Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

Saturday 31 st of May 2014 and time to take off to Bang Pa In for a party tonight and a Buddhist Monk ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง on Sunday.

We started the boxing late as my friend didn't arrive until 12 o'clock. And we only did 8 rounds.Electrician opened the door to the squash hall just after 1 o'clock and weAt HomePro Ratchadapisek, Bangkokfinished round 8 at the same time

We went to my condo ad we had a look at things that needed to be done. I had a shower and we took off towards HomePro on Ratchadapisek to buy water heaters and paint. I have decided to repaint the ceiling in my apartment.

Our Electrician took his motorbike to HomePro and wemeet him there. We started to look for water heaters and then he could go home while we bought the paint, brushes and the other stuff needed for painting.

They were all talking about Steibel Eltron, a German brand. But where do they make the waterAt HomePro Ratchadapisek, Bangkokheaters? That's more interesting than where the brand is from.

Well, Steibel Eltron made their water heaters in Thailand. What to do? All theAt HomePro Ratchadapisek, Bangkokwater heaters were made in Thailand, but Steibel Eltron was my choice. I could choose between a few Mickey Mouse and Scooby Doo brands so the German brand became my obvious choice.

And for sure, if I have to choose between “Made in China” or “Made in Thailand” I take Thailand. And my model, and Steibel Eltron 8000W, the biggest model had an inbuilt Earth Leak Circuit Breaker (ELCB) so I was very happy because of the ELCB.

I have been looking for this safety breakers for a long time and now I have them on the waterAt HomePro Ratchadapisek, Bangkokheater so no need to install. My friend, the Electrician will buy one Earth Leak CircuitBreaker so we can protect my kitchen as well.

We bought 3 of the big Steibel Eltron, I wanted to have 4 but my Electrician said that it was too big for my guest bathroom so we bought a smaller Steibel Eltron. Without the Earth Leak Circuit Breaker so I was not very happy. But the Electrician would buy one and put on the smaller water heater.

I have had much people in my condo and it took me 4 years before I could move in. And thisAt HomePro Ratchadapisek, Bangkokguy is the only Electrician worth the name I have meet in Bangkok. Talk safety with him and you get answers.

Some people just gaping at you like your crazy when talking about fuses, safety and to cover the furniture’s before painting the ceiling.

But they all had construction site helmets on giving an impression of a safety culture in place. THINK SAFETY!!!

Yes and when you askabout earth or a fuse they look like a question mark.
- Never mind! We don't operate like this around here
- What about shortcuts and fires?
- No problem around here
- What about electrocution?
- You worry too much!

Of course, I didn't wore any helmets so the impression might have been that I don'tAt HomePro Ratchadapisek, Bangkokcare about safety. I had many of the helmet electrician andI sent away every one of them until I found this guy. Not wearing any construction site helmet.

But he knows what an Earth Leak Circuit Breaker is and why we need them. He is also the guy who found the earth in my condo. My plan was to have a Jacuzzi, but I was told that there wasn't any earth or ground so I cancelled the Jacuzzi.

The earth/ ground are also the reason I have a wood floor in my kitchen. I would like to have clay or stone. But it is safer to stay on a wood floor than on the stone of you have an earth leak. Well, I won't go through the trouble ripping out the teak floor in the kitchen. I have kind of grown to like it.

I had kicked out I don't know how many Electricians when I got a HOT tip about this guy.He found the ground/ earth and we put earth cables all over my condo and I tested the earth with a machine I bought in Sweden. By then my kitchen floor was ready and the bath tub was in place.

My Electrician left us and the staff arranged for the water heaters while we went to get white paint for the ceilings in my apartment.

I was in a good mood, painting and I don't have to do this for another 5 years. New water heaters with the Earth Leak Circuit Breaker. Some more jobs and I will not have to change water heaters until 10 years or so from now.

