OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

February 2011

Monday 7 th of February 2011 and I didn't get out of bed until 9 o'clock even though my alarm went off at 8. They called from Boonthavorn to ask when they could come to pick up the last payment for my bathroom.

I had my morning tea and pumpernickel while reading Bangkok Post and it looks like I will have
TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® for lunch. I finished the salmon andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdill creamed potatoes from SCAN DELI yesterday evening. Good, I can kick off my new life with only healthy stuff in my fridge.

It was nice to be back in school, the only set back was a pot of tea with Millennium Hotel's delicious almond croissants at the break. I was alone in class and it was a new Teacher.

One of the Teachers asked me if I had a ship.
- No! Why?
She had found my web page and she thought that I owned a ship. Well, I was back home just after 4 o'clock and I left for my evening constitutionalat 8 o'clock.
Nice to be back in my old routines. I read my book that I had not read for quite a few days by now thanks to hangovers and stuff before falling a sleep

Tuesday 8 th of February 2011
and I have a few things to do today. First stop at Thong Lo Police station to get a report on my lost driving license. They must have a room with my lost driving license reports. Hell, a year ago I was at Thong Lo police station every weekend and it was enough I showed myself on Thong Lo and people asked if I had lost my driving license again.

Then I will have to go to Bangkok Bank to get a new ATM card. But first of all, tea and pumpernickel while reading Bangkok Post online.

I left for Bangkok Bank at 11 thirty. I had decided to skip Thong Lor police station and go straightAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto Bangkok Bank and from there to AUA. I will make a visit
Bangkok Bank
in partnership with the Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) and Visa International (Thailand) launched the 'Be1st-BTS' Visa debit card, a smart new way to shop and ride on the BTS.

The new Be1st-BTS card is a combined ATM card, a debit card and a contact-less travel card, the first of its kind in Thailand.

Customers who sign up for the new card will also receive Bt100 automatically loaded into the card's travel purse.

Bangkok Bank Credit Card Manager, Mr. Shoke Na Ranong, said the bank is proud to be working in partnership with the BTS to deliver even greater convenience to customers.
to the police station during my evening constitutional.

It took me 5 minutes to get a new ATM card, and I can use this ATM card at the sky train as well. Very good, no need to buy a new card to the sky train.

I read in Bangkok Post that they have planned to launch a new card that can be used both at the sky train and on the subway. Well, I read about this a few weeks agoAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand I hope this card will be available soon. But I'm not holding my breath.

I have been on the subway one time in the last three months, and I have riding the sky train, well, maybe 4 times so it is not like my life is depending on it. But it would be convenient. Of course, taxi is more convenient, but there are times when the subway and sky train is a way quicker means of transportation.

I took a taxi to school and I had 2 hours before I walked back to FOODLANDwhere I bought onions, carrots and white cabbage.

I left for the Police station at Thong Lor at 7 o'clock when I had finished my home work. Took me 5 minutes to get the Police report so I can get a new driving license. I passed a Japanese Restaurant on my way back home. And there was a beautiful girl having her dinner so I decided to go inside for some sushi.

Of course, when I came in the girl paid her bill and f@cked off out of there.
- Do you have sushi?
- No, we only have Udon and Katsu
- OK, give me a Curry Katsu Udon.

While walking up Thong Lor I passed several interesting bars and I decided to go explore some of the places, maybe this upcoming weekend. Yes, Thong Lor, what a difference from 20 years ago. And I remember Thong Lor to be a dead end with a disco on the left hand side at the end. Now there is a bridge across the canal and I'm 99% sure that the bridge wasn't there back then. And there wasn't all that much going on at Thong Lor. But today there are plenty places and new buildings and the area looks better by the year.

Wednesday 9 th of February 2011
and I had white cabbage for dinner when I came home from school. I don't know if it is the Thai cabbage, but there was a lot of water in the frying pan when I was finished frying the cabbage and there were only some cabbage left in the corner of the pan. I can remember Swedish cabbage disappearing like this.

Well, I topped up with a pot of tea and a pack of pumper nickel. I was drinking my tea when my Teacher called.
- What are you doing?
- I'm drinking tea.
- What are you going to do? I'm free tonight
- I will have my evening constitutional
- Can I join you?
I was not so very keen on company at my evening constitutionalas this is not a social even. I'm just plunging up and down Sukhumvit and today I had planned for yet another visit to Thong Lor to checkAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNout the place. And it was way too early to leave for my constitutional.I discovered quite a few places that I wanted to check out next time it is time to drink beer and I thought that I might find a few more places to check out.

But why not, could be nice with company and we decided to meet outside California WOW on Soi 23 in 30 minutes. I was outside California WOW after 35 minutes and me EX Teacher was waiting for me and we took off towards Thong Lor.

