“Aladdin's adventure on board Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior was updated with new and bigger pictures during March '14 while on board Roy Maersk”
I also update with a few names I found on the internet while looking for information about the Mediterranean Tour 2006.
I usually never put names on my web page, but these names were all over the internet so why not?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006

Wednesday 14 th of June 2006 and this is the last watch before arrival to Genoa. When we came for our watch we were on course 336°(t) towards Genoa pilot station. We noticed by all the ships around us that we were approaching a big port. Well, we were a little tired so the time didn't turn as quick as we wished for. But the clock turned 04:00 and we could go to bed all excited over the arrival to Genoa.

I was called by our Spanish Deckhand at 10:00.Ohh! 10 o'clock, my favourite time of the day.
- Pilot is onboard and we are soon arriving.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Entering the port of Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Entering the port of Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Approaching our jetty in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
We're alongside in Genoa and 2nd Engineer is on deck

We were entering the port when I came on deck, but we had to wait for our jetty to be free, butSailing shoesat 11:10 we had all fast at Calata Magazzini General in the middle of the city. We were moored along all the big yachts and now I was really happy that I got my sailing shoes. I can walk around the marina in my sailing shoes talking wind and weather with the signorinas.

My new watch keeper came onboard, (and as I feared) a beautiful Doctor from Lebanon. I didn't know, but I knew something was going on
Smileywhen I came for my lunch. I could see the new girl and all those gays playing guitars, building skyscrapers and there was even one of the guys interpreting her aura.
Yes, believe me, you can't make up things like that. And of course, it was also strange with all these new people on board after a month on the sea.

Lunch on board Rainbow WarriorI was having my lunch in a corner all by lonesome studying all this. And it was fun. The best lunch since I joined Rainbow Warrior back in Singapore. Well, it will be interesting to see how this turns out.
- Me??!! I don't have to worry, I'm the old uglyguy and I don't need to waste myHeartenergy on building skyscrapers and stuff. And by the way, my inbox is empty as a backpackers valet so no need to play the guitar either. Bursting in to a spontaneousYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttune have done foock all to fill up my inbox.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeace activists get help from our crew with the drawingsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Rainbow Warrior alongside in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeace activists get help from our crew with the drawingsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeace activists get help from our crew with the drawingsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeace activists get help from our crew with the drawingsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeace activists and she is happy for the helpYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I was waiting for us to get clearance from immigration so I could go ashore to buy some mineral water and deodorant. I will go ashore with my ex watch keeper.
- Hmm, we will look like Laurel & HardyLaurel & Hardy

- Where is the immigration? I suspected that something was wrong. I have never been waiting for hour for shore permission in an EU country. Hmm, I sneaked away to buy myself some water andGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006diet coke in a bar on the jetty and while at it I had 2 beer as well.

I bought some deodorant and chocolate for our French volunteer before returning to the ship. Our French and Israeli volunteer were putting drawings on cardboards together with a beautiful Italian girl. This is the kind of shipping I like, arriving and the crew go straight down on the jetty starting to draw pictures and not have to think about loading and discharging.

There is a beautiful girl coming and we are cutting and pasting drawings on the jetty while enjoying the sunshine and cracking jokes. It was a nice girl and she tried to teach us some Italian words that would come in handy during our stay.

Well, anyway, these drawings were from children in an Italian school and as it turned out the school were named Jessie.
- Gosh! You have many children named Jessie in Genoa, I told the girl.
- Jessie is the name of the school , she said.

Coming to port was nice, when arriving with a tanker its work 24/7, or as we say in Germany “vier und zwanzig sieben” Here they welcomed us a heroes and the ship was full of beautiful girls that wanted to take us ashore.

Well, as they say, we're Ambassadors for Greenpeace and someone has to do the representing. And representing we did, the afternoon was spent in front of the bridge and I brought a case ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stTiger beer. Didn't take long before I wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthandsome and all the girls were beautiful.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWell, we also know that from there it isYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stquickly going downhill.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThe girlsare still beautiful, but I turn from handsome and dashing Charisma Man to the Obnoxious Man. And this is not a nice experience.

