Aladdin's adventure in Thailand
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Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand

Wednesday 5 th of December 2012 and it was only the American girl we were waiting for when I arrived to Sophia Muay Thai Gym when I arrived at 4 thirty. My Teacher and his Cousin wereAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwaiting at the parking lot when I arrived and the Driver was on the way to 7 Eleven.

The American girl had called our Teacher and she would arrive 10 minutes late. She needed some food before we left.

And she had some spaghetti from 7 Eleven when she arrived and we were waiting for her to finishYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stbefore we left. Our Teacher was impatient and wanted her to eat in the car, but she refused to eat in the car.

My Teacher told me that we had to go via Ratchadamnoen Stadium to by hand wrappings before weAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcould leave Bangkok.

I was afraid that there would be plenty traffic due to the King's birth day calibration. He turns 85 years today and there had been millions of people on town.
Bangkok Post

But we reached Ratchadamnoen with almost seeing any cars at all. Surprised, the only set back we had was a train crossing Ratchadapisek on our way to the toll way and we made it to Ratchadamnoen Stadium in what must have been a record breaking time. When we reached Ratchadamnoen we saw quite some people wearing yellow shirts so they were still celebrating the birthday.

Train in Bangkok
Train crossing Ratchadapisek Road

Train in Bangkok
Train crossing Ratchadapisek Road

Aladdin's adventure at Ratchadamnoen in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
My Teacher buying coconut milk outside Ratchadamnoen Stadium

Aladdin's adventure at Ratchadamnoen in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
My Teacher with new hand wrappings outside Ratchadamnoen Stadium

We stopped the car at a cart with a lady selling coconuts, but they were only selling the coconut milk in plastic bags so I never bought any. But my Teacher bought coconut milk before he went to buy the hand wrappings.

We were soon on our way again and when we had crossed the Param 8 bridge we turned right and we were on the elevated Borommaratchachonnani highway towards Thung Khok in Suphan Buri.

And as we can see on the below pictures the highway was almost empty. Last time we went to a fight night on the Borommaratchachonnani highway we were stuck for hours in an almost non moving traffic. But then it was Friday evening. Today it was Wednesday and it was some kind of holiday because of the King's birthday.

We were plunging down the Borommaratchachonnani highway and I expected us to arrive within an hour and we had plenty time. The fight should start 8 or 9 o'clock.
Aladdin's adventure at Ratchadamnoen in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We have crossed the Param 8 bridge and drive in to the sun set towards Suphan Buri

Aladdin's adventure at Ratchadamnoen in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We have crossed the Param 8 bridge and drive in to the sun set towards Suphan Buri

I was told that it should be about 80 km to Suphan Buri. I was soon to realize that 80 km was a underestimation. We left Sophia Muay Thai Gym at 5 o'clock and we left BorommaratchachonnaniAladdin's adventure on Highway 340 in Thailandhighway and turned up on the Western Outer Ring at Chim Pli. We kept on the Western Outer Ring until we reached Highway number 340.

We got off Highway 340 close to the border between Pathum Thani andAladdin's adventure on Highway 346 in ThailandNonthaburi and we were soon passing the border between Nonthaburi and the Nakhon Pathom province. So we are passing through quite a few provinces on the way to Thung Khok in Suphan Buri. We crossed the River Tha Chin at Bang Len.

And from Bang Len we have about 30 km to Kamphaeng Saen. This was what they were talking about and by now it was 6 thirty something and I had expected us to have arrived by now. So I was looking forward to arriving to Kamphaeng Saen just to discover that we turned on highway 321 in Kamphaeng Saen.
- Now it's about 20 km to go
- What the? You told me it was 80 km
- 80km from (some place I don't know the name of)
- Why on earth are we talking about the distance from (some place I don't know the name of)? Should be the distance from Bangkok, I said
- No no
The American girl got involved in the discussion from the back seat.
- It is the same every time. 10 minutes to go and we arrive 2 hours later.

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
We arrive to Thung Khok, Suphan Buri. The boxing ring on the field

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
We arrive to Thung Khok, Suphan Buri. The boxing ring on the field

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
The boxing ring on the field, and the movie theater next to the ring

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
AnAn and the Promoter and some of the boxing referees waiting for the event to start

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
The boxing ring

When we arrived to Kamphaeng Saen we called the promoter and he told us to follow highway 321 until we saw a IZUZU sign on the right hand side. We passed the border to Supahn Buri and we saw some police cars and plenty lights. We had arrived, the police was on the road to control the traffic and there was some jippo going on at the field next to IZUZU.