We reached the Police station after 1 hour and 15 minutes. Yes, we were walking slow chatting along. And I was hampered by some blisters on my foot from yesterdays constitutional. Well, we were in no hurry, I usually leave home between 7 and 8 o'clock and now it was just 20 minutes past 6.

We turned around at the Police station and when we passed the Somerset we decided to take a rest at The Orient. It was a nice evening and we were sitting outside. I had two big pots of tea. Next to The Orient is a pretty newly opened Japanese Restaurant and there was a beautiful girl. We spoke with her for 10 or 15 minutes. My EX Teacher turned bananas and she never stopped asking me if I wanted a date with her.
- No
- I can ask!
- No
- I can ask!
- No, please, she is obviously looking for someone handsome!
- No problem, she said that she liked you!
- Don't ask!
- I will ask!
I knew that she wouldn't give up.
- OK, do it when I'm at the bathroom!

I dashed off in to the restaurant and I was behind the cashier looking out. My EX Teacher spokeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwith the girl and it took like forever. When they finished I was quick to take off, I had paid the bill while inside the restaurant in order to be ready to leave ASAP.

My EX Teacher told me that I was on a date. I had been hopingfor the girl to turn down the offer. But no, she would come with a chaperon Thai style and this is where it will be tricky.

She has a twin sister and she will bring her to our lunch. So who are who and their names, Little finger and Banana. Sounds like no problem, but little finger and banana sounds almost the same in Thai, at least for me. And on top of that: I
only have a very few days to lose hundreds of kilo.

Coming home and it was almost 10 o'clock, we managed to kill 4 hours on our evening constitutional and it was not all that bad to have company. But I told my EX Teacher that I would walk alone tomorrow.
- Or I will end up on a date every day!

I had received a link from a friend via e-mail. It was a link to a music video, about 20 years old. I checked out the video andThe Telegraph - Red shirt leader in dramatic escapeI decided to put it on my web page.

It was an old song by Arisman and the Swedish guy on the video is a guy I knew back then. Last time I ran in to him, it was an evening some 18years ago, and I gave him kiss and his girlfriend for the evening got very jealous and stabbed me. And the singer, Arisman Pongruangrong, one of the Red Shirt leaders turned out to be one of Thailand's most wanted during the spring 2010 protests in Bangkok.

Yes, time turns quick and it's strange how things turn out.

Well, yet another evening has turned in to the middle of the night and I will most likely be dead tired when my alarm goes off at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. And I must get out of bed at 8 in order to make it to make my new driving license before going to AUA for my afternoon class. And this might be a good opportunity to test my new ATM/ Sky Train card.Hmm, or I might take a taxi.

Thursday 10 th of February 2011
and I checked SET when they opened at 10 o'clock. Down again and I think I will give up the whole thing. I took off to the department of land transportation at 11 o'clock and I willhopefully be able to make it to AUA for the 1 o'clock class.

I stepped out of the taxi at the department of land transportation and I stepped forward to the desk with the police report, my pass port and my yellow house book. They needed a copy of my passport so I took my things and went to the copy machine. Back at the desk and they needed aAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcopy of my entrance stamp as well.
- What the

So back to the copy machine and back at the desk the guy took my papers. He flipped through my papers and he asked for the police report. I didn't understand what he said and I told him that I didn't have it. He was running around looking for the police report when I realised that he was looking for the police report that I had in my pocket.
- Hmm, what to do?
I didn't want to call the guy so I just slid the police report down on top off his deskand I was standing there waiting for him to grow tired of looking for the police report.

When he came back he discovered the police report and we could finish the paper work. He told me to go to desk 18. And the remembered me at desk 18.
- Oh Mr Handsome! You're back!

I left the department of land transportation 20 minutes past 12 and I found a taxi at 12:33.
- Ratchadamri!
- OK
We took off towards Ratchadamri on a surprisingly empty Sukhumvit Road. We plunged down Sukhumvit and were confident that we would reach AUA before the 1 o'clock class. Well, when we came to Soi 28 it was full stop and my plan to attend the afternoon class went down the drain. So I told the driver to take me to Soi 23 and 2 minutes later I changed my mind.
- Take me to Soi 4 so I can have my lunch.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I had a chicken curry before I walked back home. A stop at 7 Eleven for a few diet drinks and I was back home at 2 o'clock. The painting of our house was in full swing and I hope that our house will be ready soon so I don't have any painters hanging outside my window.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I left for my evening constitutional and I was back quarter to 10 and I had been away for 3 and a half hour including a stop for a soda water on Thong Lor. I walked on the other side of Somerset today though I didn't want to run in to my date if she would by any chance be hanging around. I don't want her to think that I'm stalking her.

