Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

November 2011

Tuesday 1 st of November 2011 and I can't say that I jumped out of bed when my alarm went off.But I made it out of bed an hour later or so. And I had planned to make a visit toAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in BangkokTops Market in the afternoon so I took off to Chacrit Muay Thai School as soon as I had finished my tea. No time to waste if I wanted to make it to Bangkok Fight Club in time. I can't remember last time I opened my Thai books and I had planned to open them yesterday, and then today. And now it looks like I will have to wait until tomorrow because it is more important to go check out if they have eggs at Tops Market.

It was a very good day at Chacrit Muay Thai School. A few rounds with the mitts and then 4 rounds of sparring before I went home.

I walked back home and I had a shower before I took off to Tops Market. And they had eggs so I bought 36 eggs. 4 eggs/ day so I have eggs for 9 days. I bought 9 tomatoes and 14 onions so this will last e for 9 days. 2 big bottles of non fat milk and I was readyAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto proceed to the cashier.

I took the wrong turn in one of the aisles and I ended up in the bread department. Not good, darn!!

I bought walnut Danish, strawberry Danish, custard Danish and cinnamon Danish and I wish I only had one of each. I could not stop myself even though I knew that I would suffer from a severe agony when I had finished these Danish. I paid and I left through the exit leading to the parking lot. And they had built not one but 2 flood barriers. Well, there was one sandbag wallAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNinside the Supermarket and when I came up to the parking space they had built 2 concrete walls against the flood.

And you really need to have commando training to get over the wall and this was no problem for me even though I had 7 bags of groceries to carry. I walked back home and I made a pot of tea and I finished my Danish with the tea. And I was right, agony hit me even before I finished the Danish.

Agony, this was nothing compared to how I felt. I finished Danish pastries for 539 Baht andPLEASE don't do the math!
Then you will soon realise what a sick guy I am suffering from a severe eating disturbance. I was hoping for me to feel better at 6 thirty when I was going to leave forAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBangkok Fight Club. 3 hours should be ample time and I went to my bed room and I lay down on the top of my bed. 3 hours disappeared like nothing and it was suddenly7 o'clock and I had missed Bangkok Fight Club. Well, never mind, I was in no state fora session at Bangkok Fight Club due to all the Danish pastries.

For sure, I need professional help. It was 8 thirty before I got out of bed and I decided to go have a look for some Diet MAX . I walked down my Soi and the 7 Eleven was dry, not a Diet MAX to be found.
- We have Coke ZERO!!
I walked back up top my local 7 Eleven to see ifAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthey had any Diet MAX . I know that they are out of stock, but maybe, maybe they have had some Diet MAX delivered.
- No,we don't have any Diet MAX
- Why?
- The flooding
- Are they pouring all the Diet MAX in to the flood?
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I walked to Asoke and I was unlucky at the first 7 Eleven and I went to the zebra to cross the street to check out the 7 Eleven on the other side.

While I was waiting our Teacher came plunging downAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNAsoke on his motorbike. He had the American girl and one other girl on the motorbike. He was in the middle of the road and he did a DARE DEVILmove and cut the traffic. He stood on the brake and stopped just in front of me.
- Why didn't you show up at the training?
- I was sick. But tomorrow....

I crossed the street and I ran in to yet another guy from Bangkok Fight Club. It's like a flash flood of peopleAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfrom Bangkok Fight Club coming down Asoke tonight. We talked for a few minutes before I went inside 7 Eleven.
- Do you have Diet MAX
- Yes!
I turned cartwheelsto the fridge just to discover an empty fridge. Well, there was plenty coke
- Where is the Diet MAX ? I screamed to the cashier.

He came rushing down the aisle and he had a quick glance at the fridge before he disappeared out to the store room. I heard him scream 2 minutes later.
- Diet MAX is finished, we have Coke ZERO!!
- Coke ZERO!!?? Not even if you paid me.

Next stop was a FAMILY MART and they gave me the same Coke ZERO treatment but with the added
- Coke LIGHT??
I ran out of the FAMILY MART and I was really putting my hopeto the 7 Eleven next door
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Not any sign of any Diet MAX in the 7 Eleven and I crossed the street and I went in to the last 7Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNEleven on Asoke. I was unlucky but I was offered both Coke ZERO and LIGHT.

I walked back to Sukhumvit Soi 23 and I stopped at the “Banana leaf kitchen” restaurant at the corner.
- Do you have Diet MAX ?
- To take home?
- Yes
She walked towards the fridge and I was jumping up andAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdown on the street beaming of joy.
And it was the second time today that I was turning cartwheelsto a fridge just to be disappointed. She held up a bottle of Pepsi
- Diet MAX
Then she brought out a coke light and I left to the Indian Mini Mart next door. They didn't had any Diet MAX but they had 5 bottles of San Miguel Light.

I have San Miguel Light in my fridge, but what good are they doing if they are out of beers at the pub. It is not like I'mAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgoing to sit home drinking beers until I fall asleepin the sofa.

Next stop was a Mom & Pop hole in the wall shop further down Sukhumvit Soi 23. A Classic Thai shop, but they are history by now. At least in my area and there are only 2 of them left around here. They had exactly ZERO Diet MAX in the shop and I continued down Soi 23. Both 7 Elevens at the end of the Soi wereAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdrained of Diet MAX . I even went in to check Boots at the Jasmine building, but they were closed.

Yes, I was not in a very good mood when I turned around and started to walk back home. I have to getAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNup early tomorrow so I can attend Chacrit Muay Thai School and I cannot spend the whole night walking up and down the Sois looking for Diet MAX . I decided to try one more Mini Mart next to Pak Bakery

Pak Bakery, yet another place to avoid, they have some very good cakes at the place and in a combination with a pot of tea there is nothing stopping me. And I blame my training in Malaysia for all this coffee shop visits. It started that I had my afternoon tea after my training, a pot of tea and 10 Danish pastries. Yes, this was the only thing to do in the boring town and it is like I can't give up the habit.

Well, anyway, I stepped inside J 23 Mart and I asked if they had Diet MAX
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- Yes, we have
- Yeah-yeah, Blah-blah
I walked towards the fridge and I asked the girl where the Diet MAX was
- We only have cans!
- Yeah-yeah, Blah-blah

As you understand I was a little disillusioned after running up and down the Sois. But there were 6 cans of Diet MAX
I bought all of their Diet MAX , 6 of the smallest cans I
Will get NATO to drop food parcel of diet max, don't want to see "our hero of the floods" suffer without diet max :))
had ever seen and Sukhumvit Soi 23 and Asoke is officially drained of all the Diet MAX .

