OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure in Thailand

Flying to Bangkok the day after I finished my fire fighting course. I went to the airport and my flight home and I had to stop at the cargo terminal. I had a lot of things to send to Thailand and I left everything at the cargo terminal and I walked to the international departure hall at Gothenburg International. This was the last load I had to send to Thailand from Sweden.

It was nice to come home and see Sue again and she met me at the airport.Yeah, my condo had turned in to a never ending story and we lived at Rompo Mansion while they did the last work on the condo. I lived at Rompo Mansion between 1995 and 2000 and it is a really nice place with a very nice owner and staff. I moved out in 2000 and now I had moved in again. For a few months only until my condo was ready.

Aladdin's adventure at Rompo Mansion in Bangkok
The pool at Rompo Mansion

Aladdin's adventure at Rompo Mansion in Bangkok
View from Rompo Mansion

Aladdin's adventure at Rompo Mansion in Bangkok
View from Rompo Mansion

There were plenty work to do in the condo and I was busy all day long. After 2 weeks we decidedAladdin's adventure at Rompo Mansion in Bangkokto spend the weekend at the beach. We went with our friend and he recommended a hotel.

Nicely located with a swimming pool. Hmm, yeah yeah, I must admit that I got a few drinks the first evening and I had felt better when Sue woke me up 7 o'clock in the morning.
- It's time to see the sights!!!!!!!!!
- Ugh!! What!!! Sights! What time is it?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

We went for breakfast and I could take it for 1 or 2 hours. My friend asked Sue if I was displeased with the place. But the truth is that I had a hangover. I went back to the hotel and I spent the rest of the day in the pool.

Our weekend was soon over and I was back in my condo. We managed to finish everything except the kitchen. But we do it next time I'm off the ship. Next time I have to look for furniture for my guest room. Well, everything was ready except the kitchen (and missing furniture inAladdin's adventure at Don Muang Airport in Bangkokmy guest room). The Cook was on the way from Skåne. I got a e-mail that he would arrive 28th of september.

But he missed the connection flight and he arrived 29th of September and I met him at the airport.
- I take you to my hotel, I said.
- Hotel! What about the condo?
- My condo is not ready yet.
- What about the house warming party? He asked.
- Hmm, we have to wait, I said.
I had to work for a few days in the condo and on Friday afternoon we were ready. And it was nice to be ready, well, to be almost ready.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Living room ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Living room ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Well, there is a wee bit more to do

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
To the bedrooms

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Guestroom - Only need to buy furniture

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
My bed room

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
My bed room

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
My bed room

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
My bathroom is ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
My bathroom is ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
My bathroom is ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Guest bathroom

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Guest bathroom

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
The Balcony

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
The balcony

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
The balcony

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Me neighbour's balcony - My balcony looked about the same when I bought the condo

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Laundry room - Has to be used as kitchen until the kitchen is ready
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Of course, didn't take long before all the potted plants were dead

Friday 1 st of October 2004
and we took a taxi to Pattaya and we stayed for almost 1 week. It was very nice. I spent a lot ofAladdin's adventure in Bangkoktime in the swimming pool and we also took a day tour to an island. It was a few hours with a small boat to this Kho Larn, a paradise according to the Travel Agency.

Monday 4 th of October and they should pick us up at 9 o'clock in the morning outside our hotel. We waited and waited and finally I went to the travel agent and asked where the foock the taxi where.
- They will come very soon! We call them! Wait at your hotel.

At 09:30 they arrived to pick us up. Taxi, they arrived with a pick up and then we had to go to another hotel to pick up 2 passengers. What the foock!!!!!!!!!!!! I could have spent this time lolling around in my bed instead.

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Beach Road Soi 8

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Beach Road Soi 8

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Finally on the boat

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Pattaya beach 20 seconds behind us and he starts to complain NON-STOP

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Pattaya beach front 2004

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Of course, we had to stop at a para gliding place - The whole tour was a scam

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Kho Larn

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
We had to get on a service launch to get to Kho Larn

Finally we came onboard on the speed boat that would take us to the big boat. It was shallow water at the beach so the needed a small boat to transport us to the boat taking us to the island.

