OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Thailand visa run to Las Vegas - June 2014

Friday 27 th of June 2014 and I walked to the Planet Hollywood sign or what they call it. They will pick me up there for the Hoover Dam Tour. I walked through the Forum Shops and it went wayForum Shops at Caesars - June 2014quicker than expected so I had almost an hour to kill and I checked out a few art galleries.

There wasn't much exciting and when I was ready I had 45 minutes remaining to kill. I walked around and I ended up at our meeting place under the Hollywood Planes sign outside the Casino at Caesars Palace.

It was really hot in the sunshine and I went in to the Casino at Caesars Palace to enjoy some air condition. I walked around and time was kind of slow and I really regret that that I had left my room so early.

Casino at Caesars Palace Las Vegas - June 2014
Casino at Caesars Palace

Casino at Caesars Palace Las Vegas - June 2014
Casino at Caesars Palace

Casino at Caesars Palace Las Vegas - June 2014
Casino at Caesars Palace

The casino at Caesars palace is darn big. Well, it is huge. Millions of slot machines and tables for cards. There is a big section for betting. Of course roulette and poker tables. But I had my
Hoover Dam

once known as Boulder Dam, is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. The dam was controversially named after President Herbert Hoover.

Since about 1900, the Black Canyon and nearby Boulder Canyon had been investigated for their potential to support a dam that would control floods, provide irrigation water and produce hydroelectric power. In 1928, Congress authorized the project. The winning bid to build the dam was submitted by a consortium called Six Companies, Inc., which began construction on the dam in early 1931. Such a large concrete structure had never been built before, and some of the techniques were unproven. The torrid summer weather and the lack of facilities near the site also presented difficulties. Nevertheless, Six Companies turned over the dam to the federal government on March 1, 1936, more than two years ahead of schedule.

Hoover Dam is a major tourist attraction; nearly a million people tour the dam each year. Heavily travelled U.S. 93 ran along the dam's crest until October 2010, when the Hoover Dam Bypass opened.
gambling already and I walked around until the clock was 5 minutes past 1 o'clock and I went back out to the Planet Hollywood Sign. The van arrived and I was pleasantly surprised that we would only be 4 people going.

An American lady from Kentucky and a couple from England. We took off towards the Hoover Dam and we drove through the desert and we reached Boulder City after about 30 minutes.

We passed through Boulder City (2 minutes and it looked like it was mostly trailer parks) and we could see Lake Mead and we were soon passing through the desert again.
Boulder City

was originally built in 1931 by the Bureau of Reclamation and Six Companies, Inc. as housing for workers who were building Hoover Dam.
Well, I don't know if it is a desert, but the landscape looks like a moon landscape as the old American lady from Kentucky said when we passed the area.

Suddenly we passed a Casino/ hotel in the middle of nowhere. We took off the highway that continued on the by-pass over the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat TillmanTour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014Memorial Bridge. 4 years old and before they opened the bridge all the traffic had to pass the crest of the dam.

We arrived to the Hoover Dam and the Driver left us at the entrance to the Tour entrance. We would meet at the van at 4 o'clock and that would give us 90 minutes to have a look at the dam.

We start the tour by queuing up to something I thought was an elevator. It was a cinema and we were watching a 10 minutes movie about the Hoover Dam. Then more queuing, and this time it was for the elevator down to the bottom of the dam

When we were ready at the power plant I left and I crossed the dam to the Arizona side and I was back at the truck just in time for 4 o'clock.

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
The van was OK and there were only the 4 of us

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
On the way through the Nevada desert to the Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
On the way through the Nevada desert to the Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
On the way through the Nevada desert to the Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
On board our van

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
On the way through the Nevada desert to the Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Highway through the desert

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Highway through the desert

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
New highway by-passing the Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

We arrived to the Hoover Dam and we left the van behind. We would meet at the van at 4 o'clock and that gave us 90 minutes to explore the dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Arriving to the Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Arriving to the Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Going down for a Tour in the power plant

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
My ticket

We start the tour by queuing up to something I thought was a elevator. It was a cinema and we were watching a 10 minutes movie about the Hoover Dam. Then more queuing, and this time it was for the elevator down to the bottom of the dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
At the bottom of the dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
The water pipe taking the water from the water inlet towers to the generators

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014

When we were ready at the bottom of the dam we went back up and I went up tp the observation platform before walking across the dam. The only problem was my vertigo

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
View from the observation platform

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
View from the observation platform

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
View from the observation platform

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
View from the observation platform

