OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)
noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Thursday 6 th of December 2012 and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 8 thirty. I wasAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokback home from the fight night in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri at 2 o'clock in the morning and I wasn't in bed until 3. The Air condition Technician will arrive at 2 so no boxing at Sophia Muay Thai Gym today.

I had my tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® when the phone rang. It was the AC guys and they would come to install the Daiking Inverter at 12 thirty.Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokGood, I called my Teacher and told him that I might show up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Very good! I had expected them at 2 and a missed boxing session. They removed my old Daikin AC andAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthey put the stuff in the boxes that came with the new Daikin Inverter.

They will bring the AC to my Teacher at Sophia. They left me just after 2 o'clock and I changed my clothesAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand I left for Sophia Muay Thai Gym. My Teacher and his cousin were waiting for me and we were soon starting the session.

We did 10 rounds plus a cool down round before I walked back home. No more onions and apples at home so I took off to Tops in the evening. I managed to dodge The El Gaucho, Argentinean Steak House on Sukhumvit Soi 19 and I aimed for some flaxseeds when I came back home. Lo and behold, I went in to Queen Victoria on Soi 23 when I passed the restaurant. I made a quick decision to check out their fish fingers. I needed to do this beforeAladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria Pub & Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokleaving Bangkok so why not today? And my diet is down the drain already and I stepped in to Queen Victoria.

They have the fish fingers on the “SNACK” menu only so the Waiter had to call the Manager before we found out about the fish fingers. I knew that I had read fish fingers last time atAladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria Pub & Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokQueen Victoria, but where? Well, I got the “SNACK” menu and I asked for 2 fish fingers, IT IS A SNACK, ALRAIGHT!!?? And I asked them to put fries to the order.
- And put it on one plate only, please!

I wanted to save myself from the embarrassment to have 3Aladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria Pub & Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokplates delivered to my table. And 2 snacks should not be a problem to fit on one plate.

I enjoyed a pot of tea while waiting for my fish fingers and chips with Tatar sauce. And I shat my pants when the plate arrived to my table. MOTHERFOOCKER!!! It was a super tanker with food. I know the portions at Queen Victoria is gigantic, but this was a snack ordered from the snack menu!!!

The plate was brimmed and people were looking at me. There must have been a cubic tone of food and I left most of it. And the fish fingers were pretty much like the fish served with the fish and chips.

I had breaded fish in my mind when I asked for the fish fingers. But here they use batter and it is not, well, I don't like it. I walked back home full of agony over my failed diet.

Friday 7 th of December 2012
and I woke up 10 minutes after 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I had decided to sleep until I woke up in order to try to get better. I cannot continue to fall asleepAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbetween 2 and 3 in the morning and to go up at 8 thirty every day. And if I sleep I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully get rid of whatever infection or what it is I have.

Well, anyway, there wasn't much time after my morning tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® before it was time to leave for Sophia Muay Thai Gym. I left by foot and I was munching on my apples while walking to Sophia. My Teacher and his cousin was in the ring when I arrived and we were soon getting started.

There was a young boy skipping ropes at the swimming pool and he joined us in the ring. He did the mitts with my Teacher's cousin while I did the mitts with my Teacher. Well, I don't know if I canAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksay that I did the mitts. I was reallyAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoknot full of vim today and I would have been better off home in bed.

But now I had gone through the trouble to get to Sophia so I could as well do my session. I don't know how many pointless rounds I did before I gave up. I was really not feeling very good today, stiff and sore in my shoulders. I did two rounds with the kid, but it was only him punching me and I was blocking. I left after an hour and I had managed to do 4 or 5 rounds. I walked back home and I willhopefully be able to sleep early tonight so I will be full of vim for Sophia tomorrow afternoon.

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
My Teacher's cousin kicking the bag

I walked down to The El Gaucho, Argentinean Steak House on Sukhumvit Soi 19. The owner started to scream ALADDIN as soon as he spotted me on the street. I stepped inside just to discover thatAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy place at the bar was occupied. I turned around to leave but the owner threw away two of they guys at the bar.
- Now you have your seat
- Well, I want my seat in the corner of the bar counter

There were still a Thai couple sitting in the corner of the bar. I left The El Gaucho and I decided to go to The Stable Lodge on Soi 8.

And I decided to go via Time Square to see if I could get a glimpse of the beautiful girl at the loudspeaker shop.

I ran in ti my friend and she was on her way to have a smoke between lessons at Wallen language school. I was surprised, they had told me that they didn't work Friday nights any more. But they were both working and I went to Wallen to see my other friend there. We decided to go for dinner when they finished work at 9.

I left Wallen and I walked up to Soi 8 and I crossed Sukhumvit at Nana BTS and I came down atAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokSoi 11. I stopped to buy some DVD before going to my Tailor at Soi 15.

I was back at Wallen at 8 45 and they finished work 10 minutes before 9 and we left for The El Gaucho. Now there was another guy sitting at my corner, but we took our seat in the other corner of the bar counter.

I asked for my normal order and the girls asked for fish. We started with the excellent bread and I got a big glass of tea. They told us that it would take some time for our food to arrive due to many guests.

So we asked for more bread and I asked for a second glass of tea. But when they asked if wewanted a third plate of bread we said no thanks. We didn't wanted to be full when the food arrived. We got our food and of course, the girls took one of my bowls with spinach so I had to order a fourth bowl of spinach.