But it started out like a very nice afternoon in Genoa and we were drinking beer and there were people joining us all the time. Both new crew and Greenpeace activist that were going to join us on the driftnet campaign. Or as I think the campaign was called: Defending our Mediterranean. AndYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.styes, the spirit was high. And the fact that we were the heroes didn't make things worse.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
My new look out and my off signing look out

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Drinking beer on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Drinking beer on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Drinking beer on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Webbie, Hiba Aboulhosn from Lebanon steps on board and caught sight of our hero for the first time

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
My look out is leaving us here in Genoa

Ad as I said, Charisma Man was in town and the Italian Greenpeacers wanted to take me ashore to show me the night life. Well, as it turned out, there were never any offers like this again. I was supposed to go ashore with the Deckhand on my watch, but suddenly we found him on the 20:00 - 22:00 duty. But I came up with this master plan.
If I go ashore with our Italian friends I can be back to get you at 22:00
- Sounds great!
I left the ship with the Greenpeacers and I was tipsy and I forgot myself. I suggested a TAXI to town. The Greenpeacers just gaped at me.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- TAXI!! WE CAN WALK!!

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Ashore in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Ashore in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Ashore in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Ashore in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Ashore in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Back on board - Did I take this picture?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Back on board - Did I take this picture?

I remember us going ashore and I remember the first place we went to, but from there until I woke up it is a gap. But I must have made it back to the ship to pick up my off signing look out.

CampingWell, you know me by now. I still don't know myself, well, anyway I never learn. At 22:00 I had the concrete hat on and I felt asleep on deck. Hmm, or camping as we call it in Sweden.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Of course I was tired. I was called for @ 10:00 and I didn't quite made it to the end of the night
And I still have my darn sailing shoes on, for sure impressing no one
And I must be allergic to leather. Every time I wake up with my shoes on I have a terrible headache

Thursday 15 th of June 2006
and I was OK as long as I was lying down. But Man! When I tried to get out of bed the hangover hit me like a freight train.
- Puh hvor er jeg træt!

I took 3 of my “ Men's MEGA MEN ” dietary Supplement. Time release it says on the jar, but I could not wait for them to kick in. Hangover force 9,7 and I thought that things couldn't get any worse. One of our local Greenpeace guys passed the bridge and told me:
- Today is the big day?
- Why? I asked while hopping that I had not made something stupid yesterday. This was one of the guys that were ashore with us.
- The press will be here today. It's a big press conference, he said.
Oh yeah! It's like a dream comes true. I told the guy that I will be in my cabin hitting myself with a hammer by then.

Things soon got worse, it's amazing, you think that you have hit rock bottom and you find that there is a little bit more to get. Well, now someone came with a camera.
- I like you, can I have a picture?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Activities on the jetty

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Activities on the jetty

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Activities on the jetty

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat the foock!!! Imagine running in to this with a force 9.8 hangover

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
My look out with all the drawings on the jetty

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Information about Rainbow Warrior and Greenpeace for the expected visitors

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Information about Rainbow Warrior and Greenpeace for the expected visitors

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Visitors in the mess rooms

There were all kinds of activities on the jetty during the day, it was nice with all the people comingGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006and the Italian Greenpeace group was real nice. The time went quick and it was a nice day. The highlight of the day was when our Chief Mate brought two beautiful girls to me. 2 new crew members and they needed the safety tour of the ship.
- This is our new crew, can you please show them around the ship.

It was one assistant cook from Italy and one web master from Lebanon and I was more than happy to help. The Webbie wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwalking around with a recorder and she took pictures of me every now and then.

So this is how it is going to be from now on. She will be on board during the campaign and she will interviewYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe crew and blog about our daily life on board rainbow Warrior. Yeah, really something I'm looking forwardGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006to. And today it was really appreciated, a full hangover and someone running after me taking pictures all the time. A foocking dream came true!

Well, I paid back in her own coin. I took a picture of her every now and then. I didn't manage to finish the whole tour with both the girls. Our Webbie had to leave for the press conference, there were always pictures for her to take.

Our Webbie disappeared and I continued the safety tour with the Italian girlwhile trying to dodge all the cameras onboard. Press conference and there is plenty Journalists, plus of course, Greenpeace's own professional photographers.

But nothing can stop us from having the safety tour so the new crew knows what to do in an emergency

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
She is taking a picture of me taking a picture of her

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
I'm taking a picture of her taking a picture of me

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Press conference on deck

I also received 7 Notice to Mariners, week 16 to 22. Notice to Mariners is corrections for our charts, important so we can correct our charts. If they find a new rock or something they will let us know and we can put the rock on our chart. There were people running around on the bridge all day so I gave up. Maybe tonight after 19:00 when the ship is closed for visitors.

