OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure at Grand canyon, Arizona - June 2014

Monday 30 th of June 2014 and I thought that I had overslept when I woke up. But it was only 10 minutes before 6 o'clock. So I was awake when I got my wake up call. A shower and I was off to the convenient store. I bought 2 bottles of some protein drink, banana and strawberry. No time to eat breakfast so I will drink the protein drinks in the van.

The van was waiting for me and we took off to pick up the other passengers. We picked up a couple from England and then we went to pick up a guy from Taiwan.

First stop at the Hoover Dam for pictures, just a few minutes. Good, I already had more pictures from the Hoover Dam than I cared for.

Hoover Dam
A quick stop at the Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam
A quick stop at the Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam
Driving along the crest of Hoover Dam

Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge on our way to Arizona

Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
Crossing the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge on our way to Arizona

Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
Crossing the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge on our way to Arizona

Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
We have crossed the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge and in Arizona

There was a family asking us where we were going. They were also going to Grand Canyon South rim and asked for the way. I told them that we were also going to the South rim of Grand canyon and
Mojave Desert

(also Mohave) a desert in southern California, to the south-east of the Sierra Nevada and north and east of Los Angeles.
that they could follow us. It is about 4 hours to Grand Canyon and we will follow Route #93 to Kingman, Arizona.

Then we will continue on interstate #40 to Williams. Williams, the gateway to Grand Canyon. From there road #64 to Grand Canyon South Rim. So we will spend quite some time passing through the Mojave Desert. We left the Hoover Dam after 10 minutes and as soon as we had crossed the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge we were in Arizona.

Mojave desert
Passing through the Mojave desert in Arizona

Mojave desert
Passing through the Mojave desert in Arizona

Mojave desert
Colorado River

Mojave desert
Colorado River

Mojave desert
Colorado River

Mojave desert
A town?

Mojave desert
A town?

Mojave desert
Our second stop will be in Kingman

Mojave desert
Passing another town

Kingman, Arizona
We stop at a truck stop in Kingman

Kingman, Arizona
We stop at a truck stop in Kingman

Kingman, Arizona
We stop at a truck stop in Kingman

Our new friend from Taiwan was soon asleep. Well, I was also tired as we had been up since very early in the morning. But out driver was very fun and we chatted while plunging down Route 93. He pointed out to the desert.
- There is a town (I have forgotten the names)
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Do you call that a town?
It looked like a few trailer spread out here and there in the desert. He told me that most people living here was here because it was cheap. Yeah, of course it is cheap to live here. A house/ trailer can't set you back by much in the middle of nowhere.

When we approached Kingman he told me that they had made many cowboy movies here 100 years ago as the landscape is more cowboy like here. They had planned to build Hollywood here as the landscape was better, but they chose Los Angeles because of the weather. It gets very cold around here in the winter.

I learned a lot about the animals and vegetation around the area. And I was really glad that they had not found the Russian SUPER helicopter to take me to Grand Canyon as I really enjoyed our tour in the van. We approached Kingman and our second stop.

- We will stop at a classic truck stop so you can see big trucks
- YAWN!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
- I have some people working as truck drivers coming on this tour and they like to watch the trucks
- YAWN!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

We stopped for 15 minutes and our Driver ordered lunch for us and we will pick up the lunch in Williams, the gateway to Grand Canyon. Williams will be our third and last stop before Grand Canyon and we were delirious with expectations when we left Kingman and the truck stop behind.

Interstate 40
Driving towards Williams, Arizona

Interstate 40
Driving towards Williams, Arizona

Interstate 40
Driving towards Williams, Arizona

Interstate 40
Driving towards Williams, Arizona

Williams, the gateway to Grand Canyon
Williams, Arizona
An old brothel from back in the days

We parked the car when we arrived to Williams. We were parked just under a zip-line and there was Route 66 signs and memorabilia everywhere. Rout 66 had obviously passed through Williams.