Well, one of my friends were luck that we had had all theAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbread waiting, she had ordered smoked salmon and this must obviously have been a starter. This was the smallest helping of smoked salmon I had ever seen. 3 thin slices only and this would not have been enough for me. But it was excellent food and we were content when we left the place.

The girls took the subway back home and I walked back home, and I had a quick stop at my local 7 Eleven for 3 bottles of Diet MAX . Can come in handy.

Aladdin's adventure at The El Gaucho, Argentinean Steak House on Sukhumvit Soi 19 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At The El Gaucho, Argentinean Steak House

Saturday 8 th of December 2012
and I wasn't out of bed until 10:20 even though I felt asleep around midnight thirty by the help of a sleeping pill. So I was full of vim when I arrived to SophiaAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokMuay Thai Gym at 2 o'clock and I felt better today than yesterday so we had quite a good session. Well, we did 8 rounds and the cool down round before I walked back home again.

My Tailor had been her to pick up some of the cotton fabrics that I had bought in India. 11 different fabrics, the one with added starch and he will washYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stit before we make the shirts. I have fabrics for about 40 shirts and I told him that I wanted to wait until I was back home
before we started to do the shirts.
- By then we will have to remeasure me (Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully to a smaller size)
- OK, I take the starched fabrics and I will wash it so it is ready when you're back

Very good, now it will be embarrassing to return home looking like Graf Zeppelin. And for sure,Graf Zeppelinthere will not be enough fabrics to make any shirts.

And all the trouble I went through to find fabrics will turn out to be in vain. Well,hmm, unless I make aTUTTI FRUTTI styled shirts putting toh´gether the different fabrics in order to make it last for at least one shirt.

So I'm better off shaping up. Well, I checked out The Overstay's web page for any party updates. Next party is on the 15th of December and by then I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have leftAladdin's adventure at Cafe Democ in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokBangkok and the Christmas behind.

But this page led me to another page that I think is one of the gays I meet last time at The Overstay and this lead to Cafe Democ and they have obviously moved from Banglamphu to Silom. I also discovered taht I missed a party there yesterday. But they just continue with the fun and tonight they are throwing some Yääk Pärty so I might go there to check it out.

And if they have San Miguel Light we might have a winner. But I can't understand why they have changed the a for ä on the poster.

Well, back home from Sophia and I had a missed call. My friend wanted to go eat and as usually he is talking about the Japanese on Sukhumvit Soi 33/1. The very same one we were at last Sunday. But we decided on the Stable Lodge instead and I will meet him and his girlfriend there at 7 thirty for what willhopefully turn out to be a dinner in the spirit of a success full diet.

So I'm off and you can enjoy the Dirty Crowd's video while I'm getting tipsy. I knew that we have seen the video here before, but it is a very good video. Well, never mind the video, but the tune.
And unnecessary to say, never mind the neighbours, should be enjoyed at FULL BLAST!!

Hold on to your hat, 17 m 48 s of kick arse music

I took a taxi to Sukhumvit Soi 8 and I arrived at 7 so I had time to go for a beer at a pub on SoiAladdin's adventure at The Stable Lodge on Sukhumvit Soi 8 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok8. I finished my San Miguel Light and I went to the ATM before I went to the Stable Lodge.

It was only quarter past 7 and if my friends haven't showed up I would go to the pub next door for a beer.

But my friends had arrived and they were ordering when I stepped inside. I asked for 2 Rostbiff with Danish remoulade and a plate of Raggmunk as main course. And of course, San Miguel Light to start with. I had had 2 bottles when my starter arrived to the table.

Aladdin's adventure at The Stable Lodge on Sukhumvit Soi 8 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

The food was good as always at the Stable Lodge and I had had 3 or 4 San Miguel Light. We paid and left the Stable Lodge and we decided to go for a beer at Lucky Luke in Nana Plaza. I had notAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbeen there for 12 years so I wanted to see how it looked now a days.

We walked via Sukhumvit Crown Hotel on Soi 6 and last time I walked around this area was when I was looking for a condo back in the 90's. The place was not to be recognized, I remember there to be 2 condos back then. Not there were plenty high risers and hotels.

And when we came up on Soi 4 I chocked. The whole Soi was full of Bars. When I was here last time there was Heidelberg and a few pubs. Now the Soi was lined with bars and coloured light for a slong as I could see in both direction. Improvements? I don't think so, harassed by Lady boysAladdin's adventure at Heidelberg on Sukhumvit Soi 4 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwalking down Soi 4 towards Nana Plaza.

The Swiss restaurant Heidelberg, I had not been there for 20 years. The place for my breakfast when I lived at Atlanta Hotel on Soi 2. And as Heidelberg was still open we had a nostalgic beer.

Heidelberg was looking exactly as I remembered it.Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok October 1993We were the only guests, well, there were 3 or 4 more guests at Heidelberg. But it felt very empty and I made a mental note that there was no need to come back for another 20 years. Well, so that will be yet another item on my list of “Things I will never have to do in my life again” because I will be dead in 20 years.

Aladdin's adventure at Hotel 27 on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Baby Man at Hotel 27 back in October 1993

My friend asked me if I had heard anything from “Baby Man” lately. And I have not heard from in several years. But my friend remembers him from back in October 1993 when we were in Bangkok.Aladdin's adventure at Heidelberg on Sukhumvit Soi 4 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok“Baby Man” was wearing a pair of dungarees and the girls were screaming, yeah, “Baby Man” after him and this was obviously a name that caught on.

