M/T Ek-Star, I was Chief Officer between 20th of May 2010 and 17th of June 2010
M/T Ek-Star
M/T Ek-Star
I got this picture from http://www.einesm.weblisnet.de

Built: 1999 by Jiangnan Shipyard at Shanghai, China
Flag: NIS
Signal letter: LAMT 5
Class no: 19864
LR/IMO no: 9164524
Trading area: World wide

DnV + 1A1 ICE-1A Tanker for Oil ESP E0 TMON Double Skin vessel.

12 cargo tanks and 2 slop tanks, with one deepwell pump (hydraulic driven) in each tank.
Cargo/slop tanks epoxy coated.
Cargo handling 6-8 grades simultaneously segregated by two valves.

Cargo pumps: 12x330 m³/h at 110 mlc
Service slop tank pumps: 2x120 m³/h at 110 mlc
Cargo discharge capacity: abt. 1.980 m³/h at 110 mlc
Ballast pumps: 2x500 m³/h at 20 mlc
Heating: Stainless steel coils in all tanks
Tank washing:(2x12/1x2) Fixed machines
Manifolder flanges: 8pcs connection each side 2x12" and 6x10".
Vapour return flange: 1x8" each side
Length over all:
Length between p.p
Breadth mld.
Depth upper deck
Draft summer load
Draft ballast Abt
Gross tonnage
Net tonnage
Reduced Gross
134.70 m
127.00 m
20.80 m
11.00 m
8.59 m
4.80m Aft 5.80m
8.829 ton
4.173 ton
7250 ton
Deadweight, summer:
Deadweight, winter:
Cargo, 98% volume:
Service slop tanks:
H.F.O tanks, 380 cst at 50°C:
D.O. tanks:
Fresh water tanks:
W.B. tanks:
13.683 MT
13.253 MT
14262 m³
170 m³
517 m³
103 m³
110 m³
5400 m3
Main engine, MCR:
Propeller, CP.Ni-AL bronze:
Auxiliary gen.sets:
Boilers, thermal boil:
Exhaust boiler:
1 x 5.300 kW, 120 RPM Diam. 4,9 m/120 RPM
4X500 kW, 1.200 RPM, 60Hz
2 X 2.900 kW
470 kW
580 kW
Service speed loaded:
Service speed ballast:
Consumption, service 85% MCR and AUX:
Consumption, discharge:
13.5 knots
14.5 knots

18.7+3.0 ton/day
8.0 ton/day
3.0 ton/day

Wednesday 19 th of May 2010 and I woke up to the news that the army is attacking FORT “Red shirt”. And I woke up before my alarm went off at 9 o'clock. My friend called at 8 o'clock something. Thank you James!

I turned on the TV and I saw the army driving through the bamboo and tire barricades.

Today's headlines in Bangkok Post
I went to my kitchen to make my morning tea and I checked Bangkok post on the internet. And I checked my e-mail, no delays and I will leave FUNKY TOWN tonight. Very nice.

My friend cancelled lunch at Govindas for the third time today. He didn't like what he saw on the other side of the river from his apartment. Smoke all over Bangkok and he was better off to stay at home dodging the bullets flying over Bangkok.

Latest pictures from Bangkok Post

The crackdown begins
May 19, 2010. Troops began the crackdown on the anti-government protesters in the heart of Bangkok on Wednesday morning

Photos by Sarot Meksophawannakul. Published: 19/05/2010

From the bird's eye view
May 19, 2010. Soldiers and their armoured personnel carriers are closing in on the anti-government rally site in Bangkok on Wednesday morning.

Photos by Sarot Meksophawannakul. Published: 19/05/2010

Crackdown casualties
May 19, 2010. Anti-government demonstrators were injured during the government's crackdown on the red-shirt rally on Wednesday morning.

Photos by Apichart Jinakul. Published: 19/05/2010
Just before I left for my 7 Eleven for a few diet drinks I heard that the Red leaders had OFFICIALLY stopped the protest. At the same time the leaders had given up in Bangkok there is reports of riots in other parts of Thailand. How will this end?
Latest breaking news from Bangkok Post:
“Seven red-shirt leaders surrendered to police at the Royal Thai Police headquarters about 1.30pm on Wednesday.

