Rewritten in December 2010

M/T Tärnvind
I took this picture in Skarvikshamnen, Go:teborg 21st of February 2003

M/T Tärnvind was built 1981 in Kalmar, Sweden. She's 106,14 m long and 15,73 m wide. M/T Tärnvind is on 6150 ton DWT and can load 6970 m³ (98%) in 16 tanks. She has 4 CT and 10 WT + 2 slop tanks.
She has a ballast capacity of 1916 m³.
She takes 328,3 m³ heavy fuel and she uses 12 ton/ day at service speed 12 knots.
She takes 74,7 m³ diesel for her auxiliary engines.
She have 4 Svanehöj deep well pump with suction compartment. each pump serving 1 Ct + WT
Closed loading system by vapour return line. High level alarm, distance reading thermometer plant in CCR and level meter on deck and SAAB radar. Cargo heating system is removed.

She is still going strong, Swedish quality. They don't build ship like this today.

I was living at Spar Hotel Gårda and I had ordered a wake up call. And after receiving my early morning wakeup call (I think that's a song with Flash and the Pan) I got down to the AVIS office to pick up my rental. I was signing on in Karlshamn and I had to pick up a motorman in Höganäs. It was Sunday and they opened 10 o'clock in the morning. And as it was Sunday I thought that I should be alone at AVIS. A quick "get the car key and leave" operation. But there were about 1 million tourists there so I had to line up in a long cue and it took me about 30 minutes to get my car. (The Chief Officer was jumping up and down in Karlshamn waiting for me) and off I went.

It was a 400 km drive and we arrived to Karlshamn just before 3 o'clock in the afternoon. M/T Bro Anton was discharging on our jetty and Tärnvind was anchored on the roads waiting for the jetty. They were waiting for us with the life boat in the marina.
M/T Tärnvind
M/T Tärnvind
We took the life boat out to the ship and 1730 the anchor was a weight and we got alongside and discharged our cargo of Gasoil from Russia.

We left Karlshamn early morning 27th of May bound for St. Petersburg, Russia to loading Gasoil. Discharge port should be Gävle, Stockholm, Karlshamn or Malmö. We didn't know where to go but we will receive discharge orders when we have loaded. Or maybe before, and of course, I washoping for Malmö. Always nice to come to Skåne , a very nice place.

On the way to St. Petersburg I was copying my Linguaphone language course from tapes to MiniDisc. I lost my walkman together with all my computer programs last December. You might think it's an English course after discovering all the misspellings reading on web page. But I have to make you disappointed, it's not.

I was working with my computer to, when I was in Gothenburg I got my replacement CD's from Microsoft for the program I lost. After a little hassle I got Windows XP to work as I wanted.
(I must admit that I lost my temper 1st time I installed Windows so my keyboard is f****d up. I have to repair it when I'm signing off next time)

They had repaired my almost new NOKIA and I picked up the phone when in Göteborg so now I can send and receive e-mail again with my own computer. Last time my NOKIA gave up after 2 days so I hope it will work longer this time.
I got an e-mail from Sue!! She sent it to Tärnvik via satellite so they had to forward it to me on Tärnvind. So now everyone had read my e-mail and I prefer to have my own computer and internet access.

Hmm, maybe it's time to change to a company where no one had read my e-mail. Anyway after almost 2,5 years with only a few days holiday it could be nice to change. But as the Captain said on Tärnvik:
- You will be here for the next 10 years at least.
Well, we see about that.

Tuesday 28 th of May 2002
and we arrived to St. Petersburg anchorage in the evening. We had toM/T Tärnvindwait for M/T Bro Anton again. Broström is a real "one step ahead" company (Swedish crew) and we had to wait again (Mixed crew).

I had plenty time to update my web page and send some e-mail while waiting on the anchorage. At first they told us that we should leave the anchorage on the afternoon the 29th of May and later on the changed it to 1 o'clock in the morning 30th of May.

Always the same story in St. Petersburg, no one knows anything.

Thursday 30 th of May 2002
and we left the anchorage 4 o'clock in the morning and we wereM/T Tärnvindalongside ready to load gas oil to Kalmar around 06:30.

We got our loading instructions on the way to St. Petersburg. We will discharge in Kalmar and that means that we can load to a maximum draft of 7,3m. We were loaded at 1710 in the afternoon and pilot was ordered for 2100. Long time for the paper work in Russia.

The Surveyor really liked the music I was playing in the Cargo control room. I was playing "Østkyst Hustlers",Danish hip hop on full blast in the CCR. He forgot about the paper work and he had a real crossM/T Tärnvindexamination with me in the CCR.
- What's the name of the group?
- Where are they coming from?
- Can I buy the records in Russia (I don't think so)
- Can I find the music internet? (What do I know?)

