Aladdin's adventure in Tanzania - July 2014

Wednesday 23 rd of July 2014 and they called me at 6 o'clock. I have one hour to get ready as they will be here to pick me up at 7 o'clock. I had made a major investment in tea for my room. But as I burnt my throat on the “super” hot spaghetti yesterday I could not drink any hot tea. Well, I could hardly eat my black bread either because of the pain.

I will always ask for water with my food from now on even if I'm drinking hot tea with my meal. I was in the reception at 7 o'clock and no sign of any Guide. I went outside to have a look and the Guide came towards me, I think my new uniform gave me away. There was a Chinese girl at the terrace having breakfast

She laughed and held up a ball looking like a globe.
- Look look!!
I don't understand what she said, but I think it was my new uniform making her laugh and I gave her the internationally recognized sign for “you are retarded”
OK, I must admit that I was feeling a wee bit uneasy in my new uniform. My Guide told me that people would most likely think I was the Guide and that he was the tourist.

Never mind, we took off towards Mikumi National Park and I grew to like my new uniform more and more by the minute. Very comfortable.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Leaving Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Leaving Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We stop at an ATM

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
My Guide

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We stop to buy Aspirin and mosquito repellent

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We stop to buy Aspirin and mosquito repellent

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We stop to buy Aspirin and mosquito repellent

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We stop to buy Aspirin and mosquito repellent

I had no cash and as there is no ATM at the Mikumi National Park we had to stop somewhere on the way. I also asked my Guide to stop so I could buy some Aspirin.

I asked my Guide about Malaria, and to have malaria in Tanzania is like a common cold in Sweden. My Guide didn't remember how many times he had have malaria. So I decided to buy some mosquito repellent as well.

We stopped after an hour or so and I was soon having cash and we continued and we stopped to buy the aspirin and mosquito repellent. There as a lady carrying a baby in the drug store. She broughtout a bucket of Aspirin and she asked how many tablets I wanted to have. I saw the bucket and I thought that it can be anything gin these tablets, baby powder? Maybe, but I told her I wanted 6 tablets.

I got a whole bag and the bag was marked 2x3 and I wondered what this was. Well, I can always forget the tablets in the car.

We were soon on the way again. The road was terrible the first two hours or so. New pavement and they had been driving before the new asphalt had become cold and it was like driving in Canals. Tracks on the roads and it was not easy to get out of the tracks.

We saw many accidents, mostly trucks that had been hitting other trucks. And by the look of it several people had been killed. My Guide told me it happens during the night when the drivers falls asleep. Yes, this road is not a road I would like to drive down while sleeping.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing under a railway

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A truck is off the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Here we can see how the pavement looks like it is running out from the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing a village

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing a village

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Stopping at a road side restaurant

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
There is a souvenir shop next to the restaurant

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
The cookies are behind bars

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
I don't expect much for dinner and breakfast so I buy some Digestive

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
My Guide drinking coffee

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
They want a picture with Dr Livingstone before we leave

My Guide asked me if I would mind stopping for a while so he could have some coffee. No problem and we stopped around 10 o'clock. It was a road side restaurant/ bar/ coffee shop and there was a souvenir shop next door. They had some nice stuff, but I don't have space for any souvenirs in my bags. I went back in to the road side restaurant/ bar/ coffee shop. They had some kind of convenient store behind bars. It was only cookies and potato chips.

I was also hungry and I bought a bottle of water and a pack of chocolate chip cookies. I was thinking about our dinner and breakfast tomorrow. I don't expect much, actually, I didn't expectAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkto be able to eat any of the food they had in the middle of the bush. So I bought 2 packs of Digestive, one for dinner and one for breakfast.

When we left one of the girls wanted a picture of me. He brother was soon showing up.
- I want to be your Brother in law
We took a few pictures and we were soon on our way towards the Mikumi National Park again. They called from Authentic Tanzania Safaris and they told me that I had a room at Tan-Swiss Restaurant & lodge. Where I was originally booked and as soon as I had paid they told me Tan-Swiss was full and that I had toAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkstay at Genesis or something like that.