However, thousands of red shirts in Khon Kaen and Udon Thani refused to give in and raided the city halls to show dissatisfaction over the government's crackdown on UDD protesters in Bangkok, according to television reports.

In Khon Kaen, more than 1,000 red shirts broke through a cordon of police and administrative officials at the main gate of the city hall.

They brought with them car tyres and fuel and threatened to set fire on the city hall if the government did not respond to their demand for it to dissolve the House of Representatives.

In Udon Thani, more than 5,000 red shirts broke through barricades and a cordon of police, soldiers, and volunteers and entered the city hall.”

But I can see the black smoke from the FORT “Red shirt”. And my local 7 Eleven was covered with newspaper. They must have done it today, because yesterday it looked all normal.
- Why have you covered all the windows with newspapers?
- We're afraid so we want it to look like we're closed
Well, I will go back to get a few pictures. Yes, I forgot my camera when I went there. Only time I forgot my camera. Otherwise I always carry my camera, you never know when there is something interesting happening.

Well, I'm off for a few pictures of my local 7 Eleven.
I went to buy an orange juice, would have been to embarrassing to just go there to get a picture.FUNKY TOWNWhen I was finished at 7 Eleven I walked back and I continuedtowards Asok. I could see the smoke from Klong Toy from my street while I was walking towards Asok.

Coming closer to the Sukhumvit/ Asok intersection I could smell theFUNKY TOWNburnt rubber. Or, well, it could have been my imagination. Or just simply and old bus passing by. But the streets were almost empty so I don't think it was any bus.

I crossed the street at Sukhumvit and I took the walk over at Asok sky train station to the other side of Sukhumvit and I walked towards Soi and Bangkok Bank.

Well, Bangkok Bank. I don't think I will have any luck there. All the banks I have passed so far had been closed. Darn, I really need to go to the bank.Hopefully they will be open, but I don't think so.

I walked towards Soi 8 and I passed my morning school. Well, my ex morning school. And now it was burning on Sukhumvit. What theis going on? I thought they said that the red shirts had given up the fight and that the leaders had surrendered themselves to the Police.
What the hell is going on here? And I was walking up an almost empty Sukhumvit. All shops andFUNKY TOWNrestaurants were closed. People in all the windows looking out. Yes, it was very tense. You could feel it in the air. What isFUNKY TOWNeveryone waiting for?

Maybe they are waiting for the mob to come trashing Sukhumvit. And here I am walking around thinking that there will be an end to it. I'm coming to the intersection at Soi 8 and 11 and now the army have their check point here. Moving from Soi 4 and 3 yesterday and now at Soi 8 and 11. And today there are sandbags and stuff.
And today they are searching all the cars and motorcycles. The frisking the drivers before they can continue on Sukhumvit. Yesterday they were only looking at ID on Soi 4 and 3.

And there were groups of people hanging around like they were waiting for something.Hmm, have I missed something. Weill the “Red shirts” come roaring up Sukhumvit from Klong Toey via Ratchadapisek? Suddenly I realised that I would be between the army and the mob.
Well, that will be a new experience. OK, pretty much the same as in the Whittayu/ Rama 4 intersection last Thursday night when it all started. This mob came down from one side of the road throwing road blocks and debris around. And I'm in the middle of this waiting for green light in a taxi so we could f@ck off out of there down Sathon Tai Road.
When I came to the Soi 3 and 4 intersections I ran in to our friend the Spanish DJ. He came plunging down Sukhumvit towards some Korean restaurant. He lives in the middle of Little Isan so he got his share of the action.

He was hungry and I was on the way to NANA hotel to eat so he decided to join me. We stood there talking when a big black cloud came from Phloen Chit.
- DARN! Did they put fire on Central Chit Lom?
- I don't know, let's go have a look, I suggested.

We walked up to the Sukhumvit/ Phloen Chit road block. While we walked towards the road block there were several army water tanker passing us with the red light on.

