OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

June 2012

Friday 8 th of June 2012 and as I didn't had any class at “My Thai Language School” atAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School at Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNRatchadapisek Road I had a few hours with nothing to do. I could have stayed home in bed, but I was lucky and my friend from Bangkok Photographers had time to take me on a ONE TO ONE photo session.

We were going to meet outside Emporium at 10 thirty and I left to look for a taxi 10 minutesAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOKpast 10 o'clock. When I came out from our now finger print operated door the Security guard spotted my camera and he wanted to be on a pictures.

No taxi on the street and I walked towards my local 7 Eleven and there was a taxi stopping outside 7 Eleven. I asked the driver where he was going. He was going to buy something at 7 Eleven and when he was finished he would take me to Emporium. I tookAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOKthe opportunity to buy a Dutch Mill orange drinking yogurt.

I grabbed a bottle of orange drinking yogurt and I came up with an idea, to try out the different F-Stops to get a different focus range or whatever they call it.
Well, I checked internet and it seems like it is called the “Depth of field” when I checked the internet, at least according to Wikipedia. If I use F-Stop 3, 5 I will get a shallow depth of field and then of course, if I use F-stop 16 I get a larger depth of field.

If I use F-Stop higher than 16 or 18 there is some reflection effect in the lens and, well, I don't have the time to go in to details. But I use F-Stop 16 and 20 or 22 in case of emergency.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
The area within the depth of field appears sharp, while the areas in front of and beyond the depth of field appear blurry.

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
At f/32, the background competes for the viewer's attention
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
At f/5.6, the flowers are isolated from the background

Of course, there are plenty information on the internet if you want to know more. Well, anyway, I was experimenting in my local 7 Eleven when they told me that it was not allowed to take picturesAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOKinside 7 Eleven.
They pointed at a sign on the door. A camera with a red X over the camera.
- I don't understand the sign!

As I'm a polite guy so I stopped my experiment and I finished my orange drinking yogurt and I went out to the taxi and we took off towards Emporium with screamin' and smokin' tyres.

I arrived a few minutes before 10 thirty and there was no sign off my friend. So I went to check Benchasiri Park if he was waiting for me there. No sign off my friend and I walked back to Emporium. But first I took a picture of a girl waiting for someone outside the park. In the late evening there are plenty people outside the park, I think it is the staff from Emporium. They drink beer, eating and having a good time along the pond.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK

I was back at Emporium after 3 minutes and my friend was there waiting for me. We got right on to the “hands on” practice. I knew all about F-Stops and the effect it have on the “depth of field”Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsince a long time.

Yes, we remember the picture that we took at the coffee shop at Sukhumvit Soi 23 last year. Finger is in focus and the rest is blurred. It is possible to get some nice effectswith the f-stop. Of course, all this can be made in photoshop, but if I get it right already when taking the picture it saves me a lot of time.

But I needed some “hands on” practice and we started right away. Even if I know the theory behind it I need some “hands on” practice. There are some plants outside Emporium and these plants were perfect. I had to take a few pictures before I got the adjustments right.

The first 2 pictures were overexposed and then when I increase the F-stop I need to increase the ISO and reduce the shutter speed or it would be underexposed.

I had the focus on the first plant in all the pictures and I could see how the “Depth of field” increased. And of course, it is obviously easier to see in the full size picture but the 890 by 600 something below will have to do.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 3,5 and the back ground is blurred

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 8 and the back ground is almost in focus

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 20 and the back ground is in focus

And of course, when increasing the f-stop I need to use a slower shutter speed and that increase the blur a wee bit due to shaking hands. When we finished the pictures outside Emporium we walked towards the Benchasiri Park. It was 11 o'clock and not many people in the park. But the Benchasiri Park will be crowded tonight. We started to take some pictures of Imperial Queens Park with the roof of a hut in the foreground.

We walked around the park and it was very hot even though we were in the shadows from the trees.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Imperial Queens Park

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 5,6

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 5,6

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 16 and Imperial Queens Park is at least a wee bit clearer

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 5,6
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 16

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 5,6 the first lamp in focus and the last lamp out of focus with blurred background

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
F-Stop 5,6 the last lamp and the background in focus and the first lamp out of focus

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Benchasiri Park

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Girl in Benchasiri Park

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Girl in Benchasiri Park

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Girl in Benchasiri Park

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Benchasiri Park in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Girl in Benchasiri Park

We took a tour around the Benchasiri Park and we got quite a few pictures. But it was more fun last time we were in Benchasiri Park, it was in the evening and there were plenty people in the park. And of course beautiful girls. We only saw one girl today and she was sitting under a tree.

We returned to Emporium and we took a few pictures at the entrance with my friend and some flowers in the back. An excellent opportunity to try out the “Depth of field” with different F-Stop. I asked my friend if he wanted something to drink.
- Good idea!
So we went up to all the restaurants on the top floor. And when we came up to the top floor weAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium Shopping Mall in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOKdecided to have lunch.
- What about Japanese?
- Sounds good

We took our seats at the table and I ordered 2 plates of Salmon/ Avocado rolls. WOW! They have salmon and avocado and I don't need to ask them to make it for me. I think this is the first time ever. Well, what a disappointment, I discovered that the salmon and avocado was rolled around crab stick and cucumbers. Who the foock put crabstick in to food? It is like chewing on rubber. So I had to remove all the crab sticks before I could eat the remaining salmon and avocado.

We were talking time lapses during the lunch. And Bangkok Photographers are going to Ko Kret, an island in the middle of the Chao Phraya River on Sunday morning. I told him that I would join if there weren't too much people attending. Our last photo session with 30 people was a wee bit too much for me. Well, and of course, if I'm out drinking beers all night long there is no chance for me to make it early Sunday morning.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Exposure time 1/4 sec - Free hand but using a pillar for support

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Exposure time 1/3 sec - Free hand but using a pillar for support

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Exposure time 1/2 sec - Free hand but using a pillar for support

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Exposure time 1 sec - Free hand but using a pillar for support
Now we can see that the people on the escalator is fading away

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Exposure time 2 sec - Free hand but using a pillar for support
Now we can see that the people on the escalator is almost disappearing

We left the restaurant and we walking towards to bottom floor. We stopped to take a few pictures of people going up and down the escalators. Long shutter time to get the motion feeling from the people on the escalator. Of course, this requires a tri pod. 1 second is a very long time trying to hold a camera without any movement.

But I was surprised, the pictures turned out better than expected. Now we changed from holding the camera, I used a pillar as support, to panning the camera with the people on the escalator.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Exposure time 1 sec - Panning the people on the escalator

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Exposure time 0,8 sec - Panning the people on the escalator

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
Exposure time 0,3 sec - Panning the people on the escalator stopping the action with a flash

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
We continued with the panning on the street

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
We continued with the panning on the street

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
We continued with the panning on the street

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
We continued with the panning on the street
It takes practice - Here we can see that I miss the bike and the focus is on the bus

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
We continued with the panning on the street

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
We continued with the panning on the street

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers at Emporium in FUNKY TOWN/ BANGKOK
We continued with the panning on the street

Well, it is easy to understand that the panning takes a lot of practise to get any good. Last time we did the panning it was dark and we could use the flash to stop the action and it was a wee bit easier. But again, practice is needed and do I have the time? We finished our photo session around 2 o'clock and I walked back home to get ready for Sophia Muay Thai Gym. And I will have to end this page here and click HERE to get right to the adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym

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