Even if the ship was full of nice people and beautiful girls I was lucky to get away at 12:00. I went ashore with my EX Deckhand, he was flying back home today and we went for a bye - bye meal. We had a nice meal, our waitress didn't understood f... all English and the menu was in Italian. We managed to order a spaghetti Surprise and water. I was on duty during the night so I could not drink wine. Well, water or tea is the best thing you can have with food anyway.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Fer foock's sake!!!!

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Well, the food was good

When we came back the press conference was over and most of theSmileycameras were gone. I had been onboard for a few minutes only when our Chief Mate came asking for a strong guy. Who does she have in mind?

Never mind who she got in mind, I volunteered and I ended up with one of our Italian volunteers in the galley. We had to carry out and throw away the old refrigerator. There was aGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006lorry on the jetty and we got rid of all our garbage. We been sorting the garbage for 5 weeks and now it ended up in one heap on the lorry

During the afternoon there was a bunch of people start to playing the big drums on the jetty. Where do all this hullabaloo came from, and my hangover.
- You get 5€ if you stop playing

I guess that they supported Greenpeace, but after a few hours of this drumming I wasn't so sure anymore. It is not like I'm not appreciating the effort, but MAN!! What about some good music on a BOOM BOX!!

We had an open ship between 1600 and 1900 and we had a lot of people visiting the ship. Our Italian volunteers showed around the visitors, no one in the crew spoke any Italian.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Children comes on board to see Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Children comes on board to see Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
People waiting to come on board to see Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Engineers on the jetty

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Chief Mate eating chocolate

We had plenty visitors during the day and during the night we got a lot of children onboard, they we're going to sleep on our Fo’c’s’le during the night. They were really excited and they had been looking forward for this for a very long time. The adventure of a life time so disappointment is no option. We only want happy children leaving with a great Greenpeace experience.

I was off to upload my web page and a bite to eat at one of the restaurants along the jetty. My inbox was full of e-mail and I sent one e-mail from our French volunteer to her web master, so now he have some pictures + all the pictures he can take from www.aladdin.st.

The Italian volunteers came from all over Italy and they were really help full and they assisted the ship with everything. From shopping to driving around our diving guy to different diving shops. They cooked and all of them ate on deck in the evening. There were things happening in all corners of the ship and I gave up the chart correction.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Children coming on board to sleep on the Fo’c’s’le

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Children coming on board to sleep on the Fo’c’s’le

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Camping on the Fo’c’s’le

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian volunteers are serving dinner on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian volunteers are serving dinner on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Webbie busy taking pictures and record everything happening on board

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
In front of the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
In front of the bridge

I was busy running to the bar all evening buying Diet Drinks and they called from the jetty every time I passed. Come here and drink beer with us, we're having a party. One of the big yachts was having a BBQ party with dance and music on the jetty, of course Greenpeace were invited.

I was on duty during the night and I had to stay onboard. But I was told that they were having a new party tomorrow and our Italian volunteers told me that Friday night is the best day for party in Italy, so let's see if we can reach 9.9 on the Richter scale when waking up on Saturday.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
BBQ on the yacht jetty

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
BBQ on the yacht jetty

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
I was not alone on board during the night - Spanish and French Deckhand eating

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
I was not alone on board during the night - Spanish and French Deckhand eating

Friday 16 th of June 2006
and the day started very good. We were on deck talking about Diet Drinks. A topic as good as any.
- I'm on a diet, I said.
- And you look good, the Lebanese Doctor said, my new watch keeper.
- You are the 5th person onboard saying that I look good, Hmm, I'm sorry to say that you're the first female to say it.
- Well, except the insult from the Australian girl, I continued.
And as I spoke with a girl I wanted her opinion and I asked her:
- "You look better", what does it mean?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Spanish deck hand hangover?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Repairing her trousers

Well, I was off to buy one Diet Drink at the bar close by and when I returned we shifted the ship 2 meters astern. At 11:30 I left for the city and it was a 10 minutes’ walk to the city. WhenGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006passing the square I meet all the Italian Greenpeace people and I asked for the directions. After a while we found someone from Genoa and I could ask where to repair my watch, buy shoes and a skipping-rope.

After a little running around on the town I finally found a place where I could buy a new watchstrap.

From there it was a few minutes’ walk to the next shop. I found a pair of skateboard shoes (I'm giving everything to win the “ Sveriges Tjockaste Hip Hoppare 2006 ” award, that is “ The chubbiest Hip Hopper in Sweden 2006 ” award in English.)

