OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

May 2012

Tuesday 1 st of May 2012 and I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club at 7. I had a terrible pain in my shoulders but I decided to go for my evening session. Only children at Bangkok Fight Club so IAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNdecided to go back home.
- Aladdin, get in the line!
- I'm going home
- You have to stay!
- I have a terrible back pain
- We will have fun!

I went out and the Teacher told me that I had to stay to take pictures. I had had my session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in the afternoon so I had have my daily exercise, at least some of it.

I had a shower when I was back home and I decided to go for a walk. But when I opened my door I decided to stay home, take half a sleeping pill and go to bed. I need to get up early tomorrow to get to the dentist to get my mouth guard. Our British Teacher recommended the place yesterday. So called them and I have an appointment to make my custom made mouth guard at 11 o'clock tomorrow.

I also called a Thai language school and I will goAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNhave a look tomorrow. Takes them 2 hours to make the mouth guard so I have decided to check out the school while waiting. School starts at 10 and they finish at 3 o'clock so I have time to check out class.

But I became very doubt full when she told me that they had an hour of lunch break between 12 and 1 o'clock. What will I do during 1 hour of lunch break? For sure, I can't go to any restaurant, I will order everything from the menu and I will destroy my diet.

Wednesday 2 nd of May 2012
and I took a taxi to Pacific Dental on Sukhumvit Soi 39 and I arrived at 11 o'clock prompt for my 11 o'clock appointment. The Japanese girl in the reception wanted me toAladdin's adventure at Pacific Dental Care in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNfill up a form when I arrived.
- For what? I asked.
- For registration and emergency
- EMERGENCY? I'm having a mouth guard!
- Ok, she said and she took me to the Dentist

Same when I was in Manila, I was at the Doctors office and I filled up my information. They asked for my phone number.
- For what? I asked.
The guy in the reception looked puzzled.
- For an emergency??!!
- EMERGENCY? I'm here so if I have an emergency the doctor is just a few seconds away. And when I'm leaving here with me “FIT FOR DUTY” certificate it will be very strange if you call me for an emergency. You should have theAladdin's adventure at Pacific Dental Care in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNstaff end equipment to deal with any emergency without having to call me.
- Hmm, you're right.

Well, anyway, I took the seatin the chair and the Dentist started to check my teethes.

I was a wee bit surprised, I thought that I was going to bite in to something that they would do my mouth guard from. But they were going to fill my mouth with some clay to make the form from. And this was obviously nothing I was looking forward to. But I had no choice if I wanted to have a mouth guard I have heard so much good of.
Aladdin's adventure at Pacific Dental Care in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
I'm not sure, but I suspect that his was her first experience of someone taking pictures while in the chair

Aladdin's adventure at Pacific Dental Care in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
I'm not sure, but I suspect that his was her first experience of someone taking pictures while in the chair

She only had black mouth guards, but the clay or gypsum or whatever they stuffed my mouth withAladdin's adventure at Pacific Dental Care in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNwas pink. It took a few minutes and then they told me to come back to pick up my mouth guard in 2 hours.

Good, 2 hours and I have time to go check out my new school. I waved down a taxi outside Pacific Dental Care on Sukhumvit Soi 39.

Pacific Dental Care is just at the bridge over the Canal to Phetchaburi so it was easy to get to Ratchadapisek and my school. Or what will maybe be my new Thai language school. Not too much traffic and we made it to Ratchadapisek in about 10 minutes.

I liked the school and I decided to take 2 hours per day Monday to Thursday. Tuesdays andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNThursdays I finish school at 3 and I hope they can adjust my time at Sophia Muay Thai Gym so I can train there 5 days per week. I will finish my last hours at Chakrit Muay Thai School on Saturdays and then I will only train at Bangkok Fight Club and Sophia.

The school was located on the 18th floor, otherwise it was OK. And I liked the book, no phonetic script, only in Thai. Hard to read the first few times, but it works after a few days of getting used to it. Well, I have not read any book in a long time. Since I begun with the boxing I only have energy to stay on top of my bed watching DVDs.

But I started to read my Thai books yesterday and it was very hard, and that's just after a few months ofrest from my books. I also started a book in Swedish and that was also hard, but after a few chapters it was free flow again.

Well, anyway, I was almost sure that I had seen signs of all major credit cards on their web page. But when I was going to pay the school fee of 8900 Baht they told me that it was cash only. So I had to go all the way down to an ATM to get cash.

I left my new school and I had decided to take a walk down to Fortune Town, the IT centre onRatchadapisek Road. I had come up with yet another good idea. I would see if there was any shop interested in buying my HP Pavilion Media Center computer and my Shuttle computer. My expensive Shuttle, I bought it for having in my bedroom surfing the internet on my TV. Well, this was fun, for exactly 53 seconds and then it was like:
- What theis so fantastic with surfing the internet in the bed room.

My Shuttle has been used for maximum 2 hours and that was while recording P3 Hip Hop.
Andhmm, I even think I have a picture of me recording the P3 Hip Hop beforeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNgoing to China a few years back.

I passed a shopping centre and I saw a plate of German Sausages on a lamppost. It looked very yummy but I could not see the Restaurant Morgen anywhere. I decided to go in to the shopping centre to have a look for Morgen. I could not find Morgen on the first floor. I didn't wantAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNto look on the other floors so I decided to leave and continue my walk to Fortune Town, the IT centre.

Well, I don't know if I can sell my computer. But I bought a new computer and I left Fortune Town, the IT centre and I took a taxi to Pacific Dental Care on Sukhumvit Soi 39.

My mouth guard was ready when I arrived 5 minutesAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNafter 1 o'clock. I tried it on and I was surprised, PLEASANTLY SURPRISED! The mouth guard was very good, I hardly noticed that I was using the mouth guard.

I was hungry and I had my valet with me. So I asked the Japanese girl if there was any nice restaurant in the area.
- You have “What ever the name was” across the street
- What kind of restaurant is that?
- Thai and Chinese
- Isn't here anything more exciting around here?
- There are a few Japanese restaurants on the second floor in the building across the road.
I said thank you and I left. Of course, I crossed the street to look for the Japanese restaurant. Yes, now you understand why I can't walk around with money in my pocket. I buy computers, OK,Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNcomputer needs to be replaced. But I stop to eat as soon as I feel peckish. I should have returned home to my tuna and smoothie.

But I went to the Japanese and I ordered Carre Udonand 2 plates of salmon sushi. I asked if they had orange juice.
- No
- What do you have?
She rattled off a list of different fruit juices and I asked her if Japanese people don't like orange juice. I asked if it was OK to go buy orange juice at 7 Eleven. This was no problem and there was a supermarket on the ground floor.

I bought 4 bottles of Minute Maid and I returned to the restaurant. My first plate of sushi was ready. Deliciousand I asked for a second plate of sushi while waiting for my Carre Udon. Orange juice is perfect to sushi, OK hot sake is very good to. But I have no plans on getting drunk so orange juice it is.

The Cook turned out to have had a few Muay Thai fights and he knew Sophia Muay Thai Gym. It was a very friendly staff at the Japanese restaurant and we cracked jokes for 30 minutes and IAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNleft to look for a taxito take me back home. I had time to change clothes and it was time to leave for Sophia.

I walked to Sophia and while walking through Srinakharinwirot University area there was several people saying hello and nodding to me so they are obviously recognising me.
- If I recognise any of them?
No, I don't recogniseanyone of them. But I pass through Srinakharinwirot area everyday and it might be that I stick out in the area. I was a wee bit late to Sophia so I didn't had time to take on my boxing shoes and I did my session bare foot.

2 weeks and I have had a terrible pain in my arms and shoulders, I can hardly lift my arms and the boxing is not all that fun. But I practice to block my Teachers kicks with my legs and I don't have to use my arms.

There was a girl watching us the other day and her friend told me that she was some kind of movie or TV star. I spoke with her on the phone today but as soon as I heard that she was in TV I pulledthe EMERGENCY BRAKE. Imagine when she gets angry and suddenly she tells all the new papers how bad Aladdin is. For sure something I can live without.

And seriously, there must be something wrong with her, a 24 years old wants to speak with Porky, the human balloon. 100 years old and she was hardly born the last time I had hair on my head. Theowner of Sophia told me that he believed that I would soon have a girl friend.
- Now you have so many opportunities here.

I have used my new mouth guard during the session and I feel quite comfortable with it. I wee bit harder to breath before I get usedAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNto it. But the 2000 Baht mouth guard is excellent to use comparing to my 400 Baht mouth guard that I have only used once.

I left Sophia and I had time for a quick shower, smoothie and to read my Thai books before I left for Bangkok Fight Club. I meet my former classmates from my Thai School and I told them not to aks for the price at Bangkok Fight Club again.
- I have expected to see you there every day for the last few weeks. When are you coming?
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

Yesterday and it was only children and there was only a girl when I arrived today. Our Teacher and the British boxer were there as well. But no sign of our Thai friend. I didn't expect any sparring today due to the pain inmy arms. Disappointing when the British boxer is here. It is very fun to spar with him.

He is very very good and how do I know this? Because he is able to get down to our level. The best sparring partner is one that is just a little better than yourself. Some of the Teachers are not fun to spar with because they are too good. But the British guy can lower himself to be just a little bit better than us. Then it is fun and we learn a lot and you know that you are with a very good boxer.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Sit upshanging in the punch bag - Needless to say, I never tried

Our Thai friend arrived a few minutes after 7 and we started the session by running around andAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNpush ups. Push ups with my arms and it was very painful. Then they did sit ups hanging in the punch bags, but as you understand I never tried.

A few rounds of blocking techniques and then wewent over to the punch bags for some speed punches. I could not use my right arm because of the pain.
A wee bit less pain in the left arm so I used the left arm only.