Yes, where to find Diet MAX now? As my British friend suggested in an e-mail the other day: DropAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNparcels from the air.

I was thirsty so I bought a bottle of Minute Maid with my 6 cans of Diet MAX and I could not help myself. I had a tear rolling down my cheek when I was thinking about the “FAMILY SIZE” bottles of Minute Maid in Malaysia.

No, it was not “FAMILY SIZE” bottles, it was“SOCCER TEAM SIZE” bottles and I wonder why they don't have them in Thailand. Well, thinking about it and I'm better off without any JUMBO bottles.

When I came back home from Chacrit Muay Thai School everyone told me that the flood would not hit us. They were very happy and I heard several people in the area saying that Sukhumvit Soi 23 would stay dry. Where did they get this from? For sure as you can see on Bangkok Post web page there is several different messages:
At 16:06 it was “All 50 districts in Bangkok are 'at risk'”
At 17:40 it was “All districts in Bangkok still 'at risk'”
At 21:21 it was “Inner Bangkok 'unlikely' to face flood”
At 21:28 it was “Worst case scenario 'unlikely'”
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Well, I will see what I wake up to tomorrow. That's pretty much it for today and what a shitty daythis turned out to be. It started very good at Chacrit Muay Thai School and the wholeday capsized at Tops bread department. A new NO GO area for me! I really hope that the rest of November 2011 turns out way better than the first of November 2011.

Wednesday 2 nd of November 2011
and I managed to get out of bed before 9 o'clock even though it was 5 o'clock before I managed to fall asleep. I had a Diet MAX while reading Bangkok Post online.Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNToday I could read that Bangkok was at risk again, so it had gone from 'unlikely' when I went to bed to 'BMA puts entire capital on alert' .

I don't know what to think, but the water is coming closer. But one good sign is the girl selling the buckets outside my condo. A big bucket has gone from 700 to 599 Baht and a small bucket has gone from 600 Baht to 399 Baht. And I can't say that there was any rush to her car. She should go to an area that's about to be flooded, butAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwith these prices she would most likely be lynched. Well, she might end up with her house full of buckets when we have put this flooding behind us.

The American girl was at Chacrit Muay Thai School when I arrived and she was busy kicking. I did the mitts and I wasn't in a very good shape after a few nights with not very much sleep. I was tired even though I went to bed for an hour after my morning tea.

But we did quite a few rounds because the TeacherAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNreally pushed me to continue the session.
- One more round
When we finished the round he continued
- Two more rounds.

Turned out that he was expecting one of the Cooks from Bourbon Street to come look at me. She was looking for a boy friend and our Teacher's girl friend work as a Cook at Bourbon Street and she is the one that had arranged this. I felt like a monkey at ZOO and luckily enough I was on my way home before she showed up.

I had a shower when I was back home and I read my Thai books, for the first time in a very long time.

There were 4 participants when I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club. The American girl, the Polish guy, our Teacher's daughter and her friend. Our Thai friend arrived a few minutes later.

Our Teacher helps him to look like a fighter before we can take his picture
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PLEASE!! You're not alone
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
This is how it should look
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
The shirt have to go

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
And the GUARD left a little to wish for
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Here we go, but, something is missing.....
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Perfect with the angry face

His wife had spent the long extra weekend in Hua Hin with their children and when she came back she had brought him new Muay Thai shorts. And of course we needed a picture of him wearing MuayAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNThai shorts for the first time. And of course, this was nothing we could just do like that and our Teacher instructed him on how towear the trousers and of course he had to show him the right posse. I got the pictures and asked him to look angry to make it perfect.

We got our pictures and we started with the warm up. We got right o with the sparring when we finished with the warm up. MyAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfirst round was with the girl, I don't know howold she is, maybe 10.

I only blocked when she was hitting me. But never mind if I would have tried to hit her, shewould have kicked my arse any day. She is really good and she hits like a horse kicks.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I did one round with the girl and then we took turns sparring each others, and the first round was done with the right hand on the back.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I did 4 or 5 rounds with the right hand on my back, one round with each of the guys. Then we changed again andwe did the rest of the rounds with 2 hands. Well, I and the Polish guy were only allowed to use one hand when we sparred with one of the Thai guys. He was pretty new so he was allowed to use 2 hands.

When we finished the sparring it was time for spring knees and we finished the session with sit ups as always. Time to go home and our Teacher asked me if I could take a group picture.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I walked back home with the American girl, the Polish guy and our Thai friend and I left them at Asoke Soi 2 when I turned off Asoke to get home. They continued to the sky train station. We will soon see each other again.

Back home and I opened my last Diet MAX and I enjoyed the can while reading Bangkok Post online. Well, yesterday it was “Inner Bangkok 'unlikely' to face flood” and today I read about rising water levels and trouble with people on the wrong side of the dykes.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Well, I read,hmm, I think it was yesterday that they would drain everything in 10 days. Well, I wish them good luck with that. I had a shower and I stepped up on the scale when I came out from the shower. 0, 5 kilo down since last time I checked. Monday was the last time, I didn't had the guts to get up on the scale yesterday.

Now I really hope that I can fall asleep tonight, not another night tossin' and turnin' until 5 o'clock in the morning so I'm dead tired when my alarm goes off at 9.

We finish the day with some of today's pictures from Bangkok Post

Bangkok Flooding Nov 2
A selection of photos of flooding in and around Bangkok on Wednesday, November 2.
Photos by Post Photographers

Published: 2/11/2011

Thursday 3 rd of November 2011
and I woke up at 7. I took a sleeping pill when I went to bed at 1 o'clock and I felt asleep pretty quick. 7 o'clock was a wee bit too early to get up and luckily enough IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmanaged to fall asleep again. I don't know what happened to my alarm clock, but I didn't wake up until 11. DARN! I had to have a speed breakfast before I left for Chacrit Muay Thai School.

I needed to bring money to Chacrit Muay Thai School so I could renew my member fee and I stopped at the ATM at my local 7 Eleven.

But no need to bring my valet thanks to my

OK, I will make this very easy. Of course there is plenty more to learn about dew and dew points if you're eager to learn. But we will take the water bottle as an example.

The air contains water and the warmer the air is the more water it can contain. You are enjoying a cold beer in an outdoor bar. In just a few minutes the bottle is covered in water, why? The warm air around the cold bottle cools down and can thus not contain the same amount of water. The air gives of the water that ends up on the bottle.

