Aladdin's advanced fire fighting course at Brandorama in Helsingborg - May 2014
Aladdin's advanced fire fighting course at Brandorama in Helsingborg - May 2014
Aladdin's advanced fire fighting course at Brandorama in Helsingborg - May 2014

Sunday 11 th of May 2014 and the day started in Thai Airways lounge at Suvarnabhumi Airport. My friend dropped me at the airport quarter past 10 yesterday evening and check in was pretty quick.

I left the lounge at midnight thirty and I walked towards the gate, TG 950 to CopenhagenSuvarnabhumi Airportdeparts from gate C7.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stAnd I was limping towards the gate, I had bought new shoes and they were comfortable during the afternoon when I had been at TOPS market with my friend. But the pain started at VIA VIA.

New shoes, not really, but they have never been used. I bought them in Brazil 9 years ago, well, I bought 3 pairs of Timberland shoes and I have never been using them. So as I' going to Sweden I thought that the shoes would come in handy. I packed my sneakers in an empty duffel bag just in case.

I regretted that I chose to wear my new shoes and my left heel started to get chafed from the new and hard leather. I stopped in a tax free shop and I bought a birthday gift for my brother and I bought chocolate for my nephews. I asked for chocolate from Thailand and the guy handed me a few different boxes.
- Are they good?
- Taste very good
- Are you sure?
- The best chocolate!
- Have you tried the chocolate?
- No
- So how do you know the chocolate is tasting good?

He didn't have any good answer. Well, I took the chocolate and I left for my flight. Gate C7 was one of the last gates but I made it for 1 o'clock and I had to wait for about 10 minutes before weThai Airways flight TG 950could board Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Kastrup, Copenhagen.

I could not wait to get out of my shoes. Finally, I took my seat in 15D and I took my sleeping pill as soon as we were airborne.

The Stewardess gave me a menu and I said no thanks. She asked if I didn't want to eat. She asked if I wanted breakfast and she gave me the menu again.Thai Airways flight TG 950I choose scrambled egg, sausages and fried potatoes for breakfast
- OK, so nothing for you until breakfast
- No thanks, but do you have a bottle of water and an extra pillow.

I got a bottle of water and a pillow and I was soon asleep and I woke up just in time forThai Airways flight TG 950breakfast, well, they had served breakfast already but they were quick to bring my breakfast.

I had asked for the scrambled egg for breakfast before falling asleep.

I got fresh fruit to start with and 2 cups of tea with milk. And it was good with the tea.

I had bread and strawberry jam as well and it was good.
I felt good after the fruit, bread and tea.

Thai Airways flight TG 950
Fruit on board Thai Airways Copenhagen EXPRESS

They were soon bringing my scrambled eggs with sausage and fried potatoes and I dug in. One of the Stewardesses was flirting with me all the time and it was quite fun. I told her that I wasThai Airways flight TG 950single and she asked if I was sure every time she passed me.

- Are you sure you're single?
- HEY! Take a look at me, do you think any girl wants to marry me?

Well, it was fun, and good service as always onboard Thai Airways. I know many people complaining about Thai Airways, but I like them and I always try to fly with Thai Airways. But many people complaining about everything and they expect it to be a 5 star hotel. WE'RE ON BOARD AN AIRPLANE! I remember check in to a hotel in Los Angeles. Close to the muscle beach, of course, where else. Anyway, I stepped in to the reception and the staff started to scream.
- HEY! Here you come without any attitude
- What?
- You should know how many assholes coming here with a bad attitude complaining about everything

They gave me a very nice room, actually, it was so big so it was hard to find my way out of theThai Airways flight TG 950room in the morning. Living room, kitchen sleeping room so I was happy about the room.

The Stewardess was pouring me my “double” tea and she disappeared and she came back with something remindingThai Airways flight TG 950of a tea mug.

Not the kind of bucket I'm used to, but I really appreciated her effort. As I said, I will be back flying with Thai Airways.

Soon time to land at Kastrup, Copenhagen International airport and it was time to take on my shoes again. I really can't wait until I get my luggage so I can change my shoes. We landed according to the schedule at 7 o'clock in the morning. And it was gloomy and grey, where is the spring? I left Thai Airways flight TH 950 behind limping towards the luggage claim area. I t will be so nice to change shoes and I was praising myself for the decision to pack my sneakers all the way to the luggage clam.