Our British friend warmed up while we warmed up onAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthe punch bags and the plan was for us to do some sparring. They asked if I wanted to spar. OF COURSE I WANT TO SPAR. THAT'S THE MOST FUN WITH THIS SESSIONS!! But I can't use my right arm. And everytime I hit with my left arm there is pain. But we have a Swedish proverb:
There has to be pain if you want to obtain your V-shaped torso.
- Of course I want to, but I will only use my left arm.

Our Thai friend was first out and then it was my turn. It was the first time for the girl and she was just watching us sparring.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

I think I did 3 rounds with our British friend and this is very fun. A truly talented boxer and IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNwas busy looking out for his hooks and upper cuts. I hit and it would be KNOCK OUT.

OK, I have had the pain in my arms for 2 weeks preventing me from doing the fun stuff. I have hoped for the pain to disappear, but in vain. So I asked our friends for recommendation. I will for sure not go to any SPECAIL massages again. Bothof them knew the medicine and our Thai friend's sister is a Doctor so he would send the names of the medicine to me via e-mail.

Good, I can go to the drug store tomorrow. We finished the session with sit ups. The Teacher, our British friend and I were the last to leave. Our British friend suggested that I should take the medicine in the evening.
- Then you're relaxed and you're not using your arms while sleeping.

Great idea, so I could not wait for our Thai friend to send me the names of themedicines. Our British friend wrote down the names for me and I would go straight home to get cash for the medicine. I bought my stuff and I walked back home and I popped some pills and I willhopefully feel good in a few days. But the top drawer in my bed side table looks like a drug store by now. But yet again the Swedish proverb: There has to be pain if you want to obtain your V-shaped torso.

Well, here I am again, 2 o'clock in the morning and I need to get up early tomorrow to prepare for my new Thai language school. Time for sure turns quick.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
At the drug store and I willhopefully soon be able to kick arse again

Thursday 3 rd of May 2012
and I walked to the subway station. I left 5 minutes before 12, early,but the first day in my new Thai School and I wanted to be in time and I also neededAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNto check how long time it takes me to get to school.

It took me about 10 minutes to get to the subway station. I bought my ticket, 20 Baht and I was ready to leave for the trains. I took a step and I turned back. I need a card so I don't have to line up to buy my ticket any more. 230 Baht for a card and I left for the train.

It was very hot and I was soaked when I reached the subway and it was a wee bit better onboard the train, it was nice and cool. But I don't like to ride the sky train and subway with all the people. I prefer taxi but going down Ratchadapisek can be a real killer. If I', unlucky it can take hours just to get from Asoke to Ratchadapisek.

I got off the train at Thailand Cultural Centre and I was right at school when I came up from theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNsubway. It had taken me about 25 minutes to get from home to my school. Well, we have to add a few minutes to get in to the elevator and up to my class room.

But now I know that it will take me about 30 minutes to get to school. I can make it in 20 minutes in a taxi, but I don't want to discover that I will be stuck in traffic for an hour or two half way to school. The price, 20 Bahtwith subway and 50 Baht with taxi so it is almost the same.

I have more than half an hour to kill before class start,hmm, maybe go to check out Morgen? I walked towards the Esplanade, I'm almost sure this is the name of the shopping centre. I went up on the second floor and I stepped inside Morgen restaurant drooling and full of anticipation.

I checked the menu and I decided to have a buffet. And it was not a buffet that we're used to. I ordered the buffet and they arrived with a plate of sausages. EAT ASMUCH YOU WANT! I only wanted sausages so I skipped the French fries, mashed potatoes, garlic bread and all the other stuff I could get. The sausages, well, 3 of them were OK, but I didn't likemost of the sausages. I don't know what they had put in the sausages, most likely pepper. But if I had known what sausages that I would like I could have had a plate of those. And the whole thing set me back by 324 Baht so it was very cheap for the quality of the food.

I asked for the bill when they arrived with my sausages, but first they had toAladdin's adventure at Morgen Casual Restaurant on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNremove a kilo of ham that they had put on top of the sausages.
- Are you not eating anymore??!!
I pointed at the plate and I said:
- Seriously, do you think I can eat all these sausages?

I tasted a bite from each sausage and I finished the sausages that I liked. I ordered orange juice but they didn't have any orange juice.

I thought about the orange juice and the reason for many restaurants not to have orange juice is that we're used to get fresh juice. And if they should make fresh orange juice they would need more staff. But at Tokhai on Prasanmit Plaza they make fresh orange juice for me.

And it takes some time to make the orange juice. I paid my bill and I went to my school.
So I had learnt my first lesson even before coming to school, I will not bring myAladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNvalet to school. 40 Baht if I need to buy something to drink at 7 Eleven. I can't eat sausage buffet everyday if I want to obtain my V-shaped torso.

Class started at 1 o'clock and we had to start the day by looking for a class room. They are redecorating the building and the AC was turned off. But they had a class room with an AC. I was surprised to see the AC. It was an AC with a bucket you needed to empty when it was full of water. I never installed any AC in my maid room when I bought the condo. And when I regretted thisAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNit was too late. But I found a portable AC that I was going to buy when my condo was ready.

Of course, when my condo was ready I could not find any portable AC, only air freshener. But now there is hope again.

There were 3 more students in my class, 1 from France and 2 from USA. Our Teacher was good and I liked the book so it was a nice day in school.

We finished class at 3 and I was back home 25 minutes past 3 o'clock. I changed to boxing clothes and I left for Sophia Muay Thai Gym and I arrived 15 minutes before 4. I had been eating my medicine and I felt like I could do a few rounds of sparring. But after 20 seconds of sparring I could not use my arms.

The owner gave me some boxing liniment and a glass jar with some white stuff. I greased up my arms and shoulders with the white stuff.
It took a few seconds and it was like I was on fire. What theis this stuff I have greased myself with? I could not move and I was late for Bangkok Fight Club. And I was worried, my diet can't take it if I cancel today's session.

I decided to go and when I closed the door behind me the pain disappeared. Thank God! And I felt very good, I don't know if I was any better than before, but the feeling of being on fire disappeared and of course I'm not thinking about any pain in my shoulders, that's nothing compared to be on fire. But there was no sparring at Bangkok Fight Club, our British friend asked if I wanted to spar.

He knew that I was on medicine from my Teacher's Facebook. Our Teacher told him that I was still in pain and I was told to take 3 days of rest. I wouldn't mind, but as long as I'm looking like the human balloon I can't skip any Muay Thai Sessions.

Friday 4 th of May 2012
and as it is Friday I'm free until 3 o'clock when my session starts at Sophia Muay Thai Gym. And the days are very long when I get out of bed so I had time to go toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNFortune Town to buy a HDMI cable. I still have a terrible pain in my arms and shoulders and when I did my GOOD MORNINGsmoothie I almost couldn't get to my hazelnuts. I have them in a jar on the top shelf, and it is a big jar.

5 kg and it is very painful to take down and put back the jar. I have to stretch my arms and as soon as my arms are in level with my shoulders I get a terrible pain and I lose all the power.

I can imagine dropping the jar on the floor, crushed glass and millions of hazelnuts all overthe kitchen. Would be a real dream to have to clean up that.

I took a taxi to Fortune Town and it took me almost 30 minutes and that is only half way to school, so the subway is much quicker even though it is less convenient.

I bought my HDMI cable on the 4th floor and I went to the shop to speak with the guy that ishopefully going to buy my old HP Media Center PC. I will never buy any HP products again when I have got rid of this PC. Well, anyway,the manager was not in the shop so I left for TESCO to buy yoghurt and bananas for the weekend.

So now I'm prepared for tomorrow's smoothie after Chakrit Muay Thai School and I have enough to make me a giant hangover smoothie on Sunday. And I will enjoy this smoothie in my bed in front of a few hangover DVDs.

Our Belgian friend have arranged a dinner for tomorrow night, it is usually only him and me getting tipsy. The rest they know how to enjoy one beer only. Well, tipsy or not, I'm prepared for a hangover smoothie.

And yes, Ratchadapisek is a killer, it took me more than one hour to get home and I was slappingAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNmy own back.
- Very good of you to check out how the subway was working going to school!!

So it will be the subway to school every day. I was back home with my new HDMI cable and groceries quarter past 2 and I changed clothes for my boxing session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

I spent the time blocking my Teachers kicks as I could not use my arms. I gave up 10 minutes past4 and I walked back home to a tuna Matsaman with onion and a pot of tea. Of course, I opened my DVD drive and my jug with tea felt to the floor and I had to mop up most of my afternoon tea. This was a typical “BAD” day, everything I touched turned to shit.

I was a few minutes late to Bangkok Fight Club, never mind it was only our Teacher and a guy from Japan there and they had not started. But I was late because I installed Windows on my Shuttle computer and I was going to bring it to my Teacher. His computer had broken down and I promised him to get one of my computers. A waste of money, yes, I paid 20 to 25000 Baht for the darn computer and today it is almost impossible to sell or even to give away. But it is a very nice computer, and honestly, I almost regretted that I had promised the computer to my Teacher.

This is a home built computer and I should only have changed the processor for the latest model and it would have been an excellent computer. But I was just feed up with all the computers and external hard drives at home and I just want to get rid of it. But my Teacher was happy.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Our Japanese friend kicking behind
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Our Thai friend kicking behind

We started by warming up and when we finished our Thai friend came. We started to run aroundAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthe gym carrying weights. When we were ready we had to jump over a rope, jump over a punch bag like a frog and we had to pull a punch bag to the left and to the right.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

Tsunami, yes that was what I was thinking about while jumping. People must have thought that there was an earthquake coming to town with a following tsunami. Jumping over the rope with both feet together and the whole building was shaking when I landed. Strange, just a few hours afterAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNleaving Bangkok Fight Club and I have forgotten whatAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNwe did. But I think we did shadow boxing when we were ready with the jumping and pulling the punch bag.