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
View from the observation platform

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
View from the observation platform

I left the observation platform and I walked across the dam to the Arizona side of the dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
View from the middle of the dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
View from the middle of the dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
The Nevada side

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
The Nevada side from the Arizona side

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
The Nevada side from the Arizona side

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Arizona side water intake towers
We can see that the levels are low in the Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Arizona side water drain
Like a bathtub, when the levels are to high this is where the water drains

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Arizona side water drain
Like a bathtub, when the levels are to high this is where the water drains

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Arizona side water drain
The drain goes through the mountain down to Colorado River

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Hoover Dam from Arizona

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Hoover Dam from Arizona

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Hoover Dam from Arizona

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Hoover Dam

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Water intake towers on the Nevada side

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Power wires from the generators at the bottom of the dam

The passed very quick as it was an interesting tour. And it was an impressive building. I made it back to the van ust in time. I was thirsty as it was very hot and I bought 2 bottles of water before we took off to the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge.

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
We had to walk up some stairs to come up to the bridge level

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Walking out on the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Taking pictures from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
Suffering from a severe vertigo and I can only take picture with the back to the bridge

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Taking pictures from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
Suffering from a severe vertigo and I can only take picture with the back to the bridge

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Taking pictures from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
Suffering from a severe vertigo and I can only take picture with the back to the bridge

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Taking pictures from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
Suffering from a severe vertigo and I can only take picture with the back to the bridge

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
We're leaving the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
We're leaving the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Back to the van and back to Las Vegas

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014

It was darn hot and I bought 2 bottles of water when I was back at the meeting point. The driver told me that he could go get water in the van. But I really didn't want to wait as I was about toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdie. I bought 2 bottles of water and they were finished in a jiff. Our driver was off to get the van and we were soon off to see the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge.

We can go out on the bridge and this was noting I was looking forward to as I suffer from a terrible vertigo. But I will have to go out when I have went through the trouble to come here. It was a 3 minutes’ drive from the Hoover Dam and we walked up the stairs to the bridge level and we walked out on the bridge.

I held on to the concrete divider between tha walk path and the road and I never looked towards the Hoover Dam. EYES ON THE ROAD and when we reached the middle I turned my back towardsTour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014the dam and I took a few pictures.

My British travel companion asked if I wanted him to take a picture.
- No thanks
I do it this was as I can't stand the height. And believe me, it was nice to be off the bridge again. We were soon back in the van and we stopped just before Boulder City to see some wild sheep. YAWN!

It was nice when we were finally on the way back to Las Vegas, Friday and I decided to go drink beers tonight and I was looking forward to get back to Las Vegas and the night life

Tour to the Hoover Dam with DeTour Las Vegas - June 2014
Approaching Las Vegas

The Driver dropped me at the Planet Hollywood sign and I walked through the casino at Caesars Palace. I had 700 Dollars in my valet, not enough for a night on town. I went to the ATM and I got an additional 1000 Dollars. Sitting in a bar having to look in the valet every time you order a beer is the worst thing. So a full valet is required.

I stopped at the shop for 2 bottles of Diet Pepsi and it was beautiful Miss Marilyn working today again. She is so sweet and she is always so happy to see me. And it is strange, almost 5000 rooms at the hotel and thousands of visitors to the Casino and the staff recognise me.
- Oh, a new nice shirt today!

Same with Miss Marilyn, I bought 2 bottles of Diet Pepsi and I saw that they had bananas and apples. I bought 2 apples and 2 bananas for tomorrow s breakfast and I will hopefullyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbe able to buy pass the buffet.

I had a salad and 2 pots of tea at one of the restaurants before returning to my room and a shower. I checked todays picture first thing and this was the first time I used the camera that I bought in Tokyo.

I was scared, there was a video. I had not taking any video and I watched the movie. Seems like I had taking a video instead of pictures. DARN! All the pictures were gone. I was disappointed, for a few seconds. I discovered the pictures and I had obviously been using something called “creative shooting” I had never seen this on Canon before.

Obviously, the camera is taking video between the shoots. Of course, as long as the camera is on.

I had a shower and I left my room for South Las Vegas. I was tired and I decided to skip the drinking. I would just explore the area so I know what to expect tomorrow night. I must go for a few drinks tomorrow or this trip will turn in to a complete waste of time and money.

