OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

March 2012

Thursday 15 th of March 2012 and we arrived to West Coast Pier around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. We passed Immigration and it was so nice to finally be ashore. But where is our Driver? We called the Agent and the Driver would arrive 2 thirty, he would call the driver again.
- He might be there already!
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
I found a minimart, but they only accepted cash and I had no Singapore dollars. I asked if I could pay with Scooby Dollars and I handed him a 20 US$ bill. I got 4 cans of Tiger and 2 Singapore dollars back. We opened our beers and it took less than a minute before our mini bus arrived. And of course, it wa snot allowed to drink in the car.

I knew the road back to China Town, this was the very same way I took the taxi back and forth between the Poly marina and my hotel every day when I did my course back in October 2011. We arrived to my hotel, the FURAMA City Centre in China Town. Can't wait to get a hot shower and a new shirt on. Then I need to get to an ATM for some cash.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
They will continue to the airport
The Painters would continue to the airport for their flight to Manila. The Driver followed me to the reception to make sure that I checked in. I was jumping up and down, impatient to get a shower and some sleep. I had been up since early morning and I didn't felt asleep until 3 in the morning thanks to all the vetting inspection excitements.

The girl in the reception went on and on while she looked at her computer. I was about to jump in front of a bus but suddenly.
- He is booked at the expensive part of the hotel. An executive room!
She pointed to a desk with comfy seats in front of it at the other side of the hotel.
- You have to check in over there.
- What theI'm booked at the executive part of your hotel and now I have to trot around the hotel. If this is so executive shouldn't they come over to me?

I brought my stuff and I went over to a very beautiful girl at the EXECUTIVE desk.
- Where is the bar?
We were actually sitting next to something that turned out to be a bar and
- One San Miguel Light, Please!
- Sorry, no have
- Tiger Light?
- Sorry, no have
- OK, A Tiger in a wine glass with ice
So I enjoyed my beer, spilling it all over the desk while I did the paper work with the girl. I asked for a ATM and there should be one just across the street. Well, I have to use my AMEX so it will be a wee bit more difficult to find an ATM accepting AMEX than “just across” the street. Yes, Ihave MasterCard and VISA cards, but as usually I have forgotten the pin code. AMEX is the only card where I could choose my own pin code.
- You are in the executive room so you can have free cocktails in the executive lounge
- I don't drink cocktails
- There is beer
- Well, I prefer to enjoy my beer at a nice place
- It is free
- As soon as I have been at a ATM I can afford to buy my own beers. At any place I choose!

An expensive beer at a nice place with music is better than a free beer in an executive lounge without any music, at least good music. And I doubt that the executive lounge has anything remindingof Aladdin's FUNKY CORNER.

I got to my room and I had a shower before going to bed. I gave up trying to fall asleep after 30 minutes so I went up to have a beer while updating my web page with the latest pictures. I openedthe mini bar.
- WHAT!!?? EMPTY!!

What theis this? Executive room?
• Yes, there is a big ass TV that I will never use.
• We are on the executive floor, I wanted a low floor.
• When I checked in the told me that they were going to put some EXCLUSIVE shampoo and stuff in my room
- F@ck the shampoo! Don't disturb me!
• They charge me extra
But nothing in the minibar. OK, that gave me a reason to go see the beautiful girl at the

hey just droppin in to say him and see how you were! Sophia told me to tell you hi for them and that Ek misses you lol....any idea when you will be back in March yet?
EXECUTIVE desk. She would see to it and there would soon be Tiger in my room. Yes, this weekend will not make any good for my diet, but I will start my new life next Monday when I'm back in FUNKY TOWN. And then it will be Thai boxing twice a day. I got an e-mail a few days ago asking me when I would be back at the boxing.
So this is the last (and first) weekend with fun and beer. And it is also,hopefully the last weekend with hangover.

I had a hard time finding an ATM accepting AMEX. When I finally found one they only had 10 dollar bills. And I emptied the ATM machine and I could not close my valet. There was a serviceAladdin's adventure in Singaporeman telling me that there was an ATM at People's park just across the street.

So I went there and I found the ATM and I withdraw 1000 dollars in 50 dollar bills. I took out the 10 dollar bills and I went looking for a place to swap them for 50 dollar bills.

I went in to a camera shop and they could give me 2 50 dollar bills. Then 2 more and when they handed me the 3rd I asked if they had any Canon cameras. Nothing else will do, quality first so she doesn't have to bother showing me SONY or Panasonic or something like that.
- Of course we have Canon
So I spent 280 dollars on a new Canon. My other Canon is still working, but it starts to get old and I had some problem with the lens after my water adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra. So I'm better off having a back up camera.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
If I would have been careful with my cameras we would never got to see pictures like this

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
If I would have been careful with my cameras we would never got to see pictures like this

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
If I would have been careful with my cameras we would never got to see pictures like this

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
If I would have been careful with my cameras we would never got to see pictures like this

I had some fish and chips in the hotel restaurant when I returned to my hotel. The restaurant is nice and the fish and chips were excellent. I returned to my room to leave my stuff and cards before I went to take a taxi to Club Street.