It was hot and I couldn't wait until we arrived to the island so I could jump in to the water. I was already regretting going on this tour, but I can't say no to Sue. Half way to the island we made a stop at an anchored barge. They did the para sailing or whatever they call it. I think the agency had a deal with this people. The barge was full of people doing this para sailing in parachutes after speed boat. The stop took more than one hour. But I kept a smile on my face for Sue.

But our Cook hadn't done anything but pissing and moaning since I picked him up at the air port. One morning when I was in the pool he came down and sat down in the pool side bar. Ordering a coconut drink and breakfast.
He was sitting in his trunks and a giant coconut next to him complaining about the weather.
- You be better off in Malmö! It's great weather in October, I said.
Well, anyway, all the way to the island it was pissing and moaning. Where does he get all the energy?
Saturday 16 th of October 2004
and I had a hangover, the Cook and I we had a pre heating on the Friday. But we managed, or the cook and Sue managed to get the food ready. I was playing music while mixing orange and Absolut.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
BBQ on my balcony

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
We found use for the new Höganäs Keramik

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
We found use for the new Höganäs Keramik

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
The kitchen is not ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
The kitchen is not ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
Picture by Göran

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok
The kitchen is not ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok

Last guest left 7 o'clock Sunday morning. Hmm, he had had a nap in my armchair. I had had a few drinks both on Friday and Saturday. It was SEVERAL years ago I managed to party for 2 days and I had a hangover force 9,9. It was terrible.

Our Cook was leaving us on Sunday night. We had a dinner at Marriott hotel in the evening beforeAladdin's adventure in Bangkokfollowing our Cook to the airport. I can't say I enjoyed the dinner and my hangover lasted for 3 days.

Hmm, I had just got rid of my hangover when I received an e-mail from my brother.
“I'm arriving with Lufthansa 13:50”
Well, it was to take a taxi to the airport with Sue to pick him up. We arrived just before 14:00 and we had to wait for 10-15 minutes before he came out through the custom.

Taxi back to Funky Town and before soon we had an Absolut & Red bull in our hands. When we were whimsical enough we took a taxi around the corner for a few more drinks. I arrived home late and you don't need to use all your imagination to understand how I felt the day after. I left my bed 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

After 2 days I took him to the airport and next time I'm going to the airport it's for signing on my next ship.
I can't say that I'm looking forward to it. Especially not to say bye-bye to Sue. But money is a must and after more than 2 months home it will be nice to come onboard again.

But saying bye-bye to Sue will not be fun.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stBut what can I do?

Friday 5 th of November 2004
and I arrived to Gothenburg just before 11 o'clock. November isAladdin's adventure in Göteborgreally my favourite time of the year. I was lucky that my friend picked me up at the airport. I arrived to Gothenburg in a T-shirt and shorts.

It was about +6°C and gloomy and grey. We left the airport behind and we drove to our friend and I could have a shower and change to pantalongas. Shorts wasn't good enough here in Gothenburg. I had bought a new car stereo formy friend in Bangkok and now I hope he installs it in a jiff so we can have some good music in his car.

I had my winter coat in Kalmar so I had to take the train to Kalmar. I didn't want to hang around Gothenburg without my coat in this weather and here is happening foock all and my friends were drinking beer in Kalmar so Kalmar it was.

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg
With his new car stereo

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg
Still in bed

I took the 14:50 train to Kalmar and I arrived just before 7 o'clock in the night. Bosun fromAladdin's adventure in GöteborgProspero meet me at the station (without boxing gloves) Yeah, we remember him and his boxing from Prospero.

He began his first year at the nautical college in Kalmar in August so he lives in Kalmar now. Well, you don't need that much imagination to understand that it must be a real drag to move from Skåne to Kalmar.

He drove me to my friend's apartment and I could get my winter coat and leave my luggage. Then we drove off to Znaps to meet up with a few students, the Cadets from Vinga Helena and CT Star and a few from their class.

We had a few beers, well, a little more than a few. Saturday morning I woke up at 10:15 (hangover force 8, 6) when the Cook called me. He told me that Malmö had become Swedish soccer champions 2004. BIG SURPRISE! Not really!

