OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

April 2012

Sunday 1 st of April 2012 and my alarm went off at 8, but I was unlucky and missed the snoozebutton andturned off the alarm and I felt asleep again. I woke up at 9 thirty and I was out of bed at 10 thirty.

I had my morning tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and I finished my breakfast with 2 packs of OREO cookies. Yes, I wasAladdin's adventure with OREO in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNat Villa Market yesterday evening and I bought a bottle ofAladdin's adventure at Villa Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNolive oil and I could not stop myself so I bought a jar of N utella and I grabbed 2 packs of OREO cookies before I left Villa Market.

I finished the N utella yesterday and I could not open my OREO so I had to finish them today. But this was the last cookies I will have for a very very long time. I had a shower and I left with a taxi for Pantip Plaza.

I bought my hangover DVDs and I walked up Phetchaburi Road until I reached Phaya Thai Road and I turned left and I walked down to Siam Center.

I entered Siam Center and I stopped for a milkshake. 199 Baht!!! 199 Baht and I would have expected 2 milkshakes in Sweden. They are talking about to raise the minimum daily wage to 300 Baht and they charge 199 Baht for a milkshake. Well, I haven't had a milkshake in Europe for many many years but I would be very surprised if they charged 199 Baht for a milkshake.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
17:50 I'm coming to Word Trade Center - Sunset over Siam Paragon from World Trade Center

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
18:22 and I'm leaving Word Trade Center - Sunset over Siam Paragon from World Trade Center

I walked through Siam Discovery to Siam Paragon and from there I walked under the sky train to Word Trade Center where I spent 30 minutes walking around. They have redecorated the place andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI didn't recognised the shopping mall at all.

The sky train was very good for Bangkok. There is an elevated walk path under the track so I can walk all the way from National Stadium to Witthayu Road and there are walk paths to all the shopping malls along the way.

Well, there is Chit Lom sky train station and I needed to pass through the turnstile to get to the other side of the station. I decided to try to get through with my ATM card. Maybe it is ofr free if I get in and out on the same station. But when I got out on the other side I discovered that they charged me 15 Baht forAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhaving passing through the station.

Well, coming out on the other side and the walk path was coming to an end. Only a bridge to Central Chit Lom and I went down to ground level on the other side.

I had decided to stop at Marriott for my dinner, I started the day with OREO so I can finish the day with a dinner at Marriottbefore I start a new and healthy week tomorrow. And the fish at Marriott is very good.

I started with fish and mashed potatoes and then I had a plate of salmon and Halibut. I discovered a sauce that was sogood so it should be against the law to serve something like that.

I finished the fish and then I went for some lamb chops, always the same routines at Marriott. Fish and then lamb chops, and of course, a pot of earl grey to go with it. Today's lamb chops made it right in on my TOP 10 list of lamb chops. I have had lamb chops atAladdin's adventure with TINTIN in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmany restaurants around the world. I have lamb chops every time at Marriott, but today was the best I ever had.

I finished with a small plate of sticky rice and mango and I asked for my bill while I enjoyed my mango. I didn't eat so much and I walked backhome. Otherwise I'm usually so full so I have to take a taxi back home.

And Sofitel and another building next to Sofitel is ready and this was now a stall free area and even though I miss the old houses on Sukhumvit I can't wait until the road is lined with new sky scrapers so we get rid of all these stalls selling shit. I can't understand why you want to spend 12 hours on a plane and then waste the time go shopping at the stalls along the streets. Who wants to buy the shit they sell?

I was plunging down Sukhumvit when I heard a lady come running after me. It was the mother to the young Swedish guy that used to be at Bangkok Fight Club.
- Hey you! You usually go to Bangkok Fight Club
I turned around and she told me that her son had broken his arm while skiing. But he will be back in 2 weeks. She asked me to tell the Teacher so he doesn't think that he just disappeared from Bangkok Fight.

I promised to tell the Teacher tomorrow and I continued to walk back home and I watched TINTIN before I went to sleep. Well, I felt asleep during the movie so I had to restart the movie again.

Monday 2 nd of April 2012
and I felt asleep a few minutes after my alarm went off at 8 and I didn't woke up until after 9 o'clock. I went for my breakfast and the workers were soon knockingAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNon my door. They started with the kitchen. There is a water leak in the wall and they will see if they can repair it or we will have to put a new water pipe. We see, but the plan is for me to put tiles in the cupboard under the sink

They had to remove my drinking water cleaner and water heater so I had to turn off the power to the kitchen. Well, the workers were busy in the kitchen and there was nothing for me to do but to watch TV. Watching TV is not my favourite and I soon dozed off. Staying inAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfront of the TV and I can feel how I get more and more listless and sluggish by the minute. But as I want to be around when they do my kitchen I have to stay home until 2 thirty when I'm off to Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

It was hard to get out of bed at 2 thirty and I was prettyAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNindolent. But I managed to get away to Sophia and I had a 45 minutes session before I walked back home to check out the progress in my kitchen.

I was hungry so I was glad when the workers leftAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNso I could make my tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®. The guys that will do the tiles will come tomorrow morning so they will be busy in my kitchen tomorrow again. I really hopethat they will be ready with my kitchen on Thursday.

One more day in front of the TV will drive me up the walls. Tomorrow I will be off to Chakrit Muay Thai School and I will be back home at 1 o'clock when the Contractor arrives and we will discuss the work in the kitchen.

Well, anyway, the workers left at 5 and I could eat and drink tea and there wasn't much time after my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® before I had to leave for Bangkok Fight Club.

I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club 5 minutes before 7 and the last guy to arrive was the Korean guy that arrived 7 thirty. We were 7 and no sign of the American girl and I didn't know anyone at today's session. We started with running and when we finished the running we had to run around with the punch bag.

I and a guy from France were first out. We had the bag over our shoulders and we were stand-by to take off when the French guy's son was told to climb up on the punch bag.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We had to carry the punch bag, with the boy on top

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We had to carry the punch bag, with the boy on top

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We had to carry the punch bag, with the boy on top

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We had to carry the punch bag, with the boy on top

The bag was heavy enough and now we had to have a boy on top of the punch bag, well, no problem. The French guy and I were running around with the bag and boy for a minute. It was very nice when the minute came to an end. Next group had to do the same, but they were 3 people to carry the bag. Jumping like a frog, running and kicking and blocking and it was nice when it was time for thesit ups. Soon time to go home.

I walked back home and I remembered that it was the Grand re-opening of the Banana Leaf Kitchen on my Soi. Yesterday the owner had told me to come by for dinner to celebrate the re-opening. We discussed about the kitchen and I told him to keep it clean.
- Foreigners likes clean kitchen, he said.
- Yes, and now it looks nice.
- We have an AC zone as well, he said and pointed up o the second floor.
They had build a AC section because the foreigners liked AC. I told him that it was more important with a clean restaurant and he agreed with me.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Grand re-opening of Banana Leaf Kitchen

I passed the restaurant on my way home from Bangkok Fight Club and they asked me to come inside. I told them that I was on diet and I needed to change clothes after my boxing session. So I walked home and I had a protein shake before going to bed.