They had told me something about a 300 US dollars hotel and I told my Guide that I would buy him dinner there tonight as I expected this to be an extravagant hotel with a restaurant worth every penny.

Actually, I was hungry and just thinking about this “fine” restaurant made me want to cancel the safari and go straight to the hotel. Well, I have my diet to think about. We were soon stopped by the Police, speed limit 50km/h and he showed us the radar:
Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park66 Km/h and this was a 30,000 wooden money fine.

But as my Guide said, it would be 10,000 wooden money without the receipt. From now on there were Police every five kilometre or so, and the cars we met warned us and we warned the cars we met when we had passed a Police control.

Everyone knows about this and the Police have to give their boss money from this speed tickets. Even the President know about this. My Guide told me that the President had told the Police not to disturb the tourists as we're very important for the country.

Never mind how important I am, we were stopped in every Police control, and that's even though we didn't speed after the first time we were stopped. Much thanks to all the warnings we got from traffic we met.
- Where are you going?
- I don't know, ask my Boss, the driver said

Looking at the driving licence and more questions and we could go again. What a pointless exercise.Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National ParkI took a picture of one Police when he stopped us and he spotted my camera even if we were far away. He was a wee bit upset and he told me it was forbidden to take pictures of “military things”
Yet another Smiley on Yeah-yeah Blah-blah YAWN!

This is corruption in the open. Well, this is how the Police makes their money in this part of the world. One time a Police woman asked me what I thought of Tanzania.
- Very nice, except for the Police stopping us every 10 minutes.
She didn't answered and she left and we were soon on our way again.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
2 trucks in a head on - One must have had oranges, it smelled of oranges when we passed

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Well, there are oranges all over the wreck

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Well, there are oranges all over the place

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Well, there are oranges all over the place

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
People along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Houses along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing yet another village

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
The police is busy along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Selling BBQ goat along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Malima tribe or something like that

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
More houses

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A Shepard waiting to cross the road with his herd

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Bus head on with a truck - Now you know why I don't like to go by bus

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing a destroyed bridge

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing a destroyed bridge - Destroyed last raining season

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing a destroyed bridge - Destroyed last raining season

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Colourful ladies along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Colourful ladies along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Colourful ladies along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Colourful ladies along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Colourful ladies along the road

I told my driver that the Tanzanian women were like Indian women, very colourful. Indian guys are gloomy and grey but the women dresses in the most beautiful colours. OK, the Tanzanian menAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkdresses a wee bit more colourful than the Indians. But it was nice to see the Tanzanian women in their colourful dresses. Of course, not all of them wore colourful dresses.

My Guide stopped so I could take pictures of some colourful women selling tomatoes. I got out of the car, well, it was like falling out of the car. There is no shoulders on the road and as soon as you keep on the side to park the car is leaning over to the side.

I didn't want to embarrass the women so I walked back and I took a picture of our jeep. I turned the camera towards the ladies and everybody started to scream.

They anted money to be on the pictures and I was soon having the whole village screaming at me from the other side of the road. My Guide told me it would be better to take the pictures whileAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkpassing in the car.

We passed a bus that had smashed in to a truck in the oncoming lane. A perfect reason why I avoid going by buss in third world countries like Tanzania and Thailand. I pay 830 US Dollars for my tour to the Mikumi National Park with Authentic Tanzania Safaris. I could have done it with a wee bit above 100$.

But then I would have had to sit in a small local bus. Now I have my own car, room and everything booked and I just enjoy the trip. And the Guide was a very nice guy. Like me interested in the animals since he had been in the park as a young child. And he get 200$ per day so it is no slavery.

Suddenly we pass the border to the park. I have never been to safari before and I was disappointed. The “highway ” passed through the Mikumi National Park. My Guide told me that we would reach the entrance to the gaming park in 20 or 30 kilometres.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We were soon having Impalas running next to us
The impala (Aepyceros melampus) is a medium-sized African antelope.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Yellow Baboons on the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Yellow Baboons on the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Giraffes along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Elephants and Giraffes along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Elephants and Giraffes along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Giraffes along the road

We had passed the park boundary and it didn't take long before we were surrounded by Impalas and yellow Baboons. We could see plenty Elephants and Giraffes in the distance. This is not how I had imagined the safari. Trucks plunging down the road in 100 through the park.