We parked the car and we went to look for the boxing ring. We were told by one of the guys at the parking if there was snakes.
- There are plenty snakes so stay on the road.
- What about hooligans? I asked
- Not many!
- Very good

We found the ring and I asked AnAn's promoter and I asked him where AnAn was. He pointed at the girl next to him and now I recognized AnAn. Took me quite some time to recognize her in normal clothes, and she was looking good in her “civil” clothes.

I asked where her friend was and they told me something that I didn't understand. But my Teacher told me that she was home. Well, there were no people at the ring, except for AnAn and her Promoter. And some of the guys helping to arrange the boxing. We were told that the boxing would start when the show was over. There was a huge stage on the field where they played music. There were several food stalls and plenty other stalls selling stuff. A merry go round and a small bouncing house. Next to the stage was yet another bouncing house and this was a giant bouncing house.

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
A huge stage

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Throwing darts on balloons

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Selling Sushi

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
People enjoying them self

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
I found a place with orange juice

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
I found a place with orange juice

We left the boxing ring and we took a walk around the area. And we ended up at the far end, nextto the IZUZU shop. There were plenty stalls with balloons. 20 Baht for 3 darts and if you managed to blow 3 balloons with 3 darts you won a cuddly toy.

I tried several times but I won foock all. Our Teacher's cousin tried but he didn't had anyAladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailandluck either. I gave up after 80 Baht and IYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stwent to look for something to drink. I tried all the food stalls.
- Do you have Diet MAX ?
- No, only Coca Cola
- Do you have orange juice?
- Yes, she said
And she gave me a bottle of Fanta.
- That's no orange juice

I don't know what happened in Thailand, now they only sell Coke and soft drinks everywhere. Back in the days there were no problem to find fresh juice and back then the Thai population was much smaller.

Today it is a different story. Well, anyway, I walked around the area and I could not believe my luck when I found a stall with jars filled with some orange stuff.
- Is it orange juice?
- Yes
- Fresh?
- From bottle
- Never mind, I take 2 glasses
The orange juice was excellent, but I have my doubts that it was any “diet” juice. Never mind, it was party! I hanged around the orange juice stall, well, I was more hanging around the sushi stall next to the orange juice stall because there were 2 beautiful girls working there. I went back to theAladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailandring to see if we had any updates on the start time.

When I came back to the ring I saw my friends with so many cuddle toys that I thought they had robbed the guy with the dart stall. But they had obviously started to kick arse when I had left. Now we will have a problem to load all the prizes in to the car when we go back home.

By now there had come a few people to ring side. We asked the Promoter when the fight would start and he told us that they would start as soon as they were ready on the big stage. By now they started to show the move at the movie tether next to the ring. And I was almost shitting my pants when they started. 500db and it was impossible to hear anything.

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
They start to show a movie next to the ring

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
They start to show a movie next to the ring

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Waiting for the boxing to start

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Children having a good time

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Children having a good time

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Still waiting for the boxing to start

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Still waiting for the boxing to start

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
The Fighters starts to prepare for the fight

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
The Fighters starts to prepare for the fight

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Finally, around 9 o'clock they start

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
Finally, around 9 o'clock they start

The American girl was in the fourth fight. And when they started at 9 I could not wait to getAladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailandback in to the car. It was a very nice evening, BUT MAN! There were billions of mosquitoes and I was really suffering together with my friends fromAladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in ThailandSophia Muay Thai Gym even though I had prepared myself before I left for Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

I had showered in mosquito repellent but in vain. They were all over me and for a while I did nothing but drinking orange juice and scratching myself.

My Teacher left and he came back with bags containing something for the mosquitoes. Well, I was very happy when it was finally the American girls turn. But the set back was that there was one fighter missing and they asked my Teacher's cousin if he could fight the last fight.

So we had to stay to the bitter end, because he was in the last fight. The good news, there was only 6 fights. They were still preparing the American girl when her opponent passed us on the way to the ring. And is it? Yes, I'm almost 100% sure! It is the girl, AnAn's friend that took all the, well, I took the pictures of her. So she will fight today!