The beer gets warm while cooling down the air so a beer bottle is not a very good insulator. But my space age technology water bottle is a very good insulator. The water stays cool and the air around the bottle stays warm. No transfer of energy between the water and air and no dew and my cash in the “ACTION” bag stays dry.
new water bottle. The water bottle was delivered with a “ACTION” bag. So I can have my ATM and cash in the bag. Can come in handy when 7 Eleven is restocked and I can stop to buy a Diet MAX on my way home from the boxing.

1560 Baht for a simple bottle is very expensive, but it is quite OK for a “ACTION” bottle like this. And the water stays cool for hours. Must be some space age technology used as insulation. A bottle of cold water doesn't take long to get all wet with dew in this climate. So I was confident that my cash would be OK dry when I arrived toAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNChacrit Muay Thai School

The American girl was ready when I arrived and I got right on to the mitts. It was a good session and I was satisfied when I walked back home.

Coming up on Soi 23 and I saw a house on top of the roof tops that I had never seen before. I really hope that it is a store room because it looked like it would be very hot inside the small hut. I found a few more MOM & POP shops while I was walkingAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhome and I stopped at every shop to ask for Diet MAX Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand I was not lucky.

And the girl with the buckets seems to be unlucky as well. Today the price was 500 Baht for a big bucket. 700 to 599 yesterday and today 500. Why doesn't she just give up? She had an idea to make money but so far it has failed, but it is not over yet. Maybe they will be back to 700 or more in a few days.

Well, before leaving for Bangkok Fight Club I got alarming news on the news. 50 green mambas had escaped from a house in the flooded Nontaburi and the girl reading the news told us that they were very poisonous and to look out for the green mambas
- And look out for the crocodiles to!!

Well, maybe time to go back to Pattaya. Green mambas sounds serious, I don't care about theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcrocodiles. I ran in to a 6 meters long crocodile in South America when coming around the corner in the middle of the night. Yes, the darn crocodile just lied across the street in the middle of the capital when Icame from the pub. Luckily enough I was in a taxi.

There was a lot of noise when I left for the Bangkok Fight Club and when I came down I saw plenty people at the entrance. And they had been packing supplies in bags for the flooding victims and nowAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthey were in a line from the entrance down to the office building. And they sent the bags from the entrance room to the office building and I wondered why I didn't know about this event.

I took a few pictures of the event before I continued to Bangkok Fight Club. And when I had passed through Srinakarinwirot University they were collecting supplies for the flooding victims as well. Where are all this supplies ending up? A few days ago theyAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhad a video on the news from FROC's storage at Don Muang airport. There were so much supplies just laying around

They also wrote about it in Bangkok Post and of course I have saved the article for you to read. Just to click the link.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
There were only 5 people plus our Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club. We started with someAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNweight training, 8 stations and we did every station one time before we continuedwith techniques and shadow boxing.

One of the stations was an old tyre that we had to step into and pull it up around our waist while running back and forth at the gym. Well, I could hardly get in to the tyre and it was almost impossible to move.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We did some technique exercises and the last exercise was to duck left and right under a stringAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthat our Teacher had put up.

A very good exercise, almost the same as I do on Chacrit Muay Thai School, but I do it with the Teacher and I punch his mitts. Well, anyway, it is I good exercise for my movements, but I'm still a cubic ton too heavy.

Time for sparring but I skipped the sparring today, my right shoulder is hurting. And of course, after the sparring yesterday I had to go around picking up my earrings that had been flying across the Bangkok Fight Club during the sparring.

Maybe I will have to start using the helmet again, but I don't like to wear the helmet when I'm sparring.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I walked back home with the Polish guy and I checked Bangkok Post for the latest news when I was back home. It was the same as all the other days:
• No worries
• Run for the hills
But I can read the reports on how the water is coming closer and closer to Sukhumvit. I readAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthat the water had reached Chatuchak and Lat Prao so my guess is that it will come to Sukhumvit sooner or later.

I like to read Bangkok Post but sometimes I wonder what they are up to. Breaking news, English is not my native language so I might be wrong. But for me BREAKING NEWS is when something important have happened and of course, when I read the head line “Flood won't creep into inner Bangkok” in the BREAKING NEWS section I click on the link.
- What the
How the hell did “Mr Chavalit did not expect the flood to advance further than Chatuchak area” turn in to the head line “Flood won't creep into inner Bangkok” ? And who the f@ck is Mr Chavalit, a Team Group managing director? He don't “expect” is the same as “Flood won't creep into inner Bangkok” Well, anyway, after the last two or 3 weeks of reading about the flooding I had not “expect” any useful information or guarantees.

Friday 4 th of November 2011
and I stayed in bed until 12. My alarm went off at 9 and I had planned to make a quick visit to Chacrit Muay Thai School before 1 o'clock when my photo TeacherAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNarrives and we will have a class on how to take pictures. And on Monday evening there will be the 5 of us that will have a study group on how to use our camera. “If you don't have a clue how to make your camera take good pictures or what all those controls mean then this is the class for you”

But when I woke up at 9 my body was sore and aching so I decided to take a rest from the boxing. At least the mid day session, I hope I can make it to Bangkok Fight Club tonight

My Teacher called me 10 minutes before 1 and he and hisAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwife was stuck in the traffic on Asoke. That gave me time to run down to my local 7 Eleven and when I left 7 Eleven they arrived in the taxi.

We went to my condo and we discussed today's event. Wewere going to a Chinese grave yard at Sathorn to take pictures. It is a huge areaand there is an outdoor gym and people are coming there to exercise and to jogging around the park.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
It was nice and cool to walk under the trees and my Teacher's wife saw a snake. They call it a treesnake and it was not so very nice to walk under the trees after that. It happens that they fallAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdown, they are not dangerous but this is still an experience I can live without.

Thai people know that they are not dangerous and IAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcould not help to think about the green mambas on the loose. Maybe someone see one of them and think it is a green tree snake.

My Teachers wife was taking MACRO pictures while we were taking pictures with diffrent exposure compensations. We started with the Auto Exposure Bracketing function
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Zero exposure compensation

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Decreased exposure and the picture is darken.
The tombstones and the house in the back ground are darker and we can
actually see the text on the tombstones. The colour on the leafs are
very dark and the tree trunk is dark shadow and we cannot see any details.

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNN
Increased exposure and the picture is brighter
We cannot see the tombstones and the house in the back because it is too bright.
But the leafs has turned bright green and we can see details on the tree trunk

Picture with zero exposure compensation and decreased exposure are almost the same, but I onlyAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNused 1/3 and I can set the compensation between -5 and +5 so it is easy to understand what can be done as soon as I get the hang of it. And then we can mix the pictures in Photoshop and, well, you understand.