When we finished the shadow boxing it was time for the punch bags, I participated even though I had some severe pain in my arms. But I took it easy and my arms willhopefully be OK on Monday after a weekend of rest. OK, a session at Chakrit tomorrow morning, but then it is rest until Monday afternoon. At least when it comes to the boxing, I will be in my Thai language class at 10 o'clock on Monday morning.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Stretching before we can go home

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Stretching before we can go home

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Stretching before we can go home

We did the punching, taking turns for 10 minutes and then it was time for 20 seconds of speedAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNpunches, 10 seconds rest and yet again 20 seconds of speed punches.
We did this 5 times and then we did the same with the spring knees.

It was almost 8 thirty and it was soon time to go home, but out Teacher came up with yet another 3 stations. We were 3 guys so we had 3 stations and we took turns, just as we did with the jumping and pulling the bag.

This time it was sit ups, bench press and the Power Twister and we did 20 seconds ateach station and we moved to the next station, 3 times at each station and we were almost ready for today.

Stretching and cool down and I had been told earlier during the day at Sophia that stretching is very important when you're 35 and above. When I was 20 it was no problem, but today it is a different story.

There is a Guy from Austria at Sophia Muay Thai Gym and he showed me some stretching exercises that would do wonders for my shoulders. Well, we have to see if it helps next week.

I walked back home and I have decided to go to Chakrit tomorrow morning so no beers today.

Saturday 5 th of May 2012
and there was only one guy at Chakrit when I arrived at 1 o'clock. HeAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNwas soon leaving and the girl from Phuket came for her session.

And the young rascal was there to playAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNmischief's with me and my camera. He is very fun and it was quite fun to play with him.

I started with a round of punching my Teacher's pads. I started with both left and right hand but after a minute I gave up the right arm due to pain. I did 2 rounds with my left arm and I decided togo for the kicking again. Better rest my arms andI can hopefully do some sparring next week.

Sparring is the fun part of the boxing. Jumping up and down is good for the diet, but I can't say that it is very fun. Well, I went up inAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthe ring with my Teacher and I was blocking the kicks he was throwing my way.

It was fun and I was pretty satisfied with myself, another Saturday with boxing and no hangover. When I was finished the girl from Phuket entered the ring forAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNsome sparring with the Teacher. Took 1 or 2 minutes beforeshe asked me for help.
- Oh no, you're on your own!

When I left she was doing sit ups. Well, I don't know if it is because of me being full of joy for the Saturday evening and Sunday off from any school and boxing, or if it simply was because I was hungry. But I didn'tAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNmeasured the ingredients for my smoothie when I was back home.

I filled the glass with hazelnuts, banana, flaxseed, Sesame seed, virgin coconut oil and blueberries and there wasn't room for any yoghurt. I had to eat blueberries and hazelnuts until there was space for yoghurt. And as you notice I add virgin coconut oil in my smoothie.
- Why?
- Because it is healthy!
- But there are so much things healthy
- Yes, but I have a cubic ton of virgin coconut oil at home.

And I have a cubic ton of the “MAGIC HAIR STUFF” aswell. This was the stuff that was going to give me my hair back. Massage my scalp with the virgin coconut oil and as you can guess it didn't take long before I got tired ofAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNmassage the darn oil in to my scalp. So in order to turn my oil from a “WASTE OF MONEY” to “SOMETHING VERY HEALTHY” I add it to my smoothie.

I left for Sukhumvit Soi 11 at 6 thirty, the dinner would kick off at 7. I arrived 10 minutes before 7 with 3 other people. Our host and 3 other peoplewere present on the second floor.

We expect around 50 or 60 people to come to the dinner so in order to get a good seat I'm better off to be early.

It didn't take long before I had a San Miguel Light in front of me. One of the guys said that I drank beer from his home country. So I knew that he was from the Philippines and the guy next toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNhim was from, well, I don't remember. People were dropping in and our table were soon full.

I don't fancy Mexican food, but they had some fish bits with a very nice sauce. I asked for a NOT SPICY and it was excellent, but there wasn't very much on the plate so I had to order 3 plates. And I had 15 or 16 very tasty San Miguel Light with my fish.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Our host with a guy from England

They brought a tray with some black liquid and I asked what it was. I was told that it was tequilaAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNand I said no thanks. I have previous experiencefrom tequila, even though I have never seen black tequila before.

So I decided to stickwith the San Miguel Light and to skip the tequila. I arrived to Royal City Avenue around 1 o'clock according to my camera. I don't have any pictures leaving Royal City Avenue so I don't have a clue what time it was.

But I'm almost 100% sure that I made a stop at Little Italy on Sukhumvit Soi 23 on my way home. They willhopefully close this 24/7 open Italian restaurant soon.
But I doubt it, they have been around for several years now.

Sunday 6 th of May 2012
and I got out of bed to make a HANGOVER smoothie and I returned to my bed and hangover DVDs. I only had a few beers yesterday so the hangover wasn't all that bad. I decided to go for some Italian food at 8 thirty in the evening. Big Mama Pizzeria, excellent food, but the tables are so close together so it is almost like sitting in each other laps.

There is the Guilo or whatever the name is on Sukhumvit Soi 23. I have not been there for severalyears. Last time they charged me 600 Baht for a salad. No problem if it was a salad, but this was 5 leaves and some drops of gravy. I have never sat foot there after that, but today it was an EMERGENCY.

And I decided to go to Guiano, and I got my own corner and I was alone. A slight hangover, bit I really didn't wanted to meet people.

Monday 7 th of May 2012
and I had my lined up my day pretty good.
• Out of bed at 9 o'clock
• A quick smoothie
• A quick shower
• Subway to school
• Start school at 10 o'clock
• Subway back home
• Home work (Yes, we have home work)
• A quick TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and a pot of tea
• Walk to Sophia Muay Thai Gym
• A KICK ASS session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym
• Walk back home
• A quick shower
• A quick smootie
I get out of bed early and I have time to do a lot of stuff during the day.
The down side is that I will have to eat 3 times a day

• Walk to Bangkok Fight Club
• A KICK ASS session at Bangkok Fight Club
• Walk back home
And I'm back home between 9 and 9 thirty in the evening and I have a protein shake. This is how my days will be from now on,Monday to Thursday. Fridays and I don't have any Thai language school, only 2 sessions of boxing.

I was just leaving for my Thai Language school when they called from the school. They told me that the AC wasn't working.
- We will not deduct any hours from you if you don't come.
I was not in a good mood when I returned to bed. I slept for a while and when I woke up I went straight toAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNstep 8 above, tuna and a pot of tea before leaving for Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

We started with the sparring but I had to give up my right arm after 30 seconds or so and we continued with left hand only. It was fun and time turned quick and suddenly it was 4 o'clock.

The American girl had arrived and it was time for me to go home, but I needed to do 2 rounds of blocking the Teacher's kicks. It was 10 minutes past 4 o'clock when I finished. I stayed behind for a chat before I left and it was almost 5 o'clock when I was back home for my tea and last pumper nickel. I had time for a quick shower, but there was not time to finish my Thai books before I had to leave for Bangkok Fight Club
Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
At Bangkok Fight Club

It was a good session at Bangkok Fight Club, not fun, but the exercise was good. No sparring today, only exercises and I was dead tired when we left at 8 thirty.

Tuesday 8 th of May 2012
and it was 11 thirty when I got out of bed. I just turned off my alarm at 9 and I felt asleep again. I really don't have time for this and I lost 2 and a half hour ofvaluable Thai study time.

I decided to stop at Tohkai on Prasanmit Plaza on my way home from school. It was 3 thirty so I asked them to hurry up. I ordered 2 plates of salmon maki and I asked for the bill. So I left immediately when I had finished my salmon sushi and I went home to change my clothes. There were plenty people at Sophia MuayAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNThai Gym when I arrived at 4. Luckily enough 2 guys were ready and one of the guys was the new Teacher.

It was almost 5 thirty when I was back home so I had onlyAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNtime for a quick smoothie before it was time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club. I had planned to do my home work from my language school, but I will have to wait until tonight.

The Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club had made a pair of boxing trousers for me and they were ready today. I never used the new trousers during the session, I will try them on after my shower back home tonight.

We did running, kicking, jumping, push upsand kneeing. Icould not do all the push ups due to the pain in my rightshoulder and if it isn't any better this weekend I'm thinking about going to see a Doctor.

I decided to give up the session 10 minutes before 8 o'clock. I took my stuff and I left Bangkok Fight Club. I don't have much time during the days so I decided to go to Tops Market to buy yoghurt, blueberries and bananas.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Spring knees

Back home I had a shower and I started to install a few programs on my new computer before I left for Tops Market. Coming to Tops didn't improve my mood. No blueberries so I had to buy akilo of black currant and 1 and a half kilo raspberries. No yoghurt, they have been out of the Low fat natural yoghurt for 2 weeks now. The fruit yoghurt taste better, but it is so much sugar and this is nothing for my diet.

And it was 1 o'clock when I was ready with my home work, darn another night with no sleep and I start school at 10 tomorrow and my alarm is going off at 8 thirty.

Wednesday 9 th of May 2012
and my Teacher at my Thai language school asked me what time I went to sleep yesterday. Yeah, I must have been looking tired.
- At 5 o'clock
I went to bed at 1 when I finished my home work but I didn't felt asleep until 5. OK, I just hadto finish season 2 if Inbetweenies, an excellent TV series from England. So when my alarm went off at 8 thirty it was very hard to get out of bed to turn off the alarm.

I passed Guilo or whatever the restaurant is called on my way home. Italian and they had a lunchbuffet, 400 ++ Baht and they had some pictures of food that made me drool so I went inside.
- What theis this? No spaghetti!
An Italian restaurant and no spaghetti on the buffet. Well, I don't like buffet, well, except for Marriott and Laxbutiken. Otherwise I'm usually stay well clear of any buffet.