I walked all the way to the bridge before I turned around and walked back home.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Thong Lor is lined with wedding studios and I could spot more than one beautiful girl through the windows when I was plunging down Thong Lor. On my way back I checked out The White Cafe to see if there was a bar where I could order a soda water. But there were only tables at the White Restaurant so I continued to the Whiskey Mist at Soi 10 for a soda water.

Friday 11 th of February 2011
and I didn't get out of bed until 11 o'clock even though my alarmAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwent off at 8 o'clock. Impossible to fall asleep yesterday night even though I had had my 3 hours of constitutional.

And I really can't wait for them to be ready with the painting. I was chopping onion for my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® when suddenly there was a guy in a flake outside my window. I got out of bed late so I just had time for my tea and tuna before it was time to left for school.

And I was tired when I came to school. I ended up reading until4 o'clock in the morning with a few breaks when Itried to fall asleep. And of course, I almost feel asleep during my afternoon class and my Teacher wasn't so very happy about it.

I finished school at 4 o'clock and I had been alone in classAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtoday. Actually, I have been alone in class all week. It's OK to be alone, but I like whenAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthere are other students in the class. I'm less likely to fall asleep when there are other people attending the class.

Tired and hungry when I left school and I stopped at the Japanese restaurant at Prasanmit Plaza on my way home. I had sushi and curry and IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwent back home. They were still painting outside mybalcony when I came home and I had a few pictures of the guys on the platform.

I just made it through my Thai books and I felt a sleep on my bed and when I woke up it was darkAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNoutside. Darn! It was 7 o'clock and I didn't get on my way for my evening constitutionaluntil 7 thirty. Better late than never.

I came around the corner to Soi 23 when I ran in to a guy and a girl selling lottery tickets. I bought 4 tickets before I continued to Thong Lor. I had almost reached the bridgeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNat the end of Thong Lor and I passed the SuperStar Academy.
There were quite a few people at the SuperStar Academy when I passed the academy and I could not help but thinking about the guy
              that came up to me with an business idea. He
              told me that there was a lot of Model
              wannabes' hanging around the Paragon Shopping
         Centre. He wanted us to set up a booth at Paragon
      in order to sell model books or what thethey call
     these things the models are using to promote themselves.
- Please elaborate, I said.

His plan was to take the pictures of the girls, making a
book for them to show agencies and stuff.
- We charge 15000 and we will soon be able to retire!
 - Isn't that a scam?
    - No, we just provide them with the book and pictures
      to promote themselves at different agencies.

    Well, I told him that I thought the chances for them to
     become models were pretty slim and I really didn't
fancy having all these girls calling 24/7. Yes, imagine all these disappointed girls calling 24/7 asking where their model job is. Because this is how we are working, we have our pictures taken and we really believe that we will be models the next day. Nothing I wanted to experience and I could imagine our booth being run down by disappointed girls. So this business was nothing I was interested in taking part of.

I don't want to say that the SuperStar Academy is scamming people, but I think there is a lot ofcrushed dreams around the place. But when I came back home from my constitutional I checked out their web page. I discovered that they have a DJ course so I sent them an e-mail asking for the schedule.

I have been to Thai cooking classes and now I'm thinking about a DJ course, could be fun. But I don't expect to walk out of there like DJ Shadow or something like that.

Saturday 12 th of February 2011
and I woke up at 8 forty five when my phone rang. Darn, I wasAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtired, I had just felt asleep.
- Ugh
- Are you drunk?

If I were drunk??!! What the? I just felt asleep. I went to bed after my constitutional yesterday and I was dead tired. But as soon as I hit my bed I was wide awake. Same as previous night, I read until almost 6 o'clock in the morning with a break every half an hour in order to try to fall asleep. Impossible and when I continued reading I was dead tired again, but as soon as I tried to sleep I was wide awake. Well, anyway:
- No, I'm not drunk
- I'm at your door!

I went up and I opened the door.
- You said that you were going to a meeting
- I wanted to come early
I never replied and I went straight back to bed and when Iwoke up there was a note on my kitchen table. I had my morning tea and tune, still dead tired, but I can waste my day in bed. Ineed to get my arse over to Tops to buy groceries because I'm going to cook for the EARLY MORNING TERROR GIRL in the afternoon. Yes, lack of sleep so I guess that cuts out the beer drinking tonight. 12 beers and I will fall asleep in the bar.

We had our dinner, 2 hours earlier than expected. I thought that we were going to eat at 4. Butshe called me and told me that she would 1 hour early. Then it became 2 hours earlier so I had to drop all my important stuff and dash off to Tops Supermarket at Robinson on Soi 19.

Major embarrassment when I should pay for the groceries with my new ATM card. He tried theBangkok Bank ATM cardcard 2 times but it didn't work. I had to go to an ATM and the card was working so I asked him to try again when I came back. Still didn't work so I had to pay with cash.