He told me that there had been a big party on the Stortorget with 30 000 persons paying tribute to the team. There had been a cortége with the team from the stadium with the team. Thestreets of Malmö had been lined with people.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- In November?
At least we can say that the supporters are enthusiastic, that's the spirit we're looking for!

Read more about this successful soccer team on Malmö FF's web page. I'm sure you can find a link there to join Malmö FF's support club.

Waking up feeling like shit, was it because of the beers or because of thefact that I woke up in Kalmar? I didn't leave my bed until Sunday. I spent the whole Saturday in bed, hangover or jetlag? I don't know but I really needed the rest.

Kalmar in November, why bother to get out of the foocking bed? For sure nothing exciting worth leaving the bed happening in town. So I spent the day in bed, well, it was more like in my sofa.

Well, I could enjoy some reading. Hmm, it seems like there are more Super Swedes out in the world. I found a newspaper in the business lounge on the airport and I found a story (obviously I'm not the only handsome Swede in the world). Take your time to read the story.

Well, before leaving for my new ship I have to put the pictures from the Cooks birthday on the web, as promised. I got the pictures from the AB I had on my watch on Bro Jupiter. While waiting for Astoria I meet Krisse at the navigation school in Kalmar. Krisse was the AB on my watch onboard Bro Jupiter and he's on the last year at Nautical College in Kalmar.
- The Cook didn't like all the knots you made when you wrapped the gifts.
- Well, he could have used a pair of scissors, I said.
He never mentioned it to me when I met him. Well, anyway, a little pissing and moaning is only doing him good.

It was 3 of the ABs setting up the breakfast for our Cook. I had given specific instructions about the breakfast to the AB on my watchwhen I signed off. They woke up the Cook at 06:00 with breakfast in the bed.
They handed over the gifts and, well, I suspect that our Cook had never been so busy opening gifts before.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
It was picture and good music that I had prepared before I signed off the ship

Birthday on board M/T Bro Jupiter
Breakfast tray
Thanks to Krisse for pictures

Birthday on board M/T Bro Jupiter
Breakfast tray
Thanks to Krisse for pictures

Birthday on board M/T Bro Jupiter
Both breakfast and gifts
Thanks to Krisse for pictures

Birthday on board M/T Bro Jupiter
Breakfast tray
Thanks to Krisse for pictures

Birthday on board M/T Bro Jupiter
Breakfast tray
Thanks to Krisse for pictures

Birthday on board M/T Bro Jupiter

Waiting for Astoria and I had soon wasted a week in Kalmar. I spent the days on the Kalmar Maritime Academy surfing the internet using my friend's log in. The weather was nice most of the time even though it was cold, well, it's expected this time of the year. It will be nice to go on the ship leaving Hip Hop and party behind. I just have to do attend one more party. My friend was throwing is birthday party. But I had to get on the train to Göteborg.

Kalmar sjöfartshögskola
Computer room at Kalmar sjöfartshögskola

Saturday 13 th of November 2004
and it was time to let my hair down again. My friend was throwing his birthday party. There should be many people that I had not seen in many years sothis can turn out to be fun. When you are having your 40th birthday it calls for a party. I did not even know that is was possible to get so old.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I left Kalmar with the train at 13:03 on a sunny Saturday and I arrived to ( I was about to write a sunny Gothenburg) a dark Gothenburg at 17:20. I had had the opportunity todrink a few beers on the train so I was in a good mood at arrival to Gothenburg.

It reminded me of when going to Kalmar with the train. The train was full and I had to travelYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfirst class. First class, hmm, it's full of grumpy old men. But the guy sitting opposite to me went away to buy a beer.
- Hmm, if he can, I thought for myself.
I was in a good mood when Bosun from Prospero picked me up at KalmarGöteborg Taxitrain station. That's history now. First thing to do at arrival to Gothenburg was to findAladdin's adventure in Göteborga taxi for transportation to my friend's apartment in Majorna.

I arrived to my friend's apartment 15 minutes before 6 o'clock. Plenty time for taking an inventory of his CD collection. But first I opened a beer and I was soon back in the kitchen where my friend cooking.
- You know, you have a real shitty music collection!

