Skåne Staajl
Aladdin's adventure at Ban Chang, Rayong
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Skåne Staajl

Buddhist monk ordination in Thailand

Monday 10 th of February 2014 and before we take off towards Ban Chang and Rayong we will have to have a look on the rituals for monk ordination in Thailand.
According to my Thai Teacher it is done in 3 steps.

1)แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht =
Procession with the monk ordinate around the temple

The person to be ordinate as monk (NAAK) have his hair shaved before going through the routines. Then the family walk in procession to the temple where the naak and his relatives will walk around the ordination hall clockwise three times.

2)ทำพิธีในบโบสถ์ - Tam pí-tee nai bòht = Do ceremony in the temple
This is the ceremony and the ordinates become monks

3)เป็นพระ - bpen prá = To be monk & โยนทาน yohn taan = Throw coins, gifts
Now the ordinate had become a monk and the parents start to throw coins and candy
Buddhist temple in Thailand

A wat is a monastery temple in Thailand, Cambodia, or Laos. The word wat (Thai: วัด) sometimesBuddhist temple in Thailandrendered vat when referring to Laos) means "school". According to my Teacher the temple has 4 main buildings.

1= bot โบสถ์ or ubosoth อุโบสถ์ (from Pali uposatha) - the holiest prayer room, also called the "ordination hall" as it is where new monks take their vows.

Architecturally the bot is similar to the vihara; the main differences are the eight cornerstones placed around the bot to ward off evil. The bot is usually moreBuddhist temple in Thailand - Sala ศาลาdecorated than the viharn.

2) Sala (Thai ศาลา) (from Sanskrit: Shala - School, from an earlier meaning of shelter) - a pavilion for relaxation or miscellaneous activities

3) The living quarters of the monks, kuti
(Thai กุติ) or kut (Thai กุด)- monk cells) are separated from the sacred buildings.

4) Crematorium

And according to Wikipedia a Thai temple, with few exceptions, consists of two parts:
1) The Phutthawat (area dedicated to Buddha)
2) The Sanghawat (Monks living quarters)

And Wikipedia list a few more building than my Teacher.

The Phutthawat (Thai: เขตพุทธาวาส) is the area which is dedicated to Buddha. It generally contains several buildings:

• Chedi (Thai: พระเจดีย์) – also known as a stupa it is mostly seen in the form of a bell-shaped tower, often accessible and covered with gold leaf, containing a relicBuddhist temple in Thailand-chedi เจดีย์chamber.

• Prang (Thai: พระปรางค์) – the Thai version of Khmer temple towers, mostly seen in temples from the Sukhothai and the Ayutthaya period.

• Ubosot or Bòht (Thai: พระอุโบสถ or Thai: โบสถ์) – the Ordination Hall and most sacred area of a Wat. Eight Sema stones (Bai Sema, Thai: ใบเสมา) mark the consecrated area.

• Wihan (Thai: พระวิหาร) – in Thai temples this designates a shrine hall that contains the principal Buddha images; it is the assembly hall where monks and believers congregate.

• Mondop (Thai: พระมณฑป) - A Mondop is a specific square or cruciform based building or shrine,sometimes with a spired roof within a Thai Buddhist temple or temple complex. It is a ceremonial structural form that can be applied to several differentBuddhist temple in Thailand - Mondop พระมณฑปkinds of buildings. It can house relics, sacred scriptures or act as a shrine. Unlike the mandapa of Khmer or Indian temple, which are part of a larger structure, the Thai mondop is a free -standing unit.

• Ho trai (Thai: หอไตร) – the Temple Library or Scriptures Depository houses the sacred Tipiṭaka scriptures. Sometimes they are built in the form of a Mondop , a cubical-shaped building where the pyramidal roof is carried by columns.

• Sala (Thai: ศาลา) – an open pavilion providing shade and a place to rest.

• Sala kan prian (Thai: ศาลาการเปรียญ) – a large, open hall where lay people can hear sermons or receive religious education. It literally means "Hall, in which monks study for their Prian exam" and is used for saying afternoon prayers.

• Ho rakang (Thai: หอระฆัง) – the bell tower is used for waking the monks and to announce the morningBuddhist temple in Thailand-Ho rakang หอระฆัง – the bell towerand evening ceremonies. Can also be located in the Sanghawat - The living quarters of the monks.