Well, good for me, I left and I walked back home. OK, I had a stop at 7 Eleven and I bought some snacks for my afternoon tea. My session at Sophia was not fun and Idecided to skip Sophia tomorrow. I will go see a Doctor about my shoulder so I can start the sparring again.

But it was the first time I used my new boxing trousers I got from my Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club yesterday. I had a shower and I read my Thai books before I left for BangkokAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNFight Club and I was almost leaving when I arrived. But I changed my shoes and we had a very good session at Bangkok Fight Club

We started by running aroundAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthe gym, zigzagging between the punch bags and we didpush ups at every lap. And we did speed kicks on the first bag at every lap. I was holding a 10 kgAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNweight in my left hand while running. The other had 5 kilos in each hand, but as I cannot use my right arm I had to carry the weight in my left hand. We did 5 minutes ofrunning and it was time to hold the weights straight out from the body. We did this 2 times,Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNforward and then straight out on the sides, and yes, I only did it with my left arm.

There was no end to it. Jump back and forth to the boxing bag on the left foot and then back and forth on the right foot and then jumping like a frog to the punch bag before we did speed kicks and then push ups. We did it one by one and we were queuing up in a line. Good, we got some rest while watching the others and we did this for 10 minutes.

Then we had to run back and forth 5 times and we did kneeing and push ups for 10 minutes andAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthen we were running back and forth before we did speed punches on ourAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNTeachers pads. Well, I only used my left arm. And it was very nice whenAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNit was time for the stretching, cool down and sit ups.

My environmental friendly water bottle has turned out to be a setback. Before the flooding I always bought water at 7 Eleven before going to the boxing session. But since I have spent 1600Baht on the darn water bottle I want to continue using it. OK, 1600 Baht or not, theAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNenvironment is the most important and I'm saving 2 plastic bottles perday by using my water bottle.

But the set-back, the water bottle only contains 1 litre of water comparing to 1 and a half litre bottles at 7 Eleven. And I'mdrinking water like a horse during our boxing sessions.

I really like me new boxing trousers and I will have a talk with my Tailor if he can make a few pairs for me. I was talking with the British boxer about massage. I told him about all the “MASSAGEAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNSPECIAL” and he had a few friends that had tried Health Land on Asoke. And our Thai friend toldme that they had a sport department and it was highly recommended. Asoke, and I pass the place every time I go to Tops Market. It is only a 3 minutes' walk from my place so I will go there tomorrow to have a look.

I walked back home and I got my 7 Eleven card and I went to my local 7 Eleven to buy some water. They will come to have a look at my water filter tomorrow. Almost no water coming out and I need water. I have checked for hotel in Shanghai. I have almost decided to go. The adventure in Tokyo set me back by a week and Shanghai will alsoset me back by a week. A week I can't afford to stay away from Bangkok Fight Club and Sophia.

But I already lost a week while I was in Tokyo and I can as well lose another week in Shanghai for my visa run. But next time I will get a 3 months visa and I will not have to leave Bangkok and I can lose weight doing my boxing at Bangkok Fight Club and Sophia.

I'm a wee bit disappointed with my diet this time around and I can't wait to start all over with my healthy life style again without and breaks for visa runs.

Thursday 10 th of May 2012
and I will never bring any money to my Thai language school again. Today was nothing less than a disaster! I had my Carpenter to check my laundry room to see if we could come up some ideas to rebuild the laundry room preparing for a bigger laundry machine.Aladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNI went to school when he left and it was only me and another student in class. 10 minutes break 10 minutes before 2 o'clock.
I was hungry because I had been up since 8 thirty and I only had have a small TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®.

I decided to go buy some water and snickers at 7 Eleven at the entrance but I stopped at a coffee shop and I bought a bottle of water and two cookies. And as I did not finish my water I went to theAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNbakery next to the coffee shop and I bought cookies andAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthen a bun. AGONY! I came up with a great idea, I will bring my water bottle to school and no cash, ATM card or 7 Eleven card so I cannot buy anything to eat.

First day in school and I went to a place for a smoothie, a health place and I saw the menu: GOOD MORNING,Aladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNHEALTHY BREAKFAST. I ordered a smoothie and they brought out a box with prepared ingredients. It did not look very tasty but it looked healthy.

It was OK, for sure better than cookies and pastry and I am sad to say that I had only been there one time. But from now on: NO MORE MONEY TO SCHOOL!
Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Health Land on Asoke

Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Health Land on Asoke

I skipped my session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym and I had decided to go for a massage at Health Land. When I arrived to Health Land, they only had a male masseuse.

I will not have any male masseuse. I remember the old airport in Bangkok, Don Muang. They hadAladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNfoot massage in the departure hall and I went in for a few scratches on my feet. They sent out a male masseuse and I stood up in the chair.

They sent out the guy and in came a girl and I could see that all the other male customers with male
masseuses swore to them self. DARN! I should have done the same!

Never mind if it is a beautiful girl or not, but it is a wee bit too much to have a guy giving me a massage. Well, anyway, it was 5 o'clock and they did not have any girl available until 6 o'clock.

That mean that I will miss the session at Bangkok Fight Club as well, OK, I can take a day off from the boxing even if I should not, especially after the cookies at my Thai language school. I had an hour to kill and I walked to my travel Agent and I booked a ticket to Shanghai. I need the ticket and hotel reservation before I can apply for a visa to China. So I booked a ticket and I will book my hotel on the internet and I will call my travel Agent tomorrow morning to confirm everything. She will e-mail the ticket to me and I can take off to the Chinese Embassy.

The Embassy is just next to Fortune Town so I can take the opportunity to sell my remainingAladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNcomputer. Or to take the opportunity to get my visa when selling my computer as I had planned to do this tomorrow anyway. I walked to Robinson but they did not have what I was looking for and I walked to Soi 15. I wanted to walk up Soi 15 until I reached the Dream Hotel or whatever the name is and then I would walk to Soi 19 and Health Land on Asoke.

I passed Manhattan hotel and I stopped at their restaurant. I ordered Spaghetti Carbonara and toast,and more toast and tea. DARN! It is impossible for me to leave my apartment with my valet in my pocket.

Foocking impossible to pass a restaurant without stoppingAladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNfor a snack, and as soon as I step inside a restaurant there isnothing stopping me from ordering SEVERAL items from the menu.

I left Broadway, the restaurant at Manhattan HotelAladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNfull of agony and I promised myself: NEVER AGAIN!! I stepped inside Health Land 1 minute past 6 o'clock. I had to wait for a few minutes before it was my turn. We took an elevator to the eighth floor and we stepped in to a room.

I lay down on a madras and we got started and it was pain full. Like the ointment I got from Sophia's owner. It was very nice, when the sensation of being on fire disappeared. It was burning like hellso it was obviously feeling very good when it was back to normal.
Even with the normal pain in the shoulders it felt very good after being burnt alive.
Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

And it is pretty much the same with the massage. I got 2 hours of pain and it took quite some time after I left before I felt OK in my arms and shoulders. I told the masseuse to finish 15 minutes before the full 2 hours so I could leave. But I told her that I would come back tomorrow evening after my boxing,hmm, maybe better to come before the boxing session.

Health Land is very popular and I will most likely have to book a time for my massage and I will see if I can get a time when I'm back home from the Chinese Embassy tomorrow afternoon.

It was 8 o'clock and I decided to take a walk to Bangkok Fight Club for a chat with our Teacher before going home. And I need aconstitutionasl after all the extra food today.
Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
It was dark when I left Health Land on Asoke

Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
It was dark when I left Health Land on Asoke

It only took me 5 to 10 minutes to walk to Bangkok Fight Club and I discovered that there wereAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNonly 2 children participating in the Muay Thai training.

But there were many people, our British Teacher hadfull house in the boxing class.

Our Teacher asked if I had been for a massage and I told him that I had been for a 2 hours session and that I will go back for a massage tomorrow. I told him that I wouldhopefully see him tomorrow night for a session of arse kicking. I walked back home and I checked for hotel in Shanghai. I have never been in Shanghai before.

Well, I passed through Shanghai in a taxi but that wasn't enough to learn where the nightlife was. But according to internet Xintiandi is the area to be seen and heard at in Shanghai.

Friday 11 th of May 2012
and I was at the Chinese Embassy 5 minutes before closing time. I had been at Fortune Town with my last computer and I had turned 40 to 50000 Baht in to 5500 Baht. Well, after carrying the computer from the taxi to the shop I would have accepted 500 Baht, no way I were going to carry the computer back home.

The closed the door at 11 thirty and there were hundreds of people waiting to hand in their visa applications and I expected it to take very long time. I sneaked away to 7 Eleven for something to drink, I had number 264 and when I left it was 147. Loa and behold, it was number 151 when I came back from 7 Eleven 15 minutes later.

But it was quicker than expected and I was at my Travel Agent on Soi 19 around 2 o'clock to pay for my ticket. She had sent the ticket to me via e-mail this morning and I could book my hotel when I had my ticket confirmed. Good now I have both a ticket and a hotel reservation andeverything was paid for.
But I would have preferred to get to Singapore and my course next week, then I would have saved all the money for the visa run. But the course was cancelled because there weren't enough participants. Well, anyway, I'm looking forward to a few days in Shanghai.
Aladdin's adventure at Jin Jiang Hotel in Shanghai

But for sure, I'm looking forward to coming back home to Bangkok so I can get right on with starting my new healthy life. And next time I will for sure have a 3 months visa so I can stay o track with the boxing and my diet. I left the travel Agent and I was looking towards the Japanese restaurant at Soi 19. I haven't been there since me and my friend spent 5000 Baht on sake at the place. But they have some really good salmon maki there. I had to slap myself.

