
M/T Barcarolle
I took the picture when I signed off 29th of April 2007 in Beaumont

IMO Number: 9116383
Signal Letters: A8EK9
Class: Det Norske Veritas +1A1
Tanker for oil ESP/Chemicals, HL (1.6 tank nos 2, 4, 6,8),
Flag: Liberia
Builder: Halla Engineering & Heavy Industries Ltd., Inchon, Korea
Built: 1996
Main dimensions:
Length over all:
Length between pp:
Breadth moulded:
Depth moulded:
Draft summer:
Distance keel to top of mast:
Distance bow to center manifold:
Capacity (100%):
183.26 m
173.98 m
32.20 m
18.00 m
12.195 m
52.80 m
90.00 m
44.999/45.998 MT
abt. 14.5 knots
abt. 33 MT incl. PTO
Cargo pumps:
8 x 850 m3/h
2 x 300 m3/h
1 x 150 m3/h (portable)

Ballast pumps:
2 x 875 m3/h

Cargo heating system:
8 x heat exchangers
2 x coils (slop tanks)

Main engine:
Hyundai B&W 6S 50 MC
11,450 BHP, 125 rpm

Before leaving for Barcarolle I wanted to fix my kitchen windows and I had a carpentercoming the 5th of July. My windows open outwards and it's impossible to clean them. They will change the windows so they open in to the kitchen. (hopefully)

- We will finish everything in one day! They told me.
I was not born yesterday so I expected it to taka a wee bit longer. I scanned pictures while they were working with the windows and I have about 200 pictures to go and I'm ready.

I kept an eye on the progress in the kitchen and I hadCarpenter in actiona sense that I should be happy if they finished in 2 days. I had taken two days off from school, Thursday and Friday, and I don't want to spend Monday in my kitchen looking at the Carpenters again.

By then my scanning should be ready and I have nothing to do, just waiting for them to be ready. I really don't fancy the outlook of spending the Monday doing noting but lookingPippiat the Carpenters.

While scanning my pictures I listened to radio and I got alarming news. Pippi Långstrump (Pippi Longstocking) had had her 48th birthday.
- 48!! I thought she was at least 100, I thought to myself.
Pippi LångstrumpWell, I soon realized another thing:
- DARN!! My diving friend is older than Pippi! Is this possible?
Well, realizing that I knew old people didn't improve my mood, that's for sure. As soon as I heard the news I called my friend just to....
- Hmm, friend!!?? Is it possible to have an old guy like that as a friend? Darn , I did not even know it was possible to be so old.
I just had to call and pester him.
- Yeah, she had her birthday4th of May, he said.
Old or not, at least he's on top of things.

What a surprise! The Carpenters was a no show on Friday and I had taken two days offMy diet down the drainfrom school and I was furious.

I decided to go to school in the afternoon, but first I had to wait for an old lady from American Express. She arrived just after 12 and I opened my door in the underwear. PURE GHASTLINESS.
- Oh, you look sexy, she said.
I don't know, seems to be desperate. The other day I came up with a Master plan to scare away the spaghetti girl.
- Let's go for a swim in the pool, I suggested.
SchoolSaid and done, but the plan back fired big time. We ended up on a second dinner.

Well, where were we? Oh yes, I was in school at 1 o'clock and I sleptthrough 2 hours before returning home to my scanner.

It will be very nice when the scanning is over. I have scannedthousands of slides and I hope that I will be ready on Monday. Friday night in FUNKY TOWN and Charisma Man is nowhere to be seen. I'm watching movies and every 5 minutes I go to swap slides in the scanner. At midnight I started my last box of slides and I can see the end of it now.

Well, I scanned my last picture on Saturday afternoon and I was very relieved.I found itNo more 17 hours per day in front of the computer scanning slides.

Now I can use all my energy to find a Cooking book for our 1st Engineer on Barcarolle. He wrote an e-mail asking me to bring a Cooking book. I went to the book store, I was going to buy me some dill anyway.

I only eat meat and salad and I mix plenty dill in the iceberg lettuce. I bought chicken and lettuceCharisma Man is soon backon my way back from school, but I could not find any dill. So I took a walk, my first since I hurt my foot, and it was nice to be back in thetrack.
I only wish I could make my way back up on the scale again, but if I continue like this I will soon be there.

Well, I bought my dill and some icebergVitaminslettuce. I also found two big beefs and now I have enough to last me tomorrow.

As you can understand I'm serious with my diet. I'm also in to all the exotic fruits, last time on BarcarolleI started to eat all the fruit I never liked before.

