Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Saturday 4 th of January 2014 and my friend was knocking on my door at 11 o'clock. Time forAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNboxing and we expect the American girl to arrive between 12 and 1Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNo'clock. We got started in our squash hall and we did 10 rounds.

We completed the session, that had been full of larks and frolic with some stretching. By now it was almost one o'clock and no sign of the American girl.

We called our friend, he had called my friend yesterday and he wanted to drink beer. He lives South of Bangkok on the way to Hua Hin. My friend didn't want to drink beer yesterday, but today it is Saturday and he gave it a go.

We went back to my apartment to wait for the American girl and I wasAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhappy with today’s session. It started bad with me wanting to throw up and it must have been something I had beenYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.steating. But I felt better after a few rounds.

My friend had to call his wife for permission to play with his friend, me and the American girl tonight. Well, she wasn't too happy about it. But it was OK and she will join us. I suggested a taxi, butYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stnow she will drive the car for us. No problem for me, my friend have a CD player in his car and I always have a TAXI CD ready for action. Now we only hope weAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdon't repeat the faux pas from our Bangkok - Pattaya adventure.

Still no sign off the American girl when I came out from the shower. I asked my friend if they had San Miguel Light where our friend lived. He thought so but just to make sure we went to buy a case of San7 Eleven in BangkokMiguel Lights at my local 7 Eleven.

The American girl called us on the way to 7 Eleven and she asked where I lived. She had sent SMS to me but as I never carry my phone I missed this. My friend explained to theAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmotor cycle taxi driver and we expect her to arrive soon.

We put the case of San Miguel Light in my fridge. My friend had bought food at 7 Eleven and he was half way through his food when the American girl arrived.

I'm not too impressed by the food at 7 Eleven, but this food smelled very good. Maybe because I was hungry, but the smell made me more hungry.

My friend finished his food and we took off towards Lumpini Park Stadium to buy new gloves for me and the American girl. We took my friends car and we left myAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNapartment behind with screamin' and smokin' tyres.

Saturday and there wasn't much traffic and we were soon reaching Lumpini stadium. We went in to one shop but they didn't have many gloves and as I was looking for a pair of BLACK 10oz gloves we had to go next door. They only had pink 10oz gloves, pink shoes are OK, but not pink boxing gloves.

The had much more to choose from next door and according to the American girl the TOP KING should be OK. I have used MUAY THAI so far, but the left glove is punched in to pieces after a few months. And I have destroyed severalAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNpairs already and I have nothing to lose trying theAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNTOP KING.

10oz was too small and I found a pair of black and red 12oz. I had been hoping for a pair of black ones, but a little red is never mind. The American girl found a pair of red gloves and we were soon onSuthep Thaugsubanour way back to my place.

And yes, I'm looking forward to use my new gloves on Monday when it is time to kick arse again. My Teacher left us at my apartment and he took off. We were going to meet him at the Southern bus station at 6 o'clockSuthep Thaugsubanwhere he will pick us up for transportation deep in to Suthep land, also known as yellow shirt land.

Will we make it back? I really hope we're not getting kidnapped and hold for ransom by the beautiful girls we can see on the pictures from Bangkok Guru below. Bangkok Guru ran these pictures back in 2008

From Bangkok Guru 2008
Five reasons why you should not support the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) - Red shirts:





I throw in a BONUS reason

And five reasons why you should support the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) - Yellow shirts:





We had just left my place in a taxi when our friend called, he wanted to change the time from 6 toAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN6 thirty. But as we were on our way we decided that we should go straight to his house in the taxi.

We had a very nice taxi driver and we were laughing all the way. The American girl was sleeping in the back while I was cracking joke with the driver. He was a red shirt, from deepest red land and things got a wee bit more serious when we passed the bridge over the river closer to yellow land. Well, just joking, at least for now there is no one shooting at each other. Except for the protest site around the Thai - Japanese stadium.

Let's hope it is not spreading around town. Well, we were approaching our friends village and the driver pissed himself laughingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhen I opened theAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwindow to ask a girl for directions.
- บ้านผีสิงอยู่ที่ไหน (Where is the haunted house?)

Our friend called to ask where we were when we stopped outside his house. We shifted the beer to his car and we took off to pick up another friend.

I had brought 2 TAXI CDs with me. I gave one to myfriend as he have learned to love Skånsk Hip Hop. He turned on the TAXI CD as soon as we had put his house behind us. And when we reached the highway he started with the beatboxing. He was actually so in to the beatboxing that he missed the exit to our friends hose and we had to continue until we found a U-turn bridge.

He was going back the other way until we found another U-turn bridge and we could get off at the right exit and we were soon at our friend's house. He was waiting for us, we just got out of the car to say helloYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto our friend's dad. Always important to be polite. We got back in to the car and we were soon back on the highway steering South towards Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai

The highways are pretty good here in Thailand and we were hauling arse and it didn't take long to reach Samut Sakhon. It took exactly 2 and a half beer to reach our friend's house in Mahachai.
Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
We're getting deeper and deeper in to yellow shirt land

I don't know, but many of the red shirts I have been spoken with say that when Thaksin was in power they got roads, phone and electricity to the villages outside Bangkok. True? Maybe, but IAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachairemember back in the days, when calling a village you had to call a phone box and they had to run to the next village to look for the one you wanted to talk to. And if they wanted to have a phone line they had to wait for a very long time to get the land line.

So they have better communications. Thanks’ to Thaksin or the mobile phone? Well, anyway, we reached our friend's house and we went to knock on the gate. Our friend came to open the gate, but before he could open the gate he had to lock up an angry dog that had been barking at us since we got out of the car. The dog didn't stop the barking, but he was behind lock when we entered the place.

