“Aladdin's adventure on board Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior was updated with new and bigger pictures during March '14 while on board Roy Maersk”
I also update with a few names I found on the internet while looking for information about the Mediterranean Tour 2006.
I usually never put names on my web page, but these names were all over the internet so why not?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006

Wednesday 26 th of July 2006 and we were anchored at Kas Limani when I came on my watch at midnight. We had dropped our anchor at 23:00.

The first thing I had to do when coming on the bridge was to edit one of the pictures I took of our Italian Video man in Dalaman. They were going for night diving and I could not resist taking a picture of him wearing his diving suit while watching a video.

Before coming on my watch I meet him in the mess room.
- Did you put the picture of me in the diving suit on your page?
- No
- You don't love me anymore!Smiley
There is really nothing to say against argument like that. Of course I love you and I will put one of the pictures on the web page first thing when we have internet.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Videographer ready for the night dive

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Original size from 2006
Hmm, maybe this one would have been better to keep in original size

I had been on the watch for an hour when our Assistant cook came. She told me that her friend had visited my web page and that she had liked the web page. (This was back in 2006 when the pictures were very small so imagine how she will like it now)
- Always nice with some appreciation.

I spent the watch with the safety boxes for our inflatable boats and the time was flying. This is why I like being alone on my night watches at anchor. There are plenty arse to kick and it's easyGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006to find time for it when you are alone.

So I like to be alone, but the Italian volunteer/ Assistant Cook was the exception. The Italian volunteer was something special, it was very easy to talk with her and she spent 2 to 3 hours together on the bridge every night.

Speaking with her and 2 to 3 hours felt like 10 minutes and it was soon time to be relieved by our Chief Mate at 4 o'clock in the morning. Some people you speak with and after 2 minutes it is like you have run out of subjects
Tends to be boring after 10 minutes of:
- Ja o jaså

We were still at anchor when I came on my watch at 12:00. Our divers and a good part of the crew had been picked up by a diving boat just after 11 o'clock so we were pretty lonely on the ship.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Divers and crew leave us for diving, swimming and BBQ

Hit the PLAY button for some extravagant UNDERWATER Hip Hop. FULL BLAST!!

Our Israeli Scientist was fishing with a rod from deck and I tried my best to make him give up hisYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfishing idea.
- Hey! Have you ever heard of over fishing
- Hey! We are here to save the Mediterranean, not to kill everything
overfish deplete the stock of fish in (a body of water) by too much fishing
swimming around here!
- Hey! I'm soon starting to cry!
- What does it take to make you stop? Do I have to chain myself to your fishing rod?

I tried everything, well, there was a guy swimming out to us asking what we did here. I had noGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006good answer for him, but our Israeli Scientist was quick to answer
- We're under fishing.
The guy swim back ashore but before he left he wished us welcomeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand he was hoping to see us in town tonightYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

My new friend from Israel was continuing with his fishing and I tried to talk him out of the idea, but it was catching a fish or bust.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
He is not lucky with his fishing - But he has the right spirit

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
He is not lucky with his fishing - But he has the right spirit

We were just a few hundred meters from the first hotel. The Kas Otel on the beach and I couldGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006see the guests sitting at the bar next to the beach. And of course I wanted to go ashore for some beer and fun when I saw this.

People were swimming out to have a look at Rainbow Warrior and pretty soon we had two girls in bikini onboard.
- We want to see the ship.

It was a very hot afternoon, and the only thing that made me feel good was the fact that I finally managed to persuade our Scientist to give up those fishing ideas he had. He soon gave up, or as he said: I'm under fishing. Well, I don't know if it was me or the boredom. I suspect it was boredom in a combination with the heat that made him give up.

Yes, I really wanted to go ashore when I saw the hotel, the beach and fun. There must be some EXTRAVAGANT night life in this village.

So when our divers came back I asked the Skipper if I could stay on a hotel over night.
- No problem, I and Chief Mate share your watch.
- That's the spirit we are looking for, I said.

