OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it’s not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.
Monday 17 th of February 1986 and my guess is that I took the day off from school after Vinterspelen in Härnösand. But I find it strange that I don't have any pictures between 16th of February and 21st of March 1986. For sure, there had been parties between those days. Well, maybe I lost a few cameras.
But I remember my train trip between Go:teborg and Helsingborg on the 21st of March.

Friday 21 st of March 1986
and I'm going to catch an afternoon train from Go:teborg to Helsingborg when we had finished the school. My class mate, his friend and I went to Hunters for a pizza when we finished our last lesson for the week.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We were eating pizza and drinking beer. I had my weekend bag and boom box with me so I would just have to walk across FEMMAN when it was time for my train to leave.

I had a bottle of Captain Morgan in my weekend bag so I could have a few drinks on the train. Ileft Hunters for the train station.
- See you on Monday!
As this was back in the days there were compartments on the train. I got my ownAladdin's adventure in Göteborgcompartment and I sat up myboom box and I brought out my bottle of Captain Morgan and a bottle of coke. And I had a plastic cup that I took on the train.

I had my music on and I was looking forward to the trip to Helsingborg alone in my compartment. Just before the train pulled out the door opened to my compartment and a family entered. Turned out that they were on the way to emigrate to Canada.

Didn't take long before they had a cup of Captain Morgan and coke in their hands. The musicAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgbecame louder pari passu with the sinking level in the bottle. Kungsbacka was the first stop and the ticket-collector threatened to kick me off if we didn't turned off the music.

Next stop Varberg and it was the same story with the music. And it was the same story in Falkenberg. When we approached Halmstad we had Captain Morgan and coke running on the floor in our compartment. By now our ticket-collector had stopped tothreaten to kick me off.
- If you don't turn down the music I will have the police to come at the next stop!
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
Well, we passed Laholm, Båstad and Ängelholm without any sign of any police. Next stopHelsingborg and I had made it.
There were two police men at the platform at arrival to Helsingborg.
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

The escorted me to the lockers and I put my weekend bagand boom box in one of the lockers and the Police left me alone. I don't know where I went from there, maybe to my friend's apartment.
But we went to Teaterkatten to drink beer before we went to Rockpiren, at least according to my photo album.

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg
Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

Aladdin's adventure in Helsingborg

KODAK Disc camera, fy fan vilken skit!

Saturday 22 nd of March 1986
and I woke up in my friend's sofa. And we were obviously going toAladdin's adventure in MölleMölle. We were 5 people in my friend's apartment andAladdin's adventure in Möllewe left for Mölle by car.

5 people in an AUDI and it was no problem. Took us less than an hour to drive to Mölle so it was pretty comfortable even if we were 3 passengers in the backAladdin's adventure in Mölleseat. We arrived to Mölle and we paid a friend a visit before we continued to our friend's house where we would have a few drinks in the evening.

I remember that we were going for a walk in the forestAladdin's adventure in Mölleand I'm slipping in the mud and I felt on my knee and I got a hole in my trousers.
Why thedid we had to go for a walk in the forest for? Nothing good came out from that walk.
Aladdin's adventure in Mölle

After the darn walk in the forest we left for our final destination and we could have a few drinks.

I remember us playing Yatzy in the kitchen and Iwas losing money like there was no tomorrow. Back then we were betting money on almost everything.

Aladdin's adventure in Mölle
Aladdin's adventure in Mölle

Sunday 23 rd of March 1986
and I think I woke up in a chair in Mölle. We were going back toHelsingborg and I left by train. I don't remember if I stopped in Båstad before I continued to Go:teborg.

But when I check the almanac from March 1986 I discovered that it was theEaster week coming up so we were most likely not going to school that week. So I might have stayed in Båstad over the Easter.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Saturday 5 th of April 1986
and this must have been the first weekend after school start after theAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in GöteborgEaster holiday. I'm pretty sure that we had been on town drinking beer during the Friday. Saturday and weAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgwere on town, where? I have no idea, but my pictures are marked with “In my apartment after Väst Göta”
Väst Göta was aclub for students managed by students. At least I think so.