I will try the card at another place before going back toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBangkok Bank. But I don't know where. As you understand it is not the bestbooster for my image to run around with a declined VISA card, quite embarrassing.

I returned home and I had been home for 2 minutes when it knocked on my door and we were soon busy cooking.

When I got out of bed this morning I was dead tired and I had no plans for drinking beer. But I was full of vim after diner, or at least I felt so. So I decided to go check out a few of the places at Thong Lor. And I started at a place I didn't know the place of. Their logoAladdin's adventure at to die for in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas at least to say hard to read. But after 2 beers I asked about the name, to die for.

It was a very nice place and they soon had my taxi cd blasting through the loudspeakers. The onlyBangkok Bank ATM cardset back was that they neither had San Miguel Light nor Tiger Light.
- We don't have any light beers
- Darn, I'm on diet!
So I had to drink Heineken with ice.

I had 5 or 6 beers before I left. There was a place mid Thong Lor with a few pubs and I decided to check it out. Well. Looked all nice but no music and at one of the places they only had strange Belgian beers. IBangkok Bank ATM cardbought a beer but it tasted like shit so I never finished the darn thing. One thing is for sure, San Miguel Light isn't very popular at Thong Lor.

I walked to the next pub and they had live music and I had more beers. And when I left this place to go check out the band Room 39 I would have been better off going back home to sleep.

Up until now I had had very fun, and I had been drinking maybe 18 or 20 beers. I was tipsy and I had a good time. But I went to drink more beer and I just got tired. Room 39 was a disappointment so I took a taxi to Khao San Road. Well, when we reached Khao San I told the driver to take me back to Soi 23. I got out of the taxi at my local 7 Eleven. I bought diet drinks and orange juice and I walked back home.

Sunday 13 th of February 2011
and I spent the whole day in bed watching DVD and that's even though I didn't had any hangover. Of course, I could feel that I had been drinking beers yesterday, but can't say that I suffered from any hangover.
Aladdin's hangover adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Well, I spent the day in bed watching Simpson season 21 and 3 CDs of the first season of LOST. I have heard so much about LOST so I bought all seasons, but I can't say that I was impressed by LOST. The whole story was a little thin. Well, if I have a hangover next Sunday I will continue with season 1 and maybe I will grow to like it.

Monday 14 th of February 2011
and I woke up when my alarm went off at 9. Yes, I have changedAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmy school week settings from 8 to 9. But I felt asleepagain and I woke up by a happy valentine call quarter past 10.
- Ugh! What is that?

I got out of bed and I was tired even though I had slept for 7 or 8 hours. My good morning tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® made me feel a weebit better. 45 minutes with my Thai book before I took my shower and I was off to school. Alone in class today again.

My Teacher and I started the day by reading a book for children and yet again I felt like running in to a wall.Yes, it has happened to me at least a million times since I started to study Thai. And I have given up for a year or so several times. But the last two years I had decided not to give up. But I was in a bad mood so I just took my school bagAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand I went back home, and skipping class didn't improve my mood.

I went to my local 7 Eleven on my way home to buy diet drinks and something so I could console myself by eating. Yeah, way to go if I want to obtain my V-shaped torso.

When I had consoled myself by eating I read my books and I left for my evening constitutional.Yes, Saturday night at Thong lor and I was not sure they that they would be ready to see me plunging down Thong Lor. So I decided to walk down Ekkamai instead. Maybe I can be back on Thong Lor in a week or two when they have forgotten all about me. Well,Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNanyway, I decided to explore Ekkamai tonight and I walked down Ekkamai to the Canal and I turned around and I walked back home.

I passed the Thai Government Lottery Printing Office and a few pubs that I might check out sometime. Back on Sukhumvit Road and I turned right and I walked down towards Soi 23. I felt like I was drained from all my7 Eleven in Bangkokenergy and power. I was unsteady and weak so I decided to stop at 7 Eleven at Thong Lor. I bought 3 Snickers (Very small, actually, the smallest Snickers I had ever seen) and a bottle of water. I was full of vim 3 minutes' later and I continued my constitutional back home and I stepped inside my door quarter past 10.

Tuesday 15 th of February 2011
and my alarm went off at 9 o'clock. I was dead tired after havingspent the night reading so it didn't took long before I was back asleep.

It was around 11 when a phone call woke me up.
- Mr Aladdin?
- Ugh?
- From Bualuang Securities. Do you want to leave the sale order for your TMB at 2.28?
- Ugh? What? Yes?!

I had put them for sale yesterday for 2.28 Baht, but the stock price went South. Obviously the priceAladdin's adventure with Bualuang Securities in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhad gone up during the morning and they sold my TMB. Well, good, I don't have to worry about these any more.

