ArgonautHome port: Monrovia, Liberia
DEPTH: 30,40 m
DRAUGHT: 20,82 m
FREEBOARD: 9.580,0 mm

Gross tonnage:153340
Dead weight:285739
Built at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Heavy Industries ltd., Ulsan. Korea 1991
Engine:B & W on 31888 BHK
Speed:13,5 knots
She had 6 center and wing tanks with a capacity of 330375 m³
She had 3 cargo pump with a total capacity of 15000 m³/h

Owned and operated by Argonaut. Hornet Shipmanagement hired the crew and Ugland in England had the technical management.

M/T Argo Pallas - I was 2nd Officer onboard between 29th of October 1996 and 12th of April 1997

Argo Pallas
Argo Pallas
I took the photo when I signed on at Fyjayrah roads. For more ship pictures visit my photo page!!

Monday 25 th of October 1996 and I was taken straight to hotel Astoria when I arrived to the airport. Of course, I had to go through all the usual hazel at the airport with the immigration at arrival to Dubai. But this have changed, I expected the same hassle when I was back in 2005. But then I just got a stamp in my passport and a “Welcome to Dubai!”

I checked in and I went to the restaurant for my dinner. No time to visit Pancho Villa's this time, and I doubt that they would have let me in. They still recognised me at the hotel. And anyway, we will be taken to Fujairah early tomorrow morning.

I was sitting at a table and there were two guys on the table next to me and I could hear that they were speaking Swedish.
- Why don't you drink beer? It’s the company paying!
- We're not allowed to drink beer!
- No problem, just put it was water or soda. I have done it hundreds of times.

I never spoke with them, I will have the chance tomorrow. I was tired and I went to bed.

Tuesday 29 th of October 1996 and we left the hotel early morning for the ride to Fujairah. IJoining M/T Argo Pallas in Fujairah - 1996remember that we had an Inspector from Ugland and 2 Fitters with us in the bus. That’s what I remember.

But when looking at the picture of us boarding the launch in Fujairah I can see our Chief engineer and 2nd officer as well. So they must obviously have joined the ship with us.

And I will never forget the two fitters. We boarded thelaunch and I wedged a fresh snus first thing. One of the Fitters saw me with my snus.
- Are you using snus?
- Well, obviously.
- I have give up snus!
I just had time to think “Oh no! Not one of those I HAVEGIVEN UP SNUS guys” before he asked if he could have a snus.

- What the!?
I'm travelling around the globe carrying 4 to 5 months supply of snus with me. I go through all the trouble to arrange snus and now I'm stuck with a snusare who just gave up snus. I'm facing a 4-5 months tour of duty and this is the last thing I need. And as I suspected, I turned out to be the bad guy when he was coming around every day asking for snus. Can I buy some? You have so much.
Joining M/T Argo Pallas in Fujairah - 1996
Yes, I have much snus, but at the end of the trip there will not be much left, and that's if I keep it to myself. Motherf@cker, I understand if he asks for snus.
But I can't understand how anyone in the right mind can blame me for being a bad sport because I want to make sure my snus last until I go home.
Joining M/T Argo Pallas in Fujairah - 1996
Well, anyway, when arriving onboard they discharged tank cleaning water to a barge. We wereJoining M/T Argo Pallas in Fujairah - 1996bound for dry dock in Bahrain and we needed to be gas free. So they had done tank cleaning on the way and as we work for a Swedish company we discharge the tank cleaning water in a barge.

Imagine a PanamaGreek ship coming to dry dock.
- Tank cleaning water? Must have evaporated in the heat.

Coming onboard and I meet one of the second officers 2nd Officers. Mr. "Kvart i femman" and we had been working together on Argo Athena. Always nice to meet people you know. And that's even though I discovered that he was suffering someM/T Argo Pallas - 1996problem with his middle finger.
- Hey! You really should go see a Doctor about your finger, I suggested.

I also meet the 3rd Engineer from Argo Athena onboard. but I don't know if he was onboard or if he joined the ship in Bahrain. But I think he was onboard when I joined the ship. So I knew two guys onboard from before.