Las Vegas by night - June 2014

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Caesars Palace

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
MGM Grand - Where I will see David Coperfield on Sunday night

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
New York New York

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
New York New York

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
New York New York

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Monte Carlo

Las Vegas by night - June 2014
Soon back at my hotel

Las Vegas by night - June 2014

I bought vitamins for 200 Dollars and I crossed Las Vegas Boulevard at New York New York and I came down on the other side at MGM Grand. Now I now where MGM is for the David Copperfield show on Sunday night. There was plenty places with OPEN BAR (free bar) but I said no thanks to all of them.

I see this all over Las Vegas, but it is from plastic cups so then I prefer to pay a few dollars for a real glass. And there are plenty places where they sell frozen cocktails. Almost my Hangover Surprise and I think they might have stolen my idea. You get the drink from a giant glass (plastic)Vitaminswith straws (plastic) and you see a lot ofHangover Surprisepeople walking around drinking the frozen cocktails.

I was back in my room at 10 thirty and this holiday is about to turn in to a fiasco!

OK, I'm trotting around like a track horse all day long in the heat. But being dead tired at 10 o'clock like an old guy. Waking up early morning. Well, I decided to force myself out drinking tomorrow night and I would stay in my room all day long taking a rest.

Saturday 28 th of June 2014
and I woke up at 7 thirty. DARN! I really wanted to sleep very long today so I can at least try to have a few beers tonight. My plan was down th drain. My second planHangover Surprisewas soon capsizing as well.

I ordered a pot of tea with the room service. Tea, bananas and my 2 apples, and of course a few vitamin tablets. OK, the tea was not bad, but there was a box of“MINI” Snickers. This box was soon empty and the whole breakfast plan turned in to shit. And I think there was a box of M&M that disappeared as well.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stBut I still have one apple remaining, for tomorrow? We will see about that.

Stay in my room the whole day trying to be full of vim tonight. Yeah, fat chance, I was soon out of my room. First stop the restaurant in the reception. I have been eating their salad every day and I have a new plan, this will be my breakfast every day from now on.

I hhad my salad and tea with a plate of fresh bread. The restaurant in the reception have an excellent Chinese chicken salad and I will have this one every day from now on. There is a sweet dressing and the taste is very good. But I usually ask them for very little of the dressing (always on diet) and some olive oil instead.

I don't know what went wrong today, but it was just one of those days. But the food was OK, but I didn't leave as much tips as usually. I left Caesars Palace and I walked towards the South of LasExcalibur in Las VegasVegas. I passed Monte Carlo and New York New York and MGM. I crossed the road and I was at Excalibur. I giant hotel built like castles. I went inside to have a look.

I was looking for a bathroom and a nice bar for a little drink. No bar and I didn't bother with the bathroom. I crossed the street and I passed Luxor. There was a huge Sfinx or what ever the darn thing is called next to the pyramids.

And the Las Vegas version looked better than the original in Cairo. Well, next to Luxor we have Mandalay and that is pretty much it. Now I have walked the Las Vegas Boulevard. I walked down to the high tower the first day. I think the name is Stratosphere hotel and casino. And today I walked all the way up to Mandalay.

Luxor in Las Vegas

Luxor in Las Vegas

And I was alone, I had been pretty much alone since I crossed the street to Excalibur. The side walk was empty and I had expected much people coming walking up this way to see the famous Las Vegas sign. And where is the sign? I looked up Las Vegas Boulevard and there was no sign of any sign. Some trees and some industrial buildings, that's it.

The sun was in zenith and it was darn hot and when I had passed Mandalay there was a road coming out and there was a taxi. I asked if he was free and I got in. I asked for the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign, I wanted to go back to my hotel, or at least back to civilization so I could get a bottle of water. But if we were close to the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign we could pass it on the way back to civilization.

So I asked the driver for the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign
- It is just up the road
- Ok, take me there
- I cannot
- I will just make a quick stop then we take off to Caesars palace
Welcome to Las Vegas sign- I cannot go, I'm in the wrong lane

I realised that we could not go South, north was the only option andthe taxi behind us started to honk and I got out of the taxi. Foock, it was hot and I was really thirsty.

There was no sign of the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign, I really didn't care but if I had been coming all this way I could as well try to find the darn thing. I was the only one in the area, well, I'm the only idiot walking around in the heat. The driver had told me that the sign was at the next red light, but there was no sign of the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign and I continued to walk up the road.

A million for a bottle of water! I was desperate and no sign off, well anything. After 20 to 30 minutes I could see something that looked like the sign up the road. I was about to give up, but now I decided to continue, but water. PLEASE!