Anyway, when we had completed the paper work we just had to wait for immigration and the pilot. The pilot was 30 minutes late. As usually.

We took the opportunity to discharge our slop and engine sludge when we were in St. Petersburg. They send a barge so we could discharge all our slop and sludge. Our slop tanks on deck were full so we needed to get rid of our slop if we need to do tank cleaning. We have 2 deck tanks for slopM/T Tärnvindand sludge. They contain about 22 cbm each.

We finished our slop/ sludge transfer at 2030 and we were ready for departure. Pilot was ordered for 2100 and we left 21:40 for Kalmar, Sweden. It was about 2,5 hours with pilot and the pilot disembarked at midnight and we were alone again, nice.
M/T Tärnvind

On the way to Kalmar we had a chance to have a fire drill. We have to be prepared for any emergency that can arise on the ship and we have to train for everything.

Fire drill, lifeboat drills etc. On a ship it's not so easy to call 112 and get the fire brigade or an ambulance. We have to do everything by our self.

Last chance when the shit really have hit the fan is to launch the lifeboat and leave theM/T Tärnvindship. This will only be done when there is absolutely nothing else to do.

It's always better to stay on the ship than to sit in a lifeboat. Imagine sitting in a small life boat in full storm in the middle of the winter, I can think of 1 million places where I prefer to be. It's also easier to be found on the ship than in a small life boat.

We have 2 Chief Engineers onboard, 1 will leave us in Kalmar and is doubling with the new Chief for a few days. Well, anyway, the Chief Engineers demonstrated how our emergency generator was working. EveryoneM/T Tärnvindonboard the ship should know how to operate the emergency generator and all the safety equipment.

We have an emergency generator if we get a "Black out". If the power disappears we need an emergency generator that provides us with enough power to run the emergency fire pump and some emergency lights.

Most of the navigation equipment on the bridge and the steering gear is also powered by the emergency generator.

Saturday 1 st of June 2002
and we arrived to Kalmar in the night. We discharged our Gas oil and we left 0500 early Sunday morning. It was on the weekend and we didn't have any loading order so we steamed towards Gothenburg anchorage. We would wait for loading orders at anchorage "C" outside Gothenburg.

Monday 3 rd of June 2002
and we arrived to Göteborg anchorage early morning. We had new loading instructions at lunch, load 1 parcel of Gasoline in Brofjorden and then go to Gothenburg and load 1 parcel of Gas oil. Discharge port Fredericia, Denmark.
Maybe I will get a chance to go ashore and buy some Danish Hip Hop music

We arrived to Brofjorden 1500 and had to drop the anchor and wait for the Gasoline to be ready. 1930 the anchor was up and we got alongside and loaded the Gasoline.

Tuesday 4 th of June 2002
and we left Brofjorden at 03:25 and at 8 o'clock the Pilot for Göteborg boarded us outside Vinga. We had to drop anchor again waiting for a ship taking bunker at our jetty. We dropped anchor at Rivö anchorage for about 1 hour.

We where alongside jetty # 520 in Skarvik at 1120. Loading Master came onboard at 1155 and told us that the ship on jetty #521 was loading the same grade as we should so we could not start to load until the afternoon. So we had to wait for M/T Bro Grace ( Broströmagain ) to be ready. For me it was good, that means that we will arrive to Fredericia later and my chances to get some time ashore increased.

So far on this trip it have been plenty waiting and time for scratching the behind.

Well, in Fredericia everything was closed. It was some strange holiday. Also strange that neither the Agent nor the loading Master told me about this when I asked about the way in to the town. Fredericia is not a place you are running around just for the fun of it. No Danish Hip Hop or hair cut. But I saved some money.

Wednesday 5 th of June 2002
and we left Fredericia at 18:00 and arrived to Brofjorden 0900 6th of June. We had to drop the anchor (again) waiting until 19:00 when our product was ready and we could come along side. Loading unleaded gasoline in Brofjorden can take long time when they are mixing the product during loading. The Pilot needs 5 hours notice so sometimes we have to change our ETC several times.

It's always stop for lab test of the product and we never know how many stop they are making. But we usually manage to get it right with very good help from the crew on Scanraff.

Friday 7 th of June 2002
and we left Brofjorden for Oslo, Norway early in the morningafter only one stop for lab test.

Saturday 8 th of June 2002
and we left Oslo after discharging our gasoline. We were bound for Brofjorden again where we arrived at 10 o'clock. And as usual we had to drop the anchor at Brofjorden anchorage. We were going to load full cargo of Gasoline to Fredericia. (A new chance to go ashore) It looked like we had to wait until 11th of June for loading.