And he is the only one that had changed his ticket to go back home earlier than planned. I could not take it to wake up on Hotel 27 and he returned to Sweden.

We stepped out from Heidelberg and I saw a guy walking towards me, and talking about Baby Man, this guy looked exactly like Baby Man. But I never said anything because it was impossible that this was Baby Man.
- Aladdin!

Yeah, it was Baby Man and he had been driving from Phuket where he lives and he was going to drive around Thailand for a week or two. The world is small.

we walked from Heidelberg to Lucky Luke on Nana Plaza for yet another nostalgic beer before I was going to Cafe Democ. Baby Man arrived with a friend and we had a few beers before we moved toAladdin's adventure at Nana Plaza on Sukhumvit Soi 4 in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokSexy Night. Sexy Night and DC-10 was the only places I recognized from Nana Plaza so I just wanted the check them out before I left.

Lucky Luke used to be a very nice bar, but now it was beyond recognition, and I can't say that I liked the place today. I didn't recognized Nana Plaza, I remember when it was a parking lot and you could see the parking guysAladdin's adventure at Nana Plaza on Sukhumvit Soi 4 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokpushing cars back and forth when sitting on Lucky Luke. Reminded of a giant “moving block puzzle” when someone needed their car that was parked at the middle of Nana Plaza and the parking guys needed to move around all the cars in order to get the car.

And I remember that there was a drug store across from Lucky Luke and a Swiss restaurant next to the drug store. And down in the corner was a Lebanese restaurant.

Hog's Breath, Hollywood and the other bars seems to be long gone. We had a few beers at Sexy night and while we were sitting there another friend dropped by. I had a beer or two at DC-10 before I left Nana Plaza, most likely never to return to Nana Plaza again. A place I can live without.

Aladdin's adventure at Sexy Night on Nana Plaza in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Sexy Night

Aladdin's adventure at Sexy Night on Nana Plaza in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Baby Man at Sexy Night

Aladdin's adventure at Sexy Night on Nana Plaza in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Suddenly, another friend drops in to Sexy Night

Aladdin's adventure at Sexy Night on Nana Plaza in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Leaving Nana

I stop to buy 2 bottles of San Miguel Light at Nana Hotel for the taxi ride to Cafe Democ. SanAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at Nana Hotel in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokMiguel light and my TAXI CDYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stand I'm ready to cross town in a taxi.

We were soon reaching Silom Plaza and I found the place, empty. There was one girl drinking a drink. Otherwise empty, except for the bar staff and a female DJ. 2 Female DJs and the music was excellent, but no people around. Was this the right place?

I don't know if I stayed longerthan one beer, but I had maximum 2 beers even though the music was very good. This was not what I had expected and I was soon out of there. I might be back some other night to check out the place.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Sunday 9 th of December 2012
and the hangover last week must have been something I had pickedAladdin's adventure at Koborune in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokup in India. I didn't feel too bad today. I had 4 bottles of orange flavored drinking yogurt in front of the TV before I left for Fortune Town where I would meet my friendat 15 thirty for dinner at Koborune, the Japanese Restaurant chain in Bangkok. One of all Japanese restaurant chains in Bangkok.

I arrived to Koborune 2 minutes before my friend and we were soon having the food inYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stfront of us. I had some curry and rice and a plate of spaghetti and my friend had some tuna rolled in pepper in an orange coloured gravy.
- It is like Kobe Steak
I had a try
- Where thehave you had your Kobe Steak?
It was not bad, but to say that it was like Kobe Steak was to stretch it a wee bit too much. We finished our meal and we would go have a look for a toner and a USB phone for my friend before going to meet another friend at Black Swan.
- A USB phone!!?? Isn't that something they used 100 years ago?

I had a USB phone but I threw it away. Skype, I'm pretty sure I still have my Skype account andAladdin's adventure at Koborune in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthere are still money on the account. I never liked Skype and with the prices onYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stnormal phone calls I can pay the extra for the convenience to use my normal phone.

He found his stuff and we went to the subway station and we took the subway to Sukhumvit station. We crossed Sukhumvit via the sky train station and we came down right outside Black Swan. Black Swan is an English Pub and it looked very nice inside. And the best part, no TVs with sportblasting high from every corner. And there were 3 Waitresses and they were very beautiful. I asked for a bottle of soda water and my friend had a paint ofAladdin's adventure at The Black Swan in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokCarlsberg. Our other friend arrived before we got our drinks onthe table.

And even though it is impossible to miss that it is Christmas walking around town I was yet again reminded at Black Swan. Christmasdecorations everywhere and I got stuck in the decorationsYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stseveral times.

I had 4 or 5 bottles of soda water before we left. My friends went back home and I went to Tops Market to buy groceries before walking back home to my hangover DVDs.

Aladdin's adventure at The Black Swan in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Sunday afternoon at Black Swan

Aladdin's adventure at The Black Swan in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Sunday afternoon at Black Swan

Monday 10 th of December 2012
and I was very tired when my alarm went off at 8 thirty. I had been watching hangover DVDs until 4 so I had not have very much sleep. My Teacher called me and asked if we could start the Thai boxing session at 14:30 instead of the normal 3 o'clock.
- OK, no problem, I will be there at 2 thirty.