AVON is leaving for shore at 19:30 and I was busy until then looking for the phone number to the hotel next to us. I wanted to make a reservation for one night.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Kas Otel - Where I will stay tonight

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Kas Otel - Where I will stay tonight

We left Rainbow Warrior at 19:40, well, there is always the obligatory 10 minutes delay. Well, Kas was lying in front of us and I don't know if it was all the coloured light and music we had seen and heard yesterday that made the whole crew wishing for a shore leave. Well, anyway, the AVON had to make two trips to the marina.

I was in the first boat leaving and I had checked in on my hotel 5 minutes after the arrival to the marina. I don't know if I can call it a disappointment, but it was expected that all the rooms with sea view were occupied. They put me in a room close to the garbage cans. This was the last room available. And it was not a 5 star hotel, I don't know if they had any stars, but there was a bed and it is not like I’m going to stay in the room pondering over the mystery of life.

ShowerI was in a hot shower 7 seconds after closing the door behind me. I just had time to put theSnowmanAC on 16°C before going for my shower. It was nice with my own shower and I spent quite some time there and I was in an up-beat mood when coming out. I was ready to take on the town.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Rainbow Warrior from Kas Otel

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Kas Marina

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
I meet 2 of our Turkish volunteers in the marina

I took the 2 minutes’ walk to the marina and I had been going for about 53 seconds when I could hear music. I entered the place and I could see that they were throwing aHappy birthdaybirthday party for a kid. There was a clownand a big cake, well, unnecessary to say I left in a jiff.

I meet two of our Turkish volunteers in the marina. we talked and they pointed out where the rest of the crew was. When I came out from one of the shops with an ice cold diet Coke I saw some of the other crew passing by. I joined them for a few hundred meters and there was no music at the place they were sitting so I continued on my expedition. I had walked for 200 meters up on a hill when I could hear music.
- This is my place, I thought for myself and entered.

It was a bar on a terrace overlooking the marina and Rainbow Warrior on the anchorage and I was soon sitting behind a beer in the bar. I had just finished my first beer when our Italian Video man arrived with a smile. Always nice to see him.

Soon after him 4 other of the crew arrived and we were chatting until 10 o'clock when they had to leave for the ship. Staying at a hotel, good move, I didn't have to go back.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Drinking beer in Kas

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
A cold beer and a view over the bay and Rainbow Warrior - Can it be better?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Yes it can, a good friend arrives

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
We were soon joined by some other crew members

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Videographer in good mood

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our volunteers in good mood

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Radio Operator also in good mood

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
The Waiter is busy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Yes, that's my hat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
They had to leave for the boat taking the back to Rainbow Warrior

I moved to the bar and soon I was busy entertaining a British guy. We had quite a few beersGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006before the management grew tired of us and our stupid music requests and we shifted berth.

We walked down the hill and e ended up at a place with live music, well, I think there was live music at most of the pubs. The whole town reminded me of Key West, but I think Kas is a wee bit nicer. No shortages of beer, that's for sure.

I really don't know why, but, well I never learn. We ordered Tequila and the motion sickness was lurking around the corner. And what do you know, the good ol' concrete came on, but only for a few minutes. The spirit was high and I was soon on my feet again.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tequila, I never learn

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
More Tequila, this cannot end well

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
A band playing

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
And people dancing

They had a very good band playing and I thought it was Stray Cats playing for a while. The crowd was very excited, but I don't know if it was because of the music or my new flag. I got the USAmerican flagflag as a souvenir from the management. I told them how they pestered me about the American flag on my door and the Manager was quick to bring out a pair of scissors and he cut down the flag and gave it to me. Good, now I have a back up flag if something happens to the flag on my door.