Well, anyway, we came to my apartment and we were soonAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborghaving the music blasting high on the Richter scale. It didn't take long before I had my neighbours knocking onAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgthe door.
- Are you having a party?
My neighbours went back to their apartment to get some bottles and they joined us. Living on Slottskogsgatan in Go:teborg and I had my best neighbours ever.

Never any complains, well, they were having party and I never complained. One time I had the girl next door knocking on my door, we were having a few drinks while the music was blasting.
- I have an exam tomorrow so can you please turn down the music a notch? Otherwise it's never any problem with the music.

I remember one day when I came home from school, there were fire trucks outside the house. The neighbour above me had had an explosion in the apartment, making moonshine? I don't know.

Sunday 6 th of April 1986
and I had to get out of bed early even though we had been up all night
The Cortège
(Swedish: Cortègen), or The Chalmers Cortège (Swedish: Chalmerscortègen) is an annual carnival parade held on Walpurgis Night (April 30) by students of the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. The Cortège consists of 500 students and around 50 truck carriages, each carriage depicting—in a satirical and comic way—significant events that have taken place since the previous parade. The procession makes its way through the city centre, where it is seen by around 250,000 people each year.

Before the first Cortège was arranged, students at Chalmers walked the streets with one foot on the pavement and one foot in the gutter each year on April 30, the day when Chalmers students traditionally exchange their black student caps for white caps. In 1909, the students decided to gather all the horse carriages in the city to travel the distance they usually walked. The next year, the Chalmers Students' Union decided to organize a parade of student culture jokes. In the year 1911 a committee, Chalmers Cortège Committé (CCC), was created to organize the whole procession. Ever since, except for 1912 due to exam scheduling conflicts, as well as 1940 due to World War II, CCC has arranged The Cortège.

From Wikipedia
long drinking beer. We had registered to participate in Chalmers Cortege 1986. We wanted to do something about the strike on Carlsberg's brewery.

And in order to be allowed to participate in the cortege weAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborghad to sell cortege program. I don't remember how many program we had to sell. But the money was spended on the trucks and decoration for theAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgtrucks, and of course, beer. So we had to go to Chalmers University to pick up the programs.

When we asked for our programs they asked who we where.
- We're from Sjöbefälsskolan
He looked in his paper and he could not find us
- We're the ones with the strike on Carlsberg.
He looked in his papers but he could not find us.
- Did you submit any blue prints?
- What?
Obviously it was mandatory to submit a blue print and a description of the truck we were going to use. We thought that we just needed to register and coming up with something on the way while drinking beer. Obviously not. So we were not receiving any cortege program and we were not allowed to participate in the cortege.

Well, we went home to me and the party continued. Of course we were disappointed with the cortege, but we forgot all about the cortege after a few hours.
And I think we were quite happy, it was more job than we had expected to decorate our truck and we had expected to spend the time drinking beer.

I also remember my friend stealing a few potted plants on our way to my apartment so I got a few flowers in my window. They lasted me for a few days before they died.

Wednesday 9 th of April 1986
and we had a friend coming to Go:teborg. He wasAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgworking onboard M/S Atlantic Stream and they were arriving to the port of Go:teborg in the afternoon.

Of course, we had plans to go visit him and also plan to bring him ashore for a few beers. But my friend needed to change clothes before we went to pick up our friend on M/S Atlantic Stream. We took the bus to his home in Hovås so he could change clothes.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg

We took the bus back to Go:teborg and we went to the port where we found M/S Atlantic Stream. They were eating dinner when we came onboard and our friend had a quick shower before we left for the city.

According to my photo album we were drinking beer atAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in GöteborgLilla London and at Cometen.

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
I remember that we went to YAKI DA, a disco in Go:teborg. I don't think it is open anymore. Well, anyway, the bouncers let us in, surprise surprise. We ordered a bottle of wine and a few beers and we were enjoying ourselves when 2 girls came over and asked if we wanted to dance.Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg- What theAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg

No we didn't want to dance. Dance, no matter how drunk I am I always feel stupid dancing. So weAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgthanked for the offer, but no thanks. The girls turned gloomy and when my friend started to dance in the sofa they turned in to real wet-blankets.