We walked around and we ran in to an old man, 87 years old and he was more than happy to act as a model.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

And he had a friend that didn't mind to act as a model. Well, pretty much everyone we meet wanted to have their picture taken.

We continued to walk down the footpath, an avenue of trees that I don't know the name of. PeopleAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwere jogging past us and it was quite busy for a Friday afternoon. I can imagine how much people here will be during the weekend.

But they were very friendly and they cheered us when they passed us. When we came to the end of the grave yard we spotted some tombstones with trees growing straight through the stones. Well, the tombstones were made out of concrete and bricks, not like in Sweden where they are made out of solid stone and then it would have been a different story.
But anyway, it is amazing how the trees grew straight up through some of the tombstones
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Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
When we reached the end of the grave yard we saw something that looked like a small apartment building and this was obviously the place where the poor were buried. Well, I don't know if we can call it buried when they are kept in an urn above ground.

And there were two rooms for an urn on each level and then the close the room with bricks and I think they will keep the urns for 20 years. Or if it was 5 years.

This place was huge and it is of course representing a huge value in the middle of Bangkok and if I understood it right they buy their grave for quite a lot of money so it is only the rich that can afford to be buried in a big grave. But as you can see on the pictures, it doesn't look like any one is taking care of the graves.
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Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We turned around after having taken a few pictures and when we came to one of the benches we sat down. We were going to take pictures of the people jogging by using the AL SERVO funtion on the auto focus. Used when taking pictures of moving objects.

We were going to take pictures of the joggers and we wanted the back ground to be blurred to givesome action the the picture. Quick shutter time to capture the joggers without blur.

When I take my pictures at the boxing I'm trying to have a slower shutter time to get some movement in the object at the same time as I want the face and body to be static and clear.
It was the same joggers passing us every time and when they had passed us a few times they started to wave at us and no one minded us taking pictures.
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Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I got chance to practice for a few times, but it require much practice and I will go taking pictures ofAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcarsfrom the side walk when I have the time. Boxing and diet is priority #1.

We walked back to the gym area where we bought water. I was busy taking pictures of thegym area. There were several beautiful girls that had arrived while we were gone and they were exercising.

So I was busy taking pictures when I heard someone screaming “Aladdin”
- What the
I looked around but I could not see anyone that I knew, and there was a guy on a push bike screaming “Aladdin” again. I walked towards him and I asked if I knew him.
- Don't you remember me?
I had no clue, but it turned out that it was a taxi driver that had taken me home from Siam or something like that. And he remembered that I was from Sweden and, well, I obviously didn't remember him. But I know that he is from Thailand.
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Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We left the park behind, we had decided to walk through an interesting part of town before returning home. DARN! It was 4 o'clock and I have my evening session at Bangkok Fight Club. Wes topped to buy orange juice. I don't want to give you the true detailsabout our stop at the MOM & POP store. But pretty much the same reason for me to go to 7 Eleven while waiting for my Teachers earlier during the day.

They didn't have any Minute Maid so we had to buy something that was hardly possible to drink. Did not even taste like orange juice. Well, I asked the old Chinese lady if she had Diet MAX and sheAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgave me a can
- Do you have more? I take everything
Sha handed me a second can
- I take everything you have
She handed me a third can, the last can in the fridge and I asked if she had more.
- How much do you want?

She pointed behind a bunch of cases with water bottles.
- You want one case?
- I see 2 cases! I take both of them
- Both of them?
- Yes, we're very low on Diet MAX at Sukhumvit so I need everything I can get my hands on. I have drained the whole of theAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSukhumvit area.
She was smiling and laughing when she realised that I was not joking. She was going to sell some soda, most likely this biggest soda deal in her life. And she wasold.

She turned cartwheels to the other side of the water bottle cases and she started to pull out the cases of bottled water in order to reach the cases with Diet MAX . I could see that she was calculating on her profit while she pulled the cases.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Well, didn't this place turn out to be a real Diet MAX heaven? I was in a very good mood and theChinese lady started to calculate how much I would have to pay her.

We left the Diet MAX in the shop and we would be back to pick up my soda when we were returning with a taxi. And my Teacher was right, it was a nice area of the city.
Picture against the sun

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Zero exposure compensation

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Increased exposure and some of the details on top of the house disappears because it is too bright.
But the dark part of the house is getting brighter.

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I took some more pictures testing the exposure compensations before we walked back to the shop toAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNpick up my Diet MAX and to try to get a taxi. ItAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwould hopefully be easy to get a taxi outside the entrance to the park/ graveyard.

But it was not easy to find a taxi and we had to wait for quite some time. One taxi didn't want to go to Sukhumvit, he didn't havethe time and the other taxis had passengers. My Teachers wife went out on the big road to try to catch a taxi. While we were waiting the girls from the gym came out from the park.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I had the opportunity to get a few more pictures and when I asked how they were one of the girls started to giggle. Where is the darn taxi? We covered 3 roads and we decided to give up and we walked towards the big road to join my Teacher's wife.

We were 25 meters from the big road when his wife called and she was on the way in a taxi and we saw them coming around the corner while she was on the phone. We got in to the taxi and we returned to the shop to pick up my Diet MAX .
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Friday afternoon and the traffic was VERY light, must be because of the flooding. I had expected a severe traffic jam and I was afraid that I would miss my session at Bangkok Fight Club. But weAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmade the trip back to Sukhumvit at a record breaking time and I was back home at 5 thirty.

I had time for a pot of tea and a can of tuna with some black bread before I left for Bangkok Fight Club. I also had time for a can of Diet MAX . Now I have 2 cases plus 3 cans and I hope this will last me for a while.

I still have all my water as I drink from my drinking water plant. My fridge is full of water filled Diet MAX bottles. But, well, there is any more space and never mind, there isn't any more Diet MAX bottles to buy.

I have tuna and bread, should be well over 100 cans of tuna and I buy fresh milk as long as it is available in the supermarket. I brought 25 kilos of milk and tuna from Singapore and who knows when I will have to go buy groceriesin Singapore next time. People were laughing when I brought canned tuna and milk from Singapore, but now there is no more laughing. And a few weeks back, before the reality had kicked in the looked at me like I was theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNvillage idiot when I bought my water.

I left for Bangkok Fight Club and I didn't meet the ladies when I crossed Shrinakarinwirot University's compound. Otherwise I run in to 3 girls in a military styled uniform every night. And they ask me where I go.
- We see you every night!