I was enjoying a second pot of tea when he called me again quarter to 2. He asked if I could makeAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokit to 2 o'clock. No way, but I would get there as soon as I could and I arrived to Sophia 10 to 15 minutes after 2.

The American girl and my Teacher was lying on the ring relaxing when I arrived. Her leg was still in pain from the fight so no training for her today.

But I did 10 rounds plus a cool down round with my Teacher before I walked back home. My friends were at New York Garden and I would swing by when I hadAladdin's adventure at New York Garden in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhad my shower. And of course, a banana and blueberrysmoothie before the shower.

I took a taxi to New York Garden and I arrived there around 4 thirty.

The girls were drinking San Miguel light but I asked for a soda water. And after some time I asked for a Strawberry shake. There are two different restaurants running the outdoor place and V8 is running the place we were at. And I haveexperienced their milkshakes before. So I knewthat their strawberry shakes were good.

Well, a setback for my diet. And this was not the only set back. I had given up smoking and I just started mystrawberry shake and I was off to 7 Eleven to buy some fags.

We decided to go to the Mansion on Ratchadapisek and we left to the subway station via the sky train station and Time Square. And I took the opportunity to check Classe Audio at Time Square if Miss “Most Beautiful in the World” was working. I had not seen her there for a very long time and today provedAladdin's adventure at Mansion 7 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokto be a disappointment as well. No sign of the girl today and we continued towards the subway station.

I was a wee bit surprises to find so much people at the subway station. It was a holiday today and I had expected far less people and thus I didn't go for a taxi.

One of the girls decided to go home and she continued when we got off at the Huai Khwang station. We walked to the Mansion 7 where I had a soda while my friend had a beer.

We were alone at the place. same as I wasAladdin's adventure at Mansion 7 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhere last time with my French class mate, we were alone. Yes, Mansion 7, Boutique and thriller mall.

If it was such a thrilling place there should have been plenty people at the place, but it is always empty, at least the few times I have been there. We left the pace and we walked under Ratchadapisek Road via the Subway station and the we came up at The Park where I had another soda and my friend had a beer. I took a taxi back home at 9 o'clock and I felt asleep around midnight.

Tuesday 11 th of December 2012
and I can't say that I was full of vim when my alarm went off atAladdin's adventure at Chamchuri Square in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok8 thirty. But as I had been sleeping since midnight I managed to get out of bed pretty quickly.

I was enjoying my morning tea when my friend called and we will meet at 12 o'clock at Chamchuri Square for lunch. So I will have to take the subway to Sam Yan station.

I walked to the Subway station and I was quite surprised when I looked at my wrist watch, 20 minutes before 12! So I thought the time was 20 past 11 or something like that. But I had obviously spent more time than expected getting dressed. Well, should not be any problem, just afew minutes' walk to the Subway station and then a fewminutes ride to Sam Yan.

I got off the subway 5 minutes before 12 and I was at Chamchuri Square 2 minutes later. No sign off my friend and I went down to the basement to buy some nicorette nico chew at the drug store. 1200 Baht something for 105 pieces of chewing gums.
I took the escalator back up to the ground floor and my friend arrived after a few minutes. There were Japanese, Chinese and Thai restaurants and I was pretty feed up with food like this by now. But we managed to find a place called Deli something and they had German sausages and we went inside.

They didn't had pots of tea so I had to ask for 3 cups of tea with my sausages and my grilledAladdin's adventure at Chamchuri Square in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokcheese and ham sandwich. But the food was OK and when we finished we went to the 15th floor to check out where my friend is working.

She told me she was doing some network stuff for some anti aging herb they were selling.
- A scam?
- Why you say like that?
- Anti aging, well, it is a scam
- This herb is really working
- Humbug
- It is from USA
- WOW! Now I really believe it is working
- It is a fantastic herb
- Yeah sure, if it was working they would not have to hire people to sell the herb. People would come running!
Aladdin's adventure with anti aging in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
She told me that they didn't do any advertisement and it was all sold by the net work. I was about to say pyramid scam, but IAladdin's adventure with anti aging in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokchanged my mind
- Of course, you're not allowed sell an anti aging remedy with the help of advertisement. They will sue the living daylight out of you!

We arrived to the office on the 15th floor and I was disappointed. My friend had told me that there were “many many” beautiful girls there. I don't want to tell you how many beautiful girls there was because someone might be upset. But I can tell you that there wasn't “many many” beautiful girls.

I meet her boss and by now I had complained so much about the humbug with the anti aging so I decided to be a nice boy. I asked her boss how old she was.
- 56
- You look like 25 - 27. This anti aging is really working!!
- Oh yeah, I know!
- Where is the wonder machine? I asked.
- Come let's have a look!

My friend had told me about their wonder machine that was going to make me so handsome so I wouldn't believe it and all the “many many” beautiful girls would start to fight each other over me. So I was delirious with anticipations when we stepped in to the room with the machines.
- HERE IT IS!!!!

I don't know what to say, the only thing that came out of my mouth was:
- No no, this machine measures all kind of stuff and you will lose very much weight with this machine in combination with exercise.
I could not believe my foocking ears and I told my friend that I had to dash off to Sophia.

