Written onboard M/T Ek-Star August 2010

Kvarnberget, Göteborg Autumn 1989

Thursday 14 th of September 1989 and it was quite nice to back home in Gothenburg even though I had cubic tonnes of school work to take care of.

Friday 15 th of September 1989
and yes, I was still home, no need to rush of to schoolGöteborgon a Friday. Well, anyway, my friend had been driving from Helsingborg in the morning.
- I will come to pick you up and we can go to Helsingborg.
Helsingborg- OK.
He stayed for a very short time, I think that we went to buy beer at Femman before we left Gothenburg for Helsingborg. Of course, he hadHelsingborgbrought a driver with him so we were drinking beers on the way toHelsingborgHelsingborg.

We stopped at my friend's apartment and picked up his girlfriend and then we went to the ferry terminal. SFL, yes, I think LB had changed the name to SFLHelsingborgby then, but I'm not sure.

We had one or two tours across Öresund before we left the ferry in Helsingborg. We never got off the ferry in Helsingør, no need, there was plenty beer on the ferry.

I remember this evening, yes, still today, we went to see my brother and his friend and then we were off to Källarkrogen. But it seems, at least according to my pictures that we went to a grill in South of Helsingborg before going to see my Brother and his friend.

Heden's Korvkiosk, Helsingborg
Heden's Korvkiosk, Helsingborg
I don't know what the **** we did at Heden's Korvkiosk, most likely we had a hamburger. But IHelsingborgremember being there a few times duringHelsingborgthe years, and drunk every time.

So I don't know if it's because it was fun (most likely not) or if it was because that this was not a place where you ate when sober. (Most likely) But I remember, and this must have been back in 1987 when Tone Loc came out with his CDHelsingborgLoc-ed after dark. And if I remember it rightHelsingborgthere was a video with a guy having a turntable as a guitar.

Yes, wasn't it Funky Cold Medina? Well, anyway, they played this video at Heden's Korvkiosk and IHelsingborgthink this is the reason for me to remember the darn Heden's Korvkiosk

There wasn't anything else to remember it for. Well, according to my pictures, most of them of a very low quality, we must have covered most of Helsingborg that evening before we ended up at Källarkrogen

Källarkrogen was one of the best places in Helsingborg, at least until they made the sameHelsingborgmistake as Columbus did in Gothenburg. They became popular and crowded. So the knocked down some walls to make it bigger and the atmosphere disappeared.

I had not been in Helsingborg or Fortet in a long time. Not very convenient to go to Fortet without a car and my car was towed to the scrap yard almost one year earlier. So I had stayed most of the previous spring semester in Gothenburg.

But this evening I meet several of the people I knew from back at Fortet and it was nice. I think it was this very evening I got the news about Fortet being burnt down to the ground.
On the Northern breakwater to the Port of Helsingborg was a place called Rockpiren in the midHelsingborg80's. But back in 1989 I think there was a few other clubs at the sea front and we were going to see if there was any action.

Of course, I don't remember if we found any action. But I remember that we were dragging around on my friend's push bike.

Yes, this was Friday night. Most likely I stayed in Helsingborg Saturday and I returned home to Gothenburg and my school by train on Sunday.

I had plenty to do in school. Last year I managed to do f@ck all so they did not accept me for myGöteborg/ Gothenburgthird year. I had scored 0 on my second year.
- You don't have enough scores to continue. You have to take this year course by course.

Well, it was just to get started. I had to take all the tests and exam from my second year at the same time as I did the test and exams for my third year. Well, how hard can it be? + & - and if it gets difficult I might have to use multiplication.

No, I could not see any problem, only opportunities and possibilities. Opportunities, yes, a young student and plenty parties ahead of me in the 2 coming semesters. It will be fun!
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
I completed my TO DO list from lastyear, but this year I had a new TO DO list:
• Kick arse
• Kick arse
and Kick arse. It would have been embarrassing to go through yet another year of school just to come up with ZIP. So my intentions were very good for this year.

We were kicked out from my apartment in Gothenburg spring 1988 so I lived in my friend's old student room at Masthugget, Gothenburg. He finished his school springGöteborg/ Gothenburg1988 and as I didn't had any place to live he kept his student room.

When he finished school he started the military academy. Back then the SwedishKungen o SilviaIce Breakers were managed by the Swedish navy so you needed to be a Navy Officer to drive the ice breakers. So this is what he did after school.

Well he told me one story from when he was on a Swedish navy ship. Of course, there is a pictureGöteborg/ Gothenburgof the King and Queen in the mess room on Swedish navy ships. He was eating with the Commander when he asked:
- Who are the old lady and guy hanging on the wall?
Well, they never spoke with each other again.

Well, he had missed one exam in the navigation schoolGöteborg/ Gothenburgso he needed to do it again and thus he had to go to our school in Gothenburg to take the last exam.

So he needed to stay for one night and he lived in my room for one night. Yes, he had been in my room for a few minutes when we opened the first beer and it didn't take us long before weGöteborg/ Gothenburgwere at Columbus.

I don't remember if he made it to school in time for his exam, or if he passed. But he was back again to do an exam in Gothenburg.