But this was not the gaming park. We would soon come to the gaming park. I remember when
Game reserves

are areas of land set aside for conservation purposes. Many game reserves are located in Africa. Most are open to the public, and tourists commonly take sightseeing safaris.

A game reserve is more than just a piece of land or a place to keep wildlife; it is a place where ecosystems are protected and conservation is a key. Indigenous wildlife in its natural habitat makes for an ideal situation as this helps in providing an environment where growth in numbers at a natural rate can occur.

Some game reserves boast more than one ecosystem, sometimes even five, ranging from valley bushveld, savannah grassland and fynbos to riverine forest and acacia woodland; this provides a dramatic improvement on the types of wildlife that are present and the numerous species of birds that thrive on in these environments

The biggest attraction is the Big Five game (Africa) - rhinoceros, elephant, buffalo, leopard and Lion, named so because of the difficulty in hunting them and not their size, which is why the leopard is on the list and the hippopotamus is not.

South Africa is the most popular safari destination in the world today. Photo Safari is the term more commonly used for game reserves as it makes a point that no hunting is involved.

The Kruger National Park remains South Africa's most iconic game reserve and is a national park. It is the largest. The Addo Elephant National Park is the second largest game reserve in South Africa and is also a national park.

From Wikipedia
Authentic Tanzania Safaris sent me the itinerary for the safari.

Authentic Tanzania Itinerary: Mikumi Safari
Day 2
After breakfast have morning game drive before return to Dar with your Authentic Tanzania driver.

I sent them an email:
Dear Aladdin,
Thank you for your e mail, Game means Game drives when you go and search for Animals in the Park...

Yes, I felt like an idiot, but I learned something.

Well, anyway, Authentic Tanzania Safaris have been very nice and accommodating. Good service and I would recommend this company if you ever come to Tanzania. And if you're going for a Game Drive I can recommend the Guide Henry that I had. He was very good and he spoke very good English. And he told you everything you want to know.

I have never been to safari before, well, LEGOLAND’s foocking safari and Bangkok Zoo. Bangkok Zoo is a very sad place. But we are having Elephants, Giraffes, Impalas and yellow Baboons around us and it felt normal as soon as I thought about the Swedish wild life. We haveAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkmosses and deer’s running around on the roads in Sweden and no one would come up with the stupid idea NOT TO CALL them wild animals just because you're sitting in your car.

And Giraffes, a very beautiful animal and I have always wonder: Wått's dö madderfakking diil? I have only seen sad Giraffes at Zoos were they have lost their fur and they look black or grey. Here in the wild they have a fantastic fur and they are really beautiful.

We were soon reaching the gate to the gaming park. We turned right and we left the big road. We had to pay for a 24 hours pass to the park. It was around 1 o'clock and the park close at 18 thirty. So we will be up early tomorrow morning to continue the game drive.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Entrance to Mikumi National Park Gaming Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We're not alone - No worries, the park is more than 3000km³

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
They could not believe their eyes when Dr. Foocking Livingstone came around the corner

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Let's get this foocking show on the road!

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Let's get this foocking show on the road!

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We enter Mikumi National Park Gaming Park

Yes, it took a while to get rid of the LEGOLAND Safari feeling. Bangkok Zoo and you drive around a pound, this gaming park is more than 3000km³. The biggest is more than 24,000km³. The Lions are very hard to see as they hide, but my Guide had got a tip and he asked if we could take the lunch later so we could go to see if we could spot the Lions.
- Foock the lunch!

I had found out that the 300US $ hotel was not what I had expected, at least the restaurant. My Guide told me there was a restaurant at the park entrance. Well, I decided to go for the Digestive and water. My Guide was not hungry, anyway, he was more interested in the Lions.

