OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium

Sunday 21 st of April 2013 and I left to look for a taxi at 1 o'clock and we reached Rangsit 40 minutes later. The driver knew Rangsit International Boxing Stadium and my friends was in a hotelAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumroom close to the stadium. They had been at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium since 6 thirty this morning and the fight didn't start until 5 o'clock.

I reached Rangsit International Boxing Stadium 20 minutes before 2 and my Teacher and our friend came to pick me up 5 minutes later. We took off towards a shopping mall to eat. They asked me if I was hungry and I was. I only had Magnum ice cream at home, I stopped at my local 7 Eleven on my way home this morning and I bought a bag of MagnumAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumalmond ice cream. Must have been ice cream for 1000 Baht.
Well, never mind, I was hungry.

They asked what I wanted to eat.
- At a clean place with AC. You like Japanese? I asked.
They didn't mind Japanese and we got out on the highway and we were soon at a shopping mall. And I never had time for anyhangover. I woke up with a “surprise” hangover but as soon as I left for Rangsit I was too busy to notice.

This is the way to go in the future, staying home in bed watching hangover DVDs suffering is obviously not good for me. And thinking about it, when I did the Thai boxing the day after I never felt bad. Well, I could feel that I had have a late night. But not as bad as staying home in bed.

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
New condos in Rangsit about to fall
I think you can find a cheap home here

We reached the shopping mall and our friend dropped me and my friend at the entrance. Neither ofAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumus could walk and we waited for him while he parked the car. And we spotted 2 new condos while waiting, one of the buildings was about to fall and I felt sorry for the people if there is anyone that had bought a condo in the houses.

We went to look for the restaurants when our friend had parked the car. Top floor or the basement, always the same in the shopping malls and as my Teacher had a hard time walking we asked for directions. Turned out it was in the basement and we took the escalator.

There were 2 Japanese restaurants but they didn't look so exciting so we continued until we passed a steak house. It looked like they were closed, no lights but there was customers sitting at theAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumrestaurant.
- Black out, the girl sitting outside said.
- How can we see the girls then? I asked

My Teacher was laughing and I told the girl that the Black-out might turn out to be a good thing.
- My Teacher is only handsome in the dark

We got a table and I asked for plenty spinach, soup, gratin and baked mussels with spinach. I told theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stWaitress while pointing at my Teachers crutches the he wanted to eat plenty spinach.
- Eat spinach today and tomorrow he will be running around without the crutches

We finished our meal and our friend went to get his car and my Teacher and I walked towards the exit and he arrived with the car when we reached the exit. On the way back to the hotel I asked my friends how many beautiful girls they had seen at the shopping mall.
- No one
- Yes, I thought so.
We had not seen any beautiful girls and walking around Bangkok end there is several beautiful girls at every shopping mall. I asked my friends if there had been any chemical factory that had blown up here in the past. Or if they had any other explanation, but they didn't, but they had a good laugh over our discovery.

We were soon back at the hotel where the American girl just woke up. And I was soon to discover that it was a short time hotel. And it was not a very nice hotel.

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
Short time hotel in Rangsit

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
Short time hotel in Rangsit
Mirror in the ceiling

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
My Teacher in the bed
Imagine the horror waking up at a place like this, and then again, imagine putting a hangover force 9,6 on top of that

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
The American girl wanted to go to a barber shop to braid her hair
But our friends claimed that they could do it better than any Barber

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
The American girl wanted to go to a barber shop to braid her hair
But our friends claimed that they could do it better than any Barber

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
The American girl wanted to go to a barber shop to braid her hair
But our friends claimed that they could do it better than any Barber

We brought food for the American girl that my Teacher had bought at 7 Eleven. We stopped at 7 Eleven on the way back from the steak house and I earned myself my second Thai epithet. The firstAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumone, ลุกก็โอยนั่งก็โอย from back in 2011 when Bangkok Fight Club was located on Thong Lor. Now my Teacher added กระโพกกะเพก ( please, be lenient with the spelling) and both words sounds exactly how I feel.