Tuesday 3 rd of April 2012
and I woke up at 10 thirty. What the foock happened yesterday? I went to bed at 11dead tired and I turned off the light and I expected to fall asleep within a minute.Aladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNWell, next thing I find myself at my local 7 Eleven at 2 o'clock in the morning buying Snickers chocolate bars and I returned home to watch DVD. DARN!

Waking up at 10 thirty and it was 11 thirty before I was out of bed. I had a pot of tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® while waiting for the workers to arrive. Where are they? I was under the impression that they would start early morning and that the owner would show up at 1 o'clock.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWell, as soon as they arrive I will take off for a late session at Chakrit Muay Thai School.

I checked out my Bangkok Fight ClubTeacher's Facebook and I copied his pictures from yesterday's session with the punch bag and the boy.

No workers today and I were pretty pissed off when I left for Chakrit Muay Thai School. I stopped at theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcondo office to leave my keys to the Manager. The Contractor would come by but I was for sure not going to waste any more time waiting losingAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNvaluable boxing time when I should lose weight.

The Manager's daughter was at the office eating cake and her mother told me that she was fat. I suggested that she should join me for some Thai boxing classes. I was told that she was doing Taekwondo.

I left my keys and I left for Chakrit Muay Thai School and I arrived there around 2 o'clock. I donned my boxing shoes andwe turned on my Thai music on my iPod. And itdidn't take long before one of the Teachers asked if he could copy my music.

We started with the pads, first slowly to warm up and after a minute I started to pound the Teacher's pads. I was alone for about 30 minutes when another guy showed up and 5 minutes later there was a girl showing up.

And of course, I started to interrogate the girl. She came from Phuket and she was visiting friendsAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNin Bangkok. Or as she said: “ Hanging with her friends in Bangkok andtraining Muay Thai”

She was going to Australia to study, but she had not made up her mind yet. Well, it was time for me to leave and I could hear the girl interrogatemy Teacher while I was changing shoes. I'm pretty sure she didn't think that I could hear/ understand her and the Teacher.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- What is he doing in Thailand?
- What is he doing for a living?
- Where does he stay?
- Is he single?

Well, I foocked off out of there with a big jar of Musashi Protein bulk. I boughtAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN1,2 kilo for 500 Baht, very cheap, otherwise it is almost 2000 Baht. But when I came home and compared with my GNC WHEY 28 powder I discovered that the Musashi contained half of the protein per 100 gram powder. So yet again we have learnt that cheap is not always good. But it is better than nothing, but I will not buy it again.

Coming home and there was bad news, they won't be ready with my kitchen until Monday. Good news, the water pipe was not broken in the wall so we just need toAladdin's adventure in Pattayachange the piping to my drinking water filters and tank. And more good news, I never found any use for my FLOODING water. I went through the drama to go around Thailand to buy water for the expected flooding.

So I have a cubic meter of bottled drinking water in my kitchen and this water comes in very handy now when they have turned off my water in the kitchen Yes,they were laughing at me when I checked out from my hotel.
- HEY NITWIT!! Don't they havewater in Bangkok??!!
Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Well, who is laughing now? I don't have to run to 7 ElevenAladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkokto buy water and I survive this kitchen adventure without any problem.

Coming back home from Chakrit and I had time for a shower, a quick cuppa and it was time to take off to Bangkok Fight Club. I passed through Srinakharinwirot and Imeet two of my old class mates from my Thai language school.

We had a chat and I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club a few minutes before 7. The American girl was there already lying flat on the sofa. She had hurt her ankle during the weekend.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Our Teacher arrives in his navy uniform
Our Teacher was a wee bit late and he arrived in full navy uniform. Well, except for the navy hat and I asked where he had his hat. Well, hat or not, I just had to have a picture. We had yet another good session at Bangkok Fight Club and we left quarter to 9 o'clock.

Wednesday 4 th of April 2012
and I woke up at 9 thirty so I had obviously turned off my alarm at 8. Nothing else was expected after having watched DVD until 4 o'clock. At least I managed to stay away from 7 Eleven so no Snickers. I had my morning tea while waiting for the workers to come. No sign of the workers so I left for the Immigration to extend my VISA.

I took a taxi to Chaeng Wattana and the immigration office and of course, I arrived just as they closed for lunch. So I had to walk around for an hour waiting. I was back quarter to 1 and people were lining up outside the Immigration. Queue outside the Immigration and I expected this to take a long time. But it went pretty quickly and I was back home 20 minutes past 3. I realised that Iwouldn't have time for a protein shake before going to Sophia Muay Thai Club so asked the driver to stop at my local 7 Eleven and I bought 3 Snickers that I had with a bottle of water when I cameAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhome. A quick change of clothes and I was off to Sophia and Iwas full of vim when I arrived thanks to the Snickers. But I was late by almost 40 minutes and Ithink they thought that I had skipped class because it was time for me to pay my fee again.

But I told them the story of the workers that didn't showed up and that I was late because of the Immigration. And no way I'm going to skip any boxing sessions. I went up on the scale this morning and thatAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas NO good news.

Well, I blame it on the Milo and N utella onboardMaersk Cassandra.

And no more Marriott, at least not for a very long time. It was quite a shock to step up on the scale and I really hope the needle, well, digits on the scale go the right way tomorrow. The Snickers today was an emergency solution because I didn't had the time. The Snickers disappeared like I had put them in a wood chopper.
Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
At Sophia Muay Thai Gym

I had a few rounds of sparring with the Teacher and at 4 o'clock the American girl arrived for herAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsession and I left the ring.

Seems like her fight in Hua Hin will be before Songkran but we don't have any final date yet. But I'm looking forward to a Muay Thai trip to Hua Hin.

I left Sophia Muay Thai Gym and I walked back home for a shower, quick cuppa and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® before I walked back to Bangkok Fight Club. Same as yesterday, I meet my old class mates from the Thai language school at Srinakharinwirot University.

We started the session at Bangkok Fight Club with running and spring knees and after that our Teacher showed the group the Muay Thai dance or whatever they call it. He wanted me to take pictures for his Facebook. And who am I to say no?
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I was busy taking pictures when our Teacher did some mumbo jumbo and hocus-pocus

This is a ritual they do before the fight, if you ask me I think it is a lot of mumbo jumbo and hocus-pocus. And the music they play at the fight is driving me up the walls. When our TeacherAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas ready the two guys from Switzerland and the Korean guy should do the ritual. The 2 guys are from the French part of Switzerland and I have always believed that they were from France.

I was speaking with the American girl while they did the ritual and when they were ready it was time to go home.