OldWell, everything has to come to an end and the older you get the earlier the evening comes to an end. I don't know what time I came back to my hotel.
I don't even remember coming back to my hotel. But I guess I didn't spend much time watching my wristwatch, even though it's a beautiful wristwatch.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
He brings out the scissors

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
He put a needle in the string

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
He needs another needle

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Ready to be cut

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Here we go

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Almost there

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Almost there

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
My souvenir from Kas

Thursday 27 th of July 2006
and I was convinced that I had the bird flu when I woke up in my hotel room. I saw a bottle of waterHangover in Kas, Turkeynext to my bed so I must have bought it on my way back yesterday, a very good move. Yes, not the first hangover so Iknow that I will need some water in the morning, not necessarily cold, but plain water.

I had my breakfast on the roof top and I enjoyed the sight of Rainbow Warrior while zipping my tea. It was a spectacular view and spectacular tea, but the breakfast wasn't much to write home about. Well, can't say that I had expected much from the breakfast after having experienced the room, it was no 5 star hotel. But nice enough.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Spectacular view, only thanks to Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
The attack boat arrives

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
The attack boat arrives

Yeah, my room, I don't know if I would have dared tosleep there sober. But this was an emergency room and the other rooms might have been nicer. I remember once coming to Malaysia Hotel, full but as I was an old customer and friend of the house the set me up in a small room in the basement, and it was OK.

I had a VHF with me and I called Rainbow Warrior from the breakfast . They were going to deliver our divers to the diving boat in the marina at 10:30.
- They will pick you up at the same time.
- Sounds like a plan, I answered.

On the way to the marina I stopped to buy a case of Diet Drinks and a package of Earl Grey tea.Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006Well, when I was at it I got two packs of Marlboro as well. When you pay with credit card you can as well boost the bill a little or they will look at you with a wry face.
- You don't have cash?

Walking through Kas in the day light and it was a very nice town/ village. Bars everywhere, but what to do during the day time?

So I guess I was lucky that I could leave Kas. It was almost 11 when we left the marina and we returned to Rainbow Warrior with one stop at a sailboat. Our Turkish volunteers had a friend on a sailboat in Kas and he spent most of the day onboard Rainbow Warrior searching the internet.

Two of our Turkish volunteers were on the bridge enjoying the bridge during the lunch, I was playing Danish Hip Hop for them. It was not “Verdens længste rap” med Østkust Hustlers, then they would have to spend a very long time there.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Sitting outside the bridge listening to Danish Hip Hop

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Cleaning the hull

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Cleaning the hull

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Turkish volunteer is painting on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Chief Mate in his “coming ashore” shirt

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Italian skipping rope on deck
I'm glad to see that the skipping rope comes to use - Sorry that it isn't me using at as planned when I bought it in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
On deck waiting for the para glider

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Banners prepared so the paraglider can get them on the movie

Our 3rd Engineer practicing the Violin outside the bridge

At the end of the video, when I filming from inside, we can hear that I play Bob Hund on full blast on the bridge. And it is easy to understand why there are people on the bridge all the time wanting to copy the music when we hear Bob Hund. Click on PLAY button below for the full tune.

Just hit the play button for someextravagant music. And you also have an excellent opportunity tolisten to Skånska

And as they say at P3 Hip Hop: FY FAN VA FET!! FULL BLAST!!

And don't worry about your neighbours, THEY WILL LOVE IT!

I was still waiting for the effect of my time released Men's Mega Menvitamin tablets. But they never made my day. At 5 o'clock our Videographer and Outboard mechanic went Para gliding with aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbanner for Greenpeace over the ship. They threw themselves out from one of themountains behind Kas and the crew had prepared banners along Rainbow Warrior for them to film. So I suppose they got some nice pictures/ movies of it.

Our Italian volunteer is using my skip rope almost every day. He is skipping rope on deck and I'm happy that the skipping rope I bought in Genoa is coming to use. Of course I would have been happier if it had been me using the rope.

At 19:45 the AVON left the ship for town. Our 2nd Engineer was on a secret mission. She will buy chocolate ice cream and whipping cream for me.

When she returns I will treat them on an ORIGINAL Aladdin milkshake surprise. Very good when you have a hangover.