When we came to the Cashier I changed my mind and I gave back the small water heater. I toldAt HomePro Ratchadapisek, Bangkokthem that I would see if we could fit a big one. I would be back on Monday again to buy either the small one or another big one. The whole adventure set me back by 30,000 Baht and that’s another 8000 on top of that on Monday when I come back for the fourth water heater.

We had a shopping cart full of paint, brushed, rollers and other stuff for painting so the cart was full and we walked towards the car. We filled up the trunk and we took off towards his house. I had my weekend bag with me and he needed to pack his bag before we went to pick up his wife at her job. Well, we were going to pick her up outside Big C

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

We were going to pick up a friend of his way on the way. Well, I was not disappointed, but much of the excitements worn of when I heard that it was a guy. We went to a construction site where he works. He is only in Bangkok for 2 months, he come from the same town as my friend's wife and his company sent him to Bangkok for 2 months and he is working as a Engineer.

We waited for a few minutes before he came and he got a shock when he saw a foreigner in the car, totally unexpected. We were also surprised because he brought a friend.

We picked up his wife and we were soon on plunging down highway #9 towards Bang Pa In. SuddenlyBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In the guy in the back seat said something and my friend got a shock. He was not coming with us, he just wanted a ride somewhere and we didn't know this. And he had not said anything. Well, we don't have much time so we dropped him at a bus stop and we continued.

Yet again, my SAMSUNG S5 came in handy. The GPS function is fantastic, weYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdon't want to re do our adventure in Bang Chan where we spent hours and much of our good mood looking for the hotel

But the GPS function in the SAMSUNG S5 is excellent. Stay on Road #9 until we cross Chao Phraya River and then we will turn left when we reach road #347.

We will drive a few kilometres on road #347 until we reach the Chao Phraya River and we will turn left when we reach the bridge crossing the river. We will follow road #3309 for a few kilometres to reach the party and Buddhist Monk Ordination in Bang Pa In. But to make telephone calls, for sure I liked my old phone better.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Ayutthaya Garden River Home - A beautiful hotel next to Chao Phraya River

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Ayutthaya Garden River Home - A beautiful hotel next to Chao Phraya River

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Ayutthaya Garden River Home - A beautiful hotel next to Chao Phraya River
Floating Restaurant

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
The river is full of plants floating by the hotel

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Ayutthaya Garden River Home - My room

I brought my phone to use as map and as an entertainment center. It is not a “PARTY” phone but there is an inbuilt loudspeaker good enough to use for listening to radio while reading online news. I will not bother to bring anything but a small weekend bag so my phone comes in handy to use until I can fall asleep. And as I have given up alcohol and we're living in the middle of nowhere I suspect thatBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Homemy SAMSUNG S5 will come in very handy tonight.

How many times have I stayed at hotel in the middle of nowhere with only a local TV station and nothing in English to read? Believe me, then the time is very slow.

We checked in to the hotel, and we were the only guests. But the restaurant was open and we decided to go for a meal before we took off to the “CITY” of Bang Pa In.

The restaurant was out door, they had a room with AC but it didn't look very exciting. The hotel was beautifully located next to Prao Chaya River and they had a big garden with plenty ponds. So there were millions of mosquitoes. But the Waitress brought a bottle of mosquito repellent and she was massaging in the repellent on my legs and arms when my friends arrived.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Ayutthaya Garden River Home - A beautiful hotel next to Chao Phraya River

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Ayutthaya Garden River Home - A beautiful hotel next to Chao Phraya River

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Ayutthaya Garden River Home - A beautiful hotel next to Chao Phraya River

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
The only have pillows and no chairs at the floating restaurant so we choose to sit in the garden

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Ayutthaya Garden River Home - A beautiful hotel next to Chao Phraya River

The menu was disappointing, only Thai food. I ordered fried rice with chicken (with curry powder)and pork in oyster sauce (with curry powder). My friends don't mind spicy food so for them the menu had a lot to offer.