I ended up at a place called IndoChina or something like that.
- One San Miguel Light, Please!
- Sorry, no have
- Tiger Light?
- Coming up
When he came back with my Tiger Light he told me that they only had 2 bottles
- I take both of them
I finished the Tiger Light in 0,3 and I paid my bill. Suddenly I was surrounded by nice people so I ordered a Tiger Original
- Please, can I have a wine glas and ice
- No problem.
When I ordered bottle #9 they told me that I was a good drinker. I was reallyhoping that they wouldn't have to see me crawling in the gutters later on. Singapore is really nice and there were a lot of nice people out to let their hair down. I was at a place with a guy from Singapore and wemeet a girl from Australia. And God, she was beautiful.
The Singaporean guy told me that he thought that I liked Asian girls.
- Look at her. Never mind where she comes from. She is beautiful.

By then I had had a case of beer so I don't remember what she did in Singapore. But she was working with something. I don't remember what time it was. Well, not that I kept track of the time. I think the Ying Yang roof top bar was the last stop for me at Club Street.
Aladdin's adventure at Club Street in Singapore
Club Street in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Club Street in Singapore
Club Street in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Club Street in Singapore
Club Street in Singapore

Aladdin's adventure at Club Street in Singapore
Club Street in Singapore

I took a taxi to Duxton to see if I could find the Bistro where I spent a lot of time back in October 2011. As mentioned, I had had a case of beer and no sleep so when we came to Duxton I told the driver to take me to my hotel.

Friday 16 th of March 2012
and it was not an nice experience to wake up. I have not had an hangover for a very long time and I had forgot what it was like. Going home or stay in Singapore? No cold water in my EXECUTIVE room. I really felt bad, a raving hangover force 9,6 is nothing I had wished for. Never again, well, when in Singapore I can't spend Friday night in my hotel room.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
This was an experience that I could have lived without. But the song lit up my day and I felt better. And as in the song, just ONE more party!Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore

Coming down in the reception and I was impressed by the hotel for the first time. They were still serving breakfast. I started by complaining about the water.
- Most of our customers prefer room temperate water
- Have you launched an f@cking investigation
For sure, I have only experienced a few people asking for room temperate water. Most of the time they want cold water. And why is the water in the refrigerator in all the minimarts? And in the restaurants, try to remember last time you had water in a restaurant. Was it cold or room temperate? Yes, it was cold, but I guess this hotel, well, I'm not even bothered going there. I just make a note that they try to lie to me and I will never stay at this hotel again. Even Swiss hotel Stamford would be better.

I took a taxi to Thai airways and I changed my flight to 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. My 12 thirty flight was too early for me, especially if I'm going to spend the night drinking beer.
Aladdin's adventure at FURAMA City Centre in Singapore

And why the f@ck do they serve cold water in their restaurant when most of their guests prefer room temperate water? The twat in the reception even suggested that I should by some water at 7Aladdin's adventure at Club Street in SingaporeEleven before coming back to my room. OK, sorry for that, I wasn't supposed to go there. But I could not help myself.

I asked the staff at Thai Airways for a 7 Eleven and they told me that there was a 7 Eleven not far away. I told them that I would go to buy a bottle of water and I would come back to pick up my ticket and frequent flyer card in a few minutes. I went to buy my water while they did my ticket. I really didn't felt like hanging around their office while my hangover was raving. Freezing one second just to start sweating the next second.

And I was not happy when I checked the fridge at 7 Eleven. Pepsi NEX, what happened with the delicious MAX. The Pepsi NEX I bought in Korea tasted like... shit. Next thing and they had dragged this shit to Bangkok.Hmm, might be a good thing, I can finally give up the diet drinks.

I took a taxi back to my hotel ad I spent a few hours struggling with my hangover. I left my roomAladdin's adventure at FURAMA City Centre in Singaporeat 3 o'clock with e freshly burnt “TAXI CD” in my pocket. The girl at the executive desk waved and smiled at me when I came down to the reception.

- Aladdin!!
I went over to her desk and she asked if I was coming to the club tonight. - What club?
She told me that they had an executive club that was open between 6 and 8 every night. I asked if she would be there and she was going to be in charge. I asked about the music and the people usually going there.
- It is the executive guests
- So you want me to sit there with a bunch of old people drinking free cocktails
She realised that I was up for more fun stuff to do.
- Yeah, you're right. They are a wee bit old.