For example: Pineapple is a very delicious fruit when you get it fresh. I only tasted canned pineapple and I hated it and I always pecked at my food when it was served “HAWAII STYLE”.

Wednesday 11 th of July 2007 and today I walked to school. It was nice to take myfirst brisk walk and I arrived 30 minutes before 1st class. I had time to read the news paper before we started.
Of course I should have read my school books, but, well, I just didn't felt like it. After 10 minutesI discovered that the issue were from last week.

Saturday 13 th of July 2007 and what do you know. I was tormented with agony when IHangoverwas walking down the street even though the B-12 vitamins had kicked in, millions of %.
While walking down the street I came up with the ideaof the century.Well, it all started yesterday at school. You learn a new language and you don't realize that when you say some of the bad words it will sound as bad to the natives as it sounds to you when hear something distasteful in your own lingo.

I thought that I could say (if they ask) that I have asked if they had a comb. I will claim not to know the word for comb so I used the English word for comb and everything turned out bad. Well, I bought a few combs to bring to school on Monday and I was pretty confident. If not looking forward to school on Monday I don't have any agony for going there, no need to skip class.

I was leaving school Friday afternoon with my British friend and I said this few words and the owner of the school came rushing:
We disappeared in the lift just in time and when the door closed it was a great relieve and we stepped out on the street 30 seconds later.

Well, we had to stop at a pub after school and not long after one of my friends that IPubhad not seen in several years showed up.

After just a few Bacardi Breezers I became Charisma Man and, well, life was beautiful. We solved most of the imminent problems of the word before I had to go home and leave my school bag. I wasn't looking forwardto forgetting my school bag at some disco.

As you understand I had to take a fist full of B-12 vitamins when I woke up this morning. It was a terrible morning and I wasdrinking water like there was no tomorrow and I didn't moved out of my bed until my B-12s kicked in at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I mustered the necessary energy to get in to the shower and I was off to buy some DVD movies and that's when I came up with the brilliant idea. From now on referred to as the “COMB ” scam in the summer of 2007.

- You just stay tuned for the updates on Monday and you will know how my “COMB” scam was received in school. Sounds like a job for The Charisma Man, but I think he is better off staying home.

- Well, where is Charisma Man when you need him the most?
Hangover Man was sitting at one of his favourite Italian restaurants minding hishangover. Our hero could hardly believe his luck when he arrived to the restaurant. There was a table available in one of the corners far away from the crowd.

Hangover man didn't notice when the Italian girl (I think this is the owner of the establishment) sneaked up on him, she just stood there next to him.
- Hello! So it's a quiet night tonight? She asked.
Our hero almost shat himself while thinking:
- Did she see me yesterday? I hope not!
- Today it's easy easy, she said.
Finally Hangover Man understood. First time he was there he was late for school.
- I'm in a hurry! Do you have anything in 5 minutes?
- We can give you a pizza, she said.
Now he drop in for a 5 minutes pizza every now and then and the Italian girl is mighty impressed when he rush in with his school bag. (Looking good)

Well, Monday and it's time for school and honestly, I wasn't looking forward to it. “COMB” scam or not, I started to be doubtful about the idea.

I stepped out of the elevator 30 minutes before my scheduled time. The teachers were happy as usually, except one, but she was gloomy and grey enough. I could sense that the “COMB” scam wouldn't do any good so I didn't bother. It was very nice to leave the school after class

Later on in the evening my LIFE COACH called and there was no stop to the blah-blah.
- Come over for a cup of tea, he said.
- Are you so lonely? I asked.
I went to a bakery and I bought pastries and I left looking for a taxi. On the way to the taxi it hit me:
- MOTHERFÅNKER! My LIFE COACH is on a heavy duty carbohydrate diet. DARN! IDiet??!!have to eat the pastries with his wife.
No worries, I was not the only one forgetting about his diet. Obviously he had forgotten all about the diet to. And that's even though I have had to listen to himgoing on and on about hiscarbohydrate diet every day.

He never realized that he got very long-winded with all the details on this new SUPER diet. FÅCK, it even sounded like he hadDiet??!!invented the carbohydrate diet. I had to ask him:
- Well, what do you think it is making me look so good?