I and my friend were standing there watching them fight the fire. Loud bangs and I don't know ifFUNKY TOWNit was bombs, fire crackers or gun shots. The managedto extinguish the fire. But suddenly it was full blaze again. But the fire were soon extinguished again and we left forFUNKY TOWNNANA hotel and our lunch/ dinner.

And believe me, it was nice to come in to the AC in the restaurant. It was very hot outside.

I ordered my fried rice and my friend ordered Tom Yang Gung, a spicy Thai soup. And we had a few bottles of water to drink.

When we were ready we took off down the Sukhumvit. I was goingFUNKY TOWNhome and he was going to Thong Lo. Neither me nor him hadFUNKY TOWNever seen Sukhumvit closed down before. No cars and everything were closed.

So no problem to cross Sukhumvit. Why bother take the walk over when you can just cross the street? I can't remember crossingSukhumvit by foot in many years. Last time must have been in the middle of the night, drunk. But a Wednesday afternoon, never.

And the fire outside my school was only smoking when we passed on our way down Sukhumvit.
We crossed an empty Asok Road and when we reached Soi 23 I took off home and my friendFUNKY TOWNcontinued down towards Thong Lo.

When I came home I meet the girl taking care ofmy flowers.
- Where have you been?
- I been out walking.
- Very very dangerous, she said almost crying.

She asked when I was going to leave.
- 10 o'clock tonight.
- You better go now, after 8 o'clock it's forbidden to go outside. It's very dangerous here now. So don't go outside, LEAVE!

I was wearing my yellow shirt and red baseball cap and I told her.
- It's not dangerous, I'm wearing a yellow shirt.
- The red shirt will kill you!
- I have a red baseball cap so I'm 50 50! No problem

First thing I did when I got home was to put my clothes in the laundry machine and then I discovered that it was curfew from 8 o'clock in Bangkok Post.
“The Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) on Wednesday imposed a curfew across the capital following arson attacks in downtown Bangkok and several areas after anti-government red shirt key leaders surrendered to police.

The curfew will be imposed on Wednesday from 8pm through Thursday 6am. People are banned from leaving their places during the stated time without permission from authorities.”

And obviously hell has broken loose in FUNKY TOWN. Bangkok Post was full of BREAKING NEWS:
Angry reds run amok UPDATED
19/05/2010 : Angry red-shirts ran amok in Bangkok on Wednesday afternoon after their leaders surrendered to police and called an end to the Ratchaprasong protest rally.

Bangkok Post being evacuated
19/05/2010 : All staff were ordered to leave the Bangkok Post building in Klong Toey shortly before 3pm as red-shirts gathered nearby at five-way and advanced down Na Ranong road towards the Post building about 200 metres away.

Mobs burn Bangkok
19/05/2010 : Arsonists rampaged in downtown Bangkok on Wednesday afternoon, setting fire to buildings and shopping centres, after the core leaders of the United front for democracy against Dictatorship surrendered and announced an end to the protest rally at Ratchaprasong intersection.

Curfew in Bangkok, many provinces
19/05/2010 : The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

Rioters burn 27 buildings
19/05/2010 : Rioters have set fire to 27 buildings around Bangkok during the day, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration announced at 9pm on Wednesday.

And it goes on and on. Looting Central World and Siam Square. Siam Theatre on fire and the fireFUNKY TOWNcaused the theatre to collapse and the fire was still burning as protesters tried to block firefighters from fighting the fire.

Central World sat on fire as well, and parts of the building collapsed later on in the evening.

I called the emergency number, but there was only this irritating ON HOLD music. So I called the tourist police and they told me to get to the airport ASAP.
- After 8 o'clock you can't go!
I packed my stuff and I went on the street to find a taxi. LUCKY!! A taxi just outside my condo.
- NO NO! CURFEW! He said pointing at his watch.
I walked down to Prasanmit plaza, and I never seen Soi 23 like this before. Even 4 o'clock in the morning there are usually more traffic. Here was no traffic at all, except for 2 motorcycles.
I continued to Asok and after a while there was a taxi coming from Petchaburi Road
- I give you 1000 Baht if you take me to the airport.
- OK!
We went to my condo to pick up my luggage and we were soon off to the airport. Very nice!
We stopped on the way to fill up his car with gas and we arrived to the airport after, well, aboutFUNKY TOWN30 minutes. I went to check in at Emirates and so far Emirates has been nothing but a disappointment. I see their ads in TV. 5 star airline.Yeah, Stamford Swisshotel in Singapore is a 5 or 6 star hotel and I'm not impressed.