We passed the place where the Lions had been spotted but we could not see them. My Guide wanted to get off the dust road. We met another car and a bus. We had to wait for them to disappear before we could get off road. As soon as the other cars were gone my Guide put the car in 4 wheel drive mood and we left the dust road.Not allowed

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Chinese tourists are coming down the dirt road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Chinese tourists are coming down the dirt road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Chinese tourists are coming down the dirt road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
They will for sure not come off road to see any Lions

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
They leave so we can get off road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
But first we open the roof

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Opening the roof

But before we went off road my Guide crawled back to open the roof so I could stand up duringAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkthe gaming drive. We are not allowed to leave the car in this area. Well, reminds me of a story about a guy getting out of the car at a safari.

He was attacked by Lions and they killed and ate the guy, all this while his children watched it from the car. Well, anyway, no chance for me to “slide” to the back and I went out and in to the back very quickly and we left the road.

Just another reason why cheap is not always best. Yes, I could have done the trip on 100 US$, saving a lot of money. Well, theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcheapest would have been to stay home. Yeah, going cheap with a guide pointing out in the blue while plunging down theAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkdust road in 120
- And to the left...
- ????
- ... and to the right...
- ???
- ???
- OK, the tour is over!
- ???

We left the road and we approached the bushes. The Lions like to stay in the shade and they are very hard to see. And it was not very comfortable to ride the Jeep on ordinary roads. And it was for sure not any better going off road.

But the jeep made it through the terrain and we were soon passing the bushes. The driver asked if IAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkcould see any Lions.
- No

We stopped next to the bushes and we could not see anything and we continued a few meters forward. I could see foock all. My Guide was suddenly pointing next to us.
- There is a Lion

I looked and it took me a while before I could see the Lion in the bush. If he had not pointed to the Lion I would never had seen it.

It was a baby Lion and that means there must be a big Lion nearby.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A baby Lion

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We continue a few more meters

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We get a better view of the baby Lion

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We get a better view of the baby Lion

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We get a better view of the baby Lion

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We get a better view of the baby Lion

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Mama Lion, very hard to see

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Mama Lion, very hard to see

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Can you see the Lion? Almost impossible

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We're leaving the Lions for new adventures

We drove to a water hole, well, there were two water holes next to each others. One have hippos and they spend their whole life in the pond, except for the nights when they leave the pond to go toAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkfind grass to eat. There were also crocodiles. The first pond had big crocodiles and in the small pond we saw around 10 small crocodiles.

The crocodiles also walks around during the nights, changing ponds. The small crocodiles eat fishes and the bigger crocodiles eat animalsAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkcoming to drink water. In Tanzania they have the Nile crocodile, the biggest of 3 kinds of Crocodiles found in Africa. My Guide told me that the Crocodile could live without food for more than a year. They can live on one kilogram of meat per day, and they can spend months and even one yearAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkwithout any food.

But they usually eat as much as they can if they find a good source of food, because they don't know when the next big meal will show up at the water hole.

And while waiting they are laying in the sunshine enjoying them self. My Guide told me that a lion can eat and then they can live for a week without eating. And they like to spend the time sleeping in the shadow and thus it is hard to spot the Lions. But weAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkhave been lucky.

Now we will have a look for crocodiles and the hippos. Well, the hippos is a 100% sure ting as they live in the same water holeAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkthe whole life.

We started at water hole #1 and we saw 3 big crocodiles and they had obviously been eating as they were sunbathing showing no interest in anything. There was one big crocodile lurking in the water with only the nose sticking up in the water.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A Crocodile enjoying the sunshine

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
2 Crocodiles enjoying the sunshine

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A Crocodile lurking in the water

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A Crocodile enjoying the sunshine

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A Crocodile enjoying the sunshine

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Moving over to the Hippo pool - A Hippo enjoying the sunshine

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Our Hero exploring Africa's wildlife

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Chinese Tourists

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Our Heroes exploring Africa's wildlife

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A Hippo enjoying the sunshine

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Hippos and they have a baby Hippo

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A young Crocodile

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
In this picture - 4 young Crocodiles

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Yet another young Crocodile

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
There were plenty young Crocodiles

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A Hippo

As soon as we saw the first young Crocodile we started to see plenty of the young crocodiles, maybe 40 cm long. There will be many Crocodiles in the Mikumi National Park in the future. But IAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkfind it hard that there are Crocodiles in the middle of Africa far away from big lakes and rivers.