When we finished the tea we moved over to the sofa and the blah-blah-bla continued without interruption. I and his wife never had a chance to say something.
- What about the spaghetti girl? He asked.
His wife took the opportunity to say something when my LIFE COACH took a breath, he was about to choke.
- She is very beautiful, his wife said when she finaly had a chance to say something.
- How do you know? I asked.
It turned out that she is on my web page. She visit every now and then and she want to have a web page of her own. When I left they were busy register a domain name so I hope we can visit yet another exciting web page on the web soon.

Well, I took a taxi home with a quick stop at FOODLAND for some food for tomorrow and I stepped inside my door just after 10 o'clock.

Tuesday 17 th of July 2007 and it was pretty much the same in school.
- Hmm, maybe it's time to go to the beach again.
They will hopefully finish my windows tomorrow and I'm free to do what I want to do.Just a few days left before it's time to leave for the ship. I got an e-mail from EITZEN and they asked when I could come and work for them. Strange, I just left one ship that was chartered for Eitzen and now Eitzen asked when I could come work under Danish flag.

Wednesday 18 th of July 2007 and it was pretty much the same in school. All the Teachers are happy except one of them. I joined my English friend for a drink after school and he told me that she was still upset. Well, I told him the comb story and that it was a misunderstanding.
- I will try to straight it out tomorrow, it's just a misunderstanding, he said.
- Yeah, good luck!

I had planned to go to the beach and after a few Breezers I went home to get my bag. I also burnt a CD with some pictures for my English friend that I brought back to the English pub. After 2 or 3 Breezers I went out to get a taxi, but first I stopped at 7 Eleven for a small bag of Orange Breezers.
We were soon on the highway and we left FUNKY TOWN with screaming and smokin'On the highwaytires. My Breezers were soon history and we made a pit stop halfway to the beach. Well, I can't help wondering what happened with theStopping at 7 ElevenBlueberry Breezers, I just can't find them anymore.

Well, maybe it's due to the fact that you get all blue when drinking them and no one buys them anymore. Well, I likedStopping at 7 Eleventhem, blue or not.
At the pit stop I could choose between Lime and Raspberry Breezers so I made the obvious choice.

It was dark not long after we left the pit stop and our driver got lost for a while. Same last time I went to the beach, the driver left the highway and we had to make a U-turn to get back on track. They are building a new highway so it's easy to get lost on the various construction sites.
We only lost a few minutes and we arrived at 8 o'clock, just when I finished my last Breezer and I stepped out of the taxi as the Charisma Man.
Charisma Man
It was nice to arrive even though it was a nice trip in the backseat with my iPod on fullCharisma Manblast. My Breezers helped me to transform in to the Charisma Man and I was full of self-confidence when we arrived.

My friend was waiting on the street when I arrived and we were soon sitting down with a vodka orange in front of us.
After numerous vodka orange I went back to my hotel room and I didn't forgot to take a fist full of B-12 before falling asleep.

Thursday morning and where ever Charisma Man is the Hangover Man is never far away.I woke up with a hangover force 9,4 and I opened my jar of B-12 vitamins. A fist fulland now I only could wait for them to kick in, and they better kick in fast. I have a lunch appointment at 1 o'clock at a Japanese restaurant.

Life on the beach is not all that good. I remember in Australia a few years back. We were on the beachsurfing. I after 15 minutes IAt the beachhad burnt my back so bad that I could not sleep without drinking a case of beer first. Never mind, we were young and every day was a party.

I also got caught by a wave pressing me down to the seabed pushing me face down all the way up on the beach. I was lying on the beach like a stranded whale with most of the skin in my face gone. Embarrassing trying to explain for everyone how it happened when they asked:
- Have you been in a fight?

Well, after my surfing adventure I joined went to buy a case of cold WB and we had a few beers on the beach. Next time swimming in Australia I will have my shirt on, I was red like a crayfish.
We had a good time on the beach and the beers improved our mood and the spiritwas high. Later on in the afternoon we were throwing a BBQ party at the hostel or whatever they call it in Australia.

I don't know if it was because of the sun or the high spirit, but when we came back I went for apower nap. I woke up when one of the guys from DenmarkYOO!stood in the door.
- HEY! Wake up! It's time for party!

This was the very same guy I asked for a cig when I felt out of bed. Back then I wassmoking PRINCE and the only thing I carried when on my holidays was PRINCE and snus.

Well, anyway, I was in the top bunk falling out of bed. My Danish friend was in the bottom bunk and when I passed him on the way down I took the opportunity to ask for a PRINCE. He was looking at me in pure horror with eyes big like saucers.
I could hear him say “Of course” just before I hit the floor.