I walked back home and I had a protein shake before I went to bed and I really hope that I manage to fall asleep without any help from Robin Hood tonight. I can't take another night falling asleep at 4 o'clock with an alarm that goes off at 8 o'clock in the morning.

Thursday 5 th of April 2012
and it was 9 thirty before I woke up even though my alarm went off at 8. I will change the alarm to go off at 9 instead from now on. Then I willhopefully be able to get out of bed at 9.

9 thirty and no sign of the workers so my mood turned sour and I called the Carpenter.
- Where theis the workers?
He would call me back and at 10 thirty the workers arrived and they told me that they would finish today. As soon as the worker arrived I took a shower and I left for the Post office at HualongpongAladdin's adventure at the Post office in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto pick up more snus that I had ordered.

I was disappointed, no home delivery and 7 Baht charge. Well, let's see how much they will charge me today.

I arrived at the post office at 11 thirty and I was really hoping that I would get my parcel before they closed for lunch at 12.

Only a very few people waiting, very good. Plenty people behind the desks, good. I will make it in time. I was soon to discover that the veryfew people waiting kept waiting, NO GOOD. I also discovered that mostof the people behind the desks were picking their noses while doing what looked like thinking about more fun stuff than working, NOT GOOD. But maybe maybe

Everything was at a complete stand still and I thought that they had started their lunch break. My mood swung to very bad and I stormed offAladdin's adventure at the Post office in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto the information desk. I had to wait, I returned to my seat and if I don't get my stuff before 12 I will return home to Sophia Muay Thai School. I don't want to miss my session.

Finally a sign of life at the post office, the elevator opened and the man that I recognise so well by now came out with a cart full of parcels. Many of the parcels were marked with FRAGILE. Never mind, the parcels were just dumped on the floor.

I was jumping up and down in my chair, 15 minutesbefore 12 and I really hope that my parcel will be on the next chart. The elevator opened just before 12 and the guy came down with his cart loaded with 2 parcels. YIIIPEEE! The top parcel was my snus and now I just waited for them to call #70. No call
- What the

One of the guys behind the desk called me and he had my parcel. Obviously he knew that it was for me. Well, everyone at the post office recognised me andthey came over to have a look at my parcel. Calculations and they charged me 1089 Baht, better than last time when they charged me 1640. But last time I had ordered the EXTRA STRONG and that was the first thing he said when he looked at my snus last time.

I took a taxi back home and of course, when I came home they wanted to put another layer of laquer on the teak floor in my bed room. I can't be in my bed room and I can't be in my kitchen soAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI sat down my foot.
- I'm leaving for Sophia and you can do the floor when I have left.

I walked to Sophia Muay Thai Gym and when I passed Srinakharinwirot they were building a stage and they put up a lot of tables so there was obviously something going on. I think it is graduation because I have seen a lot of groups taking pictures of each others on my way to the boxing sessions the last few days.

I squeesed my way between the tables and chairs and I continued to Sophia Muay Thai Gym. I wasAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNa wee bit late for my session so I was surprised when my Teacher wasn't there. But he came a few minutes later and we started with the pads for a few rounds before we started the sparring.

I had to be back home at 4 to meet the contractor. They told me that they would be finish with my kitchen today, but even I could see that they would not be ready today. Well, anyway, my Teacher wouldn't let me go but the American girl arrived at 4 and I could leave. Of course, before I left I had a chat with the American girl and the owner of the Gym.

The owner had set me up with a date. He knew a 24 years old girl and he had told her, well, I don't know what. But it must obviously have involved the 17 years old girl and that I thought she was too young. So the girl showed me a picture of her Aunt a week ago.
- Is she old enough?
- She must be 100, I said.
Well, today they came by and they told me that her friend wanted to meet me. They are four 24 years old girls living together in a rented town house and only God knows what they are tittle-tattle about in the evenings. But obviously handsome guys are an important ingredient in the tittle-tattle.

And I can imagine the girl coming home after meeting me the first time at Sophia Muay Thai School
- OH! I meet a guy at Sophia today and he looked like a ton!!
And her friend:

Well, anyway, if she looks like her friend I would love to go on a date to her. And as I said tothe American girl at Bangkok Fight Club later on in the evening.
- If I don't like her it is just to get drunk and she will never want to see me again.
Aladdin's adventure at Srinakharinwirot University in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Party at Srinakharinwirot University

Aladdin's adventure at Srinakharinwirot University in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Party at Srinakharinwirot University

Aladdin's adventure at Srinakharinwirot University in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Party at Srinakharinwirot University

I had a shower and a quick cuppa before I left for Bangkok Fight Club. When I passed the Srinakharinwirot 10 minutes before 7 the party was in full swing. I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club aAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfew minutes before 7 and there were 2 participants present. The boy from Switzerland and 1 guy from Thailand.

I sat down in the sofa and I put on my boxing shoes and the American girl arrived. She is coming straight from Sophia Muay Thai Gym. She stepped inside and she did not even have time to say hey before she asked:
- Are you going on a date?

So they had obviously discussed the upcoming dateAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNat Sophia. And was it a pinch of jealousy in her voice?

She started to complain that it was easier for a guy to find a Thai girlfriend than it was for a girl to find a Thai boy friend. The Thai guy was wrapping his hands next to us and I asked if he was single. He was and I suggested that she should flirt with him.
- He is a handsome guy! I said.

One of the girls from France arrived a few minutes later and we started the session. Our Teacher hadAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcome up with a new exercise.Running up and down the stairs and when wewere ready we had to jump like frogs to the punch bags. When we finished the bags we did some kicking technique. Time was quick and it was soon time for theTime was pretty sit upsand other exciting cool down exercises.

Well, yet another good session have come to an end and it was fun today. Tends to get more fun when you start to know the people in the class.

We left and I walked back home without any stop at 7 Eleven. I only had a protein shake when I was back home. And I really hope that I manage to fall asleep tonight. Not another night tossin' and turnin' until 4 o'clock. I thought it should be better since I gave up the Diet MAX . But me drinking Diet MAX had obviously nothing to do with my sleep.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Today's participants at Bangkok Fight Club

Friday 6 th of April 2012
and it was quite clever to change my wake up time from 8 to 9. I turned off my alarm and I didn't felt asleep again. I had a fist full of pink pillsfirst thing, well, itAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNis not as bad as it sounds. It was different pain killers to help me get out of bed and to get through my boxing session. I have pain exactly everywhere.

I watched the news until 10 when I went for a pot of tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and I was off to Chakrit Muay Thai School after my shower.

I don't know if it is due to the running in the stairs yesterday, but I was limping toChakrit. I didn't realise that I was limping until I came to Chakrit Muay Thai School. When I walked over the parking lot the owner asked me what I had done with my leg. It took me quite some time to change to my boxing shoes, on topAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNof the pain in my left leg I have a terrible pain in my neck and shoulder.