I passed the tent that Shrinakarinwirot University have put up at Asoke to collect money and items for the flood victims. 2 girls were attending the tent and they had collected quiteAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNan amount of bottled water.

And why is it that everyone does the V sign with their fingers when they see a camera? Personally, Ilike the middle finger better.

The American girl wasn't at Bangkok Fight Club so I guess she had left for Kho Samet and that she will have her fight at Kho Samet tomorrow. Otherwise itAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas our Thai friend and another Thai guy and a new Thai girlAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI had never seen before. Our Teacher's daughter and the young professional girl.

We started with warm up and then it was the ribbon exercise again. Our Teacher put upAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNa ribbon and we had to walk along, well, not walk. But we hadto shadow boxing our way back and forth while ducking under the ribbon from left to right and back. Shadow kicking andAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNboxing back and forth along the yellow ribbon.

I think we did it 3 or 4 times before it was time for the new Thai girl to get her arse kicked by the young Thai girl. Yeah, I didn't expect anything else after I got myAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNarse kicked the other day.

They sparred one round before it was time for the punch bags. Running back andforth to finish with speed kicks and speed punches. I think we did this 3Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtimes before it was times for the mitts with the Teacher and I was first out.

I ws half dead when I was finished and I staggeredback to the bench and my “ACTION”bottle with water.

I was OK when it was our Thai friend's turn to do the mitts and I grabbed my camera to get some action pictures. I would like to practice some of the stuff I learn earlier today. But boxing is too quick to think about the picture settings so it was just to aim and shoot.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
The young Thai girl was the last one on the mitts and I managed to get a good picture of her. TheAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNothers was watching her, she is really good so it is fun to watch her.

We never did any sit upstoday, well, it is Friday and it use to be a wee bit more relaxed on Friday nights. I walked back home and I stepped inside my door just after 9 o'clock and I popped open a Diet MAX first thing.

I found an interesting online news paper or what they call it. The Atlantic and there was many pictures from the flooded Thailand that you can have a look at while I'm trying to catch some sleep.

It has been an interesting day and I'm satisfied with my day even though I missed
Chacrit Muay Thai School this morning. But it was minus 0, 9 kilo on the scale tonight. So I'm on to something good here. Well, anyway, let's finish the day with a cartoon from The Nation.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
From today's The Nation

All the cartoons from the nation and it is easy to come under the impression that they care about the poor country folks. They are pro Democrats so they are just criticising the Government. Don't believe for a second that it would have been any difference if the Democrats had won the election.
It was the same last year, not as much water so I never read that inner Bangkok was threatened to be flooded and I never saw anyone collecting stuff for the flood victims. Maybe because they were poor farmers that no one cared about. But this year when Bangkok is flooded it is a totally different tune, all companies supports the “FLOOD VICTIM” the last few weeks. Thailand has been flooded for a long time and people have had they houses under water for a very long time in the north of Thailand. But it had been the same if the Democrats had been in charge.

Saturday 5 th of November 2011
and it was around 5 thirty in the morning when I decided to give up trying to fall asleep. I was very tired and I gave it a new try 10 minutes later and I felt a sleep. My alarm clock went of 10 minutes to 9 and I wasn't tired so I went to the kitchen to make someAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtea. I enjoyed my tuna & onion with the tea while reading Bangkok Post online.

I discovered that the clock was well past 11.
- What the
My darn cheap Chinese good for nothing alarm clock and I will throw the piece of shit in the garbage.Suddenly I found myself in a hurry to get to Chacrit Muay Thai School and I left as soon as I finished my breakfast.

When I came out on the street IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdiscovered that the girl selling the buckets had just put the buckets on the side walk with a note. Big buckets 499 Baht and 399 Baht for theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsmall buckets. 399 Baht!!!!The other day the small buckets were 300 Baht!!

Well, she didn't expect me to keep track on her prices. But today she didn't bother hanging around with her pick-up so I guess that she didn't expect any rush.

Saturday afternoon and there was only one Teacher at Chacrit Muay Thai School and he was sick. So we only did a few roundsAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwith the mitts. My Teacher was not exactly full of vim, at least not until he asked me if I wanted a date.
- I knew a very beautiful accountant
- OK, call her.

He took pictures of me and sent to her with the phone and, well, I was delayed by an hour at Chacrit Muay Thai School. I talked to her onhis phone and suddenly he was out of credit on his phone. He managed to refill is phone and now he called the girl's mother and he handed me the phone.
- OK, I'm going to f@ck off out of here! I said and left.

I really didn't felt like talking to her mother and the whole idea capsized and I walked back home.

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

When I came back home the Security guards was buying ice cream from a street vendor. And in Thailand they eat ice cream like hot dog, in bread. Topped with condensate milk and peanuts. I'm on diet or I would for sure have tried an ice cream in bread.

I checked my mail box on my way to the apartment and I had received my snus. I had to pick up the parcel at the condo office and the post office had charged 7 Baht for the service to bring it home to me. Good, I had to pick up the first parcel with snus that arrived to me at the Custom postAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNoffice at Hualongpong. But the 2 last parcels had been brought to the condo office. Very good.

Saturday and I was almost going for a few beers, but I change my mind and I took my evening constitutionalto Thonglor and Ekkamai and back home. I had not taken this tour for a very long time now and it was nice to check out the changes in the area.

I left around 8 o'clock and I walked up Sukhumvit and I meet two girls walking down SukhumvitAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsomewhere around Soi 49. Looked like 2 nurses on their way home from work and one of them, I swear to God, gave me the “OH HANDSOME” eye. Yes, I swear, I'm not making this up and she didn't look like she was drunk. Yeah, this thai boxing thing might be the best idea ever.

I walked down Thonglor to Soi 20 and I followed Soi 20 until I reached Ekkamai and I walked up Ekkamai towards Sukhumvit. All the places were open along Thonglor and Ekkamai, but there wasn't much people. Well, there was plenty people at Nang Len on Ekkamai and the bouncers recognised me and waved at me even though it is a very long time since I was there the last time.

Well, I didn't stop even though there was so many beautiful girls outside waiting to get in. My constitutionalin number 1 priority. And imagine me coming back after losing a cubic ton or two.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I saw a lot of ATM machines with a few sand bags around them and I could not help but wonderwhat the f@ck the sand bags would do for good. It was a nice evening and not too muchAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtraffic on Sukhumvit so it was a very enjoyable constitutional.