M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain
We arrived to Bahrain in the middle of the night and we dropped anchor early morning. I don't remember but I think we entered the dry dock in the afternoon the very same day.
M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain
I don't remember how long we stayed in the dry dock, but I think it was for a week. They
A sheikhdom consisting of a group of islands 32 km (20 miles) off the Arabian coast of the Gulf.
Capital: Manama
Area: 691 sq km (267 sq mi)
Population: 579,000 (1995)
Currency: 1 Bahrain dinar = 1,000 fils
Religions: Shiite Muslim 60.0 %; Sunni Muslim 40.0 %; Christian minority
Ethnic Groups: Bahraini Arab 68.0 %; Iranian, Indian, and Pakistani 24.7 %; other Arab 4.1 %; European 2.5 %
Languages: Arabic (official) and minority languages
International Organizations: UN; Arab League; OAPEC; OPEC; GCC

The largest island is some 16 km (10 miles) wide and three times as long. The climate is hot and humid, although rainfall is very light.

The country's exports are dominated by crude oil and petroleum products from a large oil refinery on Bahrain Island. An aluminium smelter constitutes the largest non-oil industry in the Gulf; there is also a growing banking and communications sector. Shipbuilding and repair in dry docks are also significant. Islam is the state religion. There is an array of social services: medical care is free, as is schooling to technical college level.

Iran, which ruled Bahrain from 1602 to 1783, was expelled by the al-Khalifas, who still reign. British political control dates from 1820. Oil was discovered in 1932, when the Bahrain National Oil Company was formed. After the withdrawal of Britain in 1971 and the abandonment by Iran of its claims, the country joined the Arab League. Tension between Shiite and Sunni communities increased, leading to the suspension of the National Assembly in 1975. Together with other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman), Bahrain repeatedly called for an end to the iran–iraq war (1980–88), while retaining its neutrality then and in the gulf war (1991). Its economy became increasingly diversified as oil reserves dwindled. Increasing opposition to the government and demands for the restoration of the National Assembly led to rising civil unrest in the mid-1990s.
painted the whole ship and the changed some plates on the hull. When we were finished in the dry dock we moved to a supply jetty next to the dry dock.
M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain
Even though we were busy we had time to go ashore for some shopping and I went to Bahrain almost every day, a 10 or 20 minutes' ride with a taxi to the centre of the capital Manama.

As we can see on the map it was a few minutes up the DRY DOCK HIGHWAY and then across the bridge and we were smack in Al Manama.
M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain
And, well, I don't have one single picture to show from Manama or Al Manamah. But pretty much like in Dubai, and very international atmosphere. Indians, Pakistani and Fillipinos doing the hard work and Westerners doing the hard thinking. No I did not come up with that, I read it in, Newsweek, I think.

As you can see on the above picture there was another supertanker in the dry dock when we arrived. So when she was ready we took her place and we left the dry dock ASAP when our paint was dry.
M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain
As you can understand it's very expensive to occupy a dry dock like this and we did the rest of theM/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrainwork alongside a jetty next to the dry dock.

They spent very much money on the paint. If I remember it right it took 40m³ of paint to cover the ship. That's 40 000 litres of paint and next time passing a paint store drop by to buy 1 litre and you will find out how much money they spent. Well, of course, you can ask for discount if you buy 40m³ but it will give you an idea.
I had to keep track of all the empty paint drums so I could make a rough estimation on how much we had consumed.

Maybe they will send a bill us for 50m³. But the money is not the problem, the problem is if itM/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahraintakes e.g. 40m³ to paint the hull and they only use 30M³. This is of course calculated before we're goin gto the dry dock. And the paint is at the ship yard when we arrive. Stand-by for use so we don't have to waste time waiting.

OK, so it takes 40m³ to paint the ship so it won't be too hard to understand that the job is not well done if they have only used 30m³. A lot of money spent on nothing.

And of course, I could only do a rough estimation when caunting the empty cans. But it was nice toM/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrainspend the day walking around the dock. It was hot, but Igot back onboard for water every now and then.

It was interesting to see how quick they got the job done. I don't know how many layers of paint they applied. But it went quick.

And while in the dry dock they checked our propeller, only chance they have to do this is in the dry dock. Interesting and the time turned quick.