Our Driver told us that we would drive on Route 66 out of town to Road #64 leading to South rim of the Grand Canyon
- YAWN!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
- If you ant you can take pictures of the route 66 sign up the road
- YAWN!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Williams, it was a nice town, plenty hotel. I think more than every second hose was a restaurant or a hotel. And there was a gas stop along Route 66 in a 50's condition with a 50's car and everything. It was a beautiful town. We picked up our lunch and when we left the restaurant there was an Asian lady screaming at me and I looked at her
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Then I recognised them, it was the family from back at the Hoover Dam. We were happy to see that they had found their way to Williams. From here it is straight to Grand Canyon, almost impossible to miss.

There was a huge railway station full of trains and I must say that I had not expected to see any trains in this area. And for sure not as many train, but it turned out to be tourist trains only going between Williams and Grand Canyon. Well, anyway, we were soon off and it was about 45 minutes' to 1 hour to the National Park and Grand Canyon.

The Driver will drop us at the Mather Point and we will walk from there to the Yavapai Point where the driver will wait for us. Then we will drive to Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Entering the national park

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Mather Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Mather Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Mather Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Mather Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Mather Point - We can see Colorado River at the bottom

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Mather Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Mather Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Mather Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
A squirrel on the rim trail - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
I give her my apple

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Rim trail between Mather Point and Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - On the way from Mather Point to Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - At the Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - At the Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - At the Yavapai Point

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon - At the Yavapai Point

I started by having my lunch at the parking lot when we reached Mather Point We were avised not to leave any food around because there is plenty wildlife in the area. We saw and elk and a deer coming in to the national park. And they are very used to people and that the people don't hurt them. So they are not scared.

I finished my lunch and I went over to Mather Point and the sight was impressive. I was a wee bit disappointed as we could not see the bottom of the canyon and the Colorado River. We had a few pictures and we started to walk towards Yavapai Point. Our Driver/ Guide will drive to Yavapai Point and we have 45 minutes to get there. No problem, it is just a wee bit more than 1 km.

I had finished my lunch in the car on the parking lot and I brought my apple for the walk. I ran in to a squirrel halfway to Yavapai Point. Well, there were plenty squirrels, but this one was in the middle of the Rim Trail. The squirrel was standing on the back legs begging for food. I only had my apple and I gave him the apple and he took off.

Bad luck, he lost the apple just when he disappeared over the edge to Grand Canyon. There was a house when we reached the Yavapai Point with some information and pictures. There was also a model of Grand Canyon. We were all ready and we took off towards the Grand Canyon Village.

It was a few minutes’ drive to Grand Canyon Village and we were going to stay here for an hour and 10 minutes before we would return to Las Vegas.

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Grand Canyon from the Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon - The South Rim
Yet another squirrel at Grand Canyon

It was a beautiful place, but darn, it was nice when we got back in to the van and we started to drive back towards Las Vegas. ETA around 7 o'clock in the evening and our Driver/ Guide wouldThe Carrot Top live at Luxordrop me at Luxor for the Carrot Top show tonight. The show starts at 8 thirty and we will make it back in time.

We expect to make one stop on the way back to Las Vegas. We were hauling arse and the Driver dropped me at Luxor just after 7 o'clock after having returned the other passengers to their hotels. It was a nice trip to Grand Canyon and I was very happy that they had cancelled my helicopter tour to Grand Canyon.Arizona Dust TwisterDeTours tour to the Grand Canyon South Rim is highly recommended if you ever come to Las Vegas.

We also passed a dust twister on our way back to Las Vegas. We made one stop and I had a snack. But I was hungry when we cameYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stback to Las Vegas and I went to a sushi restaurant as soon as I had picked up my ticket.

Sushi was not what I had in mind, but there was only a Mexican restaurant and the sushi place to choose from.

So sushi it was, I asked for a pot of tea, raw salmon and a plate of Singapore noodles. My pot of tea came but no milk. I had to call the Bartender to ask for my milk. And note, I had asked for milk when I ordered my tea.
The Luxor in Las Vegas- I don't think we have milk
- It is a restaurant, right?
- I will see if we have milk

I got my milk and my food came a few minutes later. I finished my food and I went for a quick fag before going to the show.

No camera allowed inside the Atrium Showroom so I won't be able to put any pictures here. There were plenty people lining up to get in to the Atrium Showroom at the Luxor.