At 7 the guests started to arrive. His apartment was brimmed with people and luckily enough he had made plenty food. Several cases of beer, wine and liquor should made us goAladdin's adventure in Göteborgall night long.

By accident I happened to put on one of my CDs and the crowd turned crazy. The mood turned from good to very good and they started to dance.

His living room was full, there mustYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthave been 25 persons jumping up and down. One of the girls had brought some CDs with SALSA music, well, SALSA isn't my favourite music. While the partyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas going on full blast the neighbours complained. This came as no surprise, it's always the same story with neighbours. I don't know how manyAladdin's adventure in Göteborgtimes they were on the door. But it was more than one time. When the neighbours gave up they called SECURITAS so we had them knocking on the door all night long.

Well, anyway, the music was stompin’ and I was busy showing my moves. As you understand, after displaying all those funkyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmoves the girls would not leave me alone.

Of course, some twat took pictures of my moves, but don't expect to see them here on www.aladdin.st
Hmm, as soon as someone sticking out being a little funkier and a little sexier than the rest he's a fair game. It's a shame, the girls (sadly enough, not only the girls) lie in wait and as soon as they spot someone daring to perform alluring moves on the floor they attack.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg
D e fan i mig styggt

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg
D e fan i mig styggt

Aladdin's adventure in Göteborg

All the Rock'n Roll made me tired and I retired to the bed room. I don't know for how long I wasAladdin's adventure in Göteborgsleeping, but suddenly they were in the bed room to wake me up.

I was soon asleep again and I woke up at 05:15 because of the noise in the kitchen. I went up to see what was going on, my friend was raped by one of the girls.

Yes, drunk 4 o'clock in the morning and myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfriend thought it was Miss “Most beautiful in the world” he was talking to. Kiss kiss and when the effect of the alcohol started to wear off at 5 he got scared.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Well, anyway, now it was a different tune and he started with the “I'm not sure YOU LOVE me” routine. And she loved him very much
- You just say that because you’re drunk!

It went on and on and on and I went back to bed, but first a picture.

I woke up at 8 o'clock with hangover force 9,2Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhen they played Pink Floyd on full blast. It was hard to get up, I didn't jump out of bedI never learns!

Well, I learn a little every time and now I decided to be serious with my diet, there had been a few party too much lately. I will not mention diet or pizza anymore. I got complains about every second word being diet or pizza. From now on I will let the result speak for itself

But I got the good news. Now they have invented a super pillYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat will make you happy andAladdin's adventure in Göteborghandsome. I will see if I can get my hands on some of those pills right on. This is the kind of news I want to hear.

Hmm, maybe I should make some money as model for these before and after pictures. Yeah, a very good idea, send me an e-mail and I will provide my banking details. A few millions won't hurt. Yeah-yeah, it won't happen so I have to go on the ship to make some pocket money.

Sunday and I discovered that my shoes were missing, someone had taken wrong shoes and we had to get my shoes. Then it was time for pizza before we went to see our friend play ice hockey. It was a pathetic event. When he was ready with the ice hockey we drove back to Kalmar.

I had expected to sign on Monday 15th of November and they called me and told me that it will be on Wednesday or Thursday. Astoria is not allowed to leave Kaliningrad due to bad weather.

Thursday 18 th of November 2004
and they called from the company again. They told me that it would “most” likely be on Saturday. Hmm, here I'm in Kalmar, sitting and waiting and rejecting jobs, losing money by the day.

Well, in the afternoon I went with my friend and bought a new camera. I had forgotten my charger for my camera so I bought a new one. It's of outmost importance to be able to upload new pictures on my web page while on the ship.

I gave my old camera to my friend and I had time to set him up with Krisse in the evening so he could borrow Krisse's charger until I could bring him my charger. He had the same camera as I had after working with him on Bro Jupiter. He got impressed by my camera so he bought the same. Good, now my friend can borrow his charger.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

We took the opportunity to have a few beersYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ston the student pub as well. When we came out from the pub there was plenty snow and we had a snowball fight. There had also been a little snow in the evening of the 17th November but it was gone in the morning.

Friday 19 th of October 2004
and hey called from the company in the morning and confirmed my ticket to Helsinki. Leaving Kalmar at 11:45 tomorrow, changing plane in Stockholm and arriving Helsinki around 18:30.

