my flight on Saturday.

Friday 14 th of October 2011
and it was not too bad to get out of bed at 7. And when I finished my GOOD MORNING tuna and tea I started to prepare my luggage. I was lucky, when I left for Singapore 2 weeks ago I had planned to bring my t-shirts in a plastic bag. But I changed my mind when it was time to leave. I have plenty duffel bags so I packed one of the duffel bags with my t-shirts. Will look better at check in.

And I have used the duffel bag as a garbage bin so I have all my t-shirts in the bag, well, almost all of them. The shirts used in Malaysia were left behind in Malaysia. Well, anyway, I will use my
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporet-shirts to wrap my tuna and I can check in the duffel bag and I will throw everything when I'm back in Bangkok. I had a shower before going down to take a taxi to school.

We will start the day by swimming and to handle a life raft. But before we jumped in to the marina our Teacher demonstrated the pyrotechnics that we can find in the life boat.

So we went down to the slipway when we were ready with the instructions in the class room. We started with the hand flare and one of the guys fired off the hand flare and whenAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporethe hand flare went out it was time for the buoyant smoke signal.

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

The buoyant smoke signal gives off an intense orange smoke so you have to throw it in to the water as soon as you have ignited the smoke signal.
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Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
There were 3 old timers fishing next to the slipway and when we let the smoke signal go they wereAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporesoon leaving the place. Well, never mind, I never saw them catch anything so they were better of moving to another place with more fish.

As you can imagine the smoke signal can be seen from quite a distance if you're in a helicopter or an airplane. But of course, don't waste the smoke signal during the dark hours. Day light is required.

Well, it didn't take long before we abandoned the slipway and we moved away to the jetty with the lifeboats escaping the orange smoke at the slipway.
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Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
So we would do some swimming today and we would practice to operate a life raft. Very god for the guys so they know what it is like to sit in a life raft. Of course, it was laughter and larking during today's exercises. But we got the feel for the life raft and it is easy to imagine how it would be to sit in a life raft for a few days in cold weather.

We throw one of the life rafts in to the marina and we pulled the painter to inflate the life raft. And of course, it was inflated upside down. Good, we could start with the capsizing exercise. It is quite common that the life rafts inflate upside down and then we need to be able to turn the life raft around so we can get in to the life raft.
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Preparing to launch the life raft

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
The life raft floats in the marina and we have to pull the painter to inflate the darn thing

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
The life raft inflates

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
The life raft is inflated, upside down!

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
We have to turn the life raft

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
We have to turn the life raft
Good, we finished the exercise to turn around the life raft. The next exercise was to jump from 4Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeand a half meter with a lif jacket and then we had to swim to theAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporelife raft and board the life raft. And then we would have to do the hard part. To paddle the life raft back ashore.

Paddling a round life raft is not easy. If we're uncoordinated the raft will just spinning around when we paddle.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

It took us quite some time to paddle the life raft and we had one of the Teachers to push us with the boat. When we passed the pier I jumped out of the life raft and I swam to the pier to get my camera.

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore
When I left the life raft the others came up with the same idea and almost everyone left the raft. When we finally had the life raft on the slipway it was time for the last exercise. It was the same as we did at my BOSIET course on the Philippines back in November 2010. Swimming in group and if you want to see pictures of that just swing by my exciting page about Manila 2010 .

Well, the compulsory group picture and I was off to my hotel for my lunch tuna and tea.
Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singapore

I have a back up reservation at my hotel, but I will have to be out on Monday when it is fully booked. I tried to call Thai Airways when I was back at my hotel for lunch. Millions of people callingAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeand I gave up after 30 minutes. Well, looks like I will have to return home tomorrow but I will monitor the situation via internet. But can you trust the Thai government's information. I doubt it, Asian style and they never tell you how bad it is. It's a lot about saving face and stuff. We have the Japanese nuclear disaster fresh in mind. Everything is OK! No problem!

OK, we had to be back in school at 1 o'clock for our written exam. Last Wednesday I asked one of the Singaporeans if he was studying at home.
- No it is only MCA so it is no problems
Yes, MCA, Multiple Choice Answers so it won't require much to pass the test.

When we were ready with the written exam we had to go down at the pier and we had a practicalAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporeexam with the life boat and I was out of there around 3 o'clock. Now I had to go to the PSA building to get my certificate at the Maritime Authorities of Singapore. We got a paper from the school that we had passed the exam that we needed to show the authorities.
- You need you discharge book.
- I don't have it with me
- Then you will have problem

Well, I decided to give it a try and when I arrived toAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in Singaporethe 21st floor in the PSA building they asked for my discharge book.
- I don't have it and I need my papers because I'm returning to Bangkok.
- We need the paper, discharge book or CoC!!
I asked them to try my web page and I gave them the address and password. The girl was really helpful and she went to checkout my web page. And she printed my online documents and then we filled up a form and I was ready to go. Just to wait for the certificate.

I was there waiting when the girl came back. She asked if they could send the papers to me.
- What's the problem? I asked
- Our server is down and it is very slow
- I can wait for 20 minutes
- OK
Well I asked for a 7 Eleven and I told the girl that I would be back in 20 minutes. I bought aAladdin's adventure at Singapore Polytechnic, the Maritime Academy in SingaporeMinute Maid at 7 eleven and I saw a beautiful girl outside 7 Eleven and she had a t-shirt with Harrys on it. She was working as a Waitress at Harrys so I stopped for a Tiger beer.