I have been trying to reach them for several days to upgrade to business class. I have reached the whole world. An Indian guy in Dubai. I asked if this was the Emirates in Bangkok. He gave me a phone number.
- HEY! That's the motherf@cking number I just called and IFUNKY TOWNreached you!
I got another number and now I got connected to a guy and he was checking if he could upgrade my ticket. The connection broke down and I called again, now it was a girl on the other phone.
- Not possible to upgrade!

At the airport and I asked at the check in. 540 US and I went to pay. When I signed my AMEX slip 540US had turned in to 1200 US. Well, I will avoid the Emirates in the future if I can. Give me Thai Airways any time and I prefer them.

Evening headlines in Bangkok Post
I was reading the latest in Bangkok Post while I was eating Salmon/ dill cockuets or what the f@ckFUNKY TOWNthey call them. Smoked salmon on bread and I finished all their salmon sushis.

And what a lousy lounge. Well, the food was excellent. Butthey had these Benny Hill furniture's. Yes, we remember the sketch with Benny Hill in the leather sofa making all the noise.

Yes, here it was the same, and it sounded like everyone was farting all the time. And marble floor so every time someone moved a chair in the restaurant there was a terrible noise. I was almost soiling myself every time.

But it was nice with the lounge, curfew and I had to leave home very early and I had to wait for 7 hours at the airport. So it was worth the extra to fly business class. Imagine walking around the airport for 7 hours. Especially after being at Nero Cafe just to discover that “Miss Most Beautiful in The World #1” wasn't working today.

Now I had internet, free food and drinks. And as an extra bonus, time to update my web page.

Thursday 20 th of May 2010
and I left the lounge just before 2 o'clock in the morning.
I arrived to the gate just after 2 o'clock and they had started the boarding, Impressive, otherwise they start boarding just before departure time and we're departing a wee bit late. ButOn the Emirates flight to Dubaiwhen I arrived boarding was almost completed and according toOn the Emirates flight to Dubaimy boarding pass boarding would start 02:10.

So I was pleasantly surprised to see that they were almost finished at 02:10. Good, I was soon onboard relaxing in my chair with a glass of water with the air blower on full blast. This is something I miss onOn the Emirates flight to Dubaimany planes now a days, the cold air from the overhead air blowers. Especially when you have a hangover.

Well, maybe they will end up their 5 stars when I have finished this trip. We left the gate and I almost shat myself when the commercial started on the TV and PA system.
- What theis going on?! Are we crashing?!
On the Emirates flight to DubaiI was in my chair dead tired after being up and running from early morning. So when the commercial started at full blast I thought that we were under attack. Yes, these days around FUNKY TOWN you're never sure what can happen.

Motherf@cker! I really don't need to know how good the EmiratesOn the Emirates flight to Dubaiare at full blast 3 o'clock in the morning, one, well, two steps back from the 5 stars. SHAPE UP!

I was asleep before I knew it and I woke up again at 5 o'clock, Dubai time. 3 hours difference from FUNKY TOWN. I looked out the window and it was day light.

They asked if I wanted breakfast.
- Oh, yes please.
- What do you want?
- Something without mushrooms.
The Steward disappeared and when he came back he asked if I was allergic to mushrooms. I told him that I was not allergic and he said that then they could just take away the mushrooms from the plate. Yeah, great, thanks'. I really appreciate it.
On the Emirates flight to Dubai
On the Emirates flight to Dubai
I started with fresh fruit and then I had an omelette with spinach and potatoes. And of course tea,On the Emirates flight to Dubaia few cups and I was in a pretty good mood when theyOn the Emirates flight to Dubaiasked us to put on the seat belts.