Then it was a few minutes’ walk again and after asking the police for the direction I found the place to buy my skipping-rope and I was done. I found a 5kg jar of n utella ®when I passed a creperia or whatever they call it. I entered the place with a smile on my face and I asked how much. That is:
- Costa mucho dineros? In Italian.

They didn't sold them, but I got the direction to the shop, I was disappointed because I never found the shop and I really wanted to buy the jar for our Spanish Deckhand, she loves n utella ®and I was really looking forward to give her the jar.

Here we have a typical example on how wrong it can go when saving the picture in the wrong size

On the way back to the ship I was both disappointed and hungry and I stopped for lunch.
- Do you have Spaghetti Carbonara?
- Lasagna Verde.
- Si claro.
I got the smallest piece of lasagne I had ever seen. What the BIP ! Well, I think it was a bar and this lasagne was some kind of bar snack. I stopped at my restaurant in the marina on the way back. They had Ravioli, and the Ravioli was Verde (Everything seems to be verde today) and I think that means healthy. It looked like health food and it tasted good, but it disappeared like an Aspirin. There wasn't really much on the plate.

Now I was set for some heavy duty walking with my new shoes, I hope I can find a place with some privacy when it’s time for skipping rope.

In the morning we had rigged one gangway on the Fo’c’s’le and we had one at the bridge deck. The visitors came onboard forward and they left the ship aft on the bridge deck. When I came back from my shopping tour there was a long cue of people waiting to come onboard.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
People lining up to get on board Rainbow Warrior in Genoa

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeace activist with inflatable animals
Most likely made in China by child labour and not exactly in an environmental friendly material

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our new Doctor checking the medicines - Picture by our Webbie, Hiba Aboulhosn?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our new Doctor checking the medicines - Picture by our Webbie, Hiba Aboulhosn?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our new Doctor checking the medicines - Picture by our Webbie, Hiba Aboulhosn?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our new Doctor checking the medicines - Picture by our Webbie, Hiba Aboulhosn?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our new Doctor checking the medicines - Picture by our Webbie, Hiba Aboulhosn?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeacers making food

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeacers making food

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeacers making food

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Italian Greenpeacers helping with the plants

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Here we go with the beer again

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Here we go with the beer again

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our French volunteer just woke up - Because of the FUNKY music in the mess room
The music tends to be a wee bit on the “LOUD” side after a few beers

Our Italian friends did a great work showing all those visitors around on the ship. Not all of them were showing visitors around, our kitchen were full of Italian volunteers helping our new assistant cook cocking for the crew and all the Italian volunteers.

SvulloThere were so much food and people were eating everywhere, except me, I'm allergic to spaghetti, every time I eat spaghetti I'm expanding to enormous proportions. Instead of eating I did some walking, I went all the 200 meters to my favourite bar on the jetty and I bought 15 bottles of white wine. And I think it was all the wine they had. Yes, tipsy after the tiger beer and no I had passed the POINT OF NO RETURNYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

They thought that I was jokingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhen I asked to buy all their wine. But they gave me some boxes and they helped me to get it back to Rainbow Warrior. We opened the wine in the mess room and, well, I should have stuck with the diet drinks.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Wine with the dinner - I think I skipped the food

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Wine with the dinner - I think I skipped the food

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Wine with the dinner - I think I skipped the food

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Wine on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Wine on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Wine on deck

It was sometime between when I arrived back to the ship with the wine and when I woke up. Something must have got out of hand.

I have deleted all the remaining pictures from that night, nothing you bring up at a Christmas dinner. And putting up the new pictures on the page about my Greenpeace adventure gave me achock. Obviously I had forgotten to delete one picture. But you will never see it on my web page.

Well, anyway, seems like Charisma Man had been busy introducing himeself on deck.

Well, why not, just to show you the difference, when I hugged her it was a SCANDAL. And the only reason I can put the picture here is because I have one picture from Istanbul where it is the opposite. But then it was no SCANDAL, OK, there might be a slight difference, but just sayin' Charisma Man to Obnoxious Man in zero point five

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
1 month later in Istanbul - NO SCANDAL - None cared when I was abused
OK, never mind, we didn't had any camping children near by

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
I was under attack

Saturday 17 th of June 2006
and I almost shat in my bed when our Lebanese Webbie stormed in to my cabin early morning. Jesus Christ, what the foock is going on. A hangover force 9.6, expected. I remembered foock all from yesterday, expected