Well, where were we? I got lost there on the memory lane, but we were at the Japanese restaurant and I felt like shit and suddenly the B-12s kicked in. Nice, I really needed it.

Friday 20 th of July 2007 and I'm glad to say that the Hangover Man is gone. I was reading until almost 5 o'clock in the morning and my friend called and woke me up at 11.

I went to check out a new hotel and then I went to check my e-mail. There is no internet on my hotel so I cannot check my e-mail with my lap top, well, that's the reason why I change hotel. Well, enough of that.

Checking my e-mail and I was in for 2 surprises. One nice and one not so nice. I used my web mail service and there was a folder called JUNK E-MAIL and there was
Hiya, just like to say that your website on your life at sea that i found on the web links page in shipspottting website, is an excellent site that i regularly visit to read your latest reports! I am a school leaver in Ireland and have applied to the local nautical college to study to be a deck officer which hopefully i will get the course! Looking forward to your next trip report on the M/T Barcarolle, keep up the good work!
thousands of e-mail, most of them junk. But I had to go through them and delete the e-mail. I was in for my second surprise, there was an e-mail from a regular visitor to my web page. The e-mail was from February and I hope he don't mind the late answer.

I checked out and I moved to the new hotel with internet on the room and I called my friend to givehim my room number. We had planned to meet at 2 o'clock for a swim at my previous hotel. Now we had to change plan to meet up at my new hotel.

We went for a drink in the evening, but I finished half of it and I went to the cinema instead, I'm getting to old for the drinking now. It is just not any fun anymore, but I'm scared, Friday night and I'm off to a movie. Well, if someone told me that a few years ago I would not have believed it.

I was reading until almost 6 o'clock in the morning and I woke up at 9
- WHAT THE...?
The whole hotel was shaking and there was a terrible sound. I called the reception.
- What's the noise?
- What noise?
- It's fåcking impossible to NOT notice! I said.
- They are doing some construction, she said.
I looked out the window and they were cutting down trees with a couple of the biggest chainsaws that I had ever seen. They pushed everything in to a big chipper. Darn!

I also got my flight details. FUNKY TOWN to Washington DC. Leaving 0650 on the 24th and arriving Washington DC 2056. Then I will leave for Miami at 0605 the 25th and arrive at 0835.
Barcarolle will arrive late the 26th so I might have a day to see Miami. I was there some 15 years ago for 2 weeks of party, but I don't think I will recognise anything.

I' will go back home tomorrow and I hope I can sleep a little longer before leaving. IChippermoved to a new hotel, a little more expensive and smaller room. But I must say that I found the room more liveable than at the former hotel. It was just a 50 seconds walk from the old hotel. But if they start the wood chipper again I will have to find another hotel next time.

I was having my dinner at a restaurant and I had a chat with theBy nightowner. I bought a roll of snus and when I finished my second Diet drink I left for my hotel. The last thing I said to the owner:
- Saturday night and I'm drinking Diet Drinks. well, what happened to me?

I had enough to keep me busy in my room. I had finished two books and I had stopped by at a book store earlier during the day. I got two new books and, well, I hope I manage to fall asleep before 6 o'clock in the morning. But one of the books I brought with me was realgood and I just could not stop reading.

I have not done anything during the days at the beach. Just enjoyed mydays and, well, that's how life should be at the beach. But I found the time to get a haircut.

I can't help envying all the 20 years old I see running around on the bars. I was the same at that age and I had a good time. Well, there is nothin' stopping me now. But it's just no fun anymore. The other afternoon I stopped at a bar thinking:
- It was a lot of fun being drunk all day long having a good time. LET'S GET DRUNK!
But I ended up ordering a Diet Drink. Those days are over, drinking from lunch timeuntil 10 o'clock in the morning spending money like a drunk sailor. Spending 3-500 US every night, hell, I'm consider spending less than 400 US as a cheap night on town. I'm definitely too old for this now.

Sunday 22 nd of July 2007 and it was time to put my act together. I was tired, I came back to my room at 0330 yesterday. I had spent, hold on to something sturdy, aboutView from my room30 US and I had the time of my life. OK, I got a whole lot of soda water for 30 dollars and that was the only thing I drank. And honestly, I had much more fun than when I spent 400 US the other evening.

No hangover and I save a little on the B-12s as well. I will most likely have some time in Miami and I will buy a few kilos of B-12 vitamins there. My English friend at school he asked if I could by some B'12s for him as well.
- No problems, I said.
Talking about school, I got an e-mail from the owner of the school and she wanted me to make a home page for her. So I have to stop by at school on Monday to pick up somematerial. She also wondered if I was OK. I had told her that I was home in bed sick, not necessary to tell her that I had the time of my life at the beach.