I was watching two children doing some sparring while I changed shoes and when I was ready I started with the pads. A slow start to warm up, 9 or 10 punches before the warm up was boring and we switched to FULL FORCE.

Warm up is very important and my pain is most likely due to not having warmed up properly. But it is boring,Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNespecially the self motivated warm up.

At Bangkok Fight Club we're a group and I don't want to stick out as PORKY the Human Balloon. Especially when thereare beautiful girls watching and we get a proper warm up. Well, anyway, as soon as I got warm the pain disappeared and I was pounding the Teachers pads for a few rounds before I returned home by foot. The Teachers took the opportunity to have their lunch when I left and I willhopefully be back tomorrow. After my last adventure on the scale I decided to skip the beer this weekend.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
They had their lunch when I left

Our Teacher and the American girl were fiddling around with the door when I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club. Our Teacher had forgotten the magnetic card to the entrance door. But they managed toAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNopen and we could start the boxing session and I couldhopefully lose some weight.

It was The American girl and one guy from Germany. And we had a new Thai girl in class today, 4 people only. But quarter past 7 the father and his 2 sons from Switzerland arrived. We had finished the warm up when they arrived and we got righton to the sparring.

We did the pads when we finished with the sparring and it was almost9 when we finished the sit ups. I walked back home and I started to check out tickets for Tokyo.

My Travel Agent should have called last week and I called her this morning to remind her about my ticket.
- Tokyo??
- Yes, I asked you to check a ticket to Tokyo
- Ah, yeah, I forgot. I will call you in the afternoon.
- OK
Well, she hasn't called and yet again I'm thinking about changing Travel Agent. I had one very good Travel Agent on Soi Ngam Dupli some 15 years ago but he refused to get an e-mail so I changed. I have been very satisfied with my new Travel Agent, until 2008 during the row at Bangkok International. I was in Manila and I didn't know if I could get home. But Thai Airways gave me a ticket to Hong Kong with Philippine Airlines and I could fly from Hong Kong to U-Tapao and it turned out that we could fly to Bangkok in the last second. At check in they didn't know where we were going.

Well, anyway, I needed a ticket to New York from Bangkok and I called my Travel Agent. She told me she had a ticket for me with Lufthansa. She said that it was no problem with the yellow shirt on the airport and when I asked her to confirm via e-mail I never heard from her again. And now this so I might change, but it is very convenient with this one. I just call her and she send the ticket via e-mail and I take off to the airport.

Saturday 7 th of April 2012
and I didn't get out of bed until 10:20. My alarm went off at 9 and I turned on the news and before I knew it it was 20 minutes past 10. A pot of tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and I called my Travel Agent before I left for Chakrit Muay Thai School. She got me a seat on Thai Airways and as she said.
- We have to hurry up, only one seat left
- What time is the flight?
- Midnight
- Is this the only time?
- There is one 7 thirty on the morning
- Motherfoocker!
OK, I told her to take the seat and we can cancel the flight on Monday if we can find something better. Always hard to fly in Asia if you're getting on the “half long” flights. Leaving at midnight is OK for Europe, but Korea and Japan it is a different story. Arrival early morning and no sleep during the flight and the whole day is destroyed.
I will have to pop a sleeping pill if we can't find anything better on Monday.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I had a shower when I was back home from Chakrit and I took off to TOPZ market to buy onionAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand chicken. I have run out of onion, but I have tuna to last me until Christmas.

And I blame the samatsaman tuna or what the foock they call it, I'm fed up with the tuna. I overheard a conversation at Bangkok Fight Club the other day and 2 of the guys were talking about diet.
- Tuna and chicken is good.
I was in the sofa changing to my boxing shoes and of course, I can swap tuna for chicken. One meal of tuna and one meal with chicken.GREAT IDEA! I decided to go to buy chicken as soon as I had the time.

Well, Saturday and I have the time. I took my shoppingbag and I walked to TOPS Market. When I came down on Sukhumvit Soi 17 I saw they guy that usually hanged around outside the beer garden. He had a bucket of water and I thought: OH NO!! FOOCK!! NOT AN EARLY SONGKRAN!!!

When I came closer I filled a plastic cup from the bucket, I must say that hejust filled it with a few drops. But I dodged the water and I was dry when I arrived to TOPS Market. Reminded me that I will have to buy a water canon tomorrow, Songkran is next weekend. My friend called from Pattaya and he asked if I was coming down to celebrate the Songkran.
- I will never set foot in Pattaya again
- Why?
- All the Russians
- Maybe I will come to Bangkok. I have never celebrated Songkran in Bangkok

Sunday 8 th of April 2012
and I was out of bed just before 10 o'clock. I made tea and chicken forAladdin's adventure in TOKYObreakfast while checking my e-mail. Confirmation from my hotel and now I haveAladdin's adventure in TOKYOboth the ticket and my hotel reservation.

Nice, I will not have to chase around Tokyo looking for a hotel like last time in Tokyo. I don't know how many different taxis I was going in before I found a hotel with room available. And the taxi only operates in their own areas andwhen you want to go to the next area you will have to change taxi. The drivers didn't know any addresses outside their area.

And of course I was running out of cash so I had to ask them to stop at a bank so I could get

(河豚 or 鰒; フグ?, literally "river pig") is the Japanese word for pufferfish and the dish prepared from it, normally species of genus Takifugu, Lagocephalus, orAladdin's adventure in TOKYOSphoeroides, or porcupinefish of the genus Diodon. Fugu can be lethally poisonous due to its tetrodotoxin; therefore, it must be carefully prepared to remove toxic parts and to avoid contaminating the meat.

The restaurant preparation of fugu is strictly controlled by the law in Japan and several other countries, and only chefs who have qualified through rigorous training are allowed to deal with the fish. However, the domestic preparation occasionally leads to accidental death. Fugu is served as sashimi and chirinabe. Some consider the liver the tastiest part but it is also the most poisonous, and serving this organ in restaurants was banned in Japan in 1984. Fugu has become one of the most celebrated and notorious dishes in Japanese cuisine.

From Wikipedia
money. Now I can go straight from the airport to my hotel for a shower. And I willhopefully be able to get a few hours of sleep.

Tokyo, 3 days of party and then 2 days of staying in my room with a hangover. I will stay in my room and I willhopefully have put the hangover behind me when it is time to get on the returning flight to Bangkok and the boxing sessions.

I will try to find a place to eat the poisonous fish FUGU and I will try to find a place where they serve Kobe beef. I tried to find Kobe beef last time but as I remember it I
Kobe Beef

(神戸ビーフ Kōbe Bīfu) refers to cuts of beef from the black Tajima-ushi breed of Wagyū cattle, raised according to strict tradition in Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. The meat is generally considered to be a delicacy, renowned for its flavour, tenderness, and fatty, well-marbled texture. Kobe beef can be prepared as steak, sukiyaki, shabu shabu, sashimi, teppanyaki and more.