By then I had moved out of my student room and heGöteborg/ Gothenburgwanted to live in my apartment. Unlucky for him, I was kicked out the very same day he arrived to town and I had to move to Bangkok. My friend, I had to board him in my friend'sGöteborg/ Gothenburgapartment.

I meet a few people I had been in school with back in 1985 when I startedGöteborg/ Gothenburgthe Navigation school on Kvarnberget.

Kvarnberget, Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget is closed now and the school had moved out on Hisingen. But going out for a beer in Gothenburg and you were running in to people from the school. Gothenburg is not that big city.

Sjöbefälsskolan, Kvarnberget - Göteborg/ Gothenburg
The Autumn went on and as the semester proceeded and I had not been to school. Well, I went toGöteborg/ Gothenburgdomy exams and up 'till now I had done and passed my exams for year 3 and the exams for year 2 for the same period last year. Without attending any classes!

I went to do my exams in school, otherwise I was just in school to drink beer at “Ölautomaten” as we called it. “Ölautomaten” was the thing that started of Frasses Pub at our school.

“Ölautomaten”, a vending machine for soda pops. But of course, on Kvarnberget the machine was filled withGöteborg/ Gothenburgbeers and located at Kåren (Student union in Swedish). Well, as I said, this school was not one of the hardest topass. A few pluses and a few minus.

I don't remember what I did all day long, but I remember that we spent many hours at“Ölautomaten”. And for every hour spenthome in bed reading school books I spent 25 hours at “Ölautomaten” at Kåren.

And to live in a student home together with 7 other students. Yes, might be good if you have some self discipline. But it was more fun to sit in the kitchen talking about the good ol' times with he other student, especially if you had to choose between that or a boring school book.
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
Göteborg/ Gothenburg

Göteborg/ Gothenburg
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
Gothenburg is not a very nice place during the autumn and winter, always raining and strong winds.Opiumhålan, Stigberget, Göteborg/ GothenburgBut I walked to school every day (Those days I went to “Ölautomaten”).

It was nice, I got a chance to wake up. It was the same route every day: 2a Långgatan, Järntorget, Kungsgatan and then Västra Hamngatan across the Canal to Smedjegatan.

And at the end of Smedjegatan wehad the dreaded stairs up to Sjöbefälsskolan on top of Kvarnberget. It took me about 30 minutes' to walk to school. Of course, if I had been drinkingOpiumhålan, Stigberget, Göteborg/ Gothenburgbeer I took a taxi back home

Saturday 14 th of October 1989
and I had twoGöteborg/ Gothenburgfriends visiting me in Gothenburg. They were with a ship in Gothenburg. Loading or discharging, I don't have a clue. But they called me and they came over to my student home.

Didn't take long before we started to drink beer. They arrivedGöteborg/ Gothenburgduring day light, at least it looks like that when I look atGöteborg/ Gothenburgthe pictures.

But daylight means f@ck all in Sweden during October. Daylight and next second its pitch dark. I don't knowhow much beer we drank, but it must have been a lot judging from theGöteborg/ Gothenburgpictures. One of my friends passedout in the sofa outside my room. But this is normal and no one gotGöteborg/ Gothenburgembarrassed.

More than 20 years ago and I remember them visiting me, but I don't remember what we did or where we went. For sure, we went to Columbus, but after that?

Göteborg/ Gothenburg
Yes, I remember the stairs from my student home down to 2a Långgatan and from there it was 150 meters to Columbus. There was an elevator, but this elevator was something you avoided at all cost. It smelled of piss and puke so I always took the stairs.
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
I don't know if my fellow students at the home appreciated my stereo. Well, most of the time theyGöteborg/ Gothenburgwere in my room drinking when we had the music on. But I remember one time. There was a lesbian girl living at the student home.

I and two others from the student home were playing Ice-T. The CD “Power” and I think this is the best CDGöteborg/ GothenburgIce-T have done. The rest of them are pretty much crap, except maximum 1 or 2 tunesGöteborg/ Gothenburgon each of the CDs.

Well, anyway, this girl was standing outside my room looking in. She was just giving us a patronizing scoff.
- Men!
And then she left.

By the look of my pictures I got a small sofa in my room, must have been at the end of October. Well, I guess it's better than sitting in my bed.
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
One day at the end of October my friend came over for a drink and we called one of my classGöteborg/ Gothenburgmates. He was living close to me and I used to go toGöteborg/ Gothenburgvisit him to try his pickled cucumbers. And they were excellent, so I spend quite some time there.

I even got the recipe, but I never tried it out. Of course, this was nothing you did in the student kitchen.
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
This is also one of those days I remember. It started with a beer and later we had vodka andGöteborg/ Gothenburgorange juice on the table. Two of the other peopleGöteborg/ Gothenburgliving in the student home joined us.

And a quiet evening turned in to a night of heavy drinking. My friend, he lives in Thailand by now. But he still talks about this evening 21 year ago. Yes, it's nice to be a student lollingGöteborg/ Gothenburgaround in bedall day long and up allHelsingborgnight long.