• Phra rabieng (Thai: พระระเบียง) – a peristyle is sometimes built around the sacred inner area as a cloister.

• Additional buildings can also be found inside the Phuttawat area, depending on local needs, such as a crematorium or a school.

The buildings are often adorned with elements such as chofahs. In temples of the Rattanakosin era, such as Wat Pho and Wat Ratchabopit, the ubosot can be contained within a (low) inner wall called a Kamphaeng Kaew (Thai: กำแพงแก้ว), which translated to 'Crystal Wall'.

The Sanghawat (Thai: เขตสังฆาวาส) contains the living quarters of the monks. It alsoกุติ kutilies within the wall surrounding the whole temple compound. The sanghawat area can have the following buildings:

• Kuti (Thai: กุฎี or กุฎิ kut) – originally a small structure, built on stilts, designed to house a monk, with its proper size defined in the Sanghathisep, Rule 6, to be 12 by 7 Keub (4.013 by 2.343 meters). Modern kutis take on the shape of an apartment building with small rooms for the monks.

• The sanghawat can also contain the 'Ho rakang' (bell tower) and even the 'Sala Kan Prian' (sermon hall).

• It will house most of the functional buildings such as a kitchen building where food can be prepared by lay people, and sanitary buildings.

Well, we will so how this goes down next weekend. At least now I know what they are going to do. And as an extra bonus we got to know a wee bit about a Buddhist temple in Thailand. Now it will be more fun to attend the monk ordination.

I have been in a temple in Thailand before, but it was 100 years ago. So maybe a good idea to go have a review before the ordination. Well, let's see if there will be any time.


Friday 14 th of February 2014
and I never found the time to go visit a temple. But I'm pretty sure there will be enough time to watch the temple in Ban Chang. But I had time to download DJSkåne Style - DJ ConnectConnect's album Skåne Style from iTunes. And PAP & Emblem's album are available as well. So go ahead and buy the records and support Skånsk Hip Hop

My friend arrived late today as he had to go home to pick upYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthis wife, Father in law and son. They will spend the time watching movies in my bed room while we're kicking arse in the squash room.

We will do 10 rounds of boxing before we take off to Ban Chang. And I must say thatI fell much better since I have started my new life. Boxing every day and a new diet. An expensive diet, sets me back by 1000 to 1100 Baht every day, but as long as I feel good.
BREAKFAST: 1 can of tuna, onion and 2 slices of tea. Of course, a pot of Earl Grey tea

SNACK after the boxing: 1 carrot and 2 apples

LUNCH/ DINNER after Thai school: At least 300 gram SalmonTohkai in BangkokSashimi at the Japanese Restaurant Tohkai on my way home after my Thai studies.

I eat 3 plates of Salmon Sashimi with some “added” avocado. Yes, this is not more expensive, well, aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwee bit, than to eat 300 gram at home. And noYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stneed to buy wasabi and soy sauce. And no need to clean the dishes.

I drink a Diet MAX that I buy at 7 Eleven. They only have Coca Cola products and some other drinks.7 Eleven in BangkokSo I used to buy a Coke that I gave to the Waitress so they don't lose any money, and I drank my Diet MAX from 7 Eleven.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThen I realised that I could not buy the Coke, the might come under the false impression that Coke is a popular and good tasting bewerage. So now I buy something else and give to the Waitress. But now they have promised to have Diet MAX for me next time.

SNACK in the evening: A pot of Earl Grey tea, fresh fruit from Tops Market and a
Yet another Smiley on
Yet another Smiley on
glas of Flaxseeds


And with my luck I just wait for them to discover that salmon is the bestdiet for a sumo wrestler. But if you don't want to look like a sumoYet another SUMO Smiley on www.aladdin.stwrestler you’re better off staying away from salmon. Well, I hope they recommend salmon, at least until I'm dead. After that they canSalmon Sashimidiscover that salmon isdangerous as much as they want.

So my diet is on the right track, well, I had a minor setback yesterday. But I blame it on Suthep Thaugsuban and the People's Democratic Reform Committee, PDRC with the Shut down Bangkok and the Whistle revolution.