And as usually when ordering at a Thai restaurant, our friend's wife and her friend got their food long before we got our food. My tea came after 20 minutes and it was black and I had to ask if it was tea or coffee.
- It is tea
Well, I didn't bother trying the tea, but my friend asked for a pot of hot water to pour in the tea. I told him not to bother, the taste is nothing you can take away by adding water. You can get the golden colour on the tea that you like to have. But theBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Homegolden taste is impossible to get back.

Fried rice with curry was excellent, the pork in ouster sauce was a disaster. I had told the Waitress that I didn't wanted any vegetables and mushroom. She came to the table and she scolded the bus boy and I was soon having a very good pork in oyster sauce at my place. Pork, Onion and curry.

We finished our meal and my friend's wife went to bath their son and I asked if they had mango and sticky rice.
- No, but we have mango with ice cream

Instant disappointment, but I asked for a plate and I decided to have a pot of tea. But this time I was going to show them how to do it. We willed up a pot with hot water.
- 2 bags?
- One is enough!

I brought the tea to the table and I bought a bag of cookies. The tea was very good but the cookies were made out of prawns so I never finished the bag. But it was very good with aEngelholms Glass - The best ice cream in the worldpot of tea. The Waitress brought my mango and ice cream. The ice cream was brownish in the colour and I was afraid that it might be coffee flavoured ice cream. I gave it a try.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I called the Waitress and I asked if they had bought the ice cream or if they had made it by them self.
- It is homemade!

Engelholms Glass, the best in the world. But take away Sweden and this was the best ice cream I have ever had. Mango ice cream and it was unbelievably good.

It was time to leave and the guard was opening the gate for us when we left with the car. My friend told him that we were coming back late. But this was no problem.

We took off to look for LPG first thing but we had to buy gasoline as they didn't have any gas in this area. We drove road #3309 until we reached Bang Pa In and we could not find the place. His house was behind Tesco Lotus and we had passed Bang Pa In and we were in the middle of a military road block. We got directions and we turned around and we drove back to the other side of the town. We found Tesco Lotus, but we also found out that there were 2 Tesco Lotus in Bang Pa In.

We passed a sign saying LPG and my friend filled up his car while I went to 7 Eleven to look for Diet MAX . I came up with ZIP. Same at the other placed we had been looking at. I told my friendsBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa Inthat we were in Hicksville and we could not expect to find anything good around here. They were laughing.

They called from the party for the 20th time and asked where we were. Now we found out that there was 2 Tesco Lotus in Bang Pa In and this time we found the place.

They called us again just when we came around the corner and we were almost running in to the girl talking with us when she came around the corner.

We got out of the car and I brought 2 of my bottles with Coke ZERO that I had to buy when they didn't had any Diet MAX . But Coke ZERO is good, at least it is very cheap. Like drinking coffee, a cup can last me forever. Of course, I didn't know anyone at the party, and no one knew me. Well, there was a Katoy and he/ she knew me from when we were at Society in Bangkok

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
We arrive to the party

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
We arrive to the party

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

IT was most fun for my friend's wife and her friend as they knew everyone. My friend took care of the baby and I had an old lady hovering over me wanting me to sing karaoke. And she kept on telling me about a guy from Germany. My friend's wife drank Whiskey, but my friend and his wifeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfriend only drank soft drink. I kept to my Coke ZERO and the bottle was almost full when we left.

Yes, I think I'm on to something here. Maybe the Coke ZERO can become the next Sæhrímnir. The pig the Vikings slaughtered and cooked every night. After Sæhrímnir is eaten, theBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Homepig is brought back to life again to provide sustenance for the following day. This bottle of Coke ZERO can last longer than Sæhrímnir

We were going up early tomorrow morning and we left the party ten thirty and when we came back to the hotel they had locked the gate. We hollered and we used the car's horn. No one to be seen and I got out of the car and I gave the gate a jolly good kick. The pad lock cracked and we could come in to the hotel. This was a very bad service.