Motherf@cker, I was late. 11 o'clock and i had planned to be inschool at 12. Obviously I didn't had enough time to make it until 12, and I have my Thai books to read before I will take off to school. Maybe I will make it until the 1 Aladdin's adventure at AUA Language Center at Ratchadamri Road in Bangkoko'clock class. But then I will have to read my books very quick.

I skipped my morning reading and I went straight to AUALanguage Center at Ratchadamri after my morning shower. And yes, I left for school in a taxi so I haven't had the opportunity to try out my new ATM/ BTS card.

Well, I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities to tryBangkok Bank ATM cardout the card. But it is nicer to go buy taxi. But then, the environment and global warming and I'm better off getting used to public transportation.

Maybe not in my life time, not with my choice of life style,but for sure, sooner or later we have to change our life style if we want the globe to survive.

But the chances are very slim that we will change so let's travel to the end station in first class. It is like a bank account we use only to withdraw from and never to deposit. We will runout off funds sooner or later and that's the end. And no credit! So let's continue kill all the animals, whales, tigers etc. If all the people in the world could eat shark fin soup until we have killed the last shark and we Aladdin's adventure at AUA Language Center at Ratchadamri Road in Bangkokdon't have to worry about the sharks any more. They are gone!

When we finished off the sharks we can continue with all the Rhinos or whatever they are using in China instead of buying Viagra.

Well, anyway, I took a taxi to school and I arrived 3 minutes' late. AUA Language Center and we're only listening to our Teachers. There are two Teachers and they are talking with each other and we are listening to them. Very good listening training and we get to learn about Thai culture, manners and customs so it is quite interesting.

2 hours and I walked back home at 3 o'clock. I made a stop at NANA hotel for a chicken curry before I continued to TOPS to buy some TOPS tuna in brine andTOPS Market in Bangkokwithout the extra paper and plastic top cover.

While at TOPS I stopped at GNC to buy vitamins. Mega Men, 90 capsules 1100 Baht. If I became a member I would get 50 % discount + a gift. I paid the member fee, 500 Baht, and I got a gold member card and a can with vitamins and antioxidants. Everything cost 1050 Baht so it was cheaper to become a member. When I left I discovered that they had a buy 1 get 2 offer for GOLD members so I bought 90 capsules of Mega Men with ginseng. 1500 Baht for 90 capsules but as I was a GOLD member I got 180 capsules.

Well, most likely a scam, same when I was in Malaysia. I became a GOLD member and I got a very good price on a bag of Mega Menand B-12 vitamins.

Well, here in Thailand I got an envelope with hundreds of these discount checks, 30% off onAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMega Menthis and that. I told them to keep the checks.
- I will just become a member next time I need a refill!

I was backhome at 5 o'clock and I checked out SET. TMB down to 2.24 Baht. Good, finally I did the right thing. I have had nothing but bad luck on the SET for the last few months.Hopefully they will be down to 2 tomorrow.

I didn't read my Thai books this morning so I had to study them before I left for my evening constitutionalto Ekkamai. I reached the Canal on Ekkamai, well, almost all the way to the Canal. I turned around when Ekkamai was running out of houses and light.

I stopped at a bar for a soda water on the way back, I think it was named Escobar. I had a soda water while the band was preparing themselves. And the drummer was cute girl so I ended up ordering my second soda water.

The place was almost empty when I came. A very beautiful girl sitting with her boyfriend and aJohnny Walker Black Labelbottle of Black Label. Darn, this couple didn't say a word to each other during the whole time I was there. The boyfriend played with his mobile phone and the girl looked like the boredom would kill her. After an hour she looked like she wanted to stab her boyfriend in the back.

When I had finished my second soda water the place was full of beautiful girls, and I mean really beautiful. I ordered yet another soda water and I asked the bar tender what kind of beer they had. I had a plan to come back to check out the place next Saturday.
- We have beer Singha and Corona.

OK, the chances for me coming back went from most likely to very slim. I had a few more sodawaters, yes, I was drinking soda water like there was no tomorrow and I had almost as fun as when drinking beers. OK, I'm exaggerating, but at least it was more fun than after I had beer #20. Between beer #1 and 20 it is all fun.

Wednesday 16 th of February 2011
and I didn't got out of bed until quartet to 11. My alarm went off at 9 but I stayed in bed. I was back home around midnight yesterday and I had no problem to fall asleep around 1 o'clock when I had had my shower. Yes, I didn't stopped at 7 Eleven for diet drinks yesterday so this might be the reason for me falling asleep. So I will give up the diet drinks and I willhopefully be able to sleep in the future.