Time was quick and when I had had my dinner and shower I took a walk to the gate to get a taxi toM/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahraintown. I can always find room for a few CDs in my bags. I also bought some videos. A mistake, I realized later on that it could be problem with the videos if I signed off in the Persian Gulf. Especially in Saudi Arabia.

But I was lucky. No one noticed my videos in Fujairah when I signed off. If they find any videos its big problem. They have to look through the videos to see if they can find any porn.M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain

As you understand this takes a long time and if they find
any porn you will find yourself in a shit load of problem

The days passed by and as I said, it was interesting. But it was also hard to walk up and down the dock. We had a draft of 20 meters and a 12 meters freeboard. Then add two or three meters and we get 35 meter from the bottom of the dock to our poop deck where the gangway was located. And the average height of a floor in an apartment building is,hmm, 2 and a half meters. So do the math and then ask yourself when was the last time you meet anyone taking the stairs up to the 14th floor. And another question you can ask yourself next time you take the elevator is “ Why is Aladdin looking so good?”
M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain

M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain
We got a new Captain and Chief Officer in Bahrain. The off signing Captain was the reason for me to leave the trade union for Deck Officers. This guy was elected to the representative or something like that for people working on foreign flagged vessels. Well, I had exactly f@ck all in common with this guy and he is going to represent me? NO WAY!

I don't know anyone that wasn't irritated with this guy. Every time you meet him on the ship he was puffing and groaning.
- I'm exhausted!
- From what? Doing f@ck all?
Where do they find these people? I'm exhausted, what a jerk!M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in BahrainWe had a guy from Argonaut and he brought a guy from Finland to install a new loading computer. We were going to try out NAPA OY, first time I saw the program. But now the NAPA OY is quite common in the ships. expensive and require a good computer to work well. But it's a nice program.

We also got an ECDIS, ADVETO and back in 1997 there were no charts so it was just a screen with contours of the continents. But charts were in progress and yet again, a Swedish company leading the way with edge breaking technologies.
M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain

M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain

M/T Argo Pallas at Ship yard in Bahrain
It was time to leave and we had a cargo of crude oil to Rotterdam. First parcel was loaded at Kargh Island,M/T Argo PallasIran and the second and last parcel were loaded in Ra's Tannurah, Saudi Arabia.

We loaded with 12000m³/h so it didn't took too long before we could leave Persian Gulf behind bound for Rotterdam.

And with this size of ship we have to go around Africa. Good, we could stop for provision and crew change in Cape Town.

And as it became more and more common with mobile phones people could call home when we got network coverage in South Africa. Good, and bad.

We had left Persian Gulf behind and I had the 3rd Engineer on my watch every day. Good, and bad.M/T Argo PallasGood, I had company. Bad, he was asking for ETA to the South African mobile network every day.
- What thedo I know?

Where are the antennas? He was measuring the distance to shore from our planned course line passing South Africa. He pointed at a position where we came close to shore.
- Do you think we can call from here?
- What thedo I know?
Distance to shore means f@ck all, it’s the distance to the mobile antenna that counts.

We did a stop in Cape Town, South Africa on our way to Rotterdam to take onboard provision.M/T Argo PallasMost of the times passing Cape Town we stopped for provision and crew change and we passed Cape Town on the way from/ to Europe and America. Well, we had a chance to order cakes, candy and stuff.
M/T Argo Pallas

When we left the ship yard we had several extra people onboard. We already knew the two 2 Fitters joining with me in Fujairah. We also had 2 welders onboard. I knew one of them from Argo Athena and they were onboard to make an emergency towing device forward and aft.
M/T Argo Pallas
And we got a riding squad in South Africa, I think it was 5 of them to come for cleaning theM/T Argo Pallasengine department. And we remember that I had been ona medical and health care course in Sweden before joining Argo Pallas.

Anyway, I was the Doctoronboard Argo Pallas and the riding squad was knocking on my door every day. Maybe I was the best Doctor they ever meet, what do I know? But I don't think that they ever had had a white doctor caring for them before.
M/T Argo Pallas
They came with all kinds of ailments and I lighted my lighter a few times and threw some feathers and a chicken heart around for a while.
- WOW!!!
Then I gave them a pill or some ointment and they day after I asked how they felt.