They went to the bouncers and we were expected to get kicked out of YAKI DA. Well, honestly, we had been kicked out every time we had been there.
- The girls say that you're jumping in the sofa!
- Hey! Do the girl looks like we're trying to impress them by jumping in the sofa.
The bouncer looked at them.
- No
Well, we could stay and the girls had to leave the place. I think this was the one and only time we didn't get kicked out from the place. But I can't remember the place as a fun place.

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We got our wine and beers
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Back then smoking were allowed

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Better than being onboard the ship
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
After a few beers the mood had turned in to excellent

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Things are getting out of hand
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Dancing in the sofa

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Things are getting out of hand
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
And he will have to work the day after
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We're having a good time

KODAK Disc camera, fy fan vilken skit!

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Tuesday 15 th of April 1986
and we had a friend coming to Go:teborg. So our Thursday's club had to hold an extra meeting on Tuesday. Well, this Thursday's Club was only a few of us gettingtogether on Thursday afternoon for a few drinks so Friday meant a long day in bed and the school work was suffering.

But as this was a Tuesday I guess that the school work suffered on Wednesday.

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
In my friend's apartment and we can see our school through the window

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We're drinking beer in my friend's apartment

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We're drinking beer in my friend's apartment

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
At Victoria
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
I'm not sure about this, Dojan maybe?

I remember this evening, we went to Victoria. And we were at a table drinking beer when the Waiter came to empty our ash trays and I put my cigarette in the ash tray and I told the Waiter that he could bring it out to the kitchen and finish the fag. Needless to say we were thrown out from the place. Never mind, it wasn't any fun at Victoria.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Masken about to enter IHU
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Masken trying to look cool at IHU

I don't know where we went after Victoria, the next picture can be from Dojan. But we went to IHU later on in the night. IHU, I can't remember, but it was a student pub and I think it was Go:teborg University. IHU I think it was the department for Food, Health and Environment. And as from 1 July 2010, the Department of Food, Health and Environment is a part of the new Department of Food and Nutrition, and Sport Science.

That's the only thing I managed to find about IHU searching the internet in look for information about the pub back in 1986.

Wednesday 23 rd of April 1986
and lo and behold. We're back at IHU. But I only took 2 pictures this evening so I don't remember where we went before IHU.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Masken trying to look cool at IHU
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
A few of our class mates at IHU

Wednesday 30 th of April 1986
and my friend and I are going to help the Student Unions atAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in GöteborgUniversity of Gothenburg with their anual tug-of-war. Their tug-of-war is done in rowboatsin the moat. More exactly at Trädgårdsföreningen.

My friend and I had been at the Student Union's office at our school one day and there were two girls looking like they were going to start crying any second. They had arranged the tug-of-war with the rowboats and they had borrowed 2 lifeboats from Viking, and old sail ship in the port of Go:teborg. Now they needed help
The Viking
(better known by her Swedish name, Barken Viking) is a four-masted steel barque, built in 1906 by Burmeister & Wain in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is reported to be the biggest sailing ship ever built in Scandinavia.

Barken Viking was originally built as a sail training ship for the rapidly growing Danish merchant fleet. At that time, seaworthinessAladdin's adventure on Vikingand cargo capacity were given top priority. One day in July of 1909, while carrying a full cargo of wheat from Australia, Captain Niels Clausen recorded a speed record in the ship's log: 15.5 knots (28.7 km/h).

On February the 25th 1917, she was sighted and boarded by the German commerce raider Seeadler. Unusually, the Germans then allowed her to proceed because being Danish, she was a neutral ship. This was something of a lucky escape, because within weeks Germany would return to unrestricted marine warfare, a tactic that would have meant sinking her.

In 1929 she was registered under the Finnish flag, and joined the Åland-based Erikson fleet of tall ships. She was part of Erikson's fleet until 1950. She was about to be scrapped in the late 1940s, but was eventually saved by the Swedish government in 1950. Because of the low bridges that separate the tall ship from the open sea, it is unlikely she ever will sail the open seas again.

She participated in several of the Great Grain Races from Victoria, Australia to Falmouth, Cornwall. Barken Viking won the Grain Race of 1948.

Viking came to Göteborg, Sweden permanently in 1950, as a home for various shipping organizations, and later became a school of seamanship. Today she is moored in the Göteborg guest harbour as hotel "Barken Viking". The owner is the Liseberg amusement park.