Kobe beef is also called "Kobe meat" (神戸肉 Kobe niku), "Kobe-gyu" (神戸牛, lit Kobe cow) or "Kobe-ushi" (神戸牛, lit Kobe cow) in Japanese.

The Wagyu cattle that produce this highly-prized meat were introduced into Japan in the second century as work animals, used in rice cultivation. As beef consumption became more prominent in society, farmers began hiring workers to massage the animals' backsides to improve meat quality. The mountainous topography of the islands of Japan resulted in small regions of isolated breeding, yielding herds that developed and maintained qualities in their meat that differ significantly from all other breeds of cattle. Herd isolation and distinctive feeding techniques, which resulted from the limited land availability, have led to distinguishing features that make the meat both superior in marbling and in the ratios of unsaturated versus saturated fats.

The cows are fed on grain fodder and brushed sometimes for setting fur. The Kobe beef marketing and distribution promotion association plans to make available a pamphlet in foreign languages with details about Kobe beef due to ambiguities about what actually constitutes Kobe beef, and because many tourists who visit Japan request information about the product. The melting point of fat of Kobe beef (Tajima cattle) is lower than common beef fat.

From Wikipedia
was busy drinking beer having fun.

But Kobe beef is a must so this time I will give it a more serious try. I'm pretty sure that the Kobe beef will be excellent, but I have my doubt about the FUGA fish.

But I'm pretty sure that the FUGU will taste like the best salmon (or better) with a few jars of hot sake.

Aladdin's adventure with Kobe beef in TOKYO

Songkran next weekend and I decided to go look for a water gun. So I went to get a taxi toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSeacon Square after my shower. We took the toll way to Srinagarinda Road and I arrived, well, maybe 30 minutes later.

The taxi stopped on the opposite side of Seacom Square so I had to cross Srinagarinda Road on a walk over bridge. Walking up the stairs to the walk over bridge and I soon found myself walking through wires. The telephone poles are lower than the bridge. Well, I don't know if it is phone or power wires and I was not comfortable walking up the stairs.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Phone or power wires?

I walked over the bridge and I entered Seacon Square. I ran in to Dairy Queen after a few minutes and I walked back and forth at the Dairy Queen for a few minutes rethinking the idea toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbuy an ice cream. Well, I moved in closed and I saw that they had a Mango & Almond blizzard so I decided to have a ice cream.

I ordered a Mango Almond ice cream. 69 Baht for a big cup of ice cream, way better price than the 199 Baht milkshake at whatever the place was named. I went to TESCO to have a look for a water gun for the upcoming Songkran. I was enjoying my mango blizzard while looking for the water gun.

This ice cream is really delicious and I can recommend Dairy Queen. If I could only remember theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNname of the other place, not a place I can recommend. I will not go there again, I'm pretty sure it was Baskin Robbins. But I'm not sure.

And a real dream come true would be to have a Dairy Queen next to my bed when I'm suffering from a hangover. Would be very convenient and I could have a bottle or 2 of Baileys in my bed side table.

Yes, upcoming Songkran and they had a row full of water guns at TESCO. There were 2 big boxes of water gun and water cannons in the aisle and people were fighting to get the biggest. I jumped in to the fight and I came out with a water cannon, the WATER BLASTERAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN2012 and I went to the cashier with my ice cream and water cannon. Thewater cannon set me back by 5 Baht = 0,0$

I left TESCO with my new WATER BLASTER 2012 and I'm pretty much ready to get in to any water fight thatAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI might encounter.

Maybe I should go to Tops Market to buy more chicken just to have a chance to “flush” the guy outside beer gardenAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNback in to beer garden with my new water cannon.

I walked around Seacon Square and I'll be darned. There was yet another Dairy Queen on the 3rdAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfloor and I stopped to buy yet another Mango & Almond blizzard.

Hmm, maybe I would have been better off home in bed with a hangover. And that I stopped for apizza before leaving Seacon Square didn't make me feel any better.

But I didn't have any dessert and I stopped myself before I bought a 3rd Mango & Almond blizzard. Well, actually not, they were out of ice cream when I arrived and I could leave Seacon Square behind.

The Songkran commerce was in full swing when I returned over the bridge. A guy was setting up to start selling water tight pouches for money. I already have 2, 1 for money and 1 for snus and I can't say that they help very much. What good does it do when they pour a bucket water over me just when I open the bag to get some snus.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Srinagarinda Road outside Seacon Square

Monday 9 th of April 2012
and my alarm went off at 9. I was dead tired but I forced myself out ofAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbed so I could have my breakfast before the workers arrived to start the work in the kitchen.

I had just finished my tea and CHICKEN & ONION SURPRISE ® when the workers arrived. They started to put up the tiles under the kitchen sink. And evenAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthough I'm not a Carpenter and tile man I understood that they would not be ready today. I have also received a guarantee that they would be ready today, but this guarantee means as much as the guarantee I got last week:
- We will be ready on Thursday

Well, delays are, well, normal in Thailand. But was pisses me off is that I, the layman, the guy without any knowledge. I KNOW FOOCK ALL ABOUT CARPENTRY AND TILES! And I have to tell 3Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNexperts (at least they are working with it) that that they won't finish the job in time.
- Yes, we will.
- NO!
- We guarantee!!

The only thing I can do is to stay in my bed watching TV and I was getting hungry and I needed energy before I left for Sophia Muay Thai Gym at 3 o'clock.

I really need the guys to be ready in my kitchen so I can get my life back. I feel how I get more and more listless by the minute sleeping in front of the TV. When I went to the kitchen the workers suggested that I should go toAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN7 Eleven to get something to eat.
- I want to make tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®
- Cannot be in the kitchen
So I went to 7 Eleven and I bought 5 Snickers and I returned home to my bed and TV. I left for Sophia at 3 o'clock and I had a good session with sparring. I asked my Teacher about the fight in Hua Hin and he said that it would most likely take place on Wednesday. Good, I can see the fight in Hua Hin.

When the American girl came they decided to have the fight next week and I will miss it because I'm off to Tokyo.

Darn! I had been looking forward to the trip to Hua Hin. Well, I'm sure there will be more fights to see. I walked back home to the eternal work in my kitchen and they didn't finished the work in my kitchen until 7.
- We will come back tomorrow
- Yeah-yeah Blah-blah

I was late to Bangkok Fight Club and I was very hungry so IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbrought my 7 Eleven card and I stopped at 7 Eleven on the way to Bangkok Fight Club. I had 2 minute Maids and 3 croissants that IAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNate outside 7 Eleven before I continued to the boxing session.

I arrived 30 minutes late and I joined the group as soon as I had changed shoes. We did some technique exercises and then it was pretty much time to do the sit ups and to go home again.