Monday and I called United Airline and I was told that my reservation was cancelled. I called 3 times just to make sure, but the reservation was cancelled.

I called the travell agency in Sweden and they called back after 30 minutes. I have a new ticket for tomorrow night.

When I had my ticket sorted out I went to school to pick up the pictures for the new web page. So I will keep myseld busy during tedious nights onboard.

Well, I'm off to the ship .

On the way back to US, where I should have uploaded my web page with all the September excitements, we received orders to proceed to France and load gas oil for Mexico. So no update for a long time and if you know that yoy missed some of the excitements happening in September just click HERE and you will come right to the place where we left our 1st Engineer and his computer at last update.

Lo and behold, when I uploaded my page in France I promised that next upload would be in the beginning of November in Houston. Changed plans, we was loading in Sint Eustatius and my up load was delayed with weeks. Well, anyway, if you missed the excitements in France, just click HERE and you will be right back were I left you when our 1st Engineer and I was feeding the local animals. Peter, jag tror d e HÄR du ska klicka om du inte sett någon UPDATE för November, då hamnar du rätt i vårt äventyr i Frankrike

Otherwise just make your pick:
July 2007
August 2007
september 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008 Well, finally! My last month onboard and it's soon time to sign off.
Well, I'm off the ship. Holiday and School before joining my next ship

I signed on 26 th of July 2007 in Port Everglades when they discharged jet fuel. And I signed of when Loading Caustic in Corpus Christi.
We did the following voyages with Barcarolle:
Voy 11/07: José, Venezuela/ Emmstad, Curacao - Garyville LA (Mississippi), USA
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:         José, Venezuela
PRODUCT:                             Natural Gasoline
QUANTITY:                           170,000 BBLS

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Emmastad, Curacao
PRODUCT:                             Naptha
QUANTITY:                           100 000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             Garyville LA (Mississippi), USA

Voy 12/07: Beaumont, USA - TUXPAN, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-B
QUANTITY:                           84,500 BBLS

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                           152,000 BBLS

3) THIRD LOAD PORT:        Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             MTBE
QUANTITY:                           52,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             TUXPAN, Mexico

Voy 13/07: Beaumont, USA - TUXPAN, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-B
QUANTITY:                           90,000 BBLS

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                           130,000 BBLS

3) THIRD LOAD PORT:        Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             MTBE
QUANTITY:                           50,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             TUXPAN, Mexico

Voy 14/07: Beaumont, USA - TUXPAN, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                           180,000 BBLS

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-B
QUANTITY:                           120,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             TUXPAN, Mexico

Voy 15/07: Lavera, France/ USGC, USA - Pajaritos, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Lavera, France
PRODUCT:                             Gasoline
QUANTITY:                           31 400 MT

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     USGC, USA (Port to be nominated) CANCELLED
PRODUCT:                              MTBE
QUANTITY:                            4850 MT To be loaded on top of gasoline and blended during the trip to Pajaritos.

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Sint Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles
PRODUCT:                             MTBE and Gasoline Blendstock.
QUANTITY:                           Divide gasoline to 2 parcels. 1st parcel, 200 000 Bbls and load 20 000 Bbls                                                Blendstock on top and blend. 2nd Parcel, approx 70 000 bbls. Load 10 000 Bbls                                                MTBE on top and blend.

DISCHARGE PORT:              Pajaritos, Mexico CANCELLED L�zaro C�rdenas, Mexico

NEW DISCHARGE PORT 2: Manzanillo, Mexico

NEW DISCHARGE PORT 3: Guaymas, Mexico. In Manzanillo we found out that there will be a 3rd port

Voy 16/07: Beaumont, USA - TUXPAN, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-B
QUANTITY:                            100,000 BBLS CHANGED 85,000 BBLS

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                           150,000 BBLS

3) THIRD LOAD PORT:        Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             MTBE
QUANTITY:                            50,000 BBLS CHANGED 55,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             TUXPAN, Mexico

Voy 17/07: Pajaritos, Mexico - Point Comfort, USA
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Pajaritos, Mexico
PRODUCT:                             Naptha
QUANTITY:                           300,000 BBLS +/-10%

DISCHARGE PORT:             Point Comfort, USA

Voy 01/08: Lake Charles & Galveston lightering area, USA - TUXPAN, Mexico (Intended)
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Lake Charles, USA
PRODUCT:                             GASOLINE
QUANTITY:                           200,000 BBLS