The Carrot Top live at Luxor - The Atrium Showroom

The Carrot Top live at Luxor
The Luxor in Las Vegas

Atrium Showroom was full and the show started with a guy warming up the audience. He was very funny and I enjoyed the show even though I was nervous for any participation in the show. TheThe Carrot Top live at Luxorentertainer was just keeping the people in the first row busy. Carrot Top is coming on the stage and it was hilarious.

Rod Stewart have a show at Caesars Palace and Carrot Top made an impersonation with a Rod Stewart wig and a oxygen mask. Rod Steward must be 100 years today. It was fun, until he got a stack of plastic shot glass and a bottle of whiskey. He started to walk around in the first row. When he started in my row I pretended to sleep under my baseball cap.

- Are you sleeping?
I look up under the baseball cap and Carrot Top is just in front of me. I had to take the shot. Otherwise no interactivity from my side and it was an excellent show and I was in a good mood walking back home to Caesars Palace.

The Carrot Top live at Luxor
The Luxor in Las Vegas

The Excalibur
The Excalibur in Las Vegas

I was back at my hotel room at midnight, 18 hours after waking up so it have been a full day. Full of action and fun. Tomorrow it is my last night and I will watch Penn & Teller at Rio.

Tuesday 1 st of July 2014
and I spent the afternoon packing my bag. The morning was spent sortingLaundry in Las Vegasout the pictures from Grand Canyon. Put them on my web page and then I erased all of them.

My shirts had returned from the laundry yesterday soLaundry in Las VegasI'm ready to leave to Tokyo now. But I'm looking forward to see the Penn & Teller show tonight. Then to bed early and a wake-up call tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock.

Las Vegas, it have been very fun.
- VERY FUN??? No alcohol!!??
Yes, a few months ago I would have thought it was impossible. But Las Vegas have much to offer when it comes to shows and things to do.

3000 Dollars spent in 1 week. And that includes 1000 Dollars for tours and shows. The whole Hangover Heaven adventure set me back by about 1000 Dollars. So if it had not been for the drinking it would have been very cheap. And imagine how much money that would have been spent if I would have been drinking every day.

North Las Vegas
View from my room

My bag is packed, I have had a Chinese Chicken Salad for breakfast/ lunch. But I stopped at the steakhouse here at Caesars Palace as the Driver/ Guide had recommended this place yesterday.

But they were closed and didn't open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. But now I was ready, bag packed and the last picture taking from my window. Penn & Teller show starts at 9, opens the doorsSteak house at Caesars Palace in Las Vegasat 8 and I have a few hours.

I decided to go down to try the steakhouse again, the clock had passed 6 o'clock and they should be open. I got a table at the steak house and I asked for a pot of Earl Grey tea.

The Waiter recommended a rib eye steak but I wanted a filet Mignon, 12 oz. Creamed spinachYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand mashed potatoes. And a smokes salmon surprise as a starter.

The smoked salmon was served with potato pancaked, a very strange combination, but it was excellent with the dill and some grave tasting like dill. I had really hesitated to go to the steak house after the experience at the Italian restaurant last Sunday.

Tea was good and the bread was good, and the salmon was excellent. They brought the steak. ISteak house at Caesars Palace in Las Vegasthought it was very big filet Mignon but I discovered that it was a rib eye when the Waiter put the plate in front of me.
- I ordered a filet Mignon
- Oh, sorry

They took out the rib eye, creamed spinach and the mashed potatoes. I got my filet Mignon 15 minutes later but the mashed potatoes and creamed spinach never showed up. Deliver the wrong steak, never mind, mistakes happens.

I told them never mind, I have the time. But when they delivered the steak without the spinach and mashed potato I lost my good mood. If I pay 150 Dollars for aRio in Las Vegassteak I expect better than this.

Otherwise the food was good and it was a nice restaurant. I was full and I wanted to walk to the Penn & Teller show at Rio. Rio is located off the Las Vegas Boulevard on the other side of the freeway.

I went to the reception to ask if it was possible to walk to Rio as I wanted to know if there was a side walk all the way over the bridges over the freeway and the railway. But the girl in the reception told me it was too far.
- Too far, it is just a few hundred meters
- Oh, it is very long!