Yet another stupid slide show on

More good news, the American girl was kicking arse and she won in the second round. The referee stopped the fight when the American girl had knocked down Miss “very beautiful several times” NotAladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailandgood news for her, but I was happy for the American girl and we were closer to get to go home. If the next fight could end after 1 round it would be very good.

But the 5th fight lasted for 5 rounds and I went to speak with the girl that had lost her fight while waiting for my Teacher's cousin to get up in the ring.

She was in a good mood even though she had lost and I changed a few words with her and then it was time to get to the ring to see our Teacher'scousin fight.

He was wearing the American Girl's trousers because he wasn't here to fight. And he was in the blue corner so he was not allowed to wear her red trousers. So the guy wearing blue in the 5th match had to give him his blue trousers when he left the ring.

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
She is happy even though she lost

Aladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailand
She is happy even though she lost

Our Teacher's cousin was kicking behind in the ring. He is 18 years old and he have been doing this since he was 7. I had been sparring with him earlier today when I had my session at Sophia MuayAladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in ThailandThai Gym. I'm a cubic ton or two bigger than him so I just grabbedhis fore head and he could not reach me while I was pounding him.

He started the first round by pounding the guy so he started to bleed. And the guy in the red trousers was on the floor several times during the match. MyYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stTeacher's cousin was also on the floor, but then it was a warning to the guy in red for tripping the cousin.

They had to break the fight 2 times because they needed to clean the blood off the cousin'sAladdin's adventure in Thung Khok, Suphan Buri in Thailandopponent. 5 rounds and the cousin was obviously the winner so no surprise when the referee lifted his arm.

The Promoter came to our Teacher to give him 4000 Baht.
- What the
Then he got 4500 Baht and my Teacher got upset and the Promoter added another 500 Baht, 5000 in total, 2500 Baht per fight that he gave the cousin and the American girl. He was disappointed, 2500 Baht for a fight wasn't much. I thought it wasAladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bang Len in Thailandstrange that they had not agreed on the money before the fights.

We got in to the car and we took off towards Bangkok. We passed through Kamphaeng Saen and we kept our eyes out looking for a restaurant. We pulled over at a van selling food, but we decided to continue to Bangkok. It wasn't a fresh looking place and I refuse to eat along the streets.
- Let's stop at a 7 Eleven
- OK, we will be back home earlier.

When we came to Bang Len we discovered a 7 Eleven just before the bridge over River Tha Chin. We stopped and as there was a noodle stall next to the 7 Eleven my friends decided to go for noodles. But I went in to 7Aladdin's adventure in Bang Len in ThailandEleven for 2 bottles of Minute Maid, 2 tubes of Pringles and a bag of potato chips.

I was a little surprised that the other wanted to eat noodles, of course, they were hungry, but I imagined that they were in a hurry to get back home in bed. So I had expected a quick snack from 7 Eleven. My7 Eleven in Bang LenTeacher was with me at 7 Eleven and I asked where the rest of the guys were.
- They are eating noodles.

I joined them with my potato chips and Minute Maids. I went from very hungry to sick in less than 5minutes and I gave my bag of potato chips to my Teacher. I could not take any more after 2 tubes (the small tube) of Pringles.

We were soon back in the car and by now it was past midnight. We had left Thung Khok, Suphan Buri 20 minutes past 11 and we expect 2 hours to get back home, plus any stoppages.

Aladdin's adventure in Bang Len in Thailand
Eating Noodles in Bang Len

Aladdin's adventure in Bang Len in Thailand
Eating Noodles in Bang Len

I was back home just after 2 o'clock and I went to bed after having checked my pictures. And I knew that I had plenty work with the pictures to upload them on Sophia Muay Thai Gym's Facebook. It had been a very nice evening, except for the mosquitoes.
And Sophia had 2 wins under the belt. And it is quite comfortable to go around Thailand, nice roads and an excellent number system on their roads.

Highway shields that makes it easy to follow the roads, and also makes it easy for me to know where we have been. Without the highway numbers I would have been lost.
Well, I'm lost now as well, but I can check the map the day after and I can follow our path and I see all the places we have been at.

Well, they will come to install my air-condition tomorrow so I need to be home and I will most likely miss my session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym tomorrow afternoon .

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