After the call I went out to buy some snus, and I discovered that everything was white of snow and I took the first picture with my new camera.

Snow in Kalmar
Plenty snow (First picture with my new camera)

Snow in Kalmar
Plenty snow (Second picture with my new camera)

Snow in Kalmar
Plenty snow (Third picture with my new camera)

Snow in Kalmar
Plenty snow in Kalmar (Fourth picture with my new camera)

Snow in Kalmar
Kalmar marina empty in the winter (Fifth picture with my new camera)

Snow in Kalmar
Plenty snow in Kalmar

I got my snus and I returned home so I could pack my things. We had have time to set up a domain for

officially Republic of Finland, Finnish Suomi, or Suomen Tasavalta, Swedish Finland, or Republiken Finland. It is one of the world's most northern and geographically remote countries and is subject to a severe climate. It is bordered on the north by Norway, on the northwest by Sweden, on the southwest by the Gulf of Bothnia, on the south by the Gulf of Finland, and on the east by Russia. About one-third of the territory of Finland lies north of the Arctic Circle.

Finland was part of Sweden from the 12th century until 1809. Some areas in the southeast were ceded to Russia 1721 and 1743. After the war between Russia and Sweden 1809 Finland became a Russian grand duchy and after the Russian Revolution, the Finns declared independence on Dec. 6, 1917. Petsamo and a large part of South Eastern Karelia were lost to Russia during world War 2.

The language problem

A s late as the mid-19th century, Swedish was the only language allowed within the Finnish administration. There was an ordinance that forbade publication in Finnish of books other than those that aimed at religious edification or economic benefit.
The majority of the population could only understand Finnish.

There was an almost total lack of literature in Finnish, and teaching at both the secondary and university levels was in Swedish. The first Finnish-speaking grammar school opened in 1858. In 1863 Alexander II issued a decree stating that Finnish was to be placed on an equal footing with Swedish in the administration and in the law courts, as far as their relations with the public were concerned. Swedish, however, remained the language of internal administration, and it was not until 1902 that Swedish and Finnish were placed on an equal footing as official languages.

Krisse as well, so now we wait for him to launch his web page.

You can be sure to find a link to his page at www.aladdin.st when he's up and running. But remember: aladdin.st takes no responsibility for the content. So far seaserpent.se has only been a disappointment.

I had to sign on in Porvoo, Finland. Fortum, former Neste have a refinery in Porvoo. Porvoo is Borgå in Swedish. In Finland they have 2 languages, Finnish and Swedish. But we stick to the Finnish nameshere on www.aladdin.st.
Astoria has been transporting crude oil between Kaliningrad and Porvoo for 2 years. They have been discharging the

is a Russian province in the extreme western Russia. Centred on Kaliningrad city, it was formed in 1945 from the northern half of German East Prussia and ceded to the U.S.S.R. by the Potsdam agreement after World War 2.

When Lithuania, White Russia, and Latvian republics achieved their independence from the collapsing Soviet Union in 1991, Kaliningrad became a true exclave completely separated by them from the rest of Russia.
crude oil in Naantali a few times. Naantali is in the port of Turku just west of Helsinki.

I called taxi Friday night and I booked a taxi for 10:30 Saturday morning.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThat means early morning wake up and at 8 o'clock my alarm will go off. I will have time for tea and to clean up the apartment before leaving. Busy busy, but it will be nice to leave Kalmar behind. The quicker I get on the ship the sooner I will be in Sue's arms again.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI can't wait to get back to Sue.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI can visit her web pageYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand I will be updated with all the news from the home front. But the real thing is better.

Kalmar sjöfartshögskola
19 November 2004 and he register his domain in the computer room at Kalmar sjöfartshögskola

Kalmar sjöfartshögskola
Leaving Kalmar sjöfartshögskola for the book shop to buy a book about HTML coding

Thai restaurant in Kalmar
Thai dinner in Kalmar

I will upload my web page before leaving and I will be on the ship when I do my next upload. So be sure to come back soon for the latest excitements!!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI'm out of here!!! It's time to sign on!! Click HERE and you will be right in the middle of my “signing on” adventure.


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