When approaching Soi 33/1 and Villa Market I decided to go in to see if they had tuna. I have plenty tuna but I'm looking for the tuna I bought in Pattaya. The best tuna so far and it's called Matsaman tuna. Nautilus is the brand if you want to know. It is a tuna in curry sauce and far better than the green and yellow curry tuna I bought in Malaysia and Singapore. OK, there isn't very much tuna in the can, but there is beans, peanuts and potatoes and some other stuff. The best and cheapest tuna so far, 25 Baht per can.

Hmm, might turn out to be the most expensive tunaAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNso far, I eat it like candy and I open a new can every now and then and now I'm out of Nautilus Matsaman tuna. If I'm lucky they might have it at Villa Market.

There was plenty tuna at Villa Market, but no Matsaman tuna and I went to see if they had pumpernickel. No pumpernickel but I bought a kilo of smoked salmon and DARN! I had to pass through the bread department to get to the milk fridge. It was like I just had to buy some white bread. This is no good.

I walked back home and I made a pot of tea and I tried the smoke salmon, delicious!

Sunday 6 th of November 2011
and I didn't woke up until 2 o'clock. I was tossin' and turnin' in my bed until almost 7 before I managed to fall asleep. My alarm went off at 9 but I had obviously just turned off the alarm before falling asleep again.

The whole day destroyed, DARN! I went to my kitchen and I had some tea and salmon while reading Bangkok Post online edition and today they had an article about the nightlife in Bangkok . And as they write: Un-entertaining, Beer supplies are dwindling, local residents are staying away and the famously lively Bangkok night life has turned into a sedate evening out.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I went to meet my friend at Terminal 21 and I took a taxi to get there as I was a wee bit late. The vendors have disappeared from the stretch outside Terminal 21. Very nice, but now the traffic is at a full stop around the block. Left lane on Asoke up to Asoke Soi 1 is at a full stop. Soi 1 up to Sukhumvit Soi 19 and down to Sukhumvit and Terminal Soi 21 is at full stop. I never seen thisAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbefore and I hope this because it is Sunday and people have their day off. Sunday and they have time to go to watch the latest shopping mall in town. And the interest willhopefully wear off in a week or two.

I meet my friend and we got the f@ck out of Terminal 21. I wanted to go see the progress of the flooding and we took a taxi to Ratchadapisek.

And the driver, MAN! Where did he get his energy from? He talked nonstop complaining, he was talking politics and, well, Thai people and my friend asked him how he knew so much. Yes, Thai people are very “class sensitive” so she could not understand how a “simple” taxi driver could know so much. Of course she only asked “How do you know all this” instead of “whatAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdoes a simple taxi driver know about this stuff”. And as the taxi driver was Thai he knew what she meant.
- I have 2 Bachelor degrees

He had lost everything he had because he liked, well,he was addicted to gambling and he threw more punches at the politicians.
- They should have raided the gambling place and closed it down!

But he was still gambling so I guess it would not havehelped to close down the place. He would just have found a new place to lose is money at.

We reached Sutthisan and to road was full of signsAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwith “80 cm of water ahead” and most of the cars turned around.

We could continue to the bridge crossing Khlong Bang Su just at Boonthavoon where I bought the tiles for myAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbathroom. Here it was stop, the bridge over the Canal was closed. Ratchadapisek was dry on this side of the bridge. Well, almost, the water was coming up from the drains on the road.

Ratchadapisek looked dry on my side of the bridge, but later on I discovered that there was plenty water behind the houses further down Ratchadapisek towards Sukhumvit. So the water is coming slowly towards Sukhumvit.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Well, it doesn't look like much of a flooding. 30 cm of water on the road, and a little bit further up it is 80 cm and then it turns in to 120cm. No cars allowed, Military trucks and Lorries transporting people for free. We meet a guy that explained his situation for us and I don't think it will be necessary with any capitations. He lived just a little bit up Ratchadapisek.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Coming to the bridge over the Canal and there was a strange feeling in the air. This was the border between the civilization and the big unknown, at least it felt like that. People that wanted to continue north on Ratchadapisek had to use the free transportation provided by the military. There were also civil trucks tacking people north.

Ratchadapisek gateway to the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
The Ratchadapisek gateway to the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
The Ratchadapisek gateway to the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
People waiting for transportation to the flooded area and a truck with supplies leaving for the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
People waiting for transportation to the flooded area and a truck with supplies leaving for the flooded area

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Army truck with people going to the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Army truck with people going to the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Army truck with people going to the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Picking up more passengers

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Picking up more passengers

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Taking off to the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Taking off to the flooded area

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Imagine if this was to only means of going back home, pure horror. Your home and all your possessions under water.
As you understand it was a sad feeling in the air.

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
There were trucks taking passengers and there were also pick-up cars taking passengers that wereAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNnot going too far up in the flooded area. When the trucks and pick-up cars arrived to the bridge there was a guy with a megaphone announcing to what area the truck would depart to. There were trucks and pick-ups leavingAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNall the time.

Imagine leaving for the flooded area with snakes, crocodiles and God knows what. I saw oil on the water surface in the Canal so the houses soaked in this will most likely be destroyed.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
The pick-up is full and ready to leave
There were free motorbike taxi service taking people up the Sois in the area with less water and I think it was Kawasaki that sponsored the motorbike taxis. At least the drivers were wearing a green Kawasaki vest and as it was a free service it must be Kawasaki paying the bill. I don't know why, but I don't think it is the government paying.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Kawasaki Green Team

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Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Kawasaki Green Team leaving with passengers for the flooded area.

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Kawasaki Green Team leaving with passengers for the flooded area.

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Kawasaki Green Team returning to pick up new passengers

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Kawasaki Green Team returning to pick up new passengers

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
A truck with passengers ready to take off

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
A truck with passengers ready to take off

I really don't know how they are going to stop this water from reaching Sukhumvit. There is nothing between Sutthisan and Sukhumvit to stop the water and the water is taking over Bangkok slowly. And I don't care how much they are trying to convince us that the inner Bangkok is safe. Sutthisan, Ratchadapisek, if this isn't inner Bangkok it is for sure not many meters away from inner Bangkok. I read that Din Daeng was in danger of being flooded as well. And then it won't take long before the water is over Phetchaburi and then Sukhumvit next.