We're the only guests and I wonder why. I could not help but feeling like we were at Norman Bates hotel when we entered the empty hotel. And only God knows what kind of people sneaking around out here and now we can look the gate. As I remember it Norman Bates was a song from the beginning of the 80's. And yes, I keyed in Norman Bates and I hit enter.
A few seconds later I had the video. Landscape - My name is Norman Bates

My name is Norman Bates

I was in my room when I heard my friend calling Aladdin outside my window. We had a chat and I told him that I could not take a shower as the light in my shower was out. So I had to shower in the sink. Well, anyway, we will have our breakfast at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and we will leave the hotel for the temple quarter to 10 tomorrow morning. I was listening to radio and I read news papers for an hour or so before falling asleep, thanks to SAMSUNG S 5

Sunday 1 st of June 2014
and my friend was outside my door 10 minutes before 8
- Are you sleeping?
- What are you doing?
- Time to wake up?
- We will have breakfast at 8!
- Are you coming?
- It is 8 o'clock!

I got an explanation to the lack of light in the shower. My shower was on the balcony, very cosy if it would have been at my hotels in Sweden. But in Thailand there are ATTACK snakes hanging from every branch in the trees. The snakes like to stay in the trees and they are falling down like rain. When we came home last evening there was a terrible sound from all the frogs and other animals in the garden. So I kept my door bolted, all for nothing as I had to go out to take my shower.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
My shower

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
My shower

Imagine this a summer morning in Sweden, would have been very nice. Well, I managed to take my shower without being attacked by any snakes and I was down at the breakfast table just after 8 o'clock. My friend and his son were having breakfast and his wife arrived a few minutes later. It was a gorgeous morning, maybe a wee bit too hot. But it was nice to eat toast and drinking teas while watching the boats passing on Chao Phraya River next to us.

Having a hotel like this and no guests, well, of course you need to provide a service. To have “almost” the best ice cream in the world and a good location won't make you rich. There must be the “little” extra. Well, maybe they will have to start with the standard service. There were 5 plates of breakfast for us. Covered with a plastic lid. A loaf of toast bread, butter and strawberry jam. And powder milk and no sign of any staff.

I started to shout.
- Waitress Waitress Waitress
The manager came and I asked for milk. She told me they only had powder milk.
- With the prices you charge for the room there should be a huge breakfast buffet
She told me friend that we could drive to 7 Eleven to buy fresh milk and I could not sit quiet anymore. We're on holiday and we pay premium dollars for our rooms.
- Don't disturb us anymore. Just go arrange some fresh milk for our tea!

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Watching the boats on Chao Phraya River while eating breakfast

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Eating breakfast

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Eating breakfast

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Watching the boats on Chao Phraya River while eating breakfast

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Loading a barge next to the hotel

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River Home
Watching the boats on Chao Phraya River while eating breakfast

She arrived with milk and I put on the kettle. They had put a toaster, coffee machine and a tea kettle next to our table. I don't complain, a gorgeous morning with the boats passing io Chao Phraya River next to us. So this camping style breakfast was OK, well, when we got the milk it turned OK.

But it is the first time I have breakfast at a hotel and they tell us that there is milk at 7 Eleven. And I had to confirm with the staff that it was Sunday
- Yes, it is Sunday
I just wanted to confirm, because they started early morning with some construction work. Cutting metal frames with a cutter and I shat my bed. I thought I woke up on one of the runways atBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ayutthaya Garden River HomeSuvarnabhumi International Airport.

We finished our breakfast at 9 and we decided to meet at 09:40 for check out. I went for my second shower and I was ready with my bag in time.

We had passed Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง when we looked for the party yesterday so we knew where it was. We arrived at 10 o'clock and no sign of the Monk Ordinate or his friends. I could have had a third shower before we left the hotel.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
Entrance to Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Ho rakang หอระฆัง
Ho rakang หอระฆัง – the bell tower

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Kuti กุฎี or กุฎิ kut
Kuti กุฎี or กุฎิ kut

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Crematorium

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In - Crematorium

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

But there was a stage and a van full of girls getting dressed in dance dresses. There was a bigBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa Inarea where they had prepared for the dinner.