Yes, they were convinced that Ihad done some magic voodoo and hokus pokus. But they got the best treatment of Doctor Aladdin and when they left there were tears rolling down their cheeks. Of course, going back home to a country like South Africa and there wereM/T Argo Pallasno more Doctor to treat them.

Back home to a shanty town and their small shack built by empty cardboard board boxes and not much more. What a country!

On the way to Europe one of our Engineers had his birth day and our Cook made a birthday cake for him.

Actually, I got an e-mail from the birthday boy back in the summer of 2008. He had been surfing the internet in search if Argo Pallas and he had found my page.
Sent: Wed 20 Aug 2008 02:24
To: Aladdin
Vem är du? jag hittar inget namn någonstans.
Själv är jag maskinisten med tårtan på Argo Pallas.
Hör gärna av dig

When I came down to the day room after my watch ourM/T Argo Pallas birthday boy was serving beer and snacks.
M/T Argo Pallas

M/T Argo Pallas

He had filled one of the tables in the dayroom with chocolate, peanuts and stuff. Hmm, I had my “Only vegetables and fruit” bet running with the 3rd Engineer. Pretty much the same deal as on Argo Athena and we have the video drama fresh in mind.
Mess room on M/T Argo Pallas
So I had to stuff myself before he arrived to the day room. I had my hands in the peanut bowls while looking out the door. Peanuts, yummy!! I had time for quite a few peanuts before he came even though I had to check the door for him all the time.

3rd Engineer joined us for dinner so I skipped the cake, strictly salad only.
Mess room on M/T Argo Pallas
We arrived to Rotterdam on Christmas Eve. It was some kind of record when we came to Rotterdam. It had not been that cold for 20 years or something and this was for sure a record we could do good without.

We arrived 24th of December early morning to Rotterdam. Ugland had planned for an ISM audit and inspections on arrival. But it was Christmas Eve and there was only one representative from Argonaut coming onboard. I can't say that I was sorry for not meeting the Ugland representatives and the ISM audit I can manage without.

Well, we have had Pilot onboard since we entered the English Channel. And when things started to get interesting in Rotterdam. Rotterdam is a huge port, but when you arrive with a super tanker it feels kind of small. Now our Captain, yes, the oaf was replaced with a fully fledged drunk in Bahrain. Well, anyway, now Captain was running around looking for the country code for the Philippines.
- What the
I could not believe my eyes. In the middle of the arriving Captain disappears from the bridge. The Pilot was looking for Captain, but he had more important things to do.
M/T Argo Pallas in Rotterdam 1996
We had Christmas dinner and Argonauts representative joined us. I had the feeling that he hadpreferred to stay at home. And I would have guessed that he would have preferred to stay home with his family, but I didn't expect any prize for that.

We discharged our crude and at the end it was just a hair's-breadth that we could complete discharging. We had 22m freeboard and the cargo arm was not able to handle this heights. But we managed to get the ship empty and believe me when I say that it was nice to leave.
M/T Argo Pallas
We were bound for Africa and the sun shine. We had it with the winter and record breaking winter days. We left Christmas day for Pointe Noire, Congo. It was nice to leave the winter behind and we could have some BBQ, but I had my bet going.

Our Filipino crew must have a BBQ pig for Christmas or they will get grumpy. But we had to celebrate Christmas when we had left Europe behind and we could be on deck again.

We had the BBQ outside the kitchen and our 3rd Engineer was keeping an eye on me and my eating. But no problemas, our Pilipino crew held up a blanket and I could eat behind it.
3rd Engineer could see F... all.

We dropped our anchor over night at Pointe Noire and we proceeded to the SMP buoy in the morning. From the buoy we could see the white beaches and the palm tree. But I had no desire to go ashore even if it looked beautiful. If it would have been in Asia I would have jumped overboard. But Africa, nah, I prefer to stay onboard.
M/T Argo Pallas
There was a thunder storm passing while we were loading. And it was a heavy thunder storm so we had to stop loading for a while until the thunder storm had passed.

We loaded 1 parcel of crude in Congo and then we left for the last parcel in Forcados, Nigeria. OnM/T Argo Pallasthe way to Nigeria we found 2 stowaways that had climbed onboard on our anchor chain in Pointe Noire. Quite an achievement to climb 25m on an anchor chain. They thought that we were on the way to USA. Well, we had a surprise coming for them. Next port was Nigeria so it was bye bye with their Hip Hop careers.