And the Milkshake Surprise should not be mistaken for an Aladdin ORIGINAL Hangover Surprise. The Milkshake Surprise doesn’t have any alcohol or Baileys in it.

Now I'm off for a shower before she returns. I will use our Turkish volunteer's computer to upload my web page before leaving tomorrow.
ETD 08:00, well that means that we expect to leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
STAY TUNED and Funky Bananas
Och cykeln på köpet!

Our 2nd Engineer was back just after 8 o'clock. She had bought both whipping cream and iceGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006cream. Well, I know the whipping cream isn't any good for you, but DARN! It tastes good.

They did two more trips to the town with the AVON. Then I could be relieved on the bridge and I went for my shower. I wanted to be clean before making the milk shakes so I could enjoy the milkshake fully.

Our 2nd Engineer got second thought and she only had the ice cream. Good, more milkshake for me and our Videographer.

I poured milkshake in two of the wine glasses I bought in Istanbul. I knew that we would find use for them, I finished my milkshake in a jiff, well, I don't know if I managed to alleviate my hangover, but it was good. I really wished we had another bucket of the milkshake.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006

22:30 was the pick-up time for the crew ashore. When the AVON returned there were only 3 people returning. Pick up time was changed until 23:30. They had a slide show on marine reserves ashore and they expected it to be ready at 23:20.

I'm leaving in 4 days and I wanted a picture of my roommate. He is in the top bunk and when I see the picture it reminded me about going around India in 2nd class sleeper. Well, with the difference that the bunk in the cabin is much more comfortable.

After 53 hours on the Indian pride Bangalore - Calcutta express I was on the verge to go crazy. This was even though I had bought a cubic meter of old MAD magazine before entering the train. I don't know why I bought all the magazines. But I'm still thanking my lucky star for the smart move when I think about it today. Well, I'm not going to do it again, that's for sure.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Kas, Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
My cabin mate reading in the top bunk

Friday 28 th of July 2006
and at midnight I came to what will hopefully my last anchor watch in Kas. Departure time is changed to 06:30. Thanks to our Turkish volunteer I can make a BONUS upload of my web page before leaving. She keeps her computer in the office. My network connection to the internet has seized and I don't bother fix it, I'm soon off the ship.

We were steaming East when I came on my watch at 12:00. We had left Kas anchorage at 06:40. We lost our anchor when it was almost up, well, it was up when suddenly the anchor felt in to the sea. They were busy trying to take off our reserve anchor on main deck. I think they will fit the reserve anchor in Mersin.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Happy volunteers painting

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
I don't know if it is the painting or the beautiful volunteer making him happy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Happy volunteers painting

It was a very hot day and I was happy that I wasn't on deck painting and I tried to stay on the bridge with all the doors closed and the AC on maximum.
- AC? What AC?

During the evening one of our Flipper look out howled and pointed out on our Starboard side. Therewas a shark, I don't know, maybe 2 - 3 meters long.
- DARN! Where is my frigging camera?

I was back with my camera in a jiff. Of course, when I had my camera we never saw any sharks. But we enjoyed the evening on deck, it was a little cooler when the sun was about to disappear. One of the Turkish girls came with coffee.
- Do you have any tea?
- Don't you drink coffee?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
She brought coffee on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
On Flipper/ Shark lookout

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Turkish volunteers

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
I got our Scientist from Israel going. Well, it was not hard

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
By now our Videographer knows all about Israel's greatness

Our French volunteer were busy baking a gâteau de la " FREEDOM " and at 20:00 it was cake time in the mess room. I was smart enough to stay away, signing off in 4 days and I have to look good.

I think we will arrive to Mersin on the 31st of July and I want to try the Turkish DolmeGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006before going home. We have the Kåldolme in Sweden, and this is about the most Swedish you can eat. But it came to Sweden 300 years ago with our King Karl the XII when he returned from Turkey.

The original is wrapped in grape leaves, but in Sweden we don't have grapes so they wrap it in cabbage (kål) and thus they named it Kål (cabbage)dolme. That was a lot of nice to know stuff for you.