I didn't bring my list of different buildings this time, but I still recognise some of them. But I had forgotten the names. I walked around and suddenly I had a group of children running past me.

I could hear them screaming in excitement that there was a van with girls coming. I followed the children to investigate. It was a second van with dancers coming. I stopped to have a chat with the first group of dancers. Of course, when they saw an exotic foreigner theyBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa Inall turned single. At least that is whatYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthey said.

I went to the other side of the stager to check out group 2 that was unpacking theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvan. I was soon back at group 1 and I said to them:
- They are not quite as beautiful over there as you are

I stayed for 15 minutes or so and it was getting hot. And where is the Monk Ordinate? Now we had been here for more than one hour and no sign off the ordinate.

They would start from their house at 10 o'clock with music after that the monkYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stordinate had got his hair cut.

And I suspect that some of them were suffering from a hangover from yesterday.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
Dancers getting ready

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
Our Monk Ordinates and I understood that there are 2 of them

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
We're back from 7 Eleven

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
We're back from 7 Eleven and the Monk Ordinates have arrived

We decided to go look for a 7 Eleven while waiting for the monk ordinate. No Diet MAX , but IMinute Maidreally hadn't expected any so I bought Minute Maid and water. It was nice with theBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa Incar ride in the AC, it is very hot outside.

The monk ordinates and a lot of people had arrived when we came back. My friend's wife found her friends and we sat down at their table.

More and more people arrived and there were hundreds of people. 2 Monk Ordinates, well, I understood that there would be 2 when I saw the banderol over the stage. I had my water and Minute Maid and they were soon bringing in food to the tables. There was a steady stream of plates withBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa Indifferent dishes.

Of course, I was on diet and I stuck to my water and Minute Maid. The girls were nagging non-stop pushing dishes towards me. The fifthplate was a big fish covered in chilli.
- NO! It is not spicy!
- Yeah-Yeah Blah-blah I'm on diet!

They don't take no for an answer and I have to play the “diet” card and that shut them up most of the time. I mean, if you sit next to the lard ass you will just make a tit out of yourself stating that Mr Lard Ass looksgood as he is. So the diet card is a very good card to pull outYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stof the sleeve when running in to spicy food.

I was drinking my water and Minute Maid while interrogating the girls about boyfriends etc. I left the table every 15 minutes for a walk around looking at the temple. The chair wasn't all that comfortable and on top of that I got restless.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The dancers coming on the stage

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The dancers coming on the stage

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
Our table is full

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
Our youngest friend is excited about all the new stuff to discover

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The Monk Ordinate come to our table

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The Monk Ordinate come to our table

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The Monk Ordinate come to our table

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The Monk Ordinate come to our table

Of course, I was off to interview the dancing girls. They were all coming from Ayutthaya and they had come here to perform for the monk ordination. I walked around the temple and I was back atBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa Inthe dancing girls.

There were two teas of dancers. Team 1 (The most beautiful) and Team 2, the girls arriving with the last van. Team 1 was on the leftYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stside of the stage and Team 2 on the right side of the stage.

They took turns, making one or two songs before they went to change clothes. And it seemed to me that there were 2 different singers, one female and one male that took turns on the stage.

I spent a few minutes at the stage before returning to the table. And after 15 minutes I did it all over again. I had expected this monk ordination to proceed pretty much the same way as it did in Ban Chang. I was waiting for the แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht, walking around the temple 3 times with music and dance to start.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The girls dancing

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The girls dancing

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The girls dancing

My friend told me that they would start with the แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It was hot and we had been here since 10 o'clock in the morning. And even though IBuddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa Inwas on diet I started to get hungry. We had a ice cream vendors arriving to the scene and I walked over to his ice cream box.