Of course, we could not put them ashore in Nigeria. They would have shot them on the jetty first thing. Yes, Nigeria and no one cares.

I was walking around with the authorities on deck. They were inspecting (begging for stuff) the ship hoping to see something they could fine us for.
- Can I have an empty drum to for my house?
- No
-Can I have a pot of paint for my house?
I refused to give him anything and when we meet Captain he gave him everything he asked for. Where did they find this guy?

We were loading the crude in Congo and Nigeria for Kao-Hsiung and Shi-Lung on Taiwan so we were going to pass South Africa again. Our stowaways, not easy to get rid of them. But we managed to get them ashore in South Africa.

Well, Cape Town and network coverage with our GSM mobile phones again. So it's a good chance to call home before losing the network for 2-3 week before reaching Taiwan. And it's always the same when leaving Europe or Persian Gulf. First thing and we have an Engineer on the bridge.
- When do we arrive to Cape Town?
- In 2 weeks, I answer.
Then it's pissing and moaning. Can't you give me and better answer. I thought he was joking, but he wasn't.
- Can't you give me a time? Is it before or after lunch?
I don't believe this. What the! I told him that it's enough with head wind for a few days for us to be delayed for quite a few hours and even for a few days.
M/T Argo Pallas
Arriving to, well, approaching Cape Town, I and Captain on the bridge when he slows down and he makes a few hard to port and hard to starboard manoeuvres with the rudder to stop the ship.
- Soon arriving, he said.
- And where theare you going?
We had a long way to go before we were in Cape Town
- Oh, good to be two on the bridge to correct each other’s mistakes.
- No, you have been drinking yourself retarded and get your useless arse down from the bridge. Its better if I'm alone, motherf@cker!
We left the stowaways with a launch in Cape Town and we continued our voyage to Taiwan. Passing Singapore Strait and we had to drop anchor waiting for the high water before we could pass,hmm, I think it is One Fathom bank. With a 20 meters draft we need to pass during the high water.

Time to heave up the anchor, main engine are ready. Captain looking at the GPS, 50 NM to the next way point.
- Is that the distance to One Fathom Bank?
I don't know what happened with me, something snapped. Take a good look at the ship, 330,000 m³ of crude oil. It's enough to paint the whole of Singapore with crude oil and we have a drunken Captain who doesn't know if it is morning or evening. He did not even know how to add and subtract, AND THAT'S EVEN THOUGH HE WAS USING A CALCULATOR. Yes, believe me.

I snapped, I just lost it.
Chief Officer left the bridge in a jiff ,most likely with his pants full.

Passing Singapore with a draft of 20 meters and there is not much space for mistakes. You must keep on you track. I had prepared the charts by drawing all the bearings and distances to light houses and navigation marks. Then it’s just to put the EBL and range and when passing the lighthouse I just go to the chart table and put my position. I will not have to waste time drawing bearing lines or measure any distances in the chart.
M/T Argo Pallas passing Singapore
Smack smack and I'm back at the radar in a jiff ready for action after putting my position. So when I find Captain lying on the chart table drunk. I got, well, very angry. But no time to screamM/T Argo Pallas -In the CCRat the motherf@cker. I pushed him of the table and then I heard our main engine stop.
- What the!!
- We have arrived, Captain was screaming.
The asshole had stopped in the middle of the fairway even though we had got exact instruction from Singapore VTS were to take our provision. Yes, I was angry.

We discharged the crude on the roads of Kao-Hsiung at a SPM buoy. And when the wind reaches gale force we have to leave the buoy and drop anchor and wait for better weather. Then there is a chance to go ashorefor some good time.

Arriving to Kao-Hsiung and we got our Pilot. pilot and Loading Master is the very same person. Approaching the buoy and Captain is sleeping on the bridge.
Is this Swedish shipping? I was so embarrassed my skin burned. For sure, the Pilot/ Loading Master were not impressed.

There was 1 extra deck Officer onboard so I asked him if he could take my watch. So I went ashore in Kao-Hsiung with the Chief Engineer and had a good time. I stayed on a hotel and took a speed boat back to the ship in the morning. I remember when I had my breakfast in the morning. I had spent 4 months on the ship on a heavy duty diet.