Luggage claim at Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport
Waiting for my shoes

I found a bench and I sat down while waiting for my luggage, first time in my life i sit down waiting for my luggage. But my shoes didn't allow me to stand up. The crew luggage was the first luggageLuggage claim at Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airportappearing on the belt.
- What happened with the PRIORITY HANDLING tag they put on my bag?

Finally, I saw my duffel bag coming down the belt and I had soon changed my shoes and I left the luggage claim area.

I bought a ticket for the train to Helsingborg and there was a train leaving in 6 minutes. I pad 163 Danish Scooby Doo dollars for the ticket and I left for TRACK 1. The train was soon coming in to the station and I boarded with my luggage. There were quite a few people boarding the train at theLuggage claim at Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airportairport. But I got a seat and we were soon on the bridge between Denmark and Sweden.

We made a stop at a station just when we had passed the Öresunds bridge (Öresundsbron)and then we were suddenly in a tunnel and I asked about the tunnel. They had built a tunnel under the city of Malmö. Last time I was on the train from Kastrup we had to go around Malmö. I asked one of the passengers when they had built the tunnel and it was 3 or 4 years ago.

We stopped at Malmö train station and when we left we got out of the tunnel.

In Skåne on board Öresunds tåget
On the train through the Skåne landscape

We passed yellow rape fields on our way to Helsingborg. So the spring had arrived, I could see pink cherry trees and flowers on the fields. Seems like they have had a very nice spring with 20° C. OfAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgcourse, when I'm arriving to Skåne the weather turns gloomy and grey.

I was in my hotel room 2 hours after landing in Copenhagen. We had passed the intersection I liked so much when I was a young and careless driver. Red light and then the highway, I have been driving through this intersection many times and it was almost the paddle to the floor when the light turned to green.

Swedish hotel, no problem to check in at 9 o'clock. And breakfast served to 10 thirty so I was down in the restaurant as soon as I had my shower. Half a kilo of the Skånsk liver pate with the Swedish pickled cucumbers. And of curse tea Now I only want to have some Swedish spring rolls and I'm ready to fly back home to Bangkok.

Scandic Nord Helsingborg
Scandic Helsingborg Nord

Scandic Helsingborg Nord hotel is located in the outskirts of Helsingborg and I will stay here until Thursday when the first fire fighting course is completed. The training field is just next to the hotel so I can walk there every morning. I will move in to the city on Thursday and I will stay there until my next fire fighting course next week.

I took a taxi to Väla Centrum in the afternoon to look for a SIM card and a restaurant with Swedish spring rolls. But darn, it is expensive to go by taxi in Sweden. There is not even and pause between changing the figures on the meter. The meter running like a clock.

I started by looking for a SIM card and a refill, I bought snus and some other items and I had spent more than 120US$ in a jiff. Darn it is expensive in Sweden. Then I went to look for a restaurant and the only thing they had was a “food court” styled place and I was disappointed. I was hungry but I wasn't going to sit in a food court.

Väla Centrum
Väla Centrum, as exciting as it looks

I had an agreement with the driver to come pick me up quarter past 6, they close Väla Centrum atVäla Centrum6 o'clock on Sundays. But as there wasn't any restaurant I found myself with 90 minutes to kill.

So I went to look for a computer and there was a place called Media Markt on the other side of the parking lot.

I never heard of this shop before so I decided to go check it out looking for a computer.

It was quite nice walking there, not cold. Of course a few more ° C would have been nice. But I was not freezing. I was halfway to Media Markt when I saw Elgiganten

Elgiganten and Dogge Doggelito, so where to go? Media Markt or Elgiganten? Thanks to Dogge Doggelito I went to Elgiganten. Cykeln påVäla Centrumköpet videon with Dogge Doggelito made Elgiganten known for me some 10 years ago.

It was a very funny video and I like Latin Kings, the group Dogge Doggelito is a member in. Or was, I don't know if the group exists any more.

I stepped in to the shop and they didn't have any computer I was interested in. I was looking for a small laptop with a I7 processor but they only had small laptops with I5 processors so I left the shop and IVäla Centrumwalked to Media Markt.

It says on the front: ENORMOUS ASSORTMENT so I expect to find something interesting over there. But they didn't have anything I wanted, well, I bought a key board and some Swedish movies on DVD. I was about to write “Hangover DVDs” but I have put this life behind me by now.

I returned to gate 5 at Väla Centrum and the taxi was waiting for me and we were back at my hotel 5 minutes later.

