OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it’s not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Friday 10 th of January 1986 and I signed off M/T Vestria. I don't remember where I signed off.Aladdin's adventure in HelsingborgBut it must have been in Helsingborg or Landskrona. IAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgdon't remember if I went to Båstad with my bags before going back to Helsingborg. But I know that I was in my friend's apartment in the evening.

Well, I would not have known if it wasn't for my photo album. And it looks like we wereAladdin's adventure in HelsingborgAladdin's adventure with Captain Morgan rum in Helsingborgdrinking Captain Morgan rum with coke.
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

Well, seems like we liked Captain Morgan back then. Today, I can't drink Captain Morgan, just dosent taste as good since IAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgtried STROH Rum.

According to my pictures we had another friend coming by for a Captain Morgan before we left for town. My guess is that there wasn't much left ofAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgthe Captain Morgan when we left. Well, the bottle (Bottles?) was most likely empty.

Aladdin's adventure in HelsingborgBut I'm pretty sure that we were in a good mood when we left my friend's apartment. First stop was Cafe Olsson.Hmm, or was the name Olsson'sAladdin's adventure in HelsingborgCafe, I don't remember the name, but it was justAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgdownhill from my friend's apartment.

We had a few beers at Cafe Olsson before we continued to Rockpiren. The evening ended at Rockpiren as it usually did back then. There weren't so many places in Helsingborg. There were somediscos, but that was nothing we were interested in.

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

Monday 13 th of January 1986 and I think this is the date when we started school again after our Christmas holiday. I remember it as we finished the spring semester with a week of exams. But according to my photo album we were drinking in my apartment on the 24th of January 1986. And the pictures are marked with “Last exam”

I also remember my first year divided in to two semesters. Each semester was divided in to 2 periods of studies finished with a week of exams. Well, maybe the 2 semesters were divided in to 3 periods and we would start with exams coming back from the Christmas leave. And that would mean that we started school with a week of exams and then we would have started school on Monday the 20th of January 1986.

Friday 24 th of January 1986 and according to my photo album. Yes, I will throw away my photo album when I'm ready with these web pages about my first year in Navigation School.
Aladdin's adventure at Navigation School on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We're having a few drinks in my apartment. In my photo album we can see that we had our last exam on the 24th of January 1986
It is thanks to Photoshop that the page is white. In real life the page is yellow/ brown and pretty nasty after almost 30 years

I will put a few pictures of my photo album here so I remember how it looked like and then they are history. It will be nice to finally get rid of the darn photo albums.

We went to home to me after the exam and according to the pictures we had both Bacardi and Captain Morgan on the table. And a diet coke, back then they had a white label and they didn't taste good. And as we can see they came in a glass bottle. So it is obviously a very long time ago.

Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg

Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
In my kitchen cooking the meat I brought home from M/T Vestria

Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg

Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Always the same guy making a tit out of himself

I had bought 10 kilo of fillet of beef when I was onboard M/T Vestria during the Christmas holidayAladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborgand my friend started to cook in my kitchen. My guess isAladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in GöteborgAladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborgthat I didn't had any spices in my kitchen back then. But then, we were pretty drunk so who cared?

We were pretty drunk when we left my apartment. WeAladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborghad another class mate living next to the school and we went to see him. But first we stopped atAladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborgthe school. They always have a pub there after the last exam. And believe me, it was not any fun. How can it we fun in a dining hall? I don't know, but we only had 1 beer before we went acrossAladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborgthe street to see our class mate before we continued to the city.

We ran in to another class mate outside the school when we left our friend's apartment.

He had a car and he and his girlfriend drove me and my friend to Yaki Da. I still remember this evening and they didn't let us in at Yaki-Da
- Amen skit i d då!
So we continued to Alfredo where they let is in.

Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Yet another page from my photo album, this was a very convinient way to put the pictures on my web page
Here we have pictures from our class mate's car on the way to Yaki-Da. And the 3 last pictures are from Alfredo

Saturday 25 th of January 1986 and I'm in Helsingborg for more beer and party. I had a friend living in Helsingborg and he was released from prison and we were going to have a few beers to celebrate. I don't remember why my friend had been in prison, but most likey DUI. So he had not been in prison for very long, 1 month or something like that.

