Halloween in Bangkok

Friday 31 st of October 2014 and I had finished my Thai language school and boxing exercise. A shower, a pot of tea and a bowl of onion with tuna and a kilo of mango, papaya and pine apple andHemingways on Sukhumvit Soi 14I was ready to take off to Sukhumvit Soi 14. We were going to meet at Hemingway, a place I had never been to.

So I wanted to arrive early, yet another plan going down the drain. Took me some time to find a taxi in the Halloween traffic.

And when I was in the taxi I realised that IHalloween in Bangkokhad forgot my extra bottle of juice for my e-cig. So back to the condo to pick up a bottle of juice. I came back tot he condo and there was a group of girls dressed for HalloweenHemingways on Sukhumvit Soi 14and I thought they came for a Halloween party. 3 seconds later they were outside my door screaming trick or treat. They looked to be around 20, anyway, too old to play trick or treat.

When I came back down the taxi was waiting and we took of towards Hemingway on Sukhumvit Soi 14. By now I was late and I could not see my friend. But I got a good chance to have a look around Hemingway and it was a nice place. Veranda or if they call it a balcony on the second floor and a veranda outside the pub on the first floor.Hemingways on Sukhumvit Soi 14The pub was separated from the restaurant by a door. Yeah, it was a nice place.

But no sight of my friend and I started tofeel stupid walking around the place looking for them. Yes, can't say it was Charisma Man walking around Hemingways.

But a few San Miguel Light will help turning Porky the human balloon in to the Charisma Man.

I stepped in to the pub and I ordered a San Miguel Light and before I got my beer my friend came running, they were sitting at a table I had passed a few times looking for them. OK, I can understand that I have missedHemingways on Sukhumvit Soi 14them, but how the hell have they managed to miss me? It must have been like Graf foocking Zeppelin coming in to Hemingways when I entered the Hemingways. Well, he took me to the table and there was a girl I recognised and she recognised me, no surprise there.

I don't know from where I recognised her but she was soon telling all the people around the table. She was the one that had translated my passport when I applied for my Thai house book. She was also with me at the land department or what ever they call it. Yes, the world is small.

Charisma Man in Bangkok

Yes, the world is so small and Charisma Man is not far away, took a few bottles of San MiguelHemingways on Sukhumvit Soi 14Light and he was soon showing up. As long asYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stCharisma Man is not turning in the Obnoxious Man it is OK. And I have mastered the technique of keeping Charisma Man fromThe Obnoxious Man in Bangkokturning in to The Obnoxious man by drinking responsible. Something that comes with the years.

I don't know what time we left the Hemingways, but we were waiting for a girl from America, but then we decided to meet her at the Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13. Or if it was a place on Soi 15. We took a taxi there, well, I took a taxi as I had a plan to go home and pick up a TAXI CD as there had been talk about Khaosan Road and that is aHemingways on Sukhumvit Soi 14long ride without music. I arrived to Soi 15 with 2 of the girls and we meet our other friends leaving the place. They had been walking from Hemingways and that was obviously quicker than taking the taxi.

Sukhumvit Soi 13 was the next destination and I took the taxi back home to get my TAXI CD. And if you have missed it, the TAXI CD is online for you to enjoy. Comes in handy in Singapore, Tokyo etc. But in The taxi I need the real CD.

I meet the guys at Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13, second floor and we had soon managed toMargaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13engage the whole Filipino! staff to get my TAXI CD in to the juke box. Took them some time, but we got full access to the important features of the jukebox, volume and play again buttons comes in handy.

The only time we turned off the music was when weBirthday in Bangkokwere singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY and the birthday boy blow out the candles. Margarita is a new place on Sukhumvit Soi 13 and it was OK, but I was surprised that the whole staff was from the Philippines. Our Thai friends spoke Thai to them and they understood foock all.

By now I had lost control over the time and I don't know what time it was when we left for Bangkok Beat on Sukhumvit Soi 7.

Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13
At Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13

Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13
At Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13

Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13
Birthday cake at Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13

Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13
Birthday cake at Margaritas on Sukhumvit Soi 13

And for sure, I have no idea what time it was when I came back home. But I stopped at the Family Mart on Sukhumvit Soi 23 and I bought a hangover kit for when waking up. Taxi was waiting outside while I was doing the shopping. At my local 7 Eleven I walk home, but as I'm not shopping there anymore I will have to have the taxi to wait outside.

Saturday 1 st of November 2014
and Charisma Man had turned in to The Hangover Man SaturdayHangover Man in Bangkokmorning. My friend called and he wanted to go drink beer. Well, I have my boxingSafari Uniformsexercise at 13 thirty and I don't feel so great. And my friends are going for Sunday lunch at Landmark Hotel so this will for sure be a “no show” if I drinkBoxing Smileybeer today. We see how I feel after the exercise

And I need to sort out my safari kit. My Tailor delivered new Safari Uniforms yesterday and I told him that I would come by and pay them on Sunday or Monday, depending on the hangover.

Hangover in Bangkok

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stAnd as there is nothing stopping us....

My friend drove me to New Cowboy at Sukhumvit Soi 22 where two of my friends had spent theAladdin's adventure in Bangkokwhole day. So they were tipsy when we arrived. But IAladdin's adventure at New Cowboy Restaurant in Bangkokwas soon to have a bottle of San Miguel Light in front of me.

My friend had a crushed nose and he wasn't very keen on me taking a picture. Well, he claimed tohave felt out of a taxi but I guess there had been a fist hitting his nose.

His girlfriend had put the whole story on the internet.Aladdin's adventure in BangkokMillions of pictures when going in the ambulance and from the hospital.

No sympathy there, it was thumps up and laughing smileys all over the place. We left New Cowboy for The Stable on Sukhumvit Soi 8 for dinner andAladdin's adventure at the Stable Lodge on Sukhumvit Soi 8 in Bangkokmore beer. Our friend with the nose went home.

It was late when we left to see another friend at Soi 22 and it was even later when I was back home, without any stop for ahangover kit at Family Mart.

Yes, I decided to have fresh fruit as a hangover kit and I have plenty mango, pineapple and papaya in myAladdin's adventure in Bangkokfridge. Not to talk about onion and tuna, there are enough to last me for a very long time.

So I didn't had to leave my apartment and the whole Sunday was spent in bed watching hangover DVDs and I will have to go pay my Tailor Monday after my language school. Well, this will be the last hangover for this year.

Last holiday and I was drunk one time, and I have had enough for this holiday. But the best thing is that I only had 20 bottles of San Miguel Light and I was tipsy and the hangovers are not as bad as they used to be when I was drinking 2 cases of San Miguel Light in one evening.

20 bottles of San Miguel Lights are to drink social and responsible and the hangovers are not too bad. Well, anyway, I left the bed one time to check my e-mail and there was an e-mail fromShearwater Victoria FallsShearwater in Victoria Falls. I have booked THE BOILING POT HIKE but at least 4 PAX had to book or the hike would be cancelled. But if I pay 180 US Dollars I can do the hike by myself.

Of course, I f I go to Victoria Falls I want to see both the top and bottom of the falls. And fort sure, I want to pay the extra to do the hike by myself. Imagine ending up with a few beautiful girls in their mid-twenties. They would for sure have been impressed by Porky the Lard Ass huffin’ and puffin his way up and down the Victoria Falls.


Same with the canoeing, I will be alone and I'm looking forward to it. Now I only miss the helicopter tour and I have my best people on the job to get me on board.

Well, if you're bored you can always read my friend's latest book. Simon Palmer, author andSimon Palmer on Amazonscreen writer have wrote a book, Lost Innocence, Part one and two. The first part is free to download and part two, breaking point is just a few dollars to download. A good read! So click yourself to Amazon and download the book.

Lost Innocence by author Simon Palmer - Book Trailer

Well, time to leave for Africa and to leave Bangkok behind for about 3 weeks. So HANG ON!

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