But as my Guide said, they are traveling during the night looking for new water holes. There was one baby hippo that we could see, good. They were about to die out a few years back when they had a severe draught. Many of them died and afterAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkthat they built higher walls around the water holes to help the animals.

Well, strange weather, we're in the middle of the dry season and all the creeks in the park are dry. But it is very cloudy and we have some rain drops at times.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A beautiful blue and pink bird

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We continues deeper in to Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We continues deeper in to Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We continues deeper in to Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
There were plenty of the beautiful blue and pink birds

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Giraffes, what a beautiful animal in the free
Passing Giraffes and they are looking at us and their heads reminds me about Ostrich

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Giraffes, what a beautiful animal in the free
Passing Giraffes and they are looking at us and their heads reminds me about Ostrich

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A big black bird

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
The blue and pink bird are beautifully blue when flying

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing Elephants

We continued deeper in to the Mikumi National Park but we never saw any more Lions. We sawAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkplenty beautiful Giraffes and I like the best to see them walking in a row in the horizon. Looks like a row of moving trees. We saw Gnus and there are plenty Impalas in the park.

There were water buffalos and baboons. Plenty Zebras and elephants. And it was fun to drive around even if we didn't saw any animals as the park was very beautiful and it was nice to beAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkin the middle of nowhere.

Could have been more comfortable in the jeep, but these dust roads are not comfortable to drive on. And we had been driving around for almost 5 hours when we decided to go to find our hotel. The park closed at 18 thirty and it was around 6 o'clock when we decided to leave. We were both hungry as we had have nothing to eat but a few Digestive biscuits.

We had been hungry all day long, but the excitement made us forget the hunger. But now it was too much and I was hopingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat they had some nice food at the Tan-Swiss lodge and restaurant. I really don't care to experience the Swiss dining in Hua Hin again.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Baboons eating in the tree

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Baboon with a baby

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Baboon with a baby

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We're driving and driving

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Water Buffalo - One of the dangerous animals with Hippo, Crocodile and Lion

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Safari Ants

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We're crossing a bridge over a dry creek

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

We also saw Safari Ants, we came down the dust road when we saw a black thing coming over the road. My Guide gave way for them and he told me it was Safari Ants out looking for food. ThereAladdin's adventure at Tan-Swizz Lodge and restaurant in Mikumi National Parkare soldiers protecting the workers and 3 leaders keeping the group together. And I have never seen bigger ants.

And according to my Guide they had a nasty bite.

Well, we left the park and I was almost falling asleep in the car after a full day of action. Tired and hungry so we went to eat as soon as I got my room. My bed is surrounded by mosquito net and I greased myself up with half of my bottle of mosquito repellent before going for dinner. I don't want malariaAladdin's adventure at Tan-Swizz Lodge and restaurant in Mikumi National Parkeven if they considerYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stit as a common cold here.

I was pleasantly surprised by my room, it was a nice hotel and the food in the restaurant. I had Weinerschnitsel and a plate of Älpenmakaronen. 2 Snickers bars that I ate with fork and knife as George Constanta in Seinfeld.

It was around 8 o'clock when I went to my room, my plan was to check out my pictures. But I was soon asleep too tired to do anything. A few minutes watching a movie on the TV and I was sleeping on top of the blanket.

Thursday 24 th of July 2014
and I woke up just before 7 o'clock when they knocked on the door toAladdin's adventure at Tan-Swizz Lodge and restaurant in Mikumi National Parkwake me up. We will leave for the gaming drive at Mikumi National Park at 8 o'clock.

A hot shower, it was freezing cold and I never used the AC. Should have got under the blanket though. But I had enough sleep and I felt good.

The breakfast was not bad, well, still pain in my throat after the hot spaghetti and I could not enjoy my tea. But I enjoyed some Spanish omelette and bacon. My Guide arrived just before 8 and I hardlyAladdin's adventure at Tan-Swizz Lodge and restaurant in Mikumi National Parkrecognised him as he had shaved his head.