I think he was at the railway station to pick me up when I arrived from Go:teborg and I remember us going to Queens Corner. My friend was wearing a cap, white with black stripes prison style. Marked with “RELEASED FROM PRISON 25th of January 1986” And KUMLA. Kumla is a prison for heavy criminals.
Well, it was a ploy, but never the less embarrassing. I asked him to take off the stupid cap.
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
Yet another page from my photo album. We're having a few drinks in my friend's apartment

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
The 4 top pictures are from my friend's apartment. And the 2 bottom pictures are from Olson's Cafe.

He refused and as we were sitting at Queens Corner drinking beer there was a guy entering the place. This was a real gangster and he spotted me.
- Yo! Sit down.
We talked about the good ol' times and suddenly he caught sight of my friend's cap. Who the hell is wearing a stupid cap like this and for sure, some one released from a real prison would never wear one.
- How long you been in for?
- 1 month
He could as well have answered 15 minutes, would not have impressed my friend less than the 1 month or 2 month he had been away for.
- What did you do?
He got very upset about the cap and I can tell you, if I had not been there my friend would haveAladdin's adventure in Helsingborggot his arse kicked, and seriously. I'm talking spending time at the hospital arse kicked.

I told him to relax and I told my friend to take of his stupid cap. But I can see from my pictures that he was still wearing the cap in my friend's apartment later on in the evening.
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
Pictures from Olson's Cafe & Buffet. Last picture of my old class mate in an apartment somewhere in Helsingborg

So now I know the name of the place, not Cafe Olsson, but Olson's Cafe. Well, it was actually Olson's Cafe & Buffet. I never had any fun at the place, at least not what I can remember.

But I met an old class mate at Olson's Cafe and I don't know how and where we meet them.But we ended up in an apartment in Helsingborg with a few old ladies. 7 o'clock in the morning and myAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgfriend walked with me to the train station.
I left for Båstad where I spent a few hours before taking the evening train back home to my studies in Go:teborg.

Wednesday 29 th of January 1986 and it was time for party again. Well, that's what I remember from school, party all the time. I remember this evening, we finished school and we decided to go for a few drinks. I had to leave my school books at home before we left for town. And of course, we had a few drinks before we left for my friend's apartment so he could leave his books as well.
Aladdin's in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Best idea ever, to take a picture of every page in my photo albums. I will finish this in a few days instead of spending weeks with my pictures.
The 2 first pictures is from my apartment and the 3rd picture is from my friend's apartment.

My friend left his books at home and we took a taxi back to town. He was telling me a story about when he had taken a taxi back home. He had had a very friendly and interesting chat with the driver when he realised that he had lost his valet. He was almost home and the conversation went something like this.
- I started to collect stamps when I was 8.
- Yes, I have collected stamps for quite a few years as well. I collect stamps from Denmark.
By now my friend had discovered that he had lost his valet.
The driver stood on the brakes and he threw out my friend from the car. But I don't remember why we were kicked out of the taxi this evening. Well, never mind, it happened to me many times. Not that I have been kicked out from the taxi. But I have arrived home just to realise that I don't have any cash. Luckily enough I can borrow from the security guards.
Aladdin's adventure in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Thursday 30 th of January 1986 and as it was Thursday I suspect that I was out drinking with Torsdag's Klubben. Well, as you can see on the picture from my photo album above I made a note of the 30th of January 1986: I LOST MY CAMERA

And there will be more of this remark. I lost several cameras during my time in school.

Tuesday 11 th of February 1986 and it looks like we went straight from school to my place again. A few drinks and we were off to my friend's apartment, or Student room.

And obviously we went to Dojan when my friend had left his books at home.
Aladdin's in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
The 2 first pictures is from my apartment and the 2 following are from my friend's apartment. The 2 last pictures are from Dojan

Aladdin's in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in GöteborgAnd according to my photo album we ended up at New Yaki so Dojan must have been boring. But I can't remember New Yaki as any more fun.

Just a pain in the behind getting in.
- How old are you?
- Do you have any ID?
- You are too drunk!
And every weekend there was a queue of people trying to get in. Well, I always refused to stand in a queue and we skipped this place most of the time.
Aladdin's in Navigation school on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
At New Yaki, a disco in Go:teborg back in 1985

Wednesday 12 th of February 1986 and we were going to Vinterspelen in Härnösand

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