* Length overall with the bowsprit - 118 m
* Length without the bowsprit (hull length) - 106 m
* Length on deck - 97 m
* Length p/p - 87 m
* Beam (Width) - 13.9 m
* Draught - 7.33 m
* Depth of hold - 8.1 m
* Ballast - 1,400 tonnes (1,370 tons)
* Displacement - ~6,300 tonnes
* Cargo capacity - 4,100 tonnes (4,035 tons)
* Cargo hold - 6,300 m³ (2,959 GRT / 2,665 NRT)
* Tallest mast - foremast, 55.5 m above deck
* Sail area - 3,690 m²
* Anchor weight - 3 tonnes each
* Launch - 1 December 1906
* Maiden voyage - 19 July 1907 via Hamburg (coal) to Callao and back to Hamburg (guano)

From Wikipedia
to get them from Viking to the moat at Trädgårdsföreningen. So of course they came to theAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgnavigation school to look for people to help them with their boats. As salty sailors we should know how to take 2 lifeboats from Viking to Trädgårdsföreningen.

So we agreed to help them and I think they regretted asking us for help. Well, anyway, they were picking us up with a car in the morning and we drove to a gym to pick up a guy that was going to assist us.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
On our way to pick up the lifeboats
We drove to Viking and we picked up the lifeboats. NoAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgengines in the boats so we were assisted by a boat from Paddan.

Paddan is a tour company in Go:teborg driving around the Canals and moat with tourists. So they sent one boat to assist us towing the life boats to the site. It was quite plesant and we just had to steer the lifeboats after the Paddan boat.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg

I had a back pack full of Carlsberg beer so we were really enjoying the trip and when we arrived we were in a pretty good mood.

And we arrived without any mishaps and we thought that our assignment was completed. We were in for a surprise. We were expected to bring back the boats when the whole thing was over in the afternoon.
- What the

We were already a wee bit tipsy and it was in the morning. I didn't dared to think about how drunk we were going to be in the afternoon.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We went to eat a pizza and drink beer at Capri while waiting for the rug-of-war tournament to kick off.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg

We returned to Trädgårdsföreningen whenwe finished our pizza and beer. We took seat in the life boats and we continued to drink beers.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
One guy that joined us in the boat
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We can see that my backpack is empty

Spring time and a gloomy and grey morning turned in to a very nice day. We were sitting in the boats drinking beer waiting for the tournament to start. Plenty people in Trädgårdsföreningen,Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgboth students waiting for the tournament and other people just enjoying the weather.

When I went to get my pictures I recognised the guy in the lifeboat. We had met him on the tram back in November 1985.

Our beers were finished and by now the Trädgårdsföreningen was full of students that was here to watch the tug-of-war in the rowing boats cheering their schools.

The girls from the Student Union were still under the impression that we were taking this veryAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgserious. But I thought it was going to be a big party. They set up a roped-off area and only the participants in the tug-of-war were allowed to pass on the way to the rowing boats.

We got a red west and some kind of shield saying “GUARD”, we were also promised a medal when we had finished ourassignment. And I was supplied with the biggest megaphone I had ever seen. Can come in handy when the crowd gets out of control.

My beer was finished and as I was a wee bit tipsy I wouldn't mind a little something to drink. Andas me and my friend was in charge for the orderliness at the tug-of-was tournament we could not leave for Systembolaget to buy beer.

But I had an idea, there was a tremendous pressure on the roped-off area with students thatwanted to come closer to cheer on their school teams. So what did Aladdin do?
- You can pass, no problem. But it will cost you a sip from your beer or wine bottle.
- You want to borrow the megaphone? No problem, that will cost you a can of beer!

I remember 2 students from Lund, they could pass the roped-off area for free. My friend and IAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborghad planned to go to Lund's Karneval in the middle of May and a few friends in Lund could come in handy.

I lost count on how many times the girls from the Student Union came to demote me to a simple spectator. They confiscated my red west, megaphone and my shield.

As this was my only means to get something to drink I promised to shape up. It worked for 2 or 3 times and then they realised that I was incorrigible.