I have to walk to Time Square to get a taxi. The traffic is ridiculous at Sukhumvit Soi 23. The laneSuthep Thaugsuban and the People's Democratic Reform Committee, PDRC with the Shut down Bangkok and the Whistle revolutiontowards Ploenchit on Sukhumvit is almost free from cars. Well, at least until we turn in to Wireless Road/ Thanon Witthayu. The traffic comes to a full stop. But I managed to get to Silom Road.

I got out of the taxi and I walked around the area of the Silom protest area. It was a sad sight. There were thousands of people. Most of them, 99% were shopping atSuthep Thaugsuban and the People's Democratic Reform Committee, PDRC with the Shut down Bangkok and the Whistle revolutionthe new “night market” along Silom Road. The rest of them were sitting in front of the stage watching the Blue Sky Channel on a big screen.

I turned around when I reached the intersection and I walked back down on Silom Road. I realised that it would be impossible to get a taxi back home from Silom. So when I reached Patpong I walked over to Surawong Road. And it looked like the traffic was moving.
Suthep Thaugsuban and the People's Democratic Reform Committee, PDRC with the Shut down Bangkok and the Whistle revolution
I stopped several taxis but it was the same story with all of them when I told them that I wanted to go to Sukhumvit Soi 23.
- 300 Baht
- Traffic jam
- How much do you pay?
- Soi Cowboy?

I gave up, it was 8 o'clock and I went to look for a coffee shop to have a pot of tea. And sadly enough, I had 2 pieces of cake with my tea. And I blame Suthep Thaugsuban and the People's Democratic Reform Committee for this set back.

The Whistle Revolution and the Shut down Bangkok campaign have really done nothing to help easingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe traffic situation. I could have been home eating my fresh fruit from Tops Market instead of the cakes. But it was only 2 small pieces and once a week... No problem!

Wireless Road/ Thanon Witthayu
Traffic at full stop on Wireless Road/ Thanon Witthayu

Well, anyway, cake yesterday and I had planned to get up early today as I had plenty of fruit to eat. Tuna and tea at 7 and fruit and tea around 11 o'clock. Well, I got out of bed at 7 or 07:25 as I was in bed listening to my alarm clock and I could not make up my mind on getting out of bed to turn off that darn thing or not.

I expected my friend to come here around 12 but he called 10 minutes before 11.
Yet another Smiley on We will be there around 11 thirty!
Yet another Smiley on That's the motherfoocking spirit!

Earl Grey teaI turned on the kettle and I brought out the fruit. Could not help being amazed on how much plastic it takes to get some fresh fruit in Thailand. Yes, I can buy the fruit on the street. Half price or less.

But where are they washing their hands? Staying all day long along the streets selling fruit. I could by the whole fruit, but I likeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthem peeled and ready to eat. No guarantee that they are washing their hands at Tops Market. But it looks cleaner and they have the option to wash their hands.

There is not much of an option when along the street. My Thai Teacher told me that they went to Terminal 21, but I suspect that she said this to convince herself that they washed their hands.

Well, 11 thirty and we can leave for Ban Chang earlier than expected. My friend 2 time Thai champion likes to get his ass whopped and whoAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNam I to say no? So 10 rounds before departure. We went to the squash room while his son, wife and father in law waited in my apartment. And as IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfeel great we completed theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stboxing session in a jiff. No long breaks between the rounds.

We had a shower when we were finished with the boxing and we were soon sitting in the car on the way to our hotel in Ban Chang, Rayong. And the traffic moved quite quick in Bangkok. Friday afternoon and the reason for the light traffic is most likely the religious holiday today.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

We stopped to check the air pressure in the tyres before we got up on the Bangkok - Chonburi motorway.

We were hauling arse and we expected to be in Ban Chang around 5 o'clock. We even skipped the pit stop on the Bangkok to Chonburi Motorway as we expected an early dinner at the Offshore Restaurant in Ban Chang. Light traffic and the spirit were high when we approached Chonburi. Suddenly the traffic came to a full stop and it was bumper to bumper in all 4 lanes.

Aladdin's adventure on the Bangkok - Chonburi Motorway
The traffic came to a full stop and it was bumper to bumper in all 4 lanes

We passed Chonburi and we had expected the traffic to pick up after the toll box in Chonburi. But the road to Pattaya was full and it was all cars from Bangkok. In Thailand you can see on the plate where the car comes from. Friday, a religious holiday and that means a long holiday and the Bangkokians leave Bangkok.