It was a huge place, several hundred square meters so they must sell some of the stuff. There wasAladdin's adventure with Christmas in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoka girl at a table with 3 other people brushing some stuff on her face. I asked her how old she was. - 18
- If you would have said 60 I would agree that the anti aging stuff was working excellent
I don't know how it works, maybe this 18 years old bought a subscription and has to come every now and then for the brushing session for the rest of her life. Well, anyway, when we were leaving I realized that I had forgot myAladdin's adventure with Christmas in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokNicorette chewing gum at the restaurant so we had to go back there and I got my Nicorette.

When I was back home I saw our Handy man making Christmas decorations. Well, we have had a Christmas tree at the lobby and a lot of lights at the fence for a week and I thought this was enough of Christmas, at least for me.

Aladdin's adventure with Christmas in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Enough of Christmas decorations already

I had found some old pictures of my Teacher at Sophia on the internet and he have obviously been a Thai Champion in Muay Thai for a few years. He had also a Thai Champion in boxing for a few years when he had to give up the Muay Thai due to an injury in is leg and he had to give up the kicking. The professional kicking that is.

I changed to my boxing clothes and of course, it was pouring down when I was about to leave. It is December and it should not be raining. But I Was lucky and I made it to Sophia, well, almost dry. But when I was at Sophia the rain started again.

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Ake (fought under the boxing name of Sod Skindealgym); defend his European Boxing of ABCO (WBC)Championship (115 pound)by he won by point Ake's picture with description about his personal detail on the Muay Thai magazine when he became the famous Muay Thai Boxer
My Teacher as a young ass kicker

We did 10 rounds plus 1 cool down round at Sophia Muay Thai Gym before I walked back home. Idid the first 4 rounds with my Teacher's cousin because my Teacher did somethingAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokin the office. I had a blueberry, banana and hazelnut smoothie when I was back home.

My freezer was full of blue berries that I bought when I signed off and the latest news is that I will join Britta Maersk in Durban next week so I want to finish my blue berries. And I had not been eating much of the blue berries since I bought the blue berries

I finished my blue berry smoothie and I left for Bangkok Fight Club. I have only been at Bangkok Fight Club this holiday. Well, I have been there a few times, but most of the times there had been too much people. But now it seems like it is the normal 5 to 10 people and I want to start to go to Bangkok Fight Club everyday again.

I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club a few minutes before 7 and there was 3 or 4 people, but when we started we were 7 plus our Teacher. And my old Thai friend came and I was surprised, he usually goes onMonday, Wednesday and Friday. He told me that he missed the session yesterday so he came today instead.

I really miss Bangkok Fight Club and I started to ask him about the other days at Bangkok Fight Club. He told me that there wasn't so much people, 5 to 10 and I will start to come back to Bangkok Fight Club again, at least 3 days per week.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At Bangkok Fight Club

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our Thai friend is kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our Thai friend is kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our Thai friend is kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our Thai friend is kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our Thai friend is kicking so he has to wrap his foot

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At Bangkok Fight Club

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We finish the session with sit ups

We had a very good session at Bangkok Fight Club and I will try to come back tomorrow, but I suspect that it will be hard to move after all the squat downs today. So I will most likely suffer from some severe pain in my thighs tomorrow. It was 9 o'clock when we left Bangkok Fight Club and I walked back home to a glass of flaxseeds and electrolyte. Back in my old routines, 3 months too late and my diet have really been foocked up this holiday. But I blame Maersk tankers for this.

Wednesday 12 th of December 2012
and I was surprised when I woke up, of course, my thighs were acing but not as bad as I had expected. We remember the week before I should go to India, I could not walk, sit or lay down because of the pain in my thighs. But now it was better, much thanks to the session at Bangkok Fight Club before going to India.

But I started my day with 2 Ibuprofen and a codeine tablet and after a while I felt so good so I decided to go for a walk. I took the subway to Suttisan and I walked back to Huai Khwai and I tookAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkokthe subway back home. The effect of the Ibuprofen and codeine was wearing off and it was harder to walk. When I came out from the subway I walked through the InterchangeAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkokand when I came out on Sukhumvit Soi 23 I really felt that I had been doing all the squat downs at Bangkok Fight Club yesterday.

I had been thinking about lunch at a restaurant while walking down Ratchadapisek Road when I walked from Suttisan to Huai Khwai subway station. But I decided to go back home for a glass of flaxseeds.

But when I saw Queen Victoria, the British pub and restaurant I decided to goAladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfor a pot of tea and some bangers & mash. A bad decision, but the boredom forced me inside. I had expected my walk onAladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokRatchadapisek to last longer and now I had some time to kill before it was time to go to Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

So 20 minutes at Queen Victoria would be a welcome passing of time. I got a huge plate filled with bangers & mash and there were so much food so I could not finish everything. OK, I had asked for 4 slices of toast and this turned out to be the biggest toast I had ever seen so I was full when I left.
Aladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23

I left Queen Victoria, the British Pub and restaurant and I walked back home. A coffin nail would have been nice. But no, I had been chewing my nico gum all day so I was not going to give up the“STOP SMOKING” so easy.

Lo and motherfoocking behold, I restrained myself until I passed my local 7 Eleven. And I blame it on my friend talking me in to having San Miguel Light last Saturday night. I ended up at my local 7 Eleven for my Hangover kit 3 o'clock on the Sunday morning.

And now I had to check out so there wasn't any “grumpy and sullen” faces and I left 7 Eleven with a pack of fags and 2 bottles of Diet MAX . DARN!! Well, I will have to give it a new try tomorrow again.