I was back at MPA quarter past 4 and the girl had my papers ready. I must say that I was very impressed by the Singaporean authorities, very helpful and an impossible task was completed in a jiff. And as usually in Singapore, they had an evaluation form for the service provided. I asked for one of the forms and I did my evaluation, EXCELLENT!!

I stopped at 7 Eleven on my way back to the hotel, a few Minute Maids and 3 bottles of Tiger. I can enjoy a Tiger while updating my web page and while packing my last stuff.

I called my friend in Bangkok and he suggested that I should get my arse over to Bangkok
- No problem with any flooding.
- OK, see ya tomorrow.
Well, I will call him tomorrow morning again to confirm. Flooding or not, I will have a very strange packing. Milk and tuna, well, there is a first time for everything. And it will for sure be nice tocome home to my own laundry machine. The laundry service is OK, but I just hate to have to unbutton my shirts before using them. Especially if I'm in a hurry to go drink beer.

And the other night when the tailor needed 7 days to make a shirt and I had all my shirts at the laundry. I offered 3 times the money if they could finish the laundry before 7. They called me backAladdin's adventure in Singaporeand they told me that they could have it ready by 9. Well, by 9 o'clock it was way too late.

I walked down to Duxton Hill and I stopped at a new bar for 2 beers. I have seen how they have decorated the bar during the week and today was the first day for them. And it was a nice place, but they need to do something about the music. I left after 2 beers, the music made me want to commit suicide. I took a taxi to Clark Quay even though I had promise myself never to goAladdin's adventure in Singaporethere again. And I had 3 beers before I took off to Club Street. Clark Quay is an area to be avoided.

At Clark Quay there is just restaurant and of course the obligatory Irish Pub. There are a few bars with top 10 music and TVs allAladdin's adventure in Singaporeover the bar showing Candid Camera. Yes, exactly how fun is that? Makes me want to jump in front of a garbage truck.

So I took a taxi to Club Street, the area to be in while in Singapore. I don't remember what time I came back home. My last picture was taken 1 o'clock in the morning and I hope this was about the time I went back home. But I doubt it. I remember being some place with a lot of Indians so I might have ended up in Little India. But what is there to do in Little India?

Saturday 15 th of October 2011
and they called me at 11 and asked if I was going to check out today. Yes, time to get back to FUNKY TOWN and I willhopefully be able to get a seat in Biz. Flooding in Thailand and I hope that there is a lot of cancelled trips so I can get a seat in Biz.
I had my lunch at the hotel before I took off to the airport. And the hangover kicked in full force in the hangover. I have not had a hangover for a long time, yes, one of the perks of getting old anddrinking responsible. But yesterday, I had a few beers and I don't remember how I got home. Someone must have slipped aMickey in my beer. Or it might have beenAladdin's adventure in Singaporedue to my lack of sleep. I don't know, but I was suffering from a hangover and it was not a feeling that I have been missing.

Thai Airways check-in was not open when I arrived to the airport so I was walking around while waiting. I also had time to get my TAX return from my computer purchase.

I ran in to some advertisement and it wentsomething like: 100 sushi and First Class Feeling! I could not wait to check-in and pass the immigration to check out this SUSHI SUSHI with the first class feeling. So SUSHI SUSHI was the first thing I looked whenAladdin's adventure in SingaporeI had passed the immigration and I had got my TAX cash refund. And what a disappointment.

At first it looked very good, they had both avocado andAladdin's adventure in Singaporesalmon. I asked for salmon and avocado sushi and when he brought out some plastic boxesthere were a few alarmsgoing off. SUSHI SUSHI MIGHT NOT BE AS GOOD AS ITAladdin's adventure in SingaporeSOUNDS LIKE!!! Plastic, what theis this? Are we in USA? Plastic cutlery and plates are not known to make theAladdin's adventure in Singaporefood taste any better.

I remember when I ordered food at Houston International, all served on plastic and I left the food behind, but no tip. Well, anyway, back to SUSHI SUSHI at Singapore Changi Airport. The guy at SUSHI SUSHI put all the stuff on a tray and IAladdin's adventure in Singaporehad to take my food to a table.

I ordered 4 avocado sushi but when I saw the size of them I changed it to 2. I thought that they would be cut in to normal size MAKI sushi.

It was impossible to eat the darn avocado loaf so I removed the avocado and I putted the avocado on top of the salmon sushi to make a Aladdin Special . Well,Aladdin's adventure in Singaporeit ended with that I removed the salmon and I only ate the salmon and avocado leaving the rice behind. And of course a ton of plastic.

Now I had to kill an hour before it was time for my flight. Walking around the airport and the time went pretty quick and it was soon time to proceed to gate C22 to catch Thai Airways flight TG 414 to Bangkok. And this was not a flight I was looking forward to. Hangover and Ihave to sit in Monkey Class. It is only for 2 hours and I find Monkey class much more comfortable since I started at Bangkok Fight Club.

Well, I'm out of here and next stop will be Bangkok and I willhopefully be able to make it home without having to experience any flooding. Bangkok and new adventures at Bangkok Fight Club and Chakrit Muay Thai School just ONE CLICK away!

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