It took us about 20 minutes to drive to the game park and we had decided to start at the last water hole we had been at yesterday.

We didn't see any animals there yesterday but there are usually animals coming down to drink around 10 o'clock in the morning.

We opened the roof in the jeep and I took my stand in the back and we entered the park full of anticipations.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A lone Elephant bull

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A lone Elephant bull

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We met another jeep stopped to watch Giraffes

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

We passed elephants and Giraffes on the way to the water hole. We also passed an Elephant bull. The male Elephants are walking by themselves and the Females and children walk in groups. The maleAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkchildren leave the group when that are grown up.

Ad as I understand it the female group stay together the whole life.

There were no animals at the waterhole when we came there, well, there was a Crocodile laying in the mud. But we saw the ears on some Elephants in the high grass. And it looked like they were coming towards the water hole. So we decided to stay.

The Elephants were soon coming down to the water and there was a very young baby in the group. The baby was drinking milk from the mother, but she is also drinking water from the pond.

This morning started good.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A second group of Elephants arriving

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A second group of Elephants arriving
And we can see that there are Elephants of all ages by the size in the group

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
The first group go to say hello to the second group

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We can see the Crocodile

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
They want to make more Elephants

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We leave for the waterhole with Hippos

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We leave for the waterhole with Hippos

There were soon a second group of elephants coming to the water hole. The first group went to say hello to them before they continued drinking. We could see a group of 4 Elephants coming through the high grass and when the 3rd group came to the waterhole. They were soon chased away by theAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkother Elephants.

When the first group left the water the third group came back and when the Elephants left it looked like the three groups left together. There was a big Elephant bull coming to the water hole.

Looked like the three groups were socializing before they split up, 2 Elephants were about to mate and all the Elephants started to blow their trunks and it was a terrible noise. Well, terrible is not the word to describe it. It was loud and it was fun to watch the Elephants.

My Guide was excited and he said that we had been very lucky. We saw 2 other groups of ElephantsAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkapproaching, but no Giraffes. I really wanted to see a Giraffe drinking and we left for the Hippo pool to try our luck.

The two water holes where empty, we did not even bother stopping at the first water hole. We had the Hippos and some small Crocodiles. But no Giraffes drinking. We decided to go back to the water hole where we had seen the Elephants.

If there was any interesting animals near by we would stop, otherwise we would left and return to Dar es Salaam. There was no animals when we passed the water hole. Well, when we left there was a few Zebras and now there were plenty Zebras waiting for the courage to drink water.

They are scared for the Lions lurking in the high grass. Well, we left the game park. It have been fun, but it will be nice to get back to Holiday Inn in Dar es Salaam.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Baboons eating fruit in the tree and the Impalas eating the fruit falling down

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Baboons eating fruit in the tree and the Impalas eating the fruit falling down

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A baby Giraffe running away when we're coming

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A baby Giraffe running away when we're coming

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Water buffaloes in the grass

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Water buffaloes in the grass

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We are ready with the safari and time to return to Dar es Salaam

We left Mikumi National Park around 11 o'clock and we expected to be in Dar es Salaam around 5 o'clock or so. I had asked Authentic Tanzania Safaris to set up a tour to Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar andAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkthe Victoria Falls. But I didn't manage to connect to the internet at Tan-Swiss this morning.

So I didn't had any information. We called Authentic Tanzania Safaris and Victoria Falls was a tour that I had to cancel.

We had to leave in the morning and to come back the day after in the evening. DARN! If they had kept the original schedule with Roy Maersk had had been able to do it.

I could cancel Zanzibar, but I really wanted to go see Zanzibar as well, and that is two days. IAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkwas really looking forward to see Vanilla and Cinnamon on Zanzibar

I asked them to see if they could find an evening flight to Victoria Falls and to return in the evening the day after.

Kilimanjaro, well, it didn't sound too exciting. There was too much “visiting” cave museum, souvenir and leather shop and local markets. And to look at a banana tree, no thanks. I only want to see the mountain and a one day trip.