I had a big glass of tea at the breakfast buffet. The glass got very hot and I had to change hands all the time to avoid burning myself. So I had no hand free to hold up my trousers (I had no belt). I will never forget all these Chinese tourists sitting there with their eyes popped out by 2 inchlooking at Mr. Handsome coming through the restaurant with his trousers around the ankles and throwing a glass of tea between his hands.

Then I took a taxi to the port where I meet the Chief Engineer. There was no speed boat for us so we went to buy some souvenirs for the crew. Captain told us that he had arranged a speed boat, but, well we had to take care of business by ourselves or we would still have been on the speed boat jetty waiting for nothing. Well, one of the good things with my bet was that it was off those days I had a hangover.(I must have something to eat when I have a hangover)

I could eat our Sunday dinner because it was Saturday night when I went ashore. Well, anyway, who could expect this clause to come in to force when you’re facing 4-5 months on a VLCC. Not very often there is a chance to go ashore having a good time.

Believe it or not, but I managed to get a night ashore Wednesday night as well. So I spent two nights ashore in Kao-Hsiung. And I really liked the place. I remember being thrown out from a disco.Yes, the guys were green of envy when all the girls wanted to dance with me. So they bribed the bouncer to give me a kick in the behind.

Well, anyway, I stepped outside and there was a guy on a scooter outside. So I jumped up on the seat behind him. 82 kg Swedish Viking on the back of the scooter and the whole machine flipped backwards and we ended up on the street.

Time to leave and our Pilot/ Loading Master asking if Captain is sleeping.
- Do you want to speak with him?
2 minutes later Chief Engineer and Electrician comes in to the CCR. Dead drunk! I was ashamed so my skin burned for the second time in Kao-Hsiung. I had to leave the CCR, it was so embarrassing. The Pilot was just gapingat them.
M/T Argo Pallas passing Singapore
We discharged 1 parcel in Kao-Hsiung and 1 parcel in Shi-Lung. After completion we left for Persian Gulf. We were hoping for a good tail wind because we should sign off when we came to the Persian Gulf. It's about 2-3 weeks from Taiwan to Fujairah so we will soon be home.
M/T Argo Pallas passing Singapore
We're normally stopping in Singapore for provision and bunkers, but as we now are bound for Fujairah we can as well do it there.

Passing through Singapore and Malacca Strait and when we're passing Rondo Lighthouse we keep and Westerly course passing Sri Lanka and we change course to NW towards Khawr Fakkãn just north of Fujairah when we have passed the Southern tip of India.
M/T Argo Pallas passing Singapore
When we passed India I gave my evaluation to our Captain. Just to give him a few days to reflect over my evaluation.
- This is my evaluation of you and I will send this to the company when I'm coming home.
He read it and I didn't hear from him in one or two days. I doubt that he understood it. But then he came to my cabin.
- If you send this I will take my own life.
- Yeah, don't bother me with it.
Motherf@cker, he was in my cabin every day telling me that he was going to commit suicide.
- Please, send some flowers to my spouse!
I could not believe this guy. He asked me for another chance, blaming the other officers.
- No one ever told me that I was not allowed to be drunk. You are the first one.

I told him that the only difference between him and a monkey as a Captain was that the monkey would drink less beer. Now he was crying. But I must say that I was taken by surprise when he blamed the other officers.

We had a very good Fitter that left us in Rotterdam. He signed of and now the whole TEAM SUPER SWEDE was doing a luggage check before he signed off. They found a jar of Danish butter cookies.

Now they were very indignant. This gang of Super Swedes, drinking themselves unconscious every day since we left Persian Gulf. Our Chief Engineer had been demoted before for drinking, and he continues like nothing ever happened. Dead drunk from early morning to late evening. But STEALING! A jar of butter cookies! No, not on our watch!

I didn't knew about this, I didn't learned about this until the company sent us and e-mail
“It's a shame that a good Fitter as Mr. XXX has been caught stealing. We will make sure that he will not set foot on a ship again”
And they put the e-mail on the note board to deter others from STEALING. Yeah, they were proud of themselves. I cringe!

