Aladdin's adventure in Khao Yai National Park

Friday 16 th of January 2015 and it is time to take off for yet another safari, and this time in Thailand! There have been plenty readings about Elephants running amok in Khao Yai national park. I spoke with my friend and I was looking up “Thai National Parks” and I found out that they had discovered that there were more wild tigers in the parks than expected.

Elephants in Khao Yai National Park

Elephants in Khao Yai National Park
From the nationmultimedia 14 January 2015

Khao Yai National Park made it to the international news

Yes, Khao Yai had make it to the news and my friend told me it was a dangerous place when I asked if we should go spend the weekend there. But it didn't took much to talk him in to going.

We booked the 2 day tour and it turned out it was a Swedish company, or at least they had a telephone number to Sweden on the PayPal bill. And as I could not pay using PayPal I called them in Sweden. He was a surprised at me to hear someone talking Skånska. We have had all communication through the Thai National Parks web page in English

But never mind the PayPal, (because I was fromSkåne?) he told me to pay the Guide when he picked us up at the hotel. I had booked 2 nights at the Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours hotel North of Khao Yai National Park. Lucky to get a room, weekend and the hotels are quite full as peopleAladdin's adventure in Khao Yai National Parklike to go to the National Parks during the weekend.

But the best thing, I have a chance to use my safari uniform. After all the trouble and money I spent on the safari uniform and helmets I like it when I find the use for them.

I was back home form Thai school at 13 thirty and we were a wee bit late with the boxing as we called the Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours hotel to confirm our booking. It was a girl and my friend just went on and on. And he didn't talk about anything else during the boxing, only about the girl in Khao Yai. Well, is coming back to pick me up around 8 o'clock tonight and we will take off to Khao Yai National Park. Angry elephants and the opportunity toAladdin's adventure in Khao Yai National Parkdon my safari uniform, Khao Yai here we come!

And here is a list for you over the Wildlife in Khao Yai National Park And yes, my Adobe Acrobat XI Pro have come in very handy.

A hefty price tag, but a very handy program. Well, a lot of animals on the list, but don't think I expect this to be anything like Africa. Africa was 24,000 US Dollars and here we pa 300 US Dollars.

150 per person plus hotel, about 150 for 2 nights. So 300 US Dollars plus gas for my friend’s car. Foock, you would have spent more spending the night in Bangkok drinking! And no hangover!

My friend arrived a few minutes after 8 and we were soon on our way. Road No.1 until we reached Saraburi NW of Khao Yai National Park. We changed to road No.2 at Saraburi and we were driving East until we reached Pakchong. My friend had not had any time to eat so he was hungry.

I was not hungry, well, I would not mind to get out of the car to show up my safari uniform.

He had called the girl at the hotel, well, non-stop and I could not help myself. I just had to ask him how itYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas possible to fall in love in someone he had never met. He said he was notAladdin's adventure on Highway 2 to Pakchong and Khao Yaiin, no, he assured me that he was not in love. Well, anyway, the girl told us that the restaurant would be closed when we arrived. But there was a 24/7 Mc Donald’s in Pakchong.

We drove along road No.2 and I could follow our progress on my map in the phone. But it took me a long time to get the map to work, I had turned off the data transfer and it took me quite some time to figure that out. But as soon as I had started the data transfer I was kicking arse with my map.

We reached Pakchong and my friend wanted to use the DRIVE THRU. By now it was way past 10Aladdin's adventure at Mc Donald’s in Pakchongo'clock in the evening and I told him that there were no need to be in a hurry. The girl at the Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours was most likely asleep.

We parked the car and we entered Mc Donald’s, and darn, the food looks good on the pictures. A totally different story when you remove the wrapping from your food. The hamburger tasted like, well, but the fish burger was actually quite OK. I also had an ice cream while my friend was freezing in his chair. It was a wee bit cold, but it was kind of nice. And my safari uniform was an instant success, I don't think they had seen any safari uniform here before. And that's even though we're next to a big national park.

Pictures had to be taken and well, I called my self for the นักผจญภั and that means adventurer/ explorer. The girls were ให้ท่า and my friend was mostly embarrassed.

Aladdin's adventure at Mc Donald’s in Pakchong
It was cold at Mc Donald’s

Aladdin's adventure at Mc Donald’s in Pakchong

Aladdin's adventure at Mc Donald’s in Pakchong
The safari uniform was an instant success in Pakchong

Aladdin's adventure at Mc Donald’s in Pakchong
The safari uniform was an instant success in Pakchong

we left Mc Donald’s and we left road No. 2 after 100 meters and we followed road 2090 and even though we ended up on roads, well, it was just a dirt path in the middle of nowhere my map wasAladdin's adventure in Khao Yai National Parkworking beautifully. My friend was scared and asked me if we were on the right way every 20 seconds. I was beaming of joy, this was like the safari in Africa.

We found our place and there was a guy (my friend was disappointed and he started to interrogate the guy about the girl) and he showed us to our rooms. By now the clock was 23:30.

I asked the guy if he could wake us up at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning as they would come to pick us up at 8. My friend asked if they had beer. And luckily enough there was no beers as the restaurant was closed.

Aladdin's adventure at Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours

Aladdin's adventure at Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours
My room - Looked way better on the internet

Aladdin's adventure at Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours
My room - Looked way better on the internet
My new “safari” bag from Victoria Falls on the bed

Aladdin's adventure at Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours

Aladdin's adventure at Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours
The hotel swimming pool

Aladdin's adventure at Khaoyai Nature Life & Tours
The hotel restaurant - Closed when we arrived at 23:30

Well, I'm off to bed as we will be picked up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and sleep is needed. Wake up at 6 o'clock so I get the time to show off at the restaurant in my safari uniform while eating breakfast. And yes, you just have to click HERE to be in the middle of that adventure

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