OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Sunday 29 th of June 2014 and I woke up with a feeling that I had not had in a long time, the dreaded hangover. I ripped open a bottle of water and I really hope that they can make wonders atDavid Copperfield at MGM Grand in Las Vegas - June 2014Hangover Heaven. I will be off to see David Copperfield at MGM Grand tonight and I really don't fancy sitting there with a hangover.

250 Dollars and it can turn out to be worth every cent spent. I booked the full package at Hangover Heaven before I left for Hyde at Bellagio. They will come to pick me up at the hotel 2 o'clock today. 250 Dollars for a trip to the Hangover Heaven.

250 Dollars, expensive? Well, even if it doesn’t help it is a part of the Las Vegas experience. And no matter where it would have been. A Hangover Heaven is something that I would have liked to have tried. Some people like to try bungee jump

I lost 110 Dollars gambling, well, also part of the Las Vegas experience. So 250 Dollars for the Hangover Heaven is like spending 250 Dollars on a Las VegasHangover Heaven in Las Vegasshow or a souvenir.

So The Hangover Heaven and losing money gambling are my souvenirs, waste of money? Is Disneyland aHangover Heavenwaste of money?

For me Disneyland is a waste of money and Hangover Heaven is not a waste of money, I never expect them to cure my hangover, but the experience. PRICELESS!

But 534 dollars for a helicopter tour to Grand Canyon. They deduct the money from myHangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014AMEX then they call me and tell me that they need one of those Russian SUPER army transport helicopters to get me to the Grand Canyon, well, that is what I call a scam. As me friend said.
- TOO BIG!!!?? IN USA!!!!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Well, I will spend the day in bed waiting for Hangover Heaven to come pick me up.

The hangover wasn't that bad, but I remember from back in the days when I was partying that it will not get bad untilevening. They called me from Hangover Heaven at 13 thirty to give me 30 minutes notice. I had a shower and I went down to meet theHangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014shuttle bus from Hangover heaven so I could go get my hangover cure. The shuttle bus from Hangover Heaven arrived exactly 2 o'clock.

I saw them coming up towards the hotel and I went to meet them. I really didn't feel for having the shuttle bus with HANGOVER HEAVEN all over the side to comeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stall the way to the hotel entrance. Millions of people and I didn't mind being a wee bit incognito so I sneaked down to the shuttleHangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014bus and we were soon on the way towards Hangover Heaven's clinic.

The driver said hello and asked how I was.
- Where are we going? I asked
- OK, I see your point

We passed one of those trucks driving around with ads on the back. David Copperfield and I will go straight to MGM Grand to see the David Copperfield show after the Hangover Heaven. And I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be cured from my hangover before going to the show.

We approached the Hangover Heaven and itHangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014was just a few minutes away from Caesars Palace. We parked outside theclinic and I turned cartwheels in to the reception. I was full of anticipation.

I had to fill up a form and I was right off to the treatment room. I was soon hooked up to oxygen and a girl came with a tablet. I had to ask her if I could pass a drug test after taking the tablet.
- No problem

One guy gave me a B vitamin shot while one guy prepared the IV. I got my B vitamin shot and when I was hooked up to the IV I had to answer another form. How do you feel and blah-blah

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
We're approaching Hangover Heaven's clinic

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
Arriving to Hangover Heaven's clinic

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
Arriving to Hangover Heaven's clinic

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
For serious cases

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
I have to fill up a form to register at the Hangover Heaven clinic

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
Treatment room at Hangover Heaven

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
I'm hooked up to oxygen first thing

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
I get a B vitamin injection

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
Liquid for my IV

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
Preparing for my IV

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
Preparing for my IV

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
Hooked up to the IV

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
I have to answer yet another form

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
They promise to cure me in 1 hour

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
They promise to cure me in 1 hour

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
Checking my heart

Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014
I got a bag of vitamins before I left

I was ready after about one hour. They checked my blood pressure and it had increased to 162/Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 201480 something. I was worried but they told me that this was normal after having got several litres of IV in to my blood.
Hangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014

There was a girl and a guy waiting for me to bring me back to Caesars Palace. They were preparing an emergency box that they would bring with them. They were going to cureHangover Heaven in Las Vegas - June 2014some hangovers at one of the hotels as soon as they had dropped me at my hotel.

I don't know if I had been cured from my hangover but at least I was in a good mood. It had been fun at the Hangover Heaven. I stopped at the restaurant in the reception for a Chinese Chicken Salad, I have almost had nothing else to eat in Las Vegas and I was pleasantly surprised.

I had expected myself to eat ice cream and a lot of other “not so good” stuff. So I have not gained any weight, at least not much. But it will be nice to come back home to my smoked salmon and fresh fruit.