Our Assistant Cook from Italy has been working as a Deckhand the last two days. SheScooby Doohave swapped duties with Mr. Scooby as I call him, a Turkish volunteer. Well, Mr. Scooby is not that happy for the swap.
- It's very hot. And the kitchen is very small, he said.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Calling our Lebanese Doctor

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Calling our Lebanese Doctor

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Smoking on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Smoking on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Smoking on deck

Well, anyway, our former Italian Assistant Cook and our Chief Mate was sitting on deck smoking a water pipe. It was apple, whatever they put in the pipe. It looks like charcoal, but there are different flavours. I only tried once and they said it was strawberry, I don't want to say what I thought it tasted like. But it was not good.
- Hey! Aladdin, you want to try?
- No, I did it in Cairo. It's like sucking on charcoal, I replied.

Saturday 29 th of July 2006
and we were steaming slowly to the East when I came on my watch. We have to be South of Cape Scooby Doo at 06:00 to start our Flipper search. So I kept slow speed until 03:00 when I increased to full. When I came on my watch at 12:00 we were sailing with 2 sails. Rough sea and the flipper search were down the drain. I spent the afternoon doing as little speed as possible waiting for the wind to decrease.

Our Chief Mate saved my life, I was just about to jump overboard just to alleviate my boredom when he came and relieved me and I was down in the shower in 2 steps
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Practicing with his violin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Turkish volunteer outside the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
On the bridge listening to music

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Smoke break from the violin practicing

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Turkish volunteers washing monkey island

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Turkish Campaigner washing monkey island

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Turkish volunteers washing monkey island

Sunday 30 th of July 2006
and I had been on watch for almost 90 minutes at midnight. I was bored so I relieved our Skipper a little early so he could go to sleep. We were drifting waiting for the sunlight so the Flipper search could continue.

My watch went very quick, I spent 2 hours talking with our ex Assistant Cook watching the stars. Nationalteatern was blasting high over the deck. She just went to bed when our Videographer started to kick arse in the galley. He had his alarm to set off at 02:30.
- I must make spaghetti for Aladdin.
- You see, how will it be possible to go back on tankers after working with this crew?

He had prepared everything when I meet him in the galley. I sawSmileya bowl of mushrooms:
- Mushrooms! I'm allergic to mushrooms!
- Questa maledetta Aladdin don't eat mushroom, I have to find something in the fridge.
He was soon in a coat and he disappeared down to the fridge. He soon returned with something else and soon there were some serious cooking taking place in the galley. While our Video manwas cooking I called my reliever and the 2nd Engineer.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Videographer had to get dressed to get down to the fridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Videographer had to get dressed to get down to the fridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Videographer had to get dressed to get down to the fridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Cuoco Di babbo Natale making Spaghetti Di Natale

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Cuoco Di babbo Natale making Spaghetti Di Natale

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
@ 03:30 he comes to the bridge to destroy my diet

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
@ 03:30 he comes to the bridge to destroy my diet

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
My reliever come to relieve me

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
2nd Engineer and Videographer 4 o'clock in the morning

We needed the engine for 04:05 to be at the point where we will start the Flipper search at 06:00. I got the engine control to the bridge at the same time the Spaghetti Di Natala arrived to the bridge. It was delicious as always when I get original spaghetti, and I have picked up a few pointers by now so I will be able to do some real spaghetti when I'm coming home.

We were slowly gaining speed and I was soon down in the galley helping our Video man cleaning theGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdishes. I was in bed 04:30 something and I slept until 11:50 when it was time to go to the bridge.

When I came to the bridge 12:00 we were searching for Flippers. But we didn't make the zig zag search, we were heading straight for Mersin and they expect us to drop the anchor late tonight.

I was sitting in front of the bridge talking with our ex Assistant Cook when suddenly our Israeli Scientist forced his way in between us.