I was in school for my 1 o'clock class and my French class mate arrived 50 minutes later. He is off to do is VISA in Vientiane, Laos next week. So I suggested that we should leave tomorrow night andspend the weekend in Vientiane. Friday is a public holiday in Thailand so school is closed.
- What a good idea! He said.

I called my travel agent but the train was full due to the long weekend. I'm going by plane and there were seats available for me.
She would call me back tomorrow morning about the train tickets.
- Great, if you get the train tickets you can book me on the evening flight to Vientiane!

I took off towards Ekkamai at 7 o'clock. I made a quick stop at Emporium to change battery in my wrist watch. I passed the pub from yesterday on my way back up on Ekkamai. I had planned toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwalk by and to stop at another place. But they were waving at me so I stopped for a soda water before I continued. Nice place and a very friendly staff. But as I discovered yesterday, they only have Singha and Corona beer. Singha is no way and Corona,hmm, maybe after 6 San Miguel Light.

I finished my soda water and I continued to the next place. I don't remember the name of the place, but as soon as I approached the place I got suspicious. The staff was bowing so deep that they were almost knocking them self unconscious. Red carpet treatment and when I came inside there were a few old guys and plenty young and beautiful girls. The music sucked and it didn't look very fun, a so called Gentleman's club. I never ordered any soda, I just knew that I would never come back to this place.

I passed a place called Jet and I went inside for a soda water. This place looked very nice, an outdoor bar where I had my soda water and there were different lounges. Well, maybe I will be back sometimes. But the music left a wee bit to wish for.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I was back home around 10 thirty and I checked out my lottery tickets. No surprise there, theywent straight to my bin recycle bin for paper. Yes, my friend told me it was fun to play the lottery, but so far it has not been so very funny. But the vendors are happy when I buy my lottery tickets.

Well, I had not expected to win anything so I can't really say that I was disappointed. I drank a few glasses of water before I took my shower and went to bed. No diet drinks even though I stopped at my local 7 Eleven to buy FAT FREE milk.

Thursday 17 th of February 2011
and you won't believe what I did after my morning tea and TUNA& ONION SURPRISE ®! I went to our gym, yes, we have a gym in the condo and todaywas the first time I went there. I lost my membership card to California WOW when I lost my valet.

I can as well use our own gym instead of going through the hassle to get a new member card at California WOW. Yes, I remember them calling NON STOP from California WOW asking if I wanted to buy this and that. Slim chance that there is anyone calling from our own gym. I startedslow in order to avoid waking up with sore muscles tomorrow.

When I was ready I took a shower and as time was running quick I had to go by taxi to school. But I walked back home, a 90 minutes' constitutionalincluding a stop at TOPS to buy tuna (without the extra paper and plastic top cover) and onions. On top of that I will have my ordinary 3 hours evening constitutional so it will be 4 and a half hour total. No wonder I get smaller by the day.

I will see if I can find my old skipping-rope from when I was boxing at Helsingborg's boxing club afew years back. I know I should have it somewhere. We tried to do some boxing at California WOW a few years back. My friend had ended up in some trouble in a bar and he wanted me to teach him how to box.

Well, after three times they started to complain at California WOW.
- You're not allowed to box here. You must have an Instructor.
400 or 500 Baht per hour and it was mainly to box on a bag or on the Instructors punching mitts. Well, if our Trainer in Helsingborg would have seen this he would for sure drop dead.

Well, I have found a boxing club on Thong Lor and as soon as I'm confident enough to walk up and down Thong Lor again I will pay them a visit.

Gym and daily exercise, is it the middle age crisis? Will I end up buying a Harley Davidson? I haveAladdin's was almost buying a Harley Davidsonbeen in progress of buying 2 Harley Davidson. The first one, it was a beautiful day and I passed a Harley shop. I asked if I could take the FAT BOY and leave immediately.

NO NO, they needed do a whole lot of stuff before I could take the motor cycle.
- 1 week before you can take it. And we suppose that you need to customize it as well.
- CUSTOMIZE!! It's a brand new Harley!!
- Yeah, maybe you want to change the tailpipe to get a cool sound etc.
- Well, I expect a brand new FAT BOY to be as cool as they come.
I left the shop and I guess I was better off without doing an impulse purchase. Next HarleyAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas a few years later. This one was customized, second hand and expensive. A darn good job customizing this Night Train and I were so close to buy it.

But luckily enough I didn't made any impulse purchase. I went back home to think about it. Yes, I will buy it and when the summer is over in Sweden I can put the Harley in a container and send it home to Bangkok. Well, when I went back to the shop it was rainingand I wasn't in a real mood to buy the Harley. Lucky, it was raining every day for the rest of the summer.