I went for a shower after the Chinese chicken salad and my plan was to walk to MGM Gran and the David Copperfield show. The show would start at 7 and I needed to go to the Box Office to pick up my ticket. The doors will open at 6 thirty and I would like to have a snack before the show start.

Las Vegas Boulevard - June 2014
Walking to MGM Grand

Las Vegas Boulevard - June 2014
Walking to MGM Grand

I walked North on Las Vegas Boulevard towards MGM Grand and my hangover increased as IMGM Grand Hollywood Theatre in Las Vegas - June 2014remember the hangover to do from back in the days.

I found the BOX office and I got my ticket. I asked for an aisle seat but the guy in the Box office was at least to say not very helpful. I got my seat in the middle of the third row and I was off to look for a restaurant. I was told that there was a restaurant “Wolfpack” or something like that and I went to look for it.

I asked for something quick and the Waitress told me that the lasagne was pretty quick. I asked for a pot of tea and I was soon havingMGM Grand Hollywood Theatre in Las Vegas - June 2014the lasagne in front of me. And it was a very good lasagne

Actually, I think it was the best lasagne I have ever had. The food here in Las Vegas have been very good. Well, I have only had buffet 2 times at the hotel. Otherwise it have been the Chinese chicken salad everyday, except for the salmon plate the first day.

I was soon back at the Hollywood Theatre and I took my seat. There was not many people at the Hollywood Theatre whenMGM Grand Hollywood Theatre in Las Vegas - June 2014I entered and I was hoping for the seats next to me to be empty. But I realised that there would most likely be people coming to occupy the seats next to me.

There was soon a Waitress in front of me and I asked for smoothies. They had something they called slurp or something and I asked for a mango and a strawberry what ever they called it. And I made sure they were NON alcoholic.

My hangover got worse, but maybe not as bad as it used to be, but I could definitely feel that I had been drinking beerMGM Grand Hollywood Theatre in Las Vegas - June 2014yesterday. So I was really looking forward for them to turn off the light and start the show so I could hide in my seat.

But I was soon to give up all my hope. There were soon people coming to sitt next to me and there were soon a girl from the staff coming up to me. She asked me to stand up clapping my hands when David Copperfield did his last “trick”

He would disappear from the stage and he would appear in front of me.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
I could not believe my ears and I had to ask her to repeat what she had told me. David Copperfield would disappear from the stage and he would appear in front of me. And she told me that it will look good on pictures if I was standing up clapping my hands.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

This was for sure nothing I felt like doing. And please, next time sitting at a dinner table, try toMGM Grand Hollywood Theatre in Las Vegas - June 2014stand up without moving your chair. Impossible!

We were sitting on a sofa with a table. The table was covering our legs hanging over the sofa.

So unless you had legs that are less then 3cm thick it would be impossible to stand up.

And thank you for destroying the show. Now we know that David Copperfield will appear in front of us. Hollywood Theatre was full when the show started. We had got a wristband that we were told to put on. I had not put on my wrist band so when we were asked to rise our arms in the middle of the show they found out that I didn't wore my wrist band.

I was hiding behind my baseball cap pretending to sleep. I looked up under my cap and I looked straight in to a camera and I could hear David Copperfield.
- Can you hear me over the shirt?

I saw myself on the big screen on the stage and I asked the camera man to foock off. 2 times, but he refused. There was soon a girl coming with a new wristband. Hangover and a camera in my face and it was not easy to put on the wrist band.

It was a good show and I enjoyed the show when I was left alone, But it was nice when the showMGM Grand Hollywood Theatre in Las Vegas - June 2014was over and I could go back to my hotel.

They had been throwing balls and other stuff for random people to come up on the stage and I had been dodging everything coming my way.

But there had been no problem as all the others in the audience was happy to get up on the stage. When I bought the tickets I had asked for seats far back in the theatre. But the guy had told me that there would be no problem with “interactivity” in this show.

Penn & Teller in Las Vegas
Passing a bus with an ad for Penn & Teller. The last show I will see in Las Vegas on Tuesday night

Las Vegas Boulevard
On my way back home to the hotel

Caesars Palace
At Caesars Palace

I stopped at an Italian Restaurant at Caesars Palace before going back to my room for some sleep. I asked for a 6 o'clock wake up call tomorrow morning. It will be a long day going to Grand Canyon tomorrow. I read an e-mail from Mastercard just before going to bed. 5000 Dollars and this was to Caesars Palace. Every time Caesars Palace tried my Mastercard it was rejected, but it was approved in Sweden and they deducted 2500 Dollars every time they tried my card.

Well, this was a new experience for me. I was off to bed and we're looking forward to the adventure at Grand Canyon so hang on!


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