Well, it was not suddenly, he was looking at this spot all the way over. He was just smiling when he was sitting there like nothing ever happened. Well, as soon as he took the place next to her the excitement was gone and I left for the bridge and I could see the Turkish Coast guard approaching in full speed

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Turkish Coast Guard

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Hoisting the Dutch flag

When they came close they steered towards us and they were taking pictures while going around us. They called on CH 16.
- We cannot see your flag.
I sent one Deckhand to hoist the Dutch flag. Then they asked if there were any Turkish people onboard. I handed the microphone to our Turkish coordinator and the Coastguard asked if we could tell them what we were doing or if it was a secret.

Well, they soon left us and we could fart along towards Mersin. There was a BBQ planned for the evening and after my watch I could see the preparations for the BBQ.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Turkish volunteer outside the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Easy there cowboy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
I gave him my iPod holder

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Catching sun with hid new iPod holder

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Roger Grace - Photographer and Marine biologist
Making a Survey on how much plastic garbage there is in the Mediterranean

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Roger Grace - Photographer and Marine biologist
Making a Survey on how much plastic garbage there is in the Mediterranean

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Outboard Mechanic prepare for the BBQ

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Eating BBQ on the poop deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Eating BBQ on the poop deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Eating BBQ

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Eating BBQ

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Calling his girlfriend

Our Photographer and Marine biologist from New Zeeland had spent the last few days on the fo'c's'le to make a survey on how much plastic garbage we passed. And it was a lot of garbage in the Mediterranean. Well, it seems like this is the last evening onboard for everyone, except the minimum crew. New orders!

Straight to Mersin and then Cyprus for delivering medicine for Lebanon . This is the trip I wanted to join, but now there is a tanker waiting for me. Money is urgently required, I'm running low after 3 months on Rainbow Warrior.

We dropped anchor outside Mersin around 22:00 and they told me that they expected us to go along side 09:00 tomorrow morning. But again, here you never know anything. Today I have heard so many different stories that I don't care anymore.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Last night and he is packing

Monday 31 st of July 2006
and we were still anchored when I came on my watch at midnight. I was talking with our ex Assistant Cook and time turned very quick and suddenly it was 03:30. We got a surprise call to the bridge, it was our Cuoco Di Ultimo pasto called to the bridge and told us that the Spaghetti Di Triste da separare was ready soon.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
What a pleasant surprise - He is making pasta

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
03:50 He is busy making our last pasta on board Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
She is keeping an eye on the cooking

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
She had to give a few pointers

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Of course, fresh parmesan

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
This is how we like the see the Cook - putting his heart and soul into the cooking

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Food is ready

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Food is ready

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Rainbow WarriorWe ate in the mess room - It was almost 4 thirty and I Was off my watch

This is the last spaghetti we are eating together and as you can understand we were not in an up-beat mood. Maybe we have time for a milkshake SURPRISE in the afternoon. We don't know what is going to happen. When I came on my watch at 12:00 we were still at the anchorage.
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006- Pilot at 16:00, our Skipper said.

We started to hoist our anchor at 4 o'clock and we steamed towards the pilot pick up area. Meanwhile I was in the mess room doing fåck all. Our beautiful Turkish volunteer came with her address book.
- Can you please write your e-mail address?
- Why? I answered.
- I want to send you an e-mail.
- You have forgotten all about me in 2 days. And you will never send me an e-mail, I said.
- Maybe you will sell my e-mail address and my inbox will be full of offers on cheap watches and computer program, I continued.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- YOU ARE AN BIP BIPPING BIP !!!! If you don't want me to send an e-mail I will not send you any!
She ran away down the stairs to her cabin screaming, very upset, I don't understand Turkish. ButI can imagine what she said. And of course, Aladdin is Aladdin and I could not help myself and I just had to ask her:
- Do you think you will send me an e-mail?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I will send you an e-mail first thing tomorrow, she said. (We see about that, be sure to check www.aladdin.st if she is sending me an e-mail)

Well, it's the same thing every time signing off a ship. Exchange of addresses and stuff, but when you are home with your friend you are soon forgetting about the nice crew you been missing so much while in the taxi on the way from the ship to the airport.