I stopped to buy water at 7 Eleven,hopefully the last water I need to buy. They must be ready with my kitchen tomorrow so I can get my drinking water plant up and running. The water I bought for the flooding is finished now so I will need to buy my drinking water until my drinking water is up and running.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I'll better off being carefull with my WATER BLASTER 2012

Tuesday 10 th of April 2012
and I woke up 10 minutes before 9 when my phone rang. It was the maid service and they told me that the maid was waiting outside my door. I went to open the door and she started to clean while I did my tea and CHICKEN & ONION SURPRISE ®. I read the Bangkok Post online edition while I had my breakfast and when I was ready the worker for my Kitchen arrived. They would be finished in 2 hours.
- Yeah-yeah, blah-blah

I left for Chakrit Muay Thai School at 10 thirty and I arrived at 11. The mother of the 17 yearsAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNold was waiting for me and my Teachers older sister and her son was soon arriving.

There was another Thai girl and she paid for 2 foreigners when they finished their session. I thought she was a tour leader taking some tourist for a Muay Thai session. But it turned out that she was the Nanny.
- Nanny!! How old are these guys?
- 15
I was surprised, they looked older than 15. And who needs a Nanny when you're 15? Well, can be good to have when you come to a new country, maybe.

I had a good session at Chakrit even though my right shoulder hurt. But I was pounding the pads and when the girls came back with food my Teacher had a quick break.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Lunch break at Chakrit Muay Thai School

They asked if I wanted to eat, but I told them that I was on diet. They enjoyed their lunch in theAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNshade while I was waiting. My Teacher was surprised when I asked if he was ready to kickbehind.
- You want more?
- Of course!

We did a few more rounds before I called it a day. My Teacher's sister wanted to go see Emporium and I did not want to go there. She had never been to Emporium so well, why not? I can have alook at a vacuum cleaner. I bought the Electrolux cordless vacuum cleaner. This was supposed to be the best thing ever happened to mankind. I gave away my old vacuum cleaner and the Electrolux cordless turned out to be more orAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNless useless.

The girls and the child were not too happy when it turned out that we were going back to Sukhumvit Soi 23 by foot. The mother of the 17 years old already knew that I love to walk and that we were going by foot. But my Teacher's sister was not too happy about it. It was pretty much the same from 5 minutes after departing Chakrit until weAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNarrived to my apartment.
- It is very hot
- How long to go?
- Are we there yet?
Now you just have to throw in any of the above sentences with 5 minutes between them to understand how my walk back home was.

We passed a chain gang on the way back home. There must have been 100 of them in yellow and pink baseball caps and they were busy cleaning the sewage so they are clean for the rain season.Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNNot a job I would like to have, taking out all the shit from the sewer and load it on trucks with buckets.

My Teacher's sister covered her son and she explained to me.
- They sit in the monkey house

We passed the Jasmine building and we were on Soi 23 and 500 meters up the Soi we passed the taxi driver that was going to take me to Pattaya during the flooding. Kind of a pain in the behind, every time when I go to Chakrit he is asking me if I'm going toPattaya. I'm seriously thinking of taking a different way to Chakrit Muay Thai Gym because of his nagging.

It started back in October last year. I was at Chakrit on Washington Square and everyone told me that Sukhumvit was flooded. I had not seen any water on Sukhumvit, but people were panicking so I went back home preparing for my escape to Pattaya. But first I wanted to investigate the flooding. So on my way back home I asked the driver on Sukhumvit Soi 23 if he wanted to take me to Pattaya.
- No problem
- OK, I will go home and check Bangkok Post first
Bangkok Post 28 October 2011

Well, turned out to be nothing according to Bangkok Post and I cancelled my trip to Pattaya, and I was happy about it. I hope never to set foot in Pattaya again. Well, anyway, every time the Driver sees me he is going on about Pattaya. We were soon in my apartment and my mood swung to bad when I discovered that the kitchen looked pretty much the same as when I left.

When the guy called me this morning asking to meet me he told me that they would finish my kitchen in 2 hours.
- Impossible!!
- No, we will finish today
And when I came home it was the same all over again.
- We will finish today
- Impossible!!
- No, we will finish today
- OK, you can come to pick up your money tomorrow
We left for Emporium and I stopped at the condo office.
- Aladdin, we have a parcel for you. 7 Baht, please.

I brought back the parcel to my apartment and I asked the taxi to wait for me. IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNopened the parcel when I came in to my kitchen. 31 cans of snus?? I didn't order 31 cans, I ordered 40 or 60. Well, I will investigate when I have the time. But I saved 2000 Baht and several hours at the post office so I was in a good mood.

The taxi was gone when I came down so we had to find another taxi and we were soon at Emporium. My Teacher's sister was looking for a mobile phone for her son, but they didn't find any and I was soon in an argument with them.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- Here are millions of phones
- We want to look at MBK

I told them that I was going home and they left for MBK and I took a taxi back home. The guy in the kitchen was still working and he was still telling me that he would finish the job today. Well, 30 minutes later and he realised that they would not manage to complete the job. Well, what did I say, already a few days ago?

The good mood from receiving my snus soon worn off and, well, I wasn't the most pleasant guy to talk with. I told the guy to come back tomorrow and I left for Rompo Mansion. I had a stop at my local 7 Eleven for a Minute Maid for the taxi ride. The staff at 7 Eleven were wearing what they called “Songkran shirts” and the holiday is coming up were quick. I just hope I can make it to the boxing clubs with my cameraAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand iPod until Thursday. Thursday will be hard, but Friday, I will for sure have to use my Canon waterproof camera. Of course, already fully charged and prepared for the Songkran.

I took my Minute Maid and I left to look for a taxi and I had to wait for a few minutes before there was an available taxi coming my way. And of course, it turned out to be the “Pattaya Driver”
- No! I'm not going to Pattaya. I'm going to Rompo Mansion.

We arrived to Rompo Mansion 10 minutes later and I paid the driver and I walked up towards Rompo Mansion and their Muay Thai Gym.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
At Rompo Mansion Muay Thai Gym

I spotted my Teacher from Bangkok Fight Club and I turned around and I walked to the MiniMart.I wanted to buy some orange juice, but most of all I wanted to check out if the daughter of the MiniMart owner was working. I stepped inside.

Well, it was not the daughter, but her Aunt and I got right on to the cross-examination. The girl was home with her mama and papa, she had 2 children with a guy from New Zealand. Well, sitting home with mama and papa with 2 children. Exactly how fun is that?