For sure, if I would have known about this in Rotterdam I would have stopped the assholes. And now Captain wascrying in his cabin. I was just sitting there, it was embarrassing and I really didn't know what to say. He went on and on.
- Give me a chance!
- Our Fitter never got a chance!
- Uhh, I knew this was coming to haunt me. It was Chief Engineer and Chief Officer that forced me to do this, I wanted to give him anither chance.
I grew tired of the pathetic a-hole and I left his cabin. Of course, I gave the letter to all the officers and I asked if they wanted to sign it. Chief Officer and the other 2nd Officer just disappeared. Motherf@ckers, as soon as they saw the letter they got fire on their arses.
- NO NO, you will destroy his life!
Destroy his life? He had managed to do this all by himself. But the Fitter, his life was destroyed by a bunch of spineless assholes and I hope, no, I don't even think they are ashamed for what they had done. I only wish I had been present when they did the luggage search.

The only one wanting to sign the letter was the new 2nd Officer, but it should be all or only me. Well, Hornet Crewing, the only company I have experienced that took it serious with the drinking problem. Well, at least until I joined Ektank in 2009. ZERO tolerance with alcohol.

In all other companies with this kind of problems I have been the one that had left and the drunken useless people had remained. Well, as soon as I came home I faxed the letter to Hornet and I mailed the original to Argonaut and thus Hornet had a few days to take action before Argonaut knew about the problem.

Well, they called from Hornet Crewing.
- This Captain is no longer in our company.
I really liked it in Hornet and Argonaut, but I was not popular onboard
- He sent anonymous letters to the company
- He destroyed Captain's life
- Blah-Blah, we're not allowed to be dead drunk, every day and night onboard.
Yes, I gave my notice, impossible to stay with all these people.

We arrived to Khawr Fakkãn Saturday 12 th of April 1997 and I signed off. Khawr Fakkãn just north of Fujairah. We took a speed boat to Fujairah and the immigration.
M/T Argo Pallas - Bus to Dubai and Hotel Astoria
At arrival to Fujairah I was off to the Tax free shop and bought some beer. Comes in handy on the bus trip to Dubai, just wish I had some music, I gave my entertainment centre to our Pump Man before I left.
We cleared the custom and immigration and we had a few hours on the bus to Dubai and our hotel and I was tipsy at arrival to Astoria Hotel.
M/T Argo Pallas - Speed boat to Fujairah
I can have a few beers at the hotel bar but I'm banned at Pancho Villa's on the 2nd floor since I was there waiting to sign on Argo Athena, but that's another story. But I think it's amazing that they still remember me after almost a year.
Hmmm, I know where they can stick up the Pancho Villa's .
M/T Argo Pallas - Bus to Dubai and Hotel Astoria
No Pancho Villa's, no disco. No problem, I can as well admit it. I got my concrete hat on early evening and I went to bed. And yes, I woke up 4 o'clock in the morning. I ordered tea to my room and I spent a few hours in bed drinking tea and when the sun came up I took a tour on town.

My flight to Bangkok was leaving late night or very early morning so we left for the airport around midnight. I checked out.
- Oh, Mr. Aladdin. here is a letter for you.
We had signed off yesterday and Captain had signed off earlier today. And the letter was from him.
“Dear Aladdin!
If you have any human feelings send a flower to my spouse”

Here we go again, it was nice to Leave Argo Pallas behind and Captain running in my cabin every day telling me that he was going to commit suicide. And now this, well, I just attached it to my letter and I sent it to the company.

Is this a man that should be in charge of 330 000m³ crude oil? coming home and I told people about this Captain, they could not believe it. Is it allowed? He should be in jail.
- DARN right he should!

I left Dubai on a Thai Airways flight to FUNKY TOWN , just 1 click away.


I will most likely sign off M/T Ek-River in a week, around 23rd of October 2010. I'm pretty sure I keep the letters mentioned above. Can't wait to come home trying to find them. If I find them I will scan them and you will be able to read them here on! Where else?

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Argo Pallas - Dubai and Hotel Astoria
Yes, I found his suicide note and I cringe. Mr Good for nothing was not allowed to be dead drunk onboard.
But to report the “Danish Butter Cookie” guy was no problem at all, NO SHAME! Where do they find all these people?
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