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Galvestone lightering area, USA
PRODUCT:                             GASOLINE
QUANTITY:                           100,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             TUXPAN, Mexico 200,000 Bbls

DISCHARGE PORT 2:          Pajaritos, Mexico Balance, approx 100,000 Bbls

Voy 02/08: Pajaritos, Mexico - Point Comfort, USA Cancelled
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Pajaritos, Mexico
PRODUCT:                             Naptha
QUANTITY:                            300,000 BBLS +/-10%

DISCHARGE PORT:             Point Comfort, USA

Voy 02/08: Beaumont, USA - TUXPAN, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                            150,000 BBLS

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                           84,500 BBLS

3) THIRD LOAD PORT:        Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             MTBE
QUANTITY:                            55,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             TUXPAN, Mexico

Voy 03/08: Beaumont, USA - TUXPAN, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                            150,000 BBLS CHANGED 130,000 BBLS

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                            85,000 BBLS CHANGED 119,000 BBLS

3) THIRD LOAD PORT:        Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             MTBE
QUANTITY:                            50,000 BBLS CHANGED 55,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             TUXPAN, Mexico

Voy 04/08: Meraux, USA - Pajaritos, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Meraux, LA (Mississippi) USA
PRODUCT:                             Diesel
QUANTITY:                            200,000 BBLS +/-10% CHANGED 200,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             Pajaritos, Mexico

Voy 05/08: Freeport/ Corpus Christi, USA - Vila Do Conde/ Sao Luis, Brazil
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Freeport, USA
PRODUCT:                             Caustic Soda
QUANTITY:                            22 000MT +/- 5%

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Corpus Christi, USA
PRODUCT:                             Caustic
QUANTITY:                           20 000 MT +/-5%

1) DISCHARGE PORT:          Vila Do Conde, Brazil

2) DISCHARGE PORT:          Sao Luis, Brazil

Voy 06/08: Pointe á Pierre, Trinidad - Kingston, Jamaica
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Pointe á Pierre, Trinidad

PRODUCT:                             Gasoil
QUANTITY:                            42,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 87
QUANTITY:                            43,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 95
QUANTITY:                            13,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             JET
QUANTITY:                            20,000 BBLS


RECEIVER 1:                          SHELL
PRODUCT:                             Gasoil
QUANTITY:                            10,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 87
QUANTITY:                            18,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 95
QUANTITY:                            5,000 BBLS

RECEIVER 2:                          EXXONMOBIL
PRODUCT:                             Gasoil
QUANTITY:                            7,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 87
QUANTITY:                            5,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             JET
QUANTITY:                            20,000 BBLS


RECEIVER 1:                          COOL PETROLEUM
PRODUCT:                             Gasoil
QUANTITY:                            12,500 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 87
QUANTITY:                            7,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 95
QUANTITY:                            4,000 BBLS

RECEIVER 2:                          COOL PETROLEUM
PRODUCT:                             Gasoil
QUANTITY:                            4,500 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 87
QUANTITY:                            13,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             MOGAS 95
QUANTITY:                            4,000 BBLS

RECEIVER 3:                          JAMAICA ALUMIMIUM COMPANY

PRODUCT:                             Gasoil
QUANTITY:                            6,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             Gasoil
QUANTITY:                            2,000 BBLS

Voy 07/08: Houston - TUXPAN
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:         Lyondell, Houston
PRODUCT:                             MTBE
QUANTITY:                           33,000 BBLS

PRODUCT:                             Gasoline
QUANTITY:                           270 000 BBLS


Voy 08/08: Beaumont, USA - TUXPAN, Mexico
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-B
QUANTITY:                            84,000 BBLS Load full capacity

2) SECOND LOAD PORT:     Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             PUG-D
QUANTITY:                           150,000 BBLS Min/ Max

3) THIRD LOAD PORT:        Beaumont, USA
PRODUCT:                             MTBE
QUANTITY:                            55,000 BBLS

DISCHARGE PORT:             TUXPAN, Mexico

Voy 09/08: Pajaritos, Mexico - Deerpark (Houston), USA
1) FIRST LOAD PORT:          Pajaritos, Mexico
PRODUCT:                             Naptha
QUANTITY:                           300,000 BBLS +/-10%

DISCHARGE PORT:              Deerpark CHANGED    Oiltanking (Houston), USA

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
links to the next page. So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

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