I went to Health Land to book a time for 16 thirty and I would be ready at 18 thirty and I couldwalk straight to Bangkok Fight Club after the massage. I got a time at 16 thirty and I walked back home. I passed Big Mama Pizzeria and I had to slap myself again.
And when I had crossed Asoke and I walked pass Prasanmit Plaza I had to slap myself yet again. I was hungry and I wanted to stop at Tohkai for some nice Japanese food.

I made myself a smoothie when I was back home and I checked my e-mail while enjoying the smoothie. I had stopped at my local 7 Eleven for some honey on my way home. I had to buy black currant the other day and they are a wee bit sour so I need to add honey. Black currant, they were out of blueberries and I went back the day after, now they had blue berries and I bought all the blueberries at Tops Market, 2 kilos. So I have blueberries, but I want to finish the black currants. So I mixed them with raspberries and honey and it was quite good. Well, I was so hungry anything would have been good.

There was an e-mail from Singapore, they had tried to reach me on the phone for 3 days. Well, I'm never home so I called them to see what they want. I told them that they had to call me before 9 in the morning or after 10 o'clock in the evening. And I don't carry my mobile phone with me, hell, I don't even know where my mobile phone is. I need to call my phone to find it. Well, I'm off to call my phone.

That was a success, I don't have the number so I can't find the darn thing. Well, I can live with out the phone. I remember going to bowling and the girl asked me if I could be so kind to bring my phone. I left it at home, but I was in time for the meeting. But they were late, most likely theAladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNreason for her to want me to have my phone.

- Aladdin, I'm late.
- Never mind, I can wait here for a few hours
Well, I gave them 15 minutes before I left and I ran in to them on my way out of there. OK, back to Singapore, they told me that it was not so good to write about what cargoes we had, what job we did and pictures of the crew etc. So I removed Maersk Cassandra from the web before I left for my massage.

I had booked the very same massage as yesterday but this girl only used her feet. She was jumping on my back and arms.
- What theis this?
- Thai massage!
This was the worst massage I had ever experienced. Thai massage, seems like everything is Thai massage and I'm no expert. They can throw punches at me claiming that it is Thai massage and I don't have any clue.
Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Health Land in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
What the

Seriously, no feet were used yesterday and today it is only by feet. I told her to stop, actually I was in a pretty bad mood. Thai massage for my shoulders and two different masseuses and it is soAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNdifferent. Thai massage, I thought it was a science, at least this iswhat they want us to think. So who is the quack?

I mean, if it is a science they should do it pretty much the same. But it seems like it is only to slap, punch, kick and knead as you please. Well, I was worse off when I left Health Land and I decided never to go backAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNagain. I walked to Bangkok Fight Club, well, it was more like limping.

It was only our Teacher and a guy from France there when I arrived. He was in Bangkok for a 2 weeks business trip. He wanted to exercise and he had found Bangkok Fight Club which I thought was strange. He stay at Peninsula Hotel on the other side of town and as he said:
- I spend more than 1 hour in a taxi to come here.

I was surprised, 1 hour from Peninsula Hotel was quiteAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNquick for a Friday afternoon.

There were 3 more people coming, one from Japan and one from Thailand and a girl that I don't know where she comes from.

We did warm up and then we kicked the bags. I hadkicked a few times when the padlock for the chain holding the punch bag went to pieces and the bag felt down. Our Teacher was screaming of laughter.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

Our Teacher managed to fix the chain and we could continue with our exercise. I was about to leave a few minutes after my arrival to Bangkok Fight Club. The massage had made me feel muchAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNworse than I felt before the massage. But I stayed and I was glad about my decision, at least when we finished the session.

I walked back home and I made a stop at my local 7 Eleven and I bought 3 packs of orange flavoured drinking yoghurt. I was in front of my computer at 11 when my Tailor called me.
- Are you at home Aladdin?
- Yeah
- OK, I bring your T-shirts
I had finally found some use for the white T-shirts I bought in England when I was onboard M/T Tärnvik. I had made a few T-shirts in Kathmandu, famous for embroidery. Of course, the T-shirts were of a very poor quality and they were ready for the garbage.

I kept one as sample, because my plan was to find some good quality T-shirts and then to fly back to Kathmandu, Nepal to make more T-shirts. Inever ended up in Kathmandu, I thought I was going to wait until I had lost some weight. And it was very hard to find any good quality white T-shirts in the GIANT HUMAN BALLOON.

And now almost 20 years later I have found T-shirts in the “a wee bit smaller ” GIANT HUMAN BALLOON and I also found out that my Tailor in Bangkok know where to make embroidery. I gave him the T-shirts last week and he delivered a bag of T-shirts for me today and now I have T-shirts to last me for the rest of my life.

Now I only need to get my diet back on track and I will soon be able to use the T-shirts. Well, I can use them but they are a wee bit too tight. Sexy? Nah, not really.

Saturday 12 th of May 2012
and I arrived to Chakrit Muay Thai School quarter past 1. I changed shoes and I donned my gloves and we started with the pads. I cannot use my right arm so my leftAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNarm got a good session. A few rounds of jabs and then a few rounds of hooks.

There were quite a few people at Chakrit today and it was fun. Except for the pain in my arms and shoulders. I haveAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNpain in both my arms and shoulders. Right side is worst and I suspect that the mouse to the computer is the reason for that.

There were a new Teacher at Chakrit today and I don't know where the other guy went. But I have the guy I have had since I started at Chakrit when they were on Washington Square.

Sunday 13 th of May 2012
and I don't know how my Teacher and I started to talk about shooting at the Thai language school last Thursday. She told me that she wanted to go shooting at a shooting range. Her Father had thought her to shoot because he was disappointed that his son (My Teacher's younger brother) was looking like a girl.
- Is he a lady boy? I asked
- No no, he is working as an Engineer and that is a very manly occupation, she said.
Well, I didn't understand the argument and I didn't ask her if her Father thought that she was looking like a boy. She is from the South of Thailand and I don't know if they are speciallyAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNinterested in shooting in the South. She asked me if I knew any shooting ranges and I told her that I would check out the internet.
- Good, I will also check and we can go shoot together
- I finish my boxing Saturday afternoon.
- Good, I finish my job here at 3 on Saturday

She told me that she was just outside the X and she wanted to practice so she would hit X every time. Well, anyway, I found a few places on internet but we had forgotten that we would not see each other until nextweek. And I was for sure not calling the school to ask for her. I can imagine the gossip and I would soon have to perform my PELLE PLUTT trick again.

But what if I go alone to practise so I don't look like atotal tit when we go together? YEAH!! A superAladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNplan. I could not find the number for the first shooting range and I found another shooting range.

I called them, of course you put the number to your business if you have a web page. The first place lost my business and I found Shooters Gallery and they had their number on the web page.

I called them and I was soon on my way. I was lucky with the taxi and when the taxi stopped the head of the security at the condo came running to open the door for me. And of course, theAladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNShooters Gallery had an excellent map on their web page so it was just to print and we found the place very quickly.

The place is located at The Royal Thai Police Sport Club and the first guy I ran I to was a trainer for the Police force. He asked if I was here to shoot. He was smiling and all the people I meet were very friendly. I told him that I was here to shoot, but I was going to buy some orange juice before I started. I made sure that I got my orange juice and then heAladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNAladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNbrought me to another police and he was as friendly.

The girl selling me the orange juice was also very friendly and I was in a good mood when we stepped in to the office. There were 3 guys and a girl. One of the guys and the girl worked there and the other 2 guys were waiting for a taxi. I was soon to find out that all of them were from Japan, except for the girl.

The Japanese guys left and it was time for me to choose a gun, I knew foock all about guns. The Police Officer came in to the office, he was obviously my Instructor. We took one Glock and one Colt, I think the Glock is a 9mm and the Colt is a 0,45. Well, the bullets were bigger to the Colt and that's what I know about it.

We went outside and the girl put up my targets and we loaded the Colt. It was quite embarrassing,Aladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNI put in the ammunition in the opposite direction.

Aladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNAnd that's even though he had showed me to load the gun, EMBARRASSING!! But the Instructor showed me again and we were soon shooting. The first bullet was almost inAladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNbull's eye and the Instructor thought that I was filling him with shit. I had told him that I had never held a gun before and here I am hitting bull's eye with the first round. Well, after that I was shooting too low.

But I was soon getting the hang of it and when I had finished the 30 rounds most of them were around the black spot in the chest. 2 in the head and 2 or 3 bullets outside the target. Well,Aladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNnot bad for the first time.

The girl told me that the target was 15 meters away, I don't know, I just think it was closer than 15 meters. She had putAladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNanother target for the Glock and she told me that this was 25 meters away. Well, again, I thought it was closer, but who knows?

I shoot 10 rounds with the Glock and there wasn't any hit in the black area, only one just on the border between the white and black. And this was 25 meters away according to the girl. Well, I decided to have another 30 roundsand I went in to the office with the girl and the Police Officer to choose a new gun.

I don't know what kind of gun it was, same calibre as the Colt but it was a much lighter gun. I fired of 30 rounds and all of themwas a hit in the black area or in the head. And as you can see below one hit in the X. But I was growing bored, same as when I play bowling or something, it is fun for a while and then all my balls miss the bowling pins. Same at the shooting range, I didn't hit the black spot or head.

Aladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
10 bullets with the Glock and ZERO hits in the black area
Aladdin's adventure at the Shooters Gallery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Last 30 rounds and 20 hits

The girl ordered a taxi for me and I was in the office reading “Guns & Ammo” while waiting for the taxi. It took maybe 10 minutes and they followed me to the taxi and I was off towards BangkokAladdin's adventure at Bangkok art and culture centre in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNCity Centre. A very nice place with very friendly people at Shooters Gallery and if you want to shoot I can recommend the place.