We talked for a while and I paid for my orange juice and I left for the Muay Thai Gym. Yesterday, when I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club the Teacher called me.
- Psst, Aladdin, come here.
I went over to him and he told me that he had started to teach Muay Thai at another gym in the afternoon 3 days per week.
- Japanese girls are very beautiful, he said.
- What??
- There are Japanese girls at this place and they are very beautiful
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- Where?
- Rompo Mansion, do you know it?
- I lived there for 5 years 15 years ago.
He wanted me to come visit him and the girls and I told him that I would drop by when I had the time. So I decided to go there today and

Well, stupid me, I had expected them to, well, not me, but the workers had expected to be ready in my kitchen today. But not, so I was late to Rompo and my Teacher had finished work. But we looked around while drinking our orange juices and it was time to leave.
- I take a taxi home, see you at 7
- NO NO NO, you go with me
- Very dangerous to go on a motorcycle. Taxi is better, sitting comfortable and AC
- NO, I'm protected, I have many Buddha
He has some mumbo jumbo around his neck and he brought out his key ring. He showed me his keyAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNring and it was full of talismans and amulets. He has had several motorcycle accidents during the time I have known him.
- Well, it has been for no good so far
- No problem, I will drive very slow.

He managed to talk me up on his motorcycle. I have not been on a motorcycle in Bangkok for 15 years. At least while sober, I might have had a ride while drunk, but that is what's required todare going out in the Bangkok traffic on a motorcycle.

We left Rompo Mansion for Ratchadapisek and Sukhumvit Soi 23. It was ok on the motorcycle on the small Soi outside Rompo Mansion, but it was not so nice when we reached Rama IV.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
On the way to Sukhumvit Soi 23

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Ratchadapisek and Sukhumvit intersection

But we managed to reach Sukhumvit between buses and cars. But it was not so much traffic and I was surprised. When we approached Sukhumvit we decided to go to Tohkai for some sushi. Well, IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwanted to go, my Teacher thought it was too close to the training session at Bangkok Fight Club.

We arrived safely to Tohkai on Sukhumvit Soi 23 and we ordered 3 plates of salmon/ avocado sushi with sesame seeds. My Teacher always trying to give me amulets and Buddha to have around my neck. But I always say NOAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNTHANKS. Very polite, of course.

But now he brought out a small piece of something and he told me that I should wear this. I asked him what it was.
- Very very good.
OK, didn't make me any wiser so I asked the Waitress and she told me that would protect me from bad luck and stuff. OK, I can give it a try, after a life of bad luck it is time for me to get some luck. Good luck that is, not anymore bad luck.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

We got a plate of salmon/ avocado sushi and we could hardly finish the sushi. But we managed andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmy Teacher was right, we should have skipped thesushi just before starting the Muay Thai session.

We left the place for my apartment so I could change to my boxing gear. I had the new amulet or whatever they call it on my key string around my neck and it actually felt a wee bit safer to get on the bike.

I heard a funny story on Swedish radio a few days ago. I often wonder how many of these Swedish Journalists working at the radio got their job. Or if they simply just sit in a bar making up their stories. Or as in this case, they just take a story from the 70's. Now a day you must wear seat belt while driving a car in Thailand and this law have been around for a long time. But this Journalist had a story about when he went to the airport in a taxi and it went something like this:

I was in a taxi going to the airport. The driver drove like he had stolen the car and I was horror-stricken.

We plunged down the highway and the driver was not wearing his seatbelt. He had actually removed all the seat belts. The car was decorated with millions of Buddha and amulets for protection in the traffic so he knew that it was very dangerous. But he trusted the Buddha and amulets more than the removed safety equipment in the car.

I changed clothes and we left for Bangkok Fight Club and we arrived safe 10 minutes before 7. The American girl was there when we arrived and we were 7 people plus the teacher today. No signAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNof the French girls.

We started with warm up and then we started with kneeing and then we swapped to elbowing thepunch bags.

When we were ready with the punch bags we had to run back and forth carrying on of the punch bags. The American girl asked me how much I thought the bag weighted.
- Around 20 kilo
She told me that she wanted to try. It turned out that the bag was around 50 kilo, but she managed to run with the bag. But I still have my doubt about the 50 kilo, I think it is more like 20.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Running with the bag

Time for cool down and sit ups and I walked back home. It had been a nice day and I was pretty pleased, well, except for the orange juice. I passed the Banana Leaf Kitchen and the staff wasAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsitting around a table.

The staff is always nice and happy to see me. And since the redecoration they are wearing uniforms and the place looks really nice. But the owner don't say hello to me anymore.

Grand re-opening and the owner asked me to come. But I'm on diet and I didn't want to miss my boxing session. Free food or not, I'm on diet. But the owner was obviously offended by this, well, not my problem.

Wednesday 11 th of April 2012
and I woke up at 9 with my alarm and I was out of bed after a few minutes. I finished my tea and CHICKEN & ONION SURPRISE ® before the guy came to do theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNlast job in my kitchen

The managed to finish my kitchen, except for one thing. And my drinking water is not working. But they told me that it took a while to build up the pressure in the water tank.

I was on my way to pay my ticket to Japan and to go buy onion at Tops Market when I discovered that the guy was back to work in my kitchen. Well, no time to go to Tops Market and I went to 7 Eleven to buy some Minute Maid and croissants as snack before going to Sophia Muay Thai Gym. I stopped at the ATM and I withdrew money to the Carpenter so I can pay him. He is waiting for the money in my kitchen.

I'm pretty pleased with the white tiles under the sink, now it will be easy to keep clean and in caseAladdin's adventure with Canon PowerShot D10 in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNof a water leak the water won't go down to the kitchen below my apartment.

Of course, when it was time to leave for SophiaMuay Thai Gym the sky opened up and the rain poured down. Good, I have a chance to test my Canon PowerShot D10. I paid for the camera and the more I use it the better it is.

So far I have only used the camera during 1 Songkran and the snorkelling. And even though I have hardly used the camera I have already manage to lose the camera one time. During my latestAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsnorkelling the camera disappeared when I jumped from the diving boat. Luckily enough the Divers found my camera again.

I walked to Sophia and I had the worst session ever. I could hardly move my arms and when I did it was very painful. The only fun happening at Sophia today was that the American girl had a fight on the 26th of April. So I will be back from Tokyo by then.

And the second thing was that there was a beautiful girl visiting. When the owner came he looked at her and he asked me if it was my girlfriend.
- Do I look like someone a girl like her want to be seen together with?

I walked back home and I saw a parcel at the office that looked a lot like my snus parcels. So I went inside and yes, it was a parcel for me. They charged me 7 Baht and I made a quickAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcalculation on my way from the office to my apartment. I have saved more than 5000 Baht and many many hours at the post office. I orderednew snus online as soon as I was back in my kitchen.

I made myself a CHICKEN & ONION SURPRISE ® and a pot of tea and when I was finished I was ready to take off to Bangkok Fight Club. CHICKEN & ONION SURPRISE ® seemed like one of the best ideas ever and the first CHICKEN & ONION SURPRISE ® tasted very good. The second CHICKEN & ONION SURPRISE ® was not all that exciting. Now I'm fed up with the chicken. Never happened with theAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtuna until I bought the Matsaman tuna, 50 cans so they will last me for a while.