When the tournament was over it was time to return the lifeboats. On the other side of the bridge was a restaurant & bar, 8 glas and I wasAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgpretty much banned from the place. 8 Glas is a boat moored in the moat and as we passed the place we decided to have a fewbeers at 8 Glas. And a bathroom would be nice.

As the chances for us to come in to the pub were very slim we decided to tie up out lifeboats on the outside of 8 Glas and we climbed onboard trying to get in to the bar. This was not a popular move.

The bouncers threatened us.
- We will kill you!
We had the boats full of people we had picked up along our way down the Canal. A gloomy and grey morning had turned in to a beautiful afternoon so there wereplenty people drinking beer in the park along the Canal.

Someone must have called the Police or something. We were going around the Canal when they came from Paddan and took the boats. We were not sad because of this, my friend and I went to my apartment for a few beers before going to our friend's party.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Back in my apartment and he is watching the Cortege on the TV
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Drinking beer in my apartment
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
A quick powernap on my floor
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
We're about to leave for town
We had a class mate and he had started a company, “Bättre Läge”. “Bättre Läge” means prettyAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgmuch a better location and they helped people that wanted to change apartments.

He did it with a friend that studied Computer ScienceAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgat Chalmers. Back in 1986 and there was no windows and I was pretty impressed when they they did the computer program and data base over apartments available.

I don't remember the company as any success, but they hadthe grand opening this very evening and they were throwing a party.

“Bättre Läge” was located at Masthuggstorget so it was pretty close to my apartment. My friend and I went there to see how the party progressed.
It was afternoon and the party was slow. We decided to go to town for a few beers and to return to “Bättre Läge” later on in the evening.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
April turned in to May and we would soon have our summer holiday from school. So we were busyAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgstudying for our exams, well, we were not too busy. Always time for party.

I received my monthly salary during my time in school and I was doubt full that I was going to make the second year withoutmy salary. I came up with an idea. I would take a year off to save money. Money is very important when you're in school. With all the student parties you need plenty money.

My friend had to move out from his apartment next to school and he wanted to rent my apartment. I asked the guy I rented from if it was OK and we were going to meet him on the 14th of May.

Wednesday 14 th of May 1986
and my friends from Ängelholm in Skåne called me around midnight.
- We're on the way to Go:teborg. PARTY!!!
- What the??
- PARTY!! We will be there soon!
They arrived at 02 thirty so sleeping was not to think about. Drinking beer and wine all night long.
Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
In my apartment when my friends arrives in the middle of the night

Aladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborg
Daylight and we're still in my apartment, but we're soon off for breakfast

The sun came up and we left to have breakfast and my friend's wanted to go to Liseberg, the amusement park in Go:teborg. Back in 1986 you were not allowed to by alcohol at the restaurantAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborgbefore 12 o'clock, unless you were on the train. Then you could buy beer from 10 o'clock. But we were not goinganywhere by train so we had to wait for 12 o'clock.

But we could always go to Systembolaget and buy beer,Aladdin's adventure at Liseberg in Göteborgthey open at 10. We needed to go to the bank at Femman and we stopped to buy a bag of beer at Systembolaget.

We were soon tipsy and I forgot all about our meeting with my landlord and my friend that wanted to borrow my apartment. And we never have to wonder who got the blame for this. OK, a wee bit irresponsible.
But we were just young students wanting to have a good time. And it was not every day I had people from Skåne in Go:teborg.
Aladdin's adventure at Liseberg in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Liseberg in Göteborg
Tipsy at Liseberg

We returned to my apartment after Liseberg for a drink or two before going to town. I don't remember what we did in the evening.
Aladdin's adventure at Liseberg in Göteborg
Aladdin's adventure at Liseberg in Göteborg
In my apartment

Thursday 15 th of May 1986
and my friend was back in SKåne and I had to take care of my landlord and the meeting. I called him and I we decided to meet in the evening. Yes, you better because tomorrow I'm off to Skåne and Lundakarnevalen. I called my friend and he was going to come home to me in the evening so we could go see the landlord.
- Where the hell were you yesterday? I was waiting
- Yeah-yeah, blah-blah! Don't be bitter now!
- I was waiting.....
- Enough already, you can live under the bridge...... Be here in the evening.