I was hungry and no restaurants in the area, of course, the restaurant at the hotel was closed today. Otherwise they are open until 10 o'clock in the evening. I bought a few sandwiches and I returned to my room with my bag of Pepsi Max that I had found at Väla Centrum, after a lot of searching

Cykeln på köpet

Monday 12 th of May 2014
and I woke up 20 minutes before 8 o'clock, 12:40 Bangkok time. I went to look for a car to rent after my breakfast. I had tried Statoil yesterday, but I had to return the car here in Helsingborg. I checked Sixt and I could return the car in Kalmar.

Scandic Nord Helsingborg
Cherry tree outside Scandic Helsingborg Nord

My brother was supposed to come home at midnight yesterday. He has signed off a ship and as he is Captain I will wait to cal until 12 o'clock as I know how they appreciate sleep.

I went to the car rental shop 10 minutes past 11 and I booked a car from Saturday to Tuesday and I will return the car in Kalmar. So my plan is to drive around Skåne trying different inn's in Skäne. Of course, first trip will take me out of Skåne to Laxbutiken in Halland.

I will pay about 500$ for the car from Saturday to Tuesday and it will be a Mercedes C class so it is OK. But the guy told me that the car wasn't priced after brands but after the size. So he didn't know exactly what car I would get. I got worried.
- I don't want any Scoobydoowich car
- Don't worry, we only have Mercedes, BMW and Audi.
- OK, then I hope for a Audi.

I will be back on Saturday to pick up the car. I left Sixt office and I called my brother and heAladdin's adventure in Skånecame to pick me up 1 hour later.

He came to pick me up in a Cadillac so there were ample of room in the car and it took us 15 minutes to drive to Bjuv. He had boughtYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sta house there and my youngest Nephew was home. My oldest Nephew was in school.

My youngest Nephew will start school in August, his first year in school. When we arrived he was in the window looking for us.

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

I did not even have time to sit down before he wanted to play. I really wish I was a kid again, everything was fun and always screaming of laughter

I had a very good time with my youngest nephew but I needed to take a quick rest after having been running around playing with a kid full of energy.

It is fun, but imagine having you own children and you have to do this every day for several years.

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

My oldest nephew came home from school in the afternoon and as soon as he had done his homework heAladdin's adventure in Skånestarted to play with Lego. And when he grew bored he wanted to play and now I had two nephews to play with, double trouble.

I was lucky that I had brought the chocolate from Thailand for them, I was hungry and my youngest nephew and I ate 2 of the chocolate boxes while he was playing with the Lego.

We had dinner and I was the last one to leave the table. As soon as I was ready theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stnephews wanted to go out to play with the football in the garden.

So it was just to take on my shoes and to get out in the garden and we were running around for an hour or so before I went back inside to finish my tea.

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne
Playing in the garden

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne
Time to go back to my hotel

My brother drove me back to Helsingborg and my hotel when I had finished the tea. My youngest nephew wanted to come with us and we had to put him in the baby chair in the car.

Tuesday 13 th of May 2014 and my alarm went off at 6 thirty in the morning. I went down to the restaurant for my breakfast and I recognised one guy from my fire fighting course in Go:teborg 5Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborgyears ago. We worked together on board MV Tina almost 30 years ago as ABs.

I had my breakfast, 3 cups of tea and half a kilo of the liver pate from Skåne with the Swedish pickled cucumber. OK, it was lovely the first day and it was OK yesterday.

Now I'm already bored with it. Now I can wait for another 5 years and it will be nice to come back for some liver pate from Skåne. Now I hopeAdvanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborgto find a Chinese restaurant with Swedish spring rolls and I'm ready to go back home.

I walked to the fire fighting course and it took me about 10 minutes. It was a gloomy and grey morning but it was quite nice to walk. I was not freezing and I was not sweating when I arrived to Brandorama. Brandorama is located behind the Berga Brandstation (Berga Fire Station).

I passed the canteen and I was soon to recognise one guy I had been working with on board Bro Promotion. I was surprised, is it him?
Cannot be, he was supposed to been retired. At least this is what I have heard. So I went inside and it was him. And he recognised me.

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Entrance to Brandorama - Canteen on the left hand side

Yes, he was retired, but he took the course to keep his certificates alive. Well, anyway, there were 2 guys at the course that I knew. And we will spend the whole day in the class room and it looksAdvanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborglike we will spend tomorrow in the class room as well. Advanced fire fighting and we will learn to be Team Leaders. The fire fighting we will learn in the basic course.