And today I would not dare driving a motor cycle in Bangkok. Imagine waking up under a buss. Well, I'm more in to my evening constitutionals.It was almost 7 thirty when I took offAladdin's adventure at Nunglen on Ekkamai in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtowards Ekkamai. I passed the bar where I use to have my soda water. They guys stopped me and they asked where I were going.
- I'm going to the bridge and back again.

Even though I have explained (several times) that I was out walking for 3 hours (today it was 4 and a half hours) trying to lose weight they have a hard time understand how someone wants to be out walking on the streets of Bangkok for several hours.

I continued to the bridge at the end of the light and buildings on Ekkamai before I turned back. Back at the pub, which I now learned had the name Nanglen or as they spell it on internet Nunglen and not Escobar. I stepped inside and it was quite crowded. Looked like all the tables wereAladdin's adventure at Nunglen on Ekkamai in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNreserved because there were 2 guys drinking in the bar. I ordered a soda water and 2 girls came up to the bar. They were drinking one and a half meter from me and they were beautiful, very beautiful.Well, maybe not as beautiful as the drummer in the band.

When I came home I checked the internet and I found out that the name of the band was Rhythm Nation Band. Well, they were excellent and when I came in the Singer said something in the microphone to me. But as I was on soda water I pretended like I didn't hear them.

When I ordered my second soda water there was 4 girls coming up to the bar. Obviously all the tables were full. They ordered a bottle of red label. They said nothing to each other until I ordered myAladdin's adventure with the Rhythm Nation Band in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthird soda, by then they were drunk and was screaming and jumping up and down to the music.

When I was on my fourth soda water there was a girl coming and by now there was only space left at the edge of the bar. She got herbottle of black label and a few bottles of soda. She handed out 100 baht bills to the staff and then she started to drink her whiskey soda. And she did something I ever seen before. She had aAladdin's adventure at Nunglen on Ekkamai in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNshot glass next to the glass with whiskey soda. She took a shotof black label and then she poured the shot glass with water and flushed down the whiskey.

Then she continued with her whiskey soda until it was time for the next shot. No doubt that shewas going for drunk.Of course it got so crowded so in order to stand it you had to be dead drunk.

I had my fifth soda and when the Rhythm Nation Band stopped playing at 10 it didn't took long before I left for home. But I decided to come back Saturday night for a few beers. Friendly and nice staff and they willhopefully be as friendly and nice on Sunday. Or I will have to get back to Thong Lor for my evening constitutionals.

Friday 18 th of February 2011
and public holiday so no school. But I was out of bed at 9 o'clock when my alarm went off. I had my morning tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® while reading Bangkok Post online. I attended my Thai books for 30 to 45 minutes before I left for our gym.

I meet my neighbour on the way to the gym. He was at the elevator when I came out from my apartment and he held the elevator for me. I usually use the stairs but as he held the elevator Ithought it would be impolite not to take the elevator. While in the elevator I took the opportunity to ask him about my music.
- I hear the music during the weekends, BUT NO PROBLEM!

After some serious arse kickin' in the gym I went for a shower and then I was off toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto MBK. Sky rain or bust! I will try out the ATM/ BTS card to day and I walked down to ASOK BTS station. The card worked as it should so now I only have to go to Bangkok Bank so they can fix the glitch with the payment at shops and restaurants.

Holiday and the Sky Train were almost empty, but there was a girl coming onboard after me. She stood next to me even though there were plenty empty seats. Well, maybe a result of my days in the gym and the evening plunging up and down Sukhumvit Road.

Well, I'm not very talkative, OK, after a few beersit is a different story. But anyway, we started to talk. She was visiting a friend in Bangkok for 2 days. She came from Chonburi, well, that what was I had time to find out before we reached SiamAladdin's adventure at Siam Square in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbecause she kept herself busy interrogating me.
- Hip Hop!
- Tee tiisuut!
- Nice shirt!

I walked through Siam to MBK and what a difference from when I used to walk everyday from Klong Toey to MBK some 12 years back. I could still recognize the place, but I could hardly find my way to MBK.

I stopped at INSTANTPRINT on the 3rd floor at MBK. I ordered 2 boxes of name cards. They told me that they would be ready in one hour so I went to buy some gold while waiting. Coming back to pickAladdin's adventure at MBK in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNup my cards was a nice surprise. I got my name cards in paper boxes instead of the old plastic boxes.

I went from the print shop to Kobune, a Japanese restaurantAladdin's adventure at Kobune, MBK in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthat has been located at the same place for the last 15 to 20 years. I'm not sure, but I think their logo was green back in the day. Now it is blue and the restaurant has been redecorated. But they still haveAladdin's adventure at Kobune, MBK in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe same boats going around with the food. And of course, they recognised me.
- ALADDIN! Have not seen you in a very long time!
- I have been on diet!