And that means traffic jam on the highways going North, South, West and East. We were on the last stretch towards Pattaya and the exit to Rayong. The original plan was to pass Pattaya and go to Ban Chang on Sukhumvit Road. Dinner in Ban Chang and a sleeping pill at 8 o'clock as weYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stexpected to have to wake up at 5 thirty.

We had not reached Pattaya and by now we had expected to be in Ban Chang already. We were hungry and we passed a sign saying gas stop and restaurants 5 km ahead. So we decided to check it out. A restaurant sign in Thailand doesn’t necessary means any restaurant I wanted toLaxbutikenhave a bite at.

But along the highway to Pattaya most likely means a few choices with good restaurants. But nothing guaranteed as it is along the road. The only 2 good “TOP OF THE LINE” road side restaurants I know of are in Sweden. Gyllene Uttern and Laxbutiken

Took an eternity to reach the gas stop and we saw several signs with restaurants, among them S&PS&P Restaurantand they have very good food. We turned off the road and instant disappointment. ThisBlack Canyon Coffeevery branch of S&P was just a shop to buy cookies.

But we were lucky, there was also a Black Canyon Coffee, and they are serving OK food. Chester’s Grill and Mc Donald’s are of course available, but this was not the kind of food we wanted to have.

But for road side, Black Canyon Coffee restaurant is great. They didn't had any Diet MAX . But it was OK to go buy a bottle at 7 Eleven and I had a little something to enjoy with my meal.

Aladdin's adventure at Black Canyon Coffee
Finally, we could sit down having a meal. And the baby was hungry and crying

Aladdin's adventure at Black Canyon Coffee
He was soon happy again

Aladdin's adventure at Black Canyon Coffee
He was soon happy again

Aladdin's adventure at Black Canyon Coffee
Now he had enough and he was ready for mischief’s

Aladdin's adventure at Black Canyon Coffee
He was full and happy again and now he started to play

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThe baby was soon full and happy again. And as he was eating first he was ready, full of energy and happy busy playing mischiefsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwith us while we were trying to eat.

There is always the risk of being considered a creep and that someone is calling the Police up on you. But I love to look at children when they are playing. Always happy, well, except for whenYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthungry, tired or when the younger children's diaper is full.

A string turns in to a super tanker, a box turns in to a racing car and a tea cup suddenly transforms in the a airplane. Or just running around laughing. We were soon on the way again andAladdin's adventure at Royal Place Ban Changwe decided to skip Sukhumvit Road and we turned on the high way to Rayong hoping that there would be an exit to Ban Chang.

Royal Place Hotel, impossible to find and we stopped several times to ask around. I had printed the map before we left, but nothing helped. We spent 2 to 3 hours looking for the place.

We passed Royal Place Serviced Apartments and we decided to go check it out. We had passed it before, but as it was serviced apartments we never checked it out.

Royal Place Serviced Apartments turned out to be the place. And I was not in a very good mood. It was way passed bed time. OK, we had received the good news, no need to get up at 5 thirty. WeAladdin's adventure at Offshore Restaurant in Ban Changgot a bonus hour to sleep, the alarm will go off at 6 thirty.

We took off to Offshore Restaurant to check out the Aladdin Pizza. This is the same owner as the New Cowboy Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok. And they have had the “Aladdin Pizza” on the menu for at least 25 years. We were always at New Cowboy eating and I always ordered my special pizza and in order to avoid the confusion the just added the Aladdin Pizza to the menu.

And they are obviously having the same menus in Bangkok and in Ban Chang. So of course, we had to go have a Aladdin Pizza. The owner’s wife recognised me, and I have not seen her for at least 15 years. And of course, I didn't recognise her.

Aladdin's adventure at Offshore Restaurant in Ban Chang
The baby is still full of energy

Aladdin's adventure at Offshore Restaurant in Ban Chang
There is always something new and funny to discover

Aladdin's adventure at Offshore Restaurant in Ban Chang
Waiting for the food at Offshore Restaurant

Aladdin's adventure at Offshore Restaurant in Ban Chang
Waiting for the food at Offshore Restaurant

She showed me the web page of the restaurant a guy I know runs. He used to be the Manager at New Cowboy Restaurant in Bangkok some 20 years ago. The food looked good and I knew the guyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI'm sure the food is good. And we made a decision right there and then to go for a meal there tomorrow. Lunch or dinner, we will see.