But the crew, and I'm not joking, they thought the sun was shining from my arse all the way from Singapore to Genoa. But now I could feel a change in the attitude. Our Skipper called me to the bridge
- We really like you
Now I had a few alarm going off with both sound and light.
- But we have children on board.
He explained that they came from a remote village far up the mountain and they had never seen electricity or any modernity’s. They had been travelling for I don't know how long just to see Rainbow Warrior. It was like the adventure of their life time, they only left the village once or twice every 100 years. And they had got permission to camp on the Fo’c’s’le on board Rainbow Warrior. So yes, they cannot have The Obnoxious Man running around scaring people

Right there and then I made up my mind, from now on I will stay at a hotel when I'm going ashore to get drunk. Of course, the best decision would have been to give up drinking all together.

I spent the time with chart corrections, from 10:00 until 02:00 in the morning. And I spent all the time in my cabin, BELIEVE ME, I did not want to meet any people. I only left my cabin for a lunch break. I just waited for them to leave deck. IF THEY COULD STOP THE FOOCKING DRUMMING ON THE JETTY so I could hear when they left deck.

I waited until it was quiet on deck and I sneaked out. The only good thing coming out from the wine purchase and all the numerous beers and diet drinks at the restaurant down the jetty was that they made me Spaghetti Carbonara.

They did not have Spaghetti Carbonara on the menu, but today they told me to come to the kitchen. They made me a special Spaghetti Carbonara, just for me. A secret recipe, hundreds of years old. So this was good and I really didn't want to go back to the ship to meet the crew. But I managed to sneak on board without getting hassled.

The only nice thing happening during the day was when our 2 Lebanese girls visited me. One of them was the girl I had hugged yesterday.
- Do you want a hug?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Well, I wanted, but I'm too shy. When she came back a little later I was hoping that she would ask again. Hmm, disappointed again, but she told me that the music was much better in my cabin than the music they played on deck. I was not surprised about the music. One of them asked if she could help me correcting the List of Lights. These two girls are so sweet.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Sunday 18 th of June 2006
and I had the day off. I continued with the List of Lights for a few hours and I left for the Aquarium in the afternoon. Our Spanish volunteer wanted to come so Iwaited for him while he took his shower.

Then he had a meeting for the divers onboard and he told me that it would take 30 minutes. I waited at the internet place 150m from the ship. While sitting there one of the Italian volunteers knocked me on the shoulder.
- Hi, I saw you when I passed so I wanted to say hey.

Good thing with the Greenpeacers, they seems to have forgot about the “incident” on deck last Friday and they were very friendly. Or maybe someone had blown the whole thing out of proportion.

I showed her my page and she was soon returning with her friends to see more. I told them that they could visit and that I will upload fresh stuff whenever I get a chance.

No sign of our Spanish volunteer, so I left for the aquarium all by lonesome. It was interesting, and it was very nice.

We had a meeting in the mess room at 2000, our action coordinator wanted to brief us on the action. He told us thatSmileythe fishermen could use firearm at us when we took their illegal drifting nets. I don't know, but they said that one net could cost 8000€ and of course they will get angry if we take them. But it's illegal to use the nets and there are flippers dying by the hour and someone has to stop this.

I meet the last new comers of the new crew, beautiful girls from Greece. One spoke Swedish, she was born in Sweden and she had been living in Sweden for 8 years.
- No good, now I have to think about what I'm saying.

I was at my restaurant and I had Spaghetti Carbonara and I called to Sweden. When I came back to the ship our Spanish volunteer wanted to call home, so we took my computer and USB phone andGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Genoa, Italy - Defending our Mediterranean 2006went ashore for some tea at the bar.

I connected to internet via the wireless internet and he could call home for 2 cents/ minute. On the way back we passed the last bar before the ship, a Spanish place.

There were loud music and dancing and we stopped for a beer. I had soda only. Soon there were quite a few of the crew from the Rainbow Warrior and we had a good time there before I returned to the ship with the Swedish speaking girl. And yet again, no one ever mentioned the “incident” on deck last Friday and they were very friendly. Or maybe someone had blown the whole thing out of proportion.
I did a few “ Notice to Mariners ” and I wrote a few words on my web page.

We are leaving tomorrow morning and I hope I can have a last breakfast on my restaurant/ bar and upload my web page. It will not be fun leaving, but we say:
Grazie mille per vi ospitalità! Arrivederci!
- Darn! I knew that a few lines of Italian would come in handy.

So click HERE for Rainbow Warrior Defending our Mediterranean adventure

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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