So it will be theory most of the time and I'm happy as it looks gloomy and grey outside the windows. And I will do enough fire fighting in Kalmar next week.

They had 2 big bowls of fruit in the class room, they were pretty much full when we left. But there was a jumbo bowl with candy and this bowl was almost empty when we left at 4Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborgo'clock in the afternoon.

It was nice to leave at 4 o'clock and I walked back to the hotel with the guy I knew from MV Tina. It had been an interesting day andtime had passed quite quickly.

I was hungry when I was back at the hotel, the lunch at the fire station left a little to wish for. And of course, I kept it to ONE small helping as I was sitting with other people. I really didn't want them to start wonder about my eating habits. Österns Pärla and Swedish Spring rolls tonight?

I updated my web page before having my shower. I went to the reception and I asked for the tidme table for the buses to the city. The girl checked the internet and I changed my mind.
- Can you please call a taxi?

I was outside the entrance talking to one of the guys from our class while waiting for the taxi talking. And when the taxi came I told the driver to take me to Österns Pärla.
- Where is that?
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on

I told the driver that the restaurant had been around for more than 40 years. I was there eating when I was 7 or 8. The first ever restaurant visit that I can remember.
- Very bad that a taxi driver in Helsingborg don't know Österns Pärla
- I don't like China food
- No, but you drive a taxi
Well, anyway, he dropped me outside Österns Pärla and I stepped inside. It looked exactly as I remembered it. No guests and I could chose were ever I wanted to sit

Österns Pärla in Helsingborg
Österns Pärla in Helsingborg

Österns Pärla in Helsingborg
Österns Pärla in Helsingborg

Österns Pärla in Helsingborg
Österns Pärla in Helsingborg

Österns Pärla in Helsingborg
Österns Pärla in Helsingborg

Österns Pärla in Helsingborg
Österns Pärla in Helsingborg

I asked for 2 Swedish spring rolls and a glass of water. The girl was very nice and I was in a good mood. I was looking for Österns Pärla on the internet before leaving. The reviews were mixed, but thereÖsterns Pärla in Helsingborgwas many complaints about poor service. I thought it was excellent service.

And the spring rolls were very good, now I'm ready to leave Sweden. I paid my bill and I crossed the street to the Marina Plaza hotel. I will check in there on Thursday evening and I wanted to see if they had a parking lot for my rented car.

They had parking spaces and I left to look for a coffee shop. Tea and some pastry would be nice after the spring rolls, but I didn't discover anything interesting and I went to the taxi stand.

I told the driver that i wanted to go to Scandic Helsingborg Nord and that I wanted to have a softDrive inice. He said something that I didn't understood
- Brrrrr ice cream brrrrrr market brrrrr
- What is the market
- Brrrrr ice cream brrrrrr market brrrrr
- Ok, let’s go to the hotel

Market was obviously Mc Donald’s and I told the driver to skip Mc Donald’s. 2 seconds later I changed my mind and we drove through the DRIVE IN and I got a soft ice.

I was back in my room around 19 thirty and I'm looking forward to a new exciting day tomorrow.

Wednesday 14 th of May 2014 and I had 3 alarms going off at 6 thirty. Breakfast and I was soon joined by my friend from Tina. And we were almost ready when we had one guy from GotlandAdvanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborgjoining us at our table.

I had my Skånsk liver pate and, yes, it is good. But most of the excitement has worn off by now. But it is still ok, at least better than to eat the bacon and meatballs and the other stuff they have.

4 cups of tea with my Skånsk liver pate and special Swedish cucumbers. I walked to the fireYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ststation and we started in the class room. We will do our practical exercises tomorrow and we will spend the day in the class room.

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Morning coffee at Brandorama

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
In the class room studying safety plans for different ships

We started the day by table top drills, fire on board and we had safety plans for 2 different ships. Ortviken and one cruise ships and we started with Ortviken. Fire in the mess room 3 o'clockAdvanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborgin the morning and one missing Motorman.

When we were ready with this drill we got on with the cruise ship. A little different story, 4000 people on board and of course, no one in my group had any experience from huge cruise ships.

Just to study the safety plan, 15 decks and 6 fire zones and thousands of cabins took a very long time. So it is not really realistic as you know the ship when you work on board. But never mind, it was an experienceAdvanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborgand we had 2 guys in the class that was working on this cruise ship so we got a good in sight in how it is working on board these ships. We finished the drills and we started with dangerous cargo.