I ordered salmon sushi without the cucumber and crab meat. I saw the picture in the menu and I had neverseen a salmon sushi like this before. The sushi was not wrapped in seaweed but in the salmon. I need to investigate and it requires 2 plates. I also ordered a curry, but I will not order this curry again. Wasn't really very good and I never finished the curry.

I had decided to walk back home, or at least to TOPS. I will buy Hom Mali and San Miguel Lights so it will be taxi from TOPS. My EX Teacher called me before I left for MBK. She will come andcook for me tomorrow with her friend. A Dutch University Teacher working in ThailandAladdin's adventure at TOPS Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNteaching something about the web at a university. Well, she asked if I had Hom Mali at home.
- No, but I will buy some at TOPS.

And I will for sure make sure it is 100%Aladdin's adventure at TOPS Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNHom Mali and no Scooby Doo mix. I could by a 2 kg bag for 100 Baht, but as I like to go the environmentally friendly way I bought a kg of ORGANIC Hom Mali for 90 Baht.Hmm, why is it that I always feel cheated when IAladdin's adventure at TOPS Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbuy this organic products. And look at all the marks on the package. I usually try to buy environmentally friendly stuff and in Thailand it means double or triple price. And as my friend said: “It says Rolex on the watches they sell along the road” Well, what can I do?

Well, anyway, I took a shopping trolley and I aimed for the beer aisle. I was informed about theTops delivery in BangkokMakha Bucha Day. Makha Bucha celebrates the Buddha's first sermon in to his disciples and it was not allowed to sell alcohol today. DARN, do I have to get up early just to come back here to buy my beer? I remembered Tops home delivery service and I went to Custom Service to see if I could order home delivery for tomorrow.

Well, they could not sell beer today and I asked if I could give them the money and they could put tomorrows date on the receipt. OK, no problem but this was a TOP SECRET.
- Shh, don't tell anyone.
- I promise!

I wanted 2 cases of San Miguel Light but they only had 45 cans. DARN! It is only mid February and it is already the fourth time this year I empty Tops stock of San Miguel Light. And none of the times have I got the amount of beer that I have wished for.
Aladdin's adventure at TOPS Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at TOPS Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
And when they are going to send the beer with the delivery van I could as well buy hangover juice.So I ordered the best orange juice I have ever been drinking, Minute Maid, I can't remember ever been drinking any better orange juice.

Don't tell Greenpeace, but Minute Maid is owned by the Coca Cola Company. And I remember when I was on Rainbow Warrior in Singapore and the crew really didn't like the Coca Cola Company. We were about to leave for Italy and no diet drinks onboard. I had 50 Singapore dollars or something like that left in my valet and I left to buy diet drink in the town. My money would not give me many diet drinks, but should be good enough for a few days.

I finished my money at the supermarket and I had just enough to get me back to Rainbow Warrior in a taxi. When I paid my diet drinks I saw a sign that they provided free delivery if I bought stuff for 150 or 200 dollars. I went back in and I bought all their diet coke and Pepsi light. Yes,now I would have enough diet drinks to last me all the way to Italy. The only problem was where to store them onboard.

I had listened to the crew going on about the Coca Cola Company and how they destroyed the environment in India when making the coke. And as a Greenpeacer I was upset about it so I should give up buying the stuff. But by then it was too late. Well, anyway, I never told the crew about my delivery and I was hopingthat I could keep this to myself. FAT CHANCE!

Early morning the day after, I was in my cabin, I heard someone screaming on deck.
- Stores coming! Have we ordered any stores to be delivered?
They were puzzled. No one knew about the delivery and the crew went to investigate. Well, I knew but now I had another plan. I would follow the crew to the truck. Impossible for the truck to get to Rainbow Warrior.
So if the crew went up to the truck I would get help to carry the Coca Cola back onboard. They were chocked when they discovered that it was a delivery of Coca Cola.
Aladdin's adventure onboard Rainbow Warrior with Greenpeace

Aladdin's adventure onboard Rainbow Warrior with Greenpeace
But they brought them down to Rainbow Warrior and I was busy taking pictures. When all the Coke was onboard I told them to put the cans in my cabin.
- Yep!

Well, anyway, Tops will deliver the TOP SECRET tomorrow at lunch time and when I came back homeI joined Tops Internet shop. No more carry around beer and 20 kg of tuna. Straighthome to the door and I can shop from the comfort of my armchair.

I left for Ekkamai at 7 and I was home 3 hours later, all the clubs are closed due to the Makha Bucha Day so no stop for soda water today. I made a stop at 7 Eleven for a bottle of water on my way home and when I came home I drank a gallon of water instead of any diet drinks.

And time to change page again, just to click and we're in the second half of February in a jiff!

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