Well, we have to see what's happening and I will be very happy if I don't have to evacuate.
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Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
People lining up for food

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
People lining up for food

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
People lining up for food

I don't understand why the Authorities don't inform the people about the danger of swimming in the water. I see it on many pictures in the news papers and I also saw people in Khlong Bang Su. Andthere was people fishing in this water, I would for sure not eat the fish and to order fish at any restaurant around the flooding area is a BIG NO for me. Never know where the fish is caught. And that's even when there is no flooding, fish from Chao Phraya river is nothing I want to eat even under normal circumstances.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Dwellings along Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Dwellings along Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Fishing in Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Paddling in Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Paddling in Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Paddling in Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Dwellings along Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Dwellings along Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Dwellings along Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Dwellings along Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Dwellings along Khlong Bang Su

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
This is not Khlong Bang Su but Ratchadapisek Road

OK, the excitements at Ratchadapisek soon worn of and we decided to go check out Lad Phrao. Now I know how far the flooding has gone. Sutthisan and I really don't understand how they are going to stop the water. We walked down Ratchadapisek looking for a taxi.
The children were playing with the water coming up from the drains.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Trying to stop the water

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

We saw cars with boats on the roof and pick-up trucks with boats in the back. But not many taxisAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand the one we saw coming towards us was stopped byAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsome other people so we had to continue walking down Ratchadapisek.

We were lucky and we found a taxi after 10 minutes and we took off towards Lad Phrao Road to see how far gone the flooding is. We came up on Lat Phrao Soi 48 just South of Khlong Bang Su and the flooding were in line with Ratchadapisek. Lad Phrao Soi 46 north of Khlong Bang Su was flooded and the taxi driver had to put the car in reverse until we reached Soi 48 where we went back towards Ratchadapisek Road. It was quarter to 6 and the driver had to return the car at Silom at 6 so he could not take us to Ram Intra.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Lat Phrao Soi 46

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Lat Phrao Soi 46

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Lat Phrao

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
A car had to turn around on Lat Phrao

We wanted to go to have a look at Ram Intra and we had to look for a new taxi. The driver dropped us at 7 Eleven and I bought a Minute Maid that I enjoyed while we were waiting for a taxi.Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWe stopped one taxi but he didn't wanted to go to Ram Intra. We had better luck with the second taxi and we took off. They driver would take us there and back to Marriott.

Yes, we were hungry after all the action and Marriott would be a nice place to have the dinner at.

As soon as we came up on the Ram Inthra - At Narong Expressway we understood why it was hard to find a taxi. Kilometre after kilometre with parked taxis out of reach for the flood.

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Parked cars on the Ram Inthra - At Narong Expressway

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A flooded Ram Intra

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Ram Intra Soi 69 turned in to a lake
Exactly the place I want to enter in the dark. God knows what kind of snakes hiding in the dark with the crocodiles

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Ram Intra Soi 69 turned in to a lake

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Ram Intra

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Ram Intra

We left the Ram Inthra - At Narong Expressway and we came down on Ram Intra and it didn't take long before we were in deep water and the driver was scared that w ehad to abandon the car. But we came up on dry ground at Soi 69. Ram Intra was dry but the whole of Soi 69 looke like a lake. There were 3 girls entering the Soi in rubber boots. All dark and I was scared to run in toAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsnakes and crocodiles even though I stayed on the main road.

I took a few pictures with my camera and we asked the driver to take us to Marriott on Sukhumvit Road Soi 2. We were hungry!
- Marriott on the double!

We had a pretty good picture of how far the flooding had come. Lad Phrao and Bung Kum and it was all the way downAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto Sutthisan at Khlong Bang Su. Very worrying!

We arrived to Marriott and I threw myself over theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbuffet. Darn, I was hungry. And we took a table very close to the mango sticky rice table.

Sunday night and Marriott was almost empty, for sure the flooding has scared away people.

I started by getting a big plate and I filled up half theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNplate with fried onion, healthy. Then I moved over to the fish and mashed potato corner. I filled the rest of my plate with fish in almond gravy and mashed potatoes. I put the plate on the table and I went to get a plate of salmon with bread.

The fish was excellent as always at Marriott. My second plate was beef with mashed potatoes andAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsome more onion. Now I was full, but I don't want to miss the mango sticky rice so I force feed myself with a big plate of mango sticky rice.

I was really full and my friend complained that I ate too much bread. But bread, I really like bread and with some smoked salmon and mozzarella cheese it is delicious.

I had a big pot of tea and I had plenty left so I went to get a third plate of bread and now I had a big piece of Brie cheese withAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe bread.

Now I was really full and it would be impossible to eat even the smallest thing. Well, that was what I was thinking. But I discovered that they had started with the chocolate fountain again.

I had not seen the chocolate fountain for a very long time and I just had to try it. I filled a bowl with almonds, whipped cream and chocolate. It was so good that I had a second bowl

I felt sick when I had finished the second bowl of almonds, whipped cream and chocolate and I couldAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNnot wait to get home to bed.

When my friend finished her cake we asked for the bill and we got out of there to find a taxi. No taxi on Soi 2 so we had to walk toSukhumvit to find a taxi. We took the route via Rama 4 to Sukhumvit Soi 23 and I dropped my friend at the Subway Station at Queen Sirikit convention centre.

I was home a few minutes later and I checked today's picturesbefore going to bed. I dropped a sleeping pill and I watched DVD until I felt asleep. And luckily enough it didn't take me long to fall asleep even though I didn't get out of bed until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. But I guess all the flooding action had made me tired, and of course, the sleeping pill helped me to fall a sleep.

Monday 7 th of November 2011
and my alarm went of 10 minutes before 9. I was tired even though I had been sleeping since 1 o'clock. Well, I can't miss Chacrit Muay Thai School today because I will not go to Bangkok Fight Club tonight. I have a photo class at 18 thirty tonight.

9 o'clock, nice to have plenty time to enjoy mu morning tea while reading Bangkok Post online edition. And I could not believe my eyes. Now they are complaining hat the tourists don't come.

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Would any government with savoir faire recommend tourist to come to a place like Thailand n this situation? I was hoping that they would have the good sense to warn people from coming to Thailand in this situation. And let me quote “As well, travel to and from the airport is unaffected as the roads and the Airport Rail Link tracks are elevated above the dykes”

Yes, there are elevated highways from the airport. But after a few kilometres the highway decent to ground level at the Krungtep - Chon Buri motorway. Approaching Bangkok and you go up on the elevated highway again, of course, depending on your destination.

And then, are you going to spend your holiday on the elevated highway? I really don't understand what they are thinking. I read that they are out of bottled water in Phuket and Hua Hin and many shops don't have beer, something a holiday maker might want to have. And the party mood in Bangkok is really something the tourists shouldn't miss at this moment.