Lunch time and back to the class room and the dangerous cargo. We will be on the training field tomorrow and we started to prepare our breathing apparatuses after the coffeeAdvanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborgbreak in the afternoon. Yeah, I forgot, we made an experiment with gases before the coffee break

Well, anyway, we're going to do some exercises at the training field tomorrow, smoke diving etc. We're only supposed to be leaders and we were going to train with people taking the basic fire fighting course.

Leading them while they were fighting fires and smoke diving. But here are no other courses so we will have to do everything by our self. So we will change to be leaders and fire fighters between out groups tomorrow.

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Smoke break for the smoke divers
Please observe the ashtray they have made out of an old fire extinguisher

The guy I had been working with on board Bro Promotion had a BILTEMA catalogue with him this morning. And his eyes was sparkling when he told us that we had the “biggest BILTEMA store in Scandinavia” next to our hotel. I told him that they only sold shit at BILTEMA
- NO NO, they have many many VERY VERY good things there
- Ah, why waste your time
- This is the biggest store in Scandinavia!!
- So they have a lot of shit, so what?
- Oh, you don't understand. This is like a day care center for old grumpy men
- OK, let's go have a look on the way back to the hotel.

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
I knew this guys from before - 1 from Tina and 1 from Bro Promotion

My friend from Tina skipped the BILTEMA adventure and I went in with my friend from BroBILTEMA in HelsingborgPromotion. My friend bought some stuff for a pushbike he is renovating. There was a lot of cheap stuff made by slave labours in the third world.

And of course, there were posters about BILTEMA's social responsibility. They give money to a child village in Manila and some money to something in Bombay.

What about a salary people can live on? Seriously, does anyone believe this crap about social responsibility? Give a small amount of money to some school in India instead of paying decent salaries! Social responsibility, so why not make the stuff in NWBILTEMA in HelsingborgEurope so the workers can pay tax for schools and hospitals?

My friend paid for his stuff and I had a soft ice before we left the store. Yet another item I can thick off from my list of things to “do in Skåne before going back home”
• Eat Swedish spring rolls
• Eat Skånsk liver pate
• Eat Swedish pickled cucumber
• Eat soft ice cream

We walked back to the hotel with a quick stop at Statoil. I fired up my computer first thing when I was back to my room and I opened ANA'sAll Nippon Airwaysweb page. I was flying with All Nippon Airways to Hawaii and I liked the airline. So this was a goodLas Vegaschoice for my trip to Las Vegas. Of course, I would like to fly with Thai, but they only fly to Los Angeles. So All Nippon Airways it is.

I got a seat at the end of June, I wanted to go in the middle of June but they only had seats on the waitingCaesars Palace in Las Vegaslist. As soon as I had a confirmed ticket I started to look for a hotel. I had more or less already decided to stay at Caesars Palace.

And I didn't found anything else of interest and I booked a week at Caesars Palace. I called my brother when I was ready with my bookings, he have his birthday tomorrow so thereCaesars Palace in Las Vegasmight be cake and tea.

I went down to the restaurant at 7 thirty as I was going to have dinner with my friend. He was waiting in the sofa and he was looking good. We are not wearing our best clothes at the fire station, but dinner with Aladdin requires a nice shirt. We got the menu and we decided to eat cod fish. It was OK even though the cod fish didn't came fresh out of the sea.

Scandic Helsingborg Nord
We having our dinner

Scandic Helsingborg Nord
We met some of the other class mates outside the hotel

Thursday 15 th of May 2014 and all 3 alarms went off at 6 thirty, last day on the advanced fire fighting course. I had a shower and I left my room a little earlier today as I needed to check outAdvanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborgfrom my room.

I had packed my bags yesterday so I just brought them to the reception and I checked out before breakfast. I put my bags in a store room and I will be back to pick them up after the course. It was nice to get

We had our breakfast and I walked to Berga Brandstation (Berga Fire station) and we started the day by getting dressed for fire fighting. We had preparing the breathing apparatus yesterday so they were ready.Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in HelsingborgWe started with 2 chemical spill. The first exercise was a leaking railway tanker.

We were 3 groups with 5 in each group and I was in group #2. Group #1 started as the bridge team leading the action and group 2 and 3 were on the field kicking the arses that needed to be kicked.
Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg

We had to get dressed in chemical suits and two guys went to the leaking railway tank to rescue a injured person and when they returned a second team dressed in chemical suits went to stop the leaks with wooden wedges and some other equipment we had ready for this task.