We went to see my landlord in the evening. First we had to locate his house and when we knocked on the door there were no one answering the door.
- What the
We went to the back looking in through the window and we could not discover any sign of life in the house. My guess is that it was payback for yesterday. Well, we hanged around for a while waiting. Maybe he was late.

He opened the door 30 minutes later and first of all I had to listen to him ranting about us not coming to see him yesterday.
- I was here waiting....
- No respect......
- I had other stuff to do....
- You never called....
What the? I could not call him when I was dead drunk, and I had forgotten about the meeting. I had to listen for this for another 30 minutes and then we agreed that my friend could live in my apartment while I had a year off from school.
Aladdin's adventure at Lundakarnevalen
Friday 16 th of May 1986 and my friend and I left Go:teborg around lunch time. We were boundAladdin's adventure at Lundakarnevalenfor Helsingborg and from there we would go to Lundakarnevalen.

We were going to Lund on Saturday after meeting my friends inAladdin's adventure at LundakarnevalenHelsingborg on Saturday morning. My friend and I had planned to go to the Carnival in Copenhagen Friday night.

It was a busy weekend in Skåne, Lundakarnevalen and the Carnival in Copenhagen on the very sameAladdin's adventure at Lundakarnevalenweekend. The train was full of people going to Skåne and Denmark to have aweekend of party. No seats available and we had to sit on the floor drinking beer with several other students without any seat.

Aladdin's adventure at Lundakarnevalen
Aladdin's adventure at Lundakarnevalen
On the train to Helsingborg

Aladdin's adventure at Lundakarnevalen
Aladdin's adventure at Lundakarnevalen
On the train to Helsingborg
So imagine us having fun on a train full of party people. We had bought acase of beer at Systembolaget before going to the train station and this case was empty when we arrived to Helsingborg. And I remember the time passing very quick. We left Go:teborg andAladdin's adventure Helsingborgwe arrived to Helsingborg after 4 hours of non-stoplaughing and it felt like 5 minutes.

We went to Svarta Pannan, just close toAladdin's adventure Helsingborgthe train station for beer at arrival to Helsingborg.

We also went for a beer at Chagal before getting back to the train station. Back then there were 2 train stations in Helsingborg, and the North station was a combined fery & train station.

We were taking the ferry to Helsingør and the train to Copenhagen from Helsingør. The train & ferry terminal was full ofAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenpeople on their way to Denmark and Copenhagen.

We bought 2 tickets to Copenhagen and we didn't have to wait for very long before the next departure. There were several ferries leaving Sweden every hour back then.

We meet two girls and they wanted to go to Copenhagen. We bought two tickets for them but we didn't expectAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenthem to be like stickers. They had a pink cassette player so we had music on the train to Copenhagen.

Same on the train to Copenhagen, full of people going for party so it was fun and we drank beer like there was no tomorrow.

There was group of people, maybe 10 or 12 next to usand they were constantly sucking on a big pipe of hashish. The ticket collector came, but he was not embarrassed at all. If they had done the same in Sweden they would have been thrown off the train. But this was in Denmark.
Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen
Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen
On the train to Copenhagen

Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen
Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen
On the train to Copenhagen

Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen
Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen
On the train to Copenhagen

Yet another train trip completed and we had had a blast. Arriving to Copenhagen and no sign of theAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagengirls leaving. I remember that my friend and I had to run away at Copenhagen train station. Well, we didn'tAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenknew the girls and we just bought a ticket for them. What did we know about their plans?

We spent the night on Strøget and I remember us at a disco with some Danish girls. And what pissed me off was that no one understood my Danish, but everyone understood when my friend spoke Swedish.
Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen

Saturday 17 th of May 1986
and me and my friend had spent the night in Nyhavn. At Nyhavn 13 and we had spent the early morning hours at the place with a beer in front of us. Ordering a beer and then we felt a sleep. But only for an hour or so.
Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen
Aladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagen
I don't understand where we got the energy, when we were back home in Go:teborg we had notAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenbeen sleeping for several days. No shower and the same clothes. Well, we had to meet our friends in HelsingborgAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenaround 10 or 11 o'clock so we had to move our asses.

We walked back to the train station. A few minutes' walk from Nyhavn, just follow Strøget and cross the big square and you're at the train station.