The girl had told the taxi driver to take me to Sukhumvit Soi 23 but I changed my mind and I told the driver to take me to MBK Center on Phaya Thai Road.

We were plunging down Phaya Thai Road when I changed my mind again and I asked the driver to let me of at Siam Discovery at the corner of Phaya Thai Road and Rama 1 Road. I paid the driver and I got out of the taxi. I was about to step in to Siam Discovery when I heard some noise from the other side of the Phaya Thai Road. I thought it was some concert at MBK Center. I walked over to discover that it was some “Muslim in Bangkok” stuff going on at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre. Well, when I'm here I can as well go have a look to see if there are some nice paintings.

I have been at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre one time before and then there was a very nice painting that I liked. I went inside and I remembered why I had never been back at the place asAladdin's adventure at Bangkok art and culture centre in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNsoon as I stepped inside. A terrible building, at least for me that suffers from a severe vertigo.

You can see the building above and it is like a silo inside. Walking along the walls and when I'm coming up I have to drag myself along the walls to avoid looking down.

And this is a big building filled with, yeah, nothing for the first 4 or 5 floors. There are some coffee shops and some small shops. And of course, there are plenty good looking girls looking at artAladdin's adventure at Bangkok art and culture centre in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNwhen you come up on the 7th floor.

If you ever come to the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre you can skip the first 5 floors and go straight to the seventh floor,hmm, if I remembers it right. But then you come to the exhibition and there are some very nice paintings up there. And of course, plenty beautiful girls looking at art.

But the building sucks, at least for me, I was dizzy all the time thinking that the building would collapse any second, or that I would fall over the edge.

Well, I attacked a beautiful girl at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, just to let you know how it looks. I explained to her about my vertigo and I asked if she could take a picture for me.

Over the edge while I was hiding far away. I really don't know what she thought, but she took the picture for me and now you know how it looks at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre without ever having been there. Yeah, wasn't this the best ideaever? I left he place and I walked to Siam Discovery and from there to Siam Paragon looking for a shop selling Friedrich-Grohe.

One of my glasses broke when I redecorated my bath room and the shop at Word Trade Centre have closed down, or at least moved because I can't find them anymore. I didn'tAladdin's adventure at Siam Discovery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNfind any shop selling Friedrich-Grohe. But I stopped at Boots and I bought all the Electrolyte they had. Well, they only had 18 bags so it was not so much.

So I left Siam Discovery and there was a concert between Siam Discovery and Siam Centre and it was quite good music, but there were too much people and I didn't hang around for very long before I left. I shoot straight through Siam Centre without any stop at Dairy Queen for a Mango/ Almond ice-cream. I had decidedAladdin's adventure at Siam Discovery in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNto go back home for a healthy smoothie instead for any stop at any restaurant.

I had 3 bottles of orange juice at the shooting range and that was more than enough of extra calories for one day. No beers yesterday so I could drink the orange juice without any agony, but no more!

I made it all the way through and I made sure I left on the 2nd floor, ground floor and I would come in to the food market at Siam Paragon and I'm pretty sure there is a Dairy Queen at the food market at Siam Paragon. And there are always a lot of people so I will dodge both the Dairy Queen and all the people with my manoeuvre.
Aladdin's adventure at Siam Paragon in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Siam Paragon

My plan worked beautifully and I dodged both people and ice cream. I searched every floor for ashop selling Siam Discovery without any luck and I decided to take a taxi to Robinson on Sukhumvit Soi 19 to buy bananas for my smoothies at Tops Market.

Lo and foocking behold, I passed a place and I saw something that looked like softice and I went to the shop. Turned out it was frozen yoghurt and I decided to try one with mango. Yoghurt is supposed to be healthy, even though it wasn't as yummy as ice cream. Yes, it tasted like frozen yoghurt and yoghurt is not good tasting so, well, I might try it again.

I bought bananas and mango (Have decided to swap the black currant for mango tonight) at
Water-electrolyte imbalance

Electrolytes play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis within the body. They help to regulate myocardial and neurological function, fluid balance, oxygen delivery, acid-base balance and much more. Electrolyte imbalances can develop by the following mechanisms: excessive ingestion; diminished elimination of an electrolyte; diminished ingestion or excessive elimination of an electrolyte. The most common cause of electrolyte disturbances is renal failure.

The most serious electrolyte disturbances involve abnormalities in the levels of sodium, potassium, and/or calcium. Other electrolyte imbalances are less common, and often occur in conjunction with major electrolyte changes. Chronic laxative abuse or severe diarrhoea or vomiting (Gastroenteritis) can lead to electrolyte disturbances along with dehydration. People suffering from bulimia or anorexia nervosa are at especially high risk for an electrolyte imbalance.

Electrolytes are important because they are what cells (especially nerve, heart, muscle) use to maintain voltages across their cell membranes and to carry electrical impulses (nerve impulses, muscle contractions) across themselves and to other cells. Kidneys work to keep the electrolyte concentrations in blood constant despite changes in your body. For example, during heavy exercise, electrolytes are lost in sweat, particularly sodium and potassium. These electrolytes must be replaced to keep the electrolyte concentrations of the body fluids constant.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tops Market and I stopped at the drug store and I bought all their electrolyte before leaving for home. So I had a big bag of bananas and mango and a big bag of electrolyte.

I walked down Sukhumvit and I passed under Asoke and I walked up Sukhumvit Soi 23 when I passed a massage place. I had been walking all day long so some foot massage (scratching) would be nice. I decided to stop for an hour of scratching.

It was a beautiful girl and we cracked jokes while she scratched me and when my time was up I told her that my time was up.
- No problem, I can continue for free.
When I hear the word free I always get suspicious. She asked if I was sitting comfortably.
- Yes
- We have more comfortable chairs in there, she said pointing to an area behind a divider.
We moved in there and it was really some comfy chairs/ beds and she continue to scratch.
- Now I have to go home
- No stay, this is for free

She just continued to scratch and it was very nice, but I don't have time for this. I told her but she refused to stop.
- No problem, this is for free.
How to make her stop? I asked her if she was hungry. Yes she was so I asked her out for dinner. She agreed and she stopped scratching me.

I asked how much and she only charged me for the hour as she had said, 250 Baht. WeAladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNwent to Queen Victoria on Soi 23 and I ordered Fish and Chips, excellent food. And the helpings came in the size of a super tanker. Last time I was her I decided never to go to Queen Victoria again.

I had a hangover and I ordered a bacon sandwich and a Fish and Chips. When two people ordering food in Thailand they never manage to get your food at the same time. And now I expected them to bring my bacon sandwich first,Aladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNbut no, they brought 2 super tankers with food, one with the bacon sandwich and one with fish and chips.
Aladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN- What theAladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNis this?
The bacon sandwich was enough to feed a soccer team and it was embarrassing sitting there. Everyone looking at me.
Aladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN- LOOK AT PORKY!! HE IS EATING A CUBIC TON!!!

I got a wee bit pissed off and of course, I could not eat all the food they brought. But today, wise from previous experience I only ordered Fish and Chips and a pot of tea. And it was excellent food. Recommended place!

Of course, my evening smoothie was off now and what to do with my Mango. I can keep it in the fridge for maybe 2 days, tops. I have too much and I stopped at the Banana Leaf Kitchen o my way home and I gave some mango to the beautiful Waitress there. And the owner is speaking with me again. They wanted me to join them but I explained that I was on diet and I had to show them my bag of bananas and mango before they believed me.

So I wasn't back home until 10 and my alarm will go off at 8 thirty, back to language school tomorrow morning and my beautiful Teacher. I will tell her all about my adventure at the shooting range. Maybe next weekend, but Bangkok Photographers are going on a photo safari near Khaosan Road and the big second hand market next Saturday afternoon/ evening and I want to join.

I brought my Canon D60 to Maersk Cassandra, but I forgot the charger and after a few months of not taking pictures I have forgot how my camera works, time for a refresher? And there will be plenty professional photographers on this “EVENT” and they are happy to answer questions.

Street Shooting and Night Photography Excursion to Klong Lord Market

We will meet on the street in front of the Royal Hotel at 5 PM and then proceed to work our way along the inner most canal, Klong Lord, of the three rings of canals on Rattanakosin Island through a market known as "Klong Lord Market" where the locals come to buy and sell vintage clothes, art, posters, collector's items of all kinds along with an endless variety of second hand goods. This in the area of the Royal Palace and not far from Kaosan Road, so there are lots of photo opportunities here. This market runs along the canal all the way down to the flower market. It offers a good chance for all of us to practice our street photography and to do some night photography. There is bound to be food and drink along the way so come early join in the fun with the group. You may want to bring your tripod and your flash. We will be available to offer advice and suggestions as we work our way along the market street.

Call me with any questions,


Well, this is next weekend and first I will have to survive a week of school and homework. And I really hopethat the darn electrolyte will help me get better in my shoulders and arms so I can start the sparring with my right arm again.

Monday 14 th of May 2012
and we finished school at 12 o'clock and I was waiting for the elevator with 2 class mates, a girl from Russia and a guy from Turkey. They asked if I wanted to join themAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNfor lunch and I asked where they were going. I was for sure not going to eat along the street. But they told me that there was a food court on the ninth floor.Hmm, interesting with all the office girls having their lunch.

I was pleasantly surprised when they had spaghettiAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNand meat sauce in one of the stalls selling food, and I saw that they sold fresh orange juice when we came in to the food court. I got my spaghetti and IAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNgrabbed a seat at a table and I went to buy orange juice while my class matesAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNgot their food.

I dug in to my spaghetti and meat sauce.
- What theis this??!!