On the way to Brofjorden I spoke with Tärnsjö on the VHF. She arrived to Brofjorden just before us. I spoke with the Chief Officer. (Sounds like he was from Skåne ) We agreed that I should come to relieve him in the beginning of July.
Plenty time at the anchorage. I have time to update my web page and to send e-mail. So farmy NOKIA have been working so I can connect myself to the internet and thus keep my e-mail for myself. What about Sue? She sent me her phone number so I will call her. But please don't expect to read anything about the call on this page.

Monday 10 th of June 2002
and we got a new Captain onboard at the anchorage. We picked up him and 2 cadets with our life boat. They came with car to Malmön just next to the anchorage.
Scanraff called us in the afternoon and wanted us to go alongside in the evening.

And of course after a very long time with very nice weather it started to rain when weshould go alongside. Thunder and lightning with heavy rain, but it soon passed. A cooling summer rain as we call it. Full cargo Gasoline with no stop for test's and we should be on the way to Fredericia early morning 11th of June.

Arriving to Fredericia 2200 and leaving 0630 (delayed because of problem with a valve on the shore line) did not give me time to get neither my haircut nor my Danish Hip Hop.

We got orders to proceed to Brofjorden and load 2 parcels of Gasoil to Wismar in former East Germany. Arriving to Brofjorden 2200 the 12th of June we got alongside and start loading. We loaded the 2 parcels at the same time so before we had time to say "HEY" we were ready and on the way to Wismar.

Friday 14 th of June 2002
and we arrived early morning to Wismar we expected to leave at lunch time. But they only had one shore line so it was only possible to discharge parcel one by one so we didn't leave Wismar until the evening.

Saturday 15 th of June 2002
and we arrived to Fredericia 7 o'clock in the morning. And I did not have time for hair cut or shopping, Saturday and Denmark playing against England in the soccer world cup so everything was closed.

!!!! Breaking news !!!! !!! Breaking news !!!!

Fredericia 15th of June 2002, Shell terminal

When the new AB was signing on in Fredericia he told me that the company where going to change from Swedish to Norwegian flag.

The company called him before he signed on and told him that it was the last time for him on the ship.

Relieved AB had to bring all his stuff back home when signing off for the last time after many years onboard M/T Tärnvind.

So it's my last time on M/T Tärnvind?????!!!!!!! Polish Chief Officer coming?????!!!!!";
After loading Isemerat we left for Mongstad. Isemerat is used when they are making Gasoline on the refinery in Mongstad.

Tuesday 17 th of June 2002
and we arrived to Fedje pilot station at 11 o'clock. They told us thatM/T Tärnvindwe had to wait for our jetty. So we where adrift outside Fedje until 1910 when the pilot came on board. But our jetty was still occupied so we had to approach Mongstad slowly and at 2130 our jetty was available.

We discharged our Isemerat and loaded CCS at the same jetty. The CCS was for Statoil's refinery in Kalundborg, Denmark.CCS is also a product they add when they make gasoline.

In Kalundborg the Swedish Maritime Administration did an audit. We had to launch the lifeboat and he checked the ship and all ourM/T Tärnvindcertificates. It all worked out good. Discharging took very long time, we where only allowed to use 1 pump but finally we could depart on Friday afternoon. We dropped our anchor outside Kalundborg for a few hours waiting to see if the company could arrange some cargo for us before the weekend. We got orders to proceed to Brofjorden and wait at the anchorage until Tuesday 25th of June when we should load Naphtha to Gothenburg.

When I signed on Tärnvind last time, 20th of March it was very strange weather; raining and snowing at the same time as the sun was shining. The sun showed up March21st when we arrived to Gothenburg and we have had nice weather (except for about 3 showers) the last 2 and half months until we changed Captain in Brofjorden 10th of June. It have been raining and blowing every day since he signed on.
How long will this poor weather last?

After the weekend on the anchorage (I had time to talk with Sueon the phone) they called us and wanted us alongside 2 o'clock Tuesday morning 25th of June. We should load full cargo of Naphtha. In the evening we were ready to leave Brofjorden for Gothenburg. It was gale outside with rough sea. But we did good speed and picked up the pilot at 0100 26th of June.

We discharged the Naphtha to Preem's refinery so we could only discharge with max rate 600 cbm per hour. That gave me time to go ashore for a few hours. My friend had bought trousers to me. I had time to go to the post office and pick up a package. I also got my hair cut. From the ship chandler I got 2 pair of trousers as well. Captain wanted me to order new trousers, he's wife having a part in the ship chandler company. ( I must admit that I looked like a scavenger) I should pick up new trouser last time I was home. But I got no time; I arrived at the airport in the afternoon and had to fly back and sign on in the evening. I had plenty errand to run and when I was on the airplane back I remembered that I should have brought some new clothes with me. But there are many people getting their income from selling clothes.