Authentic Tanzania Itinerary: Kilimanjaro Trip

Detailed breakdown of your Safari:
Day 1
Catch a flight from Dar to Kilimanjaro Airport (time to be confirmed). After arriving transfer to Mountain Inn, leave excess luggage and proceed from Moshi to Marangu village. Your day can include visiting banana and coffee farms / visiting the chagga cave museum / traditional lunch (or optional lunch box) and local brewed banana beer (Mbege) / local market (Monday and Thursdays) / Waterfalls (Kiasiya or Moonjo or Kunukamori or Ndoro) / Kilimanjaro view point and more. Mid to late afternoon drive back to Moshi. Dinner and overnight Mountain Inn

Day 2
Breakfast. Drive to Moshi town centre with our driver-guide, visiting local market, souvenir shops, leather factory, other local points of interest. Later transfer to Kilimanjaro airport in time for departing flight.
This is a trip I will cancel

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
My Guide stops to buy tomatoes

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
My Guide stops to buy tomatoes

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
My Guide stops to buy tomatoes

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
My Guide stops to buy tomatoes

My Guide stopped to buy tomatoes and he suggested that i should take the opportunity to take some pictures. Well, it didn't take long before I had all of them around the car screaming:
Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park- SHILLING SHILLING!!!

I don't know where all the people came from, but suddenly there was people coming out from the bushes screaming, yes, SHILLING SHILLING!!!

It was women and children selling the tomatoes and I don't know where all the men where. Most likely sleeping in the bushes, but now they sprung in to action.

My Guide bought a bucket of tomatoes and we took off towards Dar es Salaam. I had seen a few old style cow shit and mud huts when we drove to Mikumi National Park.

I asked my Guide if we could stop for a few pictures when we passed them. We kept a look out for the huts but we never saw them again. There were plenty box shaped houses made of branches and cow shit mixed withAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkmud. But I didn't wanted a picture of a box shaped hut, the roundAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkone or nothing.

I was soon falling asleep and I woke up when we passed over a bridge. I had been sleeping almost 12 hours non-stop during the night but it was no problem to fallAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkasleep in the car.

And I must have been very tired because it was not comfortable to ride in the off road jeep. I continued to look out for the huts when I woke up.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing dwellings on the way back to Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing dwellings on the way back to Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing dwellings on the way back to Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing dwellings on the way back to Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
Passing dwellings on the way back to Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A long way to go to Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A Shepard waiting to take his animals across the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
BBQ along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
BBQ along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
BBQ along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
BBQ along the road

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
A man from the Mali tribe or something like that

We passed the BBQ people and I asked my Guide if it was a special uniform they wore for selling the BBQ. They were all wrapped in a red blanket. My Guide told me that this was the Mali (or something like that) tribe and they always wore this outfit.

No sign of any round cow shits house and it started to get boring. Going to the Mikumi NationalHoliday Inn in Dar es SalaamPark and it was all excitements. Now I was only looking forward to Holiday Inn and the bed in my room.

We passed the two trucks that I crashed with the oranges. The trucks wereAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkstill on the road, all the other trucks we had seen going to the Mikumi National Park were removed. We were making good speed as the roads to Dar es Salaam was almost empty. But the oncoming lane was full of trucks and it looked like it would take a long time to get back to Mikumi National Park.

It was soon starting to rain and it was quite heavy rain even though it was in the middle of the dry season. We were passing the mountains when the rain started and we were going uphill when we passed a guy leading a bicycle loaded with sugar cane. My Guide stopped to buy some sugar cane.

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We stop and wait for the guy with the sugar canes

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
My Guide buys sugar canes

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
I'm taking pictures of the mountains while my Guide buys sugar cane

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
I'm taking pictures of the mountains while my Guide buys sugar cane

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
The truck wreck is still there

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
The truck wreck is still there

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
The truck wreck is still there

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
The truck wreck is still there

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We don't stop to take pictures this time

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We don't stop to take pictures this time

Aladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Park
We don't stop to take pictures this time

I had a meeting with Authentic Tanzania Safaris at my hotel when we would be back at Holiday Inn. At first we thought that we would be there around 4, but I said 5 o'clock. We were haulingAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkarse, at least until we reached Morogoro. After that we had heavy traffic and we expected a long journey.