We bought out tickets back to Sweden, train to Helsingør and ferry to Helsingborg. We ran in to the girls on the way to the platform, well, they came running after us. They had obviously spent theAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgnight at the train station waiting for us to come back. Now we had to buy two tickets for them.

Well, I don't understand, going to Copenhagen without any money and what if we had decided to take the ferry to Malmö and the train from there. We stopped to buy a case of beer in Helsingør before continuing to Helsingborg.

When we were back on Swedish soil we said good bye to the girls and we went home to my friend.

We walked to the train station and this time we walked to the South train station with the trains leaving for Lund and Malmö. And luckily enough we had bought the case of beer in Denmark. 30 bottles of beer,Aladdin's adventure at Lunda Karnevalenimpossible to get in Sweden on aAladdin's adventure at Lunda KarnevalenSaturday morning. At least back in 1986.

We were in a part mood and theAladdin's adventure at Lunda Karnevalencase of beer were soon empty. Our friend was studying law in Lund and they were meeting us at the train station in Lund.

The train between Helsingborg and Lund was full of part people so it looked like Lunda Karnevalen would be fun. First time for me at Lunda Karnevalen. I can't remember if I had been at the carnival in Copenhagen before.

Honestly, I don't remember much from Lunda Karnevalen. I remember our friend picking us up atAladdin's adventure at Lunda Karnevalenthe train station. I remember us in a bar and I have to sign my VISA slip with an X. After that I don't remember anything until I woke up on a bus on the country side.
- Where theAladdin's adventure at Lunda Karnevalenam I? Did the slip a Mickey MouseAladdin's adventure at Lunda KarnevalenAladdin's adventure at Lunda Karnevalenin my drink back in Lund?

I asked the bus driver to stop and let me off and I ended up on a field and not a house in sight. I don't remember how I got backAladdin's adventure at Lunda Karnevalento Lund. But it wasparty all night long.

I remember that I spent the night on one of many Student pubs in Lund. But where are my friends? And where does my friend studying in Lund live? I have no clue, but no worries. It was party!

Sunday 18 th of May 1986
and I knew that my friend lived in a student home. And I think they
Parentheses ()
(singular, parenthesis) – also called simply brackets, or round brackets, curved brackets, oval brackets, or, colloquially, parens – contain material that could be omitted without destroying or altering the meaning of a sentence. In most writing, overuse of parentheses is usually a sign of a badly structured text. A milder effect may be obtained by using a pair of commas as the delimiter, though if the sentence contains commas for other purposes visual confusion may result.
From Wikipedia
called the student home for “The Parentheses”. Yes, because of theAladdin's adventure at Lunda Karnevalenshape of the house. This was what I knew so I asked around and luckily enough this was a well known student home. I found a taxi and we arrived to “The Parentheses” in a few minutes.

“The Parentheses” was not a small house and it was just to start walking up and down the stairs. I think there were, well, several floors in the house and on top of that there were several doors and staircases to check out.

And I had found a giant Christmas tree that I was carrying around and that didn't make my search easier. Finally I knocked on the right door, I think there were 8 or 10 rooms at each home with a common kitchen.
- Is there anyone named Fredde living here?
She turned around, and she was obviously a real wet-blanket
I had found the student home and I told the girl:
There was a student home next door so I gave them the Christmas tree. I heard from my friend a week or two later that they had been complaining about the darn Christmas tree.
- Why the hell did you put a Christmas tree at our place?
- Christmas tree??!! We know f@ck all about a Christmas tree.

I don't know how my friend from Go:teborg had found the place, but he has spent the night inAladdin's adventure at Lunda Karnevalentheir kitchen. Good, we're all together again and I don't have to worry about my friends any more.

Well, now is the time when we should have returned toAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in CopenhagenGo:teborg and our studies and final exams and stuff. I don't think so, we wanted to go to Copenhagen for tha last day of the carnival in Copenhagen. And when in Skåne we want as much asAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenpossible from Copenhagen.

So we took the train to Malmö and we were going to take the ferry from Malmö to Copenhagen. But we needed breakfastAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenand my guess is that we hadpizza, but I won't be surprised if someone told me that we only had beer forAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenbreakfast.