It was burning in my mouth and I discovered giant pieces of chilli in my meat sauce. Well, the meat sauce wasn't what I had expected, but there were plenty beautiful girls at the food court. So I was drinking orange juice, looking at the girls while speaking with my class mates.
Aladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

I decided to skip Sophia Muay Thai Gym and I walked there at 5 thirty to get the address to the Doctor that the owner had recommended. We called the Doctor but no reply, but my Teacher toldAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNus that she would be there Tuesdays and Wednesdays, she isAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNworking at Chula hospital and she is at this hospital 2 days per week.

I will call her tomorrow and see if I can get an appointmentwith her.

If I can't get a time to see the Doctor I will be at Sophia Muay Thai Gym for my afternoon session. But I will only use my legs for kicking and kneeing. My right arm is better now, but I can hardly move my left arm. But I think this is from my Saturday session at Chakrit when I was pounding the pads with my left arm for an hour. Well, I will get a hell of a jab after this.
Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
At Sophia Muay Thai Gym

When I arrived to Sophia it was the owner and our Teacher teaching the American girl and a guyAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNfrom Russia. The guy from Russia will go back to Russia tonight and he will be back in November.

He works 6 months, during the summer and he spent the rest of his time in Thailand.

The American girl had seen my pictures from the shooting range yesterday and she asked where I had been. She wanted to go shooting next weekend. I told her that I was busy onAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNSaturday but we could go next Sunday.
- OK, it's a date then!

Good, Saturday night with Bangkok Photographers andAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNSunday with the American girl and there will be no timefor beers and my diet can stay on track.

The biggest threat to my diet is the boredom. When I'm skipping my boxing sessions it is easyto end up at a restaurant where I eat way too much.

I was on my way to Bangkok Fight Club to have a chat with my Teacherbut when we were at Sophia Muay Thai Gym it started to rain. There were some heavy lightning in the horizon when I'm arrived to Sophia and the rain started to pour down 30 minutes later. We were about to leaveAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNSophia but we got held up thanks to the rain.

We had time for a chat while waiting for the rain to stop. The American girl told me that she wanted to play soccer. She have a friend that had told her that they use to play soccer on Sundays at On Nut.

It is a kind of dropin soccer, they meet around 4 thirty and if there is enough people they play soccer. Sounds interestingand I told her that we could go have a look after the shooting session next Sunday. I don't know if they can find any use for a cubic ton of human balloon onAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthe soccer field but it would be fun to try.

Saturday boxing at Chakrit and soccer on Sundays,hmm, that mean that there will not be any time for party. Verygood indeed, from FAT TO FLAT in a jiff. The rain didn't stop, but it went from pouring down to a drizzle and we left Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

The American girl turned left when we reachedAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNAsoke and she walked towards the sky train station. I crossed Asoke Road and I went up on the second floor behind the 7 Eleven to Bangkok Fight Club.

I arrived 3 minutes after 7 and there was only one girl and our Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club. Our Thai friend arrived aAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNfew minutes later and they started to play with themedicine ball.

I was just watching, I wanted to leave, but our Teacher wanted me to stayAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNto take some pictures for his Facebook. I posted the picture from my shooting session on his Facebook page and IAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNtold him that I was going there on Sunday with the American girl.
- NO GOOD!!!
He told me that this place was NO GOOD. He is working at the Thai Navy Sport Club and they had a shooting range and it was much cheaper. Well, he will give me the information on Wednesday.

But I will not hold my breath and I expect us to have to do our shooting at the Royal Thai PoliceAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNSport Club. But if our Teacher can give us a nice discount at the Thai Navy it would be nice. So far, the only experience I have of the Thai Navy is the Thai Navy exercises we used to do at Bangkok Fight Club back in the days.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Playing with the medicine ball at Bangkok Fight Club

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Playing with the medicine ball at Bangkok Fight Club

There was a girl arriving to Bangkok Fight Club when they finished the medicine ball exercise. 2 girls and it was the first time for both of them. The Thai girl arrived when they had finished theAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNmedicine ball and she changed clothes and then she brought her stuff to the punch bags. She brought out a bun and she started to eat.Our teacher just gaped at her.
- Aladdin, please take a picture
- Why?
- I never seen someone starting the session by eating before. First time.

I took a picture of the girl, I sneaked up on her from behind and when I had taken the picture I had to explain to her that it was our Teacher that wanted the picture.
- Did she believe me?
- I don't know

It was a few minutes past 7 thirty when I left and there was another guy that I never seen before arriving. I walked to Emporium and I bought a glass jar for my FLAX seeds. It is actually for spaghetti, but I will use it for FLAX seeds. And I had to buy a wooden spoon with a long handle for the jar so I can get the FLAX seeds out of the jar.

I walked back home and I watched the second episode of the “An Idiot Abroad” before trying to fall asleep. I was pleasantly surprised when I left school today, no homework and I did not have to worry about any studies before going to sleep.

But I read my books during the afternoon. I'm trying a new revolutionary study technique, I'mactually open my Thai books when I'm coming home from school to repeat today's lesson. Now I will have to see for how long this will last.
And yes, I felt asleep while reading the books. Will never happen again?

Tuesday 15 th of May 2012
and I went to Sophia for my 4 o'clock session. My ars are still useless but I can't stay home growing bigger by the hour. So I need my exercise so I decided to go for aAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNsession of kicking and kneeing at Sophia. It was a good session for s few rounds, but when I used my left leg I was reminded about my left arm. I decided to try to use a wrapping as a mitella arm sling for my left arm.

Kicking with the right arm and you has to swing the right arm and, well, it is not OK, but it is way better than my left arm.

Kicking with the left leg and I have some terrible pain in my left arm and when I used the wrapping as an arm sling it was OK. But the kick was of course nothing to write home about.

I did a few more rounds with the arm sling andAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNI managed to keep on until almost 5 o'clock with a short break. I just finished my session when theAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNAmerican girl arrived.

When I arrived we had our friend from Canada and the son of the Austrian guy that use to train with me.

The American girl arrived and she was training with our Teacher. The Canadian guy and the boy from Austria took turns kicking on the owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

The American girl was sparring with our Teacher and the boy fromAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNAustria was sparring with the owner. The American girl felt and the Austrian boyAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNstepped on her and felt.

Luckily enough nothing serious happened and they were soon up and sparring again. It was soon time for the Canadian and Austrian guy to leave. There were 2 girls arriving, I think from USA and a wee bit later there was a guy from England (I think) coming. So itAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNwas pretty crowded in the ring.

I had never seen any of the girls or the British guy before but they seem to be nice. Most of the people at the Muay Thai Gym I go to are actually very nice people.

I had decided to go buy a real mitella arm sling later on in the evening, Bangkok Fight Club will have to wait until tomorrow. The clock was almost 6Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNo'clock when I was back home, darn, the days disappears very quickly in Bangkok.

Full days and today we got home work at the Thai language school. So I decided to have a quick shower and a smoothie before going to Emporium to buy new glass for my bathroom. I have given up the idea to find the original Friedrich-Grohe glass. I found a few glasses yesterday when I was at Emporium. I measured the glass and when I came back home yesterday I measured the holders. They would fit perfectly.

I have moved my hazel nuts from the top shelf to theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNbottom shelf so it is a wee bit easier to bring down the jar with my hazelnuts for my smoothies.
Reach all the way up to the top shelf is not easy with the pain in my arms.

I walked towards Emporium and when I passed the place where I had my scratching session yesterday I decided to have a “LIGHT”Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNmassage on my left arm.

The massage was so turning in to scratching and I was delayed yet again. I arrived at 7 and I had planned for 1 hour of massage and that would giveme plenty time to go to Emporium and to go to buy Hazelnuts at Villa Market.

But they refused to stop scratching and it was 8 thirty before they gave up. I was about to leave when they checked my shopping bag. I had been at the drug store and I bought the mitella arm sling and some pain killer ointment. TheyAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNdiscovered the pain killer ointment and now I got the pain killer ointment massaged in to my left arm.

I had to make a run for it at 9 o'clock so I should make it to Emporium beforeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthey closed at 10. I found hazel nuts at Villa Market and I bought 2 glasses at Emporium and I walked back home.

The glass fitted in the holders and these glasses seems thicker than the original Friedrich-Grohe crystal glass. First time I washed the original glass I destroyed one of them. The crystal glass was very brittle and they didn't survive the first wash.

And the mitella arm sling, I don't know if it is because I'm unused to using it, but walking back and forth to Emporium gave me some pain in the neck, but the arm was rested and I hopeI can use it at Sophia and Bangkok Fight Club Tomorrow.

Wednesday 16 th of May 2012
and I ran in to one of the girls from the condo office and theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNManager's daughter on the subway. I was on the way to school and they were going to the mall at the subway station.

I arrived to school just before 10 o'clock and our Teacher was a wee bit late. It was only the Russian girl and the guy from Turkey in class today.

Our friends from Germany arrived 5 minutes later and later on there was another guy arriving that I have never seen before. No sign of the girl from Burma. I have not seen her since the first day.

I arrived to class first day and there was a table free next to the Burmese girl. But I chose a table next to the window. We have windows from floor to ceiling and we're on the 18th floor. So the vertigo hit me as soon as I came close to the window and I was staggering back to the tableAladdin's adventure at my language school at Ratchadapisek in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNnext to the Burmese girl.

She just looked at me and she moved to the window and I have never seen her at class again.

Well, I started class with my arm sling, but I was soon taking of the arm sling and I will use it at Sophia Muay Thai Gym later on in the afternoon. I really would have been better of using the arm sling in class, butAladdin's adventure at my language school at Ratchadapisek in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNit was not very comfortable to use it.

I finished our homework while in class so I don't have any homework to do for Monday, very nice. My last home work is until tomorrow and I finished this yesterday evening, well, more like early this morning.

We finished school at 12 o'clock and now things started to go terrible wrong. I walked to the Esplanade shopping centre and I went to Morgen for some German sausages. Very very bad, skipping boxing and going to restaurant. I asked for my bill 326 Baht and I was waiting for my change at the cashier's desk. It took some time and the guy was running around with my 500 Baht bill.