But she confirmed that there wasRio in Las Vegasa side walk all the way to Rio. I left Caesars Palace behind me and it took 15 minutes to walk to Rio, including a few stops to take pictures of Las Vegas from the “back”

Las Vegas
Las Vegas from the freeway

Las Vegas
Las Vegas from the freeway

I entered Rio and it looked nice, coming to the box office was a disappointment though, aSlot machine in Las Vegaslong queue. But there was a sign saying that there was a box office next to the Penn & Teller Theatre and I walked over to that box office. I got a aisle seat and I walked around the casino killing time until the show should start at 9.

I passed a slot machine with the sum 11,617,000 and increasing. There was a guy playing and it turned out that he was waiting for the Penn & Teller show as well. I asked about the slot machine and he explained thatSlot machine in Las Vegasthere was machines all over Las Vegas connected together. And we can see the jackpot on top of the slot machine.

I tried to play for 10 Dollars and the money was gone within a few seconds and my total loss had increased to 120 Dollars. Well, I gave it a try and this was most likely the last time I will play on a slot machine.

I went to the Penn & Teller Theatre at 8 thirty and I took my seat, lo and behold, there was no one next to me when the show started and I was very happy to sit alone. Sometimes you're lucky.

Penn & Teller at Rio
Penn & Teller Theatre

Penn & Teller at Rio
Penn & Teller Theatre

Penn & Teller at Rio
The stage was full of people

I took my seat and I saw that the stage was full. They wanted us to fill up our name on the stage as they wanted all of us to “participate” in the show. YEAH, fat chance!I'm going to sit andPenn & Teller Theatre at Riowatch and I will for sure not get on any stage making a tit out of myself. They have great shows in Las Vegas and the Penn & Teller was very funny.

But all shows have been destroyed because I have to sit and be nervous about participating in any show. Didn't take long before Penn & TellerPenn & Teller at Riostarted to take up people on the stage.

Everyone put up their hands wanting to get on the stage while I was hiding in my chair. The show lasted for about 90 minutes and I was very satisfied, it had been fun and recommended by Aladdin if you ever pass by Las Vegas. I took a taxi back to Caesars palace and I asked for a 6 o'clock wake up call. Time to get to the airport and leave Las Vegas behind.

Wednesday 2 nd of July 2005
and they called to wake me up at 6 o'clock and I was in the shower when they gave me my “back-uo” wake-up call. I checked out via the phone and I was in a taxi 20United Airlinesminutes past 8 o'clock. I was soon outside the United check-in and it was as terrible as checking in SAS. Only self check-in and as usually, it didn't work. The girl behind the desk refused to check me in.
- You have to use the machine
- It doesn’t work
- You have to use the machine
- You're a twat!

I walked down to the premium access and the guy checked me in all the way to Tokyo and I was soon on my way to the security check. The security check went pretty quick.

Las Vegas
Las Vegas from McCarran International Airport - Click HERE for bigger picture

Tram to Terminal with the D gates and I was looking for a place with breakfast. All places wereLas Vegas International Airport - McCarran International Airportserving food on plastic plates and you had to use plastic cutlery and drink from paper cups. But the Waitress managed to find me a glass and I appreciated the effort.

Boarding flight UA 5235 at 09:28 and it is just a we bit more than an hour to Los Angeles where I will change to All Nippon Airway flight NH 5 to Tokyo.

And I cant wait to get on board ANA's flight to Narita, Tokyo. A sleeping pill and I will wake up at arrival. And I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be in a party mood.
But I learnt one thing in Las Vegas and that is that it is actually possible to haveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfun without being dead drunk.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

The Las Vegas sign

Have had a very good time, but I will most likely never come back. One time is enough, but Tokyo, can't get enough of Tokyo. Well, let's see how I can keep up with the partying. Maybe last time in Tokyo as well as I don't fancy sitting around not partying. Then I can as well be home, and in Tokyo they don't have the shows like they have in Las Vegas so it would be pretty boring not to party. Well, we will see, Tokyo NEXT , with a quick stop in Los Angeles.


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