The desert turned in to buildings and we flew over the outskirts of Dubai out over the Persian Gulf before we turned back and approached Dubai International. Flying over the Port of Dubai and I saw a big cruise ship. Looked old and they are probably in progress to make it in to a hotel. If they have any money left in Dubai, or if Abu Dhabi pays for it.
On the Emirates flight to Dubai
On the Emirates flight to Dubai

On the Emirates flight to Dubai
On the Emirates flight to Dubai
Yes, they were building so much in Dubai and they were running out of money and Abu Dhabi had to guarantee for their projects. For sure an eyesore to have hundreds of unfinished high risers around Dubai. And just in a few years there have been a great difference. I remember my first time in Dubai. Not a fishing village, but not even close to what it is today.
On the Emirates flight to Dubai
The first thing to do in Dubai was to find a transfer desk. I had an economy boarding pass for the last leg and I needed to get a biz boarding pass. I don't know, but in Bangkok they told me that they didn't had any connection with Dubai.
- You're in the system. Go to the lounge and they will give you a new boarding pass.

I checked in at the lounge and they told me to be back quarter past 7 to pick up my new boarding pass. Emirates lounge in Dubai was pretty impressive. Several restaurants and the best of allDubaishowers. But I started by asking for a diet drink. I got my diet drink and I asked for a place to smoke.
- There is a smoking lounge. There are food and drinks so no need to bring the diet drink.

Well, the smoking lounge was a big open lounge with food and drinks so no need to go sit in a small glass box. So I was sitting there watching CNN and drinking diet drinks watching other people smoking.

The Emirates lounge, second to only ASEANA's lounge in Seoul, but maybe because ASEANA was almost empty and the showers in Seoul was much fresher and nicer. But at an overall comparison they would both come in on a shared first place.

I went for a shower and, well, as mentioned, it was not nearly as fresh and clean as ASEANA'sDubailounge in Seoul. But there was soap and I brought the bag they gave me on the flight. Yes, usually I just say NO THANKS' when they hand out the nècessaire on the flights. But this time I took it with me.Hmm, maybe I was expecting a shower in the lounge at an airline that claims to be a 5 star airline.

Well, in Seoul they had everything, here they provided you with a soap suspensor in the shower. So I had to soak myself with the EAU PARFUME AU THE ROUGHE from the necessaire I got on the flight.
I also found a PURE SPORT deodorant in the nècessaire. So I felt fresh and smelled fresh when I left the shower.

I went to the Emirates desk at their lounge to see if they had my new boarding pass.
Dubai- A few minutes more.
I took the elevator to the floor below and I bought a carton on coffin nails before I returned to the lounge to pick up my boarding pass. Then I was offDubaito gate 208 to board my flight to Manchester.

And yes, I was not happy when I discovered that we were taken to the airplane with a bus. What the??!! And we spent 20 minutes or more in the bus. We passed hundreds of aircrafts and the last one was our plane. Hell, we even ended up behind one of those motorised luggage conveyor belts, doing 7 km/h.

Of course, I took a few pictures while we were boarding the flight. And as you can see on the picture below it was not a popular move
Yes, the guy in green came rushing towards me screaming that it was not allowed to take pictures.
Of course, I could not restrain myself from taking a few more pictures of Dubai from the airport. I was the last to board the aircraft. The Stewardess asked for my boarding pass.
- I have seat 6D
- Your boarding pass.
I had my hands full of computers and bags and it was hot and I was about to lose my temper.
- I have seat 6D
She got a wee bit angry and asked for the boarding pass. Maybe she thought that I was in monkey class and that I tried to sneak in to the biz. I put down my bags and I managed to find my boarding pass. On the boarding pass I have the seat 5J, but they changed it to 6D with a ball point pen because I want an aisle seat.
- Did you write that yourself, she asked.
But she was smiling.
- Yes, I wrote it myself.
I took my seat. Let's get the f@ck out of here! We were delayed by 40 minutes and as soon as we took off I almost shat myself when the commercial started on the PA system.
- What theis going on?! Are we crashing?!
I was in my chair dead tired after being up and running from early morning. So when the commercial started at full blast I thought that we were under attack. Yes, these days in the Middle East you're never sure what can happen.
Motherf@cker! I really don't need to know how good the Emirates are at full blast 8 o'clock in theEmirates flight 017 to Manchesterf@cking morning.