- What theis he up to?
I was soon to understand that he didn'tAladdin's adventure at my language school at Ratchadapisek in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNknow howmuch change he had to give back. He was running around asking the other staff and I was in a kind of a hurry to get home to change for Sophia Muay Thai Gym.
- The machine doesn't count how much change to give back!!
- 174 Baht, I said.
- Thank you, he said and gave me 174 Baht and I could leave.

I went to Sophia Muay Thai Gym with my left arm in the armAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNsling. The guy from Austria was there when I arrived. I changed my shoes and I stepped up in the ring. The Teacher and the Austrian guy were sparring. But I couldAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNonly kick because of theAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNpain in my arms.

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN

The Austrian guy and I took turns kicking at our Teacher and I was happy that IAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNhad come up with the idea to go for my boxing sessions only using my feet and legs.

Now I can lose weight instead of laying home in my bed doing nothing. And my legs, well, I mostly use my right leg, need some training. But I hope that I can go back to sparring soon.

Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Our friend from Russia arriving for a session of Thai boxing

Our Russian friend arrived and later on the American girl and the guy from Canada arrived. Our Teacher asked if I wanted to go watch Muay Thai fighting tomorrow evening.
- Where?
- At Lumpini
- I don't know, it is so boring with the clinching
- NO NO!! This is very good fighters so no clinching
The American girl and the Canadian guy were going and the Canadian talked me in to come along, so no session at Bangkok Figth Club.
Aladdin's adventure at Srinakharinwirot University in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Cheer leaders practicing at Srinakharinwirot University?

I walked back home and they were playing drums at Srinakharinwirot. They have been going on for a few days now. I think there is a new form starting at Srinakharinwirot University and there have been a lot of hullabaloo the last week. Maybe cheerleaders practicing with the drums, what do I know? Well, anyway, it is fun to pass through Srinakharinwirot, there is always something going on.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Our Thai friend is kicking the punch bag

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Our hero is kicking the punch bag

I had time for a shower and to finish my Thai books before I had to leave for Bangkok Fight Club. My arm still in the arm sling, but I decided to go check out what we would do at Bangkok Fight Club tonight. If they were going to kick I could participate.

Our Teacher saw me arriving with the arm sling and we did kicking for the whole session. One set with kicks and elbows and I used my right elbow. It was a good session and we finished the sit ups just after 8 thirty. I walked back home in the drizzle. Never mind the drizzle, I was happy that I had finished my home work.

So I can spend the rest of the evening relaxing. Thursday tomorrow and I'm usually sleeping a wee bit longer because my Thai language school starts at 1. But I need to go pick up my passport at the Chinese Embassy tomorrow morning.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
He knocked himself out kicking the punch bag

Thursday 17 th of May 2012
and I could have picked up my passport tomorrow. But I want to get it as quick as possible just in case they deny me any tourist visa. I was at the Embassy with all theAladdin's adventure at the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNrequired paper work last Friday. After having spent a long time waiting it was finally my turn to apply for the visa.

My application was filled up according to instructions and I had all the required work so I was surprised when they started to ask for a lot of other documents.
- This is what I have
Aladdin's adventure at the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN- We require... She started to rattle of a list of required documents and I started to get worried, I have not heard ofthese documents before. I had done everything according to their web page.
- According to your web page...
- Changed rules!
- Yesterday?
- Long time ago
- Updating the requirements on your web page?

I gave her all my credit cards and she came back with the head of the visa section. She asked me a few questions and she wroteAladdin's adventure at the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNsome remarks on my application so I hope that my visa application will be accepted, or I have wasted a lot of money on a hotel and ticket for nothing.

So I will get off the subway 1 station before my usual station and I will walk to Ratchadapisek Soi 3 to pick up my passport. Then I will have more than an hour to kill before class start and I will bring my ThaiAladdin's adventure at the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNbooks so I can finish today' studies before class and I can enjoy the Thai boxing without having to think about my Thai books tonight.

All this is off course dependant on how things are going at the Chinese Embassy, I might end up in a queue for several hours.

Lo and behold, I must have breaking at least a few records at the Chinese Embassy, I got my passport and visa in 0, 5 and suddenly I had 2 hours to kill before my Thai Language course at MTL would start. What to do? Go back home? I had expected about one hour waiting at school while reading my books. My school bag is heavy with all the books I carry around. I left the Chinese Embassy and the sky opened up and it started to pour down.
Aladdin's adventure at Fortune Town on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWN
Fortune Town from the walkover on Ratchadapisek Road

OK, I go check out the new shopping mall across Ratchadapisek from Fortune Town. What have happened to Ratchadapisek, I'm here almost every day and suddenly I discover a new shopping mall,Aladdin's adventure at Central Plaza on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNa giant shopping mall and new condo buildings have popped up all over the place.

After a quick search on the internet I discovered that they had opened up back in December 2011.

I went in and it was like all the other shopping malls, the same shops and stuff, and no people. I looked for a place to have my tea, but no tea, unless I wanted to drink from a plastic cup.

Well, I left Central Plaza and I walked under Ratchadapisek through the subway entrance and when I came up at Fortune Town it was still raining. Heavy rain and I ran to take cover at theAladdin's adventure at Fortune Town on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNparking entrance.

I was hoping to find an entrance to Fortune Town from the parking lot. But the only entrance ended up in a construction site so I went out to the parking lot again to wait for the rain to stop.

And yet again, the Motorcycle taxi drivers managed to impress me. I have said it before and I say it again, they are everywhere helping people. I have seen them so many times helping out with everything. Directingthe traffic, helping people preparing for the flood and now helping Porky to dodge the rain. He screamed at me that I could enter through the construction site.

So I went back in again just in case I had missed the door, but I could not discover any opening. The area was a part of the mall, but they were redecorating the shop andAladdin's adventure at Fortune Town on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthe front was covered with boards until reopening.

So I went back out on the parking lot and the motorcycle taxi driver left his friends and he came over.
- Come here

He showed me a hole under the escalator and I stopped to bring out my camera. OK, while I was fiddling with my camera he might have thought that I was hesitant.Hmm, how are we getting Porky the HUMAN BALLOONAladdin's adventure at Fortune Town on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNthrough the hole. He had a look around while I was taking my picture and he was screaming at me pointing.
- Here is a big hole!!!

I thanked him and I was at Fortune Tower mall and I went to look for a place with tea and with a area to sit down enjoying the tea. I walked around and I found a place, but they didn't had any pastries to go with the tea.

There was a big bakery next door but I didn't want to ask them if I could bring stuff from there to enjoy at their place. What to do? I came up with an idea.
- Kind of cookies do you have
The girl pointed at different cookies, nothing I was interested in. So I pointed at the bakery and IAladdin's adventure at Fortune Town on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNasked her if they had something like that.
- No, but you can buy pastries there and eat here.
Yiiipppeee, it worked like a dream

I went over to buy something that looked good, 2 of each. If I buy 2 of one sort and only 1 of the other sort they will point finger at me.

Now they will think that I buy the pastries for me and a friend, quite clever. I got a cup of Earl Grey and I was enjoying my tea and pastries while watching the rain. No sign of the rain to stop and now I had given up the idea to read my Thai books in school. There isn't any more time, now I'm just worried about coming to school in time.

I finished my tea and as I had been eating Honey Danish I needed to wash my hands, no problemAladdin's adventure at Fortune Town on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNto wash them in their kitchen. I paid my tea and I left.

Still raining so I decided to kill some time at Fortune Town and I went to look for Hangover DVDs. I didn't found anything and by now it was really time to start thinking about getting to school.

And I was lucky, there was a taxi outside Fortune Town and I could get to RS Tower 400 meter up the road dry. I arrived 15 minutes before 1 and I opened one of my books. I was reading when one of our class mates arrived a few minutes later. And the second class mate arrived just after him.
- Everyone is early today, he said when he came in to the class room.

We were all early, but the Teacher was 5 minutes late and 15 minutes in to class there was a newAladdin's adventure at MTL on Ratchadapisek Road in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNstudent arriving. He was from Bolivia and he will be in our class from now on.

We had yet another good class and it was fun as usually. I like my Teacher and class mates and time really turns quick.

Too quick, I told my Teacher at Sophia Muay Thai Gym that I would try to be there at 3 thirty to give me time for a session and to go home change before leaving for the Rajadamnern Muay Thai Stadium at 5 thirty.

I changed clothes at home I walked the same way to Sophia as I do every day. When I left Srinakharinwirot behind I said hello to the food vendor as I always do. I was almost passing him when my Teacher said hello. I hadAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNnot recognised him in jeans.
- Yeah?
- You said that you would be here at 3:30
- I would try to

He had some pain in his right knee and he was right, it was a wee bit late if we were going to make it until 5 thirty.

I was a wee bit hungry as I would not have the time for my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® if I was going through the session.

I asked my Teacher if he liked Japanese food and he did so I suggested that we would goAladdin's adventure at Tohkai in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNeat some sushi before going to see the Muay Thai fights at Rajadamnern Muay Thai Stadium tonight. We walked to Tohkai via my Soi so I could leave my boxingAladdin's adventure at Tohkai in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNAladdin's adventure at Tohkai in Bangkok / FUNKY TOWNgloves and shoes at home. Maybe not so nice coming dragging this stuff to the restaurant.

I had 2 plates of salmon maki and orange juice and my Teacher had aplate of some sushi. When we finished he took a motorcycle back to Sophia Muay Thai Gym and I walked back home for a shower and a change of clothes.

This page is blown out of proportions and I suspect that there will be a lot of pictures from Rajadamnern Muay Thai Stadium tonight. My battery for my Canon EOS D60 is freshly charged. So I will continue on a new page. So just CLICK the link for Aladdin's adventure at Rajadamnern Muay Thai Stadium

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