I had my Pizza and luckily enough, they never brought the deep-fried mozzarella sticks that I hadYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stordered. But my “Best looking guy in town 2014” had taken a few punches today. It wasnormal diet until we left Bangkok. Well, until we reached the highway as I had my carrot and 2 apples in the car.

But no afternoon salmon and fresh fruit from Tops Market in the afternoon and evening. For sure, there was no salmon sashimi at Grand Canyon. But as I said to my friend. Friday night, 30Aladdin's adventure at Tesco Lotus in Ban Changbottles of San Miguel Light and on top of that a 10000 calories hangover kit. A weekend gives me enough calories to last me for a month. So a Pizza on Friday night is nothing to worry about.

We left Offshore Restaurant and7 Eleven in Ban Changwe were looking for a 7 Eleven to buy a Diet MAX before going back to the hotel.

We didn't pass any 7 Eleven on the way to Sukhumvit so we stopped at Tesco Lotus on Sukhumvit. At the same Soi where our “hotel” is located. We went in and they had some balloon arranged as a heart. Yes,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stit is Valentine's Day.

I forced my friend and his wife to have a seat so I could have a picture as a small remembrance of Valentine's Day 2014 in Ban Chang. My friend wanted to buy beer but
Makha Bucha

On this day, the full moon of the third lunar month; seven months after Buddha began his teachings, 1,250 monks gathered to hear Buddha preach. Buddha ordained these monks and spread the principles of Buddhism. This marked a key event in the development of the religion.

45 years later, on the same full moon in the third lunar month, Buddha again delivered his teachings shortly before his death.

This third lunar month on which both events occurred is known in Buddhist Pali language as 'Makha'. 'Bucha', means to honour.

Despite the great age of these events, (Buddha was teaching over 2,500 years ago) Makha Bucha only became a holiday in 1957. Prior to 1957, the third lunar month was celebrated as a Buddhist Holy Day.

In the morning many Thai people wake up early to give alms to monks. In the evening, temples are full of people listening to sermons. They often perform a ritual known as the candle ceremony where they walk clockwise three times around the temple. Holding flowers, incense and a lighted candle.

as it is a religious holiday in Thailand alcohol are not allowed to be sold. Makha Bucha and the date depend on Lunar cycle.

My friend was disappointed, he had been on me all day long about drinking beer.
- Are you crazy? We have to wake up at 6 thirty!

And I could not help it, I just had to pester him when they didn't sold any beer.
- Have a Diet MAX with me!

We went to the Cashier and I spotted some fabric softener. I had bought it before and it smelled very good. But I could not find the softener last time buying softener. I called my friend and heAladdin's adventure in Ban Changhelped me to carry all the softener they had.

And of course, I had to explain why I bought all the fabric softener. It must have been a 20 liters drum of softener. And the Cashier looked at us and I could see that she wanted to ask about the fabric softener. But sheYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stknew that it was none of her business.

We paid for the Diet MAX and the fabric softener. We filled up the trunk in my friend's car with my fabric softener and we took off towards the “hotel” We were cruising down the Thetsaban 34 when my friend suddenly did a U-turn. We had passed a MOM & POP store and my friend wanted to see if they had beer.

He bought 6 cans of beer. But he told me that he was only going to drink one beer. One beer andAladdin's adventure at Royal Place in Ban Changthen he could fall sleep very easy and he would be in “TOP FORM” tomorrow morning.

We continued to our hotel and I prepared myself for a shower when it knocked on my door. It was my friend and he had a beer in his hand.

I told him that I was about to go to have a shower and he could stay until he had finished his beer. I had my shower and a sleeping pill and I was asleep not long after 10 o'clock.
And I will hopefullyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbe full of vim when they call me at 6 thirty tomorrow morning.

Well, while making this I was soon to realise that I had to split the monk Ordination adventure at Wat Klong Sai -วัดคลองทราย in Ban Chang in two. Or I would have blown the page out of proportions due to all the pictures. So hang on ! I'm pretty sure this will be fun!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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