Or as I said to our ex Assistant Cook the other day on our nightly chats. She told me that she will miss me and that she would send me e-mail.
- Hey! You will forget all about me after 3 days. If you want to send an e-mail do it after 3 weeks, NOT BEFORE, I said.

Later on when I was speaking with our 2nd Engineer on deck our beautiful Turkish volunteer passed with her address book. I called her and asked if she didn't want our 2nd Engineers e-mail address.
- Oh yes!
She came over with her book and she got second thought and she started to be evasive. Among other excuses she said that she only took the e-mail addresses from the people connected to Turkey.
- Hmm, so I'm connected to Turkey.

Later on she told me the she only took the e-mail addresses from 4 to 6 persons. Yippee, it feels good to be among the chosen few. Well, when I asked if I could take a picture of her with herGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006address book she dashed of screaming something about me being a, well, I could not hear what she said when she disappeared down the stairs.

I had booked TAXI for 20:00 to bring me to the hotel. My flight leaves Adana at 09:35 tomorrow and I fly to Amsterdam via Istanbul.

The people from the office want to meet me in Amsterdam. So I have to stay overnight in Amsterdam before flying to Stockholm and Kalmar. Well, this was exactly what I have been dreaming of for three months, meeting the people from the office at Schiphol. Have they heard about my camping adventure on deck in Genoa?

We left a little late, but at 20:15 we could leave the ship in two taxis. I was followed by our Video man, our ex Assistant Cook, Australian girl, Radio Operator and our Italian Deck hand. we were going to have a “good bye” drink after checking me on the hotel. We arrived to the Mersin Hotel and they wanted to wait for me while I took my shower.
- Wait at the first bar, I will be with you in 10 minutes, I said.

Well, I was walking around town for 90 minutes looking for them. I was in to several pubs and disco bars. I was harassed by beggars and other shady characters offering their services. But I never found the crew. I was almost giving up when I heard the special SkånskaWhistlingwhistling, it was our Videographer.
He was on the way back to the ship and we walked back to the gate talking about the mystery of life. It will not be nice to leave them. But they are all leaving tomorrow as well.

Now I'm off to the lobby so I can upload the latest to my web page. Before I do this I must mention that I have received (several) e-mails (Well, all that blah-blah about e-mail above for nothing) from our Greek Goddess that left us in Piraeus. She wrote that she had put my gift on the wall at home and we wait for a picture from her that we can show on the web.

But there was more, my inbox was brimmed with e-mails from our Lebanese Doctor, oh yeah, the very same that said that I had destroyed her life and called me Aladdin the Terrible.

But I'm used to the name calling by now, Aladdin the Terrible and Nazi is just a few of the things they call me. Our Israeli Scientist had been looking a little gloomy whenever he saw me the last few days. Well, I called Israel a Scooby country and we ended up in a discussion.

Hmm, he was soon happy again when he realized that I'm the same to everybody and it was nothing personally against him. Yeah, takes a while to get used, just ask our Lebanese Doctor.

His smile was a little forced today though. We were in the mess room when one of our volunteers leaving the ship said that he was travelling around Turkey.
- I would like to go to Damascus as well, he said.
- Why the BIP do you want to go to all these Scooby Doo countries? Go to Disneyland, satisfaction guaranteed, I said.
- We have a park in Italy as well, our ex Assistant Cook said.
- The Scooby park? I asked.
- No it's called mini Italy. There are models of all the cities and you can walk across Italy in 10 minutes, she said.
- We have a mini Turkey as well, our beautiful volunteer from Turkey said.
- Well, mini Israel. That's just to step in to a sand box, I said while putting my hand on our Israeli Scientist's shoulder

Mini this and that, we had mini India on the toilet the other day. The closet was sprayed, and it was not n utella ®. We saved fresh water, I skipped my shower that day.

Well, this is the end of July, but you just have to head on for August for more excitement. But hold on! Let's have a look at our Videographer's video before we swing over to the month of August

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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