I took a taxi to Clarke Quay for a few afternoon beers. I had my first beer at a place with very bad music so I left as soon as I had finished my beer. I walked around Clarke Quay and I ended up at a place called Singapore sling. No San Miguel Light or Tiger Light so I had 4 or 5 Tiger with ice in wine glass. I passed a place called the Forbidden City and I stopped for a beer.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
IndoChine at Clarke Quay
Turned out to be the very same owner as the IndoChine I was at yesterday on Club Street. I sawthat they had the same t-shirts as they staff had on Club Street. I asked why they had theAladdin's adventure in SingaporeSwedish flag on the back of the t-shirt.
- The owner is married to a girl from Sweden.

They had the flag of the countries where they had the IndoChine restaurants.
- We don't have restaurants in Australia and Sweden. The owner is from Australia and he is married to a Swedish girl.

We were soon having my TAXI CD blasting high on the Richter scale and we were also soon out of Tiger Light. Same as yesterday, I ordered a Tiger Light and they told me that they only had 2 bottles.

I was lucky and they found a third bottle but I was soon to have to drink Tiger Original and they gave me a wine glass and ice.

The music was good and I was more than tipsy when I left the place. I was a wee bit hungry and IAladdin's adventure in Singaporewent to look for a Japanese restaurant. Salmon and avocadosushi, I haven't had any salmon and avocado sushi for a very long time and I have missed the salmon sushi.

Yeah, we remember that I wasAladdin's adventure in Singaporelooking for sushi back in Brisbane, but I came up with nothing.

I had 3 plates of sushi and 2 jars of hot sake before I continued towards the Boat Quay by foot.

I crossed the bridge and I ended up at the club just on the other side. They had not opened, but the door was open so I went inside and it was no problem to get a beer. And we were soon having the music blasting high on the Richter scale.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
The bridge over to the Boat Quay

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
Boat Quay

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore
Boat Quay

I walked through the tunnel under the bridge and I was at the Boat Quay. I went straight toAladdin's adventure in SingaporeEskibar and the bar tender recognised me.
- You're back

Good music and nice people and I ended up at a table with 2 beautiful girls. And Eskibar always have Tiger light so I had them coming to my table in a steady stream.

I decided to go check out Duxton Hill so I stopped a taxi and it took me a few minutes to reach Duxton. The Bistro was open and they recognised me. I did not even had to askAladdin's adventure in Singaporefor ice and wine glass for my beer. I don't know what time I went back to my hotel. But one of the perks with starting early is that you don't have to worry about closing times.

I stopped to buy water and hangover milk at 7 Eleven on my way back to the hotel. A hangover kit can come in handy and I don't need to call room service or go to the restaurant when I wake up with a hangover.
I really don't want to see any people when I have my hangover and now I can mind my own business with my hangover kit in my room.

Saturday 17 th of March 2012
and I woke up 20 minutes past 8 o'clock when the phone rang. I didn't have a clue where I was. And it took me some time to realise that I was in my hotel room and it took me some time to find the phone.
- Aladdin?
- Yes
- I'm coming to pick you up at 10
- NO, I changed my flight
- Your flight is 12:25
- No! I take a taxi! Don't call again, I take care of myself
I told them that I would arrange for my own transport to the airport when they dropped me at the hotel Thursday afternoon.

Of course it was impossible to fall asleep again. So I spent the morning drinking my hangover kit and I called the reception. I told them that I was checking out and that they could prepare my bill.

And yes, when I came to pay my bill nothing was prepared. I had them to make 3 or 4 bills before they got it right. The first bill was just the room
- I had beer
They gave me a new bill
- I had 6 beers
- I thought you said 1
There was a Chinese guy cutting in when we were doing the bill and I got angry.

Not even embarrassed, just cutting in when I'm talking with the guy in the reception. Well, he disappeared when I was growling at him. Yeah, I don't want to meet any people with my hangover. IAladdin's adventure in Singaporehad called them to prepare my bill so I could f@ck off out of there in a jiff.

So I was not in a good mood when I had to do the bill, reminding them of every item and on top of that the Chinese guy.

I threw myself in a taxi and we were soon on the way to Changi Airport. I checked in and I went to the Thai Lounge and I popped open a Tiger beer. 3 hours to go so there is a slight chance of our hero being a wee bit tipsy when he boards the flight.

Well, anyway, Aladdin's adventure in Singapore has come to an end for this time.Hopefully that is, who knows, maybe our hero gets too tipsy and he will have to extend his stay in Singapore,in a Police cell. But otherwise we swing right over to Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN

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