I was dead tired and I was soon a sleep skipping the breakfast. But I woke up in time for lunch. I chose to start with scrimps and salad. As main course I chose fish. It was delicious and when I was ready I was a sleep again. I woke up when they came with the dessert trolley.
And of course, they saw that I was awake so they asked:
- Dessert Sir?
- No thanks! I'm on die...What is that?, I asked pointed at one of their different desserts.
- That's a walnut cake served with white chocolate sauce.
- OK, never mind the “Best looking guy in town '10” diet. And I want tea, please!

This was something of the best I had ever eating. Walnut cake with the white chocolate sauce.Emirates flight 017 to ManchesterMmmmmmYes, I'm ready to fly The Emirates again just to have their walnut cake.

It didn't take long before they came with the cheese.
- Do you like some cheese Sir?
- Yeah, why not. You have managed to f@ck up my “Best looking guy in town '10” diet so a little cheese won't makeEmirates flight 017 to Manchesterany difference. And some tea, please!

I had my cheese and I spent the rest of the flight drinking tea. Yes, you pay a little extra to fly biz. It's worth it. You have space to enjoy your tea. Back inmonkey class you, well, just forget enjoying your tea.You have to be dead drunk just to stand monkey class for a few hours.Hmm, of course, I could try to lose a few hundred kilos and maybe I would find it bearable in monkey class.

We arrived to Manchester in time, well, maybe a few minutes late. I got my luggage and I wasManchesterlooking for a luggage trolley. 4£ to get a luggage trolley.
- What theis this?! Where will I get 4 Pounds from?
I think this is the first ever airport where they charge you for the trolleys.
I was through Immigration and Custom at 1 o'clock and 2 hours before our Captain is arriving from Sweden with Lufthansa. I bought 2 diet drinks, luckily enough they accepted cards in the shop.

I found an internet place were I could pay with AMEX and I checked the latest about the protests in Bangkok on Bangkok Post online.

Latest headlines from Bangkok Post

Latest pictures from Bangkok Post

Wreckage of Central World
Central World shopping complex has been completely burned after rioters set the building on fire on May 19.

Photos by Somchai Poomlard. Published: 20/05/2010

Damage on Rama IV
Photos by Kosol Nakachol. Published: 20/05/2010

Protesters heading back home
Red-shirt protesters are evacuated from Wat Pathumwanaram on Ratchaprasong to the National Stadium where authorities have prepared buses for them to return home on May 20.

Photos by Chanat Katanyu. Published: 20/05/2010

Wreckage of Center One
Firemen are trying to control the flame at center One shopping mall located around the Victory Monument on May 20. Rioters set the building on fire on May 19.

Photos by Apichart Jinaku. Published: 20/05/2010
Please note the BA set! I didn't think that fire fighters in Thailand were using BA sets. I remember running in to one of Bangkok's fire departments when they were on the way to fight a fire. OK, this was maybe more than 15 years ago. But the fire fighters were wearing flip flops andManchestert-shirts hanging from the fire trucks. Well, as I said, this was a long time ago.

Well, anyway, when I was finished with Bangkok Post I went outside 19 to 20°C and it was very nice to just sitManchesteroutside the terminal to enjoy the weather.

Perfect, not hot and not cold and this is the weather we should have 12 months a year. I spotted a guy coming out from the terminal with balloons and stuff. Yes, a dream comes true. Arriving at the airport and you friends are waving flags when you're coming.

Embarrassing and I would either have ignored them, just walking by pretending like I did not know them. Or a few punches would have been thrown.

But it can be the opposite as well, one Bosun signing off after 9 months and his wife and childrenwas at Copenhagen airport to meet him. Yes, waving the Swedish flags while singing theSwedish national hymn. But when he arrived he was so drunk so he had to crawl out from theEasthamImmigration and Custom. The flags disappeared very quickly.
- Who is this guy crawling towards us?