I bought an ice cream and I took yet another walk around the temple area looking at theplace. My ice cream disappeared like an aspirin and I was still hungry.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stSpicy food, and honestly, I walked pass the kitchen andthey washed the plates in a bucket on the parking place. Not a sight making me rushing back for a plate of food. I walked around and I was starting to get bored, very bored. And the heat on top of that.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
Our youngest friend is not impressed by the dancing girls and he is sleeping
My friend uses his hat as a fan to cool him down

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The girls taking pictures for their social media

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The girls taking pictures for their social media

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
The girls discovered my snus

I took off for yet another tour around the temple and I saw the ordinates sitting on a bench waiting, they looked to be exactly as bored as I was. There were 5 baskets of the coins that they will throw. โยนทาน Yohn taan = Throw coins, gifts after having walked around the temple 3 times,แห่นาครอบโบสถ์ - Hae naak roop bòht.

My friend asked if I wanted to leave.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Leave, are you crazy! What about the walk around with music and dance and the throw coin thing? This is the only fun things with a monk ordination.

If we have been here for 4 hours we can as well wait for 1 or 2 more hours. Well, his wife and son was tired. His wife's friend was also tired. And we were going to bring one other friend with us back to Bangkok. And they all wanted to leave, and honestly, the AC in the car was very tempting.

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
I'm leaving the place behind for yet another tour around the temple

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
5 baskets of coins to throw

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
Our Monk Ordinates waiting

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In

Buddhist Monk Ordination at Wat Kamphaeng, วัดกำแพง in Bang Pa In
Something going on on the stage
And here is an excellent opportunity to see how the monk Ordinates looked before they got their haircut

We left Bang Pa In behind and we steered towards Ayutthaya and the floating market, and hopefully a 5 star hotel/ restaurant. Our new friend had a talking GPS in the phone and I could hear the phone sitting in the front seat. I don't know if it was a Thai program or if the translation was all foocked up. But I could hear the Thai female voice.
- 100 meter and turn left
- Turn right and then left
- A weak left turn 200 meters ahead
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI don't know if the translation from English had gone terribly wrong or what. Or maybe it was a cheap KNOCK OFF program from a road side stall. WE'RE ON THE MIDDLE OF THE FOOCKING HIGH WAY!! HERE IS NO TURNS LEFT OR RIGHT. AND WE HAVE SEVERAL KILOMETRES TO GO UNTIL WE REACH AYUTTHAYA!!

Imagine trying to find the place with that program, you would never find anything. I brought out my SAMSUNG S5 and I fired up my GPS. We were on the right way but I could still hear how theAyutthaya floating marketGPS in the back seat wanted us to turn left and right. Well, someone were soon realising that it was useless information and the voice disappeared. Please. Spend a few 100 extra dollars to get the real thing!

We found the floating market and we were soon to discover the BONUS Elephant Village. We were hungry, well, at least I was very hungry and no sign of any restaurant. So I bought a bag of pork skins. I asked the guy if he had salt.
- No

So I went to the next vendor and I got some salt for my pork skins. I threw awayKim's Sprøde Flæskesvær80% of the pork skins as the agony stroke. Here I am on diet trying to obtain my V-shaped torso before Las Vegas and Tokyo in 3 weeks eating pork skin like there is no tomorrow.

OK, I have my doubts that I would have thrown away a bag of Kim'sKim's Sprøde FlæskesværSprøde Flæskesvær. We passed the Elephant Village and they asked if I wanted to ride on the elephant. Elephants should be in the forest having a good time.
- Never in my life!

We passed the Cheep Village on the way to the floating market and we bought some grass for my friend's son to feed them. He was not interested of the cheeps. But when we passed a fish pond he got all excited and we could not get him to leave.

Ayutthaya floating market
Feeding the cheeps

Ayutthaya floating market
Feeding the cheeps

Ayutthaya floating market
On the way to the floating market

Ayutthaya floating market
Dtaladtnam Ayutthaya

We had not been at the floating market for long before I had bought a bucket of cookies and IAyutthaya floating marketwas soon full and I lost interest for any restaurant. We walked around and my friend wanted me to eat snacks all the time.
- What about my diet?

But you have to try this snacks and that snacks. Well, I can save money. No need to go to an expensive restaurant andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI would most likely have been eating something that would be worse for my diet.