I arrived to Sophia Muay Thai Gym and my Teacher wanted me to spar with his Cousin in the 7th round. I was half dead, 7 rounds and on top of that all the pain from Bangkok Fight Club yesterday.
Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

We did 10 rounds plus the cool down round before I walked back home where I opened my last DietAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok MAX . My friend was at the movie and the movie will finish around 6 o'clock and we were going to meet at the Black Swan. I was in a bad mood, I had checked my mail box.My mail box was full of shit and I was surprised to see all the shit from Emporium even though I had cancelled my member ship in their club.

I had even got a confirmation on my cancellation from ParagonClub Siamparagon via e-mail. Now I discovered half a rainforest in my mail box, and of course, the rainforest was wrapped in plastic. Doesn't this people in charge of the magazines and the other
Dear sir,

On behalf of Paragon Department Store, we are truly sorry for the unpleasant service happened to you. We will report your case to M Card Service center to cancel your subscription right away. However, we're still looking forward to serving you again in the future.

Best regards,

Pinnara Wongviriya
Customer Service Division Manager
“information” have any children? And if they have, how do they expect the world to look like in,hmm, 20 years from now?

I was walking around a mall the other day with a lady and she have 2 children. We walked past a few girls handing out free shampoo. A small bag wrapped in a cubic ton of paper and plastic. The bag of shampoo was really pathetic, would not even last for a wash for me with no hair.

I asked her why she took the shampoo sample.
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- It is free shampoo!!! She said looking at me like I was a simpleton.Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st

She ripped off all the paper and the other stuff to reach the paltry bag of shampoo.
- LOOK!! FREE SHAMPOO!!!Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st
- Don't you have children?
- What do you mean?
- How will the world look when they are 20? Can they go to the beach? Will there be any clean water?
She looked at me like I was crazy.
- Imagine a few millions of these free samples. Where are all these bags of shampoo going to end up? How much of our resources is wasted to make allYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stthis samples and the wrappings? She thought about it for a while and she looked at me.
- I understand what you mean, it will never happen again. I PROMISE!

- No no, it will happen again, as soon as you run in to the next free sample.
I reminded her of the time we walked down Asoke Road and there were girls handing out giantAladdin's adventure at The El Gaucho, Argentinean Steak House in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokboxes containing only 2 or 3 paper napkins.We had exactly the same discussion back then.

Well, never mind, I had a shower when I had thrown all the stuff from Emporium and I was at Black Swan 15 minutes after 6 o'clock.

My friend was there with a beer in front of him when I arrived. And as he said, this place was not the place to be at around 6 o'clock. It was full of people.

But I managed to get a bottle of sodawater from the very same beautiful Waitress that had been here last time we were at Black Swan. We were soon on our way toAladdin's adventure at The El Gaucho, Argentinean Steak House in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthe Argentinean Steak House, The El Gaucho on the other side of Sukhumvit.

I had my normal order, Lamb Chops and spinach, a cup of tea and a bottle of water. My friend had the biggestAladdin's adventure at The El Gaucho, Argentinean Steak House in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthamburger that I had ever seen.

It was almost 9 o'clock when we left. I walked back home and I stopped at my local 7 Eleven for yet another 3 bottles of Diet MAX . My last ever Diet MAX ? Well, I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully feel better in my legs and arms tomorrow so I can go to Bangkok Fight Club after my session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

One thing is for sure, I will be better off at Bangkok Fight Club in the evenings instead of running around eating at restaurants eating myself out of all proportions.

Thursday 13 th of December 2012
and it was almost 5 in the morning before I managed to fallAladdin's constitutional from Ratchadapisek to Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokasleep so I was very tired when my alarm went off at 8 thirty. But I managed to get out of bed.

I started the day with a bottle of Diet MAX and then I prepared my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® andpot of tea.

I was going to meet my friend at Terminal 21 and we had planned to have a constitutionalYet another smiley on www.aladdin.staround Benjakiti Park.

I walked down Sukhumvit Soi 23 while munching on my apples. I had popped 2 Ibuprofen but my thighs were worse today than yesterday. But I managed to limp my way down to Terminal 21. We left towards the Benjakiti Park walking down Ratchadapisek Road.

It was hot in the sunshine and it was very hot. My friend called me when he was at Fortune Townand he told me that it was very cool outside. Maybe at Fortune Town, but at Sukhumvit the sun was shining and it was very hot.

Pain in my legs and arms and hot like he** but I didn't gave up. My only worries was if I was going to make it back in time for my session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym

Aladdin's constitutional from Ratchadapisek to Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Still some slum in Central Bangkok - Here at Sukhumvit Soi 4

We meet 2 girls and a guy with Oriental Thai uniforms on our way down Ratchadapisek. I was surprised, I thought that they had closed down that airline. Well, obviously not, we passed their office and it looked to be open. We had just passed their office when we decided to walk to Lumpini Park instead and we turned off Ratchadapisek Road.

There is a walk/ bicycle path from Ratchadapisek all the way to Lumpini and when the path reach the Chaloem Maha Nakhon Expressway it becomes an elevated walk/ bicycle path. The walk path wasClarke Quay in Singaporebuilt over a canal/ creek between Ratchadapisek and the Chaloem Maha Nakhon Expressway. We had stinking water on our right hand side and on our left hand side we had the tobacco company.

What a shame, this could have been a beautiful place. They are always talking about how they want to be like in Singapore and here they would have had a great oppertunity to build a Boat Quay/ Clarke Quay like area. Now it is just a stinking area with a lot of rubbish in the water.