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
We found our friend's house on the Google map
My friend came to pester me on Sunday afternoon, and he was surprised that I didn't had any hangover. But we found the place on the map

We said hello to our friend's mom, sister and wife as soon as we stepped inside. When this was
Traditional Thai Whiskey Pot a.k.a Lao Hai

La Hai is a traditional Thai whiskey that dates back centuries. The pot contains a blend of fermented yeast, rice husks and other special ingredients. The clay pot with moist mixture is then sealed and left to ferment a little more to increase in alcohol volume and taste. Once ready the clay pot top is removed and water is added, the pot is left to stand for a further 10-30 minutes before consuming. A special bamboo straw is then inserted through the rice husks and into the alcohol mix below. The drink is cloudy and tastes sweet, it's a pleasant and easy to drink beverage. The alcohol content ranges from 4% to 8% depending on the amount of water added. It can be refilled several times but gradually looses it taste and alcohol content.

Although hundreds of years old, Lao Hai is still sold and consumed in rural parts of Thailand to this day.

done our friend was brought out a clay pot. I never seen this before and this was something they drank in Isan, North EastAladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachaiof Thailand. I asked what they called it. Of course, I have forgotten it by now.

Actually I forgot it less than 2 minutes after he told me the second time.

Of course, I searched the internet and I saw an exact picture of the pot we drank from yesterday. Lao Hai is what they call it. When they opened the pot it looked like the pot was full of grass. They poured water in the pot and we tested the mix. Well, it was sweet and, well, San Miguel Light is better

Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
We have to use a hammer to open the pot

Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
We have to use a hammer to open the pot

Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
We have to use a hammer to open the pot

Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
Add water

Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
Drink and enjoy!
Well, I don't know about the enjoy part

Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
Drink and enjoy!
Well, I don't know about the enjoy part

Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
Drink and enjoy!
Well, I don't know about the enjoy part

They were soon giving up filling up the pot with water and they changed the water for beer. OurAladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachaifriend's mother brought snacks, I was hungry but as I'm on diet I just had the San Miguel Light.
Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai

But I had a sip or two from the pot every time the pot passed me. No thanks wasn't any option so I did myAladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachaibest to finish the pot so we could put the Lao Hai experience behind us.

I think the best use for the pot with Lao Hai is to give it away as a gift from Thailand. It can be fun (for one time only) to share a pot of Lao Hai when coming home from Thailand.
Aladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai
We finished the Lao Hai and we took off to Down Town Sakhon/ Mahachai to listen to music. There were a few places with live band and we got a table.

We wanted to sit at a table next to a table with beautiful girls. But this table wasAladdin's adventure with Lao Hai in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachaireserved and we had to sit else where. And there were a few of us and we had to put 2 tables together.

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai

I don't know what time we left the place, but I didn't allow my friend to drive. So his wife tookAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Samut Sakhon/ Mahachaithe seat behind the wheel and we left Samut Sakhon/ Mahachai bound for FUNKY TOWN.

I left the American girl at home and I continued to Sukhumvit Soi 107 to check out SOLID bar but they were closed and I went back to Sukhumvit Soi 23.

Well, I don't know what happened to Solid Bar, I checked internet and by the looks of it Solid have turned in to a boring sex club. So I can as well stay clear of Sukhumvit Soi 107. Anyway, Soi 107 is halfway to Pattaya and a waste of time in a taxi going all the way there. This time could be spent in a nice bar drinking San Miguel Light instead.

Well, time to leave Bangkok again, just for a week. And when I come back home I hope the Bangkok shutdown is over. Suthep and his people will shut down Bangkok on the 13th of January. My kitchen is full of tuna so I have food when I'm back home from Honolulu. But there is for sure not an easy solution for the problem in Thailand. I found an article on the internet.

If you have the time take the 2 minutes it takes to read the article in Waging Nonviolence . But as with everything else you read, you have to think for yourself. The same story can sound totally different depending on the opinion of the writer.

It will be nice to leave Bangkok and the protest behind for a while. I took the below pictures when I came to Bangkok on the 22nd of December 2013, I was going to Tops to buy groceries.

People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok
People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok 22 December 2013
Asoke Subway station full of people

People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok
People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok 22 December 2013
Asoke/ Sukhumvit intersection

People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok
People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok 22 December 2013
Asoke/ Sukhumvit intersection

People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok
People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok 22 December 2013
Asoke Road

People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok
People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok 22 December 2013
Asoke/ Sukhumvit intersection

People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok
People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok 22 December 2013
Stage on Asoke Road

People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok
People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok 22 December 2013
Asoke Road

People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok
People's Democratic Reform Committee protest in Bangkok 22 December 2013
Asoke Road

Well, I will keep an eye on the protest in Bangkok while in Honolulu. My alarm is set to go off at 4Via Vai ...An Italian Traditiono'clock in the morning so I will have to go to bed at 8 o'clock. I wentAladdin's adventure at Via Vai on Sukhumvit Road Soi 8to Via Vai Italian restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 8 for an early dinner. I felt peckish for avocado and smoked salmon and I remember that I had been there with my friends back in 2012.

I have tried to ask for avocado and smoked salmon at many restaurants in town, but theyhad come up with ZIP at all the places. I decided to try Via Vai and I was soon having a plate of smoked salmon and avocado in front of me. As soon as the plate was empty they brought a plate of spaghetti and smoked salmon in vodka sauce. YUMMY!! I will be back soon!
Aladdin's adventure at Via Vai on Sukhumvit Road Soi 8
Smoked salmon and avocado at Via Vai back in 2012

So I'm off to Honolulu and I have a new favourite Italian restaurant. #1 in Bangkok and highlyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.strecommended so if you're in Bangkok this is the place you don't want to miss. Well, I'm off to Oahu . So hang on, this might be fun!

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