Ayutthaya floating market
I bought a bucket of cookies from the boat

Ayutthaya floating market
Time to leave the floating market

It was very nice to get back to the AC in the car and we were son plunging down the highway towards Bangkok. We stopped at a gas stop and my friend asked me if I wanted any Diet MAX and I said no thanks.
- No problem, we're close to Bangkok now and they have Diet MAX here
- I'm giving up soda

Of course, he brought back a bag of Diet MAX and he forced me to drink. We left the gas stop and we ran in to a terrible traffic. But it seemed like there was a military road block and as soon as we had passed the road block it was light traffic all the way to Bangkok.

We stopped at my friend's house and we left his son with his father in law. We decided to leave my paint and water heaters until tomorrow and he would bring them tomorrow morning. First stop was in Din Daeng to drop the passenger from Bang Pa In and we took off towards Bangkok.

Approaching Bangkok on the elevated highway

Soon home again

We approached the Victory Monument and there were many soldiers keeping guard against protesters because there had been protests the last few days. We passed the Victory MonumentVictory Monument in Din Daeng, Bangkokand I decided to take a picture of the soldiers. I took a picture and I had forgotten to turn off the flash.

Luckily enough no one thought that I was shooting and no one was shooting back at us.

Well, anyway, I dropped my bag at home and I took a taxi to Central Embassy. Bangkok's latest shopping mall and I read somewhere that it was the most expensive shopping mall in the world to build. Same shops as in all the other shopping malls. And empty like all the other shopping malls. And it felt like a hospital, all white and sterile. And no people, all shops were empty and that's on a Sunday evening. I found aTops MarketSAMSUNG store and I bought a charger and I left the place behind and most likely never to return again.

I stopped at Tops Market to buy fresh fruit on my way home.

It was nice to be back home again. I made a pot of tea and I read Bangkok Post online. The protestors had been at Terminal 21 today and not at the Victory Monument. I also learned that I had to be careful when pointing fingers.

Anti-coup protester forced into taxi

A woman was forced into a taxi by suspected plainclothes police officers after she allegedly flashed three-finger signs signalling her opposition to the military coup near Asoke BTS station on Sunday, June 1, 2014. About 100 protesters gathered inside and outside the Terminal 21 mall at Asoke intersection to demonstrate their opposition to the coup. (Video by Chumporn Sangvilert)

Bangkok Post

A new week starts and we kicked off the painting right on Monday morning. My Electrician changedPainting in Bangkokhis plans and he will come tomorrow instead of today. I had cancelled today's Thai lessons and I went to HomPro Ploenchit to Sverigedemokraterna TV buy the fourth water heater. We had lunch at the ground floor and I have to save my fruit until tomorrow.

I had skipped my Thai lessons but Tuesday afternoon I was back in school. Boxing at 11 o'clock and I was off to my Thai school when we finished the boxing. And the Electrician was waiting for me when I came back from school and he had soon changed all my water heaters and water filters.

He will buy a new electric main switch with a safety breaker. So I'm pretty happy about the progress, when I bought the condo they came up with many strange ideason how to get earth in to my condo. Burry an iron-bar lever and connect the bar with a wire.

But thanks to this Electrician I can feel safer. And now I can feel safe taking my shower with the inbuilt Earth Leak Circuit Breaker.

Thai language school in Bangkok
Back in school

Thai language school in Bangkok
Back in school

The paint job was ready in a week, well, we had to do my store room on Monday and tuesday. 2 layers of paint and 2 days where required. The Electrician had only been able to find 2 safetyThai language school in Bangkokbreakers and he had ordered 2 more. We changed 2 in the electrical box for my condo.

He will bring the remaining 2 safety breakers next week on Friday 13th of July. Tuesday and we put the last layer of paint in my condo. My friend drove me to Big C where I will buy big plastic boxes.

All the stuff in my store room just lay around in heaps and the shit is collecting dust. So I hadYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sta plan, one of the really great ones. Plastic boxes!