But the traffic was soon light again, but it took longer than expected. And we were still far away from Dar es Salaam when it was 4 o'clock. And no sign of any round cow shit huts. But by now I had given up the idea. And I wasAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkhungry, could not wait to get back to the restaurant at my hotel. I bought 2 packs of Digestive yesterday and we had opened one of the packs yesterday.

But half the pack was remaining and we finished the Digestive. My Guide reached for the empty pack and I told him that we had one more pack in the back. Well, we never stopped for more Digestive and this was probably good for my diet.

We were soon approaching Dar es Salaam and the traffic picked up. By now it was around 4 thirty but we will notAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkmake it to Holiday Inn in time.

We were stopping in the first intersection and there was a Police directing the traffic. No traffic light and I had not seen many traffic lights in Dar es Salaam.

I told my Guide that the job to direct the traffic must be some kind of demotion.
- No chance to ask for money from the drivers
- Well, they are just here for a few hours, then they are off to grab as much money they can.

Well, then the air quality is not the best in the intersection. The traffic in our direction was not moving at all and now it was more than 5 o'clock. And I was getting impatient, BIG time. Why the foock aren't we moving. I was imagine myself in the restaurant and the shower and in my bed.

I had countless opportunities to take pictures of colourful and beautiful African women. The carryAladdin's adventure with Authentic Tanzania Safaris in Mikumi National Parkthings on your head, well, at least they are looking beautiful when carrying the stuff on the head.

And when thinking off it, I only think I have seen 1 man carry things on his head since I arrived to Tanzania. Well, carry things on your head and you have to walk with straight back and head up. looking like a bag of potato is not going to make it.
And maybe this is a good exercise, to walk with something on your head, no need to be heavy. Just to keep a straight back. Will do a lot to improve your posture.

Aladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Approaching Dar es Salaam

Aladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Police busy in the first intersection

Aladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Police busy in the first intersection

Aladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Selling stuff along the road

Aladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Aladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
We have passed the first intersection

Aladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Traffic Police in the second intersection

We came to the second intersection and the traffic was at a full stop. A female Police trying to keep order in the intersection. And she foocked up BIG time! I'm not a traffic Police and I don't know how to do the job. But this one, even a baby could see that this was going to go bad. She had traffic coming from our left side coming in to the intersection. At the same time she had cars coming from our right side going head on to the cars from our left side.

Didn't take long before everything was foocked up. And when we finally passed the intersection I saw that there were 3 traffic Police directing the traffic in the intersection, and they could not see each other.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThis was, well, I don't know what to say.

The guy from Authentic Tanzania Safaris are waiting for me in the reception and we go to my room to plan my next adventures. I cancelled Kilimanjaro and he would have a look if I could go toAladdin's adventure in Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaVictoria Falls leaving in the evening coming back next evening having spent one day at Victoria Falls.

Well, I will leave for Zanzibar early tomorrow morning and prepared my laundry. I discovered that they had a special price for Safari Suits, so there is something called safari suites! Well, they had been impressed by my safari suit and hat when I returned from Mikumi National Park

Bell boys, Waitresses and the girls in the reception screamed at me
- OH, handsome. Very nice safari suit!
- You look good. Very nice safari suit!

Well, of course, I looked like an adventurer in my hat and safari suit. I had my dinner and I was soon off to me bed. Wake up call tomorrow morning at 7 and the guy from Authentic Tanzania Safaris will be here to pick me up at 8 o'clock and bring me to the ferry to Zanzibar.

Ferry and airplane is the same price and I wanted to fly. But I was concerned after my Grand Canyon adventure. It is a 13 or 18 seater plane or something like that. I asked if they could get me on an almost empty plane.
- I will check
- If it is full I take the ferry!

The plane operator could not guarantee something and we went for the ferry. OK, so this will be fun, off to Zanzibar tomorrow! Yipppeee! So HANG on!

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