The ferries between Malmö and Copenhagen was leaving once per hour, or every half an hour. I don't remember, but there was a nice pub at the railway station where we could drink beer while waiting for the ferry across the street. So it was no problem waiting for the ferry and we werein a good mood when we stepped onboard the hydrofoil vessel to Copenhagen.

The trip to Copenhagen was 45 minutes' to 1 hour so we had time for more beer. The ferry station in Copenhagen was located smack in Nyhavn andAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenjust a 2 minutes' walk from the first pub.

Morning or early afternoon when we arrived to Copenhagen and now I had been on the go since my friends came to visit me in Go:teborg. But I had more to give. A change of clothes would be nice, but after 6 orAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenmore beers it was no problem.

We lost our friend that joined us from Lund somewhere in Copenhagen. I was surprised that my friend from Go:teborg and I hadAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenmanaged to stay together since we left Go:teborg, except for a few hours in Lund. Otherwise we use to lose each other after just a few hours on the pub.

A beautiful afternoon in May and we decided to go check out TIVOLI and we ended up at a disco.
Well, what's better than an afternoon disco. We were enjoying ourselves with a beer in the bar whenAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagenthe DJ said that they were lucky that there were noSWEDISH people at the place.

I had stolen a Swedish flag, 2 x 2 meter in Lund, never know when you need a blanket, but I threw it away. But my friend had taken care of it and now we brought it out and we were running up and down the dance floor with the Swedish flag.

After that all the girls wanted to dancewith us, but never mind how drunk you are, always feelstupid to dance. Drinking beer in the bar and when the bar tender turned around my friend took a bottle of Johnny Walker and put in his pocket.

And later on when we were going in the roller coaster they stopped the darn rollerAladdin's adventure at the Carnival in Copenhagencoaster on top of the highest peak.
- What theis going on.

There were soon 3 guards coming to pick up my friend. Of course, not allowed to drink from a bottle of Whiskey in a roller coaster, what if he drops the bottle? They took my friend and we could continue the ride.

TIVOLI in Copenhagen and the security was a wee bit sensitive. I remember back in 1984 when we had 12 of the securities waiting for us outside one ride. We had stopped the BLUE TUNNEL or whatever the ride was called. They sent boat after boat in to the tunnel but none of them came out again. I and my friends came out, deaddrunk, and we had all the boats on tow. Needless to say, we were kicked out and not welcome back in again. Well, there are plenty more of the fun stuff to do in Copenhagen.

I don't remember if I meet him again, but we lost each other in Copenhagen and he had been sleeping on a bench using the flag as a blanket. He didn't have any money and he had to hide on the train to get back to Go:teborg. I came back home to Go:teborg on Monday afternoon and I sleptfor a few days before attending school. Well, when I was back in school it was almost time for the summer break. But first exams.

Yeah, I must have made it home to the last week before our exams. The exams worked out pretty well and I packed my stuff and I was ready to take off to Skåne and my friend wasAladdin's adventure at Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget in Göteborggoing to move in to my apartment. My last night in Go:teborg and we spent a few hours at the hospital thanks to my friend.

We started the day after our last exam at a restaurant on Avenyn. Just eating lunch, I was driving back to Båstad in the afternoon. But we ordered beer and it didn't take us long to get tipsy. I remember the Waitress, she was hanging over our table while we were cracking jokes. We didn't mind having a beautiful girl at our table. The owner had been at our table several times to ask the Waitress to circulate and attend the other guests. She disappeared for a few seconds every time and she was back again. The spirit was high, at least until the owner came with a chair screaming at the Waitress.

We were quite drunk when we left the place and we went to Linnegatan and a sister to a friend had an apartment there. I remember listening to Chris Speeding, the only good record I found at her place. We had more beers and as there were some construction work we climbed out through the window when we left. And I don't know why, maybe my friend didn't get enough attention from the Waitress earlier during the day. But now I wanted attention and he took a pushbike ad he hit a wall and we had to take him to the hospital.

We went to a student pub when we left the hospital and the evening, or early morning ended there. I drove home to Båstad the day after and our first year at the Navigation School on Kvarnberget had come to an end and I had a few days of summer holiday before joining M/S Nordic Link on the 7th of June.

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