I left for Bangkok Fight Club and I was about to turn around and go back home, I really didn't feel all that good. But I made it all the way and when we started I was about to go back home. But when I got warm most of the pain disappeared and I decided to stay. We started with the warm up and then we took turns with the pads and punch bags.

When we finished the punch bags we did running and punch bags. Time turned quick and it was yet another good session at Bangkok Fight Club. Time to do the cooldown exercises and sit ups. I had made it through the whole session and I was very glad that I had stayed. Well, the main reason for me to stay was that I knew that I would have suffered from a severe agony if I would have left.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Time for cool down and sit ups

I was busy taking pictures during the cool down and sit ups. Most of them were nothing but Sh*t, but I could use a few of them. I send most of my pictures to my Teacher and I use a few on myAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNweb page and then I erase them.

We finished the session and I walked back home. We will be back tomorrow for the last session for this week.Then it is Songkran and party for a few days

Bangkok Fight Club is closed on Friday and Monday, but Chakrit and Sophia is open on Monday so I can still have 2 sessions on Monday if I want. Well, we will see how my hangover is treating me.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Back home and I tried my drinking water first thing and there was no sign of that the water filter was working. I brought my valet and I left for 7 Eleven. I need water for my tea and protein shakes and I fill up a bag with empty plastic bottles every day. The people taking care of the garbage are always happy to see me. They get sorted garbage that they can sell right off without the need to sort it. But I don't want to fill up a bag of plastic every day so I really hope that they can get my drinking water up and running soon.

At 7 Eleven they wanted to send one of the staff to help me carry home my water. Yeah, 7 Eleven, always good service. But it would have been embarrassing to have help to carry 25 litres of water. Especially when they see me going for my boxing session every day.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- Thank you, but I don't need any help
- Are you sure?

But I cracked a joke with them. They put all my bottles in plastic bags and I always tell them that I don't need any bag. So they never put my stuff in bags. But today they put my bottles in bags and I told them that I don't need any bags.
- Are you sure?
- No, I'm just joking
Back home with my water and I put yet another excellent idea in to motion. I moved my alarm from the bed side table to the TV andthus I must get out of bed to turn off the alarm. And I willhopefully go straight from the alarm to the shower instead of going back to bed.
Quite clever if this works out, well, if I'm allowed to say it myself.

Thursday 12 th of April 2012
and wasn't my idea to move the alarm clock the best ever? It took me 10 minutes to get out of bed and as soon as I had turned off the alarm I felt backwards back in to the bed. I wasn't out of bed until 10 minutes after 10 and I had a quick tea and CHICKEN & ONION SURPRISE ® before I left to pay my ticket and to buy groceries at Tops Market.

I was at my travel Agent a few minutes past 12 and she had left for lunch. I continued to TopsAladdin's adventure at Tops Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMarket to do my weekend shopping. Songkran so go eat at a restaurant or to go shopping during the weekend is no option. What do I need? Ice cream for my
hangover surprise! I walked towards the ice cream section but I changed my mind, I had been on the scale this very morning and it was no good news.

Can I sue the Carpenter that did the work in my kitchen? I have spent 2 weeks in my bed eatingSnickers and OREO while they have been working in my kitchen. Not good for my diet

Oppsi Daisy G, there is your picture again, like a rabbit out of the hat, totally unexpected

I decided to buy a kilo of blueberries and a kilo of strawberries instead of the ice cream. I bought 2 litres of yogurt with 4 different berries. I also bought bananas andthis will be enough to last me for two hangover drinks. I have about 50 litres ++ of ABSOLUT at home so I can add a few drops to make the hangover drink to a hangover surprise. Of course, no vodkawill be added on Sunday as I will have to be fit for my boxing sessions on Monday.

Sunday will be spent in bed with hangover DVDs and no vodka. And strangely enough, I'm looking forward to waking up with a hangover on Saturday to try thislatest idea, the “HEALTHY” hangover surprise. And I can always throw in a few vitamin tablets in the “HEALTHY” hangover surprise to give it an extra PEP.

And if I can manage to plan ahead in the future I will never have to go to 7 Eleven 4 o'clock in the morning on my way home to buy ice cream for my hangover surprise. I will have blueberries and strawberries at home and I will soon have obtained my V-shaped torso.

I stopped to pay for my ticket on the way home and I stopped at the dry cleaner to pick up my bedAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcover. And back home I had time for a protein shake before it was time to leave for Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

I arrived at 3 o'clock but my Teacher was busy and we didn't start until 20 minutes past 3 o'clock. Today I felt much better, a wee bit of pain in my left arm, but otherwise OK. I had planned to finish 10 minutes early to give me time to have a swim in the pool. But we didn't stop until 4 and by then the American girl had arrived.

She had brought her lap top with a video of her last fight. And her fight on the 26th will be with the same girl. We watched thevideo with the Teacher and it was 4 thirty before I got out of there. I made my last chicken for dinner when I was back homeand I had it together with a pack of pumpernickel and a pot of tea.

Last time at Bangkok Fight Club this week and they are closed next Monday. That gives me ONLY 2 more days to try to obtain my V-shaped torso at Bangkok Fight Club. Tuesday and Wednesday next week and then I will go straightto the airport and Tokyo. But I will be back on the 25th “GLOWING” with enthusiasm. Well,hopefully, I know how I can feel after a few days of party. But Sunday will be spent in my hotel room, I might get away for a milkshake. But I will not get far away from my hotel. And thinking about it, I must remember to pack some Robin Hood andLoperamide. Never know, can come in handy.

Well, I willhopefully be back on the 25th. Last time in Tokyo and I was staying for 3 days. But my poor self control made me miss my flight back to Bangkok and I had to stay for 1 week. IAladdin's adventure in Tokyomet some nice people and we were out partying all night (My plan was to go straight to the airport) and when I woke up in my room the flight was half way to Bangkok already. I had to stay for 4 day extra in Tokyo, and it was fun.

I left for Bangkok Fight Club and we were 6 people + the Teacher and westarted right off with the Thai Navy exercises. We have not done this exercise for a very long time and I can't say that I have missed it.

We did the punch bags and when the new people did shadow boxing I sparredAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwith the American girl. Our Teacher is going home to see his parents over Songkran and he will leave tonight so we finished the session at 8 o'clock.

Good news when I came back home, our Thai friend will be back at Bangkok Fight Club after Songkran. Very good, we have missed him. And he had foundAladdin's adventure during Songkran in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNear guards for me, very good. I have not managed to find any so I'm really looking forward to try them.

Well, this week have come to an end and we will start celebrating the Thai New Year, Songkran tomorrow and as this page is already blown out of all proportions I have decided to make a new page to save us some down loading time. So we swing right over to the Songkran Festival 2012 in Bangkok . So load your water gun and hang on, this might be fun.

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