Just before the Lufthansa flight arrived I went inside and I meet our driver. I told him that I would be waiting outside. I went back out and 10 minutes later our driver came with the Captain. The ship would not arrive until 17:30 so he took us to Eastham and the restaurant Eastham Ferry. He would be back to pick us up at 17:30 to bring us to the ship.

We started by walking to a view point along the river. Gorgeous weather and it is really beautiful with all the light green trees and the flowers. And the smell from the trees and flower.
We passed a parking space on our way and there was many many squirrels begging foods from the people. Almost like the monkeys in Malaysia. Yes, we remember the monkeys when I did my visa in Malaysia. We reached the view point and there were a few guys fishing.

We returned to Eastham Ferry for our dinner. Coming in to Eastham Ferry and it stunk of old beerEasthamand, well, typical English pub.

We took a table and there was no one attending our table. We went to the bar and asked if the restaurant was open.
- Yes.
Gorgeous weather and we decided to sit outside in the sun. We went out and we took a table with a view over The River Mersey. WHERE THE F@CK IS THE WAITRESS? We were waiting and waiting. What the??!! We went inside and it turned out that we had to order the food in the bar. So we ordered our food and drinks, paid and we went back outside again.

Our starters arrived after, well, we were almost chewing on the table when the starters arrived, and by then it was soon time to leave for the ship.

We finished our appetizers, and we waited and waited for our fish and chips. All the other guestsEasthamgot their food but no sign of any fish and chips for us. Wow we could see Ek-Star passing on the River Mersey on the way to Eastham locks.

- Where the BIPPING BIP is our food?
I was sitting with my back against the door and every time I heard the door opens I asked Captain facing the door:
- Fish and chips?
- No, one beer and a coke.
- Fish and chips?
- No, 2 children coming.
- Fish and chips?
- No, a glass of wine and a soda water.
EasthamWe thought maybe that they had forgotten our food and we called one of the waitress. Yes, by now there were Waitresses working at the restaurant.
- Where is our food?
- Oh, 5 minutes'.

Yes, obviously they had forgotten our food. Well, the clock was way past 17:30 and we kept an eye on the parking lot for our driver. OK, the ship will just go to the stand-by jetty at Eastham. She will leave for Stanlow at 8 o'clock tonight so we have time.

We finished our food around 6 o'clock, then we had spent 1 hour 45minutes' for a BIPPING fish and chips. And it tasted like shit. Especially after the food on the Emirates on the way to Manchester.
We went out on the parking lot and no sign of our driver and luggage. We called our Agent and we told him that we started to walk towards the ship. But he could send the driver to pick us up ASAP. No problem to walk, it was a beautiful evening on the country side.
We started to walk and after about 10 minutes our driver came down the hill.
- Where have you been? I have been looking for you.
- We were at the hotel eating.
- I went inside 2 times to look for you.
- A bollocks, you have been at the pub drinking beer!
Well. time to leave for the ship and you can do as you use to do, just pick a month:
May 2010
June 2010

Well, the Chief Officer they had planned for Ek-River was sick so they wanted to transfer me to Ek-River and thus no holiday. But I don't know where and when to join the ship, so maybe a few days at hotel waiting. And it's weekend so there might be a chance to have a beer.

I joined Ek-Star at Eastham waiting berth at Manchester Ship Canal 20th of May 2010. We were waiting for berth at Stanlow so we could start discharg Low Sulphur VGO from Hamburg. We did the following voyages before I was transfered to Ek-River 17th of June 2010:
Voyage No.
Load Port
Discharge Port


Low Sulphur VGO
Stanlow, UK
I'm joining the ship


Stanlow, UK


Göteborg, Sweden


Low Sulphur HFO
12500MT +/- 5%

Pori, Finland for order
Pori, Helsinki and Hamina


Sillamäe, Estonia

Minimum 12700 MT SHALE oil
Changed to 2 parcels
8100MT of Grade A
4600MT of Grade B

Ventspils, Latvia


Gdansk, Poland
Time for me to leave the ship and transfer to M/T Ek-River

As close to as possible, but MAXIMUM 12 600 MT FO
Changed to MAXIMUM 11750MT

Tallinn, Estonia

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it’s not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

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