Written onboard M/T Ek-Star August 2010

The Wall concert in Berlin July 1990

Thursday 19 th of July 1990 and I arrived with the ferry from Gothenburg to KielOn the way to BerlinThursday morning. I got to the train station in Kiel and I meet 2 other guys from Gothenburg on their wayOn the way to Berlinto Berlin and The Wall Concert on Saturday.

Well, didn’t' take long before me were drinking beer. Yes, we were in a festiveAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinmood. Of course, always in a festive mood when on the way to Berlin.

I was pretty drunk when we arrived to Berlin and we went toAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinlook for a hotel. I wanted to stay close to the Bahnhof Zoo and Ku'Dam because I was meeting my friend at Treffpunk Berlin tomorrow afternoon.

I tried a few hotels, all full. OK, I wanted to continue my partying so I returned to the Bahnhof Zoo and my 2 new friends continued looking for hotel. I said good buy.
- Maybe I see you on the concert!

I left my luggage at the luggage locker at the Bahnhof Zoo and I was ready for a night on town

Friday 20 th of July 1990
and I remember, actually the only thing I remember from my first day inAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in BerlinBerlin, was that I was going in to a club in Kreuzeberg and they opened 7 o'clock in the morning.

Pitch dark inside with the exception for some blue lightAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlincoming from a creek (Very small of course)on top of the bar.

I remember that I had a cassette with me and they obviously liked it, they were playing it on full blast.
Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin- What is this?
- ICE-T!!
I don't remember if I gave them the tape. But I remember meeting a guy and his girlfriend. And I was invited to stay in their guest room. Nice, we left around 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning and I got a fewAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinhours of sleep before it was time to go meet my friend at Treffpunkt Berlin.

Coming to Bahnhof Zoo and it was a totallydifferent picture from yesterday. The whole place was packed with people and they were camping all over the place. It was like a big festival, a big party.

Of course, I started to drink beer so I was a wee bit tipsy when I went to Treffpunkt Berlin.Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in BerlinAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in BerlinNever mind, it was just a 2 minutes’ walk from Bahnhof Zoo.

Just to cross the Hardenbergstraße follow the Joachimstralerstaße for 50 meters and then cross the Kantstraße.

Treffpunkt Berlin is in the corner of Ku'Dam and Joachimstralerstaße. 2 minutes', maximum!
Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin
My friend was at Treffpunkt Berlin when I arrived. We had a few beers and we left to leaveAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinhis bag in my luggage locker at the Bahnhof Zoo.

We were lucky that I had a locker from yesterday. All lockers were occupied and people were living on the floor. Lucky that the West Berlin wasn't rely west Berlin anymore. Back before, well still, the BahnhofZoo belonged to East Germany even though the station was smack in the middle of West Berlin.

So there were East German guards patrolling the place and they didn't look light on people sleeping on the floor at the station.

So the party was at Bahnhof Zoo and I really don't remember if we made it to some other places that night. But we went to see the guy where I had lived the day before. we arrived early morning, yes, this is nothing I remember with pride. Very embarrassing and I hope this guy and his girl friend has forgotten me by now. Most likely not.

We arrived and we slept in his guest room, well, as I said, this is nothing I'm proud off.

Saturday 21 st of July 1990
and we woke up in the apartment, I don't remember where it was, butAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinquite close to Ku'Dam. I know there was a kiosk outside his apartment andwe bought all their soda waters.

We were soon on Ku'Dam and we passed a place called Musik Cafe, onAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in BerlinKu'Dam 19 if I remembers it right.

Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in BerlinWe entered the place and now it was no more soda water. We might have had asandwich, I’m' not sure about that.Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in BerlinBut I'm sure thatwe had plenty orange juice and we had a bottle of Bacardi with the orange juice.

We felt good, much better than if we had been drinking tea and eating vitamins.

This is what I call a real Berliner breakfast. We went to Bahnhof Zoo,Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinbut I don't know for what. The original plan was to go get our tooth brushes and stuff, just to freshen up a bit.

But after the Bacardi we felt like a million. Yes, a few drinks andAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinyou don't need any shower.

Bahnhof Zoo was full of peopledrinking beer and by the look of the people it looked like they had been living at the train station during the night. The partyhad continued at Bahnhof Zoo over night and it was in full swing when we arrived to our locker.

Well, luckily enough we were tipsy so we just joined the party. I don't remember if we had boughtAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in BerlinAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinthe tickets for the concert in Sweden or if we bought them in Berlin. But I don't remember us having any problem getting a ticket so we had most likely bought them in Sweden before we came to Berlin.

We meet a guy from New York, George at the Bahnhof Zoo and he joined us. And we started to walk towards Potsdamer Platz we ranAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinin to the 2 guys from Sweden that I meet on theAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlintrain to Berlin. The world is small.

It won't take very long time to walk the about 3km from Bahnhof Zoo to Potsdamer Platz. In normal cases, but the streetsAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinwas very crowded with party people on their way to the concert site.

And they sold beers along the way so there were plenty stopsAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinon the way.

And believe me, we were not able or fit to drive any car, or not anything else when weAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinarrived to Potsdamer Platz.

But I was very disappointed when we were not allowed to bring in our beers to the area. Well, it seems like the pressure was too big on the fences so they removedAladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlinthe fences so it was not really necessary to have brought our tickets.

And before they took away the fences they took all the alcohol from the visitors entering the site. Now there were containers full of beer and booze on several places around the concert area and no one checked what you brought in or out. Hell, there was no more in or out since the fences were removed.

Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin

Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin

Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin

Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin

Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin

Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin
I don't remember how long we stayed at Potsdamer Platz, but when we came back to Bahnhof Zoo I felt like a hangover force 10. Now we had to wait for the train back to Kiel. The train station was full of these white bricks they had built the wall of. So I guessed people wanted to bring them home as souvenirs. Fun, well at least until you have carried this brick for 2 minutes, then I guess they went for garbage.

But it had been fun, not the concert, but the party. I really don't like concerts and I have never done. I have only been to a very few concerts. Maybe 2 or 3, I prefer to listen to music at a bar. But I have been to Roskilde and now Roger Waters in Berlin. The music and the show, I don't know, but the party was very good.

Sunday 22 nd of July 1990
and it was a terrible train raid back to Kiel and for sure, I was not looking forward to the ferry trip back to Sweden.

But the ferry trip turned out to be very fun. We meet a bunch of guys that we knew fromOn the way back to SwedenSjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget. So it was pretty fun.

And as I remember it we were citing in the dance restaurant drinking beer and not a angry Norwegian truck driver in sight.

But I remember that some of our friends were almost getting in to trouble with the guards at the disco.

But that's normal. Well, we arrived to Gothenburg in the morning of the 23rd of July and by then I had had it with Berlin for a while.
Actually, I was looking forward to join a ship again. More money is needed, urgently!

Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin

It was soon time for me to join a ship and I remember the day before it was time for me to leave for the ship. My friend came over to my student room for a drink.
Aladdin's adventure at The Wall concert in Berlin
So I was not in my best shape when I went down to Masthuggstorget on the morning of the 31st of July 1990 to meet the guys that would sign on Westön together with me.

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