Aladdin's constitutional from Ratchadapisek to Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Chaloem Maha Nakhon Expressway

Aladdin's constitutional from Ratchadapisek to Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Indonesian Mosque

Aladdin's constitutional from Ratchadapisek to Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
On the walk path looking back at the Sukhumvit area

Aladdin's constitutional from Ratchadapisek to Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
On the walk path looking back at the Sukhumvit area

Aladdin's constitutional from Ratchadapisek to Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

And we saw some shanties built of rubbish when we reached the end of Sukhumvit Soi 4. I have not seen dwellings like this in down town Bangkok for many years now. But obviously there are still some around. We climbed up on the walk over when we had passed Sukhumvit Soi 4 and we passed over the Chaloem Maha Nakhon Expressway

We passed something that my friend called the Muslim community. I don't know, but we were soon passing a mosque. But I don't know if it was a Muslim community we were passing over. We didn'tAladdin's adventure in Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksee one single person during our constitutional. Strange, because it was a beautiful walk path.

I don't know how old the walk path is but I never heard of it before and IYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthave been walking around the most areas in Bangkok. Of course, thisYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stwas before I started with my Thai boxing, now I don't have time for much else.

Of course, it had been a much nice experience if it wasn't for the pain in my thighs and the heat. AsYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stsoon as the clouds cleared the sky it became very hot.

The elevated walk path ended at Lumpini Park and we entered the park and we stopped at the kiosk
Lumpini Park

(also Lumphini or Lumpinee, Thai: สวนลุมพินี) is a 360-rai (57.6-hectare (142-acre)) park in Bangkok, Thailand. This park offers rare open public space, trees and playgrounds in the Thai capital and contains an artificial lake where visitors can rent a variety of boats. Paths around the park totalling approximately 2.5 km in length are a popular area for evening joggers. Officially, cycling is only permitted during the day between the times of 5am to 3pm. There is a smoking ban throughout the park, and dogs are not allowed.

Lumpini Park was created in the 1920s by King Rama VI on royal property. A statue of the king stands at the south western entrance to the park. It was named after Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha in Nepal, and at the time of its creation stood on the outskirts of the city.

Today it lies in the heart of the main business district and is in the Lumphini sub-district, on the north side of Rama IV Road, between Ratchadamri Road and Witthayu Road.

From Wikipedia
to buy some cold drinks. We came to the first bridge over the pond. I'm not sure, but I only think there is one pond and several bridges over the same pond. Well, never mind, we spotted a lizard at the first bridge. He or she was enjoying himself in the sunshine

And it looked like she/he was full after a meal. And next to the lizard we could see a lot of feathers so the lizard had most likely just been eating a bird. And the lizard was most likely just wanting to lay there melting the food without being disturbed. But my friend didn't care, he went down for a closer look at the monitor lizard. Ett riktigt irritationsmoment e ute o går i parken.

Aladdin's adventure in Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Skräm nu inte dom stackars djuren!
Ännu ett irritationsmoment på besök i Lumpini

Aladdin's adventure in Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
The lizard is leaving

Aladdin's adventure in Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
The lizard is leaving

Aladdin's adventure in Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
There were also very small lizards in the park

Aladdin's adventure in Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
A visitor in the park feeding the fishes

The lizard left for another place to rest and we continued our constitutional. We passed over an island and we ended up in the middle of water cannons watering the grass. But we managed to dodgeAladdin's adventure in Lumpini Park in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthe water and we were soon at Silom subway station.

My friend got of the subway at the station before Asoke where I was goingTops Market in Bangkokoff. I went to Tops Market to buy apples and onions. I had brought my shopping bag because I had planned for some shopping before going back home.

But I was a wee bit late to Sophia and I was hungry. No time to make any tea or a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® so I just bought 3 small packages of smoked salmon. 400 Baht for the smallest pieces of salmon I had ever seen. But it was a very good salmon and I will see if they can make a kilo for me next time I'm at Tops Market.

I took the oppertunity to buy 2 bottles of Diet MAX at Tops Market so I had my smoked salmon standing up with a few sips of Diet MAX and the salmon disappeared like an aspirin. 400 Baht of smoked salmon was gone in a jiff and I dashed off to Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

It was a terrible session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym, I had the pain in my thighs and arms, stiff and aching limbs and the 2 warm up rounds were almost enough for me. But my Teacher wanted me to doYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksome sparring with his Cousin. So we decided to do 2 rounds, he was kicking and I was using my hands.

We did 2 rounds and when we were finished I was warm so I could do a few rounds with the mitts with my Teacher before I walked back home.

I had a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and a pot of tea together with 2 Ibuprofen for the pain when I was back home. I felt very bad for the missed session at Bangkok Fight Club. And thanks to theIbuprofen I felt better and I decided to go for a session at Bangkok Fight Club. Good, I'm back to feeling bad over a missed session and I will hopefullyYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be going toAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy night sessions at Bangkok Fight Club and I will not be going to any restaurants any more.

And another perk, coming home from Bangkok Fight Club and I don't want to destroy my diet by eating so I just have a glass of flaxseeds and electrolyte.

I left for Bangkok Fight Club a wee bit too late and I meet my Tailor and we had a chat. And on top of this I ran in to my Teacher at Sophia and his cousin.