I was 500 meters from the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign when I saw a lot of people and I wondered what the foock was going on. I'm alone and I had been hoping to be alone at the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign. 200 meters from the sign and there was sign, WELCOME SIGN PARKING keep left. OK, so I really was the only idiot that had been walking all the way out here.

And there was a long queue in front of the sign with people wanting to take pictures. I just got a picture from the side and I foocked off out of there. Where can I find a taxi?

Welcome to Las Vegas sign
Finally, there it is

Welcome to Las Vegas sign
Las Vegas from the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign

Welcome to Las Vegas sign
There were plenty people at the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign. A parking space full of cars
And yes, I was the only idiot that had been walking all the way to the sign

Welcome to Las Vegas sign
I get my picture and I can foock off out of there
Seriously, wått's dö madderfakking diil?

I had to walk all the way back where I had got in to the taxi, there was a DAY LIGHT Beach club and there were always taxis coming and going. There was a queue to get in so I just took a taxiDaylight Beach club in Las Vegas - Mandalay Bayback to the ROOF TOP Beach club next to Caesars Palace. The driver almost drove off the road when I told him that I had walked from Caesars Palace to the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign.

I got out at the roof top beach club, queue and left. I walked down Las Vegas Boulevard when I heard life music. I asked for a Baileys with ice. I was dead tired after having walked around for almost 4 hours and I only wanted to go to bed. Or at least go back to relax in my room. I didn't want to drink and now I know for sure, I'm too old!

I didn't want to gamble, but I had to do it to get the Las Vegas experience. And now I have toBaileys in Las Vegasdrink to get another Las Vegas experience. I ordered a glass of Baileys in the rocks, and I was not surprised when I got served in a CLASSY plastic cup American style.

Well, anyway, walking to the“Welcome to Las Vegas” sign and I wasHangover Heaven in in Las Vegaspassed by a bus, Hangover Heaven.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

If there is a MUST DO LIST for Las Vegas this must be it. I will try the bus, well, I must try the bus and that means that I have to get drunk. I was soon having a second glass (classic plastic American styled cup) of Baileys in front of me.

Hangover Heaven in in Las Vegas

I really don't care if the Hangover Heaven is a scam, this is something I will have to experience. Say what you want about Americans, but they have good ideas. Of course, I'm used to have most of my excellent ideas and plans to go South so I won't be surprised to find that they are fully booked tomorrow. But that will be problems I will have to face tomorrow.

I was soon having a second Baileys and it was time to go to the hotel for a shower and to change clothes. From exercise clothes to party clothes. Well, pretty much the same clothes, different colours and clean. 4 hours of trotting around like a track horse in this heat and I need a shower and new clothes. So I'm off to Caesars Palace across the road.

Baileys in Las Vegas
My second Baileys - Hangover Heaven, HERE I COME!

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I had my shower and I decided to try a beer from the mini bar in the hotel room. I was a wee bit nervous having a beer again. it is so longa go so what if I don't like it? Of course, there was noCoors light in Las VegasSan Miguel Light, but there was Coors light and the beer was OK.

I was a wee bit tipsy when I reached Hyde at Bellagio. I had been recommended to go there for good music and it took about 5 minutes to walkHyde at Bellagio in Las Vegasthere from Caesars Palace.

I asked for a San Miguel light
- Sorry, no have
- Amstel Light?
He opened the door to the fridge and the most interesting beer was a Stella Artios. Wine glass and ice and it was OK

I was almost alone when I arrived but 10 minutes later it was crowded. Maybe because of a water show that started in a pond outside the bar. Well, suddenly they came to take our chairs at the bar. They told us that hey were turning the bar in to a Night Club and they needed to remove the chairs.

Hyde at Bellagio in Las Vegas
Water show outside Hyde at Bellagio

Hyde at Bellagio in Las Vegas
Water show outside Hyde at Bellagio

I had several beers when they suddenly asked me to go change my shorts to panta longas. SaturdayLas Vegas by nightand it was not allowed to wear panta longas at the night club. I left to look for a taxi.

I wanted to go back to my room to get some sleep, but as I wanted to try the Hangover Heaven i continued to another bar. Las Vegas and most of the bars was located in Casinos. Someone recommended Freemont or what ever the street name was.

The street was full of people and there was a live band playing. But when you got inside it was casino only. I don't know what time I was back in my room. But I have gone through all this just to be able to try out the Hangover Heaven tomorrow . So hang on, this can turn out to be fun.


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