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Getting dressed in chemical suits

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Ready to attack the chemical spill

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Ready to attack the chemical spill

Second exercise and it was time for my team to be on the bridge. Leaking chemical tank in a container and of course, the two first chemical suit dressed guys discovered a injured person and they had to bring him back. We had to send 2 other guys in chemical suits to stop the leak

When we were ready with these 2 drills we changed to fire fighting exercises. 3 groups and three different exercises. Leaking gas on fire, foam and a flashover exercise.

The groups swapped between the exercises and my group started with the foam. When we were ready with the foam we moved on the flashover simulator that they had built in a container.

A flashover

is the near-simultaneous ignition of most of the directly exposed combustible material in an enclosed area. When certain organic materials are heated, they undergo thermal decomposition and release flammable gases. Flashover occurs when the majority of the exposed surfaces in a space are heated to their auto ignition temperature and emit flammable gases. Flashover normally occurs at 500 °C for ordinary combustibles.

An example of flashover is when a piece of furniture is ignited in a domestic room. The fire involving the initial piece of furniture can produce a layer of hot smoke which spreads across the ceiling in the room. The hot buoyant smoke layer grows in depth, as it is bounded by the walls of the room. The radiated heat from this layer heats the surfaces of the directly exposed combustible materials in the room, causing them to give off flammable gases via pyrolysis. When the temperatures of the evolved gases become high enough, these gases will ignite, throughout their extent.

The original Swedish terminology related to the term 'flashover' has been altered in its translation to conform with current European and North American accepted [scientific] definitions as follows:

• A lean flashover (sometimes called rollover) is the ignition of the gas layer under the ceiling, leading to total involvement of the compartment. The fuel/air ratio is at the bottom region of the flammability range (i.e. lean).

• A rich flashover occurs when the flammable gases are ignited while at the upper region of the flammability range (i.e.:rich). This can happen in rooms where the fire subsided because of lack of oxygen. The ignition source can be a smouldering object, or the stirring up of embers by the air track. Such an event is known as 'backdraft'.

• A delayed flashover occurs when the colder gray smoke cloud ignites after congregating outside of its room of origin. This results in a volatile situation, and if the ignition occurs at the ideal mixture, the result can be a violent smoke gas explosion. This is referred to as smoke explosion or fire gas ignition depending on the severity of the combustion process.

• A hot rich flashover occurs when the hot smoke with flammable gas ratio above the upper limit of flammability range and temperature higher than the ignition temperature leaves the compartment. Upon dilution with air it can spontaneously ignite, and the resultant flame can propagate back into the compartment, resulting in an event similar to a rich flashover. The common definition of this process is known as auto-ignition which is another form of fire gas ignition.

From Wikipedia

In short, the combustible gases are over us in the container and we will try to press back the flames. This is a very good exercise and we really get the feeling that you are able to fight the fire when sitting in the container surrounded by fire. And we also have the well known "Rollover" or tongues of fire appearing (known as "Angel Fingers" to fire-fighters) around us. We even had the fire tongues coming from behind.

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Equipment for the foam

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
The “flashover” simulator

When we finished the flashover exercise it was time for lunch. I was happy with the flashover exercise. What's the difference between a flashover and a backdraft? Let's see if I can explain this for you. But don't run away making any bets or use this information as references. I just try to explain without any claim to be correct.

BACKDRAFT: A backdraft is a smoke explosion. Smoke beeing the fuel and we have the heat but no oxygen. We have 2 out of three sides in the fire trinagel. When we open a door etc and oxygen is mixing with the smoke we have an explosion. Backdraft is something very rare and you won't experience many of them

FLASHOVER: A flashover and we smoke (fuel) oxygen and the heat is missing. Believe me it is hot. But not hot enough to auto ignite the smoke. We have a fire from furniture’s etc and the smoke is up under the ceiling. Heat is generated from the fire and hot smoke rises to the ceiling and as soon as it gets hot enough all the smoke caught fire. Now and explosion but your surrounded by fire. This is a very common occurrence and a flashover is expected at every fire fighting.

Flashover is one of the most-feared phenomena among fire fighters. Fire fighters are taught to recognize rollovers and flashovers and avoid backdrafts. For example, they have certain routines for opening a closed door in a building on fire, such as positioning oneself adjacent to the door instead of in front of it, and to be ready to fight any advent of shooting flames.