So it was 5 minutes past 7 when I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club, but there was no sign of our Teacher and I left to walk back home again. I came down to the parkingAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoklot when I ran in to our Teacher and we walked back up again. Ipaid my 600 Baht fee for tonight's session.

We started with stretching and as we only were 4 people including our Teacher we did a new drill. We were pulling each other's arms and legs in order to stretch the limbs. It was actually quite nice.

We had a guy from Korea and he didn't arrived until 7 thirty in the middle of the stretching. He gave our Teacher a hug and I asked for a hug as well. He looked embarrassing, but I got a hug. He was going to start his session, but I asked if he wasn't going to give the other 2 guys a hug. They got a hug without any feeling, a half assed hug and we could continue the session.

Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stThe Thai Navy Exercise, the dreaded exercise. I had not been doing this for a very long time. And this exercise was nothing I had missed. But I had missed the Thai Navy Exercise smiley. A long time ago we saw this smiley and I had missed it.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We start the session with stretching

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We start the session with stretching

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We start the session with stretching

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our session is over, only sit upsand cool down remaining

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Starting with the sit ups

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Stretching before we're going home

When we were ready with the Thai Navy Exercise we started to punch the bags and at 8 o'clock we started with different kicks on the bags. And it was almost 9 o'clock before we left Bangkok Fight Club and I felt great when I walked back home. Of course some pain, but I was really happy that I had spent the time at Bangkok Fight Club instead of eating at a restaurant.

I had my last bottle of Diet MAX (last ever?) and a glass of flaxseeds with a bag of electrolyte before I went to bed. And I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to fall asleep early tonight.

Friday 14 th of December 2012
and I had to take my Yellow Fever vaccination before leaving for Africa. My Yellow Fever expired in November. And I had chose to take the vaccination atAladdin's adventure at Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBumrungrad Hospital. Well, I think this was my last time at Bumrungrad.

I have been recommended King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Chula or Chula Hospital in short. And I have a friend talking about Bangkok Nursery Hospital and it will be one of those next time. ButBumrungrad hospital in conveniently located for me.

But today I got a wee bit upset. I took the opportunity to check my vaccination protection and she told me that my Japanese SOMETHING and my Hepatitis A & B had to be renewed every 10 years.
- What the
I showed her my vaccination card and the column for the expiry date
- Look here, these vaccinations are taken here at Bumrungrad and it says for life

She told me that in the reports or whatever it says that they want to give a boost every 10 years.
- What the? I have a vaccination at Bumrungrad and I ask the Doctor. She said for life and then they expect me to go home to read some report or search the internet for the info.
- This is how it is....
Needless to say, I was furious. I also cancelled my Cholera vaccination. My other Cholera vaccinations had been lasting for 2 years. Now she tells me that I have to take the Cholera vaccination every time I got for holiday.
- No matter if it 1 month or 3 months

I was baffled and I found it better not to speak with her again.And for sure, I'm wishing for a cancer stick didn't improved my mood.

So it will be Chula or Bangkok Nursing Home next time. When the Doctor came to give me my Yellow Fever vaccination I asked him about the vaccination.
- Cholera is for 2 years
- Good, then I can have the Cholera vaccination as well.

He explained that the girl had been right about the Japanese SOMETHING and my Hepatitis A & B. The Japanese SOMETHING had to be renewed every 4 years and my Hepatitis A & B had to be renewed every 10 years.
- So why did they told me it was for life?
- They don't know what they are talking about
- So why should I trust that you know what you're talking about?

Yeah, why? They are both Doctors working at the same hospital. I took my vaccination card and leftAladdin's adventure at Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwhen I had got my Yellow Fever vaccination. My Cholera is a vaccination that I have to drink, 1 dose today and the second dose in a week. I had to pick up the vaccine at the drug store.

Waiting and waiting at the cashier and it turned out that they didn't had the Cholera vaccine in stock. And it was not available in Thailand. So I had wasted some time there waiting for nothing. I paid 3095 Baht for the Yellow Fever vaccination. But I Was lucky with the taxi, there was an empty taxi when I came out from theBumrungrad Hospital and I was soon on my way back home.

This had been taking much longer time than expected and I decided to skip my shopping at Tops Market and I had to get straight back home to change for my session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym

I was a wee bit late for my session at Sophia and on top of that my Teacher was late. He was busyAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwith something and they had just arrived with the car when I arrived.

Well, I took the opportunity to do myYet another smiley on www.aladdin.ststretching while waiting for my Teacher and we got started at 3 thirty something.

I did 2 warm up rounds and 1 round with the mitts. My Teacher wanted me to spar with his cousin and we did 2 rounds, same as yesterday, he was kicking and IYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stwas using my hands. The 7th round and I had both my Teacher and his cousinAladdin's adventure with the Mayan Calendar in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto kick at me while I was using my hands.

This was fun, when I suggested that they would be a tag team my Teacher thought that they were going to take turns.
- NO NO, both at the same time, I said.

It was really fun and something I will do again. We did round 8 with the mitts and then I gave up. I still have some pain in my arms so I gave up after 8 rounds and I decided to skip the evening session at Bangkok Fight Club.

I walked back home and with the completed session at Sophia it was the official start of the weekend. My last weekend inYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stBangkok 2012? Or last weekend in Bangkok forever? Some people are scared shitless with the Mayan Calendar. I'm most likely off to Durban next week so it will most likely be my last weekend in Bangkok 2012

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