We had to kill an hour at the hotel room before it was time to leave for Rangsit International Boxing Stadium. The American girl wanted to go to a barber shop to braid her hair. My Teacher told her that our friend was a professional hair braider and they got started with her hair. And yes, it is important to have your hair in order when you're in the ring.

And as I told the American girl.
- You have one very good option, cut off the hair
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stThis was of course nothing she was interested in so braiding it was. I was waiting and as soon as I had to sit down doing noting I got impatient and the hangover hit me full force and the clock was slowly moving towards 5 o'clock.

Believe it or not, the clock turned 5 and it was time toAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumleave for Rangsit Boxing Stadium around the corner. And as soon as the action started my hangover disappeared.

The hotel was located North of the Stadium, same side of the highway. So in order to get to the stadium we had to go North and make a U-turn and go back in the South bound lane and then to do a U-turn and go back North to Rangsit International BoxingYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stStadium. But our Teacher and our friend driving the car had another idea on how things should be done. And it was a great idea, at least according to them. They turned left going South in the North bound lane on the highway. The American girl and I was screamingAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumof fear in the back seat while our friends was screaming of laughter up front.

Well, I have to agree, we saved a lot of time with this manoeuvre. We went inside and I bought a bag filled with bottles of water. When we came in there were two old guys kicking pads.

I suspect that the stadium is used as a disco when there isn't any fights, at least it looked like a night club. The first fight were soon starting and when the 2nd fight started the American girl and my friends disappeared to prepare her for the fight.

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
Suddenly, she was on the cat walk doing a TV interview

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
Suddenly, she was on the cat walk doing a TV interview

Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium
Suddenly, she was on the cat walk doing a TV interview

I was sitting there drinking my water and suddenly there was something rattling my empty bottles. I had squeezed them between two pipes, or they would have been blown away by the AC. Turned out it was children and I gave them all my empty bottles.

The fights were pretty boring, but suddenly I saw the American girl on the cat walk and she was interviewed for the TV. I took the opportunity to go down to get a few pictures of her interviewAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumand on my way back the children cameAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumrushing towards me. A foreigner is obviously nothing they are used to see around here so I ended up in a interrogation.

And of course, they wanted me to takepictures. The young girl did a ALADDIN and she flipped me the bird. Her two friends told her that it was not polite and they tried to prevent her from flipping the bird. For me, I thought it was fun and I doubt that she understood what it meant. And she was trying to talk with me withAladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiuma warbling sound. She thought she was speaking “Pasa Farang”
- Don't you understand?
- No
- I'm speaking farang

There was a child, girl or a boy? I don't know, but the baby was around 3 to 4 years old. When the baby caught sight of me she/ he came running and started to pinch me.

There was one fight, I usually don't like to watch Thai boxing, but this fight was the worst ever, TV was airing the fights and the foreign fighter only stood looking in the ring. After the first round they came to complain and after 2 rounds the TV guys came up to complain. After the 3rd round everyone was in his corner to complain and one of the TV guys came up to me and told me it was very bad.
- Looks like he is scared, I suggested.

And when the fight was over the foreign fighter looked very surprised. Well, it was embarrassing. Yeah, I know, but I'm not in the ring and if I would have gone up in the ring I would at least have tried to put up a fight. Well, all the children played mischief with me and time turned quick and it was soon time for the American girl to get up in the ring.

Yet another stupid slide show on www.aladdin.st

It was a fun fight even though I don't have time to watch so much because I'm busy taking pictures. But in the 4th round the America girl got hit by a kick and it was KNOCK OUT. Well,Aladdin's adventure at Rangsit International Boxing Stadiumunlucky, they put up a good fight and her opponent got lucky and hit her with a kick in the head.

4 rounds and it was over. And for me it looked like anyone could have won the fight. Of course, I was busy with my camera, but it looked like the American girl was kicking arse. But she was unlucky and she got kicked in the head. Well, I watched the main fight while she changed clothes and when she was ready we left Rangsit International Boxing Stadium behind. And when we drove back we were 5 people in the car. Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN next!

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