1800 we were ready to depart. 2300 we dropped our anchor at Brofjorden anchorage (In heavy rain). Scanraff told us that we had to wait until lunch time 27th of June for our jetty.

On the way to Brofjorden we meet Tärnsjö on her way to Malmö in beautiful Skåne . I spoke with the Chief Officer and we were hoping that we could stay together in Gothenburg or Brofjorden onthe 30th of June so I could go straight from Tärnvind and relieve him (saving on travel expenses for the company). Anyway I could put some of my bags at the Preem office and they would send a gay to pick it up and then I just had to carry my "Weekend bag" when I sign on. Very convenient.

I also took this opportunity to test our GMDSS lifeboat VHF and they worked just fine.

Thursday 27 th of June 2002
and they called us from Scanraff and changed estimated time for going alongside to 1700. A wee bit later they called us again and changed the prospects to 1800. Preem informed us that we were going to load 2 parcels, CCS and Gasoline Reformat. We had loading instructions from the company, and the instructions were to load CCS only.
Well, as usual the Scanraff had the right nomination so I had to go and make a new cargo plan.

Our anchor was up at 18:50 and at 1930 we were alongside. We started with the Reformat parcel and we loaded the CCS parcel as last parcel.
Both parcels are used on the refinery when they are making gasoline.

Friday 28 th of June 2002
and we left Brofjorden for Gothenburg at 06:45.

On the way to Gothenburg Preem told us that we had to drop anchor and wait for our jetty, it was occupied by Tärnsjö. She had returned from Malmö and they were loading for Malmö again. After Malmö she should go to Brofjorden and load full cargo of Gas oil to Hamburg.

After discharging in Gothenburg we should return to Brofjorden and load for Fredericia. We had ETA Brofjorden Sunday and Tärnsjö had ETA Sunday afternoon so it looked like I could transfer to Tärnsjö by foot in Brofjorden.

Saturday 29 th of June 2002
and we came alongside in Göteborg at lunch, but we had to wait until 1530 to start discharging. At 0530 30th of June we left for Brofjorden. We should load gasoline for Fredericia and B/L could not be dated before 1st of July so we had to drop anchor at arrival. We were safely anchored at 10:15. Now it was just to wait for Tärnsjö so I could transfer by foot. Last time I spoke with Tärnsjö their ETA Brofjorden was Sunday evening. PERFECT. We took care of everything on our end but things turned sour. When calling Tärnsjö at Brofjorden anchorage they updated ETA Brofjorden at Monday lunch.

I never spend so much time anchored before as I had done on this contract. I got chafes from scratching my behind.

To make a long story short: Tärnsjö was delayed and I had to stay on a hotel in Lysekil and my cheap transfer was down the drain. I will never get my long wanted "Gold Star" in my seaman's discharge book or the prize as "Most valuable employee".

Coming alongside at Scanraff my reliever came onboard when we had the gangway down. We had time for a real "peep talk" before I went for myM/T Tärnvind"power nap" at the hotel.

I took a taxi to the hotel and after checking in it was nice with a shower. Lysekil is a small town that lives up in the summer. It's completelyM/T Tärnvinddead in the winter but now there should be a chance for a couple of beers on the town. I asked around for information about the night life in Lysekil.
- Where should I go if I want to let my hair down tonight?
- Havsbadet
Every time the same answer. In the summer there should be aSunday Club at Havsbadet so I went there to check it out. Big disappointment.

The Swedish holiday had just begun and there should be people all over the city. I expected some "heavy duty" night life. Well, Havsbadet was closed and no traces of the Sunday Club. Lysekil was dead. I returned for my "Power nap" at the hotel. Returning with 2 cans of soda water and 2 can's of diet coke.

I had to go stright to M/T Tärnsjö without passingafter signing off.

Between 26th of May and of 30th of June we did the following voyages :
Karlshamn (I signed on) - St. Petersburg ballast voyage.
St. Petersburg - Kalmar. Cargo: Gasoil
Brofjorden/ Gothenburg - Fredericia. Cargo: 2 parcels of Gasoil
Brofjorden - Oslo. Cargo: Unleaded gasoline
Brofjorden - Fredericia: Cargo: Unleaded gasoline
Brofjorden - Wismar. Cargo: 2 parcels of gasoil
Fredericia - Mongstad. Cargo: Isemerat
Mongstad - Kalundborg. Cargo: CCS
Brofjorden - Gothenburg. Cargo: Naphtha
Brofjorden - Gothenburg. Cargo: CCS and Gasoline reformat
I signed off when loading gasoline in Brofjorden for Fredericia.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it’s not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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