I will put all the stuff in plastic boxes and it will be easy to wipe off the boxes when dusting. And it will look much better on the shelves and thus creating a better atmosphere in the store room.

Bangkok store room
Bangkok store room

I was very happy about the store room, and of course that the ceiling in my apartment are freshlypainted again, a huge difference. Worth the 15,000 Baht to do this every 3 years or so. Looks white, but when the new paint is coming on it is easy to see that it is actually grey. It get dirty very quick.

Sunday 7 th of June 2005
and we also had time to eat dinner at my friend's place. He had talking about nothing but curry, fried rice with curry since I cooked it at his place some time ago. Well, nice to know that the food is good.

It is curry this and that non-stop. He really liked it and he is eating fried rice with curry everyCurry fried riceday. He never fails to let me know that the whole neighborhood is eating at his place. They had never experienced curry like this before and they all loved it.
- Who brought it to Thailand? I asked
- We have had curry in Thailand for millions of years!
- Hmm, strange, when I ask for curry with my fried rice around here they just gape at me like I'm stupid!Stupid

I told my friend that it was the same all over the world, I always ask them to add curry powder in my fried rice and they have never heard of this before. Same when I was in Sweden taking my courses back in May.

My friend told me that they never used curry like this in Thailand
- So I brought it to Thailand?
- Well....

I bought the first ever jar of yellow curry powder to his house. And he was looking at me like I was crazy. Who the foock brings curry powderCurry fried ricewith him? Well, Aladdin does and it turned out to be a huge success.
- What are the curry for?
- You will see
- And the dill
- You will see

Yes, water have passed under the bridges. But today there was no need to bring any curry powder. My friend came with a 1kg or a 750gr bag. Well, that was what it contained when it was new.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
I asked about the expiry date and he told me “no worries” about any expiry dates. He bought a bag like this every second week.

It will start here and in thousands of year they will serve fried rice curry at the Thai restaurants all over the world and call it a Thai dish when it was Aladdin that brought it to Thailand. And dill, I'm pretty sure this will come up as a Thai dish very soon. They have been eating Swedish food at my place and as I love dill I use it as a spice for aCurry fried ricelot of things. Among others my fried riceCurry fried rice“curry” special. My friend has grown to love dill as well so now we put it in everything.

Thai food, very spicy and I cannot eat it. There is no taste, it is just burningYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stBut curry have a taste to it and I like it hot, not to the extent that it should be painful. But it has a good taste.

My friend have really mastered the art of making the curry fried rice, it was perfect. Of course, without the dill and a few pointers from moi it would have turned out, well, as good I think.

My friend had bought a few bottles of Diet MAX but I only had one as I'm in progress of giving up. He also bought pineapple and I thoughtCurry fried rice“Wått's dö madderfakking diil?” I buy pineapple at Tops market and some time it is like chewing on wood. And I never ate pineapple before coming to Thailand. The canned pineapple is something I really don't like.

He went on and on and he forced me to try some of the pineapple. I was waiting for the curry fried rice.
PineappleYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis this?
This was the best pineapple ever, it was melting in the mouth and I had to ask him if they had added sugar.

He promised to deliver a bag for me in Bangkok every second day. Of course, he leaves early morning so he have to buy the pineapple in the evening.
Ice Cream shoes
And of course, he had forgot the pineapple in the fridge the first day. Well, I was off to Tops Market to buy my daily fruit and I had been hoping that this was my last time buying pineapple.

Well, Thursday and last day in school for this week as my Teacher is going to spend the weekend at the beach. And last day wasn't very long. Rain and suddenly 2 loud bangs and the electricity was gone.

A few minutes and another bang from the street and a light flash. They were obviously having some serious problem with the transformer. We finished class and when I came down on the road Soi 11 was full of people looking in the direction of the transformer.

Bangkok Post
Bangkok Post 13th of June 2014

Well, let's see how the Falukorv turns out on Sunday? Click HERE to find out!

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Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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