Aladdin's adventure at Fahlmas fik in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
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Aladdin's adventure at Fahlmas fik in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Written September 2011
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986

Saturday 22 nd of November 1986 and according to my photo album we were drinking in my friend's apartment in Helsingborg. I have no clue what I did between the 17th of November when I signed off M/S Tina and the 22nd of November. Most likely party.
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
We were having a few drinks before going to Taco Bar. When we left my friend's apartment weAladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986stopped at a apartment on the second floor. It was my neighbour from Mölle that was throwing a house warming part. He had just moved in to the very same house as my friend lived in.

There were quite a few people that I knew living in the same house. I had an old classmate from compulsory school living on the second floor. And one time when they were playing music in his apartment, and my guess is that they had a few beers as well. Well, anyway, itAladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986knocked on the door and it was the neighbour from the first floor.

My friend went to open the door and my other friends continued drinking beer in the living room. My friend opened the door and he got a punch straight in the face as soon as he had opened the door.

My friends in the living room told me later on that they had only seen him flying past the door to the living room ending up on the bathroom floor. And of course, they came up with the excellent idea to have a chat with the neighbour when they came back home early morning. The neighbour had to escape through the window. He was seen running away.

Taco Bar at Södra Storgatan in Helsingborg. Yet another place that opened during my time onboard.Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986At least this is how I remember it, can't remember that we ever went to the place before I left for my ship. Then suddenly when I was back home this was the “hottest” place in town. Seriously, I can't remember the place as fun and I don't know if the place is still open.

I didn't stayed at Taco Bar very long. I had two friends and they were on a Safari
- What the hell is a Safari? I asked.
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Turned out that a Safari was that they were drinking Safari on my friend's attic. Where to they come up with everything? I went over to my friend's apartment and we had a few Safaris' and believe me, it wasn't tasting any good.

My next pictures are from Rockpiren, but that is no guarantee for that this was the next place we went to.

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
I meet an old class mate at Rockpiren
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
But one thing is almost for sure, after Rockpiren there was nothing open in Helsingborg that sold any alcohol. So then we had to leave for Denmark if we wanted to drink more beers. It happenedAladdin's adventure at Fahlmas fik in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986quite a few times that I had my breakfast at a disco in Helsingør, Denmark. But here was a coffee shop called Fahlmans Fik in Helsingborg, they were open but I don't think they sold any beers after 3 o'clock in the morning.

Fahlmans Fik was, at least for me, best known from the song Fahlams Fik with Svettens Söner . Svettens Söner was a group from Helsingborg and the group was formed 1978 and the “HIT” Fahlmans Fik is from 1981. OK, to call it a hit might be a wee bit too much. I'm not sure, but back then it was a well known fact that they had to give up playing because they could not afford to buy new instruments. They smashed all their instruments during their concerts.
Aladdin's adventure at Fahlmas fik in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Aladdin's adventure at Fahlmas fik in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986

Well, smashing their instruments after the concerts and I don't know, but this might be the reason for the Punk rock to have disappeared. Well, anyway, I can't remember having been at Fahlmas more than two times in my life so it cannot have been all that fun there.
Aladdin's adventure at Fahlmas fik in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
At Fahlmans Fik
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Waiting for taxi

Saturday 29 th of November 1986
and I'm back in Helsingborg. We were going to Dolce Vita and weAladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986meet in my friend's apartment before we left for Dolce Vita.

I had never been at Dolce Vita before and I can't remember ever going back to the place.

Dolce Vita was located at the stairs from Kärnan and we walked from my friend's apartment, a 10 minutes' walk.

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg, Skåne back in 1986
Well, I remember this evening and it doesn't make it to the history books as one of the mostAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfun night I have had. But I have scanned the pictures and the last pictures in my second photo album are completed and the darn album ended up in the garbage where it belonged Friday 24th of September 2011 .

2 more to go, but I will need the time. Well, back to November 1986. I don't remember what we did after Dolce Vita. We might have stayed until they closed.

Tuesday 2 nd of December 1986
and I signed on M/S Bellatrix at Kopparverks Hamnen in Helsingborg.

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