Well, anyway, we finished the flashover drill and we went for lunch. When we came back it was time for team #2 to do the leaking gas tank. Gas on fire and we don't want to extinguish the fire. Then we will still have the gas leaking and we can soon find us in a much more dangerous situation with gas all over the place.

So we will have to approach the leak behind a water wall to turn off the valve to stop the gas leak. It is of course very very hot, but it is kind of nice behind the cooling water shield.

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Leaking and burning gas
Approaching behind a water shield

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Leaking and burning gas
Approaching behind a water shield

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Leaking and burning gas
The man between the fire nozzles turns off the valve

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Leaking and burning gas

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Approaching the fire

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Approaching the fire

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Approaching the fire

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Approaching the fire

Advanced Fire Fighting course at Brandorama - Berga Brandstation in Helsingborg
Closing the valve

We finished the exercises and now it was time for the final exercise and this time it was team #3 turn to be on the bridge. We did smoke diving looking for missing people in 2 different building. And believe me, when it was time to take off the equipment around 14 tirty it was the best moment during this course.

I had been running around with a size 48 rubber boats all day long and it was so nice to get them ofmy feet. I walked back to my hotel and I got my luggage. I asked the reception if they could call a taxi. There was one guy from the course, he had just booked a taxi. He asked where I was going.
- Marina Plaza hotel
- Otherwise you could go with me
- Where are you going?
- To the railway station

Marine Plaza is situated at the railway station so I accepted his offer and Maersk saved 35 USPågatåget from Helsingborg to BjuvDollars on the taxi trip. I checked in at Elite Hotel Marina Plaza at 3 o'clock and I was on the train to see my brother at 5 o'clock. Departure time 17:17and I could use my new SAMSUNG S5 to read the news with the free WIFI on the Pågatåg. They are having free WIFI on the train s it is quite a good service

I was pleasantly surprised, nice train, Pågatåget, and there were plenty trains going so no need to wait very long for the trains leaving for Bjuv. Of course, the train was clean and it took us about 25 minutes to get to Bjuv. I called my brother and he came to pick me up in the Cadillac. Took 2 minutes to get to my brother's house

Bjuv train station
Arriving Bjuv train station

Bjuv train station
Train is leaving Bjuv train station

Bjuv train station
Bjuv train station

The nephews had some friends there when I arrived so I could sit down 2 minutes before it wasAladdin's adventure in Skånetime to start to play. My youngest nephew wanted me to help him with his Lego.

We just got started with the Lego when the dinner was ready and I can thick off a BONUS and totallyunexpected item on my list of things to “do in Skåne before going back home”
• Eat Swedish spring rolls
• Eat Skånsk liver pate
• Eat Swedish pickled cucumber
• Eat soft ice cream
• Eating Skånsk new potatoes (BONUS) and totaly unexpected as I had not expected the new potatoes from Skåne to be ready until June

So the dinner was a success at least to say and I will try to eat new potatoes everyday

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

After dinner we left for the garden and we had soon sent the football over to the neighbour and we went over to get the football. And of course, I sent my youngest nephew to knock on the doorYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto ask for our football. There was a nice lady opening the door and it was no problem to go get our football.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWe were soon back in the garden and now my nephews wanted to play with the swing. And they gave me yet another reason for envy their childhood, they were screaming of laughter while playing. And where do they get all the energy?

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

Aladdin's adventure in Skåne

It was soon time for cake, and I was tired. A full day with fire drills and hours of lifting myAladdin's adventure in Skånenephews. And they didn't take a no for an answer
- Lift me
- Lift me higher

They wanted me to lift them while playing football and I was tired after all the lifting and running around. But I had energy left for tea and cake. It was a very nice cake and I think I had two pieces. I was almost falling asleep in the armchair and it was soon time to return to the hotel and my bed

My brother dropped me at the hotel at 9 thirty after a long day.

Well, I was happy, the fire fighting course was completed. And today was the first day with
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsunshine since I arrived to Helsingborg. 20 °C and it looks good for the upcoming weekend. The weather had been gloomy and grey with rain since I arrived to Skåne.

So it looks good for the weekend when I'm taking off on my tour around Skåne to eat at different Gästgiverier around Skåne. And on top on the weather forecast I got the new potatoes so I know they are available. This can be fun so hang on

Skånska flaggan
Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Skånska flaggan

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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