I don't remember what I did in Helsingborg, but according to my pictures I spent quite some time there and itHelsingborgwas time to go visit Källarkrogen again. Fortet was closed down so I guess Källarkrogen was the only place worthHelsingborgvisiting.

I must have travelled by train and I remembered that I went to Källarkrogen, maybe thanks to my pictures.

I also remembered that I slept in my friend' apartment.HelsingborgBut as I remember it, I only stayed one night before returning to Gothenburg. But I'm not sure.

Back then I listened to German metal and I knew a guyHelsingborgwith a record store in Helsingborg.

Skiv City, at least I think the name was “Skiv City”, yes, after a quick look on the internet I found out that the nameGothenburg/ Göteborgwas “Skiv City”. He used to send me records in Gothenburg and when I was in Helsingborg I used to drop by to see how they were doing.

Friday 3 rd of November 1989
and November is not a veryGöteborg/ Gothenburgnice month to be living in Gothenburg. well, November is not very nice anywhere in Sweden. My friend was going to have a dinner so me andGöteborg/ Gothenburgmy friend went over for a snack and plentyof beers. Dinners are just an excuse toGöteborg/ Gothenburgget drunk.
And this was what they call a dinner only for guys. I don't know how it is outside Sweden. But in Sweden they haveGöteborg/ Gothenburga stupid tradition to have dinner parties only for guys respective girls.

I don't know who came up with the idea, but I don't get the point.
- Hmm, well, maybe to avoid making a total tit out of yourself after a few beers.
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
That might be a reason, as my Teacher in Bangkok told me 20 years later.
- Aladdin, when you have had a few beers you just speaks your mind revealing all your secrets.
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
OK, she has a good point and for sure, after a dinner with only guys there is no need to changeGöteborg/ Gothenburgschool or name. Well, we finished the darn dinner andGöteborg/ Gothenburgwe went to the bar at Hotel Riverton. At least according to my pictures.

Hotel Riverton, who the hell wants’ to spend a Friday night in the bar at Hotel Riverton? I had never been there beforeGöteborg/ Gothenburgand as soon as we got thee I understood why. Not exactly the place where the music was blasting high on the Richter scale. Actually, I can't remember them playing any music at all.

After Hotel Riverton we left for Brasseri Lip and we had hit rock bottom of Gothenburg's night life.

Saturday 4 th of November 1989
and I had a shower when I woke up. Breakfast? No, what a waste of time. I went to “Ölautomaten” at the school to meet some friends.

Our school was just 2 minutes away from where we had haveGöteborg/ Gothenburgthe dinner yesterday. After a few beers at “Ölautomaten” we went there. We wereGöteborg/ Gothenburginvited to party later on in the night, and what's better than to arrive to a party handsome?
Nothing, so we continued to drink beer.
Just enough to get us handsomeand dashing.
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
Göteborg/ Gothenburg
And have you noticed how everyone is smoking on my pictures from back in the 80's? Even thinkingGöteborg/ Gothenburgabout bringing out a fagtoday is enough toGöteborg/ Gothenburgget you lynched.

I did not know too many of the people at the party. So I called my friend and he came over in ataxi. We had a few beers before we left to another friend's apartment on Hisingen. And taxi, that's another big change today. SwedenGöteborg/ Gothenburgwas like East Germany back in the 80'sGöteborg/ Gothenburgand Göteborg taxi was the only company allowed to provide taxi service in Gothenburg.

So as you understand, finding a taxi on a Saturday night was nothing you did in a jiff.

I still remember all the waiting, and of course, it was worst when you were drunk and you wanted to go back home in the wee hours. Today it's theopposite, the drivers are fighting each other to take you.

We got to Hisingen and two of our friends was in theGöteborg/ Gothenburgapartment drinking beer. So we joined in, there was plenty beers so no risk of running out of the amber.

Sunday 5 th of October 1989
and we had not slept anythingGöteborg/ Gothenburgduring the night. Our friend had a remarkable record collection. Thousands of records so there were enough to keep us busy all night long. When thePizza Restaurant around the corner opened up we went to get 4 pizzas.

Pizza, energy is needed when we're skipping our sleep.Göteborg/ GothenburgEven if we were ONLY 20 years old we needed some vitamins.

It was no surprise that we ended up at Columbus at 2a Långgatan and we meet a guy.hmm, I'm not sure, but I think he had been in school with us. But I'm not sure. But we knew him and I usually meet him at Columbus.

When we got kicked out from Columbus we went to my student room for more beers.
One of the good thing by knowing the people running “Ölautomaten” is to have beers available 27 Seven. So we took a taxi to “Ölautomaten” to get a case of beers before we returned to my student room.
Göteborg/ Gothenburg

Göteborg/ Gothenburg
I'm sure the other people living at the student home were happy when we came home. OK, we wereGöteborg/ Gothenburg20, but by the look of the picture we were still up drinking beer (Well, most of us) when the sun came up Monday morning the 6th of November 1989.

We had not been sleeping for a few days. One long party, trying to do the same today would be suicide.

Well, this is what I call a long weekend. But unnecessary to say. I did not go to school during the Monday.

Well, there were big historic event taking place during the upcoming week, the Berlin Wall came down and of course, we took off to Berlin to help them take down the wall.

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