At Chacrit Muay Thai School my Teacher told me that the girl that he had set up with a date with me was angry.
- She called you but there was only a message that the number was not in use.
- What number did you gave her?
He showed me the number
- That's not my number, should be a 9 instead of a 7 after the 6!

4 of the Bangkok Photographers and our Teachers will come here at 18 thirty to start the beginnersAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNclass. The first guy arrived just after 6 o'clock.

He was from Belgium and he told me that he was the organizer of the “Bangkok Cutural Dining Meetup Group”

He told me that they used to be around 20 people at their meet ups on the first or second Saturday each month. They go to different restaurants every time and they used to have a very good time. As I was online I joined his group and I will meet them nextAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSaturday at "the Kitchen & More" in Arai. Of course, if it is not flooden.

One of Bangkok Photographers had cancelled tonight's class so we were 4 students only, good, the fewer the better. It was the Belgian guy, a girl from the Philippines that had bought a new Nikon camera. There was a guy from Canada that had bought the same camera as I have, but the camera was at the Customs at Don Muang airport and it will be there until the flooding is over.

It was an interesting evening and now I'm ready to get out there to use my camerain MANUAL mode. P mode is also a very good mode that I learnt to use during our photo session in the park last Friday afternoon. The Canadian guy took notes, yeah, he hadAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbrought a school bag and he was really eager to learn.

He was mostly taking under water pictures but now he was going to take food pictures with his new Canon D60.
Our two Teachers kept us busy for about 3 hours and when they left I continued to work with my pictures from yesterdays flooding adventure. Time turned very quickly and DARN! It was 2 o'clock when I went to bed.

Tuesday 8 th of November 2011
and I woke up at 10 thirty so I had obviously turned off my alarm at 9 o'clock. I jumped out of bed in a hurry to finish my breakfast so I could get to Chacrit MuayAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNThai School in a good time. Well, when I finished my breakfast I decided to skip my session at Chacrit Muay Thai School. Mu visa expires in a few days so I need to make an extension.

The new Immigration office at Chaeng Watthana is flooded and I'm not sure what to do or where to go. But I heard that they had re open the Immigration office at Suan Phlu Road. I took a taxi to Suan Phlu and the ImmigrationAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNoffice was open.

The old Immigration office was set up as a temporary and improvised immigration office with plastic chairs and camping tables. But the service was excellent as always.

Always good service and friendly people and it didn't take long before I had my passport with a one month visaAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNextension. I had brought my yellow house book because I had planned to go make a new driving license, but I decided to do this tomorrow instead and I returned back home.

I asked the taxi driver to let me off at my local 7 Eleven because I wanted to check if there was anything exciting, like Diet MAX . No, the 7 Eleven getsAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNemptier by the day and they can close down the place in a few days if it continues like this. Same with the 7 Elevens at Suan Phlu road.But at Suan Phlu I managed to find a bottle of Minute Maid.

I meet the girls from my condo office outside 7 Eleven, they had bought ice cream for the Manager's daughter. Yes, 7 Eleven was almost empty and I bought to loafs of bread, Farmhouse bakery and I think that the whole bakery is at risk to be flooded. 10000 employees if I remember it right.

Walking back home and they are busy preparing our condo with sandbags.Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNYes, what a change there has been the last two days. 2 days ago no one thought that Sukhumvit would be flooded and today everyone says 2 to 3 days.

We see, if I have the time I will start to look for a room in Pattaya, but I really hopethat I don't have to leave Bangkok. But it looks bad for Bangkok.

I opened a can of Diet MAX first thing when I was back home. I made a pot of tea while I enjoyed my Diet MAX and when I finishedAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmy tea I went to study my Thai books. My thai books,it was a very long time ago I opend my books last time. And I have been suffering a little bit of agony over my lack of studies. But I have had a lot on my mind, flooding and diet.

And I felt a sleep over my Thai books and I woke up at6 thirty, just in time to get away to Bangkok Fight Club. Chances for me to read the books when I'm back home are less than slim so I guess I will have to do it tomorrow.

I meet the 3 ladies when passing through Shinakarinwirot University's area on my way to the boxing and today I was almost attacked when I meet them.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- I'm in a hurry.......

Today they had a pick-up with a boat on the back parked at Shrinakarinvirot. I don't know if they are going to use the boat to deliver the supplies or if they have planned to use it at the University in case of flooding.

Not much traffic on Asoke and it was no problem to cross the street and I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club a few minutes later. And I was 4 minutes late today and the rest of the guys were waiting. Today there was one new guy attending the session. But there were only the 4 of us with the PolishAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNguy and a Thai guy.

We started with warm up and some athletic exercises and when we were finished it was time for shadow boxing.

I was not feeling very good. Usually the same after the weekend, but today I guess I will have to blame it on the loaf of bread that I bought at 7 Eleven.
- Hmm, maybe the reason for me to fall asleep over myThai books.

So what did I learn from this? Most likelynothing, but I will not buy any more white bread. Well, we did 2 or 3 rounds of shadow boxing when we finishedwith the warm up exercises. Now it was time for the ribbon, the ribbon must be the latest to have caught on, but it is way better than the Thai Navy exercise.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I wasn't exactly full of vim when we moved over to the punch bags for 3 rounds of speed punching.

MMA style of fighting is dominating reality fighting events and is a full contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling arts while both standing and on the ground, including boxing, wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, kickboxing, karate and other styles Street Self Defence (Personal Self Defence).

I was stiff and I might be too old for this. We finished with kicks and then it was time forsparring. I didn't felt like sparring but I could not say no. There was a guy from the MMA class (Mixed Martial Arts and Submission Grappling) and our Teacher went over to ask if they wanted to do some sparring. Our Muay Thai Teacher really likes when the MMA guys get their arses kicked by us.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
As soon as I was back home I checked internet for a wrestling head guard. I spoke with the guy that I sparred with. I really hate to wear a helmet, and he didn't like them as well. He suggestedAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNa wrestling head guard. It is like 2 cups strapped over the ears and I will not have towalk around picking up my ear rings after the sparring. The boxing helmet gives me tunnel vision and headache.

Well, I found the ear guard on internet and I tried several different shops at Amazon, but no one shipped to Thailand. A sent a message to the owner of Bangkok Fight Club and he would check around to see if he could find a wrestling head guard in Bangkok. Good, I can do some sparring without any stupid helmet.

Well, yet another page ballooned out of proportions with all the exciting pictures. So we turn this adventure in to a second part.
Just click for Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN November 2011 - Part 2

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